Home Fruit trees Fortune telling on a future relationship with a loved one. Online fortune-telling "For the future of relations with a man" on Tarot cards

Fortune telling on a future relationship with a loved one. Online fortune-telling "For the future of relations with a man" on Tarot cards

Interpretation of the dropped cards:

Feelings of a partner towards you or what stands between you:
Queen of clubs a woman in your environment, over 35 years old (can be both a friend and an ill-wisher). The second option is a relative
King of Hearts a man in your environment, about 30 years old or a little older (can be both an enemy and a friend). The second option is a sincere friend, a lover for a woman.
Jack of hearts love thoughts, love yearning.

Your feelings for a partner or something that stands between you:
7 clubs friendship, you are counted on.
6 spades reluctance to meet you. Most likely there will be no date.
king of spades a man in your environment, over 50 years old (can be both an enemy and a friend). The second option is an ill-wisher, a rude

Description of the relationship between you or what or who is behind it:
8 hearts you have a lot in common, love confession, pleasant communication.

The future of your relationship:
Ace of Spades depression, a strong blow, betrayal, which will lead to divorce. Black magic, love spell.
Ace of diamonds money comes first, then everything else. Marriage of convenience.
Jack of clubs thoughts of rapprochement, but the person is still afraid.

With the help of the Chinese fortune-telling "Formula of Love" you can learn about the future of your relationship with your loved one. How will your fate be? Will you be happy together? What problems can arise in a couple? All this will tell our fortune-telling on paper.

How to calculate your love formula

For fortune-telling "Formula of Love" you will need a piece of paper, a pen and the table below.

  1. these are the letters A, K, U, b
  2. these are the letters B, L, F, E
  3. these are the letters B, M, X, Y
  4. these are the letters G, N, C, I
  5. these are the letters D, O, H
  6. these are the letters E, P, W
  7. these are the letters W, R, W
  8. these are the letters Z, C, b
  9. these are the letters I, T, Y

Answer seven questions:

  1. How many letters are in your name?
  2. How many letters are in the name of your chosen one?
  3. Is there an O in your name? What's the score? (if not, then put 0).
  4. Is there an O in your boyfriend's name? What's the score? (if not, put 0).
  5. Which numerical value has the first letter of your name? (Use the table).
  6. What is the numerical value of the first letter in the name of your chosen one? (Use the table).
  7. How many L's are in your names?

These questions must be answered numerically. Having received seven numbers, we calculate the future of relations according to the formula of love: (L - 7) x 2.

L is the sum of the answers to all questions.

The result obtained must be converted to a prime number (from 1 to 9) by summing its components.

Interpretation of the fortune-telling "Formula of Love"

Number 1 your love is strong. You are very attracted to each other. Your relationship is full of emotions and feelings. But harmony can collapse as soon as one of you begins to subjugate the other. Do not limit the freedom of your partner and try to control him. Such a couple has every chance for a long and happy union.

Number 2- You are very similar. Your partner and you understand each other perfectly. You seem to be made for each other. On the one hand, this is good. In such a union one can always find mutual language understand each other and agree. On the other hand, such a couple will constantly lack emotions, which will eventually lead to quarrels. Look for better adrenaline and emotions in hobbies, sports, work and other places. And give your partner only tenderness and love.

Number 3- such a union can be safely called happy. You are perfect for each other. Between people in such a relationship, understanding and mutual attraction immediately arise. Common interests, mutual respect and, of course, love - this is what such couples are based on.

Number 4- contradictory union. You feel bad together, even worse apart. The fortune-telling "Formula of Love" indicates that in such unions, lovers are constantly at the peak of passions and emotions. They always have in stock claims to each other and reasons for a quarrel. Relationships in such a couple can become strong and happy if the partners begin to love each other for who they are.

Number 5- this union is built on passion and deep feelings. In such a pair, people are initially blinded by their feelings and desires. But time passes, and they notice that the one next to them is not so perfect. Carefully! Together with rose-colored glasses, love can also disappear!

Number 6- quite harmonious union. The partners in this pair understand each other. They are good together, and this is the main thing. However, feelings can collapse due to mutual distrust. Jealousy can destroy all love. Partners need to learn to trust each other.

Number 7- this union can become strong and happy, but only if one of the partners agrees with the leadership of the other in a pair. There is no equality here. in love with this union they will mutually strive to obtain new sensations and emotions, which will constantly refresh their relationship.

Number 8 is a complex alliance. If there was romance at the beginning of the relationship, then it will quickly pass. Partners can get bogged down in mutual reproaches and dissatisfaction with each other. Shouldn't be converted life together in hell. Either you need to disperse, or find common ground with the chosen one. Patience, mutual understanding and the desire to be together no matter what will help create a strong union.

Number 9- complete incompatibility of partners. In such an alliance, it is very difficult for people to compromise, understand and support each other. In addition, there will be a constant war for leadership in the relationship. But this does not mean at all that this couple has no future. In order to maintain a relationship, it is necessary to make concessions more often and listen to the desires of each other.

We hope that this ancient Chinese fortune-telling "Formula of Love" helped you find out the truth about the future of your relationship. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.05.2014 11:37

Sometimes love breaks into our lives unexpectedly, and we don't know what it is...

Imagine a light, pleasant flickering of red candles in a cozy dark or light room, where you are next to the person who has for you special meaning. You can close your eyes or just see someone who is interesting. His face, hands, smile, or whatever you like and remember about him. Perhaps his voice and touch, or his scent. What is it about this person that attracts, excites you, or maybe alarms or attracts.

To begin

Enter your names

Click on the candles to light

Click on the candles to light

Write in your names and tune in before lighting the candles. You will receive a forecast that you can use as an additional source of knowledge about yourself and your partner. This is an opportunity to observe the behavior of red candles that represent you and another person, and by the nature of the candles to determine the meanings that are important to you on this moment in your relationship, which create trends for the future. Your candle is always in your hands.

Fortune telling by candlelight has a couple of secrets. Notice the candles on the table. The candle symbolizes life. The material from which it is created is the body of the candle. It is important that it be natural wax, a living material. Wick - the path along which it moves life force candles. The fire of a burning candle shows how power is revealed. Red color is associated with energy, feelings, passion, vitality (full and harmonious disclosure of power).

Sometimes just looking at a burning candle is enough to clear the mind, calm down, fill up. The life-affirming power of fire, which is in candles, is inside everyone. With your energy you are able to light up a huge city. You can imagine how everything that prevents you from being happy right now dissolves and disappears in a candle flame and you just find access to energy and strength in any situation...

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