Home Perennial flowers Ecology projects in bird kindergarten. Ecology educational project for children and adults “We are friends of wintering birds. Stories for children about birds

Ecology projects in bird kindergarten. Ecology educational project for children and adults “We are friends of wintering birds. Stories for children about birds

One of the best ways of a kind of communication between teachers of educational institutions and families of kids is considered to be a corner for parents in kindergarten. Since well-established contact between parents of children and teachers is very important, creating a well-designed parent stand allows you to convey important information to the first in the best possible way.

Mothers and fathers, wonder-children will be happy to watch the success of their children, and at the same time learn more about the activities in which they take part, as well as about other events of the preschool institution, read the right tips about raising kids.

Stand options

The correct design of a stand for parents in a preschool institution contributes to the fact that parents begin to be more attentive to the kids, to closely monitor their achievements and development. Ultimately, parents become more respectful of teaching work. Some are finally thinking about creating a baby one so that the child can develop physically.

Seat selection

With regard to placement, the stand for adults should be located at eye level of visitors so that they are comfortable enough to read and perceive all the information offered to their attention. In addition, the most illuminated wall should be the place for placement.

Children in the country will be bored without entertainment. You will find out how to cheer your little ones by following the link.

What information is recommended by the teacher associations for the parenting area in kindergarten? The stand should contain the following literature:

  1. Characteristics of the age of babies (should be updated annually);
  2. Skill level (what every child should be able to do in their age);
  3. Regime of the day (must be updated annually);
  4. Schedule of classes and activities (changes once a year);
  5. Breakfast, lunch and dinner menus (must be changed daily);
  6. Health control throughout the day;
  7. Learning Together (updated daily);
  8. Rules for Parents;
  9. How we have fun and amicably spending the day (here the types of activities, their topics, tasks, a short description of the activities during the day, a demonstration of the child's work should be indicated);
  10. Repeat with the little ones (everything that the child should repeat at home, for example, songs, poems, works of art);
  11. Announcements of important events and events for the day;
  12. News from the life of a preschool institution for the day, week, month;
  13. Phone number for social services, helpline, ambulance, etc.

Recommended information

Parents' corners in kindergarten must contain:

  • Turnstiles;
  • Stands;
  • Tablets;
  • Table or shelf for demonstrating the work of kids, mat;
  • Images or silhouettes of toys and fairy-tale characters.

Also, the design for parents implies the presence of children's drawings, bright pictures, articles with photographs of babies during their stay in a group and on a walk. It is advisable to use no more than two primary colors when decorating stands.

Parents' corner in kindergarten is one of the ways of a kind of communication with parents. For every teacher, contact with the parents of the baby is very important. A well-designed parent's corner provides an excellent opportunity to communicate with parents. With the help of the information displayed in the parent's corner, moms and dads can see the success of their children, find out more about what activities are held with them and other events in the kindergarten, as well as read the right tips on how to raise children better. Thanks to them, parents are more attentive to their children and monitor their progress. They begin to treat the work of educators even more respectfully.

The parent's corner in kindergarten has long been used to make it more convenient and interesting for parents to get acquainted with the life of the children's group. The information for the parent area must be displayed correctly. After all, parental interest in it depends on the correct design, competent placement of information and style. Practice shows that all information is written in small print remains practically unattended. Articles should be written in an accessible language for parents. Avoid pedagogical phrases. This is more frightening than attractive. Otherwise, parents will not pay any attention and ignore children's corners, and with them your work. The parent's corner in kindergartens is located at such a level that it is convenient for adults to read. All articles must be supplemented with photographs, bright pictures and children's drawings.

Requirements for the design of material for parents.

    Information posted on the parent stand should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least every two weeks.

    The parent's corner should be accessible and convenient for the perception (reading) of information, informational (adapted to the placement of information, meaningful, aesthetically and colorfully designed.

    The information posted on the stands must be up-to-date, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children.

    The font is large (14-16), clear, the text is not voluminous.

    When placing any printed material on the stand, reference to the publication, including authorship and publication year, is required.

    The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also posters and photographs. When decorating a stand, there is no need to abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys.

    The ratio of text and illustrations in slides should be approximately 2: 6 (2 parts of text and 6 parts of illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information. It is good if these are photographs of the children of this group.

    Fuzzy photocopies are not allowed.

Modern forms of visual information are encouraged:

    thematic screens and folders - moving (in addition to pedagogical topics, you can use the following headings: "A day off with a child at home", "Our traditions" (in a group and family), etc.

    information sheets

  • magazine and newspaper for parents


    use of audio recordings


Requirements for the content of the corner:

    The visiting card of the group.

    Mode, program tasks of upbringing and education of preschoolers (planned results of mastering the program, planning organized educational activities (schedule of classes, information on the content of the thematic week (name of the week, goal, content of the work).

    Information about the age characteristics of the children of the group (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year, etc. anthropometric data).

    "Our life is day after day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, hand-made articles, topics, and lesson goals. The material is constantly being updated. Equipped place for organizing an exhibition of children's works.

    Bulletin board. Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a meeting and the decision of the parent meeting, invitations for the holidays, to participate in competitions, etc.

    Menu (Without abbreviations, indicating the yield of the product, in understandable handwriting).

    Pages of specialists working for the group: the topic of the period, information and advisory materials in an accessible form and colorfully designed, consultations for parents, etc.:

    compulsory content in the parent's corner: information on health and safety, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, advice on maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils, etc. - physical. hands.

    "Entertainment, leisure activities": photo reports from various events, recommendations for preparing for the holidays (learning poetry, musical repertoire, preparing costumes) - muses. hands.

    Consultations for parents, screens - moving by topic.

    Recommendations for parents on educational activities in the family: description in an accessible form to parents about the types of educational activities in the family within the framework of the thematic week (update information weekly).

    Parents' participation in the life of the preschool educational institution, "panorama of good deeds"

    The rest of the material is determined by teachers independently and according to long-term planning.

Wall thematic information on teacher education(sample topics)

    Tabletop thematic information

    Brief information corner

    For reading at home

    Musical and poetic corner

    Medical corner "About health"


    "Thank you"

    "We are glad to inform you ..."

    News from classes

    Children's creativity corner

    WINDOW - very short news

    Mood photo corner

    Mode, activity grid Age group mode. He is constant, but he signs one of the activities during the year, for example stroll, if target, then on what date it is planned, preliminary work, task for parents. After the walk - impressions of the children, photomontage, "reportage from the walk", children's drawings and comments on them, etc. are possible.

    Exhibition: "Do together with the children ..."

    Photo corner "They work with your children"

    Forgotten things corner

    "Congratulations" and others.

    "Our life is day after day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, handicrafts, the text of a song learned in a lesson or a walk, the title of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly being updated. It may contain the following addresses: "Mom, learn a tongue twister with me:" Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying ";" Dad, tell me a riddle: "Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, but doesn't let me into the house?" etc.

    "Children's rights". A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of childhood rights in a preschool institution and family, addresses and phone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, official documents.

    Long-term role play : when it started, roles, attributes, handicraft assignment. For example, we play in a hospital - we need dressing gowns, bandages, gauze bandages; play in the store - attributes for the store. If the plot is fabulous, the task changes according to the plot of the game, recommendations are given: what to read to children, what attributes are needed for the game.

    Thus, you are not just telling or asking parents to replenish your game supply, but showing where and how children will use it.

Tips for the design of thematic information

    Tips on one of the parenting topics are placed in the most prominent place. The topic should attract the attention of parents not only by its relevance, but also by the originality of its presentation.

    Instead of the usual headlines, such as Tips for Parents, it is better to write "Secrets of Raising a Polite Child" or "What If Your Child Is Stubborn? "," How to save a child from fears? ". The headline is located on one of the subjects of the plot and is highlighted with color, enlarged letters made of foil, braid, straw, embroidery, etc. For example, if the reception is decorated in the form of a forest, then the theme is in the sun or clouds. Rules and tips do not concentrate on one place, but are scattered on the wall: one piece of advice and suggestions were given to the characters, written on the objects of the intended plot. So, swan geese have feathers in their beaks, and tips on the feathers. Animals: a hare, a squirrel, a bear hold their favorite delicacies in their paws: carrots, walnuts, a barrel of honey, on them there are pockets with tips.

    There should be no more than five tips. All rules and guidelines are printed on a light background, different borders are used.

    An important role in the design of wall information is played by the novelty and uniqueness of materials.

    Wall information is updated monthly.

Tabletop thematic information

    Information on pedagogy, psychology, medicine is located on the table. It is advisable to cover it with a beautiful napkin, put flowers. There are 1-2 chairs at the table, next to it is a hook for bags. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere necessary to create positive emotions, the perception of information that should arouse the interest of parents.

    Table information can be presented using soft light toys made with children from a variety of materials. The theme, highlighted in color and size, is located on the main subjects of the plot, the decorations of the characters. Submission of advice, no more than three, is played up by the characters.

Brief information corner

    This rubric introduces parents to short sayings of great people, bright lines of poetry, apt folk proverbs and sayings on education. This corner is located on the walls of the corridors, in the dressing room or on the walls of the walkways.

    Examples of statements: M. Yu. Lermontov “Trust me, happiness is only there,

    Where they love us, where they believe us. "

    Proverb: "Teach your wife without children, and children without people"

    K. Ushinsky "Never promise a child that cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him."

    J. J. Rousseau "Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to know anything about denial."

Reading corner at home It is advisable to place the materials for this corner not high on the wall above the table so that its design becomes a continuation of the plot of the table-top agitation.

Corner of poetry and music Poems and songs that children learn in the process of GCD for music, speech development and in their free time, as well as poems that contribute to adjusting the behavior of adults, are colorfully decorated in small albums for parents to familiarize themselves with them, especially those whose children have difficulties in memorization. Sometimes you can give home "tricky" tasks to all parents, such as: "Draw pictures for the verses of a song, lines of a poem." It is recommended to write these tasks for each family.

    The daily routine, the GCD grid, including circle work, the topic and program content of the GCD, the menu are required. They can be placed on a stand or separately on tablets.

    Folder "Regulatory and legal documents of the preschool educational institution": copies of the license and the Charter of the preschool educational institution, extracts from decisions of parents' meetings.

    Folder "Age characteristics of children": characteristics of the development of children of a given age, learning objectives in a particular age group. What kids should know by the end of the school year. Requirements for physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic, etc. are placed. education.

    The folder "On raising children": specific, age-appropriate recommendations to parents on all aspects of raising and developing children, especially on the tasks of the year; diagnostic results.

    Folder "Consultations of specialists" (physical instructor, psychologist, speech therapist, music director)

All material placed for parents must correspond to the planned in the calendar plan in the section "Working with parents".

Thinking about the topic of the article must be carefully. They should contain some material. And in the next news release of the parent's corner, continue the topic. Parents are often interested in this. They begin to follow what is happening and wait for new numbers.

Headings are very popular and readable:

    "The Life of Our Group";

    "Our Children";

    "What do the kids do";

There is also a "mobile folder" in which you can get the most interesting information about the kindergarten.

The parent information corner in kindergarten is an interesting and creative topic. The decoration of the corner, its design, take an important place in the disclosure of those to parents

Elena Voloshina

Subject - developmental environment


In our reception there is an information corner for parents, where they can familiarize themselves with the daily routine, the schedule of classes, information about the work of our kindergarten... Seasonal screens, information on traffic rules, healthy lifestyles, consultations for parents on various topics, booklets are systematically exhibited, there is also a corner - an exhibition children's works on fine arts and sculpting where parents can look work their children and take them home. Information material is changed regularly.

Corner of moral and patriotic education

We live in a great, beautiful country. To be a worthy citizen of your country, you need to know it well, love and be proud of it. With the aim of organizing moral and patriotic education in our group was issued corner for moral and patriotic education. Children can always see the state symbols of their country (the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia, their city, they recognize their president in photographs.) children's attention provided various books about their region, city, didactic games.

Corner of mathematics - contributes to the cognitive and mathematical development of children. Didactic and logical - mathematical games are aimed at the development of the logical action of comparison, logical operations of classification. In this corner there are materials for teaching counting, development ideas about size and shape, equipment for forming views about the number and quantity.

Speech development corner

Formation of the correct speech of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the timely formation of the speech of children, of its purity and correctness. In the corner of speech development, sets are selected subject and plot pictures, schemes - support, for composing stories - descriptions, conversations on plot pictures, games for the cognitive and speech development of children.

Literary reading corner - plays an essential role in the formation of preschoolers' interest in fiction. In the corner of literary reading, the child can independently, according to his taste, choose one or another book and examine it. In this corner there is a personal communication between a child and a work of art - a book and illustrations.

Cognitive Development Corner - introduces children to the available natural phenomena. Promotes the manifestation of a caring, respectful attitude of preschoolers to living beings. Children learn to find the aesthetic beauty of plants and animals, take care of them, acquire a value attitude towards nature, develop cognitive activity and observation. Also a corner of nature in children's kindergarten fosters care, thrift, responsibility and good feelings in preschool children. In a corner of nature weather calendar is kept... Children observe and care for the plants. Also in the corner of nature there are didactic games, a center for experimentation, for conducting elementary experiments, experiments.

Artistic corner - equipped with the necessary material for productive and creative activity children: sheets of paper, colored pencils, stencils, coloring, etc. work... We acquaint children with folk crafts, with fabulous - epic painting.

Theatrical corner is an important object of developing Wednesday where you can start equipping group, since it is the theatrical activity that helps to unite group, unite children with an interesting idea, new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, showing unexpected facets of their character. Children get acquainted with various types of theater and choose the one that is close and convenient to them.

The Music Corner is a place where children learn about music and its beauty. Listening to music plays an important role in raising children. Thanks to this process, the child instills a desire to love and learn about the beautiful. Creatively formalized the musical corner will help not only to plunge into the world of music and expand ideas about her, but also develops the imagination of children, activates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech.

The corner of physical education is an integral part of intellectual, aesthetic, moral education baby: only all this in a complex will allow him to grow up as an integral, harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Regular physical activity improves the health of children. In the corner of physical education there are: balls of different sizes, sandbags, handkerchiefs, pigtails, attributes for outdoor games, jump ropes, massage mats for dynamic hours, as well as a card index for morning exercises, outdoor games and walks.

Safety corner - presents itself clearly - illustrative material. Together with the children, we study safety rules. Because our task is not only to protect and protect babies from difficult (sometimes dangerous) life situations, but also prepare children to meet with them. With children, we constantly play up situations, talk over questions for which every child should know the correct one answer:

What should be done if there is a fire in the apartment? (Call 01 or from cell phone 010, 112 and tell the address of the fire, your last name, what and where it burns.)

Can I play with matches and lighters? (You can't. Matches are one of the causes of fire.)

The main rule for any danger? (Don't panic, don't lose your composure.) etc.

Working with parents

Our corner is addressed to caring parents - mothers and fathers, grandparents, whose children attend our preschool. After all, it is here, in kindergarten, that the mechanisms of communication between the baby and peers and adults are laid, the first, and therefore invaluable, steps are made on the path of personality formation.

Our corner was created in order to preserve the childhood of children and help their parents to raise them.

We are glad that our meetings take place not only in kindergarten.

Our kindergarten has the following rules for parents.


1. Bring the children on time so that they are not late for morning exercises and classes.

2.Provide children with comfortable replacement shoes; sports shoes for joint physical education activities; "Czech women", for musical lessons and holidays; spare set of linen.

3. To monitor the sports form of children, wash at least 1 time a week.

4. Attend kindergarten every day.

5. In case of illness of the child, promptly inform the kindergarten about it.

It is prohibited:

1. Give children dangerous toys with them to kindergarten (not age-appropriate, various sharp objects, toy weapons, coins, and so on).

2. Leave the children gifts, vitamins, medicines (without first informing the teacher about this).

3. On a child's birthday as a treat, bring chips, ice cream, crisps and any foods that can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in children to kindergarten.

Reception of children is carried out from 7.30 to 8.10 every day, except weekends and holidays. Timely arrival at kindergarten is a necessary condition for the correct organization of the educational process.
The teachers are ready to talk with you in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening from 17.00 to 18.00. At other times, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract him.
The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed to you, by name and patronymic. Conflict controversial situations must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the deputy head or head.

We ask you not to give your child chewing gum, sucking candies, chips and croutons with you to kindergarten.
We strongly advise against dressing your child with gold and silver jewelry, or giving expensive toys with you.

Requirements for the appearance of children

A neat look, buttoned-up clothes and shoes;
Washed face;
Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
Hair cut and carefully combed;
Clean underwear;
The presence of a sufficient number of handkerchiefs.

To create comfortable conditions for a child's stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

At least 2 sets of changeable underwear: for boys - shorts, panties, tights; girls - tights, panties. In warm weather - socks, knee-highs.
At least 2 sets of replaceable sleepwear (pajamas).
Two bags for storing clean and used laundry.
Linen, clothing and other items must be labeled.

Before taking your child to kindergarten, check if his suit is suitable for the season and the air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too large and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can self-serve. Shoes should be light, warm, fit exactly with the child's foot, easy to put on and take off. Wearing overalls is undesirable. A handkerchief is essential for a child, both indoors and out. Create convenient pockets on your clothing to store it.
To avoid injury, parents should check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothing for dangerous items. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles) to the preschool educational institution, as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets.

Dear Parents! If you brought your child after the start of a certain time period, please undress him and wait with him in the dressing room until the next break.
Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8.10 and in the evening after 17.00. at other times the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and must not be distracted.

To the teachers of the group, regardless of their age, you must contact you, by name and patronymic.

Controversial and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.

If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the head.

Remember that in kindergarten you can seek advice and individual help on all issues of interest to you regarding the upbringing of a child.
We ask you to make sure that there are no sharp, cutting or stabbing objects in the child's pockets.

Please do not give your child chewing gum in kindergarten.

In a group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other, take personal belongings without permission, including other children's toys brought from home, spoil and break the results of other children's labor. Children are not allowed to "hit back", nor are they allowed to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by considerations of the safety of each child.

For toys brought from home, the child must take care of himself, educators are not responsible for these toys.

We ASK you in your family to support these requirements!

Responsibilities of parents
? bring the child neatly dressed and personally hand him over to the caregiver and pick him up! Parents, remember! Educators are strictly forbidden to give children to drunken persons, children under the supervision of Jr. school age, release children at the request of parents, give children to strangers without parental warning!
? resolve all controversial issues in a calm and businesslike atmosphere, indicating the reasons for the dispute and involving the administration! Parents, remember! Conflict situations should be resolved without children.

? assist in the improvement of the kindergarten

Dress children according to the season and according to the weather! Parents, remember! Excessive wrapping or insufficiently warm clothing can make your child sick!
? not to bring a sick child to kindergarten and promptly inform about the reasons for the child's non-attendance by calling the kindergarten. Parents, remember! If a child does not attend kindergarten for three days or more, then he is admitted to kindergarten only with a medical certificate!

? present a medical certificate with permission to attend kindergarten! Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child! An incompletely treated child will not only get sick himself, but also infect healthy children.

? pay a fee for maintaining a child in kindergarten by the 15th day of each month

Information for parents

Family collaboration. Forms of work.

Children are taught by what surrounds them.
If a child is often criticized, he learns to judge.
If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid.
If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child is often condescending, he learns to be tolerant.
If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence.
If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate
If they are usually honest with a child, he learns justice.
If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe
If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

Parents' corners in kindergartens must be present in every group. Their main purpose is to alert moms and dads about what the kids are doing in the kindergarten. It is very convenient to place various announcements, birthday greetings on such stands.

Currently, you can purchase ready-made kits for posting information for the parent's corner, or you can do it yourself. In the latter case, the main thing is to come up with an interesting and unusual plot, which will then need to be implemented. Our goal is to optimally reflect all the most important information for parents on and create an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort in the dressing room of the group.

Making a parental corner in a preschool educational institution with your own hands

In kindergarten, the design of the parent's corner is the task of teachers and methodologists. In our article we will describe how to design the Train parent area.

First, you need to prepare everything you need: ceiling tiles, thick cardboard, the narrowest ceiling plinth for edging, colored self-adhesive paper, glue, a stationery knife, plastic pockets for placing A4 sheets with information in them.

The ceiling tiles will be cut to shape, glued to cardboard for strength, and pasted over with adhesive paper. A ceiling plinth is attached at the edges. It can also be used for bordering posted images. Plastic pockets are attached with a stapler or glue.

Secondly, we are preparing a locomotive with the image of a cat-driver on a ceiling tile prepared in shape. Instead of a picture of a cat, you can put a photo of the teacher.

Thirdly, we make "trailers" for posting information about the schedule of classes and the group menu for every day. We use flowers of different colors in the form of a bundle between the trailers.

Fourthly, we make a trailer for the group's photo using cardboard, self-adhesive paper and pockets. You can also make trailers to accommodate other important information. The whole composition can be supplemented with the sun, butterflies, travel folders. Place the finished train on the wall in the dressing room of the group.

It is important to have time to update the information on it. In particular, the menu and all important announcements need to be updated. Such a stand is easy and fast to carry out, does not require large material costs. It is made in the first days of school and lasts a whole year or more.

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