Home perennial flowers School of expectant mothers for July. Courses for pregnant women. Trial classes at New Life birth preparation schools

School of expectant mothers for July. Courses for pregnant women. Trial classes at New Life birth preparation schools

The main task of the school of motherhood is the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of pregnant women, preparation for childbirth. Lectures in such an unusual school are given by doctors, and lecture topics are divided by pregnancy semesters. There will be no intermediate tests in this school, only an exam, for which you will grade yourself.

Why do I need it?

Are you confident in yourself, you know one hundred percent how the birth will go, you don’t worry about anything and not a single negative thought in your head? Congratulations! So, you work as a gynecologist and you yourself know everything. Or you are just a very rare lucky person.

For all the rest, mere mortals, this material is written. The character of the future adult, his resistance to various troubles, the ability to stand up for himself, the ability to enjoy life and love others largely depend on how the child goes through his birth marathon. Favorable circumstances are formed due to the correct mood of the mother in childbirth, her love, constant support, confidence and calmness, which the baby absorbs even before birth.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, expectant mothers find for themselves "friends for happiness", women like them, with whom you can discuss all current problems, health, preparation for childbirth. This gives great confidence and psychological relief.

Learn at school Learn at school

When preparing for childbirth, a future mother should learn a lot of important and useful information: the ability to “control the body” during the birth process and use various comfortable positions, massage of biologically active points during contractions, a conscious attitude to pain and the implementation of all the proposed measures for the psychoprophylaxis of pain (breathing, relaxation), psychological preparation, information about the birth process.

An approximate prenatal preparation program looks like this:

1st trimester (1 - 3 months of pregnancy)

  • Life before birth (gynecologist)
  • Therapeutic gymnastics (physician)

2nd trimester (4 - 6 months)

  • Hygiene rules during pregnancy (gynecologist)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Mom is a nurse (pediatrician)
  • Child care (psychologist)
  • joyful anticipation
  • Video "From Conception to Birth"

3rd trimester (7 - 9 months)

  • Physiotherapy
  • Feed your baby properly (pediatrician)
  • Small world of a small child (psychologist)
  • The birth of a miracle
  • Legal advice
  • Preparation for childbirth without fear (gynecologist)

Psychological preparation

Childbirth is a huge stress for a woman's body. If you skillfully use the skills taught at the school of motherhood, then you can reduce injuries to both mother and child, overcome the stressful state with the least losses.

But no less important than the physical condition is the mental attitude. Mom needs to establish emotional contact with the child. Training programs can help with this.

The main directions of psychological trainings:

  • Positive and negative feelings and experiences associated with pregnancy
  • Using resources and discovering new possibilities of your own body
  • Working with fears and concerns about pregnancy and childbirth
  • Passage and correction of one's own birth
  • Awareness and experience of aggressive feelings, acquiring ways to control them and constructively resolve the conflict
  • Acquisition of pain relieving massage and breathing skills during childbirth
  • Developing greater attention to your feelings and sensations, which will help you better understand yourself and other people
  • In the process of preparing pregnant women for childbirth, a favorable emotional environment is purposefully created in theoretical and practical classes. A psychologist develops in pregnant women a sense of cheerfulness, optimism, self-confidence. This is facilitated by the well-being of pregnant women and their being in a friendly, close-knit team of pregnant women.

Which is what I did when I went on official maternity leave. I am sharing with you free leisure options for a pregnant woman who wants to know everything. The main thing - do not overdo it with the amount of information!

Meetings with midwives at CTA

CTA is the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. It has existed for a long time and has a reputation as a place where they practice respect for mother and baby, namely, they strongly advocate soft childbirth. Here you can observe the pregnancy and conclude a contract for obstetric support for childbirth (when the selected midwife travels with you to the hospital and is present during childbirth, helps to endure contractions). Every week (exact information on the website) there are meetings with midwives who tell what a gentle birth is, why a midwife is needed in the process, what she does and how she helps.

Impression: There was one dad with us at the meeting. He stubbornly did not understand why pay 50-60 thousand to a midwife, if you can negotiate with a doctor. At these free meetings, they tell why a midwife is needed.

Meetings for pregnant women "Two in One" from the online store BABADU

It's just some kind of carnival of pregnant women! At one time and in one place - about 200 tummies, thirsty for new knowledge, winning the lottery and comforting gifts by numbers. The largest online store of goods for children has created a giant community of pregnant women, giving them the opportunity not only to buy, but also to educate themselves. Such social responsibility of business, and very useful.

Meetings are held once a month in St. Petersburg and Moscow with broadcast to the regions. You can get there by pre-registering on the site and receiving confirmation. If you have not received a letter, do not expect to get to this celebration of life. Everything is very strict. Each guest is given a number, then she will be given a large beautiful package with gifts from partners.

The meeting consists of 5-6 lectures on current "pregnant" topics with a couple of breaks for a light snack. Throughout the meeting, prizes are raffled off - from a set of diapers for newborns to an electric breast pump. And someone is lucky!

Impression the meeting was good, however, by the third hour it became a little tiring. But no one left, everyone was waiting for bags. And they contain nipple attachments, nursing pads in a bra, a jar of baby food, wet wipes for sensitive baby skin, flyers for discounts and many other little things.

Trial classes at New Life birth preparation schools

This school has a huge network of branches - they are in almost every district of Moscow and the Moscow region. To get to the first trial lesson, you need to sign up by phone or mail. The lesson consists of three blocks of one hour each: gymnastics, answers to questions and breathing exercises.

Impression: There were 12 people in my group, and all of them were on respectable terms (deeply beyond 34 weeks). And when, during gymnastics, most of the women intensively lifted their legs, waved their arms and moved their pelvis, repeating after the energetic teacher, it seemed that they would now begin to give birth. Everything is serious here.

The second block - a conversation - consists of questions and answers and, to a greater extent, coverage of those topics that will be discussed in the classroom. “But we will talk about this at the eighth lesson of the course,” the teacher said.

The culmination, the third hour - breathing exercises. From the outside, it looked like this: 12 large women on fitballs puff, grumble, inhale deeply, exhale quickly. At times it was funny, but do not forget about the benefits of such practices. Three hours may be a little tiring for a pregnant, suspicious organism, but certainly not without benefit.

Detailed information - on

At antenatal clinics, free courses for pregnant women are often created, where obstetrician-gynecologists conduct classes. Expectant mothers are provided with the necessary medical information about pregnancy, childbirth, newborn care and care, etc. in these courses. Usually, there are no practical exercises at such courses, but, of course, they are a source of useful information, provide an opportunity to ask questions to a specialist and serve as an addition to visits to a antenatal clinic doctor.

Unlike courses at antenatal clinics, paid courses usually include practical classes in physical education, swimming, and aqua aerobics for expectant mothers in their program. Classes can be conducted by medical specialists (obstetrician-gynecologists, obstetricians), psychologists, teachers, sports instructors who specialize in working with pregnant women. As a rule, such courses are a kind of "clubs" where future parents have the opportunity not only to receive all the necessary information about pregnancy, childbirth and children, but also to communicate, make new acquaintances, friends, communication with which can be continued after the birth of babies.

Course programs for pregnant women

Course programs for pregnant women usually include several blocks of theoretical information, psychological training and practical physical education (gymnastics, swimming).

An obstetrician-gynecologist at courses for pregnant women tells expectant mothers about the normal course of pregnancy, the features of each trimester, how the child develops, about the “critical” periods of pregnancy - the most responsible and vulnerable in terms of its successful course, as well as the health of mother and child ; about the numerous "needs", "possible" and "not" relating to all aspects of a pregnant woman's life: medical procedures and tests, regular examinations and observation by doctors, nutrition, hygiene, recommended level of physical activity, work and rest schedule, the ability to continue working and its timing, etc. Information is briefly provided on various medical procedures that may be needed during pregnancy and childbirth - for example, diagnostic manipulations (amniocentesis, cardiotocography, etc.), methods of drug anesthesia for childbirth, stimulation of labor, caesarean section, etc.

Practical exercises with a doctor or an obstetrician train the necessary skills for proper breathing during childbirth, mastering the basic principles of self-anaesthesia of the birth process (massage, self-massage, etc.). Future dads are also invited to such classes if it is decided that they will be present at the birth. As practice shows, often the help of a husband or relatives experienced in these matters (mothers, sisters, etc.), especially those who have completed such courses, is an invaluable support for a future mother during childbirth.

In addition, several classes are devoted to the issues of newborn care (feeding, bathing, hygiene, walking, massage, vaccinations, etc.), breastfeeding, and the successful physical, emotional, and intellectual development of the child.

Due to significant hormonal changes during pregnancy, pronounced changes in the psycho-emotional sphere of a woman can occur. This problem can be especially relevant for anxious, overly impressionable, emotional women, for whom the period of pregnancy, preparation for childbirth and the birth of a baby can become a rather difficult period psychologically. In such situations, the help of a professional psychologist is invaluable, classes with which during courses for pregnant women will help the expectant mother acquire greater stress resistance, emotional stability, teach various methods of relaxation, calming, switching attention, which will certainly be very useful both during pregnancy and at a crucial moment. childbirth. Often, in the classes for pregnant women, topics of family relationships are discussed, which inevitably undergo changes during pregnancy and with the birth of a baby. It is useful and favorable for improving mutual understanding in a married couple to visit such classes by future dads. In addition, it is quite natural that during pregnancy, everything related to it and the upcoming birth worries many women the most, and all these issues require discussion.

If there are currently no pregnant women among your girlfriends or acquaintances, then it is optimal to discuss such issues in a circle of like-minded people - the same expectant mothers who, like you, are concerned about this range of problems. Often, friendships and friendships formed in such courses are maintained even after the birth of children.

Classes in the gym or swimming pool will help future parents master the techniques of breathing during childbirth, relaxation, analgesic massage and self-massage, not in theory, but in practice, bring them to automatism, which in a childbirth situation will allow you not to fall into confusion or panic, but will allow you to effectively apply all these techniques. Physical activity (in the absence of contraindications) helps women prepare for childbirth, strengthen the muscles involved in this process, increase overall endurance and fitness of the body, which favorably affects the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the physical and emotional state of mother and baby.

Balanced Approach

So, having figured out what courses for pregnant women are and what services they provide, we will deal with all the pros and cons of attending such courses.

"AGAINST". The most frequent statements of opponents of various courses for pregnant women are the following:

  1. Until relatively recently, there were no courses, nevertheless, children were born. Popular statements about our more distant ancestors, whose families were, as a rule, large, gave birth to women in the field, starting their usual work almost immediately after giving birth, belong to the same point.
  2. All the necessary information can be obtained from friends, relatives, a doctor observing pregnancy, and also found independently in books, magazines for pregnant women, in specialized television programs, radio and, of course, on the vast expanses of the Internet, replete with a variety of resources on topics of interest.
  3. It is better to use the time and money spent on courses for other purposes, the physical activity necessary for pregnant women can be obtained during walks, self-study at home or visits to the pool, sports centers, fitness clubs, etc.

“FOR” to the opinion of those who have a negative attitude towards courses for expectant mothers:

  1. Supporters of these views lose sight of the fact that in the relatively distant past, firstly, girls, especially in villages, necessarily had experience of communicating with pregnant women, attending childbirth, handling babies, who were usually nursed by older daughters or younger sisters of a woman in labor. Secondly, in addition to having many children, there were also extremely high mortality rates for both women in childbirth and the postpartum period, and newborn babies. Thirdly, in the recent past, in the absence of effective methods of pain relief and the use of traditional, far from natural conditions, methods of childbirth, obstetrics, many of our mothers and grandmothers had not the most pleasant impressions of being in the hospital and the very process of childbirth.
  2. Of course, observation during pregnancy and childbirth by a good doctor whom you trust, as well as communication with girlfriends and relatives who have given birth, is a significant help in preparing for childbirth, largely compensating for not attending any courses. However, it must be taken into account that your part of the work (and childbirth is, of course, the work of both the woman and the child) will not be done for you by the best doctor, or by relatives and friends, or by anyone else. Every future mother needs to have at least elementary ideas about pregnancy, what to take with you to the hospital, about the periods of childbirth, how to reduce pain during childbirth, about proper breathing during childbirth, etc. Otherwise, confusion and fear, aggravated by the unknown and against the background of pain, can seriously impede the birth process. There is no shortage of theoretical information now, but it is often contradictory in different sources, and it is not always possible for a person who is not experienced in this topic to understand it, so there may be even more questions, and therefore, uncertainty and fears. It is even more difficult to get practical skills on your own.
  3. In some situations, in particular in the presence of a personal successful experience of pregnancy and the birth of a baby, such a decision may be correct. In other cases, most likely, it will be more useful to attend the courses after all. In addition, swimming or water aerobics with the same expectant mothers during special sessions for pregnant women is certainly safer than going to the pool at “shared” time with ordinary visitors. It is preferable that sports instructors have experience working with pregnant women, which, of course, is far from always guaranteed in ordinary fitness clubs and gyms.

The Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population conducts free and awesome courses for pregnant women. I went to a bunch of different free events from commercial courses, shops, etc., but these courses are the most complete, high-quality and useful.

You need to sign up about a month before the start, you need to start going to courses between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. It so happened to me that I either take a vacation before the decree, or on the eve of the birth, the next group starts. So I took a vacation and had a great time. Keep these timings in mind so you don't overshoot.

The service has branches in different districts of Moscow, which is great. I'm not sure that this is possible, but in general I went to 2 courses from this service in different areas and to different teachers, which I am extremely happy about)).

Therefore, I will write essentially 2 reviews in one.

1. Courses near metro Tekstilshchiki

Amazing courses, a concentrate of useful information. Very clear instructions, trained breathing, learned to swaddle, watched themed films. Very useful topics, practical skills. There were a lot of medical aspects, it helped just unrealistic in terms of understanding all these things.

It is convenient that it takes about 15 minutes to walk from the metro, no more, you do not depend on ground transport. I highly recommend these courses, you will be much calmer and easier in childbirth after completing them.

And yes, here the emphasis is on childbirth, your preparation, the passage of lactation crises, etc.

In Tekstilshchiki, groups start quite often, but if suddenly you are running out of time, they conduct express groups for a fee.

Have with you: passport, notebook, pen, food, tea. There is a boiler with hot water, you can drink during the break, take tea bags from home. There is also a cooler.

2. Courses near metro station Vykhino (Vykhino-Zhulebino branch), Volgogradsky prospect, 197

I took a course in the group of Vera Viktorovna. I liked it very much! Deep analysis, very detailed analysis of the stages of development of the child. I understood a lot about myself and where certain problems and traits come from (it is clear that from childhood, but it becomes clear where the failure was). A complete psychoanalytic course.

Here the emphasis is on education, on building relationships with the child, mainly on what will happen after childbirth and how to properly build relationships with the child, so that later he doesn’t roll on your floor in stores and so as not to fight in hysterics herself in different cases.

Directions (from the metro by bus 15 minutes + 5 minutes on foot): Vykhino metro station, cross to the other side of the road (the stop is the leftmost) and take the 209 bus to the final "138 kv. Vykhina". Cross the zebra to the other side and go a little to the left past the sports box. Then you need to go around the house and you have come. A dark blue grating at the entrance and a bunch of stairs is a landmark.

I think that both of these courses are extremely important, they are completely different. Some are more about physiology, the second about education. And nowhere on the Internet I did not find such complete information.

Courses last about a month, classes 1-2 times a week for 3 hours. They have both a website and a contact group. In addition to courses for pregnant women, all departments conduct trainings on various topics. And in this service you can get up to 10 individual consultations of a psychologist a year, which is also very cool.

3. Not just for pregnant women: Also in Moscow there is a free phone number of this service 051, you can call in emergency situations and get the advice of a psychologist.

PS: You must have a residence permit in Moscow, keep in mind.

All my reviews on the topic of pregnancy:

1. Courses for pregnant women / preparation for childbirth - the Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population - I highly recommend. Gorgeous!

2. Meeting for expectant mothers Babadu "Two in One", Moscow - you can go for gifts

3. Pillow for pregnant women Mom's Choice - very useful at 9 months

4. Free master classes in Olant, Moscow - I recommend going

5.B free master classes: Academy of reasonable motherhood, Moscow - did not like it

For every woman, pregnancy is one of the most long-awaited, pleasant and exciting periods in life. At this time, expectant mothers experience a variety of feelings, and the heart and mind are occupied with warm dreams and joyful expectations. However, along with positive emotions, women can experience fears, anxieties and doubts. And this is understandable. Since the whole body of a woman undergoes serious changes. These changes are natural, so do not be too scared. It has been noticed that most of the worries and negative emotions can be minimized if you conduct high-quality informative preparation in advance and learn as much as possible about this amazing period. Especially for expectant mothers, the club "Soon I'll Be" was created. Its goal is comprehensive assistance to pregnant women. Many women are grateful to the club for helping them in the fight against various fears, providing the necessary psychological support in time, and also “arming” them with invaluable knowledge about the development of the child and future childbirth. Our courses for pregnant women consist of 3 main parts: physical, medical and psychological preparation for childbirth.

medical training

The key to the health of the mother and her baby, as well as a successful birth, will be competent management of pregnancy under the supervision of specialists and regular medical examinations. Such a serious approach to business will help to avoid complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the postpartum period.

Physical training

If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle before giving birth, this can negatively affect many areas of her health. This is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, as well as the development of depression, stress and neurosis. For the health of the expectant mother and her baby, it is extremely important to strengthen the muscles and prepare the woman's body with the help of special exercises, which can be learned at childbirth preparation courses. Experts also recommend doing yoga, swimming, fitness and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Psychological preparation

It has been scientifically proven that the nature and strength of pain during childbirth are directly dependent on the psychological mood of the woman. In order to alleviate the emotional state of the expectant mother and get rid of nervous strain, it is necessary to attend specialized courses for pregnant women.
In addition, every woman should also be able to help herself. In this happy and unique time of waiting for the birth of her baby, a woman should pamper herself, not embarrassed by her emotions and giving them an outlet. Sufficient sleep, pleasant rest and interesting exciting entertainment is an opportunity to program yourself for a successful birth.
Courses for pregnant women "I'll be there soon" were developed by the director of the school, Maria Krivich. The effectiveness and benefits of the technique have been proven by the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Also, the courses have earned positive evaluations by experts from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Attending our classes will help you to comprehensively prepare for pregnancy, childbirth, as well as for raising your baby!

Rules for attending classes

Dear participants of the courses, in our center there are strict rules for attending classes. If for some reason you cannot attend one or more classes within the course, but still want to gain knowledge, you have the right, one day before the start of the class, to warn the administrator about your absence, and we will offer to go through the topic you missed in the branch you visit with the next group (subject to its recruitment) or any other branch. Otherwise, your lesson will be burned. And you can already buy it for the price of a single visit. Exception: missing a class due to hospitalization or your illness with a doctor's note.

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