Home Perennial flowers Is it possible to change the genetic code of a person. The power of thought is capable of changing the genetic code of an organism. When Consciousness Is Not Enough

Is it possible to change the genetic code of a person. The power of thought is capable of changing the genetic code of an organism. When Consciousness Is Not Enough

American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is in fact able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism.

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, became the author of a number of studies that brought him fame in academic circles. In his own words, all this time Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot, whose life is subject to a program written in his genes. From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that by and large we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.

A turning point in the life and in the views of Dr. Lipton was the experiments he conducted in the late 1980s to study the characteristics of the behavior of the cell membrane. Prior to that, in science it was believed that it was the genes located in the cell nucleus that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments clearly showed that various external influences on the cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.

All that remained was to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, by the power of thought.

Basically, I haven't come up with anything new, says Dr. Lipton. - For centuries, physicians have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a miracle cure. As a result, the substance does indeed have a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a truly scientific explanation for this phenomenon. My discovery allowed me to give the following explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes going on in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, make others "turn on" and even change his genetic code. Following this, I thought about various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we only had one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature. And to suggest that if one succeeded, then perhaps others will do the same.

Of course, academic science took these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that condemn their offspring to overweight and short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he achieved that these mice began to give birth to offspring that were completely different from their parents of ordinary color, thin and living as long as their other relatives.

All this, you see, gives off Lysenkoism, and therefore it was not difficult to predict the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. A new scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet the main influence that can change the state of our health, Lipton considers precisely the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us.

This is nothing new either, Lipton says. - It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, but one has the disease and the other does not. Why? Because they lived in different ways: one was more stressed than the other. They had different self-esteem and sense of self, which gave rise, respectively, and a different line of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes through thought, faith and aspiration. The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from fatal diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental attitudes towards this. We don't have to be victims of our genetic code and our circumstances. Believe that you can be healed and you will be cured of any disease. Believe that you can lose 50 kilograms - and you will lose weight!

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by reciting simple mantras like “I can heal from this disease”, “I believe that my body is able to heal itself” ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% of the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believed in the possibility of self-healing with the powers of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore achieve success. Most, on the subconscious level, deny this possibility. More precisely: their very subconscious, which, in fact, automatically controls all processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years old, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the "experience of the subconscious" and, as a result, a person's personality. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events. As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" for the overwhelming majority of people consists of 70% of "negative" and only 30% of "positive". Thus, in order to truly achieve self-healing, it is necessary at least to reverse this ratio. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken on the way of the invasion of the power of our thoughts into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread acceptance.

After the worldview revolution that took place for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine. At the congresses and seminars organized by him, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all kinds of folk healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate to the audience their capabilities, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically. And at the same time, they are thinking over future experiments that would help to reveal and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the patient's psyche, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. And time will tell whether he is right or not.

Recent research by scientists proves that we can influence our genetic code with our thoughts.

We all have once heard that thought is material. Only this statement and others like it do not have any scientific evidence. All of them belong to the religious line or the esoteric line.

But some great news came out recently. Experts who have been studying and researching the activity of the brain for a long time have come to the conclusion that positive thoughts in reality destroy negative effects on the body and promote health.

American scientist Bruce Lipton believes that self-hypnosis and self-belief will help cure all diseases. And this is not surprising. In the course of Lipton's scientific experiments, it turned out that with the help of psychological suggestion it is possible to influence the deformation of genetic information.

For a long time, Lipton studied and prepared in the direction of genetic engineering, defended his doctoral dissertation with great success, and also made a number of new scientific discoveries that brought him great popularity at the academy.

Like all scientists in the field of genetics, Lipton believed that the human body is a biological robot and obeys a program inherent in genes. Genes are information carriers that show who you are and determine almost everything: appearance, individual characteristics, physical and mental development, inclinations to certain diseases, ailments and, of course, affect longevity. From this we can conclude that none of us is given to change our genes, which means that we only need to accept what we inherited from our ancestors.

A significant breakthrough in the life of the scientist Lipton was scientific experiments that were implemented in the 80s and which greatly influenced the life of the doctor. These were scientific observations of the work and reaction of complex phospholipids. Then it was believed that only the genes that are in the middle of the cell determine what can pass through this cell membrane, and what is forbidden to pass.

All these experiments showed that various environmental factors have a great influence on their activity and even contribute to the deformation of their shape and structure. There was no answer to only one question, whether it is possible to reproduce changes with the help of psychic self-hypnosis, or, as they say, with the help of the power of thought.

As the scientist himself believed, he did not invent anything unusual. For decades, doctors have known the placebo effect, where a patient is given a drug with a neutral effect, and he thinks it is a really strong drug. As a result, the drug was effective. There was no scientific explanation for this for a long time.

Scientific evidence was found and this is how it can be explained: a person, suggesting to himself that the medicine is miraculous, involves the subconscious, and it already changes some of the functions of cells in the body. The activity of some genes may stop, while others, on the contrary, or the genetic code may change altogether. In this regard, the scientist thought about some unexplained cases of recovery. But the doctors still turned away from them.

In practice, there were such situations and the medical staff should have realized the characteristics of this particular person. The thought should have appeared in their minds that if one could do it, then others can.

However, the academic community did not accept all these scientific views. But, despite this, Lipton continued scientific experiments, proving that without the help of drugs, it is possible to influence the work and the genetic structure of the human body.

You can achieve the result even with the help of the selected diet. In one of his studies, Lipton used a breed of mice that had genetic congenital mutations, and their life was shortened due to excess weight. Then, with the help of a properly selected diet, he received the following results: the mice began to give birth to the same offspring as their healthy relatives.

It all looked like quackery, so it was not difficult to predict the negative attitude from other geneticists and scientists. But he continued to conduct experiments and was able to prove that similar results can be obtained also by going to a session with a strong sorcerer or by doing ordinary physical exercises. This scientific direction of studying the influence on genetic information with the help of environmental or external factors, received the term "epigenetics".

According to Lipton himself, it is better to change your state for the better with the help of self-hypnosis, since what is important is what happens not around (external factors and circumstances), but in the soul.

"This is not unusual," Lipton said. Everyone knows that two people can have the same tendency towards cancer, but one of them has the disease, and the other does not. How can you explain this? This is because one was nervous a lot, he had low self-esteem, various negative feelings, while the other was quite the opposite.

“Today I can say with great confidence that we can grow with the power of thought, are able to regulate our natural data and affect the functioning and structure of genes.

We differ on this Earth from all other creatures in that we can change, change our body, be cured of many dangerous diseases, and also heal from genetically transmitted diseases, only by influencing ourselves with psychological methods.

We should not be dependent on life circumstances or hereditary changes. Only faith will help you to change for the better: believe that you can recover from an illness and you will definitely be cured; convince yourself that you will lose 20 extra pounds and you will definitely lose this excess weight.

But this is not as easy as it seems. If everything were so simple, then all people would easily be cured of many diseases, saying such words as: "I can easily recover from my disease" or "My body will be able to overcome this ailment." But the fact is that mental attitudes affect only our consciousness, and it is only 5% of our mental system. The remaining 95% is our subconscious, and it is not affected in any way, "- says Lipton himself.

Simply put, only those who truly believe in the possibility of self-healing actually heal and achieve what they want. Others reject this chance of change. More precisely, the subconscious itself rejects such a chance, since it forces all the functions of the body to be performed automatically. Our subconscious mind, working automatically, is guided by the fact that the further course of events may be more negative than positive, so the subconscious refuses to perceive these changes.

According to Lipton, it is from an early age, namely from the age of six, that our consciousness begins to absorb everything, and even some unimportant events, swearing or words spoken by relatives, can negatively affect the experience of a person's subconscious, and later on a person.

Our natural psyche is arranged in such a way that in most cases negative emotions, thoughts, memories remain in our memory, and not funny and joyful moments, events from life. As a result, for a large number of people, the subconscious mind consists of 70% of negative memories and only 30% of positive ones. Based on all this, we can say that in order to change, you need to change your opinion to the opposite, change it in yourself. This is the only way to find a way out and break the system programmed by our consciousness, on the way to changing our cellular functions, genetic information and influencing them with the help of the power of thought.

According to Lipton himself, the effect on the subconscious is stronger, if you turn to psychics, they will help break down the barrier on the way to the subconscious. Of course, you can achieve this result in other ways, such as hypnosis. But still, many of the methods of working with the subconscious have not yet been discovered and are waiting for their moment of disclosure or widespread dissemination.

Lipton became the first scientist to receive recognition in the field of genetics, twenty years ago, to prove the connection between human thoughts and the genetic code.

He then also became an active project leader with the aim of linking traditional and alternative medicine. Scientists, geneticists, biochemists and shamans, sorcerers, psychics and people performing various rituals gather at various meetings and seminars. Sorcerers, healers and others show their abilities, and scientists are looking for an explanation of their phenomenon. They also conduct experiments and various experiments that could study the mechanisms of what is happening and the resources of our body.

Only the impact on the human psyche and timely, correct treatment can contribute to the full recovery of a person, according to Bruce Lipton himself. Whether his reasoning is correct or not will be known in due course.

American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is in fact able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism.

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, became the author of a number of studies that brought him fame in academic circles. In his own words, all this time Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot, whose life is subject to a program written in his genes. From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that by and large we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.
A turning point in the life and in the views of Dr. Lipton was the experiments he conducted in the late 1980s to study the characteristics of the behavior of the cell membrane. Prior to that, in science it was believed that it was the genes located in the cell nucleus that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments clearly showed that various external influences on the cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.
All that remained was to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, by the power of thought.

"Basically, I haven't come up with anything new," says Dr. Lipton. - For centuries, physicians have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a miracle cure. As a result, the substance does indeed have a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a truly scientific explanation for this phenomenon. My discovery allowed me to give the following explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes going on in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, make others "turn on" and even change his genetic code. Following this, I thought about various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we only had one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature. And to suggest that if one succeeded, then perhaps others will do the same.

Of course, academic science took these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that condemn their offspring to overweight and short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he achieved the fact that these mice began to give birth to offspring that were completely different from their parents? of ordinary color, thin and living as much as the rest of their relatives.

All this, you see, gives off Lysenkoism, and therefore it was not difficult to predict the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. A new scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet the main influence that can change the state of our health, Lipton considers precisely the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us.

“This is nothing new either,” says Lipton. - It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, but one has the disease and the other does not. Why? Because they lived in different ways: one experienced stress more often than the other; they had different self-esteem and sense of self, which gave rise, respectively, and a different line of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes through thought, faith and aspiration. The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from fatal diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental attitudes towards this. We don't have to be victims of our genetic code and our circumstances. Believe that you can be healed and you will be cured of any disease. Believe that you can lose 50 kilograms - and you will lose weight!

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by reciting simple mantras like “I can heal from this disease”, “I believe that my body is able to heal itself” ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% of the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believed in the possibility of self-healing with the powers of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore achieve success. Most, on the subconscious level, deny this possibility. More precisely: their very subconscious, which, in fact, automatically controls all processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years old, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the "experience of the subconscious" and, as a result, a person's personality. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events. As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" for the overwhelming majority of people consists of 70% of "negative" and only 30%? from the "positive". Thus, in order to truly achieve self-healing, it is necessary at least to reverse this ratio. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken on the way of the invasion of the power of our thoughts into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread acceptance.

After the worldview revolution that took place for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine. At the congresses and seminars organized by him, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all kinds of folk healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate to the audience their capabilities, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically. And at the same time, they are thinking over future experiments that would help to reveal and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the patient's psyche, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. And time will tell whether he is right or not.

mate changes a person's genetic code

The press from time to time arranges discussions - is it good or bad to use foul language. Meanwhile, scientists give an unambiguous answer to this: swear words "explode" in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur, which, generation after generation, lead to degeneration.

Researchers have invented an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic waves. And they are known to affect the molecules of DNA heredity. A person swears without ceasing - and his chromosomes break and bend, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs.

This is how the self-liquidation program is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded: swear words cause a mutagenic effect, similar to that which gives a radioactive irradiation with a power of thousands of roentgens.

An irradiation experiment has been carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. Almost all of them died. And those that survived became genetic freaks. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on by inheritance. After several generations, the offspring completely degenerated.

Interestingly, the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the words; they could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper. On this basis, scientists have concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.

The opposite experiment was also carried out. Scientists "blessed" the seeds killed by radiation of 10 thousand roentgens. And now the messed up genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and fused. The killed seeds came to life.

Say - "Well, what do you compare people with plants!" But the fact of the matter is that the genetic apparatus of all living organisms works according to universal laws.

The ability of people to influence the programs of heredity, confirmed by researchers, has been known to believers since ancient times. From patristic literature, we know how often, thanks to the saints, the hopelessly sick were healed and the dead were resurrected. Moreover, the blessing of the righteous extended not only to a specific person, but also to his offspring.

The word is a mutual instrument. Let's remember the Gospel. The Apostle Peter convicted Ananias and his wife Saphira of hiding part of the money they received for the land. Hearing the words of accusation, Ananias and Saphira fell breathless.

The skeptic will doubt how ordinary words can influence the hereditary program. The fact is that the concept of a genetic apparatus consisting only of chemicals is outdated.

In fact, in order to build a living mechanism from DNA, much more complex programs are needed, which must contain the lion's share of all hereditary information.

The new science, "wave genetics", authored by Pyotr Petrovich Goryaev, testifies: a gene is not only a cell. The human program is encrypted in the so-called "junk" part of DNA. And not only in chemicals, but also in physical fields that are formed around chromosomes and have a holographic structure. All information about the past, present and future of the organism is contained in a folded form at each point of the wave genome. DNA molecules exchange this information using electromagnetic waves, including acoustic and light waves.

Today scientists have learned to "pump" DNA with the energy of light and sound. How to illuminate and read the hidden pages of genetic texts. By launching certain genetic programs, they stimulate the body's reserve capabilities. As a result, the hopelessly sick recovered and the dead plants revived. A person can cause such miracles precisely through prayers.

Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Her "ears" are downright adapted to picking up sound vibrations. Pushkin once wrote to his wife: "Don't stain your soul with reading French novels." Our contemporary will only smile at this order of the genius, but in vain. The molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, while the other injures it. Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the body.

P. Goryaev believes that with the help of verbal thought-forms, a person creates his own genetic apparatus. For example, a child who has taken a certain program from his parents begins to brawl and swear. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And this "snowball" is rolling from generation to generation.

So the genetic apparatus is not at all indifferent to what we think, what we say, what books we read. Everything is imprinted in the wave genome, that is, the wave genetic program, which changes heredity and the program of each cell in one direction or another. So, a word can cause cancer, or it can cure a person. Moreover, DNA does not understand whether you are communicating with a living person or with the hero of a television series.


American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is in fact able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism.

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, became the author of a number of studies that brought him fame in academic circles. In his own words, all this time Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot, whose life is subject to a program written in his genes. From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that by and large we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.

A turning point in the life and in the views of Dr. Lipton was the experiments he conducted in the late 1980s to study the characteristics of the behavior of the cell membrane. Prior to that, in science it was believed that it was the genes located in the cell nucleus that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments clearly showed that various external influences on the cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.

All that remained was to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, by the power of thought.

“Basically, I haven’t come up with anything new,” says Dr. Lipton. - For centuries, physicians have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a miracle cure. As a result, the substance does indeed have a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a truly scientific explanation for this phenomenon. My discovery allowed me to give the following explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a medicine, a person changes the processes going on in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, make others "turn on" and even change his genetic code. Following this, I thought about various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we only had one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature. And to suggest that if one succeeded, then perhaps others will do the same.

Of course, academic science took these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that condemn their offspring to overweight and short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he achieved that these mice began to give birth to offspring that were completely different from their parents - of an ordinary color, thin and living as long as their other relatives.

All this, you see, gives off Lysenkoism, and therefore it was not difficult to predict the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. A new scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet the main influence that can change the state of our health, Lipton considers precisely the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us.

“That’s nothing new either,” Lipton says. - It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, but one has the disease and the other does not. Why? Because they lived in different ways: one experienced stress more often than the other; they had different self-esteem and sense of self, which gave rise, respectively, and a different line of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes through thought, faith and aspiration. The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from fatal diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental attitudes towards this. We don't have to be victims of our genetic code and our circumstances. Believe that you can be healed and you will be cured of any disease. Believe that you can lose 50 kilograms - and you will lose weight!

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance…

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by reciting simple mantras like “I can heal from this disease”, “I believe that my body is able to heal itself” ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% - the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believed in the possibility of self-healing with the powers of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore achieve success. Most, on the subconscious level, deny this possibility. More precisely: their very subconscious, which, in fact, automatically controls all processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years old, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the "experience of the subconscious" and, as a result, a person's personality. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events. As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" for the overwhelming majority of people consists of 70% of "negative" and only 30% of "positive". Thus, in order to truly achieve self-healing, it is necessary at least to reverse this ratio. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken on the way of the invasion of the power of our thoughts into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread acceptance.

After the worldview revolution that took place for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine. At the congresses and seminars organized by him, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all kinds of folk healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate to the audience their capabilities, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically. And at the same time, they are thinking over future experiments that would help to reveal and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the patient's psyche, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. And time will tell whether he is right or not.

Yan Smelyansky

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