Home Perennial flowers New materials about weight loss and bogomolov. Liepaja diet: live with taste, but know when to stop. Vegetable side dish "Nutritionist's Dream"

New materials about weight loss and bogomolov. Liepaja diet: live with taste, but know when to stop. Vegetable side dish "Nutritionist's Dream"

Liepaja diet was developed many years ago by the famous Latvian nutritionist Lev Khazan. Until the last days of his life, Doctor Khazanov remained one of the most famous and demanded doctors in Latvia. Many businessmen, politicians and show business stars of the country listened to his advice and recommendations.

Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet is quite popular among our compatriots. The diet is designed for 3 months. The diet menu is divided into several parts: Monday - Thursday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday-Tuesday-Friday. The interval between each meal is 5 hours.

Dr. Khazan - Educated at the University of Tartu at the Department of Sports Medicine (entered 1965), and then began to specialize in the field of endocrinology. After graduation, he worked as an endocrinologist in Liepaja for fifteen years.

In 1986, he opened the first private doctor's office in Latvia in Riga, then Dr. Khazan proposed to his patients a new nutrition plan named after Liepaja “Liepaja diet”. She very quickly became known to everyone thanks to word of mouth: the first “graduates” of Khazan, who lost tens of kilos, turned into a walking advertisement for his method.

The name of the legendary diet comes from the city of Liepaja, which is located in the south-west of Latvia. It was there that its developer lived - the famous certified nutritionist Lev Yakovlevich Khazan, who devoted more than 25 years of his life to the issue of losing weight without harm to health.

The technique gained wide popularity when the famous journalist Aleksey Bogomolov and the Latvian psychiatrist Audrius Jozenas lost weight on it. As a result, Khazan named the latter his disciple and follower. Bogomolov, on the other hand, was so impressed with the result that he wrote a whole book in which he presented in detail personal experiences, dietary schemes, photographs and a weight loss diary. It is worth noting that he was able not only to lose 50 kilograms, but also subsequently keep the result normal.

Features of the diet

A characteristic feature of Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet is nutrition, which is a tasty and satisfying menu that even includes meat, sausage, cheese, mayonnaise and other products unusual for weight loss.

According to the generally accepted classification of diets, Liepaja belongs to the category of low-calorie. Its main requirement is to limit the daily energy value of the diet to the level of 1200 kcal. For this amount of calories, you can consume almost any food you are used to. You won't have to give up fatty foods, because they saturate the body more effectively. You just need to reduce the portions. So, 100 g of everyone's favorite Olivier satisfies hunger better than 300 g, but vegetable salad with chicken.


In general, Dr. Khazan offered his patients a way to lose weight without giving up their favorite foods and dishes. Each person is only required to comply with a few rules, the main of which is to eat at least 3 times a day, taking breaks between meals at 5 o'clock. Other rules of Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet are presented in the following list:

  • eat strictly according to the schedule, do not allow any snacks outside the regime - if an intolerable feeling of hunger appears, you can drink a glass of water;
  • cook food on your own or follow the process so as not to violate the conditions of the weight loss program;
  • do not exceed the daily caloric content of the diet, equal to 1200 kcal; in the summer-spring period, you need to drink 8 glasses (1.5-2 liters) of liquid a day, and in the winter-spring period - 6-7;
  • after losing weight, do not switch abruptly to the usual diet, do not overeat;
  • in case of a breakdown, do not force yourself to starve, but continue to lose weight according to the system;
  • sleep at least 8 hours daily; not to replace the products on the menu with others.
  • three meals a day according to a strict menu;
  • it is necessary to strictly monitor the volume of portions;
  • a break of at least five hours between meals;
  • fish and meat - no more than 135 g per day;
  • one day a week unloading;
  • refusal to use salt or significant restriction of it;
  • during the day, drink up to 1.5 liters of water in winter and 2 liters in summer;
  • from the second month additionally take vitamins with minerals.

In addition to the menu, it is important to observe one more condition - measurements. The technique prescribes to regularly devote time to them. You will have to get your own scales in order to weigh yourself every day, and at the same time. This helps you track your progress, which has a positive effect on your mood and increases your willingness to keep going. Every day, you need to measure blood pressure and pulse, and twice a month - the volume of the waist, neck, hips and chest. It is better to get a separate diary for this purpose.

Liepaja diet menu

When treating obesity according to the method of Dr. Khazan in a clinic, the menu for every day for patients is compiled individually. For those who decided to take a dietary course on their own, its author has developed a standard daily menu, it is summarized in a table where the names of the dishes and their volume are indicated for the week. This nutrition table can be used for the entire first month of the diet. She, with minor changes, is the basis of the menu for three months, which can be downloaded below the link:

The diet is based on the exclusion of foods containing carbohydrates - sugar, sweets, baked goods, pasta, sweet fruits (melon, grapes, pear, banana). You need to change your habits and enjoy unsweetened tea and coffee, juices without added sugar. Also, do not add milk, cream, artificial sweeteners, or lemon or other fruits to tea and coffee.

List of prohibited foods in the diet: bananas, melons, grapes, dried fruits, pasta, preserves, jam, sweets, cookies, ice cream, cake, sugar, salt.

The main thing in the Liepaja diet is self-discipline and constant self-measurements and weighing!

Exiting the diet

After the desired result is achieved, the person who has lost weight should switch to a regular diet. This must be done carefully, because after such a long diet, sharp changes in the menu can negatively affect the state of health. Weight stabilization, according to Dr. Khazan, will take at least six months. The following measures will help to keep it:

  • continue 3 times a day and at the same time, no snacks;
  • during the first 2 weeks, the daily amount of food eaten must be kept the same, although you can already eat everything;
  • once a week it is necessary to arrange fasting days: on vegetables, on kefir or on fruits;
  • during the first month, weigh yourself daily. If the weight gain is more than 0.7 kg, you need to "sit down" on the Liepaja diet menu again for at least a week in order to restore the norm;
  • if you had to overeat, immediately after that, an unloading curd or kefir day is arranged;
  • be sure to include restorative physical exercises in the daily routine after the diet.

No bans and amazing results! Minus 12 kg per month with the usual products! Learn more about Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet, get a menu and recipes for Hungarian goulash and squid cutlets!

The seemingly paradoxical diet of Dr. Khazan gained wide popularity thanks to word of mouth: unlike other methods for losing weight, it was attracted by the complete absence of prohibitions on any products, as well as more than impressive results. For more than 30 years, Liepaja's weight loss system has been used by many representatives of the European elite, being its walking advertisement and demonstrating eloquent changes in the figure, deprived of several dozen extra pounds.

Liepaja diet is designed for 3 months, with good tolerance and a desire to achieve a greater effect, it can be extended up to 4 months. During the first monthly stage, if all requirements are met, you can lose weight by 8-12 kg, during the second stage - by 7-8 kg, during the third - by 4-6 kg. Since the rate of weight loss is gradually slowing down, it is impractical to continue it further. A second course is recommended to take place no earlier than a year later, although most of Dr. Khazan's patients, subject to further healthy eating rules, one course is enough for a lifetime.

The history of the diet

The author of the methodology Lev Yakovlevich Khazan is a practicing nutritionist, a graduate of the University of Tartu. After working as an endocrinologist in the Baltic city of Liepaja for fifteen years, he created a unique dietary regimen designed for weight correction, and in 1986 opened his own clinic in Riga. The effectiveness of the technique, named after the Latvian city, was so great that soon people from all over the country began to come to Dr. Khazan to treat obesity.

One of his first patients, Russian journalist Aleksey Bogomolov, became a popularizer of Khazan's method in Russia. For three years of adherence to the dietary regimen, the weight of the obese Bogomolov decreased from 218 kg to 148 kg. The correspondent tracked down the author of a nutritional system, unique in terms of efficiency, who never sought to communicate with the press. The result of this meeting was a book written by Alexei Bogomolov about the Liepaja diet.

Sometimes the author or co-author of the methodology is called Audrius Jozenas. In fact, this Latvian psychiatrist was also one of Lev Khazan's patients who lost 50 kg on a diet. Having personally tested the weight loss system and its effect on the psychological sphere, Jozenas supplemented the author's recommendations with a number of activities. Dr. Jozenas is currently practicing in Kazakhstan helping people lose weight through the Liepaja diet.

Weight loss records according to the Khazan system

In an interview with Lev Yakovlevich Khazan, record numbers of weight loss results on the Liepaja diet were named. The winner among women was a resident of Moscow, as a result of observing several cycles of the dietary regime, she managed to lose 113 kg of weight, in the men's category the palm belongs to a 40-year-old Siberian who lost 123 kg.

Mechanism of action

Liepaja nutrition system is based on the basic principle of dietary programs for weight correction: the predominance of calorie consumption over their intake. Permission to eat absolutely any food does not contradict this principle: here its quantity is strictly limited. The Liepaja diet menu contains the usual products - not too lean fish and meat, sandwiches, canned food, salads. However, you will have to do this with a ruler or measuring cup in hand, carefully measuring portions.

The effectiveness of this option for losing weight is understandable from the point of view of nutritional science. A large plate of greens with a piece of chicken meat is no less in calories than a small portion of meat salad with mayonnaise, but after you eat the salad, you will feel satiety longer, and you will get more pleasure from a delicious dish. This is the "trick" of the Khazan method.

Pros and cons

Like any other method for losing weight, the Liepaja diet has both positive aspects and disadvantages.

Her advantages:

  • a fairly rapid loss of a large amount of excess weight;
  • balanced diet for proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • developing the habit of eating at a strictly defined time;
  • affordable cost of a grocery set, simple recipes.


  • monotonous menu, almost complete absence of first courses;
  • the need for scrupulous counting of calories;
  • the need to correct skin sagging due to a large loss of body weight.


Dr. Khazan's nutritional system is not used for diabetes, serious heart disease, pregnancy or breastfeeding. This technique should also be abandoned by professional athletes, since high physical activity increases the body's need for calories, so it will be very difficult to stay within the limits of mini-portions of food. You can start active training, having already lost weight, when it became easier for the heart, blood vessels and the musculoskeletal system to work, and the calorie content of the menu increased.

Fundamental rules

The Liepaja diet is strict in terms of fulfilling the basic requirements, deviations from them are inadmissible:

  1. Food is taken 3 times a day, with breaks for about 5 hours. This mode normalizes the work of the pancreas, which has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight.
  2. Snacks between meals are prohibited.
  3. In case of a violation of the nutritional regimen, you should switch to the usual regimen for several days, and then continue the course.
  4. Sugar is completely excluded from the diet, the amount of salt is limited.
  5. Alcohol is prohibited during the dietary course.
  6. The recommended time for breakfast is from 9 am to 12 pm, lunch is from 2 pm to 5 pm, and dinner is from 7 pm to 10 pm.
  7. The total energy value of the daily diet should not exceed 1100-1200 kcal.
  8. Food portions are measured by volume and should not be exceeded.
  9. The minimum daily intake of water is 1.75 liters (in hot weather - 2 liters), this does not include juices, tea and coffee included in the menu.
  10. Starting from the 2nd month of the diet, it is recommended to take a multivitamin.
  11. The duration of the night's rest is at least 8 hours.
  12. Weigh ourselves daily, measure pulse and blood pressure.
  13. Your blood sugar should be checked every week.
  14. Measurements of the volumes of the neck, chest, abdomen, hips are carried out twice a month.
  15. To control the process of losing weight, the measurement data are recorded in the diary.
  16. The menu for every day is precisely calculated, it is impossible to violate it or replace the indicated products with others.

Important! Occasionally, the so-called "adaptation effect" may occur, when the weight stops decreasing for 1-2 weeks. This is a temporary phenomenon and should not be a cause for concern. With further adherence to the diet, the body's ability to actively burn fat will be restored, and your kilograms will begin to go away again.

Additional procedures and withdrawal from the diet

Due to significant weight loss, the skin can lose its firmness and sag. Therefore, while observing the Liepaja diet, it is recommended to carry out daily massage or self-massage of problem areas. A good effect is provided by water procedures that improve blood circulation, have a tonic effect on the skin. These are showers - Scottish, Charcot, circular, as well as hydromassage, hot salt or pine baths, swimming.

The transition to regular meals after completing the diet course will not be too difficult or abrupt, because the menu contained all the products that were always on your table. It will be enough to add a plate of the first course to dinner, slightly increase the volume of the rest. Your stomach will no longer require especially large portions of food, therefore, extra pounds will not be recruited again.

Alternative menu

When treating obesity according to the method of Dr. Khazan in a clinic, the menu for every day for patients is compiled individually. For those who decided to take a dietary course on their own, its author has developed a standard daily menu, it is summarized in a table where the names of the dishes and their volume are indicated for the week. This nutrition table can be used for the entire first month of the diet. She, with minor changes, is the basis of the menu for three months.




Notes (edit)

a sandwich with butter and cheese, a glass of tea or coffee;hot meat dish (160 g) with vegetable garnish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;vinaigrette with vegetable oil (150 g), a spoonful of fish caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoonful of honey.Slices of bread, cheese, meat or sausage for a sandwich should be 6 x 9 cm and 1 cm thick.

A vegetable side dish is prepared from at least 3 types of vegetables. They can be boiled, stewed, baked, or used as a side dish with canned vegetables.

For dressing salads, you can use mayonnaise, sour cream or any vegetable oil (except olive oil), lemon juice, fruit vinegar.

a sandwich with lean meat, 0.2 liters of tea;a hot dish of fish or seafood (160 g) with a vegetable side dish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;meat salad dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise, a slice of bread, a glass of tea.
2 soft-boiled eggs, 0.2 l of tea or coffee;meat (160 g), vegetable dish (120 g), 0.2 liters of juice;vinaigrette in vegetable oil (150 g), a spoonful of caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoonful of honey.
sandwich with butter and sausage, 0.2 liters of tea;fish dish or seafood dish (160 g), vegetable side dish (120 g), 0.2 liters of juice;meat salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea.
a sandwich with butter and cheese, 0.2 liters of tea or coffee;a meat dish (160 g), a side dish of vegetables (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;vinaigrette with vegetable oil (150 g), 1 tbsp. l. fish caviar, a slice of bread, 0.2 liters of tea with a spoonful of honey.
a sandwich with butter and meat, 0.2 liters of tea or coffee;a dish of fish or seafood (160 g) with a vegetable side dish (120 g), a glass of fresh fruit;meat salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, a slice of bread, a glass of tea.
Fasting day. Product set:
  • 200-250 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - 4-6 pcs .;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1-1.5 l;
  • water - 1.75-2 liters.
Arbitrarily divide the set of products indicated in the list into 5-6 receptions.

During the second month of the Khazan diet, the amount of fresh juice for lunch is halved, but fresh fruit is added to the dessert. Dinner every other day can be supplemented with biscuit biscuits (3-4 pcs.), Curd cheese, a handful of raisins or a glass of milk.

The menu of the third month, in addition to the products indicated in the nutrition table, includes the first course twice a week - an incomplete glass of broth for lunch.

The fourth month of the Liepaja diet involves the use of mono-diets, which are arranged once a week. These can be mono-days:

  • kefir (daily menu - 0.5 l of kefir);
  • vegetable (during the day you can eat 150 g of cucumbers, tomato, cabbage, 50 g of carrots);
  • fruit and berry (1 kg of any berries and fruits plus 0.5 liters of milk or fresh juice);
  • meat (it is allowed to eat 250-300 g of meat and drink 0.5 liters of fresh juice);
  • bread (food set consists of 3 slices of bread and 0.5 liters of milk).

Dish recipes

Classic meat salad

Boil and cut into small cubes:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken or beef fillet - 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.

Add 100 g of canned peas, mayonnaise. Stir and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes to soak the salad. Serve on the table, garnished with dill and parsley.

Provencal vegetable stew

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 zucchini squash;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • parsley and dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l of broth or water;
  • vegetable oil.

Chop the onion and garlic, simmer in vegetable oil. Wash vegetables, peel, cut into medium-sized pieces, simmer in a deep frying pan, pour water or broth. You need to load vegetables one by one, focusing on the time it takes to cook them: first, potatoes and carrots, after 10-15 minutes eggplants, peppers, zucchini, and at the end - tomatoes and greens.

Vegetable side dish "Nutritionist's Dream"

Ingredients: cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes or tomato paste, milk.

Method of preparation: sauté chopped onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil, then add bell pepper, simmer for 10 minutes. Place cauliflower slices and diced tomatoes in a skillet, pour in a little milk so that it covers half of the vegetables. Salt lightly, simmer for another 10 minutes.

Meat for sandwiches

Grate a piece of pork neck with garlic and salt, place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then coat the meat with the spice mixture, pack tightly in a mesh bandage and a roasting sleeve. Place in a saucepan, cover completely with water, cook for 1.5–2 hours. Remove from water, cool.

Tender pork chops

It is best to take the collar of the carcass for cooking chops. The meat is cut into large thin pieces, beaten off and allowed to rest for 10-15 minutes. Then it is rolled in starch, well moistened in soy sauce, fried on both sides in vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes.

Hungarian goulash

Ingredients: 0.5 kg veal tenderloin, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2-3 tomatoes and paprika each, herbs.

Cooking method

  1. Chop the peeled onions and carrots, simmer slightly in vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the meat like a roast, fry.
  3. Mix everything, simmer until the meat is cooked, fill up to half with water.
  4. Add bell pepper and tomato slices, season with salt and pepper, simmer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Serve with fresh herbs.

Fish baked in foil

Grate fillet of sea fish with garlic, moisten with lemon juice, leave for half an hour so that the juice is absorbed. Then wrap the fish pieces in foil and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, the last 5 minutes - slightly unrolling the foil so that the fish is browned.

Salmon in orange sauce

Place orange circles and salmon steaks in a baking dish. Top with a marinade made from orange juice, mustard, salt and ground pepper. Let the fish soak in the marinade (this will take 15–20 minutes), bake in the oven at 190 ° C for about half an hour.

Squid cutlets

Ingredients: 300 g squid, 100 g white bread or rolls, 1 onion, bread crumbs. Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, chop, simmer in vegetable oil.
  2. Soak the loaf in water.
  3. Clean the squid from films, cut off the suction cups.
  4. Load everything into a blender and grind.
  5. Add salt, spices and form small patties.
  6. Dip the cutlets in bread crumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Fruit juices


Squeeze the juice from 3 apples and half a lemon, add a pinch of grated ginger, stir. Serve in glasses with ice cubes.


Dilute freshly squeezed orange juice one third with water, add a teaspoon of honey or stevia, stir. Serve chilled.

Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet became a revelation for the Russian public in 2010. We are used to looking for miracle diets that would solve our problems: eat a lot, move a little, look good and be healthy. Liepaja diet worked all these miracles.

You cannot starve during a diet, you need to eat 3 times a day. You can't go in for sports, you need to lose weight in an established mode. With a lot of weight loss, the skin does not sag. And the improvements in the body's work are visible and tangible.

In 2011, the publishing houses LLC "AST", LLC "Astrel" and "VKT Vladimir" published a book by Alexei Bogomolov "Liepaja diet" in a small circulation of 5,000 copies. The book was written in an unusual style: not the advice of a nutritionist or doctor, but a nutrition diary of a person who wants to bring himself back to normal, weighing 218 kg of weight.

Having received such amazing results, Bogomolov tracked down the author of the diet. It turned out to be the Latvian nutritionist Lev Khazan. Lev Khazan discovered the secrets of nutrition leading to rapid weight loss in a short time more than 30 years ago. Since then, this diet has worked flawlessly, bringing dividends to the creator, and the right to a healthy life for people who are losing weight.

The essence of the diet

The basis of the diet is generally available. And although it does not support the foundations of a balanced diet, it is designed so that a person does not change his habits very much. Eat right 5-6 times a day, but the diet requires 3 meals a day. There are no dietary products in it. There are no strict restrictions on eating only proteins or vegetables, or avoiding fats. All of these foods are present in the diet. But in strictly defined quantities.

The Liepaja diet has a number of strict rules, in the book they are presented immediately on pages 7-10:

  • Buy a scale and weigh yourself every day at the same time in the morning;
  • Measure and record in a diary the results of body volumes 1 time in 2 weeks - neck, chest, waist, hips, leg;
  • There are three times a day with an interval of 5 hours strictly at the same time with a deviation from the set time of no more than 15 minutes;
  • The duration of sleep is 8-9 hours, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • In addition to the permitted 750 g of drink indicated in the table, you can drink 1.75-2 liters of water only;
  • 2 months to eat strictly according to the menu in the table without changes;
  • Alcohol is prohibited;
  • Take a hot bath at 45 ° C with salt and pine extract regularly 2 times a week;
  • It is necessary to monitor blood pressure, pulse and blood sugar daily;
  • If you have violated the diet, then you can not starve. You just need to continue the diet, according to the menu of the current day;
  • Exercise is necessary if you did it regularly before the diet. If you didn’t do it, then you don’t need to start.

Having lost 7-10 kg, the body can stop losing weight within 1-2 weeks, this condition is called "weight plateau". It is necessary to continue to observe the regime prescribed by the Liepaja diet and the weight will start to go away again.

You need to lose weight to the weight that you considered ideal for yourself. After the desired results in weight loss are obtained, it is necessary to switch to a regular diet and actively engage in physical education.

Grocery list

The diet is designed for people without age, weight and social status restrictions. Therefore, the products that are used in the diet are indicated in a general sense. For example, fish can be taken cheap - mackerel, or expensive - trout. Also with cheese, meat and vegetables.

In fact, the diet that Lev Khazan successfully uses is protein. The food list for 2 months is small:

  • Tea, coffee with milk, kefir, mineral water, beer 0%;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice (grapefruit);
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vinaigrette (pickles, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions);
  • Meat salad (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini);
  • Meat;
  • A fish;
  • Fish caviar;
  • Eggs;
  • Any sauce for meat or fish;
  • Any vegetables as a side dish;
  • Lemon juice as a dressing for a vegetable side dish;
  • Vegetable caviar;
  • Sour cream;
  • Canned fish;
  • Bread.

On Sunday, unloading curd day:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Milk;
  • Apples;
  • Walnuts.

The Liepaja diet uses conventional, non-dietary, widespread food products. But with strict adherence to all the rules, there is a rapid weight loss in 3-4 months for significant weights of 30-100 kg. And this is when sports are prohibited.

Menu for every day

The menu for every day is spelled out in the nutrition table of the Liepaja diet. The table is divided into 7 columns corresponding to the days of the week, and 3 lines describing the breakfast, lunch and dinner menus.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday repeat all menu items. Only breakfast on Wednesday is different from breakfast on Monday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, the same ration is repeated one to one. Sunday is a fasting day for dairy products.

Dr. Lev Khazan first put the diet into practice in 1986. The doctor tried not only to achieve persistent weight loss. For a diet to work massively, it must be comfortable, cheap, and fast-acting. The results of the diet are so impressive that after a year those wishing to lose weight were already going to his house with their problem.

The diet developed by the doctor is designed to lose weight in a short time. For 3-4 months, a person loses 40-45 kg, excess weight. The maximum weight loss results per year are 123 kg for men and 113 kg for women.

The advice Lev Khazan gives to those who are losing weight on nutrition are not surprising. Do not consume sugar, ethyl alcohol, excess food. The main thing is not to change weight, but to change habits. The reason for the mass obesity of people is that food is the cheapest of the pleasures. A few decades ago, food was mined, ready-made food was not on sale. We are now reaping the results of fast food. Lev Khazan became the first private doctor in Latvia and over the years of work has gained fame in the territory of the former Soviet Union, in Europe. This confirms the outstanding results demonstrated by the Liepaja diet.

Lev Khazan revealed the secret of the first part of the diet, designed for 2 months. In the next 3-4 months of the diet, there are changes in the menu, which only the doctor knows. Therefore, those wishing to lose weight under the guidance of an experienced doctor should contact him directly. Email: [email protected] Skype: hazanlev. Phone (calls from RF) 8-10-371-634-819-87.


Liepaja diet Monday menu

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and cheese (Bread - 60x90x15 mm. Cheese - 60 * 90 * 12 mm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce. 120 mg vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be used canned. Not allowed - olive oil, lemon juice is allowed.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml vinaigrette (boiled potato, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickles, onions, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon of red or black caviar or canned fish.
Slice of bread ~ slice 60 * 90 * 15 mm.

Tuesday menu

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives. sandwich with butter and meat (Bread - 60 * 90 * 15 mm. Meat - 60 * 90 × 12 nm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty fish (seafood) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce.
120 ml vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped.
You can cook the nut and cauliflower. green peas can be canned.
Not allowed - olive oil, lemon juice can be used 1 glass
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat salad (boiled jacket potatoes, meat or sausage, green peas, an egg, pickled cucumber 1 teaspoon of sour cream) A piece of bread ~ 60 × 90 * 16 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, tea, or coffee with or without milk)

Liepaja diet menu for Wednesday

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, 2.5 eggs
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 grams ready-made with sauce.
120 ml vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled. green peas can be canned. Do not - olive oil, you can lemon juice 1 glass.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of vinaigrette (boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled onions, 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon of caviar or canned fish.
A piece of bread ~ 60 * 90 * 15 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, tea, non-alcoholic beer, tea or coffee - with milk).

Thursday Menu

Breakfast 10.30
1 stock of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and meat (Bread - 60 * 90 * 15 mm.
co - 60 * 90 * 12 mm);
Lunch 15.30
1 hot of good tasty fish or seafood with any additives - 160 grams ready-made with sauce. 120 ml vegetable garnish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat salad (boiled potatoes in their skins, miso or sausage, green peas, an egg. Salted orypec 1 tablespoon of sour cream A piece of bread ~ 60 * 90 * 15 mm. 1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any juice, mineral water, us, non-alcoholic beer tea or coffee - with milk).

Friday menu

Breakfast 10.30
2 glasses of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with nourished k and cheese (Bread - 60 * 90 * 15 mm, Cheese - 60 * 90 * 12 mm).
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty meat (in any form) with any additives - 160 g ready-made with sauce, 120 ml of vegetable garnish - no more than three types of vegetables, finely chopped Beets and cauliflower can be cooked, green peas can be canned.
Not allowed - olive oil, 1 glass of lemon juice can be used.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of vinaigrette (boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, onions, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil).
1 tablespoon of caviar or canned fish.
Piece of bread ~ 60x90x15 mm,

Liepaja diet Saturday

Breakfast 10.30
1 glass of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter * and meat (Bread - 60 * 90 * 15 mm. Meat - 60 × 90 * 11 mm)
Lunch 15.30
Hot from good tasty fish (seafood) with any additives - 160 g ready * with sauce. 120 ml vegetable side dish - at least three types of vegetables, finely chopped. Beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.
Not allowed - olive oil, 1 glass of lemon juice can be used.
Dinner 20.30
120 ml of meat garnish (boiled potatoes in mundmra meat and sausage, green peas, egg, pickled cucumber, teaspoon of sour cream) A piece of bread ~ 60 * 90 * 15 mm.
1 glass of any liquid (kefir, any mineral water, tea or coffee - with or without milk).


General rules and principles of the diet of Dr. Khazan

According to this system, meals will be three times a day. Snacks are completely prohibited. According to Dr. Khazan, the main problem for overweight people is low blood sugar. The established restrictions are designed to correct this problem and normalize the functioning of the pancreas. Dr. Hazan's Liepaja diet is suitable for both men and women. To lose weight, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Consume no more than 1200 calories daily.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. In the summer, you can increase its amount to 2-2.5 liters. It is permissible to replace water with unsweetened tea with or without lemon, natural juices without sugar, unsweetened coffee.
  • Vegetable dishes are consumed without salt.
  • You can eat any stale bread.
  • When preparing the first courses, you need to reduce the amount of salt.
  • Only butter can be used for cooking. Margarine and spreads (fatty products) are prohibited.
  • In case of a power failure the next day, you need to go to the normal mode, according to the schedule. After 2-3 days, the weight will begin to decline at a standard rate.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements to avoid vitamin deficiency.
  • Track the condition of the skin. When signs of laxity appear, cosmetic procedures should be carried out to prevent sagging skin.

Dr. Khazan recommends taking measurements regularly to stay motivated. You need to weigh yourself every day at the same time. This will help track changes in body weight. Pulse and blood pressure should be measured daily. Once a week, losing weight donates blood for sugar. Twice a month it is necessary to measure the circumference of the chest, waist, hips, neck. It is necessary to adhere to this weight loss system for 3 months. At the end of the diet, a break of 1-3 months is required.

Liepaja diet - nutrition table

According to this system of weight loss, no more than 1200 kcal should be consumed per day, which is why it is classified as low-calorie. When drawing up the menu, one must take into account the calorie content of the product and the size of the portion (no more than 150 grams). One of the days will be unloading. When "unloading" the amount of food intake increases to 5-6... In case of breakdowns, you can use the menu from the fasting day. Useful and prohibited food groups:


Allowed Products

Greens and vegetables

Eggplants, pumpkin, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and sauerkraut, lettuce, beets, zucchini, tomatoes, salad peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, onions and green onions, dill, parsley.

Nuts and dried fruits

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts.

Boiled, fried chicken, turkey.

Fish and seafood

Sprats, any other canned, lean fish.

Oils and fats

Creamy olive oil.


Low-fat doctor's sausage

Meat products

Fried, boiled pork, beef, rabbit, boiled pork, boiled beef tongue.

Soft drinks

Water, fruit juices, green tea, coffee.

Dry bread.

Milk products

Low-fat sour cream, kefir, skim milk.

Seasonings and additional raw materials

Diet mayonnaise, dried herbs, honey.


Grapes, bananas, melons, pears, watermelons.


Cookies, pastries, cakes, jam, sweets, ice cream.

With a high content of sugar, alcohol.

Allowed food and drinks

The Liepaja diet does not impose overly strict food restrictions. For lunch on all days, except for unloading, you can eat fried, baked, boiled meat. Low-calorie dressings are allowed: diet mayonnaise, sugar-free mustard sauce with a fat content of no more than 2%, etc. You can even eat a chicken or beef chop that is sautéed without oil. The total weight of one serving of food should not exceed 160 g. If losing weight is too difficult to give up sweets, you can use a sweetener instead of sugar. Allowed Products:

  • apples;
  • all fresh vegetables;
  • poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • all kinds of spices;
  • fruit juices;
  • all types of nuts (preference should be given to walnuts).

List of prohibited foods

The daily ration of the Liepaja diet should not exceed 1200 kcal, so sausages, fatty meats, and cheese will have to be excluded from the menu. Nutritionist Khazan recommends completely abandoning salt. Seasoning can be added to improve the taste of cooked dishes. Sweet fruits, sweets, pasta, baked goods are prohibited. The taboo applies to the following products:

  • bananas, melon, grapes, pear;
  • dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • ice cream;
  • jam;
  • sugar, salt;
  • pastries, cakes, cookies;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated and sugary drinks.

Menu for 3 months

It will be easier to stick to your diet if you start keeping a personal weight loss diary. There it is necessary to enter the schedule of dishes for the week with recipes for their preparation. It can also be used to track the dynamics of changes in the indicators of the circumference of the neck, waist, hips, chest. You cannot replace some products with others, because this will lead to re-weight gain. Food allergy is an exception. Then you can find an alternative. Meals should be selected based on the availability of food. When drawing up a weekly menu, you must remember the following rules:

  1. Use only approved products for cooking.
  2. Eat food every 5 hours. The maximum time interval is 5.5 hours.
  3. The serving size of one dish should not exceed 150 g.
  4. The total calorie content of one meal is no more than 400 kcal.
  5. "Author's" deviations from the diet are permissible only in the second and third months. At the first stage for losing weight, you must follow the recommended menu.

Diet in the first month

Liepaja diet is well tolerated at the very beginning. Even fasting days are perceived by losing weight easily. After 1-2 weeks, the first bouts of hunger will appear in the intervals between meals. To suppress them, you can drink hot tea, coffee, clean water. You cannot eat any food to suppress hunger. The diet in the first month of the diet will be as follows:

Day of week


  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • When cooking, you should use at least 3 types of vegetables. Canned peas and lemon juice can be added. Do not season the garnish with olive oil.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Vinaigrette - 90 ml.
  • Slice of bread 60 * 90 * 15 mm.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Hot seafood, fish dish with any sauce and seasonings - 160 ml.
  • Vegetable side dish - at least 90 ml.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Meat salad (mix boiled potatoes with boiled meat, peas, eggs, pickles and season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise). If desired, it can be replaced with a classic Olivier. - 120 ml.
  • 1 glass of tea, coffee, kefir, mineral water or milk.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs You can make scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in a skillet without oil.
  • 1 apple.
  • 3-4 walnuts.
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 2 glasses of milk, which can be replaced with a glass of kefir with a teaspoon of honey.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • A sandwich with cheese and butter (a slice of bread 60 * 90 * 15 mm).
  • 135 g of meat dish.
  • A glass of natural juice.
  • Vegetable vinaigrette - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • Sprats - 3-4 pieces.
  • A piece of bread.
  • A glass of milk or kefir.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Sandwich with butter, a slice of meat or sausage.
  • Assorted vegetables - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • 135 g of fish.
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Meat salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • A piece of bread.
  • A glass of kefir or milk.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.
  • Hot meat dish with sauce and any seasonings - 120 g.
  • Vegetable side dish - at least 90 ml.
  • 1 glass of fresh juice.
  • Vinaigrette - 90 ml.
  • 1 tablespoon of caviar or canned fish.
  • Slice of bread 60 * 90 * 15 mm.
  • A cup of tea or coffee.


Fasting day. During the day, you can use:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • 4 walnuts.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 250 ml of milk.
  • 2 apples.

Diet menu in the second month

The diet remains the same, but you can allow yourself to consume some foods containing sugar. These include raisins, unleavened crackers, and sweet curds. From the second month, you can make scrambled eggs with vegetables and herbs (dill, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers) for breakfast. The size of the portion remains the same - 150 g. On a fasting day, an apple can be replaced with 120 g of berries.

Nutrition in the third month of the diet

The basic ration remains, but one more fasting day is added. For 5 meals, a losing weight can drink 7 glasses of kefir or eat 1 kilogram of apples. Vegetable broths or soups can be added to the existing diet if desired. Their volume should not exceed 350 ml. Soups replace half of the fish or meat lunch. But this requirement is optional. You can continue to stick to the menu for the second month.

Deviations from the standard diet, with the exception of soups and broths, should be minimized. Eating a lot of sweet curds, raisins and various fruits will stop weight loss.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 18 pages)


100% +

Alexey Alekseevich Bogomolov
Liepaja diet

A Revolution in Rapid Weight Loss

While working on the project of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" "Lose Weight with the Stars!" And once, in June two thousand and ten, I received a letter from our reader from Alma-Ata, Dmitry Babiy. It contained a story about how Dmitry manages to lose weight and solve his problems with getting rid of a giant (one hundred and eighty kilograms) weight. There were many letters with stories about various weight loss experiences. They wrote to me about Kim Protasov's diet, Katya Mirimanova's Minus 60 system, Sybarit program, fruit fasting days and celery soups, even about how some citizens continue to rather successfully lose weight on the “Kremlin diet”. But this letter interested me especially. First of all, a sober, thoughtful and thorough approach to the issue of weight loss. It was clear that the person decided on radical weight loss and was determined to go towards the goal. And he set himself a difficult goal - to lose one hundred kilograms in a period of just over a year.

We started a correspondence, and I found out that Dmitry is losing weight according to the so-called "Liepaja diet", about which very little is known. I did not come across any books or brochures with information about her, information on the Internet was fragmentary and scarce. Dmitry, at my request, introduced me to the details of the diet, its rules, and also shared his results. He sent me a table of dishes for the first couple of months, described in some detail the features of the diet. And then I received photographs from him: on one he is huge, weighing one hundred and eighty kilograms, in shorts, an oversized Hawaiian shirt and slippers, on the other two - in front and in profile after two and a half months, in ordinary jeans and a shirt. He weighed then already thirty kilograms less. And then I was taken to heart. Perhaps the sporting and competitive spirit that had been dormant in me for a long time woke up, perhaps I was inspired by an example, or maybe it’s just my time to seriously take care of myself.

A person who wants to lose weight must learn one important thing: he needs to study all the time. You need to perfectly study your own body, constantly analyze mistakes, your own and others', critically approach diets, nutrition systems, dietary supplements and medicines. For example, it helped me a lot that in the process of working on the project "Lose Weight with the Stars!" and the book "Lose Weight with the Stars!" I talked not only with losing weight stars, but also with leading nutritionists. And from everyone he took something for himself. Pyotr Podgorodetsky finally took me away from the thoughts of surgical intervention. Mikhail Shufutinsky taught how to calmly do without alcohol and helped to abandon gourmet habits. Kolya Baskov gave an example of a strong-willed approach to the process of losing weight. And Seryozha Krylov and Sasha Semchev clearly showed how not to relate to their own health and weight. However, I knew about this without them, on the basis of my life experience. In this book, you will meet not only your humble servant, but also many other characters. Each of them somehow influenced me and added their own touches to the picture of the process of getting rid of unnecessary pounds of the late twentieth - early twenty-first centuries.

Of course, even before the project "Lose Weight with the Stars!" I was losing weight. For two whole years. And he lost weight from two hundred and eighteen to one hundred and seventy two and a half kilograms. By March two thousand and ten, however, he gained almost twenty kilograms, but then the weight slowly went down. And by July I weighed a little over one hundred and eighty-five kilograms. I decided to take this weight as the initial one and began to lose weight according to the mysterious "Liepaja diet", gradually expanding my knowledge about it, its history, its creator, rules, practice and other things and concepts that are very important for conscious weight loss.

Having published an article about Dmitry's successes on the KP.RU website, I received more responses than happens when published in a three-million "paper" issue. Even in the rating of publications of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" for the week (and it takes into account all the articles that have been read on the site more than a thousand times), this material was at number eleven, ahead of hundreds of publications from the newspaper. It has been read by tens of thousands of people! My email was besieged by readers hungry for details. And this interest became defining for me. It was then that I decided to try the "Liepaja diet" on myself and tell about my experience of losing weight to everyone who is interested in it. I began to keep a diary, writing down my observations in it and revealing in each plot one or another side of the method of getting rid of excess weight that I used. I think that readers will be interested in reading this book, and, perhaps, someone will decide to try the diet on themselves and lose the hated kilograms.

The rules of the "Liepaja diet" and their implementation

1. Buy yourself a scale. On the Internet, you can find scales that weigh up to 200 kg.

2. You need to weigh yourself every morning at the same time. With or without the same clothes. Control weighing - once a week.

3. Once every two weeks, measure the volumes: neck, chest (along the nipples), abdomen - along the most prominent part, thighs - the same and the left thigh in the widest part.

4. Record the results in a diary or enter into a computer.

5. Meals strictly three times a day. The interval is 5 hours. I ate at 10.30, 15.30, 20.30. You can do it differently, depending on your preference, but the interval is from 5 to 5.5 hours!

6. Intervals between meals should not be exceeded by more than 15 minutes.

7. Sleep 8-9 hours. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

8. No snacks between meals.

9. In addition to the coffee, juice, etc. indicated in the diet (this is about 750 g), you can drink 1.75 liters of water. In summer, in hot weather, you can drink up to 2 liters of water per day. No sodas or juices other than those prescribed by the diet, with or between meals!

10. The menu is strictly according to the table. This is for the first two months. No derogation is allowed. After two months - small changes described in the book.

11. During the diet, especially in winter, you may freeze more than usual. It `s naturally. If your sensations become unpleasant, consult your doctor.

12. Monitor your health: measure your blood pressure and heart rate daily, and your blood sugar level weekly.

13. No alcohol.

14. If you break your diet, do not starve, but simply go to the next day to the usual regimen. After a few days, the rate of weight loss will recover.

15. With the loss of every 7-10 kilograms, a "weight plateau" is possible - the state of the body when the weight "stands". This can take 1–2 weeks. There is nothing terrible or unusual here: just follow the prescribed regimen - as soon as your body adapts to the new weight, the kilograms will begin to decrease.

16. 2 times a week, take a hot (40–45 degrees) bath with Dead Sea salts and pine extract (you can also use ordinary natural sea salt).

17. If you are a retired athlete and want to improve your fitness in parallel with losing weight, practice physical exercise. But Dr. Khazan considers them unnecessary because they slow down the pace of weight loss.

18. You need to lose weight to the weight that you think is ideal for yourself. This is a guarantee that the dropped kilograms will not return, and your body will not feel hunger.

19. After finishing the diet, go to a normal diet, in which the main thing is not to overeat. And start actively playing sports or physical education to restore your physical shape and not let yourself get fat.

Chapter 1
And now back to the future!

July 5, Monday

It is customary for many of us to start a new life on Monday.

And it doesn't matter what you are changing - work, educational institution, lifestyle ... So one Monday I decided to start losing weight in an adult way.

Up to this point, my weight loss was almost amateur. Of course, I lost more than forty kilograms in a year and a half, but it was not easy for me. Why? Now, with the passage of time, I can argue that all failures in the fight against weight occur for two reasons:

1) inaccurate and inconsistent adherence to diet, diet or schedule and level of physical activity;

2) reluctance to change something when stopping weight, as well as a lack of creativity. Having learned from our reader Dmitry Babiy about the diet of Lev Khazan, an endocrinologist from Liepaja, who is the most fashionable and advanced nutritionist in Latvia, I wondered: will I have enough willpower, patience, desire and ability to get rid of fifty more on this diet - sixty kilograms? This became a goal for me, a kind of minimum program. I decided that I would be comfortable in the weight of one hundred twenty - one hundred and thirty kilograms. In any case, in my youth, I played hockey with such a weight. In the team of masters, by the way ...

My first diet day started at 10.30 am with the recommended breakfast - a cheese sandwich and coffee. In fact, according to strict rules, coffee should be drunk without any additives - cream, milk, sugar, even a sweetener. But I made myself some relaxation "for beginners" and added a couple of sugar substitute tablets to the coffee. I also prepared a sandwich according to special "Liepaja" rules. Bread, as it turned out, you can use any: white, black, any varieties, but not sweet and preferably a little blackened. I bought a linseed-based bread with the exotic name "Nordlander" from a nearby supermarket. True, in addition to this seed, it included a dozen more ingredients: rye, barley flour, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and others. The difficulty was in one thing: according to the canons of the diet (and they must be adhered to extremely rigidly) a slice of bread should be six by nine centimeters in size, while "Nordlander" is baked square - seven by seven. Remembering my threefold mathematical childhood, I nevertheless soberly judged that my bread is less than the recommended area, which means it is quite suitable.

Butter was smeared on the bread (wow diet!), However, in a translucent layer, and on top was a piece of cheese equal in size to the bread. But if the bread should be fifteen millimeters thick, then the cheese is only twelve.

With regard to coffee, this paragraph was limited to additives only. Nothing else mattered - not even the quantity. You can drink at least one hundred milliliters, at least three hundred. But every morning the volume should be the same. By the way, for those who do not like coffee, or are harmful for some reason, there is an alternative - tea. Also without any additives - fruit, bergamot, lemon and others. Plain sheet or packaged.

After breakfast, I made myself lunch, which I will tell you about later, put it in a plastic container and went to the editorial office to work on the next issue of the Lose Weight with the Stars! Project.

I returned home only for dinner, which, according to the schedule (and you cannot leave more than fifteen minutes from it), was supposed to take place at 20.30. To be honest, this is a bit late for me, because during my previous experiences with losing weight, I got used to not eating after seven o'clock in the evening. But half past nine so half past nine ...

Before going to bed, I went for a walk along the embankment of the Moskva River (who remembers, in Moscow at that time there was a terrible heat). I walked one thousand four hundred steps and decided that, given my poor physical condition, the first time was quite enough. And he went to bed at exactly two in the morning in order to comply with an important requirement of the Liepaja diet: to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, and sleep from 8 to 9 hours ...

6 July, Tuesday

When I woke up to the ringing of the telephone alarm clock (for convenience, I "hammered" into the phone the time of all three meals), I got on the scales and could not believe my eyes. During the day, my weight has decreased by one thousand three hundred grams! To be sure, I carried out a control weighing (with exactly the same result) and, having entered the data into the computer, went to take water procedures and have breakfast. Breakfast was almost the same as yesterday's. The only difference was that cheese was replaced by meat. For the first week, I chose my favorite beef tongue as "meat". I cooked it without salt (for three hours), and then cooled it down and put the pan in the refrigerator. And I used it every time when it came to "meat dishes". So in the morning I cut off a piece, again twelve millimeters thick and the size of bread. He smeared the bread with butter, put his tongue on it and began to chew thoroughly. It was delicious. The only thing I want to remind you about: the oil is smeared with a very thin, almost transparent layer.

When Dmitry sent me this diet, I, at his request, decided to try to attract Sasha Semchev to her, whose weight at that time did not want to get off the ground. And if it did, it was only upward. But she did not suit him for several reasons. First of all, as I found out after several months of communication with him, Alexander is not an organized person. Doing something at the same time is completely against his life attitudes and principles. I have pondered more than once why such a phenomenon is quite common among people of art, and made a conclusion for myself: they probably subconsciously consider a clear time frame an encroachment on their creative freedom. When I told him about this diet, he, admitting that the thing, of course, tempting, began to look for excuses. “Imagine,” he said, “I have a shoot. I'm in the frame, the camera is working. I get paid for a day of shooting. And all of a sudden I say: “Well, let's all get out of here, turn off the camera, shoot the light, I went to dinner! I'm not the main director, after all ... "

In addition, then Sasha starred in the comedy "The Best Film - 3" and he had to play a very, very big man. Losing weight, he believed, could disrupt his plans. But I reassured him, saying that he would be "too thin" only if he lost a hundred kilograms. And for this, given the nature of Semchev and the rate of weight loss, he will have to sit on a diet for ten years ...

However, the actor still refused, admitting, however, that he liked certain dishes from the "Liepaja diet", and even agreeing to cook dinner in her style, with a video recording and a photo session. Therefore, I decided not to pester Alexander anymore and try the diet myself. But only after finding out all the details.

I learned from my main advisor Dmitry that one of the students of the mysterious "Doctor Khazan" Audrius Yoznenas is working in Alma-Ata. It is he who recruits groups of those who are losing weight, conducts individual and collective consultations, monitors the correct fulfillment of the strict norms of the Liepaja diet. So I drew information from a source close enough to the original ...

In the evening of that day, I went for a walk again and this time walked a hundred steps more - fifteen hundred, deliberately limiting the load. By the way, I advise everyone: during a break in sports or physical education, start working on yourself gradually, with a smooth increase in loads. The same applies to hard physical work. Overvoltage and accompanying acute conditions are called "May syndrome" by doctors. It appears exactly when millions of our citizens fly to their dachas on the "long weekend" of May (some - for the first time after a long winter) and start digging, dragging, moving ... sprains, fractures, or, God forbid, heart attacks and strokes.

7 July, Wednesday

And again, there is something new in the breakfast! No, tea and coffee remain, but instead of sandwiches - two and a half eggs. And eggs can be in any form: steep, "in a bag", soft-boiled, even fried in the form of fried eggs or omelet. I love eggs and with pleasure I made scrambled eggs, omelet and other tasty and healthy, albeit cholesterol-rich, dishes with pleasure. In this case, I chose the most appropriate dietary omelet. It is done - it couldn't be easier. Break three eggs into a bowl, beat with a whisk, and pour the mixture into a small non-stick skillet. No oil! All this is closed with a lid and cooked over low heat for a couple of minutes. The main thing is to make sure that the dish does not burn. Then with a wooden spatula, the resulting lush "pancake" is laid out on a plate, and one-sixth of it is cut off. This part is superfluous, but the rest is the basis of breakfast. For taste, I poured a little soy sauce on the omelet and ate it with pleasure. My pleasure was fueled by another fact: the morning weighing showed that my weight decreased again, and significantly. Minus one and a half kilograms! Of course, as an experienced person in various dietary experiments, I was not very deluded: often at the beginning of any diet, the body rapidly loses water, some unnecessary substances, but such rapid weight loss usually lasts several days. And only then begins a protracted, exhausting struggle with kilograms, hundreds, or even tens of grams. But almost three kilograms in two days is something new for me! Especially since I had, in general, gradually lost weight before, simply by observing the norms of a balanced diet. And this process was practically not interrupted for me ...

Having decided to learn more about the diet and its author (the results inspired me), I found my friend Igor, who played in the hockey team "Metallurgs" (Liepaja). He told me that in this small town many had heard about Dr. Khazan. Yes, and he began his medical activity, and now he continues there. An endocrinologist in his main medical specialty, he developed this diet back in the eighties of the last century. He practiced actively, having many clients and students, and then began to work in Riga, where his wards were representatives of the local elite. He received them in a salon called the "Embassy of Beauty" and was, as they say, unusually strict with patients. If they broke their prescribed rules, he would yell at them, stamp his feet, and even use profanity. Lev Yakovlevich Khazan treated his clients so harshly that, according to Igor, on the eve of the control visit to the doctor, they drank a diuretic in order to weigh a little less and fit into the norm they had set. They knew that there would be no mercy: the weight is higher - it means that he violated. The most terrible punishment was when the doctor returned part of the money taken for the treatment and said: "I don't work with you anymore."

An evening visit to the embankment took two hundred extra steps for me. In total, I walked one thousand seven hundred steps. Not much, of course, in comparison with the physiological norm for losing weight, which the most stellar nutritionist of Russia Margarita Koroleva told me about (ten thousand steps a day), but still more than the day before.

July 8, Thursday

The breakfast of a sandwich with meat, already familiar to our readers, requires one clarification - with regard to meat. Meat is any independently prepared meat product. However, the "good doctor" turns a blind eye to some finished products: boiled pork (without fat), carbonate, ham.

But the best are simply pieces of natural boiled meat - beef, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit. And, of course, the language I mentioned!

And the rate of weight loss, meanwhile, is again more than impressive - one thousand three hundred grams per day. And this is with a normal work schedule and moderate physical activity!

Information about Dr. Khazan slowly continued to arrive. One lady wrote me a rather angry e-mail telling me how she was a client of this nutritionist more than twenty years ago, in 1990. She didn’t like the fact that the diet was “hungry”, that under the “care” of Khazan she was constantly freezing. In those days, she claims, the cost of treatment depended on the pounds lost. Each kilogram lost was in fact estimated at three rubles. Let me remind you that these were not quite full-weight, but still quite strong Soviet rubles. Ten kilograms - thirty rubles, fifty kilograms - one hundred and fifty rubles, practically the average monthly wage of a Soviet citizen. For comparison: to my late friend Roman Trakhtenberg, losing weight at the Margarita Koroleva Center for Aesthetic Medicine cost three hundred and twelve dollars per kilogram. "Liepaja diet" in modern times, as I was told, cost much cheaper: fifteen to twenty dollars per kilogram dropped. But the money, however, has already been taken forward. How can you not recall Trachtenberg's brilliant phrase: "Nothing strengthens faith in people like a full prepayment!"

Closer to lunchtime, guests arrived at my home: Sasha Semchev with his son Fedor and our photographer - videographer Oleg Rukavitsyn. Leaving five-year-old Fedya on the couch in the lobby to watch cartoons and play with the plastic tanks and guns we brought with us, we went to the kitchen, where (given the actor's limited time) I decided to make an imitation of cooking dinner. "Why imitation," Sasha wondered, "let's cook and eat!" And carnivore looked at the packages with food, pots and other items of kitchen life laid out on the table.

Supplying his actions with comments, he weighed the required amount of vegetables on an electronic kitchen scale: thirty grams each of cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. I added the same number of okra sprouts, and then loaded the whole economy into a double boiler, setting a timer for twenty minutes. Then he peeled the grapefruit, divided it into wedges and used a juicer to prepare a glass of juice. Then came the turn of the language I had prepared in advance. Sasha, talking about how this offal was his favorite dish since childhood, cut off a piece and threw it on the scales. It turned out to be a lot - more than two hundred grams. Regretfully, he reduced the portion and put it in the microwave to heat it. By this time, vegetables arrived. He took them out of the steamer, laid them out beautifully on a plate, added tongue to them, sprinkled everything with lemon juice and took up Chinese sticks, which I taught him a couple of months ago. The actor demonstrated his skill with an oriental device, but did not eat a piece and bowed. "I can't deprive you of lunch," he said, "but my son and I have already eaten ..."

In the evening I almost reached the two thousand mark, but stopped in time, thinking that one thousand nine hundred steps is also good! Moreover, a bath was still waiting for me that day. And not simple, but specialized, helping to improve skin tightening. I will tell you about this bath and its features one of the next days.

And again, the scales make me happy! Exactly a kilogram was dropped by my body, and without super-efforts.

Dr. Khazan's Liepaja diet became a revelation for the Russian public in 2010. We are used to looking for miracle diets that would solve our problems: eat a lot, move a little, look good and be healthy. Liepaja diet worked all these miracles.

You cannot starve during a diet, you need to eat 3 times a day. You can't go in for sports, you need to lose weight in an established mode. With a lot of weight loss, the skin does not sag. And the improvements in the body's work are visible and tangible.

In 2011, the publishing houses LLC "AST", LLC "Astrel" and "VKT Vladimir" published a book by Alexei Bogomolov "Liepaja diet" in a small circulation of 5,000 copies. The book is written in an unusual style: not the advice of a nutritionist or doctor, but a person who wants to bring himself back to normal, having 218 kg of weight.

Having received such amazing results, Bogomolov tracked down the author of the diet. It turned out to be the Latvian nutritionist Lev Khazan. Lev Khazan discovered the secrets of nutrition leading to rapid weight loss in a short time more than 30 years ago. Since then, this diet has worked flawlessly, bringing dividends to the creator, and the right to a healthy life for people who are losing weight.

The basis of the diet is generally available. And although it does not support the foundations of a balanced diet, it is designed so that a person does not change his habits very much. Eat right 5-6 times a day, but the diet requires 3 meals a day. There are no dietary products in it. There are no strict restrictions on eating only proteins or vegetables, or avoiding fats. All of these foods are present in the diet. But in strictly defined quantities.

There are a number of strict rules for the diet, which are shown immediately in the book on pages 7-10:

  • Buy a scale and weigh yourself every day at the same time in the morning;
  • Measure and record in a diary the results of body volumes 1 time in 2 weeks - neck, chest, waist, hips, leg;
  • There are three times a day with an interval of 5 hours strictly at the same time with a deviation from the set time of no more than 15 minutes;
  • The duration of sleep is 8-9 hours, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • In addition to the permitted 750 g of drink indicated in the table, 1.75–2 liters of water only can be consumed;
  • 2 months to eat strictly according to the menu in the table without changes;
  • Alcohol is prohibited;
  • Take a hot bath at 45 ° C with salt and pine extract regularly 2 times a week;
  • It is necessary to monitor blood pressure, pulse and blood sugar daily;
  • If you have violated the diet, then you can not starve. You just need to continue the diet, according to the menu of the current day;
  • Exercise is necessary if you did it regularly before the diet. If you didn’t do it, then you don’t need to start.

Having lost 7-10 kg, the body can stop losing weight within 1-2 weeks, this condition is called "weight plateau". We must continue to follow the regime prescribed by the diet and the weight will start to go away again.

You need to lose weight to the weight that you considered ideal for yourself. After the desired results in weight loss are obtained, it is necessary to switch to a regular diet and actively engage in physical education.

Grocery list

The diet is designed for people without age, weight and social status restrictions. Therefore, the products that are used in the diet are indicated in a general sense. For example, fish can be taken cheap - mackerel, or expensive - trout. Also with cheese, meat and vegetables.

In fact, the diet that Lev Khazan successfully uses is protein. The food list for 2 months is small:

  • Tea, coffee with milk, kefir, mineral water, beer 0%;
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice ();
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • (pickles, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions);
  • Meat salad (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini);
  • Meat;
  • A fish;
  • Fish caviar;
  • Eggs;
  • Any sauce for meat or fish;
  • Any vegetables as a side dish;
  • Lemon juice as a dressing for a vegetable side dish;
  • Vegetable caviar;
  • Sour cream;
  • Canned fish;
  • Bread.

On Sunday, unloading curd day:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Milk;
  • Apples;
  • Walnuts.

The Liepaja diet uses conventional, non-dietary, widespread food products. But with strict adherence to all the rules, there is a rapid weight loss in 3-4 months for significant weights of 30-100 kg. And this is when sports are prohibited.

Menu for every day

The menu for every day is spelled out in the nutrition table of the Liepaja diet. The table is divided into 7 columns corresponding to the days of the week, and 3 lines describing the breakfast, lunch and dinner menus.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday repeat all menu items. Only breakfast on Wednesday is different from breakfast on Monday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, the same ration is repeated. Sunday is a fasting day for dairy products.

Dr. Lev Khazan first put the diet into practice in 1986. The doctor tried not only to achieve persistent weight loss. For a diet to work massively, it must be comfortable, cheap, and fast-acting. The results of the diet are so impressive that after a year those wishing to lose weight were already going to his house with their problem.

The diet developed by the doctor is designed to lose weight in a short time. For 3-4 months a person loses 40-45 kg, excess weight. The maximum weight loss results per year are 123 kg for men and 113 kg for women.

The advice Lev Khazan gives to those who are losing weight on nutrition are not surprising. Do not consume sugar, ethyl alcohol, excess food. The main thing is not to change weight, but to change habits. The reason for the mass obesity of people is that food is the cheapest of the pleasures. A few decades ago, food was mined, ready-made food was not on sale. We are now reaping the results of fast food. Lev Khazan became the first private doctor in Latvia and over the years of work has gained fame in the territory of the former Soviet Union, in Europe. This confirms the outstanding results shown by the diet.

Lev Khazan revealed the secret of the first part of the diet, designed for 2 months. In the next 3-4 months of the diet, there are changes in the menu, which only the doctor knows. Therefore, those wishing to lose weight under the guidance of an experienced doctor should contact him directly. Email: [email protected] Skype: hazanlev. Telephone (calls from the Russian Federation) 8-10-371-634-819-87.


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