Home Perennial flowers Similar Japanese names. Japanese female names. The meaning of Japanese names in women

Similar Japanese names. Japanese female names. The meaning of Japanese names in women

Japanese female names

Even in antiquity, the meanings of Japanese female names were determined. All female Japanese names, in most cases, are easy to read from kunu, and they also sound clear in pronunciation and have a clear meaning. Girls of noble blood in their name acquired the component "hime", in other words "princess".

But there were a huge number of aristocratic girls, but there were very few real princesses. Therefore, the word "hime" became a little larger and also meant the presence of blue blood. It also happened that the owners of blue blood became a nun, so the particle "in" was automatically added to her name. This also applied to the male half of humanity.
But the "gozen" component was added to those women who were the wives of the samurai. But in everyday life, a name with such a component was practically not used. Most often, the samurai's wife was called by his rank or surname.
Most Japanese female names end in mi for beauty or ko for child. For example, Minami, Yoshiko, Yuko, Yoko, Fujiko. But today, modern Japanese women do not like the soft and feminine words that are present in the name. And this is not surprising at all, because technical progress requires toughness from women, which is not present in soft, feminine and playful names. That is why women, especially if they are a business woman, remove these particles in order to make their name more concise. Thus, they create for themselves the image of modernity.

The meaning of Japanese female names.

Azumi - protecting from danger;
Azemi - Tatar flower, thorny thorn;
Ay - love;
Ayano - silk fabric colors;
Akemi is a radiant, sparkling beauty;
Aki - extraordinary, shiny, screaming;
Akiko is a wise, reasonable girl;
Akira - clear and bright sunrise;
Akane (Old Japanese) - shining, scarlet;
Ameterezu - shining in the sky;
Ameya - evening rain;
Aoi - the color of the clear sky;
Arizu - highly moral, generous, noble;
Asuka - pleasant smell, fragrance;
Asemi - beauty taking place in the morning;
Atsuko - hard-working, heated, hot;
Aya is a colorful, bright, expressive color of silk material;
Ayaka - pleasantly smelling summer, characteristic flower;
Ayako is a theoretical kid;
Ayam - the shell of the rainbow;
Banquo is a well-read and educated child;
Junko is a pure, chaste, innocent baby;
June is submissive;
Zhina - shiny gray;
Izumi is a fountain;
Izenemi is a calling, alluring woman;
Yoko is an unyielding, tenacious, sea woman;
Yoshi is a nice-smelling twig, a wonderful estuary;
Ioshiko - fragrant, fragrant, moral, interesting;
Yoshshi is pretty;
Kam - to live for a long time;
Kayao is a growing generation, charming;
Keiko is a happy, contented child, polite;
Kay is a polite girl;
Kyoko is a neat and tidy kid;
Kiku - chrysanthemum;
Kimi is a collection of long names that start with "Kimi ...";
Kimiko is a historically beautiful baby, precious, beloved, lovely baby;
Keene is a golden girl;
Kyoko is the baby of the Motherland;
Kotone - the sound from the multi-stringed plucked instrument of the harp;
Koheku - lemon, honey, orange;
Kumiko is a long-lived baby;
Kaed - maple;
Kazu - prosperous, happy, joyful, branch, euphonic;
Kazuko is a child filled with harmony;
Kazumi is a harmonious beauty;
Kameio is a long-liver;
Cameko - turtle - a long-living woman;
Keori - pleasant smell;
Keoru - smelling good;
Katsumi is a stunning beauty;
Marie is a beloved girl;
Megumi - worthy, blessed;
Miwa is harmonious, beautiful;
Midori - green;
Mizuki is a beautiful moon;
Mizeki is a beautiful flower;
Miyoko is a third generation child, a beautiful baby;
Mika - fragrant, beautiful;
Miki - three beautiful trees standing next to each other;
Miko is a happy child;
Minori is a lovely village and harbor;
Mineko is a treasure;
Mitsuko is a plump child who was born into a blessed family;
Miho is a beautiful bay;
Michi - path, path;
Michiko - walking on the right path, a thousand times more beautiful than the rest of the children;
Miyuki - happy, beautiful;
Miyako - March child will be very beautiful;
Mommo is a peach;
Momo - many rivers and blessings;
Momoko is a baby peach;
Moriko is a child of the forest;
Madoka - a serene, serene, motionless maiden;
Mazumi - crowned with beauty, true innocence, virginity;
Mazako is a controlled and obedient child;
Mazami is a graceful, beautiful woman;
Mei - dancing;
Meiko is a dancing child;
Meiumi - truly beautiful, submissive;
Mackie is a genuine, genuine account;
Maina - correct, faithful, undoubted;
Manami is beautiful love;
Mariko is the correct child;
Mesa is an abbreviation for long names that begin with "Mesa ...";
Nana is the seventh;
Naoki - sincere, loyal, straightforward;
Naomi is beautiful;
Nobuko is a loyal kid;
Nori is a short name for a long name.
Noriko is the child of a postulate, a doctrine;
Neo - sincere, faithful, worthy;
Neoko is straightforward, fair;
Natsuko is a child of summer;
Netsumi - the beauty of summer;
Ran - water lily;
Reiko is kind, respectful, beautiful;
Rei is a well-mannered girl;
Ren - egg-capsule;
Rika - fragrant, peculiar smell;
Rico is the baby of jasmine;
Ryoko is a kind, pretty, good-looking kid;
Sake - peninsula, ledge;
Setsuko is a modest, simple, unpretentious woman;
Sora is heavenly;
Suzu - sonorous;
Suzumu - developing, moving forward;
Suzum - a sparrow;
Sumiko - innocent, virgin, bright, understandable, obvious;
Sayeri is a small yellow water lily;
Sequera - cherry sunrise;
Sekiko is an early, blooming baby;
Sengo - the skeleton of marine animals;
Sachiko - pleasing others;
Teruko is a bright child;
Tomiko - preserved beauty;
Tomoko is benevolent, affable, wise;
Toshi - emergency;
Toshiko is a valuable and long-awaited child;
Tsukiko is the child of the moon;
Tekeko - highly moral, aristocratic, noble;
Tekara - jewel, treasure;
Temiko - abundant, generous;
Uzeji is a rabbit;
Umeko is a blooming plum;
Ume-elv - plum flowers;
Fuji is a treelike climbing subtropical plant;
Fumiko - preserved beauty;
Hideko is gorgeous, gorgeous;
Hizeko - living for a long time;
Hikari - radiant, brilliant;
Hikaru - outstanding, extraordinary, bright;
Hiro is often found;
Hiroko - abundant, generous, rich;
Hiromi - beautiful in appearance;
Hitomi - this is the name given to those girls who have beautiful eyes;
Hoteru - lightning error, firefly;
Hoshi is a heavenly star;
Hena is a favorite;
Haneko is a quitter;
Haruka is far away;
Haruki is a spring tree;
Haruko is a spring child;
Harumi is a beautiful spring time;
Chi - complex, intricate, blessed;
Chiyo - many generations;
Chiyoko is a child of many generations;
Chika - folk wisdom;
Chiko - blessed, intricate;
Chikeko is the wisdom kid;
Chinetsu - one 1000 years old;
Chiheru - 1000 springs in a row;
Chiesa is a morning child;
Cho is a butterfly;
Shaiori is a mark accompanying;
Shig - this is the short name for women whose name begins with "Shij ...";
Shidzheko - numerous, rich, generous;
Shizuka - modest, quiet, quiet, calm, unhurried;
Shizuko - pacify the baby;
Shika is an affectionate fawn;
Shinju is a pearl;
Eiko is gorgeous, chic, durable;
Eika is a song about love;
Eiko is a child born in love;
Amy is a wonderful youth;
Ayumi - promenade, moving;
Amy - joyful facial expressions;
Emiko is a child who smiles;
Eri is pleased;
Etsuko - joy;
Yuka is a fragrant, friendly child;
Yuki - snowy happiness;
Yukiko is a joyful, contented, snowy child;
Yuko - fit, beneficial; excellent;
Yumi - friendly, helpful;
Yumiko is beautiful, fit, needed;
Yuri is a yellow water lily;
Yuriko is a child of the egg-capsule, a priceless toddler;
Yayoi - spring;
Yasu - pacified, calm, restrained, quiet, humble;
Yasuko - sincere, fair, dignified;

Japanese female names are divided into several types at once, it all depends on what kind of component name. There are names that denote an abstract meaning. In Japanese female names, the most often used components are "ma" - "truth", "ai" - "love", "yu" - "tenderness, sentimentality", "ti" - "smart", "an" - "order, serenity "," Mi "-" splendor ". Holders of such names in the future want to have such qualities, this can be achieved thanks to just such components. Still no less common Japanese female names with plant or animal components. Previously, very often girls were given a name with an animal component associated with a four-legged animal, for example, a fawn, tiger, lion. Such names brought health to its owner. Today, in the modern world, such names are not called, because they have already gone out of fashion, which is why they began to use other names. The exception is the "crane" component. Today names with a plant meaning are popular in Japan. For example, hana - "flower", take - "bamboo", ine - "risok", yanagi - "willow", kiku - "chrysanthemum", momo - "peach", etc.

Japanese female names have quite a few different origins. Some of the names have been borrowed from other countries. That is why you can find women in Japan who have foreign names. For example: Scandinavian (Bianca, Donna, Mia ...), Aramaic (Bartholomew, Martha, Thomas ...), Muslim (Amber, Ali, Mohammed ...), French (Alison, Bruce, Olivia ...), English (Brian, Dylan, Kermit, Tara ...), Persian (Esther, Jasmine, Roxanne ...), Latin (Cordelia, Diana, Patrick, Victoria ...), Greek (Angel, Christopher, George, Selina ...), Italian (Brenda, Dustin, Eric ...), Hebrew ( Adam, David, John, Michelle ...), German (Charles, Leonard, Richard, William ...), Spanish (Dolores, Linda, Rio ...), Slavic (Boris, Nadia, Vera ...), Indian (Beryl, Opal, Uma ... ) other.

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The modern Japanese name in its composition follows the tradition characteristic of the Chinese, Korean and several other cultures. According to this tradition, a Japanese given name consists of a generic first or last name followed by a personal name. Names in Japan are most often written using kanji, which in different cases have different pronunciations.

All modern Japanese have a single surname and a single name, they do not have a patronymic. The only exception is the imperial family, whose members have only a given name without a surname.

The Japanese pronounce and write down their surname and first name in the reverse order than is customary in the West. The last name comes first, then the first name. However, in Western languages, Japanese names are written in the manner familiar to Europeans - the last name follows the first name.

Often, Japanese names are created independently from the available characters. As a result, this country has a large number of unique, non-recurring names. Surnames, which by their origin often refer to toponyms, are more traditional. Thus, there are far more names in Japanese than surnames. The difference between female and male names is expressed in the use of component names and their structure characteristic for each type. It should be noted that reading Japanese names is perhaps the most difficult element in the Japanese language.

Transcription of Japanese names

Most often, in other languages ​​using the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, Japanese names are written according to their transcription, just like ordinary Japanese text, according to the rules of a specific system - for example, romaji, Polivanov's system. Not less common is the recording of Japanese names in non-standard transliteration, for example, instead of "si", "shi" is used, and instead of "dzi" - "ji", which is explained by an attempt to transliterate the name from the Latin spelling of the name according to the romaji system. For example, the first and last name of Honjou Shizuka by Russian-speaking readers in most cases is read as Honjo "u Shizu" ka, and not Honjo Shizuka.

In Latin and Cyrillic transcriptions, Japanese names often go in the usual order for Europeans - first the first name, then the last name, i.e. Yamada Taro is commonly spelled Tarou Yamada. This order is found in news feeds, magazines and publicistic publications. Less commonly, the Japanese spelling order is used, but in this case the surname in Latin spelling is written in full capital letters. The traditional Japanese order of specifying the last name and first name can be found in professional linguistic publications.

Sometimes you can find the Latin spelling of the name with the use of standard Latin abbreviations of the name up to the initial. Vowels in Japanese have different lengths, which can be shown in transliteration in a spelling way (for example, Tarou Yamada), or not at all (for example, Taro Yamada). In Cyrillic writing, the vowel length is usually not shown. The exception is educational publications, where the length of vowel sounds is shown in brackets after writing in hieroglyphs and is indicated by a colon.

In Japanese, the attitude of interlocutors to each other is expressed by a suffix that is added after the name. So, san is characteristic of respectful neutral communication, kun is used in a conversation between two men, a classmate or work colleagues of equal rank, and chan is an analogue of diminutive-affectionate suffixes in Russian. The last suffix is ​​usually used in close acquaintance, when referring to girls or children.

Most Japanese people refer to each other by their last names. Only in the circle of friends and good acquaintances is it possible to address by name without a suffix, in other cases such an address will be considered familiar.

As mentioned above, the choice of a name in Japan is not limited by anything; names can be created from any permitted hieroglyphs. Of course, many Japanese people use popular names that take into account certain traditions.

Female Japanese names

Most Japanese names are easy to read and write, but there is a tendency among parents to choose characters with unusual writing or reading. It is for this reason that a large number of interpretations of both the meaning and the reading of Japanese names have appeared. This trend began to actively manifest itself from the end of the 20th century.

This phenomenon was especially active in women's names. It is for this reason that the popularity of a particular female name is not as stable as that of a male one. For the past 20 years, the names Misaki and Sakura have continued to be in the top ten, but they have been pushed aside by names like Hina, Aoi, Rin and Yui, who have not appeared in the top five female names in the past 100 years.

Japanese girls' names have a clear and understandable meaning and are easy to read. Most of the female names are composed of a main component and an indicator, although there are names that do not have an indicative component. Depending on the value of the main component, it can be divided into several types.

  • Many female names fall into the group of names with an abstract meaning. These names are based on components meaning "love", "calmness", "tenderness" and others. Such names are given as a wish to have certain qualities in the future (Kiyoko, Michi).
  • The next group of names are names that contain components of animals or plants. Previously, girls were often given similar names. It was believed to promote health. However, today the fashion for names with animal components has passed. Only the component for "crane" is still popular. And the hieroglyphs associated with the world of flora do not go out of fashion to this day. It is very common to find names with components denoting "chrysanthemum" or "bamboo" (Sakura, Hana, Kiku).
  • It is very rare to find names with numerals that take their roots in the ancient tradition of naming girls from noble families by birth order (Nanami, Anko).
  • You can also find names that have a component with the value of the seasons, time of day, etc. (Yuki, Kasuma)
  • Fashion for foreign names (Anna, Maria and others).

Beautiful Japanese names. The biggest changes have taken place among female names. New signs and hieroglyphs for writing the name were added, the view on the general use of female names changed - more European names began to appear, which resemble European names, although they are traditionally written in hieroglyphs and composed according to traditional Japanese traditions. Examples include names - Naomi, Mika, Yuna.

Nowadays, beautiful Japanese names contain less and less a component of animals or plants, and more and more often they began to use abstract concepts and desirable meanings of good qualities, future success (Haruto, Hina, Yuna, Yamato, Sora, Yua). Although the name Sakura does not leave dozens of the most popular female names, the female name Aoi (mallow) and the male name Ren (lotus) are firmly in the top five.

Previously, the frequently encountered component of a name with the ending "-ko", which literally means "child", began to be considered unfashionable, out of date, therefore it is used less and less, although it has not completely surrendered its position (Asako, Yumiko, Takako).

Male Japanese names

Male names are incredibly difficult to read. It is in them that non-standard nanori readings and rare readings are used, sometimes some components are changed in a non-standard way. So, the names Kaworu, Shigekazu and Kungoro have the same hieroglyph in their composition, but each name is read differently. Also, the same component of yoshi names, which is very common in Japan, can be written with 104 different characters or their combinations. It happens that only its bearer can correctly read the name.

Often times, single-component names are derived from verbs or adjectives. For example, Kaworu comes from the verb "scent", and Hiroshi comes from the adjective "wide." Male names that include two characters are used as the second character for a male name, which also shows the way the name is read. Three-component names have a similar two-component index (Katsumi, Macao, Naoki, Sora).

Time does not stand still, and modern trends have made their own adjustments. Now traditional names continue to prevail among male names, but now they have different readings. Popular male names in 2005 were such names as Shё, Shota, Hikaru, Tsubasa, Yamato, Takumi and various variations of Hiroto's name.

The traditional male name Hiroto now has alternative readings and "romanized" transcriptions. In the Russian version of the pronunciation and recording, it is as if they are completely different and not at all close, not similar names, because the whole thing is in the recording of the hieroglyph and its sounding. Modern twins for the name Hiroto - Haruto, Yamato, Daito, Taiga, Sora, Taito, Masato, all of them in modern times are used on a par with their progenitor.

Most often, male names are divided into the following groups, but these are only the most basic.

  • The name contains the component "-ro", which is interpreted as "son" (Ichiro, Shiro, Saburo). But also this part of the name is credited with the meaning of "light", "clear", which can add different shades to the meaning of the name.
  • The "-that" component is considered masculine, very rarely found among feminine names. Means either "person" (Yuto, Kaito), or "fly", "hover" (Hiroto).
  • The "-day" component means "great, great." Used only in male names (Dai, Daichi, Daisuke, Daiki).
  • Desirable names are popular, in which the boy is credited with masculine traits, future success and a wonderful life (Takeshi, Niboru, Ken).
  • Traditional Japanese names are related to natural phenomena, seasons, natural materials (Kita, Montaro, Kohaku, Akiyama).

List of Japanese names with descriptions

List of Japanese names with meanings

Ai (Ai) - love

Ayaka - colorful flower

Aiko - beloved child

Aina - loving

Akemi - dazzlingly beautiful

Aki (Aki) - born in autumn

Akiko - Autumn Child

Akira - smart, quick-witted

Akihito - bright, benevolent

Akiyama - autumn mountain

Amaya - night rain

Ami is a beautiful asian

Amida - Japanese name for Buddha Amitabha

Anzu - apricot

Anko (Aneko) - older sister

Aoi - pink mallow

Arisu - noble (Japanese equivalent of the name Alice)

Atsuko (Azuko) - a kind child

Ayame - iris

Ayana - beautifully sounding

Bachiko - happy child

Botan - long life, longevity

Gin / Gin - silver

Goro - fifth son

Daiki - great tree, great shine

Daisuke - great help

Izumi - fountain

Ima - now

Isamu - cheerful

Itsu (Etsu) - adorable, charming

Ichiro - first son

Ishi - stone

Yoko - bright / sunny child

Yori - trustworthy

Yoshi - reed

Kagami - mirror

Kazuko is a harmonious child

Kazuo - man of the world

Kaze - wind

Kazuki - Hope for Peace

Kazuya - harmonious, cheerful

Kaito - elusive

Kameko - child of a turtle (symbol of longevity)

Kana - diligent

Kano (Kano) - masculine strength, opportunity

Kasumi - haze, fog

Katashi - hardness

Katsu - win

Katsuo - Victorious Child

Katsuro - Victorious Son

Keiko - blessed child, happy child

Ken - strong, healthy

Kenji - strong second son

Kenshin - the heart of the sword

Kenta - healthy and brave

Kiyoko - purity

Kiyoshi - quiet

Kiku - chrysanthemum

Kimiko - child of noble blood

Kin - gold

Kino - airy, forest

Kita - north

Kichiro - Lucky Son

Koko - stork

Koto (Koto) - the name of the national musical instrument of the Japanese - "koto", melodic

Kohaku - amber

Kohana - small flower

Kumiko - eternally beautiful

Kuri - chestnut

Mai - bright, leaf, dance

Maiko - an honest child

Makoto - sincere, true, truthful

Mami - true beauty

Mamoru - earth, protector

Manami - the beauty of love

Marise - Infinity

Matsuo - pine

Maemi - sincere smile

Midori - green

Mika - first sound, three trees

Mina is a beauty

Mirai - treasure

Misaki - beauty bloom, beautiful bloom

Miu (Miu) - beautiful feather

Mitsuki (Mizuki) - beautiful moon

Mitsuko - child of light

Michi - fair, road

Miya - three arrows

Montaro - mountains

Momoko - Peach Child

Nami - wave

Nana - apple, seven

Nanami - seven seas

Naoki - straight tree

Naoko - obedient child, honest child

Naomi - beautiful

Nara - oak

Nariko - sissy, thunder

Natsuko - year old child

Natsumi - Beautiful Summer

Nibori - famous, rising

Nikki - A New Hope

Nori - law, ceremony, rite

Nyoko - gem

Oki - the middle of the ocean

Osamu - abiding by the law

Reiko - grateful child, thanksgiving child

Renzo - third son

Ryo - a distant reality

Ryota - obese, fat

Riko - child of jasmine, child of reason

Riku - land, land

Rin - unfriendly, cold

Rini - little bunny

Japanese female names, unlike male ones, are read quite simply and have a clear meaning. They have interesting traditions and unforgettable translation. Female names amaze with their sound, and one can only guess what is hidden behind it. But we propose not to guess, but to find out what the female Japanese names really mean. It will be interesting! Doubt? Read on and check it out for yourself!

Female Japanese names

Japanese female names are very easy to read and easy to translate... The translation from Japanese is excellent, as always. The meaning of the name gives its owner something sublime and beautiful. You can see for yourself, in front of you list of female Japanese names.

Name Meaning
A zumi safe place to live
Ai indigo or love
Ayano silk colors
Aika love song
Akemi bright beauty
Aimi beauty of love
Asuka aroma
Atsuko kind child
Ameya evening rain
Ayame iris flower
Akane shiny
Akane brilliant red
Ayame patterned girl
Ariza noble appearance
B unko educated child
D jeanco clean baby
June obedient
AND zumi the fountain
Yoko ocean child
Yoshi fragrant branch
Yoshiko noble child

Japanese female names are most often read by kunu, so there are no difficulties with reading. And they have a simpler structure than male names. There are exceptions when female names are written exclusively in katakana or hiragana, and sometimes names can be read from on-line reading. But these are just exceptions to the rule. If you want to see also male Japanese names, click on the link!

Name Meaning
TO ame
turtle (means long life)
Kamiko perfect child
Kyoko child of the capital
Kaoru aroma
Kotoon harp sound
Katsumi conquering beauty
Kumiko durable child
Kyoko city ​​kid
Koheku amber
Coe peace
Kiku chrysanthemum
M ari beloved woman
Mai dance
Miwa beautiful harmony
Makoto correct and true
Miko beautiful baby blessings
Mizuki beautiful moon
Masami elegant beauty
Minori beautiful harbor
Michiko baby what's on the right track
Madoka circle of flowers
Momo peach
Mamoko peach baby
Meiumi true absorbing beauty
Meiko baby dance

Depending on the main component, Japanese female names can be divided into several groups. So it could be main component of abstract meaning... For example, "love" (ah), "mind" (ti), "beauty" (mi). Often, these components indicate the desire to have the desired qualities in the future. The second type is animal or plant components... So, the components of animals are now practically not used, they are considered old-fashioned, but earlier this characterized the desired health. The components of the plant kingdom are popular today and are quite common among Japanese female names. For example, momo (peach), hana (flower), and so on.

Name Meaning
N atsuko summer child
Naoki fair punishment
Natsumi summer beauty
Nobuko devoted child
R an water lily
Ray call, spirit, polite woman
Rika fragrance appreciated
Rie valuable blessing
Ren water lily
Rico jasmine baby
WITH ake cape
Sumiko thinking child
Sacker Japanese heyday
Sekiko blooming child
Sengo coral
T omiko the child that keeps the purity
Thacker treasure
Tomoko wise child, friendly
Teruko bright child
Have zaji rabbit
Umeko baby plum blossom

There are names with numerals... For example, one thousand (s). There are also names that mean seasons or natural phenomena... For example, yuki (snow), natsu (summer).

Name Meaning
F umiko the child who keeps the beauty
Hideko gorgeous child
Haruka distance
Hickary shining
Hotaru Firefly
Hitomi name for a girl with very beautiful eyes
Harumi spring beauty
Hoshi star
Haruki spring tree
Chi a thousand blessings
Chiasa a thousand flowers
Chiioko child of a thousand generations
Chow butterfly
Chiheru one thousand springs
NS ijeko abundant child
Shizuka quiet girl
Shinju pearl
Chica gentle deer

Do you want to learn how to write names (and not only) with hieroglyphs and learn more about hieroglyphs?

Then sign up for a free course on learning Japanese characters effectively.

What Japanese female names have you come across before, for example, when watching Japanese films or anime? Which ones do you like the most? Share in the comments, please.

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Do you know Japanese names and their meanings? What names are popular in Japan today? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Japanese names these days tend to include a generic first name (surname) followed by a personal name. This practice is common in East and Southeast Asia, including in Korean, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and other cultures.

Name comparison

  • Akayo is an intelligent man;
  • Aki - bright, autumn;
  • Akio is a charmer;
  • Akira - clear, brilliant;
  • Akihiko is a colorful prince;
  • Akihiro - effective, scholarly, intelligent;
  • Areta - the newest;
  • Goro is the fifth son;
  • Jero is the tenth son;
  • June is obedient;
  • Deisyuk is a great helper;
  • Izamu - daring, warrior;
  • Izao - merit, honor;
  • Iori - addiction;
  • Yoshieki - true glory, spectacular luck;
  • Ichiro is the first heir;
  • Kayoshi is calm;
  • Ken is healthy and strong;
  • Kero is the ninth son;
  • Kichiro is a lucky son;
  • Katsu - a triumph;
  • Makoto is true;
  • Mitseru - complete;
  • Mamoru is the protector;
  • Naoki is an honest tree;
  • Nobu is faith;
  • Norayo is a man of principles;
  • Ozemu - autocrat;
  • Rio is great;
  • Raiden - thunder and lightning;
  • Ryuu is a dragon;
  • Seiji - warning, second (son);
  • Suzumu - progressive;
  • Takayuki - noble, filial happiness;
  • Teruo is a bright person;
  • Toshi - emergency;
  • Temotsu - protective, complete;
  • Tetsuo is a dragon man;
  • Tetsuya - the dragon that they turn into (and possess its longevity and wisdom);
  • Fumayo is an academic, literary child;
  • Hideo is a gorgeous person;
  • Hizoka - saved;
  • Hiroki - rich fun, strength;
  • Hechiro is the eighth son;
  • Shin is true;
  • Shoichi is correct;
  • Yukayo is a happy person;
  • Yuki - grace, snow;
  • Yuudei is a great hero;
  • Yasuhiro - rich honesty;
  • Yasushi is honest, peaceful.

It is customary to divide the beautiful names of men in Japan into two types: one-component and multicomponent. The composition of names with one element includes a verb, as a result of which the name has an ending - y, for example, Mamoru (intercessor). Or an adjective with an ending - si, for example, Hiroshi (spacious).

Sometimes you can find names with one sign, which have an on-line reading. Names made up of a pair of hieroglyphs usually indicate masculinity. For example: son, warrior, man, husband, courageous, and so on. Each of these metrics has its own ending.

In the structure of such names, there is usually a hieroglyph that reveals with what reading the name should be read. There are also three-element names. In this episode, the indicator will be two-tier. For example, "eldest son", "youngest son" and so on. It is rare to find a person with a three-link name and a one-component indicator. It is not common to find names that contain four components, written in the Japanese alphabet, and not in hieroglyphs.

Shizuka's name

The Japanese name meaning dragon is popular with locals and foreigners alike. What is Shizuka's name? Interpretation of this name: quiet. The meanings of the letters in this name are as follows:

  • W - developed intuition, impulsiveness, ambition, hard work, independence.
  • And - intelligence, emotionality, kindness, pessimism, insecurity, creative inclinations.
  • З - independence, developed intuition, intellect, hard work, pessimism, secrecy.
  • W - kindness, developed intuition, sincerity, creative inclinations, spirituality, optimism.
  • K - developed intuition, ambition, impulsiveness, practicality, kindness, sincerity.
  • A - selfishness, activity, creative inclinations, impulsiveness, ambition, sincerity.

The number of Shizuka's name is 7. It hides in itself the ability to direct abilities into the world of philosophy or art, into religious activity, the sphere of science. But the results of the activities of people with this name largely depend on a deep analysis of already accomplished victories and on the true planning of their own future. By getting to know other people, they often turn into leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they are engaged in commercial or financial affairs, then they themselves will need someone's help.

The planet named Shizuka is Mercury, the element is cold dry air, the zodiac sign is Virgo and Gemini. The color of this name is changeable, variegated, mixed, day is Wednesday, metals - bismuth, mercury, semiconductors, minerals - agate, emerald, topaz, porphyry, rock crystal, glass, sardonyx, plants - parsley, basil, celery, walnut tree, valerian , animals - weasel, monkey, fox, parrot, stork, thrush, nightingale, ibis, lark, flying fish.

Kotone - F - The sound of koto

Kumiko - F - Forever beautiful

Kuri - F - Chestnut

Kuro - M - Ninth son

Kyo - M - Consent (or redhead)

Kyoko - F - Mirror

Leiko - F - Arrogant

Machi - F - Ten thousand years

Machiko - F - Lucky child

Maeko - F - Honest child

Maemi - F - Sincere smile

Mai - F - Bright

Makoto - M - Sincere

Mamiko - F - Baby Mami

Mamoru - M - Earth

Manami - F - Beauty of love

Mariko - F - Child of truth

Marise - M / F - Infinite

Masa - M / F - Straightforward (human)

Masakazu - M - First son of Masa

Mashiro - M - Wide

Matsu - F - Pine

Mayako - F - Maya Baby

Mayoko - F - Mayo Baby

Mayuko - F - Mayu Baby

Michi - F - Fair

Michie - F - Gracefully hanging flower

Michiko - F - Beautiful and wise

Michio - M - Man with the strength of three thousand

Midori - F - Green

Mihoko - F - Child Miho

Mika - F - New Moon

Miki - M / F - Stebelek

Mikio - M - Three woven trees

Mina - F - South

Minako - F - Beautiful child

Mine - F - Brave defender

Minoru - M - Seed

Misaki - F - Blossom of beauty

Mitsuko - F - Child of light

Miya - F - Three arrows

Miyako - F - Beautiful child of March

Mizuki - F - Beautiful moon

Momoko - F - Peach Child

Montaro - M - Big guy

Moriko - F - Child of the forest

Morio - M - Forest boy

Mura - F - Village

Mutsuko - F - Mutsu Child

Nahoko - F - Naho Child

Nami - F - Wave

Namiko - F - Child of the waves

Nana - F - Apple

Naoko - F - Obedient child

Naomi - F - "Beauty first"

Nara - F - Oak

Nariko - F - Sissy

Natsuko - F - Summer child

Natsumi - F - Beautiful summer

Nayoko - F - Baby Nayo

Nibori - M - Famous

Nikki - M / F - Two trees

Nikko - M - Daylight

Nori - F - Law

Noriko - F - Child of the law

Nozomi - F - Hope

Nyoko - F - Gem

Oki - F - Middle of the ocean

Orino - F - Peasant meadow

Osamu - M - Hardness of the law

Rafu - M - Network

Rai - F - Truth

Raidon - M - God of Thunder

Ran - F - Water lily

Rei - F - Gratitude

Reiko - F - Gratitude

Ren - F - Water lily

Renjiro - M - Honest

Renzo - M - Third son

Riko - F - Jasmine Child

Rin - F - Unfriendly

Rinji - M - Peaceful forest

Rini - F - Little bunny

Risako - F - Child Risa

Ritsuko - F - Ritsu Child

Roka - M - White wave crest

Rokuro - M - Sixth son

Ronin - M - Samurai without master

Rumiko - F - Child Rumi

Ruri - F - Emerald

Ryo - M - Excellent

Ryoichi - M - Ryo's first son

Ryoko - F - Ryo Baby

Ryota - M - Strong (obese)

Ryozo - M - Ryo's third son

Ryuichi - M - Ryu's first son

Ryuu - M - Dragon

Saburo - M - Third son

Sachi - F - Happiness

Sachiko - F - Child of happiness

Sachio - M - Luckily born

Saeko - F - Sae Child

Saki - F - Cape (geographer)

Sakiko - F - Saki Baby

Sakuko - F - Saku Baby

Sakura - F - Cherry flowers

Sanako - F - Sana Child

Sango - F - Coral

Saniiro - M - Wonderful

Satu - F - Sugar

Sayuri - F - Little lily

Seiichi - M - Sei's first son

Sen - M - Spirit of the tree

Shichiro - M - Seventh son

Shika - F - Deer

Shima - M - Islander

Shina - F - Decent

Shinichi - M - First son of Shin

Shiro - M - Fourth son

Shizuka - F - Silent

Sho - M - Prosperity

Sora - F - Sky

Sorano - F - Heavenly

Suki - F - Favorite

Suma - F - Asking

Sumi - F - Purified (religious)

Susumi - M - Moving forward (successful)

Suzu - F - Bell (bell)

Suzume - F - Sparrow

Tadao - M - Helpful

Taka - F - Noble

Takako - F - Tall child

Takara - F - Treasure

Takashi - M - Famous

Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince

Takeo - M - Similar to bamboo

Takeshi - M - Bamboo tree or brave

Takumi - M - Craftsman

Tama - M / F - Gem

Tamiko - F - Child of abundance

Tani - F - From the valley (child)

Taro - M - Firstborn

Taura - F - Many lakes; many rivers

Teijo - M - Fair

Tomeo - M - Cautious person

Tomiko - F - Child of wealth

Tora - F - Tigress

Torio - M - Bird's tail

Toru - M - Sea

Toshi - F - Specular reflection

Toshiro - M - Talented

Toya - M / F - House door

Tsukiko - F - Child of the Moon

Tsuyu - F - Morning dew

Udo - M - Ginseng

Ume - F - Plum blossom

Umeko - F - Child of plum flowers

Usagi - F - Rabbit

Uyeda - M - From the rice field (child)

Yachi - F - Eight thousand

Yasu - F - Calm

Yasuo - M - Peaceful

Yayoi - F - March

Yogi - M - Practicing yoga

Yoko - F - Child of the sun

Yori - F - Trustworthy

Yoshi - F - Perfection

Yoshiko - F - Perfect child

Yoshiro - M - Perfect son

Yuki - M - Snow

Yukiko - F - Snow child

Yukio - M - Cherished by God

Yuko - F - Kind child

Yumako - F - Yuma Child

Yumi - F - Similar to a bow (weapon)

Yumiko - F - Arrow Child

Yuri - F - Lily

Yuriko - F - Child of the lily

Yuu - M - Noble blood

Yuudai - M - Great Hero

Nagisa - "coast"

Kaworu - "to savor"

Ritsuko - "science", "attitude"

Akagi - "mahogany"

Shinji - "death"

Misato - "beautiful city"

Katsuragi - "fortress with walls entwined with grass"

Asuka - letters. "Love-love"

Soryu - "central flow"

Ayanami - "strip of fabric", "wave pattern"

Rei - "zero", "example", "soul"

Kenshin's name means "Heart of the Sword".

Akito - Shining Man

Kuramori Reika - "Treasure Defender" and "Cold Summer" Rurouni - Wandering Wanderer

Himura - "The Burning Village"

Shishio Makoto - True Hero

Takani Megumi - "Sublime Love"

Shinomori Aoshi - "Green Bamboo Forest"

Makimachi Misao - "Run the City"

Saito Hajime - "The Beginning of Human Life"

Hiko Seijuro - Justice Prevailing

Seta Sojiro - "Comprehensive Forgiveness"

Mirai is the future

Hajime - Chief

Mamoru - protector

Jibo - earth

Hikari - light

Atarashiki - transformations

Namida - tears

Sora - sky

Jinga - the universe

Eve - alive

Izya is a doctor

Usagi - the hare

Tsukino - Moonlight

Rey - soul

Hino - fire

Ami - rain

Mitsuno - water

Corey - ice, icy

Makoto is true

Cinema - aerial, forest

Minako - Venus

Aino - loving

Setsuna - Guard

Mayo - castle, palace

Haruka - 1) distance, 2) heavenly

Teno - heavenly

Michiru - the way

Cayo - marine

Hotaru - light

Tomo is a friend.

Kaori - soft, affectionate

Yumi - "Fragrant Beauty"

Hakufu-Noble Mark

What is the name of the child?

For future parents in Japan, special collections of names are released - just like here in general - so that they can choose the most suitable for their child. In general, the process of choosing (or inventing) a name comes down to one of the following paths:

1.You can use a keyword in the name - seasonal phenomenon, shade of color, gem, etc.

2. the name may contain the wish of the parents to become strong, wise or courageous, for which the hieroglyphs of strength, wisdom and courage are used, respectively.

3. You can also go from the choice of the most liked hieroglyphs (in various spellings) and their combination with each other.

4. Recently, it has become popular to name a child, focusing on hearing, i.e. depending on how pleasant the desired name is. Having chosen the desired pronunciation, they determine the hieroglyphs with which this name will be written.

5. It has always been popular to name a child after celebrities - heroes of historical chronicles, politicians, pop stars, heroes of TV series, etc.

6. some parents rely on various fortune-telling, believe that the number of lines in the characters of the first and last name should be combined with each other.

The most common endings of Japanese names are:

Male names: ~ aki, ~ fumi, ~ go, ~ haru, ~ hei, ~ hiko, ~ hisa, ~ hide, ~ hiro, ~ ji, ~ kazu, ~ ki, ~ ma, ~ masa, ~ michi, ~ mitsu , ~ nari, ~ nobu, ~ nori, ~ o, ~ rou, ~ shi, ~ shige, ~ suke, ~ ta, ~ taka, ~ to, ~ toshi, ~ tomo, ~ ya, ~ zou

Female names: ~ a, ~ chi, ~ e, ~ ho, ~ i, ~ ka, ~ ki, ~ ko, ~ mi, ~ na, ~ no, ~ o, ~ ri, ~ sa, ~ ya, ~ yo

Nominal suffixes

Personal pronouns

Japanese nominal suffixes and personal pronouns

Nominal suffixes

In Japanese, there is a whole set of so-called nominal suffixes, that is, suffixes added in colloquial speech to names, surnames, nicknames and other words denoting an interlocutor or a third person. They are used to refer to the social relationship between the speaker and the person being talked about. The choice of the suffix is ​​determined by the speaker's character (normal, rude, very polite), his attitude towards the listener (usual politeness, respect, ingratiating himself, rudeness, arrogance), their position in society and the situation in which the conversation takes place (one-on-one, in the circle of loved ones friends, between colleagues, between strangers, in public). The following is a list of some of these suffixes (in ascending order of "respect" and their usual meanings.

Tian (chan) - A close analogue of the "diminutive" suffixes of the Russian language. Usually used in relation to the younger or the lowest in the social sense, with whom a close relationship develops. There is an element of "lisping" in the use of this suffix. Usually used when addressing adults to children, guys to their beloved girls, girlfriends to each other, young children to each other. The use of this suffix in relation to not very close people, equal to the speaker in position, is impolite. For example, if a guy refers to a person of the same age with whom he is not “having an affair,” then he is showing incorrectness. A girl who addresses her fellow-age boy with whom she is not “having an affair” is, in essence, rude.

Kun (kun) - Analogue of the appeal "comrade". Most often used between men or in relation to guys. Indicates, rather, a certain "formality", nevertheless, close relationship. Say, between classmates, partners, or buddies. It can also be used in relation to the younger or the lower in the social sense, when this circumstance does not need to be focused on.

Yang (yan) - Kansai analogue of "-tyan" and "-kun".

Tti (cchi) - Children's version of "-chan" (cf. "Tamagotti".

No suffix - Close relationship, but no "lisp". The usual appeal of adults to adolescent children, friends to each other, etc. If a person does not use suffixes at all, then this is a clear indicator of rudeness. Addressing by the last name without a suffix is ​​a sign of familiar, but “detached” relationships (a typical example is the relationship of schoolchildren or students).

San (san) - An analogue of the Russian "master / mistress". General indication of respect. Often used to communicate with strangers, or when all other suffixes do not fit. Used in relation to elders, including older relatives (brothers, sisters, parents).

Han (han) - Kansai analogue of "-san".

Si (shi) - "Lord", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Fujin - "Mistress", is used exclusively in official documents after the surname.

Kohai (kouhai) - Appeal to the younger. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are younger than the speaker.

Senpai - Appeal to the elder. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are older than the speaker.

Dono (dono) - A rare suffix. Respectful appeal to an equal or higher, but slightly different in position. It is now considered outdated and hardly ever encountered in communication. In ancient times, it was actively used when samurai addressed each other.

Sensei (sensei) - "Teacher". Used in relation to teachers and teachers themselves, as well as to doctors and politicians.

Senseu (senshu) - "Sportsman". Used in relation to famous athletes.

Zeki - "Sumo wrestler". Used in relation to famous sumo wrestlers.

Ue (ue) - "Senior". A rare and outdated respectful suffix for older family members. Not used with names - only with designations of position in the family ("father", "mother", "brother".

Sam (sama) - The highest degree of respect. An appeal to gods and spirits, to spiritual authorities, a girl to her beloved, servants to noble masters, etc. It roughly translates into Russian as "respected, dear, venerable."

Jin (jin) - "One of". "Saya-jin" - "one of Saya".

Tati (tachi) - "And friends." "Goku-tachi" - "Goku and his friends."

Gumi (gumi) - "Team, group, party". "Kenshin-gumi" - "Team Kenshin".

Japanese names and their meanings

Personal pronouns

In addition to nominal suffixes, Japan also uses many different ways of referring to each other and naming oneself with personal pronouns. The choice of pronoun is determined by the social laws already mentioned above. The following is a list of some of these pronouns.

Group with the meaning "I"

Watakushi - Very polite feminine version.

Washi - Obsolete polite option. Does not depend on gender.

Wai - Kansai analogue of "washi".

Boku - Familiar youth male version. It is rarely used by women, in this case "unfemininity" is emphasized. Used in poetry.

Ore - Not a very polite option. Purely masculine. Like, cool. ^ _ ^

Ore-sama - "Great Self". Rare form, extreme boasting.

Daikou / Naikou - Analogue of "ore-sama", but somewhat less boastful.

Sessha - Very polite form. Usually used by samurai when addressing their masters.

Hishou - "Insignificant". A very polite form, nowadays practically not used.

Gusei - An analogue of "hisho", but somewhat less derogatory.

Oira - Polite form. Usually used by monks.

Chin - A special form that only the emperor has the right to use.

Ware - Polite (formal) form, translated as [I / you / he] "myself". It is used when it is necessary to especially express the importance of "I". For example, in spells (“I conjure.” In modern Japanese, it is rarely used in the meaning of “I”. More often it is used to form a reflexive form, for example, “forgetting about oneself” - “vare in wasurete”.

[Speaker's name or position] - Used by or when communicating with children, usually in a family. Let's say a girl named Atsuko might say "Atsuko is thirsty." Or her older brother, addressing her, may say, "Brother will bring you juice." There is an element of "lisping" in this, but such an appeal is quite acceptable.

Group with the value "We"

Watashi-tachi - Polite option.

Ware-ware - Very polite, formal option.

Bokura - Impolite option.

Touhou - Normal option.

Group with the meaning "You / You":

Anata - Generally polite. Also, the usual address of the wife to her husband ("dear."

Anta - Less polite option. Usually used by young people. A slight shade of disrespect.

Otaku - Literally translated as "your home". Very polite and rare form. Due to the ridiculous use of Japanese informals in relation to each other, the second meaning was fixed - "feng, psycho".

Kimi - A polite option, often between friends. Used in poetry.

Kijou - "Mistress". A very polite form of addressing a lady.

Onushi (Onushi) - "Insignificant". An outdated form of polite speech.

Omae (Omae) - Familiar (when addressing an enemy - offensive) option. Usually used by men in relation to the socially younger (father to daughter, say).

Temae / Temee - Offensive male version. Usually in relation to the enemy. Something like "bastard" or "bastard."

Onore - Offensive option.

Kisama - A very offensive option. Translated with dots. ^ _ ^ Oddly enough, it literally translates as "noble master."

Japanese names

Modern Japanese names are made up of two parts - the last name, which comes first, and the first name, which comes second. True, the Japanese often write their names in "European order" (first name and last name) if they write them in romaji. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their surname in CAPITAL letters so that it is not confused with the name (due to the above-described inconsistency).

The exception is the emperor and members of his family. They have no surname. Girls who marry princes also lose their surnames.

Ancient names and surnames

Before the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, only aristocrats (kuge) and samurai (bushi) had surnames. The rest of the population of Japan was content with personal names and nicknames.

Women of aristocratic and samurai families also usually did not carry surnames, since they did not have the right to inherit. In those cases when women did have surnames, they did not change them upon marriage.

The surnames were divided into two groups - the surnames of the aristocrats and the surnames of the samurai.

Unlike the number of samurai surnames, the number of aristocratic surnames has practically not increased since ancient times. Many of them date back to the priestly past of the Japanese aristocracy.

The most respected and respected clans of aristocrats were: Konoe, Takashi, Kujo, Ichijou, and Gojo. They all belonged to the Fujiwara family and had a common name - "Gosetsuke". From among men of this kind, regents (sessho) and chancellors (kampaku) of Japan were appointed, and from among women, wives for emperors were chosen.

The clans of Hirohata, Daigo, Kuga, Oimikado, Sayonji, Sanjo, Imidegawa, Tokudaiji and Kaoin were the next most prominent. The highest state dignitaries were appointed from among them.

Thus, representatives of the Sayonji clan served as imperial grooms (meryo no gogen). Next came all the other aristocratic clans.

The hierarchy of nobility of aristocratic families began to take shape in the 6th century and lasted until the end of the 11th century, when the power in the country passed to the samurai. Among them, the clans Genji (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hojo, Ashikaga, Tokugawa, Matsudaira, Hosokawa, Shimazu, Oda enjoyed special respect. A number of their representatives at different times were shoguns (military rulers) of Japan.

The personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kanji (hieroglyphs) of the "noble" meaning.

The personal names of samurai servants and peasants were often given according to the principle of "numbering". The first son is Ichiro, the second is Jiro, the third is Saburo, the fourth is Shiro, the fifth is Goro, etc. Also, in addition to "-ro", the suffixes "-emon", "-dzi", "-dzo", "-suke", "-be" were used for this purpose.

Upon the entry of a samurai into his youth, he chose a different name for himself than the one that was given to him at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names throughout adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of its new period (promotion or move to another place of service). The lord had the right to rename his vassal. In the event of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of Buddha Amida in order to invoke his mercy.

According to the rules of samurai fights, before the fight, the samurai had to give his full name so that the enemy could decide whether he was worthy of such a rival. Of course, in life this rule was observed much less often than in novels and chronicles.

At the end of the names of girls from noble families, the suffix "-hime" was added. It is often translated as "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all noble young ladies.

For the names of samurai wives, the suffix "-gozen" was used. Often they were called simply by the name and title of their husband. The personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.

For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes, the suffix "-in" was used.

Modern names and surnames

During the Meiji Restoration, all Japanese were given surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, like the surnames of the upper class, were also usually composed of two kanji.

The most common Japanese surnames now are Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Oonishi, Yamaguchi, Nakamura, Kuroki, Higa.

Male names have changed less. They all also often depend on the "serial number" of the son in the family. The suffixes “-ichi” and “-kazu” are often used, meaning “first son,” as well as the suffixes “-ji” (“second son” and “-dzo” (“third son”.

Most Japanese female names end in "-ko" ("child" or "-mi" ("beauty." names are usually written not in kanji, but in hiragana.

Some modern girls do not like the ending "-ko" in their names and prefer to omit it. For example, a girl named "Yuriko" might call herself "Yuri".

According to the law passed during the time of Emperor Meiji, after marriage, husband and wife are legally obliged to adopt the same surname. In 98% of cases, this is the husband's surname. For several years now, parliament has been discussing an amendment to the Civil Code, allowing spouses to leave premarital surnames. However, so far she can not get the required number of votes.

After death, the Japanese receives a new, posthumous name (kaimyo), which is written on a special wooden tablet (ihai). This tablet is considered the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in funeral rites. Kaimyo and ihai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before a person's death.

The surname in Japanese is called myoji (苗 字 or 名字), uji (氏) or sei (姓).

For a long time, the vocabulary of the Japanese language was divided into two types: wago (和 語?) - original Japanese words and kango (jap. 漢語?) - borrowed from China. Names are also divided into these types, although now a new type is actively expanding - gairaigo (jap. 外来 語?) - words borrowed from other languages, but components of this type are rarely used in names.

Modern Japanese names fall into the following groups:

kunny (consisting of wagos)

onny (consisting of kango)


The ratio of kun and onny surnames is about 80% to 20%.

The most common surnames in Japan are:

Sato (Japanese 佐藤 Sato :?)

Suzuki (Japanese 鈴木?)

Takahashi (Japanese 高橋?)

Tanaka (Japanese 田中?)

Watanabe (渡 辺?)

Ito (Japanese 伊藤 Ito :?)

Yamamoto (Japanese 山 本?)

Nakamura (Japanese 中 村?)

Ohayashi (Jap. 小林?)

Kobayashi (小林?) (Different surnames, however, they are spelled the same and have approximately the same distribution)

Kato (Japanese 加藤 Kato :?)

Many surnames, although they are read according to the on-line (Chinese) reading, go back to ancient Japanese words and are written phonetically, and not by meaning.

Examples of such surnames: Kubo (jap. 久保?) - from jap. kubo (jap. 窪?) - fossa; Sasaki (Japanese 佐 々 木?) - from the ancient Japanese sasa - small; Abe (jap. 阿 部?) - from the ancient word ape - to combine, mix. If we take into account such surnames, then the number of native Japanese surnames reaches 90%.

For example, the hieroglyph 木 ("tree") is read in kunu as ki, but in names it can also be read as ko; The hieroglyph 上 ("up") can be read from kunu as ue and kami. There are two different surnames Uemura and Kamimura, which are spelled the same - 上 村. In addition, there are drops and fusion of sounds at the junction of components, for example, in the Atsumi surname (渥 美?), The components are separately read as atsui and umi; and the surname 金 成 (kana + nari) is often read simply as Kanari.

When combining hieroglyphs, the alternation of the ending of the first component A / E and O / A is typical - for example, 金 kane - Kanagawa (Japanese 金川?), 白 shiro - Shiraoka (Japanese 白 岡?). In addition, the initial syllables of the second component often become voiced, for example 山田 Yamada (yama + ta), 宮 崎 Miyazaki (miya + saki). Also, surnames often contain the remainder of the case indicator no or ha (in ancient times it was customary to put them between the first name and the surname). Usually this indicator is not written, but read - for example, 一 宮 Ichinomiya (iti + miya); 榎 本 Enomoto (e + moto). But sometimes the case indicator is displayed in writing in hiragana, katakana or a hieroglyph - for example, 井 之上 Inoue (u + no + ue); 木 ノ 下 Kinoshita (ki + katakana no + shita).

The overwhelming majority of surnames in Japanese consist of two hieroglyphs, less often there are surnames of one or three characters, and four-digit or more surnames are quite rare.

The one-component surnames are mostly of Japanese origin and are derived from nouns or the middle forms of verbs. For example, Watari (渡?) - from Watari (渡 り crossing?), Hata (畑?) - the word khata means "plantation, vegetable garden". Significantly less common surnames consisting of one hieroglyph. For example, Cho (兆 Cho :?) means "trillion", Ying (Japanese 因?) Means "reason."

Japanese surnames consisting of two components are the majority, numbers are called 60-70%. Most of them are surnames from Japanese roots - it is believed that such surnames are the easiest to read, since most of them are read according to the usual Kun language used in the language. Examples - Matsumoto (松本?) - consists of the nouns used in the language matsu "pine" and moto "root"; Kiyomizu (Japanese 清水?) - consists of the base of the adjective 清 い kiyoi - "pure" and the noun 水 mizu - "water". Chinese two-component surnames are less numerous and usually have one single reading. Often Chinese surnames contain numbers from one to six (excluding four 四, since this number is read in the same way as “death” 死 si and people try not to use it). Examples: Ichijou: (jap. 一条?), Saito: (jap. 斉 藤?). There are also mixed surnames, where one component is read by one, and the other by kun. Examples: Honda (本田?), Hon - "base" (onnoe reading) + ta - "rice field" (kunoye reading); Betsumiya (別 宮?), Betsu - "special, different" (onnoe reading) + miya - "temple" (kunnye reading). Also, a very small part of the surnames can be read, both by onam and by kun: 坂 西 Bandzai and Sakanishi, 宮内 Kunai and Miyauchi.

In three-component surnames, Japanese roots are often found phonetically written by them. Examples: 久保 田 "Kubota (probably the word 窪 kubo" hole "is written phonetically as 久保), 阿久津 Akutsu (probably the word 明 く aku" open "is written phonetically as 阿 久). However, common three-component surnames consisting of three kun readings are also common. Examples: 矢 田 部 Yatabe, 小野 木 Onoki There are also three-component surnames with Chinese reading.

Four or more component surnames are very rare.

There are surnames with very unusual readings that look like puzzles. Examples: 十八 女 Wakairo - written in hieroglyphs "eighteen-year-old girl", and read as 若 色 "young + color"; The surname denoted by the hieroglyph 一 “one” reads like Ninomae, which can be translated as 二 の 前 ni no mae “before two”; and the surname 穂 積 Hozue, which can be interpreted as “gathering ears”, is sometimes written as 八月 一日 “the first day of the eighth lunar month” - apparently on this day in ancient times the harvest began.

Japanese names are composed of a family name followed by a given first name, and Japanese names are usually written in hieroglyphs. However, parents may also occasionally use Japanese hiragana and katakana to write down their children's names. Moreover, in 1985 the list of officially allowed characters for writing Japanese names was expanded and now you can use Latin characters (romanji), hentaiganu, manyoganu (syllabic alphabets), as well as special characters and symbols like *% $ ^ and the like. But in practice, hieroglyphs are almost always used to write Japanese names.

In the past, people in Japan were the property of the emperor, and their surnames reflected their role in the government. For example, Otomo (大 友 "great friend, comrade"). Names were also given so that people would know that a person had made some great achievement, contribution, etc.

Before the Meiji restoration, the common people did not have surnames, and, if necessary, used the name of the place of birth. For example, a person named Ichiro: could introduce himself as: “Ichiro: from Asahi village, Musashi province. Merchants used the names of their shops or brands. For example, Denbei, owner of Sagamiya, could introduce himself as“ Sagamiya Denbei. ”Peasants could name themselves after their father (for example, Isuke, whose father's name was Genbei, could say, "Iseke, Genbei's son").

After the Meiji Restoration, the government ordered all commoners to come up with a surname as part of a plan to modernize and westernize. Some people chose historical names, others simply invented, for example, fortune-telling, or turned to priests to choose a surname. This explains the fact that in Japan there are a lot of different surnames, both in pronunciation and spelling, and creates difficulties in reading.

Japanese surnames are extremely diverse: it is estimated that there are over 100,000 different surnames. Typical, most common Japanese surnames include Sato (佐藤), Suzuki (铃木), and Takahashi (高桥).

However, Japanese surnames are used in different ways in different regions of Japan. For example, the surnames Chinen (知 念), Higa (比 嘉), and Shimabukuro (岛 袋) are common in Okinawa, but not in other parts of Japan. This is mainly due to the differences between the language and culture of the Yamato people and Okinawa.

Many Japanese surnames derive from characteristic features of the countryside, for example Ishikawa (石川) means "stone river", Yamamoto (山 本) means "base of the mountain", Inoue (井上) means "over a well."

In general, surnames usually have some patterns and their reading does not cause much difficulty, but Japanese names are very diverse both in pronunciation and in spelling.

Although many typical Japanese names can be easily written and read, many parents choose names with unusual characters or pronunciation. Such names have no unambiguous reading or writing.

Especially the tendency to give such names has appeared since 1990. For example, the popular name for boys 大 翔 is traditionally read as Hiroto, but alternative readings of this name have also appeared: Haruto, Yamato, Daito, Taiga, Sora, Taito, Masato, and they all came into use.

Male names often end in -ro: (郎 "son", but also 朗 "clear, bright", eg Ichiro), –ta (太 "big, thick", eg Kenta), contain iti (一 "first [ son]), ji (二 - second [son] ", or 次" next ", for example" Jiro "), or dai (大" great, big ", for example" Daiichi ").

In addition, in male names with two hieroglyphs, hieroglyphs-indicators of a male name are often used: 夫 (o) - "husband", 男 (o) - "man", 雄 (o) - "hero", 朗 (ro:) - " funny ", 樹 (ki) -" tree ", 助 (suke)" helper "and many others.

Japanese female names

Most Japanese female names have abstract meanings. Typically, such names use hieroglyphs such as 美 mi "beauty", 愛 ai "love", 安 an "calmness", 知 ti "mind", 優 yu: "tenderness", 真 ma "truth" and others. As a rule, names with similar hieroglyphs are given to girls as a wish to possess these qualities in the future.

There is another type of female name - names with hieroglyphs of animals or plants. Names with animal hieroglyphs 虎 "tiger" or 鹿 "deer" were considered health promoting, but now such names are considered old-fashioned and almost never used, with the exception of the hieroglyph 鶴 "crane". Names containing hieroglyphs associated with the plant world are still often used, for example 花 hana - "flower", 稲 ine - "rice", 菊 kiku - "chrysanthemum", 竹 take - "bamboo", 桃 momo - "peach ", 柳 yanagi -" willow ", and others.

There are also names with numerals, but they are very few and far between. Such names most likely come from the old tradition of naming girls of noble families by birth order. Currently, of the numerals, the following hieroglyphs are usually used 千 ti "one thousand", 三 mi "three", 五 go "five" and 七 nana "seven".

Quite often there are names with the meanings of the seasons, natural phenomena, time of day and many others. For example: 雪 yuki "snow", 夏 natsu "summer", 朝 asa "morning", 雲 kumo "cloud".

It happens that instead of hieroglyphs, syllabic alphabets are also used. Moreover, the recording of such a name is constant, unlike words that can be written in different ways (alphabet, hieroglyphs, mixed). For example, if a woman's name is written in hiragana, then it will always be written in this way, although in its meaning it can be written in hieroglyphs.

By the way, it is very fashionable and exotic to use foreign names instead of classic female names: あ ん な Anna, ま り あ Maria, え み り Emiri, れ な Rena, り な Rina and others.

Indicator of Japanese female names.

A typical Japanese female name ends in the hieroglyph - 子 (child) - ko. (Maiko, Haruko, Hanako, Takako, Yoshiko, Asako, Naoko, Yumiko, etc.) And currently, about a quarter of Japanese female names end in - ko. Until 1868, this name was used only by members of the imperial family, but after the revolution this name became very popular, especially in the middle of the 20th century. However, after 2006, this indicator of a female name ceased to be fashionable due to the emergence of a new fashion for names, and many girls excluded it from the name, and began to call them simply Yumi, Hana, Haru, etc.

The second most frequently used character is the hieroglyph 美 mi "beauty" (up to 12%), unlike many other indicators of the gender of a name, it can be found anywhere in the name (Fumiko, Mie, Kazumi, Miyuki).

Also, about 5% of Japanese female names contain the component 江 e "bay" (Mizue, 廣 江 Hiroe).

Many other hieroglyphs are used to indicate that this is a feminine name, each of which occurs in less than 4% of feminine names: often used phonetically), 奈 not used phonetically, 織 ori "cloth" and others.

However, there are female names consisting of several hieroglyphs that do not have indicators that this is a female name. Examples: 皐 月 Satsuki, 小 巻 Komaki.

Popular Japanese names and their meanings

Since 2005, the Japanese company Benesse Corporation has been annually publishing a rating of popular Japanese names among newborns. In 2011, from January 1 to May 31, 34,500 people were born, of which 17,959 were boys and 16,541 girls.

Popular Japanese names for men

Name hieroglyphs Reading the name The meaning of the hieroglyphs of the name No. of boys % of boys
1 大翔 Hiroto big + flying 119 0,66
2 Ren lotus 113 0,63
3 悠真 Yuma calm + honest 97 0,54
4 颯太 Co: ta dashing + big, fat, great 92 0,51
5 蒼空 Sora blue sky 84 0,47
6 翔太 Syo: ta flying + big, fat, great 79 0,44
7 大和 Yamato big + peaceful, soft, gentle 73 0,41
8 陽斗 Haruto solar + measure of capacity, ladle 79 0,44
9 Riku land, land 64 0,36
10 陽翔 Haruto sunny, positive + flying 64 0,36

Popular Japanese female names

Name hieroglyphs Reading the name The meaning of the hieroglyphs of the name Of girls % girls
1 結衣 Yui tie + clothes 109 0,66
2 Aoi mallow, marshmallow, geranium, etc. 104 0,63
3 結愛 Yua connect + love 102 0,62
4 Rin majestic; impressive 100 0,60
5 陽菜 Hina sunny, positive + vegetables, greens 99 0,60
6 結菜 Yuina connect, form, finish + vegetables, greens 99 0,60
7 さくら Sakura Sakura 74 0,45
8 愛菜 Mana love + vegetables, herbs 74 0,45
9 咲希 Saki blossom + rarely, desire 71 0,43
10 優奈 Yu: on excellent, graceful, friendly + phonetic NA 66 0,40

Japanese pet names / nicknames / nicknames

One or more diminutive names can be formed from each name by adding the nominal suffix -tyan, or -kun to the stem. There are two types of name stems. One consists of the full name, for example Taro: -chan (Taro :), Kimiko-chan (Kimiko) and Yasunari-chan (Yasunari).

Another type of stem is an abbreviation for a full name. Ta: -chan (Taro :), Kii-chan (Kimiko), Ya: -chan (Yasunari), Ko: -kun, Ma: -kun, Syo: -chan, etc. The second type of diminutive is a more intimate relationship (for example, between friends).

There are other ways of forming diminutive names, for example, a girl with the name Megumi can be called Kei-chan, since the hieroglyph from which the name Megumi (恵) begins can also be read as Kei.

The common Japanese practice of creating acronyms, which consists of combining the first two syllables of two words, is sometimes applied to names (usually celebrities).

For example, Kimura Takuya (木村 拓哉), a famous Japanese actor and singer, becomes Kimutaku (キ ム タ ク). This is sometimes applied to foreign celebrities as well: Brad Pitt, whose full name in Japanese is Buraddo Pitto (ブ ラ ッ ド ピ ッ ト) is rather known as Burapi (ブ ラ ピ), and Jimi Hendrix is ​​shortened to Jimihan (ジ ミ ヘ ン). Another slightly less common method is to double one or two syllables in a person's name. For example, Mamiko Noto, may be called MamiMami.

Japanese names in Chinese

Typically, Japanese names are written in hieroglyphs. And the hieroglyphs, like many other things, the Japanese borrowed from the Chinese. Those. the Japanese and the Chinese will read the same hieroglyph differently. For example 山 田太郎 (Yamada Taro :) the Chinese will read something like "Shantien Thai", and 鳩 山 由 紀 夫 (Hatoyama Yukio) - "Jiushan Yeoujifu". That is why the Japanese do not understand their names when they read them in Chinese. "

Reading Japanese first and last names

Reading names in Japanese is very difficult. The hieroglyphs of the same name can be read in different ways, and at the same time, the pronunciation of one name can also be written in different ways ...

Japanese nominal suffixes

In Japan, when referring to a person, it is customary to use a surname or a given name (usually the Japanese refer to each other by their surname) to use nominal suffixes, for more details about them, in short, it is written

Names and Surnames of Japanese Emperors

Japanese emperors have no surnames, and their lifetime Japanese names are taboo and not used in official Japanese documents, and instead the emperor is addressed by title without a given name. When the emperor dies, he receives a posthumous name, which consists of two parts: the name of the virtue glorifying him and the title of tenno: - "emperor". For example:

During the life of the emperor, it is also not customary to address him by name, since it is generally not by name to address, and even more so to the emperor, it is not polite and instead various titles are used. For example, as a child, Akihito had a title - Tsugu-no-miya (Prince of Tsugu). Titles like this are mostly used while the person is the heir or has not received a special name.

Japan is a unique country. What is behind these words? A special, unlike anything else nature, culture, religion, philosophy, art, way of life, fashion, cuisine, the harmonious coexistence of high technologies and ancient traditions, as well as the Japanese language itself - as difficult to learn as it is fascinating. Names and surnames are one of the most important parts of the language. They always carry a piece of history, and the Japanese are doubly curious.

Decrypt the name

Why should we foreigners know all this? Firstly, because it is informative and interesting, because Japanese culture has penetrated into many areas of our modern life. It is very exciting to decipher the names of famous people: for example, the cartoonist Miyazaki - "temple, palace" + "cape", and the writer Murakami - "village" + "top". Secondly, all this has long and firmly become a part of

Fans of comics (manga) and animation (anime) simply love to take a variety of Japanese names and surnames as their pseudonyms. Sump and other online games also heavily use such aliases for their player characters. And it is not surprising: such a nickname sounds beautiful, exotic and memorable.

These mysterious Japanese names and surnames

The Land of the Rising Sun will always find something to surprise an ignorant foreigner with. It is noteworthy that when recording or officially representing a person, his surname comes first, and then his name, for example: Sato Aiko, Tanaka Yukio. For the Russian ear, this sounds unusual, and therefore it can be quite difficult for us to distinguish Japanese names and surnames from each other. The Japanese themselves, in order to avoid confusion when communicating with foreigners, often write their last name in capital letters. And it really makes the task easier. Fortunately, the Japanese have only one first name and one last name. And this people does not have such a form as patronymic (patronymic) at all.

Another unusual feature of Japanese communication is the active use of prefixes. Moreover, these prefixes are most often attached to the surname. European psychologists argue that there is nothing more pleasant for a person than the sound of his name - but the Japanese, apparently, think otherwise. Therefore, names are used only in situations of very close and personal communication.

What prefixes are available in

  • (surname) + dignity - universal polite address;
  • (surname) + herself - an appeal to members of the government, directors of companies, clergy; also used in stable combinations;
  • (surname) + sensei - an appeal to martial arts masters, doctors, as well as professionals of any field;
  • (surname) + kun - an appeal to adolescents and young men, as well as an elder to a younger or a superior to a subordinate (for example, a boss to a subordinate);
  • (name) + chan (or chan) - an appeal to children and among children under 10 years old; parents' appeal to their offspring of any age; in an informal setting - to beloved ones and close friends.

How often are Japanese first and last names used? Surprisingly, even family members rarely call each other by their first names. Instead, special words are used, meaning "mom", "dad", "daughter", "son", "older sister", "younger sister", "older brother", "younger brother", etc. To these words the prefixes "chan (chan)" are also added.

Female names

Girls in Japan are most often called names that mean something abstract, but at the same time beautiful, pleasant and feminine: "flower", "crane", "bamboo", "water lily", "chrysanthemum", "moon" and so on. like that. Simplicity and harmony are what distinguishes Japanese names and surnames.

Women's names in many cases contain syllables (hieroglyphs) "mi" - beauty (for example: Harumi, Ayumi, Kazumi, Mie, Fumiko, Miyuki) or "ko" - a child (for example: Maiko, Naoko, Haruko, Yumiko, Yoshiko, Hanako , Takako, Asako).

Interestingly, some girls in modern Japan consider the ending "ko" unfashionable and omit it. So, for example, the name "Yumiko" turns into the everyday "Yumi". And friends call this girl "Yumi-chan".

All of the above are quite common female Japanese names in our time. And the names of the girls are also remarkable for their striking poetry, especially if you translate an exotic combination of sounds into Russian. Most often they convey the image of a typical Japanese countryside landscape. For example: Yamamoto - "base of the mountain", Watanabe - "to cross the neighborhood", Iwasaki - "rocky promontory", Kobayashi - "small forest".

A whole poetic world is opened by Japanese names and surnames. Women are especially similar to works in the style of hokku, surprising with beautiful sound and harmonious meaning.

Male names

Male names are the most difficult to read and translate. Some of them are derived from nouns. For example: Moku ("carpenter"), Akio ("handsome"), Ketsu ("victory), Makoto (" truth). Others are formed from adjectives or verbs, for example: Satoshi ("smart"), Mamoru ("protect"), Takashi ("high"), Tsutomu ("try").

Very often, Japanese male names and surnames include hieroglyphs indicating gender: “man”, “husband”, “hero”, “helper”, “tree”, etc.

Frequent use This tradition originated in the Middle Ages, when there were many children in families. For example, the name Ichiro means "first son", Jiro - "second son", Saburo - "third son", and so on up to Juro, which means "tenth son".

The guys' Japanese names and surnames can be created simply based on the hieroglyphs available in the language. During the imperial dynasties, they attached great importance to how to name themselves and their children, but in modern Japan, the advantage is given simply to what they liked in terms of sound and meaning. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that children from the same family bear names with a common hieroglyph, as was traditionally practiced in the imperial dynasties of the past.

All Japanese male names and surnames are united by two characteristics: semantic echoes of the Middle Ages and the difficulty of reading, especially for a foreigner.

Common Japanese surnames

Surnames are distinguished by a large number and variety: according to linguists, there are more than 100,000 surnames in the Japanese language. For comparison: there are 300-400 thousand Russian surnames.

The most common Japanese surnames at present are: Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Kudo, Sasaki, Kato, Kobayashi, Murakami, Ito, Nakamura, Oonishi, Yamaguchi, Kuroki, Higa.

Fun fact: Japanese names and surnames have different popularity depending on the area. For example, in Okinawa (the country's southernmost prefecture), the surnames Chinen, Higa and Shimabukuro are quite common, while in the rest of Japan they are worn by very few people. Experts attribute this to differences in dialects and culture. Thanks to these differences, the Japanese, by the surname of their interlocutor, can tell where they are from.

Such different names and surnames

In European culture, certain traditional names are characteristic, from which parents choose the most suitable for their baby. Fashion trends often change, and one or the other becomes popular, but rarely does anyone come up with a unique name on purpose. In Japanese culture, things are different: there are many more singular or rare names. Therefore, there is no traditional list. Japanese names (and surnames too) are often formed from some beautiful words or phrases.

Poetry of the name

First of all, female names differ with a pronounced poetic meaning. For example:

  • Yuri - "Water Lily".
  • Hotaru - "Firefly".
  • Izumi - "The Fountain".
  • Namiko - "Child of the Waves".
  • Aika - "Song of Love".
  • Natsumi - "Summer Beauty".
  • Chiyo - "Eternity".
  • Nozomi - "Hope".
  • Ima - "Gift".
  • Rico - "Jasmine Child".
  • Kiku - "Chrysanthemum".

However, among male names, you can find beautiful meanings:

  • Keitaro - The Blessed One.
  • Toshiro - "Talented".
  • Yuki - "Snow";
  • Yuzuki - "Crescent".
  • Takehiko - "Bamboo Prince".
  • Raydon - "God of Thunder".
  • Tooru - "Sea".

Surname poetry

There are not only beautiful Japanese names. And surnames can be very poetic. For example:

  • Arai - "Wild Well".
  • Aoki - "Young (green) tree".
  • Yoshikawa - Happy River.
  • Ito - "Wisteria".
  • Kikuchi - "Chrysanthemum Pond".
  • Komatsu - "Little Pine".
  • Matsuura - "Pine Bay".
  • Nagai - "Eternal Well".
  • Ozawa - "Little Swamp".
  • Oohashi - "Big Bridge".
  • Shimizu - "Pure Water".
  • Chiba - Thousand Leaves.
  • Furukawa - "Old River".
  • Yano - "Arrow in the Plain".

Make you smile

Sometimes there are also funny Japanese names and surnames, or rather, funny sounding for the Russian ear.

Among these, male names can be noted: Bank, Quiet (accent on "a), Usyo, Joban, Sosi (accent on" o "). Among women, it is funny for a Russian-speaking person to sound: Hey, Wasp, Ori, Cho, Ruka, Rana, Yura. But such funny examples are extremely rare, given the rich variety of Japanese names.

As for the surnames, here you can rather find a strange and difficult to pronounce combination of sounds than funny. However, this is easily offset by numerous funny parodies of Japanese names and surnames. Of course, they were all invented by Russian-speaking jokers, but there is still some phonetic similarity with the originals. For example, such a parody: Japanese racer Toyama Tokanawa; or Tohripo Tovizgo. Behind all these "names" you can easily guess the phrase in Russian.

Interesting facts about Japanese names and surnames

In Japan, there is still a law that has survived from the Middle Ages, according to which husband and wife are required to bear the same surname. Almost always this is the husband's surname, but there are exceptions - for example, if the wife is from a noble, famous family. However, until now in Japan it does not happen that the spouses have a double surname or each one has his own.

In general, in the Middle Ages, only Japanese emperors, aristocrats and samurai bore surnames, and ordinary people were content with nicknames, which were often attached to names. For example, the place of residence, or even the father's name, was often used as a nickname.

Japanese women in the Middle Ages also often did not have surnames: it was believed that they did not need anything, because they were not heirs. The names of girls from aristocratic families often ended in "hime" (which means "princess"). Samurai wives bore names ending in "gozen". Often they were addressed by the name and rank of the husband. But personal names, both then and now, are used only in close communication. Japanese monks and nuns from the nobility bore names ending in "in".

After death, every Japanese person acquires a new name (it is called "kaimyo"). It is written on a sacred wooden tablet called ikhai. A tablet with a posthumous name is used in burial and memorial rituals, since it is considered the embodiment of the spirit of a deceased person. People often acquire kaimyo and ikhai during their lifetime. In the minds of the Japanese, death is not something tragic, but rather one of the stages in the path of an immortal soul.

Learning more about Japanese names and surnames, you can not only learn the basics of the language in a peculiar way, but also better understand the philosophy of this people.

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