Home Perennial flowers Database management systems and information warehouse support (IBM DB2). Sybase eaServer delivery options. Automatic scanning tools

Database management systems and information warehouse support (IBM DB2). Sybase eaServer delivery options. Automatic scanning tools

DB2 (pronounced "dibi dva" in Russian, tracing paper from English "dibi tu" is also common) is a family of software products in the field of information management from IBM. The most common references to DB2 are referring to the DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) relational database management system, developed and manufactured by IBM.

Despite the goodwill for the Linux operating system, which is distributed under an open source license, IBM has no plans to open source its DB2 database yet. This was stated by the director of the IBM Linux Technology Center Jim Vasco at the annual Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit held in April 2011 in San Francisco. Within IBM, there is a constant struggle between representatives of different departments, Vasco explained. In some cases, the choice in favor of Linux or Windows means a decrease in revenue from software sales, but an increase in revenue from services, while in other cases it may be about revenue from the sale of hardware. We have to look for the optimal solution, he concluded. The move under Oracle's control of open source packages developed at Sun Microsystems has created problems for IBM, Vasco said. Oracle is trying to convince customers to trade IBM hardware for its own Exadata servers and Oracle Database. In 2011, Linux Foundation director Jim Zemlin expects the development of specialized high-performance systems like IBM Watson and off-the-shelf devices that require minimal configuration on Linux.


Currently, in addition to the commercial products of the family, IBM also distributes a free distribution kit of DB2 Express-C for Linux (x86, x86-64, POWER), Windows (x86, x86-64), Solaris (x86-64), Mac OS X platforms (x86-64 beta). The free version has restrictions on the use of no more than one dual-core processor and 2 GB of RAM for the DBMS (the total number of processors and memory in the system can be any, but resources beyond the specified limits will not be used by the DBMS).

2017: Announcement of additions for control over data

Db2 on Cloud

The updated Db2 on Cloud is a fully managed service available on the IBM Cloud.

Among the characteristics of the technology:

  • Dynamic scale ("slider") for setting performance parameters and memory size - with a click of the mouse, you can instantly change the scale, increasing or decreasing data processing performance and the required amount of RAM, in the same way you can increase the memory capacity of the information storage system;
  • Web Console - Helps customers get up to speed with the service and accelerate their work with it.

Overall, Db2 on Cloud eliminates the time-consuming process of negotiating and purchasing additional computing resources and complements IBM Db2 Hosted, a version of the database hosted on the IBM Cloud.

Db2 on Cloud Benchmark

DB2 Analytics Accelerator


2017: JSON and HTAP

DB2 10 represents the first significant database upgrade in the last few years: the 10th version of the system for z / OS, however, was released in 2010, but this release is intended for Linux, Unix and Windows systems at the same time.

Both products contain new functionality. DB2 now supports the Resource Description Framework (RDF) format, and InfoSphere can interoperate with Apache Hadoop deployments. Other enhancements in DB2 include faster backup and I / O processes.

DB2 10 is also more flexible. In particular, DBMS administrators received tools for distributing data for storage across different types of media: for example, operational information can be located on faster solid-state drives, and less valuable data on cheaper and slower magnetic tape drives.

A new feature called time travel allows for more efficient management of time data and has been a huge hit with z / OS 10 users. With its help, a user or a program can study data in the context of their lifetime in the DBMS for specified periods. The use of such environments is relevant for analytics.

DB2 10 can be downloaded free of charge for use in an industrial environment on up to two processor cores and 2GB of memory. More functional versions start at $ 6,180, which includes the cost of annual maintenance. InfoSphere's cost is based on the number of processors or the amount of stored data, basic versions will cost about $ 40 thousand per TB.

IBM DB2 10.5 version


DB2 has a long history and is considered by some to be the first DBMS to use SQL.

From 1975 to 1982, a prototype DB2 was developed at IBM under the name System Relational, or System R. SQL was first implemented in IBM System R, but this system was of a research nature, and a commercial product, including SQL, was first released by Oracle in 1979 year.

DB2 got its name in 1982 with the first commercial release for VMs called SQL / DS, and then a release for MVS called DB2. For a long time, along with "DB2" was used the version "Database 2", which is also a trademark of IBM. Apparently, it meant that this is the second flagship DBMS IBM after the old hierarchical DBMS IMS.

The evolution of DB2 dates back to the early 1970s, when Dr. E.F. Codd at IBM developed the theory of relational databases and published a data manipulation model in June 1970. To implement this model, he developed a relational database language called Alpha. IBM chose to hand over further development to a group of programmers outside of Dr. Codd's control. Breaking some of the principles of the relational model, they implemented it as "Structured Query English", or SEQUEL for short. Since SEQUEL was already a registered trademark, the name was shortened to SQL - "Structured Query Language", and it remains so to this day.

Thus, historically, DB2 originated from the products DB2 for MVS (of which DB2 for z / OS is a descendant) and its sibling SQL / DS for VM (descendant of DB2 Server for VSE & VM). Later, another development team at IBM implemented the OS / 2 EE Database Manager server, which later evolved to DB2 v2 for OS / 2, AIX and then Windows, and then to DB2 UDB (its descendant is DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows). Another team integrated the DB2 architecture with the AS / 400 embedded database (descendant of DB2 for i). IBM is gradually moving towards integrating all of these branches.


Distinctive features of DB2 include a dialect of the SQL language, which defines, with rare exceptions, a purely declarative meaning of language constructs, and a powerful multi-phase optimizer that builds an efficient query execution plan based on these declarative constructs. Unlike other dialects of SQL, in the SQL dialect of DB2, there are practically no prompts to the optimizer, the language of stored procedures is poorly developed (and for a long time was completely absent), and, thus, everything is aimed at maintaining a declarative style of writing queries. At the same time, the DB2 SQL language is computationally complete, that is, it can potentially define any computable correspondences between the source data and the result in a declarative form. This is achieved, among other things, through the use of table expressions, recursion and other advanced data manipulation mechanisms.

Due to IBM's priority in the development of relational theory and the firm's position in the computer industry, the DB2 SQL dialect has a significant impact on the ANSI / ISO SQL standards.

Stored procedures in DB2 are not very widely used, while traditionally used high-level programming languages ​​(C, Java, PL / I, Cobol, etc.) to write stored procedures, this allows the programmer to easily design the same code, or as part of the application, or as a stored procedure, depending on whether it is more appropriate to run it on the client or on the server. DB2 also currently implements a procedural SQL extension for stored procedures in accordance with the ANSI SQL / PSM standard.

The DB2 optimizer makes extensive use of statistics on the distribution of data in tables (if collected by the database administrator), so the same SQL query can be translated into completely different execution plans depending on the statistical characteristics of the data it is processing.

Because DB2 has historically evolved from multi-user systems to mainframes, much of the DB2 architecture focuses on security and the role of the DB2 maintainer. In particular, unlike many other DBMSs, DB2 has separate roles for the DBMS administrator (responsible for configuring the DB2 software components and running them optimally on the computer system) and database administrator (responsible for managing data in a specific database).

The use of static SQL and the concept of packages, if necessary, in programs allows, unlike most other DBMSs, the implementation of such a security model, when the rights to perform certain operations can be issued to application programs in the absence of such rights from users working with these programs. In this case, this makes it possible to guarantee the inability of the user to work with the database bypassing the application program, if the user has only the rights to launch the program, but not to independently manipulate the data.

As part of the concept of increasing the level of integration of security in a computer system, DB2 does not have its own means of user authentication, integrating with the means of the operating system or specialized security servers. Within DB2, only authorization of users authenticated by the system is performed.

DB2 is the only general-purpose relational database management system that has hardware / software implementations (IBM i; IBM System z mainframe hardware also implements DB2 support).

Modern versions of DB2 provide extensive support for the use of XML data, including operations on individual elements in XML documents.

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Minsk Institute of Management

Department of Automated Information Systems

General Engineering Practice Report

Dates of internship: from 19.11.2012 to 16.12.2012

Student group 111201-z

THEM. Vaitovich

Senior Leader

T.V. Rusak teacher,

Master of Engineering Science

Posted on Allbest.ru

Private educational institution

Minsk Institute of Management

Faculty: Engineering and Information

Department: Automated Information Systems

Specialty: 1-40 01 02 - Information systems and technologies (majors in)

Individual task for general engineering practice for student Hobotova Anastasia Mikhailovna, group №111201z

1. Topic of the abstract:

Database management system IBM DB2.

2. Individual task:

4. Schedule:

Name of educational (general engineering) practice events

Dates of the

Organizational meeting on IPR

Getting an individual assignment for practice

11.09.12 - 24.09.12

Guided tours (exhibitions)

19.11.12 - 24.11.12

Conducting seminars, meetings, conversations

19.11.12 - 30.11.12

Preparation of an abstract

01.12.12 - 09.12.12

Implementation of an individual assignment

01.12.12 - 16.12.12

Practice report preparation

17.12.12 - 11.03.13

Submission of a report on practice to the department

Practice Report Defense

19.03.13 - 23.03.13

Head T.V. Hare


1. Database management system

1.1 The concept of a DBMS

1.2 History of the creation of the DBMS

1.6 Large objects

1.8 Triggers

1.9 Relational expanders

1.11 Overview of IBM DB2 editions

2. Practical part

2.1 Statement of the problem

2.2 Algorithm for solving

2.3 Software implementation

2.4 Testing the program




The goal of general engineering practice is to consolidate and expand the knowledge acquired by the student during his studies, to acquire an idea of ​​the future profession. The objectives of the practice are: - consolidation of the theoretical material presented in the lectures of the disciplines of the subject block;

Acquisition of computer skills, with Windows OS and a standard office suite;

Consolidation of the knowledge and skills obtained during the study of basic courses in computer science on the methods of using, developing and implementing classical algorithms in the studied programming languages;

Master the methods of professional search for information on the Internet;

Study the requirements for the design of reports, methods and application environments for the preparation of reports on the results of practice;

Working with office equipment.

The first section of the report examines the IBM DB2 database management system: the concept of a DBMS is described, the types and a brief description of the IBM DB2 DBMS are given.

In the second part of the report, an algorithm and a C program are developed to find the maximum element of array A in array B.

1. Database management system IBM DB2

1.1 The concept of a database management system

A database (DB) is a named collection of interrelated data that are under the control of a DBMS.

Database management system (DBMS) - a set of software and linguistic tools for general or special purposes, providing management of the creation and use of databases.

1.2 History of the creation of the DBMS

Vigorous activity on finding acceptable ways of socializing the continuously growing volume of information led to the creation in the early 60s of special software systems called "Database Management Systems" (DBMS).

The main feature of a DBMS is the presence of procedures for entering and storing not only the data itself, but also descriptions of their structure. The files, provided with a description of the data stored in them and under the control of the DBMS, began to be called databanks, and then "Databases" (DB).

When the production of computers of the ES EVM family began. The work was carried out in two directions. First of all, attempts were made to create their own original domestic DBMS. At the same time, analogs of some DBMS widespread abroad, capable of functioning on domestic hardware and software platforms, were developed in an accelerated mode. A similar approach was also used when creating a DBMS for hardware platforms, the serial production of which began in the country after the appearance of the ES computer platform - for SM computers, ASVT, IBM-compatible personal computers, etc.

1.3 History of the creation of the IBM DB2 DBMS

DB2 is a family of relational database management systems manufactured by IBM Corporation. It is one of the "mature" world DBMS, a constant leader in performance, in terms of technical implementation, scalability, etc.

DB2 has a long history. This is the first DBMS to use SQL. From 1975 to 1982, a prototype DB2 was developed at IBM called System Relational, or System R.

DB2 got its name in 1982 with the first commercial release for VMs called SQL / DS, and then a release for MVS called DB2.

The development of DB2 dates back to the early 1970s, when Dr. E.F. Codd, who worked for IBM, developed the theory of relational databases and published a data manipulation model in June 1970. To implement this model, he developed a relational database language called Alpha.

IBM DB2 is the world's most efficient and powerful database management system. Its main unique advantage is that any application written for DB2 will work with DB2 data servers running on any distributed platform supported by DB2 (Windows, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, and AIX®).

DB2 comes in various editions and packages. All DB2 editions and packages are built from the same source code base; they differ only in functionality and licensing terms that target the capabilities, features, and benefits of DB2 to their respective market segments and price groups.

The range of tasks that can be solved using DB2 object extensions is significantly increased compared to the classic relational approach. By borrowing the elements most needed for modern applications from the object-oriented model, DB2 has retained all the advantages of a relational database management system. This makes it possible to use both relational and object-oriented approaches when building corporate information systems on its basis.

1.4 DB2 functionality

Functionality of DB2:


Advanced Copy Services (ACS). DB2 ACS allows you to use fast storage device copy technology to perform data copy work in backup and restore operations. The ability to copy data from a storage device dramatically speeds up backup and restore operations. Backing up using DB2 ACS is called snapshot backup.

Online table reorganization allows the user to reorganize a table without stopping full access to it.

High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) support. The DB2 HADR functionality provides high availability and failover support for DB2 databases.

Support for Materialized Query Tables, Query Parallelism, Multidimensional Clustering Tables (MDC).

Support for data compression when backing up.

SQL replication support.

Database Partitioning support. This functionality allows you to distribute a single database image across multiple physical servers.

DB2 Text Search. The DB2 Text Search feature allows you to search text columns in DB2 tables.

IBM Data Studio is a tooling platform that covers the entire application lifecycle (design, development, deployment, support and management) for all IBM relational databases, with the prospect of further expansion of support. This means that you have not only a portable SQL API, but also a set of tools that enable you to implement business logic throughout the enterprise.

1.5 User-defined data types

DB2 gives the user the ability to define new data types. The new data type must match one of the base types provided by the system, but their own semantics can be defined for them. At the same time, DB2 is able to manipulate such data in accordance with the logic defined for it. You can specify the set of operations that are valid for a data type by changing it from that of the underlying type.

DB2 has a strong typing mechanism. In this case, only those operations that are defined for itself, and not for the base class, are applicable to data of an undefined type. For a DBMS, this approach provides a powerful data integrity control mechanism.

So, you can define the type "zip code" as derived from an integer, but at the same time prohibit the operations of multiplication and division for data of this type, as meaningless, while for the base class, these operations are valid.

1.6 Large objects

DB2 / 2 and DB2 / 6000 provide the user with new data types such as binary large objects (BLOBS) and large text objects (CLOBS). BLOBS allows you to store data of any kind, up to two gigabytes in size. CLOBS have the same size limit, but are designed to store text as a sequence of single-byte or double-byte characters and can be associated with a specific code page. The presence of such data types makes it possible to embed relational tables with non-traditional data types, primarily multimedia. This ability is becoming increasingly important for modern applications, allowing you to store, for example, employee photos in the HR database, graphics, sound, video, large texts. The main focus is on achieving high performance and reliability, as well as removing restrictions on the use of large objects. For example, you can create a table with over ten fields containing 2GB objects.

The definition of new data types and functions provides great opportunities when working with large objects. This makes it possible to set the possibility of searching for a picture by its element, or the operation of comparing texts, etc.

1.7 User-defined functions

User-defined functions allow you to hide the internal view of the data from the application, providing some kind of data encapsulation. They also allow you to define new operations for both the underlying data and the user-defined types.

User-defined functions allow you to achieve code reuse by keeping operations common across different applications stored on the server rather than being included in each individual application. To implement these functions, programming languages ​​are used, and to implement them in the DBMS, the CREATE FUNCTION statement introduced into the data definition language is used. In fact, this statement associates a user-defined function with a specific program that is executed when this function is called. Using UDFs instead of directly accessing the data can provide some kind of encapsulation of the data, which can be used to hide its internal structure from the user. In addition, DB2 supports the overloading mechanism for UDF names similar to that used in OODBs, but does not allow functions to be bound to specific data items, as methods and objects are bound in an object approach. The ability to work with both DB2 data and other data, such as files, e-mail, and others, provides additional flexibility to UDFs. There are two ways in which UDFs can interact with the DB2 server. The first is that the function has direct access to the database, which allows for maximum performance, but poses a potential threat to the server's health and data integrity. In the second variant, the function is executed as a separate process from the database server, which ensures data and DBMS protection, but reduces performance.

The user can choose the best approach for his task, depending on its specifics.

1.8 Triggers

Triggers define a set of operations that are performed when certain events occur in the database, such as when a table is updated.

Triggers can be used to execute functions that, in an object-oriented approach, are performed by methods (for example, checking the correctness of entered values), or by a constructor (assigning values ​​when creating a new record).

The use of triggers allows you to make data "active", to model not only the structure and properties, but also the behavior of data objects stored in the database.

1.9 Relational expanders

The DB2 Relational Extenders are good examples of these new features. They provide extensive capabilities for working with non-traditional data by using the ability to define custom data types and functions. For storing multimedia data, and for maintaining the integrity of the links - triggers.

Currently, there are five relational extenders that allow you to work with images, complex text documents, video, audio, and even fingerprints.

1.10 Taking a Critical Review of the DB2 Database

Let's consider the pros and cons of a DBMS.

There is a nice free version;

The free version has no restrictions on the size of the database;

The free version does not have a limiter of requests, this allows you to simultaneously serve dozens of users;

Good free tech support;

Unlike PostgreSQL, it is possible to get paid support from the manufacturer, which allows it to be used in the Entrprise business sector;

With configurations, 1C-Enterprise in automatic locking mode works better than PostgreSQL (we are talking about parallelism, the area of ​​locks is at the row level, not tables);

Good performance;

Fewer problems with non-unique indexes (in fact, to solve the problem, it is recommended to temporarily load the databases into DB2);

It handles situations like "there is not enough memory for the 1C server" better;

There is no limit to 256 tables, which expands the possibilities when working with RLS.

Few specialists and high cost of good specialists;

Low prevalence;

Unlike MS SQL Server, 1C releases "adapted" versions for new versions;

The size of the databases is larger than in other DBMS;

Requires "fine" tuning of the parameters of the DBMS, automatic tuning of the system is present, but incomplete;

Some messages by the platform may not be processed correctly, for a solution it is necessary to "lower the level" of error logging;

1C-MCC collects long-term requests, waiting on locks, but does not collect deadlocks.

1.11 Overview of IBM DB2 editions

Name of the edition

Opportunities and Limitations

IBM DB2 Express - C

Basic free version of IBM DB2 DBMS. Technical support is not provided. Those. Limitations: Uses a maximum of 2 cores and 1 processor, 2 GB of RAM. There is no support for replication and clustering, there is no guarantee and the possibility of purchasing additional. software packages to expand the capabilities of the DBMS. Versions are released without service packs. Supported OS: Windows and Windows x64, Linux, Linux x86, Linux x64, Linux on Power, Solaris, Mac OS X. Supported OS: Windows, Linux (POWER and x86 servers), Mac OS X and Solaris x64. Recommended: for small healthcare facilities with limited financial resources and do not need technical support from IBM, number of users up to 50-70.

IBM DB2 Express - C FTL (Fixed Term License)

First commercial option. Completely similar to the previous product, but with a subscription to technical support for 12 months IBM 24x7 + support for replication + support for clusters of 2 servers + FixPack release and support for multiple versions. Those. Limitations: Uses a maximum of 2 cores and 1 processor, 2 GB of RAM. Supported OS: Windows, Linux (POWER and x86 servers), and Solaris x64. Recommended: for small and medium-sized hospitals with limited financial resources, but needing technical support from IBM, number of users up to 50-150.

IBM DB2 Express Edition

Initial release of IBM DB2 with 12 months technical support. Those. Limitations: up to 4 cores (Intel processors) and up to 4 GB of RAM. Can only be used on 2-processor 2-core servers (for Intel) or lower. Supported OS: Windows, Linux (POWER and x86 servers), AIX, Solaris (SPARC and x64), HP-UX (IA-64 only) Recommended: for small and medium-sized hospitals that need technical support from IBM users up to 70-200.

IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition

Server Edition Provides a DB2 data server that provides the same functionality as DB2 Express, but is designed for higher workload requirements that require more memory, processing power, higher availability out of the box, and a broader spectrum platform-specific deployment options. Those. Limitations: Various high-performance multiprocessor servers can be used (including Power, Itanium, Ultra SPARC, etc.), but up to 16GB of RAM for all processors. Supported OS: Windows, Linux (POWER, System z and x86 servers), AIX, Solaris (SPARC and x64), HP-UX (IA-64 only). Recommended: for medium and large healthcare facilities that require technical support from IBM with a number of users from 100.

IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition

For the largest institutions and most high-performance computing. Supported OS: Windows, Linux (POWER, System z, and System x), AIX, Solaris (SPARC and x64), and HP-UX servers (IA-64 starting with DB2 9.5 only). Recommended: for large healthcare facilities and a network of several healthcare facilities that require technical support from IBM with a number of users from 1000.

1.12 Next-generation DB2 DBMS

IBM unveiled the next-generation DB2 9 database server, code-named Viper, which represents the most significant advancements in database technology in more than twenty years.

The release of DB2 9 marks the end of a five-year IBM project that has transformed traditional, static database technologies into an interactive, dynamic database server that provides customers with enhanced capabilities to manage all types of information such as documents, audio and video files, images, Web pages, and XML transactions with digital signatures.

The new IBM database server is the first in the industry to enable seamless, parallel movement of relational and XML data, regardless of format, platform or location.

More than 750 software developers from eight countries have contributed to the Viper Database Management System, which is designed and tuned with a focus on information management in SOA environments.

DB2 9 delivers three significant technological advances - patented pureXML technology, revolutionary Venom data compression technology, and advanced autonomous data management. This combination of industry-new functionality, coupled with security and disaster recovery enhancements, will accelerate requests for information and give customers unlimited access to information. In addition, the new version of DB2 provides access to information stored in conventional Oracle and MySQL databases, which vendors do not offer the same capability.

For the first time, IBM is releasing three editions of DB2 at once — for enterprise customers, for small and medium-sized businesses (DB2 Express), and for developers (DB2 Express-C).

"The DB2 Viper promises to change the competitive landscape for the database industry," said Ambuj Goyal, general manager, IBM Information Management. opportunities for our clients to expand their business by leveraging information on demand. "

Customers and partners who have pre-tested and evaluated DB2 9 have provided overwhelmingly positive feedback. Zurich Insurance, N.A., a leading commercial property accident insurance provider serving large corporations and small and medium-sized businesses, has decided to use DB2 9 to gain access to its new pureXML technology.

“The insurance industry is facing a growing need to store huge amounts of XML documentation.

PureXML technology provides an unprecedented level of flexibility in defining custom functions and performing external operations on XML data stored in legacy databases, ”said James Surber, Senior Database Administrator, Zurich Insurance N.A. "The ability to store different versions of the same XML documents with different structures in the same table will save us hours of manual unloading and reloading of the entire table when our XML structure changes."

2. Practical part

2.1 Statement of the problem

You are given two arrays: A, consisting of n elements, and B, consisting of m elements. Determine whether the largest element of array A is contained in array B.

2.2 Algorithm for solving

A diagram of the solution algorithm is shown in drawing

In block 1, the size of the matrices A and B is entered.

Blocks 2-11 are used to enter the matrix from the keyboard.

Blocks 12-23 are used to display the source arrays in matrix form.

Blocks 24-30 are used to find the maximum element of array A.

Blocks 31-37 are used to find the maximum element of array A in array B.

Blocks 38-40 are the final solution to the problem and show whether the maximum element of array A is in array B.

2.3 Software implementation

The listing of the program module for solving the problem in the C programming language is given in the appendix.

Initially, you need to declare all the variables:

int A, B, n, m, i, k, max, x;

where A and B are integer arrays consisting of 100 lines; n and m are variables that store the number of matrix rows; i and k are loop variables; max - an integer variable for storing the maximum element of array A; x is an integer variable for finding the maximum element of array A in array B.

scanf_s ("% d", & n);

scanf_s ("% d", & m);)

while (n> = 100, m> = 100);

The dimension is entered using the do… while loop, which allows you to check the correctness of the entered data. Because memory for an array is allocated statically, then the number of matrix rows should not exceed 100, which is specified when declaring arrays. In case of an erroneous input, the request for entering the array dimension will appear again.

Array elements are entered inside nested for loops: in the first loop, i changes - the line number from 0 to n-1, and in the second k - the line number from 0 to m-1. At execution of each iteration of the nested loops, a request is displayed for entering array elements and array elements are entered from the keyboard.

for (i = 0; i

scanf_s ("% d", & A [i]);)

for (k = 0; k

printf ("Massiv A:");

for (i = 0; i

printf ("% d", A [i]);

printf ("Massiv B:");

for (k = 0; k

printf ("% d", B [k]);

Next, the variable max must be assigned an initial value equal to the zero element of the array, and going through the elements of the string of array A, we find the maximum element using the if statement. We assign the value max to the maximum element of the array A. The maximum element of array A is displayed on the screen.

for (i = 1; i

if (max

Next, you need to assign an initial value of 0 to the variable x and go through the elements of the string of array B to find the maximum element of array A using the if statement. If the maximum element of array A is in array B, a confirmation is displayed. If array B does not contain the maximum element of array A, then a confirmation is displayed.

for (k = 0; k

if (B [k] == max) x = 1;

2.4 Testing the program

A test example of the program, which illustrates the incorrect input of the dimensions of the arrays, is shown in Figure 2.1 for the given n = 105 and m = 3.

Figure 2.1 - An example of the program

A test example of the program's work, shown in Figure 2.2, illustrates the program's work for the following matrices:

Figure 2.2 - An example of the program

Figure 2.3 - An example of the program


As a result of passing general engineering practice, the IBM DB2 DBMS was studied, which has an effective and reliable platform for building applications. Including products 1c. This DBMS from IBM can be integrated with other tools running on different hardware and software platforms (Linux and Windows) - Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C ++, etc.

In the practical part of the report, an algorithm and a program were developed to find the maximum element of array A in array B. The results of testing the program showed that it works for both positive and negative integers. Practice assignment completed completely.

List of sources used

1. GOST 19.701-90 - Unified system of program documentation - Diagrams of algorithms, programs, data and systems - Symbols and rules of execution

2. Date K. Guide to the relational database system DB2. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1988 .-- 320 p.

3. Kogalovsky M.R. "Encyclopedia of Database Technologies" / M.R. Kogalovsky. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 800 p.

4. Deytel H.M. How to program in С / Х.М. Deytel, P.J. Daytel. - M .: Binom, 2006. - 1037 p.

5. Raoul F. Chon. Getting started with DB2 Express 9.7. Moscow, 2010.-269 p.


Listing of the program module

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "stdio.h"

#include "conio.h"

#include "math.h"

int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv)

int A, B, n, m, i, k, max, x;

do (printf ("Vvedite kol-vo elementov massiva A: \ n");

scanf_s ("% d", & n);

printf ("Vvedite kol-vo elementov massiva B: \ n");

scanf_s ("% d", & m);)

while (n> = 100, m> = 100);

for (i = 0; i

(printf ("Vvedite elementi massiva A [% d]:", i + 1);

scanf_s ("% d", & A [i]);)

for (k = 0; k

(printf ("Vvedite elementi massiva B [% d]:", k + 1);

scanf_s ("% d", & B [k]);)

printf ("Massiv A:");

for (i = 0; i

printf ("% d", A [i]);

printf ("Massiv B:");

for (k = 0; k

printf ("% d", B [k]);

for (i = 1; i

if (max

printf ("Maksimal" nij element massiva A:% d \ n ", max);

for (k = 0; k

if (B [k] == max) x = 1;

if (x == 1) printf ("Maksimal" nij element massiva A nahoditsia v massive B \ n ");

else printf ("Maksimal" nij element massiva A ne nahoditsia v massive B \ n ");

database copy algorithm

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    Enterprise Edition is a solution for large organizations that need reliable transaction processing and wide functionality;

    Advanced Edition - this version supports unlimited connections, clustering and provides scalability, allowing you to achieve high performance (the version does not provide two-phase transaction confirmation and automatic failover);

    Small Business Edition - the version is designed to support Internet applications. The maximum number of allowed IIOP / CORBA connections is ten, suitable for organizations whose systems do not need clustering, support for working with mainframes, two-phase transaction confirmation and automatic failover;

    The Developer Edition is a fully functional option for developers building and testing applications using Sybase EAServer, but limited to five IIOP connections.

Sybase EAServer provides a number of important benefits, including:

    reliable operation of the system by ensuring automatic recovery of performance at the server memory level, load balancing, and clustering;

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Subd db2

The IBM DB2 DBMS first appeared in the early eighties. Versions of this product currently run on AS / 400AIX, S / 390, Windows, OS / 2, AIX, HP-UX, SCO UnixWare, Linux, NUMA-Q, and Sun Solaris.

DB2 Enterprise Server Edition comes with a rich set of administration tools. DB2 data access mechanisms support ODBC, JDBC, and ADO / OLE DB drivers, and add-on modules such as the Stored Procedure Builder are available for Microsoft Visual Studio users. Windows versions of DB2 also allow you to create stored procedures in Visual Basic. Borland Development Tools support DB2 access not only through ADO / OLE DB and ODBC, but also through its own generic data access mechanisms - Borland Database Engine and dbExpress.

The DB2 DBMS supports the creation of data warehouses and, in addition to the means of transferring data to the warehouse, contains the Data Warehouse Center as part of the client part, which allows you to manage all the processes associated with creating and maintaining data warehouses, including creating a warehouse schema, defining sources of source data for it, creating schedules updating data in the storage, checking and correcting incorrect data. To support OLAP storage, DB2 Universal Database Server includes an OLAP Starter Kit based on Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

The DB2 DBMS supports storing and searching XML documents by their elements and attributes. SOAP can be used to access Web services that provide access to DB2 stored procedures and data (Web services are managed by the IBM WebSphere application server).

Key technical characteristics of DB2 Universal Database include support for relational and complex data using object extensions, multiprocessor platform support, cluster support, 64-bit memory architecture, query parallelism, heterogeneous data administration and processing tools, support for distributed transactions ...

The DB2 DBMS is the only DBMS for which you can develop on .Net, and at the same time it is capable of working on any platform, including Linux, mainframes, Windows. DB2 has Java stored procedures.

Extended support for Visual Studio includes support for Web services, full support for storing XML data without transforming it, and the ability to create applications and Web sites without writing code.

DB2 is built on top of relational technologies with enhanced XML support to simplify data development and integration. XML is a key component of the metadata generation and metadata management tools in DB2.

DB2 Version 9 delivers pureXML technology, revolutionary Venom data compression technology, and autonomous data management capabilities. DB2 provides access to information stored in Oracle and MySQL databases.

Implemented in DBMS The enhancements enable developers to significantly simplify and speed up the creation of applications that work with XML and relational data stores at the same time. For example, pureXML technology supports XQuery, a standard designed specifically for processing XML data. Application developers can use XQuery, XPath, Standard SQL, or all three to retrieve relational or XML data.

The comprehensive development environment DB2 Developer Workbench allows you to create, edit, debug, test, and deploy stored procedures and user-defined functions. The Developer Workbench can be used to develop applications and create, edit, and execute SQL statements and XML queries.

A DB2 version 9 database server allows for seamless, parallel movement of relational and XML data, regardless of format, platform, or location ( http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/v9/).

DB2 also compresses indexes and temporary tables, which no other DBMS can do today. Implementation of a fault-tolerant two-server configuration, in which a server with a backup database can be used to generate reports.

DB2 is available in two editions: DB2 Workgroup and DB2 Enterprise Edition. The DBMS implements parallelization of query processing, a full set of replication tools, pivot tables of queries to improve database performance, object-oriented database design capabilities, and Java language tools.

DB2 is equipped with a full set of multimedia extensions to store and manipulate text, audio, video, images, and geographic data. The main disadvantage of DB2 is the relative complexity of administration.

In the DB2 DBMS, thanks to the Index Smart Guide, you can tune, forming the optimal indexes for a given number of calls, which characterizes the typical load on the database. DB2 can generate pivot tables, which greatly improves its efficiency as a data warehouse. A pivot table is a temporary work area used by the DBMS to store responses to frequently received queries.

The DB2 Spatial extension for working with spatial data was developed in collaboration with ESRI [ http://www.esri.com/partners/alliances/ibm/solutions.html,http://www.esri.com/partners/alliances/ibm/index.html].

IBM is releasing three editions of DB2 at once — for enterprise customers, for small and medium-sized businesses (DB2 Express), and for developers (DB2 Express-C).

IBM has a simplified version of the DBMS DB2 Express-C, it is relational, but it supports XML.

Informix DBMS

Prior to its acquisition by IBM, Informix's flagship product was Informix Dynamic Server (IDS), which supports UNIX and Windows platforms and provides efficient operation on both single and multiprocessor systems and clusters. This product has powerful parallel processing capabilities. Among the main characteristics of Informix Dynamic Server should be noted the use of disk space management as an OS tool; and its own functions to bypass OS limitations, memory sharing management; dynamic flow control; support for fragmentation of tables and indexes on multiple disks; parallelization of queries; data mirroring. The IDS server supports two-phase transaction completion as well as heterogeneous transactions (in which case other servers can participate in transactions). Of particular note is the server's support for time series.

Server functionality extensions are implemented on the basis of DataBlade - collections of database objects and C-language subroutines that are connected to the database and produced both by the database manufacturer and a number of third-party vendors.

Of the data access mechanisms, IDS supports ODBC, JDBC, and ADO / OLE DB drivers. Borland development tools support IDS access using Borland Database Engine, dbExpress, Microsoft .NET.

Recently, there has been a transition from relational DBMS to object-oriented. Informix, following this concept, presents its solution in the Centaur DBMS, based on the Informix Dynamic Server 7.3 relational database and the Informix Universal Data Option object-relational database, and combining the high performance of Dynamic Server when working with data with the versatility and multimedia functions of Universal Data Option. This implementation is intended for the development of Internet systems. The DBMS has a flexible development environment, scalability corresponding to the intensive workloads typical of the Internet, and tools for working with new types of data, which with the development of the Web began to be used everywhere. The Java tools implemented in this system will allow developers to create stored procedures, custom programs, and DataBlades components in this language.

Centaur has built-in ActiveX handling. This makes it possible to create database stored procedures in Visual Basic.

Centaur is an add-on to Informix Dynamic Server and works with the traditional database format for this package, so that users remain at their disposal all the old functions, and upgrading the system to the level of new versions will not be difficult. The system is equipped with means of object-oriented database design, creation of specialized tables and indexing programs; allows users to build their own functionality into queries and not rely solely on standard SQL tools.

At work, I had to deal with the IBM DB2 DBMS for some time. Because Since the system is commercial, there is not much information on the Internet in Russian, so I decided to describe some of the features of the operation of this DBMS.

Point of entry

Let's start with the entry point into the DBMS. In SQL SERVER, the endpoint is an instance, which of course can have separate databases, but the configuration and security model is the same for the entire instance. In DB2, the entry point looks like this - an instance (which corresponds to a specific port) - a database. At the same time, there is a configuration for the entire instance and for a separate database.

You can view the instance configuration either using the db2 command:

Database Manager Configuration

Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients

Database manager configuration release level = 0x0b00

CPU speed (millisec / instruction) (CPUSPEED) = 2.912790e-07
Communications bandwidth (MB / sec) (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e + 02

Max number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB) = 8
Federated Database System Support (FEDERATED) = YES
Transaction processor monitor name (TP_MON_NAME) =

Default charge-back account (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) =

Java Development Kit installation path (JDK_PATH) = / home / db2inst1 / sqllib / java / jdk32

Diagnostic error capture level (DIAGLEVEL) = 3
Notify Level (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3
Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) = / home / db2inst1 / sqllib / db2dump

Default database monitor switches
Buffer pool (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = OFF

Where the parameters will be indicated, their meaning and decoding. An abbreviated version is also possible:

get dbm cfg

Or using a request:

Select name, value from sysibmadm.dbmcfg

Of the important parameters, it can be noted:

  • authentication type (AUTHENTICATION)
  • default path for creating new databases (DFTDBPATH)
  • server discovery over the network (DISCOVER)
You can view the settings of a specific base like this:

connect to sample(sample - database name)

get database manager configuration

Or with about the same query as before:

select name, value from sysibmadm.dbcfg


The big difference between DB2 and other DBMSs is the authentication model. There are no internal users here like in SQL Server or MySQL. All authentication is performed by means external to the DBMS (dynamically loaded plugins) - by means of the operating system or by external plugins (Kerberos, GSS API). The authentication type is set in the AUTHENTICATION parameter of the database manager configuration. By default, the value SERVER is set - the username and password are transmitted in clear text and this pair is checked for correctness by means of the operating system. If the username and password are correct, then the user or the groups to which he belongs (including the special group PUBLIC, which includes all authorized users) is checked for the CONNECT privilege. These privileges can be viewed in the SYSCAT.DBAUTH table:


A big mistake when configuring is enabling the CLIENT authentication type. In this case, DB2 trusts the authentication to the client being connected, and if PUBLIC has the CONNECT privilege, then any user can connect to the database and gain access to all the data that PUBLIC has. The username is taken from the operating system. That is, if we connect through Data Studio by the Administrator user, then all the privileges that this user has will be granted. And in this case, it makes no difference from which computer the access was made. It is recommended to enable this type of authentication only when there is a secure channel between the server and the client, and other clients cannot connect to the DBMS.


Instance-specific privileges are specified in the database manager configuration. These are the following privileges:

These privileges are set by specifying the group where the user will be included. In dbmcfg, these are the SYSADM_GROUP, SYSCTRL_GROUP, SYSMAINT_GROUP and SYSMON_GROUP parameters, respectively.

Next, there are the privileges of a specific database. These are privileges such as database access (CONNECTAUTH), table creation (CREATETABAUTH), subroutine creation (EXTERNALROUTINEAUTH), etc. These privileges can be viewed in the SYSCAT.DBAUTH view

And finally, the privileges of access to specific data - tables, subroutines, etc. Everything here is pretty trivial, but also with some peculiarities.

You can view table access privileges in the SYSCAT.TABAUTH view. The type of privilege granted is stored in separate columns, depending on the privilege itself (SELECTAUTH, DELETEAUTH, etc.). When granting a privilege using the GRANT command, the REFERENCES and UPDATE privileges can also specify the names of the columns to which the privileges will apply. In this case, information about this can be viewed in the SYSCAT.COLAUTH view

The privileges of subroutines (functions, procedures and methods) can be viewed in SYSCAT.ROUTINEAUTH. Not everything is trivial here, depending on the SPECIFICNAME and TYPENAME fields, privileges can be granted to all subroutines of a given schema.

If readers like the article, I’m ready to tell you about data protection in DB2 using Label-Based Access Control.

Software united by name IBM DB2 Business Intelligence (<деловой интеллект >), are designed to analyze the accumulated (historical) data in order to support decision making... Currently, this direction is one of the most priority in the field of data management technologies. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that the use of historical data can help (and helps) in finding the best solutions in business, and, on the other hand, with the ability to organize storage, quickly search for the necessary data and extract the necessary information from them ( knowledge) using modern computer tools.

Functionally software this area is divided into four groups:

  • real-time data analysis tools (OLAP -On-line Analytical Processing);
  • tools for creating data warehouses (Data Warehouse);
  • data access support;
  • intelligent data processing tools, or<добычи информации>(Intelligent Miner).

Real Time Data Analysis (OLAP) carried out to support decision making(operational or strategic) business management. Information Systems supporting this type of activity are called Decision support systems (DSS).

The term OLAP was coined in 1993 by Edward Codd (E. Codd - author relational data model). According to Codd, OLAP is a technology for complex dynamic synthesis, analysis and consolidation of large volumes of multidimensional data. There is a so-called<тест FASMI>containing the basic principles of OLAP technologies:

  • Fast(fast) - providing analysis results in a reasonable time (usually no more than five seconds);
  • Analysis(analysis) - the ability to carry out any logical and statistical analysis data, as well as saving its results in a form accessible to the user;
  • Shared(shared) - multi-user access to data with support for locking mechanisms and authorized access;
  • Multidimensional(multidimensional) - multidimensional representation of data at a conceptual level, including full support for hierarchies and multiple hierarchies;
  • Information(information) - the ability to access any necessary information, regardless of its volume and storage location.

In order to meet the requirements for the time required to analyze data and receive an answer to complex queries, it was necessary to use new technology for organizing and storing data. This new technology is called< data store> (Data Warehouse).

Data store... According to the definition of the author of the concept of a data warehouse B. Inmon), it is<предметно-ориентированные, интегрированные, неизменчивые, поддерживающие хронологию наборы данных, организованные для целей поддержки decision making>. In this definition, under data integration is understood as a union and an agreed data presentation from various sources.< Поддержка хронологии>means having<исторических>data, i.e. data corresponding to the time interval preceding the current moment.<Неизменчивость данных>means that the data in the storage is changed by adding new data corresponding to a certain time interval, without changing the information already in the storage.

The main requirements for data warehouses include:

  • support for high speed of data retrieval from storage (i.e. short response time to requests);
  • maintaining internal data consistency;
  • the ability to obtain data slices (for example, the values ​​of a set of indicators for a certain period, the value of one indicator for a number of consecutive time intervals, etc.);
  • availability of convenient tools for viewing data in the storage;
  • completeness and reliability of the stored data.

Data store is a single source of data related to the functioning of an industry, enterprise, organization, containing all the necessary and reliable information to support decision making.

Typical storage tends to be different from a typical relational database. Let us clarify this statement by considering logical relational database models and storage data.

In traditional relational databases logical data model is a collection of two-dimensional (flat) tables, built to provide the most efficient way to perform various operations with data. Normalized logical model relational databases are characterized, in particular, by the following features:

  • all values ​​stored in table cells (attribute values) are atomic (that is, there is only one value in each table cell);
  • the data is not duplicated (i.e. there is no redundancy in the database).

Rice. 6.14.

Such data presentation does not always meet support goals decision making when there is a need to quickly get answers to complex analytical queries. More adequate here is logical data model in the form of a multidimensional cube. The cube is geometric figure with three dimensions. Data cubes in practice have 4 to 12 dimensions; in these cases, they are called hypercubes. Dimension in a cube is one of the characteristics of data. For example, in the cube shown in Fig. 6.14, measurements are<время>(2001, 2002),< пункт назначения>(Moscow, Saint Petersburg),<груз>(gasoline, coal). The cells of the cube (Fig. 6.14) store data on traffic volumes. This data is aggregated across other dimensions. For example, for the cube in Figure 6.14, if there is a dimension< пункт отправки>, then the data shown in the figure should be considered as aggregated for this dimension (i.e.<1000>this is the total mass of coal brought to Moscow in 2001 from all suppliers). On a multidimensional cube, it is easy to define many operations that are typical in analytical work: reducing the number of dimensions (projections), merging (combining cubes that have common dimensions), etc. For example, when aggregating by dimension<груз>cube in fig. 6.14 becomes the square shown in fig. 6.15.

Rice. 6.15. Aggregating the cube fig. 6.3.4 by "load" dimension

Logical model In this case, storage is represented by a set of multidimensional cubes (hypercubes), in the general case, with different dimensions, each of which corresponds to one or several quantitative indicators of an industry, organization, enterprise.

It should be noted that dimensions of a multidimensional cube can have a hierarchical structure. For example, the measurement< пункт отправки>can be represented by a three-level hierarchical scheme (see Fig. 6.16.).

Unlike normalized logical model relational databases, logical model cube type allows data redundancy, i.e. contains, in addition to the original data, some pre-calculated totals (aggregated data). This is justified in the DSS, since allows you to reduce the response time of the system to complex queries.

Rice. 6.16. Hierarchical dispatch point dimension

We looked at the logical storage model representing data as a collection of multidimensional cubes. The physical implementation of the store is usually done in one of the following ways:

  • using specialized multidimensional structures that differ from traditional relational databases;
  • using relational databases to store data;
  • hybrid solution: detailed data is stored in relational databases, and aggregated data are stored in special multidimensional structures.

V IBM DB2 OLAP Server supported by multidimensional model data based on the relational DBMS DB2 UDB. Performance enhancements (see Section 6.3.2) are used to provide the required timing.

Data warehouse tools allow you to collect data from enterprise management systems and external sources,<очищать>them, convert and load them into data store.

At the design stage, the user is provided with a set of guided tools for creating data warehouses. It includes tools that allow you to generate various schemes for cleaning and loading data, as well as graphically describe the actions required to build and maintain a data warehouse. Basic software this group - IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager; its purpose, functions and features are shown in table 6.3.

Table 6.3. IBM Business Intelligence components
P / p No. Main purpose Product Functionality and features
1. Real Time Data Analysis (OLAP) IBM DB2 OLAP Server
  • support for a multidimensional data model (based on a relational DBMS);
  • support for multidimensional data aggregation operations in various hierarchical structures;
  • parallel processing of requests;
  • using methods optimizing queries
2. Creating data warehouses IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager
  • Extending the functionality of DB2 for extracting, transforming and loading data (ELT - Extraction, Transformation and Loading);
  • support for managing metadata and information catalogs (repositories);
  • QMF for Windows support (building queries for DB2 using Windows or the Web interface);
  • application support<агентов>moving data between the source and target systems without the participation of a central server
3. Data access support Query Management Facility (QMF)
  • reporting and database queries;
  • creating requests in the Java language for their initialization through the browser;
  • integration of query results with spreadsheets and personal databases;
  • using methods parsing SQL queries;
  • control of resource consumption by user groups
DB2 Warehouse Manager Connector for SAP R / 3
  • access and transfer of SAP business objects to the DB2 store;
  • extracting moderate amounts of SAP R3 data
D2 Warehouse Manager Connector to the Web
  • retrieving data from a WSA (IBM WebSphere Site Analyzer) database or data marts and placing them in a repository;
  • verifying that the WSA product has copied Web traffic data to the target store
DB2 Warehouse Manager Sourcing Agent for z / OS
  • agent program that enables IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager running on Linux, UNIX, or Windows to extract and transform data hosted on the z / OS platform
4. Intelligence Miner DB2 Intelligent Miner Modeling
  • detection of associations;
  • clustering;
  • classification;
  • Compatibility with Predective Model Markup Language (PMML), version 2.0
DB2 Intelligent Miner Visualizer
  • graphical presentation of the results of solving problems of association detection, clustering and classification;
  • PMML language support, version 2.0
DB2 Intelligent Miner Scoring
  • embedding models (intelligence from DB2 Intelligent Miner Modeling) into applications for use with new data
DB2 Intelligent Miner for Text
  • extraction, indexing, analysis and classification of information from text sources (documents, web pages, forms)

Data Access Support Tools are APIs and middleware servers that support client tools' access and processing of business information. Binders software servers Allows customers to transparently access multiple database servers (both IBM and non-IBM). The main software products of this group are described in table 6.3.

Intelligent data processing tools (<добычи информации>, Intelligent Miner)... The main purpose of intelligent data processing (IAD) is to search for hidden patterns in data. Most of the IAD methods were originally developed within the framework of the research area that received the name< artificial intelligence systems>. Only now, when large and rapidly growing volumes of corporate data have been formed, these methods have become fully demanded.

Initially, the IAD tools were developed so that data organized in flat relational tables were taken as a source material for analysis. The application of the IAD to the data represented with the help of storages in the form of a hypercube can be more efficient in many cases.

The following five types of IAD tasks are usually distinguished:

  • Classification... The most common IAD task. It allows you to identify features that characterize the same type of group of objects - classes, so that the known values ​​of these features can be attributed to a new object to a particular class. The key point in solving this problem is the analysis of a set of pre-classified objects. The most typical example of the use of classification is the competition between suppliers of goods and services for certain groups of customers. The categorization can help identify the characteristics of volatile customers who are prone to switching to another supplier, thus finding the best way to keep them from this step (for example, through the provision of discounts, benefits, or even through individual work with representatives<групп риска>).
  • Clustering... Logically continues the idea of ​​classification to a more complex case when the classes themselves are not predefined, i.e. the belonging of the given objects to this or that class is unknown. The result of using the method that performs clustering is the option partitions of the set objects into groups including<близкие>objects. Thus, it is possible to single out related groups of customers or buyers in order to pursue a differentiated policy in relation to them. In the above example<группа риска>- categories of customers who are ready to leave for another supplier - by means of clustering, it can be identified before the start of the leaving process, which will allow taking preventive rather than emergency measures.
  • Identifying associations... An association is a connection between two or more simultaneously occurring events. The quantitative measure of the association can be, for example, conditional probability event A, provided that event B has occurred.
  • Revealing sequences... Like associations, sequences determine the connection between events, but not occurring simultaneously, but with a certain gap in time. A measure of the relationship between successive events A, B, C can be conditional probabilities event B, provided that event A has occurred, and conditional probability events C, provided that A and B took place.
  • Forecasting... This is the task of assessing the future values ​​of an indicator based on the analysis of current and historical data. For example, a forecast of the traffic volume that is expected in the next year can be made based on the data accumulated in the database of production and economic indicators of the railway. In problems of this type, traditional methods of mathematical statistics are most often used.

DB2 Intelligent Miner is a set of products that provides the user with the analytical tools needed to make sound, high-quality business decisions. The problems solved by this set of products can lead to the choice of a more accurate marketing strategy, to a decrease in customer churn, to an increase in profits from trading over the Internet. The main products in the DB2 Intelligent Miner family are described in Table 6.3.

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