Home Perennial flowers Smokehouse project with brick brazier. How to make a brazier smokehouse made of metal. Option for building a hot smoked smokehouse from propane cylinders

Smokehouse project with brick brazier. How to make a brazier smokehouse made of metal. Option for building a hot smoked smokehouse from propane cylinders

Brazier- a device that will suit all kebab lovers and B-B-Q... Using it at your summer cottage, you will enjoy the excellent taste of the dishes. It is also convenient and reliable. As a rule, the simplest brazier is a metal structure that you can make yourself. The use of such a device does not require special skills, moreover, it does not take up much space, it melts quickly and is quite reliable. But time does not stand still, and various devices are more and more undergoing changes for the better. This also applies to the barbecue.

Today it is possible to build more modern barbecues made of bricks... Such devices may have a roof and a special pipe for removing smoke. We can say they have two floors. On the first one, firewood is kindled, and on the second one is directly cooking. There is usually a smoke exhaust pipe above the hearth. How brazier and home smokehouse are widely used in various suburban areas for the preparation of fried and smoked dishes with their own hands. Various types of shashlik, smoked fish, barbecues and much more can be prepared with these tools. In addition, these dishes will be able to diversify and decorate any table. Considering that a brazier and a brick smokehouse can be easily built with your own hands, these devices become even more affordable. Let's consider in more detail how you can make them without resorting to someone else's help.

Making a barbecue yourself

For construction brazier do it yourself some tools and materials are required. You will need: an ordinary shovel, bricks, cement, sand, a device for mixing mortar, a trowel and a rule-level

The manufacture of a barbecue begins from the foundation. This requires digging a recess of about several tens of centimeters. A special auxiliary structure (reinforcement) is placed in it. In the future, all this is poured with a concrete solution and left for two or more days. The lower floor of the barbecue, where firewood is melted, is laid out from any brick. The height of this floor can also vary. It all depends on what kind of grill you want to see in the end. However, the construction of the upper floor of the barbecue is no longer so simple and requires special skills.

Brick barbecues are very similar to fireplaces. We can say that this building is a kind of fireplace, and various dishes are made directly in it. It is also possible to install a special metal barbecue in this fireplace. As a rule, these devices are made with a special blower. It is necessary so that this structure is easier to melt, and so that the air gets to the coals.

Such a grill should contain at least two niches. They can be of various shapes - both rectangular and in the form of an arch. For rectangular niches, you will definitely need a steel corner. For arched ones, you need to prepare a kind of stencil from boards or plywood. The structure of the barbecue with arched niches must be reinforced with castle bricks. The height of the walls with niches is different, it depends on their shape. So, with arched niches, it is 70-80 cm, and with rectangular niches, it is several tens of centimeters more.

It is possible to build these devices from unusual decorative bricks, which give grace and beauty. But it's worth noting that inside brick grill must necessarily consist of a special refractory material that will prevent fires and keep this structure in its original form.

The main difference between this design and the barbecue is that its compartment, where firewood is melted, is below the soil level. For construction home smokehouse you will need a shovel, usually a level, several meters of a metal pipe, a trowel, bricks, sand, cement, an old grate or something that can replace it. This device will be designed for cold smoking.
A special metal pipe is installed between the firebox and the smoking cabinet, the height of which is several meters. This forms an air duct. It must be taken to the smoking cabinet. A special recess is digging under its foundation. Then, with the help of bricks, they build a firebox for firewood. It is trimmed with clay inside. Air access is made to this firebox from below.

In the future, the smoking cabinet itself is installed directly, where various dishes will be made by smoking. Its size can be any. At the final stage, it is necessary to compact the soil around the smokehouse.

Before smoking, you need to make a fire there. This will require firewood and special tools. Next, the flame is closed with a lid, but a small window is left for air intake. When coals appear, the lid is closed. Additional slots and holes in the device are not required.

Brazier and smokehouse for cold smoking- irreplaceable devices for country houses and summer cottages. In this article, we looked at how you can make them easily at home.

  • Cold smoking method
  • Another option for a cold and hot smoked smokehouse
  • Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse
  • Buying a smokehouse for a country house

The grill smokehouse is a hybrid of two devices. It's not hard to guess which ones.

So, a brazier is a special brazier for various types of meat and fish. Most types of barbecues are charcoal-fired, some are wood-fired.

Smokehouse is a tightly closed metal container in which food is poured with smoke from all sides.

The role of the barbecue in the country

The brazier will provide you with a wonderful rest with delicious food. You can get together with friends or family, celebrate holidays in the country or in a country house.

Cozy summer evenings, smoky meat, barbecue and grilled vegetables - all this will be possible with this design.

The most popular are now considered to be brick smokers. You can make meat, fish and vegetables in them. They are obtained with the smell of fire smoke, and the pulp with this method of processing is tender and juicy.

Smoker food is healthy because it does not require oil to cook. In addition, it is stored longer due to preservation by smoke. Smoking not only adds flavor, but also kills bacteria.

There are two types of smoking:

  • cold;
  • hotter.

At home, the second option is most popular.

Advantages and disadvantages

This barbecue has many advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • ease of preparation.

But, perhaps, the main drawback is that it is quite difficult to build a brazier-smokehouse made of bricks with your own hands without having any experience.

Another advantage is that when choosing to build a barbecue in a gazebo, you can use it even in bad weather.

Used tools and materials

The construction of a brick grill-smokehouse can be conditionally divided into two stages, each of which will need its own tools.

Foundation building

So, at the first stage, the list of required materials includes:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • reinforced mesh.

Let's look at it in order. The shovel will come in handy in order to dig a deep hole, which will become the basis of the foundations. Formwork is built from the boards, and a solid foundation is poured using a cement-sand mortar.

The mesh serves to strengthen it.

Construction itself

For this stage, you will need, depending on the construction method, the following materials:

  • refractory bricks for the brazier;
  • trowel;
  • slaked lime;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • plumb line;
  • level;
  • metal corners;
  • fittings;
  • putty knife;
  • hammer;
  • wooden door;
  • lattice;
  • rods;
  • metal cover;
  • ordering.

Preparatory work

Now the most important thing begins. Preparatory work must be carried out carefully, since they are even more important than the construction itself. An error at this stage can affect the entire future structure, as a result, significantly reducing its service life.

So, the first step is to choose a place for the barbecue. The brazier should be located downwind so that smoke does not interfere with cooking.

Choose a plot that is level, with access to water, away from home. The ideal option is a sewerage and water supply to the smokehouse.

An excellent solution would be to install a brazier near the gazebo. But it is only worth remembering about fire safety and not installing the structure next to trees and flammable objects.

In order to make it easier for yourself, you can build drawings of the smokehouse, taking into account all the structural elements. Below are various drawings, according to which you can build a brazier smokehouse with your own hands.

The next stage of the preparatory work is the construction of the foundation, which begins with the installation of the formwork. The land needs to be cleared of a fertile layer, grass and stones.

The first row is laid with rubble stone, and the cracks are covered with crushed stone, pouring a cement solution from above.

The number of layers is calculated based on the size of the barbecue. The time interval for laying each of them is a day. When you decide that the foundation is thick enough, it will need to be leveled.

To do this, use a level. Then the base is waterproofed (most often with polyethylene) and left alone for several days.

Step by step to success

So, several days passed, the foundation dried out and got stronger. Now the most creative stage begins, because the brazier-smokehouse can take various forms, and within the limits of maintaining the functionality, everyone is free to create what he wants.

Ordering begins with laying the first row without the use of a bonding mixture. This is done in order to mark the work surface and calculate how to lay out the brick, you will need halves or only whole ones.

A day before laying, using a mixture, the brick is moistened with water so that it does not absorb from the cement and does not reduce its strength.

To mix the bonding solution, sand, cement and slaked lime are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Water is added, stirring the mixture, until it resembles thick sour cream.

Each row of bricks begins to be laid from the corners, and after completion of each, they are checked using a level and a plumb line. In order for the corners of the barbecue to be stronger, they are strengthened with wire.

The manufacture of a brazier implies, first of all, the installation of metal corners between the walls. The firebox is constructed of thick-walled metal, making holes for air in it.

To conveniently install the grate, two bricks on opposite walls are placed with a ledge inward.

remember, that the first 8 rows from the base are left for storing firewood and other accessories... If you want a brazier-smokehouse with arched ceilings, the ninth row must be taken under the plywood formwork (1 cm in thickness). The tenth row will cover the niche for household supplies.

In this case, a brick 18 centimeters thick is laid with an edge, and the next row serves to level the firebox. In this case, the 12th row forms a tabletop, and from 13 to 15 - a firebox with subsequent formwork.

To bring the tub under the chimney, the brick, starting from the 20th row, is cut from the inside. The firebox ends next to 24, then a pipe is placed. This becomes the last stage in the construction of the barbecue.

You can also add various decorative elements, decorate the brick "body" of the grill-smokehouse, the countertop, build a place for storing dishes and other things nearby.

To equip a place under the cauldron, a thick cast-iron plate (2 cm) is installed on top of the hearth. It should be noted that the cauldron needs a hole in the stove. To be able to cook not only in a cauldron, the hole can be closed with rings of different diameters.

The video clearly shows how to make a brazier smokehouse out of bricks with your own hands.

What's in the bottom line?

The brazier-smokehouse is a multifunctional structure for a summer residence and a country house. Here you can cook meat, fish and vegetables, as well as soups and other dishes - it all depends on the design.

The barbecue located in the gazebo does not depend on weather conditions and the availability of electricity, gas and other amenities. You can use it at any time.

Depending on the design, this structure consists of a brick "house", barbecue, smokehouse, cauldron, barbecue, wood-burning stove and other places for storing accessories.

Its construction is quite laborious and costly, but it will pay off quickly and you will never regret that you decided to build a brazier.

Gatherings with friends will now be held only at your place. After all, as in a good company without a barbecue? And what a delicious pilaf or fish soup after hunting or fishing!

It is quite possible to build a brazier-smokehouse with your own hands, without resorting to the services of a specialized brigade. Not only will you get a great addition for a summer residence, you will also be proud of yourself - a real owner, you did everything yourself.

If you follow all the points and tricks during the construction process, this structure will serve you for more than a dozen years, will become a faithful assistant during your vacation or weekend in the country, and will simply delight the eye.

Do-it-yourself brazier smokehouse made of bricks is a rather complex construction, but its versatility is amazing, because with it you can fry and smoke fish and meat, grill.

Before starting the construction of a grill-smokehouse, it is best to sketch a drawing of each row of bricks on paper, this will greatly facilitate the installation.

Preparatory work

First you need to choose the right place for the brick barbecue to protect the structure from precipitation. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the fire safety rules. The brazier should not be located near buildings made of wood or other combustible materials. It is convenient if a sewerage and water supply system is connected to the construction site. Prepare in advance all the materials and tools necessary for construction:

  • concrete mixer;
  • containers for solution;
  • refractory brick;
  • ceramic brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • slaked lime;
  • clay;
  • rubble stone;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • gravel;
  • shovel;
  • Master OK;
  • ceramic tiles for cladding;
  • tile adhesive;
  • fittings;
  • plywood sheets;
  • galvanized steel sheets;
  • crushed stone;
  • roofing paper;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • metal corners;
  • building level;
  • polyethylene film.

Back to the table of contents

Erection of the foundation

Construction work must begin with the manufacture of a reliable foundation, for which rubble concrete will be used.

Since a brazier with a smokehouse is a capital structure, it, like any brick structure, requires a stable base that can withstand the weight of the structure. The construction of the foundation begins with the installation of the formwork. To prevent the spreading and seepage of cement laitance into the ground, the formwork must be sheathed with roofing material or glassine. The first step is to clear the construction site from the fertile soil layer, then installing the formwork. The first row of the foundation is laid out with rubble stones. The gaps between them are filled with rubble. The stones are filled with cement mortar.

Several of these layers are made depending on the size of the structure. Each subsequent layer should harden well, which takes about a day. The last layer is leveled with a building level used to check the levelness. After that, you can perform waterproofing, after which you need to wait a few days.

To erect a concrete foundation on which a brazier with a smokehouse will be installed, it is necessary to dig a pit, the bottom of which is covered with wet sand. After that, you can mount the formwork. Having filled in the layer of rubble, it is necessary to lay the reinforcing cage. After that, a layer of rubble is again placed and concrete mortar is poured. After the foundation has solidified, its waterproofing is arranged. Polyethylene is usually used for this, but other waterproofing materials can be used.

Back to the table of contents

Ordering the grill with a smokehouse

The smokehouse barbecue will have a brick base. Before starting work, it is advisable to depict a diagram of the ordering of the furnace on paper, indicating the location of all the main structural details. This will facilitate further installation work. It is necessary to use a red oven brick, in its absence, refractory will also work. However, the second type of material is less resistant to temperature extremes. Silicate bricks, as well as material with cavities, are unsuitable for the construction of furnaces.

The first row of the oven order must first be laid out without mortar. This is necessary to carry out the markings in order to perform further actions, which will save the builder from the need to adjust the brick to size. It will be possible to use only whole bricks or their halves. In addition, laying the first row dry allows for precise identification of the grate and skewer seats. The blocks must be moistened with water a day before the start of construction. This will keep the material dry on the top and moist on the inside. It will not absorb water from the solution, which will make the structure especially strong.

A mortar for laying bricks is prepared from sand, cement and slaked lime in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 with the addition of such an amount of water that the solution resembles thick sour cream in consistency. After laying the first row, the next rows of the smokehouse order are laid apart. Each new row is laid from the corners, gradually filling the space between them. The horizontalness of the masonry must be checked with a level and a plumb line. The corners need to be reinforced with wire to give them greater strength.

In order for the brazier-smokehouse to have a brazier, it is necessary to install metal corners and fittings in the space between the walls of the oven. The firebox is made of thick-walled metal. For air to enter the firebox, holes are made that are not filled with solution. To facilitate the installation of the lattice, several bricks are placed with a ledge in the interior space. When laying the stove, you can make bases for the chimney and countertops.

Rows 1-8 make up a firebox and niches for various household accessories. If the structure of the barbecue, which includes the smokehouse, will have arched ceilings, the 9th row involves the installation of 1 cm thick plywood formwork. When laying, fireclay wedge bricks are used. On the 10th row, the overlap of the firebox is formed. For this, cut fireclay bricks 18 cm long, laid on the edge, are used. The 11th row evens out the surface of the firebox, and the 12th row forms the countertop and overlaps all the niches obtained during the construction. Around the perimeter, the brick is laid with a release of 1/4. 13-15 rows - this is the formation of the firebox.

After the end of the masonry of the 15th row, a formwork is formed to overlap the firebox. In this case, fireclay wedge bricks are used, which can be replaced with ordinary ones. On 20-24 rows, internal bricks are trimmed, which will allow the masonry to be brought out to the size of the chimney. Bricks around the perimeter of 24 rows are released by 1/4. This will highlight the end of the firebox.

Now you can lay a pipe, the height of which depends on the nearby gazebo (if any). On this, the construction of a barbecue with a smoking section can be considered completed, then the facing of its surfaces with tiles will begin. For wall cladding, brick-styled tiles are usually used, which makes the visible niche bases harmonious with the external wall details.

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The grill smokehouse is used in summer cottages in order to cook meat, smoke fish and vegetables. You don't need a lot of space to put a smokehouse in the country or in the adjoining territory of a country house. It is necessary to put the grill-smokehouse so that the smoke from it does not go into the house and not on people. All smoke should go to food so that they are well smoked.

This smoking device can be bought in specialized stores or assembled by yourself. Some make a smokehouse from other units that are in the household. Under the barbecue, as a rule, it is necessary to fold a brick foundation, although there are models that are installed without it.

Smokehouse-brazier 3 in 1 (or an ordinary smokehouse), assembled by hand, works according to the following principle:

  • Foods to be smoked are hung or laid out on the wire rack.
  • There should be sawdust, coals or wood at the bottom.
  • The smokehouse is closed and put on fire.
  • When the dish is ready, you can remove the grill from the fire.

Meat, fish and vegetable dishes should be cooked at a temperature of 50-120 degrees. The average cooking time is 2 to 2.5 hours. It is recommended to use raw firewood as fuel, which is sprinkled with dry sawdust on top. Firewood should smolder, not burn, so the fire in the stove should not be fanned. Considering that a smokehouse or barbecue grill works on the principle of smoking, the food should be smoked, and not boiled or fried. For smoking, smoke is needed, which will arise if a raw tree is hammered with sawdust and set on fire. So any dish will turn out to be especially tasty and aromatic.

What can be done

Do-it-yourself grills-smoking ovens are of several types:

Stainless steel stoves

For manufacturing, several sheets of stainless steel are required, which must be welded so that a rectangular oven is obtained. In the middle, 2-3 corners are welded on each side of the smokehouse in order to lay the grate on top. Such a barbecue should not have a bottom, and the top is closed with a lid. It is important that it closes tightly. In order to use the grill-smokehouse, it is necessary to put food, fish or meat on the grates, close it and put it on fire.

Brazier smokehouse from an old refrigerator

It must be freed from the shelves and drawers, and then welded in the middle of the corners, which are located on the bottom of the refrigerator (one corner) and the upper part (two corners). Then a grease tray should be placed on the bottom. A hole is made in the lid of the refrigerator, into which a metal pipe is placed. It will act as a chimney.

An electric stove is mounted below, under which a pallet with sawdust will be located. Such a furnace complex will work according to the following principle: the stove is turned on, due to which the sawdust will quickly begin to smolder. As a result, smoke will be released, which is needed for smoking products. They will be ready to eat in two hours.

Brazier made from a bucket

This device is suitable for smoking fish or meat. To quickly assemble this type of outdoor barbecue, you need to take a bucket made of stainless steel. At the bottom, you need to put sawdust or wood shavings, laying out a layer of them three centimeters thick. A grate with food is lowered into the middle of the bucket, another grate is placed in the upper part. The bucket must be sealed with a lid, put on fire. After 15 minutes. the products will be ready.

From the barrel

There is such a smokehouse as a grill made from a bucket. It is necessary to remove the bottom from the barrel and remove the lid. Then a pallet is welded to the bottom, where the fat will drain, and grates are installed at different levels in two or three places.

Smokehouse with water seal

Such equipment can be bought in a special store or assembled by yourself. Such a grill has a compact size, which allows you to use a smokehouse at home.

A metal barbecue oven for a summer residence is more convenient to use and manufacture. However, such a smokehouse can only cook meat, fish, barbecue, and to expand the range of prepared dishes, it is recommended to use a brick grill with a smokehouse.
Such ovens have a different finish, appearance, design. The principle of operation for a metal or brick smokehouse is the same.

Street smokehouse drawings

The project diagram of a metal or brick oven is drawn up based on the following principles:

  • The type of construction, i.e. brazier can be collapsible or stationary. Furnace dimensions.
  • The material from which the smokehouse is assembled. This affects the depth of the foundation to be laid.
  • The functions that the oven will have. This can be a regular grill, barbecue, smokehouse or grill. You can independently assemble both a single-function oven and a multifunctional one. If you choose the 3-in-1 option, then it is recommended to make the smokehouse of bricks, which will allow you to equip a place under the stove under the cauldron. Its presence will allow you to cook the first and second courses, close the canning, heat the water.
  • The presence of additional space, for example, for firewood, a cutting table, shelves for dishes, skewers, etc.

Grill-smokehouse scheme

Grill-smokehouse scheme

The scheme of a conventional grill-smokehouse will consist of the following elements:

  • Hearth with a camera.
  • Mangala.
  • Combustion chambers.
  • Chimney.

Brazier with a smokehouse made of metal

In order to make a smokehouse for a barbecue, you need to take several sheets of iron or other metal, which are joined together by welding seams. Preference should be given to stainless steel sheets, up to 3 mm thick, which will allow the structure to operate longer. Particular attention is paid to the lid for smoking. This part of the barbecue can be done in different ways:

  • Removable
  • Retractable
  • Consisting of two halves
  • Folding, having one half

The dimensions for the barbecue should be selected individually, taking into account the place where the device will be placed. When the stove body is welded, the seams and metal are cleaned with a grinder. Seams must be covered with a chalk solution prepared in water. When it dries, the seams are lubricated with kerosene inside. In the event that it bleeds through from the reverse side, then the seams are boiled again.

Brazier with a brick smoker

To make a brick grill with a smokehouse, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Master OK
  • Level
  • Trowel
  • Shovel

You will need several containers to prepare the solution. It is recommended to buy bricks, sand, cement in advance.

The construction of an outdoor brick grill-smokehouse stove begins with the creation of the foundation. Its construction involves the following types of work:

  • Digging holes up to 40 cm deep.
  • Installation of formwork and metal fittings in it.
  • Covering the formwork with roofing felt.
  • Pouring concrete into the structure.
  • Waiting for the concrete to completely harden, which happens within two days.

The dimensions of the grill-smokehouse can be:

  • Length - 1 m
  • Width - 0.5 m
  • Depth - 0.25 m

To create a barbecue oven, it is best to use a red brick or refractory brick. If possible, it is recommended to choose the first version of the material, since it has greater fire resistance.

The orderly laying of bricks has several features:

  • The first row must be created without mortar in order to carry out the correct marking of the barbecue. Use whole bricks.
  • In the first row, the places for the grate and the skewer are determined.
  • Before laying the bricks, they are moistened with water and left for a day. This will allow the material to absorb water, making the oven sturdier.
  • Prepare a solution containing lime (slaked), cement, sand. The consistency should be very thick, for this mix 3 parts of sand, one part of cement and lime. Pour water at your discretion so that the solution is thick.

Orderly construction of the barbecue

Diagram of the order of creating a brazier-smokehouse made of bricks with your own hands
  • 1st row - the laying of bricks is carried out so that a gap between the seam and the second row is created. Rows 2-8 - laying bricks starts from the corner, observing the principle of horizontal position. For this, the level checks the quality of the masonry. The corners are reinforced with metal wire. Between the second and eighth rows, a place for the firebox is determined, for which only thick-walled material is needed. You should also take into account such nuances as creating open holes for air, determining places for countertops, pipes, wood burning boxes, utility niches.
  • 9th row - after the brickwork, it is necessary to install plywood formwork. The thickness of the material should be 10 mm.
  • 10th row - fireclay bricks are used, which helps to form the firebox. The bricks are laid on the ribs.
  • 11th row - the surface of the firebox is leveled.
  • 12th row - the table top is being formed. The row should cover the building niches, the bricks are laid in such a way that they have a quarter release.
  • 13-15th row - a firebox is created.
  • 16-19th row - formwork is being formed, which will overlap the firebox. To create the formwork, you will need fireclay bricks.
  • Rows 20-24 - the bricks are trimmed, which are inside the furnace, which is necessary to create the chimney masonry. On the 24th row, bricks are laid out along the perimeter with a release of ¼. This is the last row, after which the formation of the outer tube begins.

After the end of the ordinal masonry, you can tiling the barbecue.

The grill smokehouse is a multifunctional oven that allows you to cook a large number of dishes on your personal plot. You can both fry and smoke meat on it, and with some improvement, it turns into a full-fledged street kitchen. A homemade brazier of this type can be brick or metal; models are distinguished by the complexity of the manufacturing technology.

Brazier-smokehouse is assembled from separate modules, which allows you to adapt such an outdoor oven for any needs. In the maximum configuration, it consists of four main parts:

  • brazier - an open hearth for barbecue and barbecue;
  • smokehouse - a chamber into which smoke from the hearth enters;
  • a stove that runs on wood or coal - is a hearth that is covered with a metal hob with ordinary burners;
  • common chimney.

The most interesting is the smoking chamber... It can be made in one of two versions: for hot or cold smoking. In the first case, it is a modification of a conventional chimney, in which hooks are installed for hanging meat or fish. The cold smoking chamber is installed at a distance from the hearth so that the smoke has time to cool down.

The configuration of the stove depends on the material chosen: if the most practical structure is usually made of metal, characterized by a small number of parts, then a brick brazier is a capital structure. A metal smokehouse can be made mobile and even collapsible. You can make a full-fledged universal kitchen out of brick by adding a sink, a cutting table, shelves for dishes, etc.

Thus, when drawing up a project for a grill with a smokehouse, you need to think over the following details:

  • material of manufacture;
  • number of basic functions;
  • availability of additional equipment;
  • furnace appearance design.

Based on these parameters, a detailed design drawing is developed with an indication of the dimensions, the amount of materials required, and the mass of the furnace are calculated. You should also choose a suitable place for the barbecue where you can n o will set the foundation.

Construction of a brick street oven

If the oven is being built for permanent use, combining a grill with a smokehouse in one brick structure is the best solution, as this will save materials, time and space. Building a brick oven is more difficult than assembling it from metal, but the result will be better.

Brick braziers have the following advantages:

  • reliability and durability;
  • operational safety;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • efficient work - food is evenly warmed up and fully saturated with smoke.

In addition to the complexity of design and construction, the disadvantages of this option include the capital nature of the structure. It will stand on its own foundation, and it will be impossible to make changes to the project after its completion - if you want to add a street smokehouse to the existing grill, the entire oven will have to be demolished and rebuilt.

The configuration of the brick oven can be any. The smokehouse, as a rule, is made hot - the camera is placed directly above the barbecue. To implement a cold smoking chamber, it will be necessary to develop a long chimney, which will significantly increase the size and weight of the structure, the amount of material and the cost of the project.

A brick brazier stove is an expensive project; before starting work, you will have to prepare a lot of tools and materials. Individual items may vary depending on the project, but in general, the following set will be required:

Additionally, you should purchase steel plates, rods and doors based on the project.

Since the brick structure will have a large mass, it must be built on a foundation. You can choose the type of foundation in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01−87, taking into account the type and characteristics of the soil; in most cases, a monolithic reinforced concrete option is suitable. It is because of the foundation that construction will take a long time: concrete must gain strength for a month before it can start laying bricks.

The procedure for pouring the base is as follows:

It is recommended to prepare strong concrete of the M200 or M250 brand, the recipe can be found on the package with cement. To save money, rubble can be poured on the bottom of the pit - the reliability of the foundation will not suffer, and the required volume of concrete will decrease.

At a great depth of the base, the cement-sand mixture should be poured in layers of 100 mm, waiting for 2-3 days. After pouring the last layer, the foundation is covered with plastic wrap to protect it from precipitation and atmospheric moisture.

For the convenience of laying out bricks, in addition to the drawing, an order should be prepared - a diagram showing each row of masonry. The schemes may be different depending on the configuration of the barbecue, but in most cases the height of the stove from the base to the beginning of the chimney is no more than 30 rows, or 2 m.

It is important to know the following features of working with bricks:

In the chimney, it is important to make slots for the flaps that will help regulate the temperature in the smoking chamber. Hot smoking of meat is carried out at a temperature of about 65 ° C, fish - 75 ° C. If the length of the chimney allows the temperature to be reduced to 23 ° C, cold smoking is possible in the chamber.

When the laying is finished, all that remains is to install the hooks in the smoking chamber, doors on the braziers and other accessories. You should also cover the finished oven with a canopy: the brick absorbs moisture well, so it must be protected from precipitation.

Making a barbecue from metal

If you need to quickly and with minimal financial costs assemble an outdoor smokehouse, a brazier oven with a metal smoking chamber is the best option. In terms of the number of functions, this option is not inferior to the brick one, but the design will be less reliable and aesthetic.

The advantages of a metal grill-smokehouse include the following features:

With a lack of experience in working with metal, the result may not be a particularly beautiful furnace, but it will be guaranteed to fulfill its tasks. Unlike a brick grill, a steel smokehouse can always be modified by adding new details to it. If the modules are fastened not by welding, but with the help of fasteners, the structure can be disassembled and taken out into nature - instead of a capital oven, you will get a convenient and mobile multifunctional grill.

One of the main advantages of a metal barbecue is that it can be made from almost any material with sufficient strength. Sheet metal with a thickness of 2 mm or more is suitable; size affects the weight of the structure and its durability - thin steel will burn out faster. It is allowed to use any grades of steel, but stainless steel is the best option.

If it is not possible to purchase sheet steel, you can use the materials at hand: barrels, boilers, boilers, etc. A good option is old gas cylinders that are optimal for the barbecue. Before starting to work with them, the containers should be cleaned of gas residues. This is done like this:

  1. Drain volatile gas completely by opening the valve.
  2. Unscrew the tap, fill the bottle with water to the brim, drain. Repeat several times.
  3. To remove the odor of odorants, rinse the container from the inside with a solution of potassium permanganate or organic solvents (gasoline, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

The cylinder should be cleaned outdoors, away from residential buildings - for fire safety purposes and in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor that fizzles out for a long time.

Before work, you should draw up a drawing of the barbecue. It is recommended to include three modules in the design: a roaster, a smoking chamber and a removable chimney section, in which the smoke will cool down for cold smoking.

In addition to materials, you need to prepare tools: a saw for metal, a grinder with a diamond abrasive wheel, a drill, a welding machine, a screwdriver, fasteners, and measuring instruments.

Since the design of a steel stove can be practically any, in each case there will be its own characteristics of the assembly of the barbecue. The general procedure for manufacturing a sheet metal product is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the drawing, the walls of the brazier and the smoking chamber are cut out of steel. Sizes can be any; should be guided by the planned volumes of cooking. It should be borne in mind that skewers are placed on the grill with a step of 8-10 cm for better roasting of meat. In order for the smoke to enter the smokehouse, a removable sealed lid must be made for the brazier.
  2. Air holes are drilled in the long walls and bottom of the barbecue.
  3. Parts are welded or fastened together using corners.
  4. The smokehouse is attached either close to the side of the brazier (for hot smoking), or at a distance of 3-4 m (for cold smoking).
  5. Legs are welded to the oven, fasteners for the fat pan, hooks for hanging products in the smokehouse and other parts are installed.

If cylinders or barrels are used instead of steel, the process of making the barbecue is similar - the only difference is that there is already a finished body, you just need to cut out part of the container wall, connect the smokehouse to the brazier and install the fittings.

When the oven is ready, all that remains is to paint its outer surfaces to protect it from moisture and put the structure away from flammable materials. For convenience, it is worth installing it next to the gazebo. A brick brazier can be designed in advance so as to combine the recreation area into a single whole.

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