Home Mushrooms Astral transition after the death of a person. What is astral. What happens after a person dies. Birth in the physical world

Astral transition after the death of a person. What is astral. What happens after a person dies. Birth in the physical world

In a dream, we all live in the astral plane. For this reason, we all know what the astral world looks like not by hearsay, but from our own life experience in it. And what can we say about it?

In the astral there are separate bodies and things, there are distances between them. So there is space.

In the astral, some events are a consequence of previous events, there are causes and effects. So there is time.

If there is space and time in the astral, then there is also movement, the existence of which we, in general, do not need to prove logically - we directly see the movement of things and bodies there, as well as the change in their states.

If there is a movement of bodies in the astral plane, then there are also their collisions, there is an impact of some bodies on others. It also does not need to be deduced logically. We simply see the impact of some bodies on others in the astral plane. These are various obstacles, in order to overcome which we need to make some effort of our astral body, this is the opposition of some astral body to our influence on it. For example, we put pressure on an astral object with the astral hand, and it presses on our hand with the same force, although it may be displaced in the astral space.

What does this situation mean? – In the astral plane, as well as in the physical world, there is force, and hence energy, which means that astral bodies also have mass. We see and feel the power. We do not see energy, but what is energy? It is the product of a force times the distance traveled by the point of application of that force. What is a mass? - This is a balanced energy, enclosed in a certain closed space. When we try to disturb the state of rest of this closed space, we give it acceleration, the balance of energy inside it is disturbed and it manifests itself outside by the force of inertia.

Everything said clearly takes place in the astral plane. And all this is very similar to the earthly world. Being in a dream in the astral plane, we usually do not feel that we are not in the earthly world. Everything seems to be on earth. Only when we wake up do we find the difference. We see the physical world again, the images of the astral world are also still fresh in our memory, we compare impressions from both worlds, and only then do we see the difference.

There is a lot of evidence that a deceased person also cannot immediately understand that he is no longer in the physical world, but in the astral plane. He really doesn't see the difference. Everything is like the physical world. Except for one thing - the matter here is no longer physical, but astral, and everything around consists of it. But the astral eyes of the human astral body cannot notice this change in the form of matter.

The study of the differences between physical matter and astral science has yet to be done. In this matter, even a fulcrum for a scientific approach has not yet been found.

Usually, astral travelers indicate the ability to move in the astral world at the speed of thought, almost instantly and over vast distances. But this is not a fundamental difference between the astral world and the physical. In the physical world, there is also such a possibility, which is realized in such a physical phenomenon as teleportation. When teleportation is scientifically studied, perhaps such technologies of teleportation will be developed that will make it as accessible for use as in the astral world. And in the astral world, far from everyone is capable of controlled instantaneous movements. In ordinary sleep, as in ordinary life in the physical world, this is almost never available.

In the astral plane, a person can fly. But, again, only astral travelers can fly in the astral at their own will, who, at their own will, are able to go into the astral. In an ordinary dream, an ordinary person cannot fly voluntarily, but only spontaneously. The same picture takes place in the physical world. Ordinary people sometimes fly spontaneously, involuntarily, and, for example, some witches and magicians can fly at will.

In the astral world, objects sometimes demonstrate an instantaneous, inertialess increase in speed, a stop, or a change in direction of movement. On this basis, it is sometimes asserted that astral bodies have no mass and inertia. But physical bodies sometimes exhibit exactly the same properties, for example, in poltergeist phenomena this is very common. In ordinary physical phenomena, however, physical bodies move inertially, just as astral bodies move inertially in ordinary dreams.

As below, so above - said the divine Hermes Trismegistus several thousand years ago. Maybe it was this semblance of the physical (below) and astral (above) worlds that he had in mind.

Theosophists say that the astral, the astral plane of the earthly world, has 7 subplanes. The lowest, the seventh subplane, is the most terrible for our existence in the astral body. The situation there is somewhat reminiscent of the hell with which the Christian church frightens its believers. But no man, even the greatest sinner, is obliged to live permanently in this sub-plane. He can use the possibilities of all seven subplanes of the astral at will, but if he knows that it is possible, and knows how to achieve it.

The astral body of an ordinary person consists of the matter of all seven subplanes of the astral. It sees and feels the surrounding astral environment not with its eyes, ears, nose... but exclusively with those astral particles that make up its surface. Moreover, the particles of each astral subplane can perceive only the matter of their subplane and do not perceive the matter of other subplanes at all. If on the surface of the astral body suddenly appear only particles of one subplane of the astral, for example, the seventh, then this astral body will perceive the matter of only this subplane. The rest of the astral planes will be invisible, inaudible, imperceptible to him.

When a person is alive in a physical body, then the particles of the astral matter of his astral body "... are constantly in rapid motion and circulation, like the molecules of boiling water, so that particles of all subplanes always fall into the surface layer ..." (Charles Leadbeater. The book "Invisible Helpers" , Ch.16). For this reason, the astral body of a living person always sees all the subplanes of the astral plane of the Earth and can travel through them when a person is sleeping or consciously goes into the astral.

The situation changes dramatically when a person dies and the astral body is forever separated from the physical. In order to ensure the greatest security and stability of the astral body, its structure is transformed. Particle circulation stops. The particles of each astral sub-plane in the astral body are distributed in almost parallel layers, the shape of the surface of which is similar to that of the body. Layers of particles of the lowest subplanes are located closer to the surface of the astral body, layers of particles of finer subplanes - in its depth. The very surface of the body, at the same time, is made up of particles of the most rough astral subplane, with all the ensuing consequences for life - a person finds himself in exclusively hellish conditions.

It is possible and necessary to deal with this situation. At the moment when the astral body loses its support in the physical body, it is seized by a panic fear for its life. It is under the influence of this fear that the regrouping and stratification of the astral body takes place. If by force of will this fear is suppressed, if it is not allowed to undividedly embrace the whole body, if one maintains calmness, then stratification does not occur. The circulation of astral particles of different subplanes is preserved, the vision of all astral subplanes is preserved, the ability to a full-fledged astral life is preserved. (See details in the book: Ch. Leadbeater. Beyond Death. Chapter 8).

The power of fear is enormous. It is not at all easy to resist him, and if you failed and the stratification of the astral body occurred, all is not lost. You can try to find a person well-versed in esotericism in the astral who will help you destroy the stratification. Finding such a person is also not easy, because. You are able to search only in one sub-plane of the astral, and in one that those who know rarely enter. If such a person cannot be found, then you should not fall into frustration either. Firstly, there remains the hope of meeting such a person in the near future, and secondly, life in the astral plane itself is not forever. It will end someday, just like your life in the physical body once ended.

In addition, a person who knows and understands this situation “... will refuse to stay in a hardened shell that binds him to one subplane, he will insist on maintaining free communication with the highest astral levels. Thus he will find himself in a situation practically similar to that when he visited the astral world in a dream during his earthly life ...

So, we ... see the greatest advantage of accurate knowledge regarding the states that occur after death ”(C. Leadbeater. Beyond Death. Chapter 8).

First of all, the very word "dead" is an absurdly misleading definition, since most beings so classified are just as alive as we are - and often definitely more so. So the term should be understood simply as meaning those who are temporarily not attached to the physical body. They can be divided into the following ten main classes:

1. Nirmanakaya, that is, those who, having earned the eternal joy of nirvana, renounced it in order to devote themselves to work for the benefit of mankind. They are mentioned here for the sake of completeness of classification, since it is rare that such high beings appear on such a low plane as the astral. When, for any reason connected with their exalted work, they consider it desirable, they will most likely create temporary astral bodies for this purpose from the atomic matter of this plane, as do adepts who are in the body of the mind, since their more refined dress would be invisible to the astral vision.

2. Disciples awaiting incarnation. It has often been stated in Theosophical literature that when the disciple reaches a certain stage, he, with the help of the Master, can escape the operation of the law of nature, which in ordinary cases, at the end of astral life, carries the person to the heavenly world. In the ordinary course of events in this world, he would have fully received the result of the action of all the spiritual forces that he set in motion with his highest aspirations while on earth.

3. Ordinary people after death. Needless to say, this class is millions of times more numerous than the one we have just spoken about, and the character and position of its members vary widely. The length of their lives on the astral plane can vary just as widely, for there are those who spend a few days or hours there, while others remain on that level for many years and even centuries.

4. Shadows. When the separation of principles is completed, the astral life of a man ends, and, as previously said, he passes on to the mental plane. But just as when he dies on the physical plane he leaves behind a physical body, so when he dies on the astral plane he leaves behind a decaying astral body. If during his lifetime he cleansed himself of all earthly desires and directed all his energies into the channel of a disinterested spiritual aspiration, his “I” will be able to regain the entire lower mind that he sent into incarnation; in this case, the body left on the astral plane will be a simple corpse, like the abandoned physical body, and will fall not into the class under consideration, but into the next one.

5. Shells. These are already just astral corpses in the last stages of decay, which are abandoned by the last particles of the mind. They do not possess any consciousness or intelligence and float passively in the astral currents, like clouds that can be carried in any direction by a rushing breeze. But even then they can be galvanized into a terrible parody of life if they happen to fall within the reach of the medium's aura.

6. Animated Shells. Strictly speaking, these beings cannot be classified as “human” at all, since they are just the outer garments of a person, a passive, insensible shell that once belonged to humanity. The life, mind, desires and will that she may possess belong to the artificial elemental that animates her, and although in fact he is the product of the evil thought of man, he himself is not a human being. Therefore, it would probably be better to consider it more fully in the section on artificial beings, especially since its nature and origin will become easier to understand when we reach this part of our subject.

7. Suicides and victims of sudden death. In the case of sudden death or suicide, none of these preparations took place, and taking the principles out of their physical case would be aptly compared to pulling the pit out of an unripe fruit. A lot of astral matter of the grossest kind still clings to the personality, and consequently it will be held on the seventh, that is, the lowest, subdivision of the astral plane. We have already described it as not a pleasant place at all, but still it is not the same for everyone who is forced to temporarily inhabit it.

8. Vampires. Readers of theosophical literature know that a person can live such a low and selfish life, be so evil and cruel, that his whole lower mind becomes inextricably linked with desires and finally separates from his spiritual source, which is in the higher self. Some students seem to think that such cases are quite common, and we can meet many such "soulless people" on the street every day, but this is fortunately not true. To reach these heights of evil, which presuppose a complete loss of personality and the weakening of the individuality behind it, a person must stifle every glimpse of selflessness or spirituality and have nothing in himself that can save him; and remembering how often, even in the worst of villains, some good sides can be found, we will understand that the individuals left must always be a small minority. Yet, comparatively few as they may be, they do exist, and from their ranks even rarer vampires emerge.

Such a lost being after death very soon discovers that he cannot remain in the astral world, but must be irresistibly drawn in full consciousness into “his own place”, the mysterious eighth sphere, where he will slowly disintegrate, having experienced an experience that is better not to describe. However, if the death is sudden or the result of suicide, it may, under certain circumstances, especially if it knows something of black magic, refrain from this horrific death fate by living a life hardly less terrifying - the hideous existence of a vampire.

9. People in the "grey world". I have already said that vampires and werewolves are anachronistic and that they belonged to the evolution of a previous root race. But although our evolution has surpassed this particular form of manifestation, the very type of people who desperately cling to physical life due to lack of confidence in the existence of anything else still exists among us. Being highly materialistic, and having no ideas and ideas during earthly life that go beyond the physical, they lose their minds with fear when they find that they are cut off from it and are carried further and further away.

Sometimes such people make desperate attempts to regain some contact with physical life. Most of them do not succeed, and gradually they give up the struggle, and as soon as they do, they immediately slip into a natural brief unconsciousness and quickly awaken already in the astral world. But those who are strong enough to achieve partial and temporary success cling tenaciously to at least some fragments of their etheric counterpart, and sometimes they even manage to extract particles from the physical body.

We can say that the actual definition of death will be the complete and final separation of the etheric double from the dense body - in other words, the destruction of the physical body due to the removal of its etheric part. But as long as the connection persists, there may be conditions for catalepsy, trance or anesthesia; when it finally breaks, death occurs.
When a person leaves his dense body at the moment of death, he takes with him the ethereal part of this vehicle. But this ethereal matter in itself is not a full-fledged conductor - it is only a part of it. Therefore, as long as this ethereal matter surrounds man, he is neither on one plane nor on another. He has lost his physical senses, but he cannot feel with his astral body, because he is still wrapped in this cloud of ethereal matter. For some time - fortunately only a short time - he lives in a foggy gray world of unrest and discomfort, where he cannot clearly see either physical or astral events, but catches only random glimpses of both through the heavy fog in whose world he wandering, lost and helpless.

10. Black magicians or their students. This is the opposite extreme, corresponding to the second category of the dead in our classification, disciples awaiting incarnation, but in this case, instead of being allowed to use an unusual method of progress, a person goes against the natural process of evolution, lingering on the astral plane with the help of magical arts - sometimes in the most disgusting way.

This class could easily be subdivided still further, according to the purposes, the methods of their constituent beings, and the possible duration of their existence on this plane, but since they are not at all pleasant objects to study, and since all the student of occultism wants to know about them is how to avoid them, it will probably be much more interesting to move on to the next part of our subject. However, it may be mentioned that any human being who thus prolongs his life on the astral plane beyond the natural limit always does so at the expense of others, by absorbing their life in one form or another.

Since the creation of the world, everyone on this planet has been tormented by a sacred question: is there life after death? The best minds of mankind are trying to answer it: scientists and esotericists, magicians and skeptics to the marrow of their bones - at least once everyone asked the question of the possibility of immortality.

In this article

How long does a person die

A quick death is the highest good, unfortunately, not everyone can use it. Depending on the cause of death, the process of extinction of body functions can occur instantly or stretch for hours, days and even months.

No expert can name the exact time of brain death: classic textbooks on physiology indicate an interval of 3-4 minutes. But in practice, it was possible to “resurrect” people even 10–20 minutes after cardiac arrest!

There is a whole science dedicated to the rituals and features of parting with life - thanatology. Thanatologists distinguish 3 types of death:

  1. Clinical death - the heart and breathing of a person have already stopped, but the body has a reserve for medical intervention, you can get out of this state.
  2. Biological death is the death of the brain, today it is an irreversible phenomenon, although a number of body functions are preserved, cellular memory has not yet disappeared.
  3. Informational death is the final point of no return, the body is completely dead.

Today, doctors are able to bring a person back from clinical death, and the latest developments of scientists in 10 years will reach such a level of development that a person will be taken out of biological death as well. Perhaps someday death will no longer be considered an irreversible phenomenon.

Doctors can bring a person out of a state of clinical death if not too much time has passed

Everyone's feelings before the last breath are extremely individual. A person is left alone with himself and his thoughts: we come into the world alone, and we leave it alone. Everyone will experience their own, unlike anything else, but they are approximately the same.

The process of physical death by stages, their duration and symptoms is given in the table.

Stages of death What happens to the body Symptoms of the onset Duration
predagonic state The body is trying to reduce the torment of the body caused by the cause of dying. The functions of the central nervous system are disturbed, breathing becomes frequent and irregular, pain is dulled, loss of consciousness is possible From several minutes to several hours, in some cases the phase is absent
Agony The last attempt of the organism to survive, the concentration of all forces on the struggle for life Rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing 5 to 30 minutes
clinical death The body shows no visible signs of life, but is still alive Stopping the beating of the heart, oxygen is no longer supplied to the brain From 5 to 15 minutes depending on the causes of death and the age of the patient
Diagnosis of death body is dead Stop breathing and heartbeat, CNS shows no signs of life 5–10 minutes

Lama Ole Nydahl will tell about the process of death and biological dying, the separation of the soul from the body: in addition, he will share a useful practice that will make the complex process easier.

Man feels his death

Many people are actually able to feel the icy breath of death years and months before its physical onset. But more often death is predicted in a few days, this can be explained by simple changes in the body:

  1. There are no pain receptors in the internal organs, but they can make themselves felt, signaling an imminent cessation of functioning.
  2. A person feels even an impending cold, it is not surprising that he can feel something more serious.
  3. The organism is in many ways wiser than consciousness, and its unwillingness to fade away is colossal.

Do not panic because of a sudden deterioration in health and immediately write a will. But a trip to the doctor will be most welcome.

A few hours before the expected death, you can predict a quick outcome by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, it is hard to breathe and from lack of air the chest seems to be torn from the inside;
  • dizziness - a person becomes partially insane, he is no longer responsible for his actions and words;
  • fear - even if a person is completely ready for what is happening, a feeling of fear hovers somewhere nearby;
  • fever - the body temperature does not increase, but it seems to the person that the room is stuffy.

Some artists and poets predicted their death in their work long before its actual onset: for example, A.S. Pushkin described the death of his literary prototype Lensky in a duel 11 years and 11 days before the fatal shot of Dantes.

Celebrities who predicted their own death

The psychological aspect of death

Death is one of those phenomena, the expectation of which is much more terrible than the process itself: many people poison their existence with constant thoughts about the horrors of the transition to another world. It is especially difficult for the elderly and those who are terminally ill: constant thoughts about physical death can lead to severe depression.

Do not panic and devote too much energy to questions about the study of the mechanisms of death. This can lead to panic and a general deterioration in well-being.

Death is an inevitable process, it is part of life, so you need to treat it calmly. You can't get upset over something you can't change. If you can’t look at death with optimism, at least you should try to keep your presence of mind. As a result, no one can say with complete certainty. But many of the testimonies of survivors of near-death experience are in a positive mood.

What after death

It is impossible to say with certainty what awaits a person, but most agree that. This is just a parting with the physical shell and its transition to a new level.

Separation of the soul from the body

The difference in views on death and its consequences of religion and science is reflected in the summary table.

Question Religion's answer Scientists answer
Is the person dead? The physical body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Man does not exist outside of his physical shell
What awaits a person after death? Depending on the deeds during life, the human soul will continue to exist in heaven or hell Death is irreversible and is the end of life
Is immortality real? Everyone will gain immortality - the only question is whether it will be full of joy or torment The only possible immortality is in leaving offspring and the memories of loved ones.
What is earthly life? Earthly life is only a moment before the infinite life of the soul Physical life is all that a person has

After the death of the physical soul, it does not immediately go to another world: for some time it gets used to the new form and continues to be in the human world. At this time, consciousness practically does not change, the ethereal continues to feel like the same person as during life. the soul finally separates from the body and is ready for the transition to another world.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

The peoples that developed in cultural isolation demonstrate surprisingly similar systems for organizing the afterlife: for the righteous there is a place of eternal bliss - Paradise, for sinners endless suffering is prepared in Hell. Such intersection of plots speaks of something more than a poor imagination: the ancients could have more extensive information about the underworld than a modern person, and their records may turn out to be not just a fairy tale, but a reality.


The concept of Paradise resembles a real state - it is not for nothing that it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, at the head of the sacred abode of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The souls who have gone to heaven are in a state of blissful peace and joy. The world opposite to Paradise - Hell - is a place for those who sinned a lot and did not repent of it.


The ancient religion does not have a unified concept of the afterlife. But the descriptions from the Holy Talmud suggest that this place is completely different from reality. People who have been awarded heavenly places do not know human feelings: there are no strife and quarrels between them, envy and attraction. They do not know thirst and hunger, the only occupation of a righteous soul is to enjoy the true light of God.


Beliefs are reduced to a three-level system of organization of Paradise:

  1. The lowest level is where those who have sinned fall. Most of all, it resembles earthly reality. The souls of the dead do not know the need for food and water, they sing and dance a lot.
  2. The middle level - Tlillan-Tlapallan - is a paradise for priests and those who have comprehended the true values. Here the spirit is more pleasing than the body.
  3. The highest level - Tonatiuhikan - only the most enlightened and righteous get into the House of the Sun, they will spend eternity side by side with the deities, not knowing the worries about the material world.


The dark kingdom of Hades awaited the soul that left the physical body: the entrance there can even be found in the vast expanses of Hellas. Nothing good awaited those who fell: only endless despondency and lamentations about the past beautiful days. A different fate befell the souls of heroes and people clothed with glory and talent. They ended up on the famous Champs Elysees for endless feasts and conversations about the eternal.

Charon transports the soul to the realm of the dead


One of the most popular religions in the world thanks to the idea. To determine what kind of body a particular soul deserves, Yama Raja looks into the mirror of truth: all evil deeds will be reflected in the form of black stones, and good ones in the form of white ones. Based on the number of stones, a person is given the bodily shell that he deserves.

Buddhism does not deny the concept of Paradise - but you can get there only after a long process, when the soul reaches the highest point of development. There is no place for grief and sorrow in Paradise, and all desires are instantly satisfied. But this is a fickle abode of the soul - after resting in paradise, it will return to earth for further rebirths.

Indian myths

India is a country of bright sun, delicious food and the Kama Sutra. It is from these components that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe afterlife abode for brave warriors and pure souls is formed. The leader of the dead - Yama - will deliver the worthy to Paradise, where endless sensual pleasures await them.

nordic tradition

The Scandinavians prophesied paradise only to famous warriors. The souls of men and women who fell in battles were collected by beautiful Valkyries and taken straight to Valhalla, where endless feasts and pleasures awaited those who had found eternal life, inaccessible during life.

The ideas of the Scandinavians about the afterlife are primitive and based on the dominant part of the life of the ancient tribes - military operations.

Egyptian culture

The appearance in world religions of the description of the Last Judgment is due to the Egyptians: the famous "Book of the Dead", dated 2400 BC. e. describes this chilling process in detail. After the death of the physical soul of an Egyptian, it entered the Hall of Two Truths, where it was weighed on a double-sided balance.

Fragment of the Book of the Dead - judgment in the Hall of Two Truths

If the soul turned out to be heavier than the feather of the goddess of Justice Maat, it was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile, and if the sins did not pull the soul down, Osiris took it with him to the kingdom of eternal bliss.

The Egyptians considered life as a severe test and practically expected their death from the first days of existence - it was there that they were supposed to comprehend real bliss.


In order for the human soul to find eternal peace and taste the joys of Eden, it has to go through a severe test - crossing the Sirat Bridge. This bridge is so narrow that its thickness does not even reach a human hair, and its sharpness is comparable to the sharpest earthly blade. The road is complicated by a heavy wind, tirelessly blowing towards the etheric body. Only the righteous will be able to overcome all obstacles and go to the heavenly kingdom, while the sinner is doomed to fall into the hellish abyss.


The fate of the eternal soul according to this religious worldview will be decided by the just Rashnu: he will have to divide all human actions into bad and worthy of respect, and then appoint a test. The soul of the deceased will have to cross the Bridge of Separation in order to enter the realm of eternal bliss: but those whose sins were great will not be able to do this - the unrighteous souls will be picked up by a demonic creature named Vizarsh and taken to a place of eternal torment.

Can a soul get stuck in this world

After death, the etheric body of a person is in a state of stress, and many paths open before him. , which is tantamount to endless suffering and torment, compared to which hell is a place of entertainment.

Even the most ardent righteous person can find himself imprisoned between worlds and experience terrible torment until the end of time, if his spirit is not strong enough.

Physical death continues with the separation of the soul from the body shell: it takes several days to say goodbye to the material world. But everything does not end there, and the soul has to start a journey through the invisible world. But if a person was lack of initiative, sluggish and indecisive during life, he will not be able to change even after death: they risk not making a choice and remaining between the worlds.

Peace and tranquility

People who managed to continue their earthly journey after the clinical death of the body, about what they managed to survive in a few minutes of being on the other side. More than half of the saved speak of meeting some non-material entity that has human outlines. Someone assures that this is the Creator of the Universe, someone speaks of an angel or Jesus Christ - but one thing remains immutable: next to this creature, there is a complete understanding of the meaning of life, all-encompassing love and boundless peace.


At the moment of separation of the ethereal essence from the physical shell, a person can hear unpleasant and disturbing sounds, similar to the noise of a raging wind, an annoying buzzing and even ringing akin to a bell. The fact is that the ethereal body at the moment of separation from the physical shell is sent to a completely different space through the tunnel: sometimes before death a person connects to it unconsciously, then the dying person says that he hears the voices of relatives who are not alive and even angelic speech.


The phrase "light at the end of the tunnel" can serve not only as a beautiful turn of speech, it is used by everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death and actually returned from the other world. , the contemplation of which was accompanied by extraordinary calmness and peace, the adoption of a new form of existence.

After death, a person sees a brightly lit tunnel

No one can say for sure whether there is life after the death of the physical body: but the numerous testimonies of people who have been on the other side inspire optimism and hope that the earthly path is only the beginning of a long journey, the duration of which is infinity.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

First of all, the very word "dead" is an absurdly misleading definition, since most beings so classified are just as alive as we are - and often definitely more so. So the term should be understood simply as meaning those who are temporarily not attached to the physical body. They can be divided into the following ten main classes:

1. Nirmanakaya, that is, those who, having earned the eternal joy of nirvana, renounced it in order to devote themselves to work for the benefit of mankind. They are mentioned here for the sake of completeness of classification, since it is rare that such high beings appear on such a low plane as the astral. When, for any reason connected with their exalted work, they consider it desirable, they will most likely create temporary astral bodies for this purpose from the atomic matter of this plane, as do adepts who are in the body of the mind, since their more refined dress would be invisible to the astral vision.

2. Disciples awaiting incarnation. It has often been stated in Theosophical literature that when the disciple reaches a certain stage, he, with the help of the Master, can escape the operation of the law of nature, which in ordinary cases, at the end of astral life, carries the person to the heavenly world. In the ordinary course of events in this world, he would have fully received the result of the action of all the spiritual forces that he set in motion with his highest aspirations while on earth.

3. Ordinary people after death. Needless to say, this class is millions of times more numerous than the one we have just spoken about, and the character and position of its members vary widely. The length of their lives on the astral plane can vary just as widely, for there are those who spend a few days or hours there, while others remain on that level for many years and even centuries.

4. Shadows. When the separation of principles is completed, the astral life of a man ends, and, as previously said, he passes on to the mental plane. But just as when he dies on the physical plane he leaves behind a physical body, so when he dies on the astral plane he leaves behind a decaying astral body. If during his lifetime he cleansed himself of all earthly desires and directed all his energies into the channel of a disinterested spiritual aspiration, his “I” will be able to regain the entire lower mind that he sent into incarnation; in this case, the body left on the astral plane will be a simple corpse, like the abandoned physical body, and will fall not into the class under consideration, but into the next one.

5. Shells. These are already just astral corpses in the last stages of decay, which are abandoned by the last particles of the mind. They do not possess any consciousness or intelligence and float passively in the astral currents, like clouds that can be carried in any direction by a rushing breeze. But even then they can be galvanized into a terrible parody of life if they happen to fall within the reach of the medium's aura.

6. Animated Shells. Strictly speaking, these beings cannot be classified as “human” at all, since they are just the outer garments of a person, a passive, insensible shell that once belonged to humanity. The life, intelligence, desires, and will that she may possess belong to the artificial elemental that animates her, and although in fact he is the product of the evil thought of man, he himself is not a human being. Therefore, it would probably be better to consider it more fully in the section on artificial beings, especially since its nature and origin will become easier to understand when we reach this part of our subject.

7. Suicides and victims of sudden death. In the case of sudden death or suicide, none of these preparations took place, and taking the principles out of their physical case would be aptly compared to pulling the pit out of an unripe fruit. A lot of astral matter of the grossest kind still clings to the personality, and consequently it will be held on the seventh, that is, the lowest, subdivision of the astral plane. We have already described it as not a pleasant place at all, but still it is not the same for everyone who is forced to temporarily inhabit it.

8. Vampires. Readers of theosophical literature know that a person can live such a low and selfish life, be so evil and cruel, that his whole lower mind becomes inextricably linked with desires and finally separates from his spiritual source, which is in the higher self. Some students seem to think that such cases are quite common, and we can meet many such "soulless people" on the street every day, but this is fortunately not true. To reach these heights of evil, which presuppose a complete loss of personality and the weakening of the individuality behind it, a person must stifle every glimpse of selflessness or spirituality and have nothing in himself that can save him; and remembering how often, even in the worst of villains, some good sides can be found, we will understand that the individuals left must always be a small minority. Yet, comparatively few as they may be, they do exist, and from their ranks even rarer vampires emerge.

Such a lost being after death very soon discovers that he cannot remain in the astral world, but must be irresistibly drawn in full consciousness into “his own place”, the mysterious eighth sphere, where he will slowly disintegrate, having experienced an experience that is better not to describe. However, if the death is sudden or the result of suicide, it may, under certain circumstances, especially if it knows something of black magic, refrain from this horrifying death fate by living a life hardly less terrifying - the hideous existence of a vampire.

9. People in the "grey world". I have already said that vampires and werewolves are anachronistic, and that they belonged to the evolution of a previous root race. But although our evolution has surpassed this particular form of manifestation, the very type of people who desperately cling to physical life due to lack of confidence in the existence of anything else still exists among us. Being highly materialistic, and having no ideas and ideas during earthly life that go beyond the physical, they lose their minds with fear when they find that they are cut off from it and are carried further and further away.

Sometimes such people make desperate attempts to regain some contact with physical life. Most of them do not succeed, and gradually they give up the struggle, and as soon as they do, they immediately slip into a natural brief unconsciousness and quickly awaken already in the astral world. But those who are strong enough to achieve partial and temporary success cling tenaciously to at least some fragments of their etheric counterpart, and sometimes they even manage to extract particles from the physical body.

It can be said that the actual definition of death will be the complete and final separation of the etheric double from the dense body—in other words, the destruction of the physical body due to the removal of its etheric part. But as long as the connection persists, there may be conditions for catalepsy, trance or anesthesia; when it finally breaks, death occurs.
When a person leaves his dense body at the moment of death, he takes with him the ethereal part of this vehicle. But this ethereal matter in itself is not a full-fledged conductor - it is only a part of it. Therefore, as long as this ethereal matter surrounds man, he is neither on one plane nor on another. He has lost his physical senses, but he cannot feel with his astral body, because he is still wrapped in this cloud of ethereal matter. For some time—fortunately, only a short time—he lives in a misty gray world of unrest and discomfort, where he can see neither physical nor astral events clearly, but catches only occasional glimpses of both through the heavy fog in whose world he wandering, lost and helpless.

10. Black magicians or their students. This is the opposite extreme, corresponding to the second category of the dead in our classification, disciples awaiting incarnation, but in this case, instead of being allowed to use an unusual method of progress, a person goes against the natural process of evolution, lingering on the astral plane with the help of magical arts - sometimes in the most disgusting way.

This class could easily be further subdivided according to the purposes, the methods of their constituent beings, and the possible duration of their existence on this plane, but since they are not at all pleasant objects to study, and since all the student of occultism wants to know about them is how to avoid them, it will probably be much more interesting to move on to the next part of our subject. However, it may be mentioned that any human being who thus prolongs his life on the astral plane beyond the natural limit always does so at the expense of others, by absorbing their life in one form or another.

from here

Astral can be characterized in different ways, but basically this is the place where the soul goes after death and the place that our soul visits at night when we sleep. Approximately only 10% of the human population of the earth can consciously control their soul, and the remaining 90% will still live their whole lives and will not understand what is the fate of man, what happens to the soul after death and why are they on earth at all.

If you want to know why you are on earth and what your purpose is here, according to your destiny you live or not, what will happen to you after death, why someone is rich and does not deny himself anything, or the poor beg and live from salary to salaries, want to know where your deceased relatives are now, are we alone in the universe, and finally, who are you? Then in astral you can get an answer to any question.

When a person dies, he enters the astral plane, or rather his soul, if, of course, it is not lost between the worlds. In the astral plane, where we will get, this is the place where the souls of dead people live. They will meet you there and explain everything, what and how. Your relatives, who once were with you, will also be there, perhaps one of them will meet you, for example, your beloved grandmother or your mother. If someone constantly beat and humiliated you during your life on earth, for example, your father or someone else, and you don’t want to see him anymore, then don’t worry, you will never see him again. If you had a beloved dog or cat during your life on earth, then you will also meet them. And if someone says that paradise is only for people, then this is nonsense. And in cats and dogs, etc. there is a god, but there is only one house for everyone. But if you don't like animals, then you won't be there with them. In a word, everything is in your hands. In the astral plane, you will definitely have a trial in the temple of memory, only not the one that you are afraid of with a bunch of people, and judges who will judge you, but a trial where you will be alone (a).

After the trial, you will decide what you managed to do in this life and what you didn’t. Here you can also look at your past lives, who you were, what you did or see the history of the earth and see how different it is from the history that is taught in a school that is written to please the government.

Next, you leave the hall of memory and decide what to do. You can see what is now on earth and go there, you can relax in the Garden of Eden, you can go to another world or travel around the worlds. You can work, meet dead souls and explain to them what they explained to you when you died. Or you can do nothing at all, AND NO ONE WILL JUDGE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE IN PARADISE. Simply put, whatever you want, you can create with one thought and you will immediately have it.

Your vacation (let's call it that) after your death can last as long as you wish until the next reincarnation, at least 500 years or 2 weeks on Earth time. there is no time in that world. Let me remind you that we are now talking about our death, and NOT about suicide, as I talked about in a previous article.

And not any gate to heaven no. There are also no priests who stand with a barn book near the gate, which they look at whether it is worth letting you into paradise. To be honest, I pity you if you still thought that was the case. And if you still think that in this article I am talking nonsense. Type in any search engine "Astral Travel" or "Astral Travel Forum" and the same Yandex will give you thousands of sites where people discuss all this and in real life GO OUT TO THE AStral communicate with their dead relatives and visit other worlds.

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