Home Perennial flowers Shallots are different from onions. Shallots or family. Shallots, what is it

Shallots are different from onions. Shallots or family. Shallots, what is it

For an uninitiated person, outwardly, shallots are not much different from onions - except that the heads are smaller, but the taste is sweeter. In fact, it is an independent, noteworthy species of the Onion family, popular in Western Europe. Our analogue, known as the shrike, the shrub, is not uncommon in amateur gardens, but the re-grading, repeatedly re-pollinated with numerous onion relatives, is more common.

We propose to consider what this culture is, for what it is appreciated and loved, how to grow and breed first-class shallots.

Harvesting family - description, features of vegetation

The scientific name of the biennial plant is Allium ascalonicum, when reading the transcription - Ashkelon onion, from the ancient Palestinian city, where it was cultivated already in the III millennium BC. NS.

The main organ of vegetative reproduction is a bulb with many daughter buds (primordia), which germinate simultaneously and form a nest of small elongated heads - from several to several dozen per plant. For this feature, shallots were named family.

It is not necessary to grow shallots from seeds to get a planting bulb (set). A turnip of any growing season is suitable for planting and gives a full harvest. Seed propagation is used to renew the variety, to prevent its degeneration.

The undoubted merit of culture is its universality. Due to its branchiness, shallots are used for growing on feathers. A lot of greens are obtained, with a delicate consistency, with a mild taste.

Note! One set the size of a walnut will give life to a "family" of an average of 4-10 bulbs with a total weight of 200-300 g, sometimes up to 500 g. The name shrike is not an exaggeration - some varieties produce nests of 20-30 "little teeth".

5 differences from onions

There are more in common than differences between shallots and onions, in some sources they are even called forms of the same type. Similar features include a dense fleshy turnip weighing 15–40 g, long hollow leaves of a rich green color with a bluish bloom, a two-year growing cycle, and requirements for agricultural technology. But there are also differences.

  • The culture is more winter-hardy, withstands frosts down to -4 - 5⁰, ripens earlier than the usual turnip.
  • It grows in nests - several heads depart from the common bottom (the smaller there are, the larger) oval cylindrical or round in shape.
  • The pulp is juicy, sweeter and softer in taste.
  • Shallots are unpretentious to storage conditions - even at room temperature they are excellent keeping quality.
  • In the section, instead of the characteristic concentric rings, several zones with primordia are visible.

It is interesting! Local varieties differ in taste and color. In the southern regions, colored (pink, purple) bulbs with sweet pulp prevail. The farther north, the lighter and sharper the magpie.

Culinary value

Shallots are considered a gourmet vegetable, a delicacy, a must-have ingredient in many French and European dishes. Its main advantage is that it does not clog, but sets off the taste of products. The green feather and juicy pulp are cut into salads, added to soups, sauces, marinades. After hot processing, it acquires a delicate texture and a sweetish aftertaste. Small onion pickles are preserved.

Shallots are distinguished by their dietary properties, surpassing onions in the content of ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins. The leaves and head contain a lot of potassium, manganese, phosphorus, copper and other mineral compounds. It is recommended to use it to prevent colds, improve appetite, as a general tonic.

Features of agricultural technology

To harvest high yields of shallots, it is necessary to adhere to the basic agricultural techniques of growing onion plants. And this:

  • well-lit areas of the garden;
  • light texture, loose, fertilized soils;
  • sufficient irrigation, especially at the beginning of the growing season;
  • observance of crop rotation - it is best to plant after potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas.

They practice planting with seeds to obtain sets. In the future, the culture is propagated in a vegetative way, annually leaving a part of the harvest of a smaller fraction for planting.

Important! The plant reacts negatively to the increased acidity of the soil solution (pH below 6.0). The bulbs are small, the tops turn yellow early.

Soil and planting dates

After harvesting the previous vegetables, the soil is dug up, fertilized with compost, rotted manure. Fresh organic matter is undesirable, since early ripening culture tends to accumulate nitrates in food organs. Before winter, you can add superphosphate (30 g / m²) and potash fertilizers (15–20 g / m²), in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers (15 g / m²).

When to plant shallots, in spring or autumn, depends on its economic purpose. To get a very early harvest of feathers, they practice subwinter planting, spring forcing in greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting seedlings (seeds) in April will ensure the maturation of full-fledged heads (seedlings).

Vegetative propagation

The easiest and most productive way to propagate shallots is to plant with sets.

It is planted when the soil warms up to 8–10⁰ C - this is the optimal time for the sprout to effectively use spring moisture and build up good roots. For planting, heads are chosen the size of a walnut and smaller, the day before they cut off the tail (by the shoulders), soak for 12 hours in water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The planting scheme is almost square-nested - the rows are placed every 30–40 cm, the seedlings - every 20–30 cm. Since one unit of planting material gives a nest of bulbs, it needs a larger feeding area than an ordinary turnip. The more the planting is thickened, the smaller the heads will be, so if you need to dilute the variety, get more seedlings, the distance between the plants is reduced to 8-10 cm.

Before planting, the furrows are poured abundantly with water, the sowing is buried so that the layer of earth on top does not exceed 2-3 cm.

Advice! To get larger turnips, they plant a set with a diameter of up to 3 cm - there are 3-5 primordia in it. A large onion contains 10-12 dormant buds or more, it will give a lot of small planting material.

Growing by seeds

To breed a new variety of shallots, it is advisable to use the seed growing method.

To speed up and increase the percentage of germination, 15 days before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 2 days, then they are placed in a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator. Before planting, dry until flowable.

Nigella is sown in moistened furrows to a depth of 1–1.5 cm, sprinkled with humus on top. Seedlings are thinned out several times, leaving an interval of 8–10 cm between plants. The resulting seedlings are used for vegetative propagation. But you can grow a full-fledged family of shallots from seeds, for this, seedlings are first prepared.

Seedling method

Seeds for seedlings are sown at the beginning of March, so that 55-60 days pass before planting in the ground. The boxes are needed low (10-12 cm), the soil is light and loose. It is good to use cassettes as containers. Immediately after sowing and before the appearance of the first shoots loops, the container is covered with foil or glass. 2 weeks before transplanting, the seedlings begin to harden. A pick is carried out when planting shallot seedlings in the spring in open ground.

Care and cleaning

Shallot care consists in weeding and loosening in time. The culture is undemanding for irrigation - in the middle lane it grows without artificial irrigation, in the southern regions it is watered only in the months without precipitation. Poor soils are fed with full fertilizer (30–40 g per bucket of water).

To get larger heads, some gardeners recommend thinning the nests by removing small specimens and leaving 4–5 more developed turnips. Do this at least a month before harvesting.

Harvest in the second half of July, no later than August 2 (before Ilya). Indicator - lodged, beginning to turn yellow tops. Before storing shallots for storage, dry them for 3-4 weeks in a warm, ventilated room.

Feather distillation

Green shallots can be grown on a windowsill. To do this, not earlier than January, the bulbs are placed in containers with a small amount of water. The head must be taken large - there are many rudiments in it, which means that a dense rosette of leaves will come out.

Shallots are used for forcing on greens in greenhouses. In this case, the seedlings are planted every 8 cm with an interval between rows of 15 cm.

Variety of varieties

Despite the fact that shallots have been cultivated for a long time, the selection of new varieties is only gaining momentum in our country, and their description testifies to the great potential of the culture. Here are just a few of them.

  1. The most recognizable variety is the early ripening shallots Delicatessen. Long bulbs are covered with golden brown scales, dense, lying. The pulp is light pink, juicy, sweetish, tasty fresh and processed.
  2. Shallots Knyazhich - a variety of medium ripening, 7–8 bulbs with a total weight of 250 g grow from the seedlings. The turnip is elliptical, covered with golden yellow scales, the flesh is tender, light purple in color. Stored without loss of yield up to 10 months.
  3. Of the white varieties, the Snezhok shallots are popular. Forms a nest of 4–5 heads, 25–32 g each. Less mellow, but juicy and tasty. Another similar variety is the White Queen.
  4. Shallots Primalis has its own characteristics. Forms a nest of round bulbs of various sizes - from 10 to 40 g. Suitable for growing in one- and two-year culture, gives a bountiful harvest of feathers. The color of dry scales is golden dark brown, the flesh is white, with a slight purple tint.

Other varieties of shallots are also grown on their private plots. On hearing Bonilla, Zvezda, Old Believers, gardeners love red varieties - Afonya, Octopus, Ural violet, the Dutch set Red Sun (Red Sun) is in demand.

Shallots - what are they and how can they differ from onions? Many gardeners practice the cultivation of shallots in their backyard. It is sometimes grown alongside other onion crops, and some prefer this variety only. The great popularity of this vegetable is due to its unpretentious cultivation, high resistance to low temperatures and excellent yield.

The popularity of shallots among gardeners is explained by its merits.

What are shallots? Family, shrike, charlotte, kushchevka - probably every gardener has heard at least one of these names. The difference from the onions of this culture is not in the taste and nutritional qualities, which vary depending on the variety, but in the distinctive qualities of the culture itself:

Due to these qualities, the demand for this onion variety is quite high.

What are the varieties

Breeders have bred various varieties of shallots, you can choose the one that is most suitable for the climatic conditions of the area. The most popular are:

  • Ayrat. It has a small, up to 15-20 g, rounded onion and has a pleasant medium-sharp taste. Mid-season. Up to 5-6 fruits develop in the nest.
  • Kuban yellow. One onion reaches a weight of 25-30 g, and there are up to 4-5 of them in the nest. Differs in good drought resistance and keeping quality.
  • Banana. Banana shallots are the sweetest, and got their name from the fact that its light fruits are a bit like a banana in shape.
  • Sir-7. Sharp, early maturing. The bulb reaches a weight of 30-40 g, and there are up to 7 of them in the nest. It is considered the highest-yielding.
  • Vonsky. Late ripening, it is characterized by increased resistance to onion diseases and pests. Bulbs grow up to 30-70 g, and there are 3-4 of them in the nest.
  • Star. The fruits are early ripening with a pungent taste. Differs in high productivity and drought resistance.

Among the variety of shallot varieties, every gardener can choose the best variety.

There are other varieties of shallots that are also in demand among gardeners.

How to grow properly

Despite its great frost resistance, it is not recommended to plant shallots before winter. This is due to the fact that seeds planted in autumn for the winter will give a large percentage of shooting (75-80%), while during spring planting, shooting does not exceed 15-20%. But onion seeds are planted only for an earlier harvest. With shallots, there is no such need, even planted in early spring, it will ripen much earlier than other onion crops.

For planting, seeds of shallots (sets) are selected weighing at least 10 g, without damage or rot. You can also plant larger bulbs, then the number of children in the hole will be greater, which means that the yield is higher.

You can sow seeds, but then you can only get greens and sets, from which a full-fledged bulb will grow only next year.

Family shallots are planted in even rows at a distance of at least 7 cm from each other, to a depth of 5 cm. The more frequent arrangement of planting material will not allow the vegetable to fully develop, and this will affect the yield.

The planting time for shallots is almost independent of the variety, all varieties are highly frost-resistant, they can be planted in early spring.

Further care is the same as for other onion root crops:

  • weeding;
  • periodic feeding;
  • watering with a lack of moisture (with a lack of water, the feather will look withered and taste harsh).
  • 2 weeks after the emergence of most shoots - mullein, diluted 1:10;
  • during the period of active formation of bulbs, watering is done with superphosphate and potassium chloride (diluted as indicated in the instructions for the preparations).

If there is a lack of organic fertilizers in the soil, then watering with ammonium nitrate is carried out at the rate of 10 g per m2.

Protection against pests and diseases is carried out in the same way as for other onion root crops.

Cleaning begins as soon as the feather begins to dry out. If this moment is missed, then keeping quality may deteriorate in the future.

The shallot is removed like this:

  • gently pulled out of the ground;
  • divided into bulbs;
  • it is dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place (the best option is under a canopy).

After drying, the feather is trimmed, and the roots are stored in a cool, well-ventilated room.

Onions are well stored in wooden boxes

Small bulbs, a small percentage of which occur even with high yields, can dry out during storage, so it is recommended to pickle them. Marinated shallots will serve as an excellent addition to meat and vegetable dishes.

The difference between shallots and onions is only in ease of care and high yield. Novice gardeners should pay attention to this type of onion root crops, because it allows you to get a good early harvest with easy care.

Shallots can be grown in one or two years by planting seeds or sets. Greens and onions contain many useful components, so in addition to a pleasant taste, you can improve your health. Cultivation and care has some features, if followed, you can get a rich and healthy harvest.

Shallots are a type of onion. People call it differently: shrew, nesting, family, shrub. The difference between shallots and onions is in the following characteristics:

  • more green feathers of a deep green color with a waxy bloom;
  • many small bulbs are formed in one nest;
  • each head is elongated;
  • the harvest is better and longer stored;
  • the soil for planting shallots must be fertile, dense;
  • almost all varieties are early ripening, begin to ripen after 70 days;
  • you can cut the plant for greens already a month after planting;
  • most shallots do not cause tears when sliced;
  • the taste of internal scales without bitterness and pungency, with a sweet aftertaste.

The flesh of shallots has a delicate texture, without a hint of bitterness. The greens are tender and juicy. The vegetable is most often added to salads. The green mass can grow up to 40 cm in height. From 2 to 18 bulbs are formed in the nest. The larger the bulbs, the smaller their size. The average weight of a turnip is 30 g.

Shallot varieties

All shallot varieties are divided into three large groups, which differ in terms of crop ripening. Popular varieties of different harvest ripening periods:

  • early ripening varieties include: Delicacy, Belozerets, Sprint, Family, Bananovy, Cascade;
  • mid-season shallots: Airat, Knyazhich, Chapaevsky, Seryozha, Andreyka, Kubansky, Russian violet;
  • late ripening varieties are: Vonsky, Bargalinsky, Krepysh, Siberian Amber.

There is another classification, where shallots are divided into three groups according to taste: sweet, spicy and semi-sweet.

Onion cultivar Sorokozubka belongs to the early maturing group of plants. The bulbs form in an elongated shape up to 10 cm in length and 2.5 cm in diameter. Up to 10 bulbs can form in a large nest. The top layer of dry scales is colored red-violet, the inside is light violet. The heads taste juicy with a sweet-spicy aftertaste. The feather is thin, stretches up to 35 cm, the taste is juicy and tender.

Shallots The White Queen is distinguished by the early ripening of the turnip. In the nest, about 10 bulbs of a rounded-oblong shape, weighing up to 70 g, are formed. Dry scales are white-cream in color, the flesh is snow-white. The taste is sweet-spicy, juicy. The variety multiplies quickly, rarely gets sick, the harvested crop is stored for a long time.

Description of the shallots Belozerets 94 variety: characterized by early maturation of the turnip, 78 days pass from the day of planting. Spicy bulbs weighing up to 30 g. Round-oval shape. Dry scales of a purple hue. The variety has a high yield, excellent keeping quality and good disease resistance.

Shallot: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of shallots are determined by the high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals. Regular consumption of this vegetable improves the functioning of internal organs and the whole organism as a whole:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity increases;
  • the work of the digestive organs improves;
  • the pathogenic flora is destroyed;
  • improves vision.

The vegetable contains antioxidants that remove toxins and harmful cholesterol from the body. The inclusion of shallots in the diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails.

For its delicate taste and delicate aroma, shallots are called a delicious vegetable. It is added during the preparation of first and second courses, as well as in salads. Onions are pickled, frozen, dried.

Features of agricultural technology

In the first year after planting, shallots form no more than 5 bulbs, in the second year much more - 10-14 heads. The main thing is to know how to grow a crop, at what time to plant, and in what place.

Planting material can be planted in the spring, at the beginning of April, and before winter - at the end of October. If you plant onions in the fall, the greens will grow early and you can start harvesting two weeks earlier than usual.

Preparing the beds

Shallot grows well in open areas, where sunlight freely enters. Therefore, you need to plant away from trees and bushes. The soil should be fertile, not acidic, loose and light. Acidic soil degrades the quality of the crop. The bulbs become small and lose their beneficial properties.

The best precursors for shallots are legumes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, and tomatoes. Do not plant on beds where sunflower, carrot, corn, garlic and beet crop was previously harvested. Carrots, radishes, cucumbers, strawberries can be planted in the vicinity of onion beds.

When the shallots are planted in the open ground in spring, the soil is prepared in the fall. The earth is dug up and fertilizers are applied (for example, rotted manure). In the spring, the soil is loosened again and mineral fertilizers are applied. You can plan beds in the area where the lawn grows. The work begins with removing the sod wide in the future bed, and the aisles are left untouched.

Preparing the bulbs

The preparatory stage, which consists in the selection, heating, soaking and disinfection of the planting material, is necessary to obtain a good harvest.

Sort the bulbs before planting. Suitable bulbs 3 cm in size, without damage or dents. The selected set needs to be warmed up. It is better to do this in two stages, first the onions are stored at +20 for two weeks, then they are heated at +40 degrees for 10 hours. Thanks to this procedure, plant growth is activated and the formation of arrows is prevented.

Despite the fact that shallots are very resistant to diseases, it is recommended to carry out a disinfection procedure. For this purpose, the planting material should be in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about two hours. In addition to potassium permanganate, the solution can be made on the basis of salt or Fitosporin.

Planting and leaving

To obtain shallots, they begin to plant at the end of March. The planting material is chosen small, with a diameter of 2-3 cm. To obtain a feather, larger bulbs are planted at the end of October. They deepen into the prepared holes by 5 cm.The bulbs should be arranged according to a 20 by 10 cm pattern.

If you follow the rules for planting and caring for a vegetable crop in the open field, then greens and bulbs will delight with their pleasant taste:

  • The culture is watered regularly and abundantly.
  • After watering, it is imperative to loosen the soil.
  • Weeding is necessary for the timely disposal of weeds, which cause the spread of diseases and pests.
  • Top dressing is carried out twice a season.

In cold weather, shallots can be affected by fungal diseases (powdery mildew, fusarium, peronosporosis) and be attacked by pests (onion fly, onion nematode). The beds can be treated with drugs: Quadris, Maxim, wood ash helps to cope well with the problem.

In the prepared area, furrows are made 6 cm deep and shed with water. If the bulbs are planted before winter, then they are deepened by 1–2 cm more. The distance in the bed between large bulbs is 18 cm, between medium-sized bulbs is about 15 cm, and a distance of 10 cm is left between small ones.

Cleaning and storage

There are no exact dates when to remove the onions from the garden. The dates can be shifted, it all depends on the weather, the characteristics of care, the variety. Green feathers are ready to eat within a month after germination.

The first sign that the bulbs are ripe is drying and lodging of the feathers. Cleaning must be done on time, otherwise the nests will disintegrate into separate bulbs and begin to germinate.

With the help of a shovel, dig in at the base of the bush and pull it manually. Then they shake off the adhering dirt and leave to dry, leaving in the garden. If the weather is rainy, then the harvested crop is harvested in a room with good ventilation.

Once the bulbs are dry, they can be divided into separate splinters. Cut dry leaves, leaving a stump equal to 4 cm. Further storage is recommended in a dark, cool room. Density and nutrients are retained for 7-9 months.

Growing a shallot on a feather

Shallots are often grown for green feathers. Feathers are cut off at a height of 25 cm. The average period is a month after planting. Breeding shallots has its advantages. The leaves practically do not form arrows and have a delicate, juicy taste.

Greens ripen faster if the onions are planted before winter. Choose cold-resistant shallots. You can plant onions in boxes and grow at home. In the latter case, planting begins at the end of February.

Growing shallots for turnips and care features

Growing shallots has its advantages. Early ripening is not the only indicator of how it differs from onion. The shallots begin to ripen after 2 months, and the onion vegetable after 3 months. The shallots contain more useful vitamins and they are better preserved in winter.

During the entire growing season, weeding and loosening of the soil, regular watering, fertilization and treatment from pests and diseases are provided.

Features of obtaining seeds of Ashkelon onion

Ashkelon onion is another name for shallots. Shallot seeds and seedlings need to be renewed periodically. This will eliminate disease and degeneration. The planting material is changed every 3-4 years. Delicacy seeds can be purchased or prepared on your own.

To do this, choose large, healthy shallots and keep them for three months at a temperature of +6 degrees. After that, in the spring they are planted in the ground. To get arrows, you need to plant the bow earlier than usual.

Arrows with flowers will form on the selected and processed bulbs. In place of the flowers, umbrellas with seed pods are then formed. Seeds are not formed in every capsule. Therefore, when collecting seeds, this must be taken into account. Growing from seeds is not difficult.

Shallots: grown from seed

Planting material is placed in the furrows 5 cm deep prepared on the site and covered with a small layer of earth. When growing shallots, standard care is required:

  • During the first time after sowing, frequent and abundant watering should be carried out. Three weeks before harvesting, the amount of watering is reduced.
  • In order for the plant to receive more oxygen and nutrients, loosening is carried out. The procedure avoids the appearance of a crust on the surface of the earth.
  • Weeds should not be allowed to grow, so weeding is carried out regularly.

For the entire growing season, it is enough to carry out two dressings. When is the best time to fertilize and how to feed? The first time you need to fertilize is in the spring, when the plant has three feathers (for example, urea is suitable). The second feeding is carried out in two weeks. During this period of development, phosphorus and potassium are required.

Outward signs will tell you when is the best time to remove the shallots. Often the physiological maturity of shallots occurs in the last days of July. The dug nests are divided into separate bulbs, dried and stored.

Many varieties have a shelf life of up to 7 months. It can be stored in mesh bags, boxes, braided and hung. You can cut the onion and greens into pieces and freeze.

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Shallots are planted in rows. The distance between the rows is maintained at 30 cm, and between the plants in a row - 10 cm. The shallots should be planted in damp ground. The bulbs are buried 10 cm, or leave 3 cm between the soil surface and the top surface of the bulb. After planting, the onion bed is mulched.

Shallots are grown for both greens and turnips.

Another distinctive feature of shallots is their early maturity: after planting, they grow quickly and in a temperate climate zone after 25-30 days it is ready for cutting greens, and after 70-80 days the bulbs ripen, ahead of the onions by 20-30 days ... This onion is especially prized in the northern regions. With the same planting dates as for onions, it gives earlier greens. Leaves 25-30 cm long can be harvested within a month after planting. The yield of shallots is high: green onions - up to 5 kg / m2, bulbs - up to 3 kg / m2. Shallots are very cold-resistant: they can freeze, and after gradual thawing, germinate without visible damage. - an excellent early ripening variety of shallots, the bulbs ripen at the end of July. Beautiful oval bulbs weighing 35–55 g. Differs in high and stable yield and keeping quality.

- a new mid-season multi-primordial variety for cultivation in a two-year culture from seedlings. The bulbs are round, dense, weighing 25 g, with a pungent taste. Dry scales are yellow, juicy, white. Stored for 8 months.

- mid-season onion variety. The bulbs are small, weighing from 20 to 35 g, their shape is from round to round-flat. The color of dry scales is yellow-brown, the inner juicy ones are white with a weak green. The taste of the bulbs is semi-sharp. The variety is very productive, there are usually 4–6 bulbs in the nest.

- a mid-season semi-sharp variety with a vegetation period of 49–52 days. The bulbs are round-flat, weighing 25–30 g. The dry scales are yellow-brown.

- early ripening variety, spicy taste. Ripens in 76–85 days. The bulbs are round and round-oval, weighing 21-27 g. The color of dry scales is light lilac with a yellow tint, juicy - purple with a lilac tint. Marketable bulbs, shelf life.



Outwardly, shallots differ from onions in smaller bulbs (20–50 g), strong branching, and most importantly - high early maturity and high keeping quality of the bulbs, which lie without problems until the new harvest. It ripens a month earlier than onions and almost does not shoot. Shallots are extremely hardy. Even a frozen bulb sprouts and produces a good harvest. Shallots are called the "onions of the aristocrats." This honorary name is largely due to its unique taste. It differs from other onion varieties in its delicate aromatic taste and juiciness. Asia Minor is considered its homeland, according to legend, the crusaders brought it to Europe after one of the crusades. Primarily at the cost.

Sometimes the shoulders are cut, and the harvest of greens will appear faster, but there will be less of it.

Growing shallots is not that difficult and the growing conditions are similar to those of

An important quality of shallots is their ability to be well stored: they do not dry out, do not germinate at room temperature and are stored until the next harvest.


Ural Violet

  • Siberian Yellow Kubansky Kvochka
  • Asterisk Bonnil F1
  • Shallots are popularly valued for juicy and fragrant greens and medium-sized, well-stored bulbs, which, even in a city apartment, are stored until the next harvest. Its taste is very pleasant, spicy, but softer than that of onions. And his pen is very delicate and does not coarse for a long time. And it is much easier to grow it than onions.
  • The subtleties of taste are for gourmets. Caring for shallots is not much different from caring for onions. It is necessary to remove weeds, water, mulch the ground. It is especially important to water the plants when it drives out the green matter. A month before harvesting the bulbs, watering is stopped.
  • Growing onions Family onions, scientifically known as shallots, are exceptionally early ripening.
  • - a medium late semi-sharp variety for growing turnip onions. The color of dry scales is reddish-violet. The mass of flattened bulbs is up to 58 g. The variety is resistant to shooting and rotting. - One of the best early ripening varieties. The growing season from germination to lodging of leaves is 60–70 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 20–25 g, with a spicy taste. The outer dry scales are yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are up to 7-8 bulbs in the nest. The variety is very productive, has a high keeping quality of bulbs, disease resistance.
  • Is a multi-primordial, long-term cultivar with beautiful pink-red bulbs.... One of the earliest ripening varieties with a growing season from germination to lodging of leaves of 55-60 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 25–50 g, and have a spicy taste. The color of raw scales is yellow with a pink tint, while the inner juicy ones are white. The variety is drought-resistant, fruitful.
  • - refers to mid-season varieties of semi-sharp taste, grown in one place for up to five years. The yield of a turnip with leaves is 1.5 kg / sq. m. It is grown in an annual culture from seeds. The growing season is 82–87 days. In the nest there are 4 or more round-shaped bulbs weighing 30–39 g each. Dry scales of the bulbs are yellow-brown. The variety is mature, gives stable yields of greens and bulbs.More often, when growing shallots, gardeners pay much less attention to the variety than when growing onions. They are usually looking for just "family bow". Nevertheless, there are quite a few varieties of shallots, including excellent varieties of the Ural and Siberian selection. And to make it easier to navigate in them, a very brief description of the most common shallots is given below.
  • In Western and Northern Europe, shallots have been ubiquitous and popular since the time of the Crusades. And in Greece it has been known since the era of the Byzantine Empire. Due to the huge demand for the plant, many of its varieties were bred. In particular, its cultivation in the northern part of the European continent became possible after subspecies were created that do well in the harsh northern climate. But in Russia, shallots are known much less. Although recently it has been gaining more and more popularity among Russian gardeners. In our country, it has a number of unofficial names: "shallot", "kushchevka", "bush" and "shrike."
  • If the soil is poor, the shallots should be fed.​.​
  • Shallots have a higher keeping quality compared to onions, as well as high cold resistance - the bulbs are not damaged at a temperature of -10 ... -15 degrees. Rather early ripening culture Chapaevsky
  • SIR-7 Kunak
  • Emerald Vitamin basket
  • Ayrat Why shallots are good for you
  • Thanks to Alina. Top dressing
  • Shallots like neutral or slightly acidic soils, and very fertile. The best soil is compost, so you shouldn't spare compost in your garden beds. The soil is prepared for planting shallots in the fall: 2-3 buckets of compost or humus, 70 grams of superphosphate and 70 grams of potassium sulfate are scattered per square meter. Ash can be used instead of mineral fertilizers.
  • - a mid-ripening variety, universal use, maturing, semi-sharp taste. The growing season is 66 days. Forms 3–8 bulbs in the nest. The bulbs are round or round-flat, weighing up to 40 g. The color of dry scales is light purple with a pink tinge, juicy - light purple. - early ripening variety of shallots. The bulb is dense, small, weighing 20–35 g. The outer scales are yellow with a pink tint. The number of bulbs in the nest is from 4 to 7 pieces. The variety is very productive, keeping quality of the bulbs is good.
  • - early ripening onion variety with a growing season of 70–75 days. The bulbs are flat-rounded, weighing 25–35 g, very dense, semi-sharp taste. The color of dry scales is yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. — early maturing semi-sharp variety. The bulb is round, weighing 18-22 g. Dry brown scales with a pink tint, juicy - white. There are 3-4 bulbs in the nest. The yield of a turnip is 1.2–1.4 kg / sq. m. Stored up to 10 months.
  • - an early ripe variety with a pungent taste. From germination to harvesting on a green feather 19–22 days, to mass lodging of leaves 65–70 days. The color of dry scales is yellow, juicy - white. Bulbs weighing up to 30 g. High storage capacity - mid-season semi-sharp variety for growing in a two-year culture. Productivity 1.6 kg / sq.m. The bulb is round, with yellow dry scales, weighing 15 g. Forms 5–6 bulbs in the nest.
  • Shallots contain more sugar than other onions. In addition, there are more minerals: phosphorus and calcium salts. Onions contain germanium, cobalt, chromium, nickel, titanium and silicon.
  • Make with diluted mullein or bird droppings, and at the beginning of the formation of bulbs - potash fertilizers or ash.In addition to fertile land, shallots love the sun, and moderate watering.
  • The size and taste are softer."Ural gardener" No. 13, 2016
  • Snowball Kushchevka Kharkovskaya
  • Cascade Vonsky
  • Albik The content of ascorbic acid in shallots is also much higher than in any other form; there are phytoncides, carotenoids and essential oils. It has long been used in the treatment of a number of stomach and eye conditions, and today it is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. The flavonoids it contains are used to prevent cancer. True, everything is good in moderation, so excessive use of shallots is unlikely to be beneficial for the body.
  • It is less pungent, salad To make the shallots larger. some of the small bulbs are removed, leaving 5-6 bulbs in the nest. To do this, the soil is raked away from the bulbs, and small bulbs are torn off along with the feather.
  • The best precursors for shallots are legumes.​<Предыдущая статья​
  • Shallots are known as "shrike", "charlotte". Shallots are distinguished by their delicate, delicate and distinctive taste - early maturing variety with spicy bulbs. The bulb is ovoid, weighing up to 32 g. Dry and juicy white scales. The yield of a turnip is 1.9 kg / sq.m. Stored up to 7 months.
  • - mid-season variety with a growing season of 65–70 days. The bulbs are small, weighing 25–30 g, with a semi-sharp taste. The color of the outer scales is yellow-brown with a purple tint, the juicy inner ones are light purple. The nest usually contains 6-7 bulbs. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and a lack of water in the soil.- early maturing maturing variety with a pungent taste for growing in a two-year culture from seedlings. In the nest there are 5–6 onions weighing up to 35 g each. The bulb is broadly ovate. Dry pink scales,
  • - late-ripening onion variety. Small to medium sized bulbs (30–70 g), usually 3–4 bulbs per nest. The color of the outer scales of the bulbs is red, the inner juicy ones are white with a light purple tint, the taste of the bulbs is semi-sharp. It stands out among other varieties for its resistance to unfavorable growing conditions, pests and diseases. — early ripening variety. The bulbs are round-flat, weighing 20–30 g. Up to 8 bulbs are formed in the nest. Differs in a consistently high yield and good keeping quality of bulbs.
  • Shallots: recipes And small
  • Ash can be used against onion flies. and against the worms in the leaves - a solution of table salt, in a ratio of 1 cup to 10 liters of water.Plant shallots well together with carrots, these plants protect each other. Shallots protect carrots from carrot flies, carrots protect shallots from onion flies.
  • One comment Its chemical composition is close to the chemical composition of sweet onion varieties. Shallots are characterized by good keeping quality.
  • Shrike Marneulsky (Bargalinsky)
  • Koinarsky Guarantor
  • Andreyka Due to its unique taste, the use of shallots, like ordinary onions, is widespread in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. But shallot has one, but an important advantage over it: thanks to its delicate taste, it does not interrupt the aroma and taste of other components of the dish. It is well marinated, salted, stewed. Its use will be appropriate in soup, minced meat, broth, it can be used as an additive to fish or meat dishes. However, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it in large quantities for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system. People with high acidity of the stomach should also limit themselves to the use of shallots, as it can provoke an even greater increase in acid content.

Just eat once you bought


What is the difference between shallots and common onions?

Irina Golovach

Shallots are planted either in early spring, or in autumn for the winter. In spring, shallots are planted when the threat of frost passes. Before planting, shallot bulbs are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-30 minutes. If the shallots were stored cold, they are kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a week before planting.
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The most famous varieties: Russian, purple, Kuban, Krasnodar
- a productive winter-hardy variety. Elongated bulbs form a large nest of 5–7 bulbs. The color of the outer scales is brownish-purple.

- a late-ripening shallot variety. The bulbs are elongated-oval, weighing 50–90 g. The color of dry scales is pink-yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are usually 4–6 bulbs in the nest. The variety is very productive, it is propagated mainly by seeds.
- the variety is mid-season, semi-acute. The growing season is 83 days. In the nest, 2–4 bulbs of round-flat and round-oval shape, weighing about 26 g, are formed. The color of dry scales is brownish-pink, juicy - pale lilac with a white tint.

- mid-season variety. Round-flat bulbs, weighing 25-30 g, semi-sharp taste. The color of dry scales is yellow. The variety has a high yield and bulb preservation.
- mid-season semi-sharp variety with dark brown dry and pinkish juicy scales. The bulb is cross-elliptical, weighing 25 g. Productivity 1.8 kg / sq.m.

Shallots: varieties

Milana ... nohchi

The taste is different, rather sweet and sour, does not smell (it is clear from where) after eating it. In sauces, salads. Caramelized for meat. Just bake for a side dish.
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The best bulbs to plant


Shallots refers to

Shallots: cultivation and care. How is it beneficial? | The Road to Business for a Computer

Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) is a biennial herb of the Onion family (Alliaceae). Sophocles Off season

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This onion has three main varieties: the Danish species, Russian and potato. Each of them is subdivided into a fairly large number of sweet and savory varieties, which, in turn, have found application in cooking or traditional medicine. Shallot is also attractive because all its varieties are early maturing and ripen three to four weeks earlier than other types of onions. The bulbs are relatively small, but “good”. They keep very well all winter, do not germinate or rot. And not only in storage conditions, but also at room temperature. In short, shallots have all the data to win the sympathy of Russians.

Shallots, or Ashkelon onions (lat.Allium ascalonicum) is a perennial herb, a species of the genus Allium of the Onion family (Alliaceae).

We will continue to figure out how to grow shallots, and analyze the features of growing shallots for greens and turnips.

Growing shallots

- small, 3 cm in diameter. They branch better and form more daughter bulbs. Small bulbs are less productive and are often used for forcing late greenery, or for sowing in the fall before winter. Large bulbs produce a large number of small bulbs and are impractical to use. Type of onion The bulb is small, weighing 25-50 g; color from purple to white. The number of primordia is 50-60. When planted, the bulb forms many leaves and up to 20 arrows 50-60 cm high. The leaves are cylindrical-subulate, thin, with a waxy coating. Arrows without bulging, cylindrical. The flowers are small, whitish. The inflorescence is small, loose. The seeds are smaller than those of onions. Shallot bulbs are very similar to onion bulbs: they are also real, well-ripening and very well (better than onions) stored, but usually smaller - from 9 to 40 g, and multi-primordial. They form many shoots - up to 30 in one nest. and more. The leaves are thinner than that of the onion, subulate, bright green, do not coarse for a long time, 20-40 cm long.

- mid-early semi-acute variety, 59 days pass before the leaves lodge. Very productive. Dry scales are brown with a reddish tint, juicy - pale purple. In the nest there are 4 to 8 rounded bulbs weighing 25 to 50 g. Lying, resistant to fusarium rot.

- an extremely productive variety intended for growing on greens in winter and spring greenhouses and indoors. The variety is early maturing. The leaves are bright green, up to 30 cm long. The bulbs are flat-rounded, small, weighing up to 20 g. The color of dry scales is yellow, the inner juicy ones are white. There are 8-10 bulbs in the nest.

- a medium late semi-sharp variety with a vegetation period of 52–69 days. The bulbs are oval in shape, with pink dry scales. In the nest there are 4 to 7 bulbs weighing 23–52 g. The keeping quality of the variety is high. Resistant to shooters and rot. Suitable for winter planting.

- a mid-season variety with a semi-sharp taste for growing in a two-year culture. The bulb is round, weighing 16-18 g. There are 5-7 bulbs in the nest. Dry bulb scales are yellow. Productivity 1.6 kg / sq. m.

Planting shallots

- mid-season hybrid. The bulbs taste great and keep very well. Dry outer scales are bronze-brown.

Shallots (popularly - family onions, bush, bush, magpie) are a type of onion. It has been cultivated for over 2 thousand years. Its Latin name Young leaves are eaten, which are cut off several times during the growing season. Small bulbs of a peculiar taste are also edible. A large onion is also used. There are many recipes here, it is from shallots, there you will see why you bought it, you will suddenly be interested.

More detailed information can be found in the sections "All courses" and "Usefulness", which can be accessed through the top menu of the site. In these sections, articles are grouped by subject into blocks containing the most detailed (as far as possible) information on various topics.If you plant shallots before winter, this should be done 1-1.5 months before the onset of the expected frost, because the shallots have to take root. But at the same time, he should not start to grow. After planting, the beds are mulched with humus with a layer of 3-4 cm, which is then harvested in the spring, and therefore the cultivation of shallots is about the same, but there are differences that we will now consider with you.

Shallots are prized for their early tender fragrant greens, as well as medium-sized tasty bulbs, from which wonderful pickles are prepared. It has long been considered a gourmet onion, since it does not drown out the delicate taste of other products.


Shallots care

Russian Purple

Large bulbous Guran Afonya

Allium ascalonicum

Pest control

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You can also subscribe to the blog and learn about all new articles. It does not take a lot of time. Just click on the link below: Plant before winter Unlike ordinary onions, several small daughter bulbs 3-4 cm in size appear from one planted mother bulb. They are attached to the mother bulb and form a kind of necklace around it. There can be from 6 to 12 such bulbs in total, but in some varieties their number can be up to 25, and even 40 pieces. It is for this reason that shallots are sometimes called shrews. Also, a whole bunch of thin and narrow feathers appears from the mother bulb.

Shallots are often used in cooking and in other areas, they have many benefits, nutrients and features that distinguish them from other types of onions. In our article we will tell you about what it is and how to use it correctly.

What shallots look like

Outwardly, shallots do not have any special differences from onions, many even believe that this species is a small, "undergrown" common, although this is not so. It has an oblong, rounded shape and relatively small size compared to other species.

Its color may not differ from the usual reddish shade, but pink and white colors of this species are also common. The head consists of several bulbs, like u.

What is different from onion

The first striking difference is the small size and color variations. It is also much easier to grow as it produces a higher yield and ripens faster. The high level of frost resistance allows the plant to be planted before winter, and to harvest in February a few weeks before the first fruits of the early onion variety.

This view can also be grow at home unlike onions, for example, on the windowsill. The chemical composition is also different: this form contains much more vitamin C and sugar. The former allows the onion to be a good antiviral agent, while the latter creates caramelization when cooked.
Other chemical elements cause it to have a more refined taste, it can be used in cooking gourmet dishes, sauces... Onion feathers of shallots, unlike onions, always remain soft, even if it is a late harvest, they have a greater number of medicinal properties, including dietary ones. The most important difference is the absence of a pungent smell that is present in onions.

Chemical composition

All the special properties of shallots are due to its chemical composition, which distinguishes it from other types.


If it is necessary to direct the treatment specifically to the throat, or the lungs, it is advisable to use gruel from the plant for inhalations... Onions sautéed in butter can be used as a cough aid. To get rid of a cough, you can also mix the grated vegetable with goose fat. Use the mixture as an ointment, rubbing into the chest, and as an internal treatment, using 1 spoonful of the mixture on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

Important! When using onions in treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the product is not individually tolerated.

It is also possible to use vegetable gruel to treat burns or prevent burn blisters. Soup from this product is good for those who are sick diabetes mellitus.
Shallot tincture is also widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • infection with worms;
  • hypertension;
  • general weakness.

A decoction of the husk can help and improve fine, broken hair with split ends. To do this, pour 200 grams of husk with hot water and boil for 5-7 minutes, then strain the broth and let it brew for 3-4 hours. You can rinse your hair with it after applying shampoo or separately from washing.

In cooking

Due to its delicate delicate taste, lack of bitterness and strong pungency, shallots are widely used in cooking. It is used for the preparation of various sauces, salads, added to,. Special attention should be paid to onion soups (it is very popular for making cream soups).

It can also be consumed as a separate dish. An example of this is the recipe for pickled shallots, which go wonderfully with a variety of other treats.
Grocery list:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml;
  • 30 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 0.5 tablespoon;
  • 10 grains of black peppercorns;
  • 10 grains of allspice;
  • 500 grams of shallots;

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to peel the shallots, and also chop the garlic and beets. The latter is added solely for color.
  2. Then put the water on the fire and add the ingredients to it in turn: garlic, oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, peppercorns, allspice, cloves, bay leaf.
  3. After the spice water has boiled, add the onions and beets.
  4. Let it boil for a couple of minutes and pour the mixture into a sterilized jar.
  5. Pickled onions in this form can be stored for up to 6 months.

Revealing secrets: how to properly peel and chop onions

One of the features of shallots is that they break down very easily, which is why you need to know how to properly cut and peel them. In order to clean the product, you need an ordinary knife, you need to remove the peel, starting from the place where the leaves grow, and up to the stalk.

Important! The stalk, or the attachment with the hairs at the bottom of the onion, does not need to be cut off. It is necessary so that it does not disintegrate.

If you need a finely chopped version, then you need to make several longitudinal cuts, not reaching the end, and cut the onion into cubes, if in a larger form, then together with the stalk you need to cut it in half.

About dangers and contraindications

Shallots can be harmful for people with increased acidity of the stomach- the product contains substances that increase it.

Storage rules

It is recommended to store shallots in the cold, because in warmth it loses its taste and medicinal properties over time. Therefore, the refrigerator is the best place to store onions. It stays fresh much longer than onions.

No less useful types of onions

Despite the many benefits of shallots, other types are also healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals, and can be used to prepare a variety of dishes.


One of the most popular plant crops, it is used all over the world for the preparation of many dishes, and also as a medicinal agent. It has a red skin and a round shape. This is one of the largest species.
In cooking, onions are cooked along with salads, soups, fried for meat, fish, pickled and baked.

The useful properties of onions include:

  • the presence of phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria;
  • stimulating the secretion of digestive juice;
  • use in the treatment of dropsies;
  • helps to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • antihelminthic agent;
  • stimulating sperm production;
  • a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • antiseptic.

Did you know? Onions are one of the most ancient plant cultures, they were known as early as 4000 BC.

Onions are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as they increase blood pressure and can disrupt the work of the heart. Not recommended for people with liver problems.


Slime onions are one of the most unusual types of this product.

It has small, red-colored bulbs and green, thick, rounded leaves. Due to this unusual form, it is used not only in cooking and medicine, but also grown as an ornamental plant.
The advantages of this type include:

  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • increased immunity;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • promoting the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improved appetite;
  • the presence of riboflavin contributes to the harmonious functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • better absorption of iron salts.

Slime also has contraindications. So, there is an individual intolerance to this product and in case of exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is also desirable to limit it.


This vegetable is one of the most unusual types of onion, it has flat long leaves and a bulb that connects to them with a thick white stem.
It is most often used in salads, or served with a side dish. But it also has medicinal properties.

Leeks are used for:

  • rheumatism;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis;
  • colds;
  • liver problems;
  • low immunity;
  • poor appetite;
  • sclerosis;
  • poor work of the vocal cords.

It is strictly forbidden to use this product for people with kidney disease, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, namely, the duodenum. Excessive consumption can cause headaches.

Shallots or onions - which is better

Both types of onion have both negative and positive properties, as well as many differences. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which is better, starting from the task for which the product is used: if it is the preparation of a delicate sauce or cream soup, then shallots are more suitable. If this is the prevention of colds, then onions are more effective.

Did you know? During the Crusades, onions were an essential part of the knights' diet.

Thus, we can conclude that shallots are an indispensable product for the preparation of many delicious dishes, as well as a good remedy. It has an impressive range of vitamins and minerals, delicate taste and no pungent odor.

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