Home Perennial flowers Various horoscopes of the world. Types of horoscopes. Elements, crosses and types of energies

Various horoscopes of the world. Types of horoscopes. Elements, crosses and types of energies

Astrology is a very ancient science. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the date of birth can influence fate. If people are influenced by the same planet, their characters may be similar. Different cultures had their own characteristics and types of horoscopes, but today only the most popular and universal versions remain. Want to know more about it? Join reading this publication.

Translated from the word "horoscope" means "spy of his term." During the year, the sun makes a visible movement, forming a large circle of the celestial sphere (ecliptic). At each time interval, the Earth is influenced by certain celestial bodies. A horoscope is a display of the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets on the ecliptic at a given moment.

How astrologers make their predictions

A horoscope can be built not only regarding the fate of a person or for the coming period. With its help, it will be possible with a certain accuracy to predict the success of an event. It is enough just to know the geographical coordinates and the time of the event.

A horoscope is a kind of projection of celestial bodies onto a given area and time period. However, instead of the usual coordinates, it is customary to take into account the ecliptic longitude for a particular object. This value is expressed in angular degrees. Conventionally, the ecliptic is divided into a zodiacal circle, which is divided into certain sectors. There are twelve of these sections, and each of them has thirty degrees. Now we will take a closer look at the types of horoscopes.


The word "natal" indicates that the horoscope refers to the exact date of birth of a particular person. Drawn up individually. To do this, you need to know not only the day, month and year of birth, but also the exact time in hours and minutes (a small error is allowed), as well as the geographical coordinates of the small homeland.

It is believed that all types of horoscopes by date of birth most fully reflect the fate of an individual. A natal horoscope is able to open a person's eyes to his potential, inclinations and some life circumstances.

Local horoscope

As you might guess, this horoscope does not depend on the place of birth, but on the person's current place of residence. In order to build it, you also need to know the exact date of birth. Most often, people who want to change their place of residence resort to it. Thus, you can choose the best city for yourself or avoid mistakes in the event that moving will entail trouble.


Astrologers usually build this type of horoscope to find out exactly how past lives affect the current fate of a person. Created by the ascending lunar node.

Thematic horoscope

In this publication, we analyze in detail the types of horoscopes. Thematic, in particular, are built in order to more fully reveal the circumstances of life, its various spheres. So, for example, an ascending sign, transferred to the degree of Venus, reveals the possibilities of love and romantic relationships. Mercury is responsible for intelligence and the implementation of professional skills.

Synastric horoscope

This horoscope is made up in order to find out the compatibility of two subjects. Often used in choosing a partner for marriage.


Modern science is universal, it has absorbed all the best that has ever been created by great scientists and thinkers. Currently, there are more simplified horoscopes. Various types of mathematical calculus make it possible to find out the fate of a person by digital and alphabetical codes. The most popular method, taken as the basis of the numerological horoscope, is the Pythagorean theorem. It is curious that this outstanding person was, among other things, a mystic.

Chinese horoscope

If we consider the types of horoscopes by year, the eastern calendar remains the most popular source of information to this day. The Chinese horoscope is focused on the influence of the astronomical rhythms of Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon and is divided into twelve-year cycles. Astrologers make a generalized forecast for each of the twelve signs.

Egyptian horoscope

We know that there are types of horoscopes by year of birth (natal, local, Chinese). In ancient Egypt, astrologers were able to discern the hidden possibilities of a person using short time periods of months. This is a rather complex system that has not taken root in modern society. If in the Chinese horoscope the patrons of this or that sign are animals, then in Egyptian every period of time is ruled by a deity.

Zodiac signs

Modern was developed, simplified and introduced into everyday life by the English astrologer Alan Leo at the very beginning of the 20th century. At first, he created horoscopes individually, but due to the large number of orders he was forced to bring his own calculations to a truncated form. It turned out that we all use it with pleasure to this day. The zodiac sign is focused on the influence of the Sun in relation to the natal horoscope. There are 12 of them in the year. However, each new sign replaces the previous one not from the beginning of the month, but on the twentieth day.

Astrology - the mathematics of the gods

Man is a particle of the universe, and therefore invisible threads connect him with the Universe. The laws of world harmony are studied by thousands of sciences, among which astrology is the most ancient and mysterious. Astrology is undoubtedly a science: its depth and argumentation, the harmony of its theories and the weight of its conclusions have led to its partial recognition today, as evidenced by the teaching of astrology along with other subjects in some universities in India, Europe and the United States.

Each of us at least once had a need to look into tomorrow. Knowing what will happen tomorrow is the secret dream of every person. Astrology allows a mere mortal to open something that is accessible only to the gods - the veil of the future.

This book is primarily for those who want to see the causes and realize their consequences, armed with the art of the ancients. It contains all the known horoscopes of the world as they are interpreted by the astrological systems of different nations. You have in your hands a complete body of astrological knowledge accumulated by mankind. Various peoples found their own, special words to describe the amazing laws of the Cosmos, according to which a person's life is built. After all, the words "as above, so below" always remain true.

Western zodiac horoscope

No one knows the exact date of the origin of astrology. It appeared almost simultaneously in almost all peoples and on all continents. Our predecessors believed that the Earth and Heaven are inseparable - as above, so below, and by observing the sky, one can penetrate the veil of the secrets of earthly Existence. People have established that life on Earth obeys the rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies. The priests have observed the planets and stars for centuries, and over time, having accumulated enough information, they named the planets after the gods they worshiped.

This is how astrology appeared - the science of celestial bodies, the laws of motion of which determine the course of human life.

Western astrology is the direct heir to the original source of astrology. Its origins lie in the astrological system of Babylon. The heart and at the same time the crown of Western astrology is the horoscope and the art of its interpretation.

There are several characteristic features of Western astrology that distinguish it from another, no less developed, astrological tradition, Vedic astrology. We will not go deeper, let's just say that one of the features is more attention to the Sun than the Moon. Therefore, in the 20th century, the zodiac sign, in which the Sun was located at the moment of a person's birth, began to be associated with the horoscope of a person in the mass press, and rules were developed for the compatibility of people with different solar (solar) signs. But in Vedic astrology, the role of the night luminary - the Moon - is taken into account in the analysis in the first place.

So, astrology allows you to understand the relationship of various events taking place in the country, the world and the fate of each person, focusing on his horoscope.

But it would be a mistake to think that astrology sets some kind of restrictions. Its goal is to tell a person about his capabilities and abilities, to help determine life goals and outline ways to achieve them. By revealing to a person the program of his life, stellar science only warns of possible vicissitudes of fate and helps to make the right choice.

Zodiac circle

The planets move against the background of the stars. The stars are combined into groups - constellations. There are 132 constellations in our Galaxy. After many years of observations, it turned out that events on Earth are closely related to solar activity. 12 periods were calculated, corresponding to the 12 constellations that the Sun passes during the year. The apparent path of the Sun along the constellations surrounding the Earth is called the zodiacal circle.

Today we know that the astronomical position of the constellations has changed under the influence of the gravity of the Sun and the Moon. The vernal equinox point, which thousands of years ago, at the time of the establishment of the zodiacal constellations, was in the zero degree of Aries, has shifted. Its displacement occurs at a rate of 1 degree in 70 years. This phenomenon is called precession. The precession was recorded in the 2nd century BC. e., but it did not affect the interpretation of the zodiacal signs, since the signs are considered a reference point for determining the position of the Earth relative to the Sun. The sector of the celestial sphere, which the Sun passes between March 21st and April 21st, still represents the Aries energy field.

Based on the division of the zodiacal circle into 12 sectors, the Greeks created a calendar by setting the measure of time as follows:

One revolution of the Sun over the celestial sphere (360 °) gives a year;

Dividing the celestial sphere into 12 sectors gives 12 months;

Dividing each sector by 30 degrees gives 30 days, the Sun advances at a rate of 1 degree per day;

Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn gave birth to the names of seven days of the week: Moon day (Monday), Mars day (Tuesday), Mercury day (Wednesday), Jupiter day (Thursday), Venus day (Friday), day Saturn (Saturday), Sun day (Sunday).

The zodiacal signs were assigned characteristic features, which reflected the state of nature during the period of the passage of a particular constellation by the Sun.

At the end of March and April, when nature awakens from hibernation, the Sun gives all living things a powerful energy impetus for development. People born under the sign of Aries carry such qualities as activity, self-confidence, a passionate desire to prove themselves, to be a leader, to push forward.

In April-May, when everything is in bloom, sensual Taurus, adoring beauty and comfort, are born.

At the end of May - June, when solar activity changes, it is time for communication. During this period, fast, enterprising, sociable Gemini are born.

Cancers are born from the end of June to the end of July. This is the brightest time of the year, but Cancer is more strongly influenced by the Moon - the mistress of feelings and emotions. Hence the emotionality of his nature, changeable mood.

In August, when solar energy bears material fruits - the harvest, the magnanimous and regal Lions are born.

At the end of August and September, it is time to stock up for the winter and make plans for the future. This is reflected in the practicality and rationalism of Virgos.

In October, when the golden autumn is already drawing to a close, the enchanting Libra aesthetes are born.

In November, nature falls asleep, the first snow falls and the Scorpions are born, the most mysterious and mystical sign.

In December, when the Sun approaches the Earth, restless and purposeful lucky Sagittarius are born.

From the day of the winter solstice, the Capricorn period begins. Nature is lifeless, and the Sun, having approached the Earth, gave people born in January what they most need - strength, perseverance and endurance.

In February comes the time of Aquarius - inventive and full of ideas.

Pisces completes the natural cycle. They are born in early spring and look forward to warmth. Subjected to all influences, Pisces has an extraordinary ability to sympathize, penetrate human souls and feel the subtlest cosmic vibrations.


Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a planet. At the time when astrology was making its first steps, two luminaries and five nearby planets were known - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. That is, initially astrologers operated on seven celestial bodies. Later, three more planets were discovered - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and in 1977 - Chiron (it is still unclear whether this is an asteroid or the nucleus of a comet, it was discovered near Uranus). The twelfth planet, Proserpine, has not yet been discovered, but there is evidence that the ancients knew it. It is presumably located beyond the orbit of Pluto.

The influence of the energies of different planets is manifested in the nature of the zodiacal signs. It can be harmonious and disharmonious, depending on the individual indicators of the horoscope. But you can draw the first conclusions yourself on the basis of the information below about the planets, even without having a birth chart.

The sun. The sun is the center of the entire solar system. The sun is the main source of energy, heat and light. It also governs the sign of Leo. These are bright personalities with a large supply of vital energy, creativity, and a sense of humor; quickly restore strength, do not know how to get sick for a long time.

Traits 1
Do not take the listed character traits that the planets endow this or that sign as a sentence. Some traits may never show up if you know how to control yourself. In any case: forewarned means forearmed!

(+) activity, brightness, masculinity, psychological stability, self-sufficiency, independence, pride, creativity, generosity, authority, nobility, generosity, self-esteem, organizational skills;

Moon. The moon controls feelings, emotions. Patronizes Cancer. Cancers are emotional, prone to mood swings, sensitive to what is happening around. They are dreamy, sentimental, love children, attached to home and family. But for all their indecision and vulnerability, the children of the Moon have a tenacious will to live - they survive and recover from severe crises and begin to live anew.


(+) variability, sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability, endurance, patience, memory for good, caring, adaptability;

(-) laziness, incoherence, slowness, absent-mindedness, optionality.

Mercury. This planet governs intellect, speech and thought. If your planet is Mercury, then you have a deep mind, contact, the ability to quickly assimilate information, the ability to express your thoughts both orally and in writing. Children of Mercury are fast, tireless, sociable. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.


(+) quick thinking, resourcefulness, active assimilation of information, observation, dexterity, ability to communicate clearly, mobility, curiosity, tenacious memory, the ability to quickly switch from one to another, compliance, rationality, dispassion;

(-) inability to follow through, indecision, lack of principle, talkativeness, love of rumors and gossip, insincerity, scattering, unreliability.

Venus. Venus personifies harmony, love, beauty, pleasure. Venus is associated with the energy of well-being, which means it is associated with money. He rules Taurus and Libra. Astrologers call Venus "little happiness."

This planet promises love, wealth and life in a calm, beautiful and harmonious environment.


(+) emotionality, delicate taste, elegance, charm, physical attractiveness, sexuality, love of comfort and entertainment, friendliness, falling in love, peacefulness, romance, the ability to quickly get out of depression;

(-) a tendency to feel sorry for oneself, laziness, inertia, ruthlessness, narcissism, stubbornness, energetic "vampirism", jealousy, materialism, lack of a sense of proportion, slovenliness.

Mars. Mars endows with masculine qualities - activity, energy, fearlessness and irascibility. This planet is ruled by Aries and Scorpio. There are many passions and bright events in the lives of these people. They are accompanied by struggle and victory.


(+) activity, courage, assertiveness, impulsiveness, perseverance, directness, enthusiasm, self-confidence, love of risk, passion, leadership skills, enterprise, innocence;

(-) aggressiveness, conflict, ruthlessness, rudeness, vulgarity, selfishness, arrogance, cockiness, irritability, recklessness.

Jupiter. This is the planet of luck, prosperity, authority and influence. And if Venus is called "little happiness", then Jupiter is "great happiness." It is fortunate for one who was born under the influence of this planet. She brings glory and honor to her children. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.


(+) benevolence, generosity, truthfulness, politeness, respectability, the ability to see the whole picture without getting hung up on details, perseverance in achieving goals, the talent of a teacher;

(-) extravagance, intemperance in food, drink and sex, bigotry, promiscuity in love, greed, authoritarianism, pride, hypocrisy, complacency, predatory instinct.

Saturn. A planet of discipline, constraints, hard work and realism. She teaches us the most difficult lessons in life, but also helps us to overcome obstacles, brings success - though not as quickly as we would like. Having led a person along the path of trials and self-improvement, Saturn gives him the opportunity to achieve prosperity. This planet is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius.


(+) perseverance, prudence, purposefulness, philosophical mindset, self-sufficiency, constancy, pedantry, punctuality, caution, hard work, discipline, commitment, vitality;

(-) suspicion, isolation, distrust, stinginess, fatalism, narrow-mindedness, excessive conservatism, fears, tyranny, anger, greed, revenge, sorrow, pessimism.

Uranus. A planet of unusual development of events, revolutionary upheavals, extremism, brilliant insights and a lucky break. Runs by Aquarius. The children of Uranus are able to change the natural course of events, slow down or speed up some processes and redraw their destiny in a new way. They make decisions freely and act freely. The most unpredictable and unusual things happen to such people.


(+) originality and non-traditional thinking, craving for novelty and everything unusual, idealism, ingenuity;

(-) stubbornness, hypocrisy, bad luck, irascibility, lack of self-control, passion to break and destroy everything.

Neptune. Neptune expresses a person's mood for cosmic harmony. This planet combines the qualities of the Moon, Venus and Saturn. But if the Moon is ordinary intuition and sensitivity, Venus is stable feelings, and Saturn is the crystallization of harmony and intuition, then Neptune is supersensitivity, clairvoyance, deep penetration into the essence of things and phenomena, the ability to selfless, unearthly love. All these qualities are inherent in Pisces, which are ruled by this planet.


(+) romance, daydreaming, rich imagination, sensitivity, compassion, a subtle sense of harmony, symmetry, rhythm, musical and poetic abilities, prophetic dreams, a prophetic gift, amorousness;

(-) tendency to illusions and self-deception, inability to distinguish good from evil, painful impressionability, suggestibility, negligence, harmful and dangerous addictions, hypochondria, obsessions, neuroses.

Pluto. The planet of pride, indomitability. She feeds with her energy the Scorpions - the pacifiers of darkness, the masters of forces that are not subject to people of other signs. Pluto is the personification of power and money-grubber. But at first he can take everything away, subject a person to the hardest tests, and then suddenly throw him upstairs, endowing him with enormous wealth. Plutonians carry a giant charge of energy within themselves; they are leaders, passionaries who obey in extreme situations. However, this energy can be dangerous in the first place for the Scorpio himself.


(+) activity, toughness, assertiveness, inner strength, which manifests itself at the right moment, perseverance, collectivism, deep emotionality, irony, iron will, high survival rate, magical abilities;

(-) herd, cruelty, greed, a tendency to extreme, a tendency to self-destruction, lack of self-control, lust for power, lack of self-control.

Proserpine. This is the highest hypostasis of Saturn. If Saturn is a rod, a system, then Proserpine is a super-system. She gives her children, born under the sign of Virgo, meticulousness, clarity, the ability to study things and phenomena in depth, accumulate information and move to a new quality. Each Virgo can become a conductor of the highest system of knowledge, but for this you need to work hard.


(+) observation, analytical thinking, the ability to restore the whole piece by piece, a sense of duty;

(-) corrosiveness, tediousness, obsession with trifles, slovenliness or manic love for order, greed, sycophancy.

Chiron. Chiron communicates between the near and distant planets. This is the highest hypostasis of Mercury - sociability and the accumulation of vital information. Chiron controls Libra, endowing them with wisdom, justice, diplomacy, benevolence and the ability to select keys to any information, translate it to any level of complexity.


(+) adaptability, the ability to reconcile warring parties and understand, without condemning, the ability to restore justice, balance and objectivity;

(-) confusion of moral and ethical norms, opportunism, intrigue, the ability to combine and split in two - to sit on two chairs, to be a servant of two masters.

Elements, crosses and types of energies

Four elements are associated with the constellations of the zodiac, coloring them with their energies - Fire, Earth, Water and Air. A group consisting of three signs belonging to the same element is called a trigon.

Trigon of Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Trigon of the Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Trigon of Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Trigon of Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Fire correspond to a huge dynamic charge, activity, thirst for transformation and power. This element endows with a choleric temperament.

Properties Of the earth- immobility, firmness, static, certainty, concentration, realism. The earth gives a melancholic temperament.

Air personifies interaction, contacts, desire for renewal, variability, intelligence, information. Provides a sanguine temperament.

Qualities Water- instability, fragility, impressionability, suggestibility, emotionality, receptivity, plasticity, detachment from reality. Generates phlegmatic temperament.

In the beginning there was Ether - the Divine Word, Thought, Revelation, which is dissolved in all the elements. Then Fire arose - an active creative principle, transformed by Thought. Creative combustion gives rise to concrete forms - this is the element of the Earth. When the visible, material world is created, objects begin to interact with each other - this is Air. As a result, these two objects merge. They collapse and return to their original source - Water. This cycle repeats over and over again.

Fire and Earth are solid, strong elements, unshakable and stable. Air and Water are unstable, changing.

The planets are also associated with the elements:

Fire: Sun, Mars, Jupiter.

Earth: Venus, Saturn, Proserpine.

Air: Mercury, Chiron, Uranus.

Water: Moon, Neptune, Pluto.

* * *

The twelve zodiac signs are also divided into three crosses - cardinal, fixed and movable. The crosses indicate the life strategy inherent in a person, the form of development, the dynamics of personality psychology. This form of behavior is given initially. Each cross unites all four elements.

Cardinal cross- this is the cross of will, goals. It symbolizes the goal, program, algorithm, movement. Includes the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Aries is a movement forward, Cancer is a dive into the depths, Libra is a return to the origins, Capricorn is an upward movement. People of these signs do not tolerate aimlessness. They are future-oriented and anticipate events, always planning something ahead. Movement to the target is carried out in a straight line and in a strictly specified direction.

Fixed cross includes the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It symbolizes waiting. For a person to make a leap forward, he must have accumulated a critical mass of energy. Leo waits for a long time, prepares for exploits, does not waste his time on trifles; then the accumulated energy turns into a dynamic (manifested) state with lightning speed, and a qualitative leap occurs. Scorpio torments himself and others for a long time, and when the tension is pumped to the limit, it begins to act and does a lot in a short time. Aquarius works according to the same scheme. He also cannot make a decision for a long time, he is tormented by doubts, but then overnight he makes a revolution, a transformation of his life. Taurus will need much more strength to make a final decision, but at the end of a long journey, a well-deserved reward awaits him. It is important for representatives of these signs to work on their past, it is an incentive for them to develop.

V movable cross Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces are included. These people - brilliant tactics - know how to seize the moment, flexible, mobile, able to resonate with their surroundings. They live in the present moment, they are constantly changing, every moment they are unique.

* * *

The signs of the zodiac are subdivided into masculine, active (yang) and feminine, passive (yin). Masculinity carry the signs of Fire and Air - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius. These signs give birth to creators and creators - people walking in front, blazing new paths, but they do it in different ways, in accordance with their psychology. Feminine inherent in the signs of Earth and Water - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. These are signs of balance, order, stability.

A horoscope is a diagram of the relative position of celestial bodies, which displays the position of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets at a certain time. In the process of drawing up a personal horoscope, it is necessary to know the exact place and time of a person's birth, as well as the position of heavenly bodies during this period of time.

Establishing the exact relationship between the date of birth of a person and celestial bodies, astrologers can predict his future or give recommendations on how best to act in a given situation. The horoscope refers to that part of astrology, which assures that celestial bodies have a direct impact on human activity, and the future can be predicted by observing celestial phenomena.

There are different types of horoscopes.

A natal horoscope is a birth horoscope for a person. It is formed at the time of birth and depends on the geographic location. It is assumed that the natal horoscope characterizes the fate of a person, the circumstances of his life and the possibilities inherent in him. Some types of horoscopes, such as a thematic horoscope, are obtained by transferring the ascendant of the horoscope to a degree of any object in the horoscope. According to astrologers, this horoscope most fully reveals the circumstances of life, which are associated with the sphere of influence of a particular object. For example, the horoscope of Venus, which was obtained by transferring the ascendant to the degree of Venus, will reveal in more detail the circumstances of marriage and love.

The local horoscope is drawn up at the time of a person's birth and at the place of his current stay. The local horoscope is used in astrology to identify changes in a person's fate, in the process of changing places of residence. Such types of horoscopes, as a synastric horoscope (horoscope of compatibility), are obtained by combining two natal horoscopes of different subjects. It finds its application in astrology, characterizing the relationship between specific people.

In the process of drawing up any forecast, it should be remembered that a horoscope drawn up based only on the sign of the zodiac is not entirely accurate, since a person is a person and it is worth starting from this. Each person has his own individual horoscope, which provides the most complete picture of everything that happens in our life.

When drawing up horoscopes, it is necessary to correctly consider the natal chart. And when compiling it, of course, one should take into account the place and time of birth of the subject for which the horoscope is being drawn up. Based on this, it becomes clear why people born on the same day can have such different horoscopes. Thus, only after the exact time of birth is known (with a deviation of five to ten minutes), you can start drawing up a natal chart. In drawing up horoscopes and drawing up a natal chart is the correct drawing up of an individual horoscope for each person.

The work process of an astrologer is complex and painstaking, because drawing up horoscopes is a responsible task. An astrologer needs to sort out a lot of different options, to perform a bunch of events among themselves, which took place in a person's life, in a single line. His task is to be extremely careful and avoid mistakes, since only in such a situation will the horoscope be truly correct.

- zodiac. It is based on subdividing all people into 12 different ones, depending on their birthday. According to astrologers, stars that line up in a certain way every month have a huge impact on human behavior and psychology. Therefore, on the basis of the zodiacal horoscope, specialists determine general characteristics, such as character and temperament, behavior in love relationships, as well as suitable professions and predisposition to diseases.

This characteristic has only a grain of truth, since the zodiac horoscope is quite generalized, and two people born under the same zodiac sign can be the complete opposite of each other.

Natal horoscope

This horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac, as it takes into account not only the day, but also the place of birth of a person. Otherwise, this horoscope coincides with the first. They also determine the main aspects in the character of a person and his predisposition.

To draw up a natal horoscope, you need information about the day, exact time and place of birth, as well as the exact coordinates of the settlement.

A natal horoscope can be made not only for a person, but also for any other object, for example, a company, a building, a residential building. He will determine the fate of the building and possible subsequent problems.

Local horoscope

The character and fate of a person, in addition to his birthday, is significantly influenced by his place of residence, therefore another horoscope - local - can be drawn up every time you move to a new place of residence. The local horoscope is auxiliary, additional. When you move, the character of a person and other important characteristics will not change, only the main line of fate will change, which this horoscope reflects.

Karmic horoscope

Karma is the return of certain actions that a person has performed in his own. The karmic horoscope helps everyone to determine who he was in and what karmic sins he transferred into real life. With its help, you can learn how to improve karma for future lives.

Compatibility horoscope

There is also a horoscope showing the compatibility of two people with each other, given their character, temperament, sociability, and so on. It is compiled on the basis of the zodiacal or natal horoscope. The compatibility horoscope determines how two people fit together, what difficulties await them in a relationship, how to smooth out the conflicts that arise, what their life together will be like and how long it will last.

Horoscopes are of the most unexpected types.

I will list some of them:

zodiac, western, eastern, Greek horoscope, children's, flower, flower horoscope of druids, horoscope of druids, culinary, horoscope of seduction, zoroastrian horoscope.

And there are many other varieties of this fascinating reading - I don’t remember all at once, but gradually I will write about all of them.

Zodiac horoscope

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - 12 signs of the zodiac.

Western horoscope

The Western horoscope is very popular among Europeans and reveals personal qualities. Particular importance in the Western horoscope is attached to the influence of the planets.

Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope by year of birth is popular all over the world. According to the Chinese legend, Buddha, before leaving the Earth, summoned all the animals, but 12 came. Years of the horoscope in the order in which the animals came to Buddha: Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster , Dog, Boar.

The history of the eastern horoscope is about 4000 years old.

Greek horoscope

The Greek horoscope is poetic. This horoscope for the Greek gods is also based on the zodiac circle, but instead of the zodiac signs, 12 Olympian gods are used.

ARES (March 21 - April 20)

Ares (in Roman mythology Mars) is the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera, the beloved of Aphrodite, from whom he had children (Harmony, Eros, Phobos and Deimos). This is an ardent, passionate god, capable of both deeply loving and deeply hating.

HESTIA (April 21 - May 20)

Hestia (in Roman mythology, the goddess Vesta corresponds to her) is the sister of Zeus and the keeper of the inextinguishable fire, the goddess of home and comfort. Hestia has the ability to unite people, unite them.

HERMES (May 21 - June 21)

Hermes (known as Mercury in Roman mythology) is the son of Zeus, the messenger of the gods, the patron saint of travelers, shepherds and even thieves (he was also called the rogue god), the god of eloquence and diplomacy, trade and profit.

HERA (June 22 - July 22)

Hera (in Roman mythology - Juno) is the queen of the gods, the wife of the supreme god Zeus, the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. The most powerful of the goddesses of Olympus, however, she also obeys the will of her husband Zeus.

APOLLO (23rd July - 23rd August)

Apollo (in Roman mythology - Phoebus) - one of the beloved sons of Zeus, healer and soothsayer, patron of the arts.

People born under his patronage are distinguished by inconstancy and changeability (however, Apollo himself could both give a person priceless gifts and take all this away in an instant), they are mobile, superficial, frivolous and do not differ in particular persistence in achieving their goals.

They often let everything take its course and, as they say, go with the flow, and therefore if they achieve significant success in life, then, as a rule, thanks to their intuition and ability to be at the right time in the right place.

They are not distinguished by their industriousness and perseverance, nevertheless, according to the Greek horoscope, they are usually endowed with special talents, much is easier for them than for others, they are good at adapting, they are often lucky.

People born under the sign of Apollo, as a rule, have good looks, a sharp mind and a well-delivered speech. They value harmony and order, but at the same time they can be secretive and even hostile towards others.

Positive traits: sharp mind, talent, good intuition, aptitude for the arts, charm.

Negative traits: secretiveness, hostility, frivolity, superficiality, arrogance, emotional coldness.

ATHENA (August 24 - September 23)

Athena Palada (in Roman mythology, Minerva corresponds to her), born from the head of her father Zeus in full armor, is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, the patroness of arts and crafts.

Athena endows people born during the period of her patronage with such traits as wisdom, a thirst for knowledge, a penchant for the arts. Usually people born under the sign of this goddess are good strategists and tactics, they are easily given both exact sciences and playing musical instruments or drawing.

Emotions and feelings such people know how to keep in check - according to the Greek horoscope, they are practical and rational, and even women usually have a masculine type of thinking. And despite the fact that a person born under the auspices of Athena is inclined to pursue the arts, he is likely to make a career in the scientific or political sphere.

Positive traits: remarkable mind, steel will, practicality, rationalism, penchant for the arts.

APHRODITE (September 24 - October 23)

Beautiful Aphrodite (in Roman mythology, Venus corresponds to her), born from sea foam, is the goddess of love and beauty, a real muse, before whom artists and poets worshiped and worshiped.

People born under the sign of Aphrodite, according to the Greek horoscope, see love as the main meaning of their lives, through which they are able to achieve a lot in life (however, in extreme cases, this craving for love can also be expressed in endless romances, intrigues and flirting).

AID (October 24 - November 22)

Hades (or Hades, in Roman mythology, Pluto corresponds to him) - the gloomy ruler of the underworld, the kingdom of the dead, the eldest son of Kronos and Rhea, the kidnapper of Persephone. However, one should not think that the image of Hades is extremely negative, gloomy and dark. Despite the fact that he is the god of the dead, he is not at all the villain or enemy of humanity.

ZEUS (November 23 - December 21)

Zeus (in Roman mythology, Jupiter corresponds to him) is the supreme god over all the gods, who overthrew his father, the titan Kronos, into Tartarus. Zeus evokes not only respect and admiration, but also awe. People born under the sign of Zeus are noble, honest, possess remarkable strength and influence.

HEPHAESTUS (December 22 - January 20)

Hephaestus (in Roman mythology - Vulcan) - the god of fire, the patron saint of blacksmithing. Those born in the month of Hephaestus are hardworking, they achieve everything by their own labor, their best qualities are dedication and benevolence.

ARTEMIS (January 21 - February 19)

Artemis (in Roman mythology, the goddess Diana corresponds to her) is a virgin goddess, a goddess of the hunt, a rival of men. She was depicted with a bow and arrow, sometimes with a crescent moon on her head.

POSEIDON (February 20 - March 20)

Poseidon (in Roman mythology, Neptune corresponds to him) - the ruler of the sea, the son of Kronos and Rhea, in the hands of his trident. Poseidon is somewhat similar to Zeus, and he himself considers himself equal to Zeus. He is strong, domineering, the seas obey him, and in anger he is truly terrible.

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