Home Perennial flowers Practical esotericism. What a change in state of consciousness can do for you

Practical esotericism. What a change in state of consciousness can do for you

An altered state of consciousness is the key through which you can receive anything you want. You just have to ask a question while entering this special state.

In the last lesson of our “Money Magic” course, you learned to use the technique of interrupted sleep to reprogram the circumstances of your life, materialize your desires and solve all sorts of problems.

In this lesson we will learn how to obtain any information that interests us by immersing ourselves in the same altered state of consciousness - the theta state.

The principle of operation remains the same: after you wake up, you simply feel yourself being pulled back into sleep.

You will probably feel a certain wave that pulls you inside yourself or some “dips” (plunging) of consciousness into sleep. This is an altered state of consciousness in which you can receive any information hidden from you from the subconscious, which is directly connected to the information field of the Universe.

How to use an altered state of consciousness?

The interrupted sleep technique can give you access to any information hidden from you.

Just think how much this means and what opportunities it can provide! You can learn almost anything if you train this ability.

Using this technology, you can view your destiny, ask questions to the subconscious (it knows about everything).

This technique will provide an incredible service to researchers, writers, gamblers, brokers, treasure hunters, geologists, bookmakers, etc.

Ordinary people will be able to use it if they want to find out what is hidden from them, for example, to expose deception or betrayal, or to find out about the thoughts of a person.

How this method helped me find a large sum!

I love experiments. This happened in my youth when I needed a certain amount of money. It was late evening.

As always, I entered (I have been using this method for a long time) and asked my subconscious: “Where can I find the amount of money I need right now?” After that the pictures came.

I was shown that on a street I knew, in my city, there was a wallet full of money. I immediately called a taxi and headed to this exact place (the Universe does not like thoughts).

Having arrived there and carefully examined everything that I could see in the dark, I suddenly found a wallet full of large bills. I counted the money, and it turned out that there was exactly as much as I needed to solve my problem.

This is far from the only one good experience in my story.

How did an altered state of consciousness help me win the lottery?

Another case clearly demonstrates that using this method you can win cash prizes in the lottery. I decided to take this opportunity and test the method for strength.

The day before New Year's holidays I bought lottery ticket"Sportloto". There you had to guess the winning combination of numbers 5 out of 36.

To be honest, I didn’t try very hard and remembered only three numbers that were shown to me in an altered state of consciousness. To my surprise, these numbers turned out to be winning. It wasn't a jackpot¹, but I was pleasantly pleased with the amount.

This was another victory and proof of effectiveness this method! I can tell you many stories about how incredibly effective this simple method works. Here's another interesting story, when I checked feelings.

How an altered state of consciousness helped me expose betrayal

About five years ago, a mature woman came to see me (I used to provide services), she cried and said that she suspected her husband of cheating.

She didn't know what to do and decided to turn to me for advice.

“Help,” she begged.

I replied that a wise man who wants to feed the hungry gives not a fish, but a fishing rod. In 3 weeks I taught her simple and proven clairvoyance methods.

About two weeks after the training, she came to me again, but in even greater despair...

“Imagine,” she says, “I used your method and actually discovered that my husband, the school director, was really cheating on me with one of the young elementary school teachers.”

I went into a trance and saw them together in his office. I couldn’t stand it and ran there to check myself and expose the betrayal. It turned out to be true!

The altered state of consciousness gave me a lot!

Many of my techniques were discovered in it. That's why I say that interrupted sleep is an indispensable thing in research, scientific development, obtaining profitable business ideas. This method is especially good for players in financial markets (although there are some nuances here and they need to be dealt with separately).


  • So, we are interested in precisely these states of “dips” or waves of being drawn into sleep - this is theta trance.
  • At this moment, a “mystical” portal to the subconscious opens inside you, which means that you can ask questions or queries, just as you search for information in search engine Internet.
  • Focus as much as possible on an issue that interests or concerns you.
  • When a lapse in sleep comes, go into it with this question. After this (if you can stay awake), usually quite quickly, you receive an answer from somewhere in the depths of your subconscious. It could be a real voice or a vision or an understanding or a feeling. You will understand the answer already on a conscious level.

The answers, as a rule, are non-standard and even somewhat strange. You wouldn't have thought of this on your own. The subconscious is quite extraordinary.

ISS) - term modern psychology, meaning extraordinary states of consciousness that can be achieved with the help of special training or the use of a number of pharmacological drugs and psychedelic substances (LSD-25, psilocybin, etc.).

ASC, the psychedelic practice of achieving them, is historically given and has been known to people since the times of tribal self-organization. Special meaning psychedelics lies in their ability to open the psyche, make it unusually sensitive to the imprinting of sacred rites, and, in fact, introduce the individual to new situations and roles. Initially, ISS served as a means of selecting and consolidating stages and standards life cycles and specializations of community members, for example: in the rituals of initiation of warriors, spiritual leaders, in rituals of family, birth, etc. Strict passing criteria made it possible to reproduce and strengthen the community each time in the customs of a particular ethnic group. The criteria for the success of initiation for an individual consisted not only of the result of the change, but, to a large extent, were determined by the quality of the stages of passage. They provided for the manifestation of strong and weaknesses physiology, human psyche and his ability to confirm his sociality. The essence of these ethnopsychological self-regulations is known in modern history a number of small nations of America, Southeast Asia, Siberia and Africa. By ethnographic research such practices in the form of mysteries were part of the life of the peoples of Europe until the 6th - 9th centuries and as initiatory rituals until the 12th - 14th centuries.

The position of the Church in the absolute right to the sacred and mystical, the final declaration of Nature as a base form of being, led to a complete ban on psychedelics and initiatory practices of ASC.

The revival of psychedelics in their specific qualities begins in Europe with the use of cannabis derivatives - hashish and absinthe - wormwood. The medical use of cannabis derivatives lasted until the 1930s. The era of synthetic psychedelics begins in the late 40s after the discovery of the properties of LSD to induce ASCs, as well as the widespread and successful use of the drug in the differential diagnosis and treatment of mental crises, neuroses, drug addiction and alcoholism. Since the late 50s, LSD has penetrated the youth environment and is especially popular in the United States, and by the mid-60s a situation of mass “acid” consumption has developed. After the ban on LSD in 1966 and subsequent bans on other new synthetic drugs of this series, a stable criminal world drug market is emerging, in which “hard”, true drugs are smuggled in “on the tail” of psychedelics. In Russia, in 2001, a law was passed banning LSD-type drugs.

Of course, a qualified psychotherapist is able to provide psychological assistance and without the use of psychedelic drugs, especially since in our country they are legally prohibited, but the legal ban of psychedelic drugs does not cancel their valuable properties and qualities; in most countries, their use, sanctioned by government agencies, continues for research, psychotherapeutic and medical purposes.

Consciousness and its altered forms

In modern ideas, the discussion about the forms of consciousness began in the work of W. James “The Variety of Experience”: “Our normal, or, as we call it, rational consciousness represents only one form of consciousness, and other, completely different from it, forms exist next to him, separated from him by a thin partition... Our idea of ​​the world cannot be complete if we do not take into account these forms of consciousness.” Over the past century, researchers have shown the existence of a wide variety of forms of consciousness. The most striking of them should be recognized as modifications caused by psychoactive substances, especially psychedelics. The basis of these caused ASCs is the process of deep dissociation of consciousness, the subsequent unification of unconscious and conscious mental content. In the dynamics of mental changes, renewal of their properties, content and semantic orientation is achieved, and consciousness deepens.

The established views on ASC are based on the idea of ​​consciousness as an aspect, side of mental reality. The fundamental difference between consciousness and other aspects of the psyche is its self-referral, self-awareness, which stands out as the reflexivity of consciousness. In this awareness we think, desire, determine our intentions and goals. Meanings and meanings are presented as the central content of reflection. In reflexive appeal to them, new meanings and meanings, new connections are born, their mutual logical and creative transformations occur, reflection entails dreams, fantasy and is responsible for the criticality and adequacy of perception and comprehension.

Meanings and senses are closely related in symbolic, iconic, figurative and verbal expressions, functionally present in the sensory fabric of the psyche and the objective fabric of activity. Reflection constantly supports thematic and vital activity, transforms the potential in the psyche into the actual, and our capabilities into abilities and new ideas.

In this context, according to ASC researchers, human consciousness manifests itself as a mastered psychic and as a purely human “organ” that has no developed natural analogues. The unconscious, on the one hand, surrounds consciousness, on the other, it is deeply subject to it, therefore it is partially shaped by the cultural fabric, representing the sphere of repressed mental contents, long-term memory, instincts and potential psyche. Such a statement emphasizes the semantic horizons, as well as the genetic essence of the individual. In fact, from the prenatal stage he is immersed in all aspects of human reality. In other words, a person is initially imprinted, imprinted in the forms of this reality. Then, the information-energetic essence of imprinting becomes the basis for the highest differentiations and diversity of manifestations of its essence. At the same time, from the semantic and vital potentiality, culture and civilization reproduces the individual it needs, convenient and constructive - this is the most general mechanism for the formation of the modern, i.e. a specific person, which ensures the stability of the construction of social corridors of reality and the individual himself.

In human reality, as researchers emphasize, there is always significant potential for new worlds of self-realization, creativity and self-determination. In the crises of life and progress, people used their potential for readaptation and expansion. Solving problems of this level was possible only in thematically specified information systems. Access to adjacent (“parallel”) and potential realities, apparently, was first felt intuitively, and then methods and means were selected that led to the desired goal. Probably, since ancient times, controlled ASCs have become an important tool of psychic culture; natural psychedelics were used as “mysterious keys” of ASCs.

Psychedelic experience

As a means of initiating ASC, from all natural and synthetic psychedelics, researchers have identified two main substances that are similar in their effects - LSD-25 and psilocybin. They are distinguished by the practical absence of toxicity, an acceptable period of action (on average 6 - 12 hours), as well as the achievement of vivid and deep experiences in the ASC, while the entire period of action of the ASC psychedelics remains stable. Exit from this state, as a rule, is completely physiological and is not burdened with long-term consequences. In the psychedelic process, conditions are created for a person to deeply transform his experience of his personal history and, further, the so-called transpersonal nature - that which lies beyond the boundaries of his individuality. Here the phenomenology of personal conflicts, childhood, infancy, his period of birth (the so-called perinatal experience) is revealed, as well as connections and forms in which a person is present beyond the boundaries of his person and life in other people, nature, space and the sacred mystical existence. In psychedelic states, a person is faced with experiencing real aspects of his life and with unexpected phenomenology that has no analogues in everyday life. All this is presented in real (recognizable), mythological and phantasmagoric images and experiences. Their comprehension occurs partly in the ASCs themselves, partly after the completed sessions. The essence of the transformative influence of psychedelics lies in the rethinking of life contents, psychotraumas, one’s own ancestral (perinatal) history, the boundaries of one’s “I” and in the acquisition of a new self-presentation, in the experience of “encountering” the extraordinary scale of one’s own psyche, as well as in the experience of mystical unity with nature and the universe . In individual self-reports, the majority of participants in psychedelic sessions indicate a deep revitalizing rethinking of their crises, illnesses and life itself; participants are confident in acquiring new perspectives, goals and values, as well as in expanding their capabilities, scope and depth of understanding of themselves and the world. The most important feature psychedelia is the manifestation of conditions for the transformation of mental contents, repressed and forgotten information, the acquisition of new positive meanings and grounds for constructive changes in one’s own life path and self-determination that lead to personal growth.

Unlike psychedelic drugs, psycholytic drugs cause dissolution, dissociation of consciousness, at the level of its barriers of self-control and internal mental censorship; they are short-term in their effect and allow penetration only to the biographical level of the subject. The psycholytic effect allows, at best, to resolve current conflicts in the psyche, to release a number of “clamps” that are directly relevant in a particular crisis or psychological trauma, that is, they lie on the surface. The disinhibiting effect of psycholytics (for example, pentothal) also lies in the fact that non-narcotic dosages of drugs in this series are capable of activating a person’s motor and speech activity. In particular, in speech the individual loses criticality towards his statements and he develops talkativeness without speech censorship and speech organization, which partially relieves stress tension. Alcohol, known to everyone, has similar psycholytic properties. Thus, psycholytics relieve accumulated tensions, but do not lead to their comprehension and, especially, to a liberating transformation.

Analysis of psychedelically altered states of consciousness

The mandatory content of all thematically or psychotherapeutically conditioned ASCs are the following phases:

  • the first phase is immersion, in which the individual experiences stupefaction, loss of control, clarity of all external and internal landmarks. He finds himself shackled in a feeling of self-dissolution, which is perceived as an uncontrollable process;
  • the transition to the second phase of the state can be gradual or rapid; a person, as it were, emerges and finds himself in a new situation and reality that is unexpected for him. At the same time, his orientation is restored, but the main part of attention is captured and connected with intrapsychic contents. The individual loses the clarity of sensory boundaries, as well as the certainty of his “I” and becomes part of a dynamic array of experiences. He is drawn into the flow of images, repressed and forgotten events, mythological scenes and fantasies; in meaning, they are usually associated with each other. In this movement, a person begins to highlight, discover himself, his primary self-determination occurs in the conditions of psychedelia;
  • in the third conditional phase of the process, the individual shows special sensitivity to meanings and sensitivity to understanding what is happening. He begins to connect the realities of his life with the revealed mental contents, which stimulates the process of rethinking his own existence and the boundaries of the personal “I”; it ceases to appear in the form of a personal pronoun. Self-perception becomes as dynamic as possible and a person begins to perceive the wealth of meanings that lie behind the simple Ego-form. In this phase, the psyche undergoes one or another reconstruction in accordance with semantic dynamics;
  • in the fourth phase, a person encounters the phenomenon of psychedelic clarity. His “I” acquires new self-determination and self-representation, the individual evaluates his experience, state and prospects in a new way, the semantic reconstruction of the psyche gains clarity. In this phase, he understands the content of his problems, difficulties and successes, and here the prerequisites for self-change, renewal of tasks and values ​​arise.

The exit from the ASC is carried out smoothly, the person, as it were, emerges in the usual landmarks to his everyday life. Most of the experience is left behind, its relevance fades and is forgotten to one degree or another. At the same time, the main contents of the experience, associated with one’s own rethinking, become the contents of consciousness. IN further man chooses to what extent to follow and implement this new understanding.

With vulgar, thoughtless use of psychedelics, the pattern of ASC is dominated by the development of the first and second phases, and only weak, random signs of the third and fourth phases are detected. Such psychedelia cannot be recognized as full-fledged due to the lack of constructive psychosemantic synthesis. This profanation places psychedelia outside human self-determination.

Psychosemantic dynamics in ASC

The dynamics and reorganization of semantic elements in ASC, despite the richest mental phenomenology, manifests itself as completely natural processes.

  • The specific quality of psychedelics should be recognized as the ability to cause deep dissolution (dissolution) of consciousness with a temporary loss of the mechanisms of mental censorship, self-control and its reflexive self-referral. As a result, a unique situation is created: deep mental contents and forgotten information become accessible to perception. At the same time, nonspecific activation by psychedelics of all mental processes, which increases the depth of access to psychic contents.
  • Semantic formations: meanings, images, semantic associations lose the consistency of their organization and hierarchical structure. At this first stage of psychedelic development, the subject does not differentiate logical connections of meanings; he is immersed in energetically charged mental material and notes only spontaneously sounding elements of images, meanings and meanings. The self is perceived as an indefinite presence and continuity with these contents. This stage cannot be considered degradative in relation to semantic self-organization, because after it, in all cases of non-profane use of psychedelics, a reorganization of mental contents and meanings occurs.
  • The following picture of altered states is characterized, firstly, by the “unpacking” of the individual’s subjective history, and secondly, by the implementation of the thematic premise of using a psychedelic. The history of human life, its semantic content, may or may not coincide with what a person wanted to discover and change in himself with the help of psychedelia. At the same time, both will manifest themselves in competition or synergy of meanings as soon as the ISS is formed.
  • In a full-fledged development of the ASC, there are clear semantic criteria; the subject develops a special sensitivity to meanings and their connections and an extraordinary depth of understanding of them. At this level, the activity of reflection increases, and semantic and figurative associations begin to emerge in an extremely dynamic and diverse manner. In their extreme redundancy, along with fantastic ones, there are realistic associations; in them a person recognizes repressed information, as well as those semantic contents that carry creative, creative meaning. Self-perception is subject to the same dynamics, adjusted for continuity. Even when “dying” in one or another fantastic scene, experiencing cardinal transformations, a person does not lose himself, he is always aware of himself.
  • The stage of the so-called psychedelic clarity of the ASC is characterized by a special organicity, clarity of self-organization of psychosemantic forms. Images, meanings, meanings acquire a hierarchical structure, in which a person sees his life and semantic horizons with extraordinary clarity. He finds himself changed, understanding his problems and new tasks, he often feels a strong urge to creative movement. This state differs from ordinary dominants in the primacy of the meanings of self-development and achievement of fundamentally significant goals.

The individual result of psychosemantic dynamics, upon exiting the ASC, is one or another new semantic content of consciousness, the desire to rethink one’s life and affairs. These changes often carry a pronounced therapeutic charge; a person is able to recover from many psychosomatic ailments and mental suffering.

Psychosemantic content of ISS

From point of view semantic analysis, the most important qualities and the unique properties of psychedelia are:

  • formation of access to unconscious mental contents and memory;
  • the ability to extremely activate reflexive mechanisms and increase sensitivity to psychosemantic elements;
  • significantly stimulate the dynamics of psychosemantic processes, as well as the reorganization of psychosemantic elements with the vector of complicating their systematicity;
  • provide a revitalizing therapeutic effect in the updated context of semantic assessments of life content;
  • have a transformative effect on personal self-determination and stimulate the need for self-development.

The identified qualities are found in all professionally induced ASCs and, in fact, represent the formal psychosemantic dynamics and structure of psychedelically induced ASCs. The manifestation of this formal structure in altered states can be recognized as a criterion of their usefulness and effectiveness, as well as the validity of ASCs, along with methodological requirements and analyzes of the results of their origin.

Contemporary psychedelic practice of ASC

In modern practice of using psychedelics, the following areas are distinguished:

  • vulgar use of psychedelics, mainly in youth environment as a form of entertainment and pleasure. In this variant, the qualities of psychedelics are exploited to enhance the hedonistic sensory component and fantasy of perception;
  • the use of psychedelics for the purpose of self-development and stimulation of the development of new
    social-role functions are observed, mainly in cultural developed environment and can be used for applied purposes. This option deliberately uses the possibility of thematic control of the psychedelic process within the framework of special algorithms;
  • Medical use of psychedelics: over the past forty years, it has proven effective in the treatment of severe personality crises, a number of mental illnesses and for most psychosomatic ailments. Medical specialists using drugs of this series believe that their therapeutic effect is associated with the transformation of negative pathogenic systems of experience (negative information matrices) and with a revitalizing transformation of the psyche. The most important aspect this therapy has a psychosemantic component;
  • the use of psychedelics for scientific research can be considered promising, especially in light of their ability to provide deep access to unconscious mental contents, for the study of the semantic organization of the psyche and its role in the functioning of the systems of the human body. However, such studies are most adequate, with scientific point vision, can be implemented in conjunction with computer psychotechnologies.

Legal authorization of the use of psychedelics for medical and research purposes, within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is possible only in the form of state licensing of the use of psychedelic drugs by relevant specific medical and scientific organizations and groups.

History of altered states of consciousness and psychedelic substances Altered states of consciousness (ASC) is a term in modern psychology that means extraordinary states of consciousness that can be achieved with the help of special training or the use of a number of pharmacological drugs and psychedelic substances (LSD-25, psilocybin, etc.). ASC, the psychedelic practice of achieving them, is historically given and has been known to people since the times of tribal self-organization. Special...

I am glad to welcome the inquisitive readers of our project, who, like me, are cramped within the framework of conventional thinking and want to further develop their personality. I propose to study the issue together: altered state of consciousness - what it is, and what additional opportunities it opens up for a person. Since ancient times, magicians, alchemists, healers, and astrologers have been interested in altered states of consciousness. Nowadays, the topic has not lost its relevance: psychotherapists, hypnologists, and esotericists use it in their practice. As Albert Einstein wrote:

“No difficult situation can be overcome at the level of consciousness at which it arose.”

First of all I want to tell you real story on behalf of the esotericist Sergei:

At the age of 11, I fell in physical education class and hit my head painfully. Subsequently, I was plagued by severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, and sleep disturbances. Doctors diagnosed a concussion and prescribed a large number of medicines. Over time, the pain recurred periodically, I didn’t want to “sit on pills”, I just had to endure it. At the age of 18, when I became interested in esotericism and spiritual practices, I was lucky enough to meet an experienced mentor. He taught me a technique for reviewing past events in a state of meditation to identify and eliminate the cause of what happened.

In a meditative state, I began to remember and, as it were, replay the events of 7 years ago in reverse. I saw that when I fell, not only did my leg twist, but also another phenomenon. At that moment, something like an energy cord stretched to my head from above. I would not be able to recognize this in my usual state of consciousness. While in meditation, I was able to, through an effort of will and imagination, break the connection with the source of pain. It turns out that in a state of altered consciousness I got rid of an illness that doctors could not cope with in 7 years.

The concept of an altered state of consciousness

To understand what an altered state of consciousness is, let’s first turn to authoritative scientific sources. Let's open the all-knowing Wikipedia and treatises on psychology. An altered state of consciousness (ASC) is a qualitative transformation of an individual’s subjective experiences and psychological functioning in comparison with certain norms of behavior, recorded by himself or outside observers. Subjective experiences are unique individual characteristics thinking and perception of the world around each person.

Altered states of consciousness that are short-term in nature and arise naturally are inherent in the psyche healthy people. ASC during sleep is a physiological need of the human body. And now I propose to do without abstruse terms and formulate a more accessible definition. Altered consciousness is a state in which significant changes are observed in a person’s thinking and worldview, in his physical and emotional sensations, in behavior and intellectual abilities. In my opinion, it sounds simpler and clearer. Altered states of consciousness are divided into:

  • spontaneously arising as a result of physical activity, listening to monotonous speech or music, experiencing stress or feeling acute pain;
  • artificially caused by taking psychotropic drugs or changing the respiratory rhythm;
  • psychotechnically conditioned accompany hypnotic trance, meditation, and religious rituals.

Trance state of consciousness: how to enter

One of the types of ASC is the trance state of consciousness. It is generally accepted that trance refers to the area of ​​supernatural manifestations of the human psyche. In fact, you and I experience a state of light trance almost every day, without even noticing it. Remember how you felt when you:

  • passionate an interesting book or a film;
  • listen to your favorite music;
  • “automatically” you walk along a familiar route or drive a car along an empty road, while mentally immersed in yourself;
  • are in a state of emotional or mental stress;
  • do something creative or do something you love;
  • you experience euphoria from traveling to other cities and countries, from contemplating works of art;
  • do sports, dance.

In all of these cases, our consciousness concentrates on one feeling or thought and disconnects from the “insignificant” surrounding reality. A state of deep trance, otherwise called the “highest degree of awareness,” is achieved through meditation or hypnosis.

Types of altered states of consciousness

Learning theory is great! But I believe that any phenomenon is easier to understand if you look at specific case studies and understand their essence. Forms of altered states of consciousness:

  1. Hypnotic influence is an ASC that occurs as a result of the targeted influence of a hypnotist or through self-hypnosis. It has an intermediate position between wakefulness and sleep. In a state of hypnotic trance, a person is able to remember and rethink the events of past years, get rid of psychological trauma, gain control and get rid of bad habits.
  2. Sleep as an altered state of consciousness is the only natural way provided for by human physiology. During sleep, all organs and resources of the body are restored. In a dream, a person can literally see the solution to his problem.
  3. Meditation is the process of gradually relaxing the physical body while concentrating on the sensations of your body, your own breathing, or on a specific object. As a result, the mind is “unloaded” from negative experiences, an uncontrolled flow of abstract thoughts, and irritants from the surrounding world. In a state of meditation, a person is able to mentally ask a question into the surrounding space and receive an answer.
  4. Impact psychotropic substances. It's no secret that alcohol, nicotine, and drugs have the most detrimental effect on the human body. First of all, brain cells are destroyed, therefore, a person’s consciousness does not just change - it degrades to hallucinations and mental disorders.
  5. Coma is one of the types of consciousness disorders in which a person has no connection with the surrounding reality and ceases mental activity. Occurs as a result of severe brain damage due to trauma, inflammatory processes, poisoning.
  6. “Shamanic journey” is an ancient way of comprehending parallel levels of reality located beyond the perception of the physical senses. Involves moving to a different energy spectrum. Experience and knowledge accumulated in an altered state of consciousness contribute to new and unusual insights in the spiritual search and help in solving problems in a person’s daily life.
  7. Pathological condition of a person. A state of altered consciousness is observed due to prolonged fasting, dehydration, lack of sleep or complete lack of sleep, and elevated body temperature.

Positive and negative aspects of joining the AIS

Altered states of consciousness and methods of entering them have a beneficial effect on a person only in the case of their natural manifestation and positive influence on physical and mental health. A state of light trance from playing sports, creativity or connecting with nature allows you to get rid of negative experiences and stress. In this way, attention shifts from unfavorable circumstances to another sphere of perception, where the human psyche relaxes.

A state of altered consciousness through deep sleep, meditation or hypnosis gives people the opportunity to draw information from their subconscious. And you and I know that the human subconscious directly interacts with the energy-information field of our universe. In this way, you yourself can obtain the information you are interested in, program the events of your life, and even get rid of ailments. In the event that a person tries to change his consciousness with the help of alcohol or narcotic substances, the result of such experiments will be tragic. At first, a person will feel an incredible expansion of consciousness and see the versatility of the universe in the most bright colors. It will seem to him that he has risen above the “gray routine”, that the level of his intelligence is many times higher than the level of “primitive people”.

All this is temporary and ends in complete decomposition of the individual. I humbly apologize for such a comparison, but expanding your consciousness and comprehending the secrets of the universe through the use of “drugs” is the same as trying to stay warm in the cold by peeing in your pants. It will be warm for a couple of minutes, but then... The use of narcotic substances is justified only in the case of medical anesthesia of the patient during surgery.

How to enter an altered state of consciousness

Well, let's move on to practice! To master the methods of entering an altered state of consciousness, you need to learn how to change the wave vibrations of the brain. Brain rhythms are directly related to processes in our consciousness. There are 4 levels of brain radiation:

  1. Beta Wave is the natural state of waking consciousness. The frequency range of brain radiation ranges from 14 to 37 rhythms per second. Respiration rate is from 12 to 18 breaths per minute.
  2. Alpha Wave is a passive resting state of the brain. A rhythm commensurate with a meditative and hypnotic trance, a day dream. The frequency of brain radiation is from 8 to 13 vibrations. Respiration rate is from 7 to 11 breaths per minute.
  3. Theta Wave - state REM sleep: mental images rise above the level of our subconscious. Opens up access to supernatural experiences and visual perception images beyond everyday reality. The level of “Shamanic Journey”, a feeling of unity with the universe. The frequency of brain radiation is from 5 to 7 rhythms, breathing - from 5 to 6 breaths.
  4. Delta Wave is a state of deep sleep when a person is under general anesthesia or unconscious. Characterized by immunity to any irritants. The frequency of brain radiation is from 0.6 to 5 vibrations. The respiratory rate is extremely low - from 2 to 5 breaths per minute.

And now - the fun part!

Ways to enter an altered state of consciousness:

  1. While in a calm, secluded environment and closing your eyes, feel more deep level inner silence. You withdraw from the sounds and phenomena of the world around you. Feel the relaxation of your body muscles, concentrate your attention on pleasant images. Do not try to suddenly stop the flow of thoughts: this can cause a reaction that is the opposite of relaxation. Take the position of an observer of your thoughts, do not try to evaluate them. Create a stream of smoothly flowing consciousness in your head. Now you are ready to move from the harsh everyday materiality to a more subtle worldview.
  2. From the entire thought stream, choose the image that is most attractive and interesting to you. Having made sure that the chosen image is the most harmonious for you at the moment, begin to wrap it in layers of thought forms. The finally formulated thought form will give you a feeling of complete internal merging of images and feelings with the information field of the universe. (A thought form is an independent living structure created by human thoughts. It already exists in astral world, but has not yet been embodied on the material level. A person generates it with his imagination and feeds it with personal energy).
  3. Now look around and feel the psychological area you have created. Under the condition of the highest concentration on the selected object, you will feel how your concentration smoothly moves into a certain “parallel” space. Don't try to catch the details. Calmly follow the flow. If you have a feeling of fear or discomfort, weaken your psychological concentration. Get distracted by the details physical world. Adapt to changes gradually and carefully.

In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to like-minded readers for your interest and desire for self-improvement. I am glad that together we are on the path to understanding the secrets of the universe and the amazing capabilities of man. An altered state of consciousness can provide answers to pressing questions regarding everyday problems, spiritual search, and also teach a person to materialize his desires. Mahatma Gandhi uttered a simple but brilliant phrase:

"If you want to change the world, first change yourself.”

In our project you will find a large number of fascinating and educational articles for the development of thinking, mental and creativity. The most important thing on the path to yourself is to meet yourself. Good luck!

In the psychological literature, according to one of the classifications, the following basic states of consciousness are distinguished (Godefroy, 1996):

    waking state(active, clear consciousness, when information coming from outside easily and freely passes into consciousness). In these cases they say: “The person is conscious” - which means he can say “I know” (I am aware of the environment, myself);

    altered states of consciousness (ASC), which include sleep (dreams).

The German philosopher and psychiatrist K. Jaspers very figuratively described the difference between the state of wakefulness and altered states of consciousness: “ Clarityconsciousness requires that what I think about be before me with complete clarity; so that I know what I am doing and want to do it; so that what I experience is connected to my “I” and maintains its integrity in the context of my memory. Mental phenomena become conscious only if they at some point come into the attention of the individual and thus gain the opportunity to rise to the level of clear consciousness” (Jaspers, 1997).

The psychological literature describes several types of altered states of consciousness. Let's look at them in more detail.

Altered states of consciousness arise when the personality of a person who is in a normal, clear state of consciousness is influenced by various factors:

    stressful, affectogenic situations;

    sensory deprivation or prolonged isolation;

    hyperventilation of the lungs or, on the contrary, prolonged breath holding;

    intoxication (psychedelic phenomena, hallucinations against the background high temperature or taking narcotic drugs);

    acute neurotic or psychotic diseases;

  • meditation, etc.

As a rule, after leaving the ASC, a person is able to describe the unusual subjective experiences he experienced. Therefore, the literature provides the following definition of ASC: this is “a mental state caused by one or another physiological, psychological or pharmacological agent, subjectively described by the individual in terms of internal experience and by objective observation of it, characterized as a deviation from a certain norm of mental functioning” (Psychology. Dictionary..., 1990).

Most early form The development in human culture of the conscious induction of ASCs and their active use for various purposes is shamanism. Ethnography describes altered states of consciousness, known under the names “shamanic disease”, “shamanic trance”, states of collective trance, etc. Subsequently, ASCs and techniques for inducing them found their place both in various religions and in folk culture: in witchcraft, fortune telling, village magic, carnivals, etc. Attracting scientific attention to the phenomena of ASC and methods of their regulation is associated with the era of mesmerism, when F. A. Mesmer (1733–1815) laid the foundations of hypnosis and began its active use.

Hypnosis- this is a temporary altered state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the functions of individual control and self-awareness (Psychology. Dictionary..., 1990).

The outstanding Russian neuropathologist and psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev (1857–1927) is rightfully considered the father of Russian hypnology. Considering that big role when special states of consciousness occur, verbal suggestion plays a role; he expressed the idea that a number of physical stimuli contribute to immersing a person in a hypnotic state. Currently, certain types of hypnosis are used in psychotherapeutic practice.

Of interest to modern psychology and meditation, despite the fact that the practice of medicine has been known in the East for many centuries. Meditation (from the Latin meditatio - reflection) is an intense, penetrating reflection, immersion of the mind in an object, idea, etc., which is achieved by focusing on one object and eliminating all factors that dissipate attention, both external (sound, light) and internal (physical, emotional and other stress) (Psychology. Dictionary..., 1990).

How to treat altered states of consciousness? Is it worth worrying about them? According to experts, it’s probably not worth it unless absolutely necessary. At the same time, in the domestic literature there is an opinion that ASC, and in particular hypnosis, “is the most important reserve level of the body. The state of hypnosis creates conditions for more expanded control of the phenomena of the unconscious, as well as mobilization of the energetic ability of transformed (like super-suggestibility) consciousness. This allows a more concentrated focus in a given state, which, under certain circumstances, can cause the mobilization of the physical, intellectual and psychophysiological reserves of the individual” (Psychology. Dictionary..., 1990).

J. Godefroy in the textbook “What is Psychology” describes in detail such ASCs as meditation, hypnosis, sleep, as well as states of consciousness caused by taking alcohol and drugs.

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