Home Perennial flowers Sage for blood vessels medicinal properties and contraindications. Sage herb. Medicinal properties and contraindications. For diseases of the respiratory system

Sage for blood vessels medicinal properties and contraindications. Sage herb. Medicinal properties and contraindications. For diseases of the respiratory system

The inhabitants of our country are very lucky, because in its vastness it is easy to find many useful herbs that can support the health of your body. In this case, you can use medicinal, that is, chemically created, medications only as a last resort. Sage herb: instructions for use, benefits and many more interesting things about the plant - in this article.

What is this plant

You need to start with the most basic. So what is sage herb? This is an essential oil crop. The leaves are simple, pinnate. The flowers are bell-shaped, slightly tubular. It should be noted that this plant has been valued as a healing agent since ancient times. Perhaps that is why sage is translated from Latin as "one that promotes health."

It is important to understand that the sage that grows in meadows and along roads is not suitable as a medicine. Here you will need a completely different look. The same representative of this plant does not have such pronounced medicinal abilities.

About plant species

Based on the above, you should also talk about the fact that sage grass comes in different types. And depending on this, it has a different purpose.

  1. Healing sage. This is the most familiar and common plant for every inhabitant of our country. It is used in medicine, by the way, also in traditional medicine. It can also be useful in industry and cooking.
  2. Ethiopian sage. It is a honey plant, as well as a material for making spices. In folk medicine, only its leaves are used.
  3. Rod-shaped sage. Also melliferous is used as a spice. It is especially good for cooking fish.
  4. Sage of diviners. This type of plant has a hallucinogenic effect, therefore it is highly valued by various magicians and shamans. If used in normal dosage, it has a medicinal effect.
  5. Clary sage. It is used as a flavoring agent for cigarettes, as well as in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry. Some argue that this is an excellent aphrodisiac.

Herb composition

Considering the properties of sage herb, you must also tell about what this plant consists of. After all, it is in the composition that all its benefits lie.

  1. First of all, this is due to which the plant has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Alkaloids help the blood circulate better. They are able to dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow.
  3. Bitter substances primarily have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. They also improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  4. Flavonoids have a laxative and laxative effect. It is also an excellent diuretic.
  5. Phytoncides are useful for the work of the heart muscle, and also have a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora.
  6. nicotine, ursolic, ascorbic. This complex has many beneficial properties, including cholesterol regulation, detoxification, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Essential and fatty oils. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, central nervous system and heart. They also normalize metabolic processes and remove bad cholesterol.
  8. The sage herb also contains the vitamins of the B group, which are essential for the human body. They are responsible for the restoration of tissues and cells and, moreover, have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  9. Other useful substances: vitamins of group A (promote cell growth), phosphorus (strengthens nerves, is important for the production of enzymes), sodium (dilates blood vessels and promotes muscle growth), magnesium (useful for the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system), iron (the most important participant oxygen metabolism), zinc (important for protein metabolism, is also able to stimulate libido), copper (antiseptic, which has an astringent effect), selenium (increases the body's defenses).

Why is sage useful?

So, the subject of our close examination is the herb sage. How is it useful and when should it be used? Its beneficial effect is as follows.

  • Sage is beneficial for respiratory health. Moreover, this plant also helps with coughing, as it has an expectorant effect.
  • It is anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial and anti-fungal.
  • It is important for the normalization of the processes of the central nervous system.
  • Sage herb is used to tune metabolic processes.
  • This herb is useful for enhancing immunity.
  • Sage is an excellent diuretic that significantly improves kidney function.
  • It has a positive effect on memory and thinking.
  • Also, we must not forget that the plant contains a set of phytohormones in its composition. And this is extremely beneficial for the female body.
  • It should also be remembered that earlier this plant, in combination with other medicinal natural preparations, helped women to conceive children.

A few more words about the benefits of this plant

What else is the herb sage useful for? So, experts say that this medicinal plant should be taken in the following cases.

  1. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are problems such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
  2. This plant is excellent for various dental diseases. It can fight gingivitis and stomatitis.
  3. Sage also helps with a wide variety of skin diseases. So, he fights eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, as well as burns and frostbite.
  4. The healing herb sage will also be useful for those who have joint problems such as osteochondrosis, articular rheumatism, and dystrophic lesions.
  5. This medicinal plant also helps with ulcers, as well as gastritis with low acidity.
  6. Sage is also useful for a variety of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: spasms, flatulence.
  7. Also, this plant has a positive effect on the body in a state of fever. It primarily reduces sweating.

Important information

The medicinal herb sage, if used improperly, can also have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking this plant for medicinal purposes, it is best to familiarize yourself with all its features.

  • It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take this herb during pregnancy. After all, sage is a biologically active plant. Also, drugs based on it are not used during breastfeeding.
  • Sage tea is very useful for diabetics, because its components enhance the effect of insulin, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • You also need to be careful when using sage for children. So, baths from this plant have no contraindications and can be prescribed to babies from one year old. But as a treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sage can be given no earlier than from the age of five. In any case, before using this plant, you need to consult a pediatrician.
  • It is believed that sage can also fight infertility. In this case, its unique complex of phytohormones works.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

What else needs to be mentioned if sage herb is being considered? The instructions for use assert that it is not worth using medicines based on this plant in the following cases:

  • if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of this plant, simply if you are allergic to it;
  • women are prohibited from taking sage if they have elevated levels of progesterone and estrogen, as well as diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic and endometriosis;
  • nephritis and kidney inflammation;
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient content of thyroid hormones in the body).

It is also worth remembering that it is very important to observe the correct dosage of this plant when used independently and taken in the form of a medicine, because otherwise a negative effect on the work of many organs from such a medicine is possible. It is not difficult to understand that a lot of the drug has been taken. In this case, an allergy will appear, or vomiting may also occur.

Sage tea

At this stage, it is already very clear what the sage herb is. Instructions for the use of this plant reads: both infusions and decoctions can be prepared from it. The cooking process itself will depend on what kind of disease you need to get rid of.

How to make a universal sage infusion? So, for its preparation you need boiling water and dried grass leaves.

  1. They ate dry sage, a ratio of 1:10 with water.
  2. If sage is fresh, mix 1: 5 with water.

Everything fits in a thermos for about an hour. After that, it is filtered. You can not put the medicine in a thermos. But in this case, it will need to be simmered in a water bath for the same amount of time.

Sage broth

To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, they took sage flowers (dried or fresh), as well as boiling water. The proportion is the same as described above. The only difference in the preparation of the medicine: it needs to be boiled over low heat. Time is about 15 minutes. Further, the broth is filtered and taken as a medicine. You need to drink this remedy on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal.

Sage for diseases

When else is sage (herb) used? The medicinal properties of this plant are so wide that they can have a positive effect on a variety of diseases. It is used in folk medicine.

  1. Dental problems. In this case, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction or infusion. This can be done every 2-3 hours until the condition improves.
  2. To make it easier to cough up phlegm, you need to prepare a sage broth in milk. The proportions are the same. It is best to use this medicine together with honey.
  3. Skin problems: neurodermatitis, psoriasis. In this case, wounds or painful areas should be washed with sage infusion. This should be done at least three times a day. And to get rid of the fungus on the skin, you need to blot the affected areas, holding a cotton swab for a couple of minutes.
  4. If there is a problem such as hemorrhoids, you can deal with it with an enema. For this, an infusion is prepared, which is introduced once a week. Alcohol should not be taken during treatment.
  5. Women's problems. You can deal with thrush or inflammation with douching or sitz baths. In this case, a sage decoction is used.

Other ways of using medicinal sage

When else can sage (herb) be used? The instruction reads: this plant is widely used in cosmetology. Especially if you have hair problems. To cope with dandruff and hair loss, you need to rinse your hair in a decoction of this herb. Next, wrap it with a towel (preferably an old one, since the broth can stain it) and dry it without a hair dryer.

Sage tea

Tea from this plant is an excellent supportive agent. It is simple to prepare it: you need 1 tsp. dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. The maximum dose of such a drink per day is one glass. This is an excellent prevention of colds, memory problems, support of the central nervous system. It is also a good invigorating and uplifting drink.

We all know sage also called the herb of longevity. Its medicinal properties help women with menopause, relieve acne, save from the appearance of premature wrinkles, make hair healthy, and also heal the body from many diseases.

Useful and healing properties of sage

There are a lot of varieties of this plant, but not all contain medicinal properties. Usually, clary sage and medicinal sage are taken for treatment. Only these types contain a lot of essential oil.

The constituent plants and their benefits to humans:

  1. The oil removes inflammation well and has a destructive effect on many bacteria. Most camphor is found in sage leaves, which has a positive effect on the respiratory tract. Vitamin B1 is responsible for maintaining the functioning of the nervous system and other equally important processes in the human body.
  2. Vitamins P are useful for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and ascorbic acid protects the body from colds and other diseases.
  3. In order for biological processes to proceed correctly, nicotinic acid monitors, it also produces energy in the body.
  4. Sage tea rejuvenates the body. Due to the phytohormones that are present in the plant itself, the youth of the female body is prolonged.
  5. Sage treats diseases of the bronchi, its expectorant action can relieve bronchitis.
  6. Improves memory.
  7. Found its application during the treatment of hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis.
  8. Sage medicines are good anti-inflammatories. They are used when angina has overtaken, the gums are inflamed, you need to get rid of acne and various kidney diseases.

For many centuries, various medicinal preparations have been made from sage. This is usually a decoction, alcohol tincture, oil, water-based tincture, or powder. The most beneficial substances in a plant are found in leaves and flowers.

  1. If you need to improve your memory. Pour 20 grams of sage in a glass of boiling water. It is worth insisting the broth, strain through a strainer and take inside. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. When a person suffers from atherosclerosis, sage tincture may help. For such an infusion, you need a container with a tight lid. We put three tablespoons of the plant there and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The closed container should be exposed to the sun for 30 days. Take 1 tbsp every morning before meals. spoon.
  3. Sage, infused with water, easily eliminates inflammation. To prepare such an infusion, half a spoonful of the herb is poured with boiling water, and kept for about two hours. Then the infusion is filtered and you can already use it. It is good to make compresses from such a remedy and wash the wounds. This infusion helps to remove herpes and dermatitis.
  4. You can caress your mouth and throat with an aqueous sage infusion when you need to cope with sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontal disease.
  5. Frequent mood swings, nervous tension, sleepless nights. Before going to bed, you need to drink the infusion. Take a pinch of a dry plant and pour over a glass of boiling water. Let cool slightly and take overnight.
  6. A decoction made from sage will help to improve the digestion process. Pour boiling water over one spoonful of sage herb and let stand for a while. Drink before meals for 20 minutes, four times a day. To completely normalize the digestive system, the broth is drunk for ten days. The beneficial properties of the herb will improve digestion, food will be absorbed more easily, and constipation, diarrhea and flatulence will go away.
  7. To get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to be treated for ten days with an infusion of the herb. For infusion, you need to take three tablespoons of the plant and pour 100 ml of water. After the liquid is infused, it is diluted with water as needed. Consume 50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Healing properties of sage for women

Any woman always wants to look beautiful, well-groomed and, of course, young. Sage can help with this. Many years ago, this plant was called the female herb. Sage is rich in phytohormones that contribute to an active anti-aging effect.

During menopause, sage significantly reduces sweating and relieves hot flashes well.

To cure infertility, this herb has been used for a long time and pleases with its positive results. The walls of the uterus are strengthened, and the woman easily bears the fetus until the very birth. This plant also treats inflammatory gynecological diseases.

After a woman gives birth, she breastfeeds her baby for a certain period of time, but this will not always be the case, and the time comes to complete the breastfeeding process. At this moment, the woman feels unpleasant sensations. Sage can make this process more comfortable to complete.

Tea or infusion of the plant will reduce the amount of milk, the discomfort will be much less. You can buy ready-made sage tea at the pharmacy or brew one tablespoon in 200 ml of hot water. In order for the lactation process to be successfully terminated, no more than two glasses of such tea should be drunk per day.

Girls who cannot get pregnant for a long time take a decoction of the herb. It helps a lot, helping to ensure that the conception is successful. For such a broth, take a spoonful of sage and pour 200 ml. hot water.

Then, it is put in a water bath for 10 minutes, the mixture must be stirred occasionally. It should stand for an hour. The next step in preparing it is to strain the liquid. Everything can be taken to prepare the body for conception. The decoction should be like this.

On the fifth day of menstruation, before meals, drink 50 ml. Divide a glass of broth for a day. This should be continued for ten days before ovulation begins.

Immediately after it starts, you no longer need to drink the broth. It is not always possible to get pregnant the first time, therefore, if it was not possible to conceive a child, they begin to take the broth again on the fifth day of menstruation.

Sage should not be taken for more than three months. If, nevertheless, it did not work out to get pregnant, then you need to take a break for 60 days. As soon as pregnancy occurs, the broth should be stopped immediately.

Sage has been used in cooking for a very long time. Its main purpose in dishes is spice. The strong and spicy aroma at the tops of the sage shows up well when roasted.

Spice is added to meat and fish dishes, used to make sausages and other culinary delights. It is an indispensable ingredient for sauce and pâté. The drinks contain aromatic additives, so sage is also included there.

How is sage used as a cosmetic?

Almost every woman uses creams, but not everyone knows that they often contain such an herb as sage.

It contributes to the normal functioning of metabolic processes, skin hydration and its healthy appearance. Our ancestors treated acne with sage, making the most of its antibacterial properties. They cleaned their pores, normalized the work of the sebaceous glands.

  1. For dry skin, you can make a sage mask. You need to take 20 grams. oat flour and mix with the same amount of yogurt or sour cream. Add four drops of sage essential oil to this mixture. Mix everything well and apply to clean skin. Hold for ten minutes and rinse.
  2. For girls with oily skin type, you can use a lotion. To do it, you need to steam a pinch of herbs in 200 ml of warm water. Let it brew and strain. Combine the liquid with apple cider vinegar in one-to-one proportions. The face is wiped with this lotion in the morning and in the evening. Store in a cool place.
  3. To prepare a lotion for cleansing the skin, take a spoonful of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. You need to insist eight hours. A thermos is used as a container. As soon as the liquid has completely cooled down, add vodka (one tablespoon). Wipe your face after waking up and before going to bed.
  4. In order to give the skin a healthy look, to restore it to tone, a simple face mask is used. It also shrinks pores well. Two tablespoons of the herb are poured over 200 ml of hot water. We make a water bath and keep it for half an hour. The liquid has cooled down, add a little honey and a few drops of lemon juice. A compress is made from this mixture on the face and problem areas. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This broth is well suited for daily wiping of the face and décolleté.
  5. To prepare a sage bath, you first need to make a decoction. Pour some leaves with one liter of water and boil for half an hour. It is good if the broth is prepared in advance, and has time to infuse. Take a bath of water and pour the broth into it. Such baths cleanse and soothe the skin, making it easier to endure hot weather.
  6. When you need to get rid of dandruff and restore smoothness and silkiness to your hair, you can use a liter of hot water and one hundred grams of sage. All this is brewed in a thermos. Hair is rinsed with infusion; after the procedure, you do not need to wring it out, let it dry on its own. This will only strengthen them and return their natural beauty.
  7. Sage oil is often used to maintain healthy hair. This product improves hair growth, strengthens and stimulates new hair growth. So that the hair is not only beautiful, but also healthy, does not fall out and maintain its natural shine, you need to add sage oil to the shampoo, which is used for daily shampooing. Usually five drops of oil are mixed in 15 ml of shampoo. This cosmetic product is used as a regular shampoo. It is applied to the hair, kept for several minutes and washed off thoroughly with warm water.

It is not difficult to prepare medicinal drinks or sage decoctions on your own and at home.

  1. Sage tea is easy to make. For one teaspoon of the plant, you need a fourth of a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for ten minutes.
  2. Sage is a herb that prolongs life and gives youth. You can make sage wine. Take 4 tbsp. spoons of a plant, there should be leaves and flowers. Pour in dry white wine, half a liter will be enough. The wine should stand for 14 days in a dark place. Periodically, the container with the liquid must be turned over. The liquid is filtered and considered ready for use. You need to drink wine twice a day, 30 ml. Such an elixir will help eliminate inflammatory processes, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and break down fats. It is important to remember that such wine should not be consumed for a long time. There should be no more than three courses of two weeks per year.
  3. To prepare a vodka infusion, you need to take half a glass of vodka and plant flowers. If it is a fresh plant, then one glass, and if it is already dry and crushed grass, then half a glass will be just right. You need to insist forty days. The container with the liquid should be in the sun at this time. Then strain and take as medicine. Before taking, the infusion is diluted in half with water. Each time, before eating, be sure to take one tablespoon of this product. The plant has a beneficial effect on the human body, and for the elderly, such an infusion is especially useful.
  4. Sage can be used to make a stimulant. You need to take one liter of red wine and pour it over one hundred grams of sage leaves. It should be infused for a week. Drink this infusion twice a day, 25-30 ml.
  5. You can also make a universal tea from sage, which will be useful for the whole body and strengthen the immune system. For brewing tea, take 20 grams of mint and sage, and another teaspoon of anise. The herbal mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and drunk three times a day for a quarter of a glass. If the taste of the tea is not very pleasant, then you can add a little honey. The duration of such a course should not be more than 20 days.

A plant like sage will cure many diseases. The main thing is that all proportions are observed in the medicine prepared independently and at home, then the body will benefit and improve its health.


Many people think that the plant cannot do harm and that the treatment is completely harmless. Medicinal herbs are used to treat various diseases because they contain many medicinal components.

But, these components do not always have a positive result for the body. Sage has many contraindications to be aware of.

  1. If the patient has hypersensitivity to even one of the sage constituents, then it should not be taken. An allergic reaction to such a plant is rare, but if this happens, then you should stop taking sage right away.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation, you must strictly refrain from using sage, even in the smallest dosages.
  3. You can not use decoctions inside during breastfeeding, as milk will disappear from it.
  4. The plant contains a large amount of phytohormones, therefore, with amenorrhea, high estrogen content, polycystic ovary disease, sage treatment is contraindicated.
  5. If there is a lack of progesterone, sage preparations should not be taken.
  6. If the thyroid gland is disrupted, low blood pressure is not recommended to be treated with sage, but it is possible if it is used carefully and only after the appointment of a medical specialist.
  7. Any preparation containing sage should not be given to young children. Sage contains a narcotic substance, it is the hallucinogen salvinorin-A.
  8. Sage should not be used if there is kidney disease such as acute nephritis and pyeloniphritis. People suffering from insomnia, nervous disorders, frequent breakdowns and depression can use sage preparations for treatment, but only after a doctor's prescription. Self-medication and inappropriate dosages will only worsen the condition and lead to side effects.
  9. Patients with diabetes are not recommended to be treated with lozenges and sage cough drops. They contain additional substances that can worsen the patient's condition. With such a disease, it is better to rinse the mouth and throat with sage infusion without additives.

You need to know that preparations with sage cannot be taken constantly. Every three months of taking medication, you need to take a break, and at least 21 days. During this time, resins and tannins, which are in the composition of the medicinal herb, will be removed from the body.

Sage is an effective medicinal plant. But he gained particular popularity among cosmetologists. It contains many useful substances: vitamins, natural antioxidants, alkaloids, tannins.

Medicinal sage and clary sage are used to normalize the sebaceous glands, stop hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and prevent dandruff. Indispensable for skin care. Has antibacterial properties.

Used in ointments, creams, masks for skin inflammation, rashes, acne. It slows down the aging process of the skin, renews its cells.

Sage decoctions

Boil sage leaves, let it infuse in a thermos for 30 minutes, then cool, pour into ice storage molds, freeze. Wash your face with ice cubes daily in the morning. Such procedures with sage tighten, soothe the skin, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The skin will look healthy.

Use the resulting broth for compresses. Soak cotton pads in sage broth, apply on eyelids (15-20 minutes) shortly before bedtime. Eliminates circles, puffiness under the eyes.

Sage Skin Lotions

Suitable for oily, combination skin. Take 60 gr. sage leaves, a glass of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. Refrigerate, strain. The lotion is ready. Use every day to wipe down your face. Perfectly disinfects, refreshes the skin of the face.

Pour into a container, pour 500 - 600 ml of hot boiled water. Lean low over her, but be careful not to scald your face. The procedure takes up to 15 minutes. After steam baths such procedures as peeling, scrub, masks will be effective.

People know not only beauty recipes with sage, but also recipes for sage treatment.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Update: October 2018

Salvia officinalis (salvia) is a useful plant from the Lamiaceae family, which has long been used in official and folk medicine. Clary sage is also beneficial and is a source of essential oil. The sage scent cannot be forgotten, and the appearance of the plant evokes pleasant aesthetic sensations.

The homeland of the beautiful dwarf shrub is the Mediterranean. Accordingly, the first who began to use the plant for medicinal purposes were the ancient Greek and Roman healers, and they used sage in the widest range. The name comes from the Greek - "health and well-being".


The plant is a perennial, reaching a maximum height of 75 cm. The root is hard and branched. Numerous stems have a tetrahedral shape and are densely covered with oblong leaves. The flowers are irregular in shape, painted in purple or pinkish-white, collected in inflorescences. The fruit remains in the calyx.

Flowering begins in the second year of the growing season and lasts from late May to July. Sage is cultivated in the heat-loving regions of Russia, in the Ukraine, in the Crimea, and for decorative purposes. The leaves have a strong odor. The upper parts of the plant and leaves, as well as inflorescences of clary sage, are of medicinal value.

Collection and procurement

Sage leaves can be harvested all summer, from the flowering period. They should be cut at a height of 10 cm from the ground, separated from the stems and laid in an even layer on paper. Drying can be carried out both in an open way in the shade, and in a dryer at T 40 C. The raw material retains its properties for 12 months. after harvesting. Best stored in glass jars, out of direct sunlight.

Chemical composition

Sage leaves contain:

The valuable essential oil is most actively produced during the fruiting period and is found most of all in flowers.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of sage

Sage leaves have:

  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • antimicrobial, especially against staphylococci and streptococci;
  • tonic;
  • hemostatic effect.

The essential oil of the plant is equal in effectiveness to Vishnevsky's ointment, since it has an antibacterial and wound-healing effect.

Sage preparations are indicated for:

  • Bleeding and inflammation of the gum tissue and oral mucosa;
  • Catarrhal symptoms of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Stomach colic;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Long-term non-healing wounds, burns, ulcers;
  • Radiculitis, sciatica and other diseases.

Contraindications and special instructions

Do not take sage in doses exceeding the recommended dosages, as well as for more than 3 months continuously. Absolute contraindications to the use of sage preparations are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • acute nephritis;
  • strong, persistent cough;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • also do not recommend treatment for children under 5 years of age.

Side effects

With plant intolerance, individual hypersensitivity reactions may develop. If the indicated dosages are exceeded and for very long-term use, irritation of the mucous membranes is possible.

Sage pharmacological preparations

In addition to dry plant materials, sage is available in the following dosage forms:

Lozenges and lozenges

They are kept in the mouth without swallowing until the tablet / lozenge is completely absorbed. Sage extract lozenges are also available to relieve the symptoms of throat inflammation.

Sage solution and spray

Contains liquid plant extract. It is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx for rinsing, irrigation, lubrication of inflamed areas.

Essential oil

Presented with natural plant essential oil. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and effective antiseptic agent for inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity (inhalation and gargling with oil), for treating burns (at the healing stage), for combating acne, strengthening hair roots. As aromatherapy and bath additive: to relieve nervous tension, eliminate headaches, improve memory. It is a natural deodorant and repels insects. Cannot be used internally!

  • It is part of syrups for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and pharyngeal organs: Broncholin-Sage, Larinal, Bronhosip, etc.
  • The plant extract is included in cosmetics (shampoos, creams, hair balms), toothpastes, mouth rinses.

Folk recipes

The scope of application of sage in traditional medicine is truly limitless. It is used to treat ENT pathology (tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.), inflammatory and purulent skin lesions, pulmonary tuberculosis, polyarthritis, edema, radiculitis, atherosclerosis, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal tract pathologies, liver, infertility and much more. Here are the most effective recipes with a plant.

Sage tea

  • It has a pronounced antiperspirant effect, which lasts for at least 2 hours. It is recommended both for excessive sweating and for diseases accompanied by accelerated sweating, for example, tuberculosis.
  • Helps speedy recovery from bronchitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.
  • Stops lactation if necessary.
  • Strengthens hair follicles, stops premature baldness.

1 tbsp dried raw materials or 1 bag of pharmacy tea is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and drunk a third of the glass three times a day before meals. The optimal duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Sage tea

For external use:

  • Promotes the early tightening of non-healing wounds (washing wounds, applying lotions).
  • Eliminates thrush in children (mouthwash).
  • Sage helps with toothache, as well as in the treatment of flux, (gargle).
  • Reduces the severity of inflammatory changes in sore throat (throat irrigation and gargling).
  • , strengthens the roots (rinsing after washing with a light massage of the scalp).

With internal reception:

  • Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice in gastritis with low acidity.
  • Helps with colitis, enterocolitis.
  • - sage not only facilitates sputum discharge, but also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

1 tbsp dry leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 1 hour, filtered. Inside take half a glass three times a day before meals. For the treatment of cough, it is recommended to mix the infusion with warm milk in a 1: 1 ratio.

Broth with sage

  • Accelerates recovery from bronchopulmonary pathology;
  • Helps to cure exacerbations of gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
  • Normalizes blood sugar.
  • Reduces sciatica pain.

One tbsp. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over very low heat for 10 minutes, after removing from the heat, insist for another half hour. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Alcoholic sage tincture

  • Helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Improves brain activity, especially in elderly patients.

3 tbsp dry herbs insist 1 month on half a liter of alcohol in a sunny place, tightly closing the lid. Take 1 tbsp. before meals with water.

Sage wine

Recommended for the elderly for general strengthening, improving the functioning of blood vessels and the brain. For 1 liter of table grape species, 80 grams of dry plant raw materials are taken. The mixture is infused for 8 days and taken in 20 ml daily after meals.

Sage inhalation

  • Contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes in the throat, bronchi.
  • Helps to cure infectious rhinitis.

A handful of dry grass is poured with 2 glasses of water and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The resulting broth is allowed to cool slightly, then inhalation is carried out over the steam, covered with a towel, for about 5-7 minutes.

Sage herb for infertility

Whole books of traditional healers are devoted to the treatment of infertility with the help of a plant, which has a completely scientific explanation. The fact is that sage phytohormones are similar in structure to estrogens, female sex hormones, therefore they act in the body in a similar way (see also). But before treatment, you should consult with a gynecologist about the possibility and feasibility of phytotherapy.

Treatment regimen

Herbal medicine is prescribed for 10 days in the first phase of the menstrual cycle on the first day after the completion of the next menstruation, i.e. from about the 5th to the 15th day of the cycle. If menstruation is absent for a long period of time, then treatment can be started on any day - in this case, the first day of treatment will be considered the 5th day of the cycle.


One tbsp. dry leaves of a plant or a pharmacy tea bag is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, filtered. This is a daily portion that is divided into three doses throughout the day and drunk 20 minutes before meals. A fresh infusion is prepared for every day.


After 1-3 cycles (1-3 course sessions, respectively), you should go for an ultrasound scan and assess the state of the ovaries, endometrium and other signs of readiness for pregnancy. You can not take sage for more than 3 months, but if necessary, re-treatment is carried out with a break of 1 month.

Sage in gynecology

It is used to eliminate climacteric symptoms, it is especially effective when used at the earliest manifestations of menopause, even before the cessation of menstruation.

The plant is also effective in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by emotional instability, soreness of the abdomen, etc.

It has beneficial properties for women who need to stop lactation, for which it is recommended to take tea or sage infusion, 100 ml twice a day for 5-7 days, but usually milk disappears already on 3-4 days of intake.

At the same time, it is recommended to apply compresses to the mammary glands with sage oil (2-3 drops per 25 ml of vegetable oil) in order to prevent milk stagnation. Gauze is moistened in the resulting mixture of oils and applied to the chest for 1 hour, covered with cellophane. Enough once during the day.

  • The ancient luminaries of medicine considered the plant to be salvation from all diseases and even from material distress;
  • During the plague, sage preparations helped to recover and recover;
  • Research is underway to develop sage-based medications for treatment;
  • Sage extract is used in perfumery.

The medicinal properties of sage have been known for a long time, due to which today this plant is widely used both in folk and official medicine. The first mentions of sage are found in the treatises of ancient healers, who attributed medicinal effects to it for almost all diseases. Moreover, thousands of years ago it was believed that sage helps not only with bodily ailments, but also helps to improve material well-being. That is, sage was equated with the philosopher's stone.
In fact, this medicinal plant has nothing to do with money, but it helps to cope with a number of diseases perfectly.

Sage originates from the Mediterranean coast of Europe, from where it spread throughout the world. Sage grows in temperate and subtropical latitudes. To the north of them, the plant does not take root, since at low temperatures it freezes without sufficient snow cover. Sage tolerates drought quite steadily, but an excess of moisture is destructive for it.

Interestingly, this plant grows not only in the wild. Sage was successfully domesticated and is now grown for medicinal purposes. In particular, medicinal sage is grown on an industrial scale in Russia and Ukraine, in the countries of ex-Yugoslavia, on the Mediterranean coast, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The composition of sage is very interesting from a chemical point of view, due to which it is in demand in medicine. The leaves of the plant are two percent composed of an essential oil, which includes camphor, cineole, D-α-pinene, α- and β-thujone, D-borneol. In addition, sage leaves contain tannins, alkaloids, some acids, sodium, potassium, calcium, vitamins of groups A, C, E, K, fiber and flavanoids.

From the point of view of nutrients, sage fruits are also interesting. They are almost a quarter composed of fatty oil, which is based on linoleic acid.
The medicinal raw material of medicinal sage is the leaves and the flowering top. On average, up to three harvests of a plant can be harvested per year. If the site with sage is small, then the raw materials are collected by hand, on an industrial scale the plant is mowed. Then the leaves and inflorescences are dried in dark rooms and packed for storage and processing.

Medicinal uses of salvia officinalis

Modern medicine takes the following actions of sage:

  • disinfectant,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • astringent,
  • hemostatic,
  • emollient,
  • diuretic,
  • antiseptic,
  • antipyretic.

As you can see, with such an impressive list, it can be used for almost any disease. Let's consider them in separate groups in the form of a table:

Diseases Sage action
Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, colic, intestinal spasms). Increasing the secretory function of the stomach, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, catarrh, tonsillitis, pneumonia). Sage essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It is used as an element of complex therapy.
Traumatic pathologies (burns, frostbite, ulcers, festering injuries). Antiseptic effect of essential oil.
Dental pathology (, gingivitis). Sage helps to reduce bleeding gums, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Sage decoction gargles are widely used in official medicine.
Diseases of the genitourinary system (adnexitis, endocervicitis, ovarian dysfunction, infertility). In addition to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, sage contains a number of female hormones that increase libido and have a rejuvenating effect on the woman's body.

Medical forms of sage officinalis

In pharmacies, sage can be found in four forms: dry herbal raw materials for brewing tea or infusions, essential oil, lozenges and spray. With the exception of dry plant materials, all pharmaceutical forms of sage are used to combat diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. And only tea or a decoction of dry leaves is used to treat other pathologies.

In addition, sage is quite often a component of combination preparations. In particular, it can be found in such popular drugs as Bronchosyp, Larinal, Broncholin-Sage and others.

Sage is also a popular ingredient in a number of cosmetic preparations. It is used in the production of toothpastes and mouth rinses, as well as hair care products: creams, shampoos, balms. The use of salvia officinalis helps to strengthen the hair roots, making them more resistant to external influences.

Traditional medicine recipes using sage

In folk medicine, medicinal sage is quite popular and there are about a dozen recipes for its use for the treatment of various pathologies. Let's consider them in more detail.


For inhalation with sage, take a tablespoon of dry plant material, pour it with half a liter of water and boil it over low heat for five minutes. The resulting broth is defended for several minutes under a lid and used for steam inhalation. You need to breathe the steam of the sage broth for no more than five minutes. As with other steam inhalation, you need to be careful not to burn the mucous membranes. Most often, inhalations with sage are used for infectious rhinitis, as well as inflammatory processes in the bronchi and throat.


To prepare a solution for douching, take three tablespoons of dried sage leaves and brew them with a liter of boiling water. The broth is boiled for ten minutes and allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature for use. Douching with the resulting broth is carried out twice a day for 10-15 days.
Douching with sage decoction is recommended for cervical erosion, cervicitis, as well as various gynecological inflammations.


Using a decoction of sage leaves for gargling is one of the most effective and common uses for this plant. In addition, rinsing is quite actively used in official medical protocols for the treatment of a number of diseases.

To prepare the broth for rinsing, the traditional scheme is used: two or three tablespoons of dry sage leaves are brewed with a liter of water and the resulting liquid is allowed to brew. Rinse the mouth and throat with a decoction of a comfortable temperature five times a day. This procedure is recommended for stomatitis, gum inflammation, as well as restorative therapy after tooth extraction. In addition, gargling with sage is effective for sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other throat diseases. In some cases, only the use of sage allows you to remove all the painful symptoms of the above pathologies.

External application

Sage tea is effective for a variety of skin conditions. It is used for compresses. In particular, the use of this plant is recommended for neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, as well as traumatic skin lesions (burns, frostbite, purulent wounds).

In addition, various home remedies that include sage are popular for treating skin problems. Acne can be fought with a point application of essential oil, a tonic will help against oily skin (half a glass of boiling water, a tablespoon of dry sage leaves and half a glass of apple cider vinegar), and against dry skin - a mask (a tablespoon of fatty yogurt and oatmeal, and two drops of essential sage oil).

Sage contraindications

Despite the fact that the scope of application of sage is quite wide, certain precautions must be taken when using it:

  • Firstly, sage is quite allergenic and before taking it, you need to carry out a skin test and start using it at low dosages.
  • Secondly, sage is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, as it can cause seizures and reduce milk production.
  • Thirdly, addiction can develop to sage, so it is impossible to violate the recommended dosage, as well as to use preparations based on it for more than three months in a row.

It is not for nothing that many people prefer traditional medicine. With its help, you can cure various ailments on a budget, with high quality and without side effects. At the same time, using only the gifts of nature. What could be better? The hero of this article is a plant that is widely used not only in recipes for traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It's about sage, benefits, harms, how and for what to use.

The benefits of sage

Sage has so many beneficial properties that it was even awarded the title of "Herb of the Year". The International Herbal Association made this decision in 2001.

It is believed that only that part of the plant that is located above the ground has healing power. That is, the stem and inflorescences. This plant contains a large concentration of nutrients such as:

  • flavonoids;
  • tanning elements;
  • ethers;
  • camphor;
  • vitamins B1, P;
  • vitamin A, in such a high concentration per 100 g of dry product that it is able to exceed the daily norm by 2 times;
  • vitamin C predominates in fresh leaves and is 545 of the daily requirement per 100 g;
  • minerals - magnesium, calcium,
  • phosphoric and nicotinic acids.

This wonderful flower is used to get rid of many ailments. The name of this plant, in translation from Latin, means "health". And sage lives up to its name. The scope of application of this plant is extensive, the effect can be detected almost immediately.

The positive effect of sage on the human body:

  • relaxation;
  • elimination of the problem of disturbed sleep or insomnia;
  • strong natural antiseptic;
  • general strengthening of the whole body;
  • regulation of blood clotting, stopping bleeding;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • activation of the digestive tract;
  • helps bruises and bruises to dissolve more quickly;
  • treats various inflammatory processes, including the genitourinary system;
  • relieves pain syndrome with ulcers;
  • relieves itching;
  • helps the skin to recover, is useful for frostbite;
  • has a beneficial effect on NS, is indicated for use during nervous situations or depression;
  • strong natural phytoestrogen;
  • quickly copes with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - caries, tonsillitis, stomatitis;
  • decrease in body temperature, elimination of a febrile state;
  • good mukoletik;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, in particular - improves memory.

In addition to dry raw materials, sage essential oil is well known. In terms of its effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to flowers. Only its properties have a more pronounced effect:

  • diuretic;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure indicators (increases);
  • dilates blood vessels - relieves spasms;
  • improves blood flow in the brain;
  • evens out hormones, relieves menstrual pain;
  • activates the reproductive system of women;
  • improves skin, rejuvenates;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair;
  • gives the body strength and invigorates;
  • treats skin rashes, psoriasis;
  • regulates blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases endurance, both physically and mentally;
  • regulates perspiration.

Sage harm

The current trend towards all natural is quite reasonable. If a person cares about his health, why should he be “treated” with chemistry? After all, whatever one may say, but chemicals are harmful and shorten life expectancy.

Neglect of the duration of the course of admission can cause various side effects. The most common of which are as follows:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash.

You should not completely switch to the sage diet, guided by the desire to recover as soon as possible. Do not consume this flower more than half a glass of broth 2 times a day.

Sage application

Studies by European scientists have confirmed the positive effect of using this plant for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to use sage as a decoction for rinsing in the following cases:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • hoarseness and loss of voice;
  • weak and sensitive gums;
  • tonsillitis.

The use of a decoction of a flower inside is indicated for diseases such as:

  • disturbances in the digestive tract;
  • depression;
  • sleep quality problems;
  • insomnia;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • low blood pressure;
  • failure of the heart rate;
  • problems in the female sphere;
  • the desired pregnancy does not occur in any way;
  • heat;
  • dry cough;
  • memory impairment;
  • excessive sweating;
  • bleeding - uterine, hemorrhoidal;
  • absent-mindedness and deterioration of the GM's work;
  • frequent dizziness, etc.

In addition to its clear healing effect on the body, sage is also beneficial for beauty:

  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps to accelerate the recovery of the epithelium;
  • solves the problem of hair loss;
  • returns shine to dull curls;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • fights dandruff;
  • regulates the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates skin rashes, psoriasis.

For cosmetic purposes, a decoction or plant powder is used. It is prepared very simply - 1 tbsp. dry or fresh sage leaves in a glass of boiling water. Pour and let it brew. Wipe the resulting liquid on the skin or rinse the curls after washing.

There is a good remedy for alopecia areata. By the way, you can try it as an assistant in the fight against male pattern baldness. Combine a tablespoon and 3 drops each of sage, rosemary, and peppermint oils. The resulting mixture must be slightly warmed up and used for head massage 2 times a day for 3 months.

An effective remedy for hair growth:

  1. Pour some water over a spoonful of rosemary leaves and a spoonful of sage.
  2. Put on fire.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Let it brew until it cools completely.
  5. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp during massage.

For facial skin, it is better to use ether. Add a few drops of sage oil to any base oil. Oils are well suited for the base:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • grape seed;
  • wheat germ;
  • avocado;
  • roses.

Sage for resorption

In pharmacies you can find sage tablets for resorption. This remedy is used for inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat. The tablets are made from natural raw materials and have a high concentration of beneficial properties. One tablet replaces 2.5 g of sage ether. What is important for people suffering from sugar surges is that the pleasant taste of the medicine is provided without sweeteners.

The optimal children's dose of the drug is 2 tablets per day. At least 4 hours should pass between doses. The course of admission is no more than 3 months.

How to take sage

If regular therapy with sage is meant, then it is recommended to carry out a course of 3 months. Then it is worth taking a break for the same period and continuing the treatment. It is permissible to apply no more than 3 courses in 12 months.

The maximum allowable dosage is 2 tablespoons of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water. You can take such a decoction no more than 2 times a day. It is good to combine sage with other medicinal herbs, for example:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • Oak bark;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary.

Remember the golden rule of medicine - everything is good in moderation.

Sage for conception

Be sure to make sure of your health and that you have no contraindications for use. To do this, go through a medical commission and pass the necessary tests.

Only after making sure that the use of this drug will be beneficial to you, you can start therapy. To activate the work of the ovaries and accelerate the process of conception, it is necessary:

  1. Make a decoction of sage seeds. To do this, simply pour boiling water on the raw materials purchased at the pharmacy and let it brew until it cools completely.
  2. The resulting broth should be drunk 2 times a day, in accordance with the cycle. In the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before bedtime.
  3. It is necessary to start therapy in the first part of the cycle, immediately after the completion of menstruation.
  4. The end of the course coincides with the first day of the expected ovulation. As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 12-14th day of the cycle.
  5. The course of treatment is 3 months if the result is not achieved. It is recommended to take a 2-3 month break and continue therapy.
  6. If the desired pregnancy occurs, immediately stop using it, no matter how much remains until the end of the course.

It is permissible to use 1 teaspoon of fresh herb juice 2 times a day. 30 minutes before meals.

Sage to stop lactation

This herb is great for reducing the amount of breast milk and stopping breastfeeding altogether. Because it acts quite mildly, this is due to the fact that the plant is a phytoestrogen. This means that the concentration of the hormone in it is lower than in the body of a non-breastfeeding woman. Sage is also used to stop lactation because it does not affect the hormonal background of the mother, which means that the child will not receive excess hormones. The process of completing breastfeeding is gradual, almost natural, minimizing the risk of complications.

It is also good to use this remedy if the mother is producing too much milk, which causes stagnation in the milk ducts.

For this purpose, a small amount of sage infusion is used. It is recommended to consume up to 0.5 liters of broth per day. In this case, it is worth completely removing other liquids from the diet. Ether is not suitable for this purpose. But it helps well to heal cracks in the nipples.

Step-by-step instructions for stopping lactation:

  1. Express milk completely, breast should be as free as possible.
  2. Brew the broth. A tablespoon of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water.
  3. If the breast begins to fill with milk, causing discomfort, express. Use on rare occasions.
  4. It is not recommended to overtighten the chest. The risk of congestion or mastopathy is possible.
  5. Use cold compresses to reduce discomfort.
  6. If the body temperature rises, seek help from specialists.

Sage during pregnancy

Ingestion of this drug while waiting for the baby is strictly contraindicated. Because sage stimulates the work of the uterus, and this can lead to miscarriage.

During pregnancy, you can use the essential oil of this plant for aroma therapy. Breathing in sage vapors can help relieve irritability, relieve stress and help reduce sleep problems.

Is it possible for sage for children

It is possible and even necessary. Because sage has immuno-strengthening properties. After all, all sorts of colds so often "stick" to children. Copes well with microbes, inflammation. Reduces temperature. What is important in childhood - when used correctly, does not cause side effects or allergic reactions.

Plus, it works well for improving concentration. Which is very important during school hours.

Sage infusion for a child is done in the same way as for adults. A spoonful of leaves in a glass of boiling water. Only you need to insist it for a couple of minutes, then strain. Add honey and lemon and offer to your child instead of tea.

The optimal dose for a child is 200-300 ml per day, maximum 400 ml per day. The drink must be unsaturated.

The rinse broth should be thicker. 2 tablespoons in 200 ml of hot, but not boiling water. Gargle your throat or mouth 3 times a day, for 2 minutes.

It is also good to use sage decoction as a solution for inhalation. Brew equal parts sage and eucalyptus. The resulting liquid can be diluted with physical. solution and use in a nebulizer. You can just breathe, "the old fashioned way"

Sage contraindications

Any effective remedy has its own contraindications, no matter how natural it is. Sage is a very powerful remedy, so it is recommended that you strictly follow the dosage. It is forbidden to use this plant in any form in the following situations:

  • pregnancy - risk of miscarriage;
  • lactation period - estrogens "awaken" sleeping ovaries and milk will disappear;
  • myoma;
  • polycystic;
  • excess estrogen;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • abuse, excess dosage;
  • acute infectious kidney disease, during which active urination is harmful;
  • regular problems with high blood pressure;
  • thyroid disease;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, a tendency to long delays;
  • decreased work of the pancreas;
  • the use of the drug for longer than the prescribed course.

Whatever good goals you are pursuing, still consult with your doctor about the use of sage therapy specifically for your clinical case.

Sage treatment

  1. For colitis, it is recommended to use 1 tablespoon of strong infusion of the herb after 3 hours.
  2. Swelling and bags under the eyes will help remove cotton pads dipped in chilled sage infusion.
  3. For wounds and inflammations on the skin, lotions from a strong infusion are good.
  4. It is good to take an infusion for the prevention of colds. As a tonic and stress reliever.

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