Home Perennial flowers Benefits of vegetable broth. Vegetable broth. How to make vegetable broth

Benefits of vegetable broth. Vegetable broth. How to make vegetable broth

Cooking a vegetable broth is a completely simple matter. First, we put a full kettle of water to boil, and over medium heat we put a saucepan to warm up. Now we are preparing the ingredients. We clean carrots and onions, wash together with other vegetables and herbs. Cut the onions, carrots and celery into large pieces. Tie the dill and parsley in a bunch. Vegetable broth is almost ready! Just kidding, another 10 minutes 😉 Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and increase the heat a little more. It's time to reveal the secret of quick cooking of vegetable broth: in order for vegetables to quickly reveal their taste and aroma and then give it to boiling water in 10 minutes, you must first fry (sauté) them for a short time, stirring constantly. What we are going to do. Throw the carrots, onions, celery, bay leaf and black pepper into the heated oil, salt to taste and sauté, stirring occasionally, until the water in the kettle boils. Smelling an amazing scent? This is how your vegetable broth will smell!
When the purified water boils, we throw a bunch of greens into the pan and fill the fried vegetables with boiling water. Increase the heat and bring to a boil, after which we reduce the temperature to a minimum, cover with a lid, leaving a small gap and cook. We control the boiling process, it should not stop. If there is no time at all, 10 minutes will be enough for the broth to become aromatic and rich in flavors, but if time permits, you can leave it for 30 minutes.
After the right time, turn off the heat and take out all the vegetables and herbs from the broth - we no longer need them. You do not need to filter the vegetable broth through a sieve with gauze, it is already transparent and beautiful, it remains only to add salt to taste. It can now be used to make other dishes and soups. And how to make soup, you can read in the heading ... Soup-puree in vegetable broth is also very tasty, for example, or .

How to cook vegetable broth in 15 minutes? The recipe is short

  1. We put a full kettle of water to boil, set a saucepan to warm over medium heat.
  2. We prepare the ingredients: peel the carrots and onions, wash them along with other vegetables and herbs, cut the onions, carrots and celery into large pieces, tie the dill and parsley into a bunch.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, increase the heat slightly and throw in all the ingredients except the herbs.
  4. Fry vegetables, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.
  5. Put a bunch of parsley with dill to the vegetables, fill the vegetables with boiled water, cover with a lid.
  6. When the water boils again, reduce the heat to low, raise the lid and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. We take out all the vegetables and herbs from the broth. Now you know how to cook vegetable broth.

That's all! Easy, fast and tasty, right? Be sure to try cooking, leave comments and subscribe to the recipe mailing list in the right sidebar if you don't want to miss anything! Cook with love and remember that you are more talented than you can imagine, and of course ... Enjoy your meal!

The liquid obtained by blanching or boiling vegetables is called vegetable broth or broth. Often housewives, not understanding its benefits, do not pay attention to this broth. And it is completely in vain, because just like decoctions of medicinal herbs, this product can offer a lot of useful substances to the body. But in this case, we are not talking about the usual cooking of vegetables, but about the preparation of a healing mixture that enriches the body with valuable microelements.

Purpose and benefits of vegetable broth

As in fruit vegetable broth, in vegetable broth there are no carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The only constituents of this liquid are vitamins, minerals and organic acids.

Vegetable broth does not have a high caloric nutritional value, which means that, even with large doses, it cannot affect weight gain. But drinking it for a while still gives a feeling of satiety (the stomach fills until all the trace elements are split).

Vegetable broth or broth is often a natural, extremely healthy complementary food for babies. Also, its use helps to speed up the treatment of pancreatitis.

Universal rules for cooking vegetable broth

There are a number of rules that must be followed during the preparation of a vegetable broth:

  1. Selection of only high quality vegetables. The best solution would be to purchase the brewing ingredients not from the supermarket, but from the market. Or, if possible, you should bring them from your own garden. Perhaps, the dangers of nitrates from products grown in large quantities for sale need not be reminded.
  2. Soaking vegetables. If the confidence in the safety of the product is not high, the chemicals can be removed by soaking the raw material for 15–20 minutes in room temperature water.
  3. Slow cooking. Before preparing the vitamin cut, it should be poured to the top with water and only in this state should the pan be placed on the fire. Throwing food into boiling water will not work. Cooking should be done in moderation, over low heat, and the valuable trace elements should be given enough time to free themselves.
  4. Natural, healthy ingredients. In no case should the broth be enriched with store-bought, packaged seasonings. To improve the taste, bay leaves, black or red pepper, basil, and cloves are thrown into the liquid. Regarding salt, it is better to give preference to sea salt, and even then not in large quantities. In decoctions for children, this ingredient is generally prohibited.
  5. Timely use of the broth. The shelf life of the drink, provided it is stored in the refrigerator, is three days. If during this time vegetable decoctions for soups have not been consumed, it is better to prepare a new tea leaves. The broth frozen in the form of ice cubes will lose some of its beneficial trace elements, although in this form it can be stored for up to 4 months.

Another, not mandatory, but rather pleasant rule is that boiled vegetables can be supplemented with your favorite spices and play the role of a dietary dish. While many of them have been stripped of their most beneficial ingredients, they still leave behind intestinal cleansing fiber and a pleasant, natural taste.

Vegetable broths - complementary foods for babies

Mothers of infants over the age of 3 months often think about introducing foods with the necessary amount of micronutrients missing in breast milk into their children's diet.

Vegetable decoctions for babies will help to saturate a small body. This product will be especially appropriate for children who use artificial formulas instead of mother's milk.

The main task in the preparation of a vitamin drink is the correct selection of ingredients. Vegetables should be as harmless as possible, white cabbage and all types of legumes (cause bloating), beets (their juice will heavily load the baby's liver) and tomatoes (contain acids that are difficult to breakdown in the infant pancreas that are not strong enough to break down) should be immediately excluded from the list.

To prepare a vegetable broth for babies, you can use the following safe ingredients:

  • 50 g zucchini;
  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1 small sprig of dill;
  • water.


  1. All vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water. The carrots are cleaned first, then they are cut into thin pieces, thrown into an enamel saucepan. The root crop is poured with 500 ml of pre-filtered or boiled water and sent to a slow fire.
  2. While the carrots are cooking, you should start cleaning the zucchini. The zucchini is peeled from the skin and seeds, cut into small squares. Broccoli is cut in the same way.
  3. When 10 minutes have passed. from the beginning of boiling the carrots, you can throw zucchini, broccoli and a sprig of dill into the pan (a whole sprig is thrown, so it is easier to get it later).
  4. After another 10 minutes. slowly boiling the broth can be drained and set aside to cool.

The baby should be introduced to vegetable broths very slowly. During the first month it will be 1 tsp. three times a day, before feeding, then the volume can be increased, gradually bringing to 2 tsp. Also, this broth will be very useful for mothers themselves, it will help to increase the quality of their breast milk.

A simple vegetable broth for pancreatitis

The term "pancreatitis" summarizes a group of syndromes and diseases caused by inflammation of the pancreas. Due to the malfunctioning of this organ, digestive enzymes do not pass into the duodenum, but act directly in the area of ​​the pancreas. During such a process, not only the diseased organ itself suffers, but the entire body as a whole, since a large amount of toxins caused by the inflammatory process are released into the blood.

One of the auxiliary means in this case will be a vegetable broth recipe, which contains components that cleanse the blood and the digestive tract. Due to the light structure of the broth, it will not overload the pancreas, forcing it to secrete a large amount of digestive juices.

To embody this healing drink, you should prepare:

  • 1 small carrot;
  • 100 g turnips;
  • a small piece of leek;
  • a third of onions;
  • 1 small parsley root;
  • 1 celery root;
  • water.


  1. Pre-washed and peeled vegetables are cut into small pieces.
  2. The first to go to the pot are carrots, parsley root and turnips. The container is poured with 1 liter of water and moved to low heat.
  3. When the broth begins to boil, you should wait another 10 minutes. and throw all the other ingredients into it. Cook for another 10 minutes. If you wish, you can add a little natural spices.
  4. After cooling, the broth is filtered and becomes ready for use.

Vegetable broth is universal; we use it to prepare soups and main courses (for example, risotto, meat snacks). If you have time, prepare a fragrant and rich fresh broth for every meal. If there is no time, I recommend freezing it by boiling a large portion of it fresh. Or cook it - you can even cook it for the winter.

Ingredients for a vegetable broth recipe

  • 2 small carrots (about 150 g)
  • 1 celery root (about 250 g)
  • 4 parsley roots (200 g)
  • 1 leek (250 g)
  • 4 onions
  • 250 g of forest mushrooms (fresh, frozen or dry, but then no more than 40 g)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8 black peppercorns
  • 4 allspice peas
  • 4 dried juniper berries
  • 4 liters of cold purified water

How to make vegetable broth

1 Peel and wash the carrots, celery and parsley roots. Chop the carrots into large pieces and the celery into large cubes. Cut the leeks in half and wash as well.

2 Cut the onions in half without peeling them.

3 Prepare the mushrooms: defrost, peel, rinse, chop.

4 Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove the tails and whites, and chop coarsely.

5 Heat oil in a large saucepan. Simmer all ingredients over low heat for 8-10 minutes until they lose some color.

6 Pour over 4 liters of water and bring to a boil.

7 Skim off the foam with a slotted spoon until it appears.

8 Rinse thyme and rosemary and pat dry with a towel. Add to vegetables along with bay leaves, allspice and black pepper and juniper berries. You can - in the form.

9 Boil the broth for 1 hour over medium heat with the lid open. If you cook for less time (30 minutes), the broth will turn out to be less concentrated, softer in taste.

10 Pour the broth through a fine sieve into another saucepan. Throw out the vegetables.

How to clarify vegetable broth?
This is an important point! The vegetable broth may turn out to be dark brown and opaque, and you may want to make it clear and lighter in color. To do this, wrap a sieve through which you are filtering the broth with a thick damp towel.

There is another way to clarify broth. To do this, peel the onion from the husk, but then the broth will lose not only brown, but also a beautiful golden hue.

11 The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If you fill plastic bags with it, it will take much longer. To do this, pour the cooked vegetable broth into bags using a funnel, close tightly and place in the freezer.

How much to cook vegetable broth?

1-1.5 hours over medium-low heat.

Secrets of a rich vegetable broth

12 If you want to freeze vegetable stock for several months, use 300-400 ml jars with screw lids. Rinse them with boiling water and let dry. Then fill dry jars with hot broth, close tightly and turn over for 5 minutes, placing on the lid. Keep in mind that the cans must be sterile and that hands must avoid contact with the inside of the can and lid.

13 Any mixture of vegetables is appropriate for the preparation of vegetable broth, the recipes of which are more than a dozen vegetable combinations. The most common are carrots, onions, parsley root and, of course, bay leaves. You just need to remember that there should not be a predominance of one vegetable. If you, for example, use too much cabbage to the detriment of other ingredients, then you run the risk of getting not vegetable, but cabbage broth, the taste of which is noticeably different from the taste of broth from a mixture of cabbage, carrots and celery.

Note ... You may want to avoid beets (they give the broth an intense red color), tomatoes (a bright, pungent flavor), coriander, etc.

14 Please note that there is no salt in this recipe. If desired, the broth can be salted, in our case, about 1 tsp. sea ​​salt (to taste), at the very end, after the broth has already been poured into another pan. But it is better to salt afterwards, during the preparation of the main course.

The benefits of vegetable broth

Few foods have the health benefits of carefully prepared vegetables. The vegetable broth, the recipe for which you now know, does not contain additives and has a pure, intense taste. It turns out to be thick, aromatic and perfectly absorbed by the body.

When vegetables are heat-treated in water, all soluble protein compounds, mineral salts, vitamins are transferred into the water.

A serving of 1 cup of vegetable stock contains 15 calories. Such a low calorie content allows you to use soups cooked in vegetable broth for weight loss.

A typical serving of vegetable broth provides approximately 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of protein per day. It contains 9% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 2% of calcium and other nutrients.

IMPORTANT! For those who suffer from an acute form of pancreatitis and gastritis, a rich, highly concentrated vegetable broth is contraindicated.

P. S. There are several more basic recipes related to the ability to cook broths. Here are just a couple of master classes with step-by-step photos:

Recipes for children from 6 months old need to be prepared so that they are as light as possible, but at the same time are not prejudiced in nutritional value. After all, the baby's body is just beginning to get acquainted with such a concept as food, and all the time he lived earlier it was so far away and unfamiliar to him. For the first 6 months, the baby mostly eats only milk, but some mothers may decide to give the baby an extra drink. If a child lives his first half of the year in a country with a hot climate or just in the season of the merciless sun, this is quite advisable. After all, milk is perceived by the child's body as food, and water can quench its thirst.

More fortified drinks include vegetable broth ... Tumble vegetables over low heat in high-quality clean water, we will transfer all the beneficial compounds and minerals from vegetables into it. And having picked up a certain composition of vegetables, we can also make it prophylactic.

For me, the undisputed leader is fennel, if it would grow in our gardens ... Unfortunately, finding a fresh tuber is quite difficult and even for us adults, I was lucky enough to do it only a couple of times. French vegetable fennel is used for food, which has petioles at the base, similar (and a direct relative) to celery. Seeds can be a substitute for it; they are sold in any supermarket. If you look in the spice section, you will certainly find it there. Fennel has a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. In baby food, it can help fight colic, which is especially important for the first year of life, when the microflora is forming in the child. It can also be useful for young mothers as a sedative and lactation enhancer. You can pay attention to the fact that granulated fennel teas are sold on the shelves of modern pharmacies, for the preparation of which you just need to pour a spoonful of granules with warm water.

Further in the table of honors, we can put all the other vegetables: carrots, leeks, zucchini, celery and other roots. All these vegetables will be tasty and healthy for the child. I would not use cabbage, as it can increase flatulence, but some sources of children's nutrition books include it in a vegetable decoction recipe.

Do not be intimidated by leeks, they are not bitter at all and will not frighten the baby, on the contrary, they will add a decoction of pleasant sweetness, vitamin C and minerals. Zucchini and celery are truly dietary foods, and carrots are known for their ability to make our bodies produce vitamin A.

We talked about the benefits, now let's see how to prepare a vegetable broth and place it in the children's menu for the little ones.

Ingredients :

  • 50 grams of vegetables;
  • 100 grams of water.


  1. If it’s summer, you’re very lucky. Pick the most seasonal vegetables from trusted people or your own vegetable garden. Wash them thoroughly and cut into small pieces. For celery, take the greenest middle part of the stem, and if using the root, peel and dice the flesh. Peel the carrots and zucchini and cut into cubes. If this is the first time you are brewing a decoction, you should start with one vegetable and follow the child's reaction to it. If everything went well, do so with another vegetable, then you can already combine several at once. Pour the prepared vegetables with soft water for children, place on the stove and cook over low heat until cooked. I used to bring the water to a boil, skim the froth, cover, and reduce the heat to as low as possible. Tumbled for about 10-20 minutes and you're done. Strain the broth through sterile gauze, bring to a boil again and transfer to a sterile bottle.

Also, such a decoction is administered to babies who are bottle-fed or breast-fed "by the hour".

When introducing any new product to the children's menu, consult your pediatrician. Looking at the baby, he will always answer whether you should drink him or give him any product for trial up to 6 months of age. And of course, read the literature and listen to your maternal intuition, because who else, if not you, is responsible for your little miracle.

Regardless of whether you are a vegetarian, decide to fast or just want a light soup, you will need information on how to cook vegetable broth. In the article I will share a simple recipe, products for which many housewives can find in stock. The resulting fat is suitable for the preparation of any dish.

Hello, dear hostesses, but each of us is such. With you Victoria Soldatova on the blog. Not so long ago I told you which I had to resort to. After that, many in private messages asked how my diet changed after this experience. The answer is: I completely gave up pork, beef, chicken, but left fish, eggs and some dairy products. I feel good, I see the changes have been beneficial.

I confess earlier, reading the recipes where the vegetable broth was included, it seemed to me that this fad could be easily replaced with water or by adding the notorious “cubes”. Having tasted the brew, I was usually unhappy with the result and doubted the competence of the source. Today I am perplexed, how could I not feel the taste and aroma that natural vegetables give? Probably in my case, the body needed to rebuild, but I was fed meat from childhood!

How to cook vegetable broth - a simple recipe

In fact, everything is very simple! The manifestation of imagination is not prohibited. It is worth remembering the basic ingredients, which are: carrots, celery and onions, and then add what is available, depending on what we want to achieve. But today I will tell you how to make a universal broth, it can become the basis for many dishes.

The roots give a deeper taste sensation. Unfortunately, they are not always available in local supermarkets, this time I only had one of them. I will write how it should be ideally:

  • Parsley root 150 gr;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • carrots 150 gr;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • celery stalks 150 gr;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • salt 2 tsp;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • peppercorns 1 tsp

Additional Information

  1. Boiled vegetables can be thrown away, eaten as a side dish, or mashed. If you have additional ideas, please write in the comments.
  2. It is convenient to collect leftovers in the freezer. When preparing a salad, there are always the top cabbage leaves, green stalks, carrot peels, layers of onions. Rinse everything under waste water, fold it dry in a zip lock for freezing, and when there is enough, cook. Then strain, discard the "waste."
  3. I often freeze ready-made broth in plastic containers. If you have prepared 5-7 measuring cups, and used 4, the rest is sent to the freezer. So I have a ready-made broth at hand.
  4. It is believed that all non-starchy vegetables can be put in the pan. Try to ensure that none of them have a strong dominance over the others. When adding each, it is worth considering certain facts:
  • Carrots - add sweetness;
  • tomato - will balance with sourness;
  • Bulgarian pepper - a strong aroma (sometimes overpowering the smell of a dish);
  • white cabbage - slightly muddies the color, adds flavor;
  • onion peel - golden color (I leave it as in the photo above);
  • aromatic herbs thyme, rosemary - put 2 sprigs together with a bay leaf - will give a fragrance.


I hope, dear readers, my recipe will help improve the taste of your dishes. If you follow a healthy and tasty diet, trying to instill it in children, subscribe to the blog newsletter. And don't forget to save the article on social media. networks using the buttons below. See you soon on air.

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