Home Perennial flowers Complex crafts from the scheme matches. Match products: examples for beginners. House of matches

Complex crafts from the scheme matches. Match products: examples for beginners. House of matches

Simple and accessible material for creativity - ordinary matches. Making handmade works of them develops perseverance, coordination of movements, accuracy and attentiveness. Match souvenirs can be made with or without glue, and the structure will be held due to the frictional force and tension inside. In the article we will give interesting examples and a master class on creating DIY matchstick crafts for beginners; working without glue is somewhat harder than with it, so if you are not confident in your abilities, as well as to work with children, you can use it.

  1. Choose a place to be creative. A table, a chair or a section of the floor - this should be a place where it will be convenient to work, and at the same time you will not disturb others.
  2. Stock up on matches. Often, the number required exceeds the expected one.
  3. Sometimes the work will require drawing up a diagram.
  4. For glue, select a small container, cover the work surface with an oilcloth; a cloth will do to wipe off the excess.
  5. Go through the matches: only even and strong ones are used in the work.
  6. If you need to cut off the heads, do it with a clerical knife.

Children's crafts from matches

The easiest way for children to use matches in creativity is to make a picture on cardboard using them.

You will need cardboard, pencil, glue, matches and any other materials that you see fit.

1. First you need to make a pencil sketch.

2. After that, decide which parts of the pattern can be made from matches, stick them on the base.

3. If necessary, paint the drawing with paints, add elements from other materials.

Matches can also be used to create figurines of just about anything. It is enough to show a little ingenuity and imagination. Experiment! And the children's match drawings obtained in this way can also be glued onto cardboard.

A "fence" made of matches can become part of a future large and voluminous craft, a stand for it, or just a fence for the house. Making it, we glue the matches, alternating heads and tails.

For example, you can use the previous blank to make a table or stool. In addition, you will need 5 more matches for the legs, which must be glued as shown in the photo.

House of matches

From simple to complex. Let's move on to creating crafts without glue. This is what the next master class is about.

So, you will need:

  • 7 boxes of matches (stock up on a large number - matches are often defective);
  • a couple of coins;
  • disc box.

1. Prepare the base, we have it a regular box for the disc. We put a pair of matches on it in parallel, but at a distance.

2. On these matches we put 8 matches of the foundation perpendicularly. The distance between them must be the same.

3. Lay out one more "layer" in this way.

4. After that, we lay out the "perimeter" from the matches.

5. Repeating the last two points, we make 7 rows.

6. 8 row of matches are laid so that the heads look in the opposite direction to the matches of the foundation.

7. We continue to make the house. We put 6 matches on 8 perpendicularly, and on top - a coin.

8. Insert matches into the holes in the corners. We carefully hold the structure.

10. Correcting. Matches should stick tightly together.

11. Add matches, completing the walls of the house.

14. Alternate direction, insert matches perpendicularly.

16. From the pieces we make a roof, windows of a house, doors and a pipe.

This is the kind of house it turns out.

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Making a match house can be a fun experience for those who intend to unleash their creativity and wish spend time usefully.

With the help of the Internet, even a beginner can independently make a beautiful house out of matches - the instructions for beginners will reveal the whole process to the smallest details.

For an illustrative example, you can use the video below, as well as step by step photo instructions, which will reveal all the stages and tricks of the assembly.

Matches, including, are used not only when creating houses. They are also used to make figurines of various animals, miniature copies of pieces of furniture, and even modern paintings.

How to make a house out of matches without glue?

Exists several manufacturing methods a house of matches - both with glue and without it. At the initial stage, you can try to build a house from matches without glue - it will be much more convenient, safer and easier.

In addition, at the end of the assembly, you do not need to wait for your house to dry.

And so, to create a match house without the use of glue you need:

6-7 boxes of matches;

A button or a coin with a diameter of about 24 mm (you can take a coin of 2 Russian rubles);

A CD case that doubles as a stand.

If you decide to make a house out of matches yourself, the instructions below are will definitely help you with this.

Take a close look at the photos, and also study the explanations for them - and start creating your masterpiece.

Such a craft can become a real symbol of your patience, hard work and accuracy.

How to make a house of matches: instructions for beginners

As noted earlier, making houses from matches with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to study the detailed instructions, as well as show a little perseverance, desire and creative mood. Let's consider the whole process in stages.


Prepare your work surface and all the necessary items. Please note that the matches are even, without damage - the appearance of your house depends on this.

Erection of the foundation

  1. To do this, we put two matches on a box. They should be parallel to each other.
  2. We put hardly eight more matches on top, forming a square. Make sure that the matches are located at the same distance from each other, and the outer ones are at a short distance from both sides.
  3. We put the next row of eight matches on top, but already perpendicularly.
  4. Then we lay out four matches in the form of a "well", as shown in the photo.

Formation of the "log house"

  1. Carefully lay out six more rows of four matches, as in fig. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the heads of the matches are directed in one direction, otherwise the house will not come out quite aesthetic.
  2. The resulting "well" should be fixed by placing eight matches on top, parallel to each other.
  3. Put a perpendicular layer on top again, but already from 6 matches, and cover it with a coin.
  4. Gently take the house with your hand and insert a match into each corner. When installing matches through and through, keep an eye on the integrity of the bottom layer.

Laying the walls

  1. We install matches vertically along the entire perimeter of the "walls". In this case, the heads of the matches should be directed upwards and located at the same level.
  2. The coin will help you align all the matches. To seal the structure, move all matches as close to the coin as possible. Then carefully remove it.

Strengthening the walls

  1. Crimp all the elements of the house from all sides. Pay attention to the layer of six matches - it will become the base for the roof.
  2. Having aligned the matches, we proceed to strengthen the walls. To do this, add 1 vertical row of matches on each side. We direct the matches with their heads up.
  3. We lay the horizontal row in the same way as we did the "well". Please note that the heads of the matches in the horizontal row are directed alternately, now to the right, then to the left.

Roof fabrication

Even from such a simple material as matches, miracles can be created. From ordinary knickknacks to bulky masterpieces. The works are created without glue, which greatly simplifies the technique. We will consider a fairly simple element - a cube. On the basis of this cube, we will build a small hut. So, let's start making our house from matches without using glue.

To work on a match house you will need:

  • matches (6 boxes);
  • tweezers;
  • coin;

DIY house of matches step by step instructions

1. On a flat surface, put two matches parallel to each other.

2. Place 8 unidirectional matches perpendicular to them.

3. On top of everything, put 8 more matches in parallel with the first two.

4. We lay out a well of matches so that the heads are directed in different directions.

5. The height of the well should be 7 matches.

6. On top of the well, put 8 matches in parallel with the first two.

7. Put 6 matches perpendicular to them in the center of the structure.

8. Put a small coin on the matches. The execution of the operation requires caution.

9. In the corners we insert 4 vertical matches so that they fall into the grooves. Hold a coin with your finger so that the cube does not fall apart.

10. Then stick the same vertical matches around the perimeter.

11. Matches must close the top face of the cube.

12. Now you can lift the structure. 4 matches should remain on the surface. Remove the coin.

13. We press in vertical matches. Compress the cube.

14. Align the edges. We turn over our workpiece.

15. In parallel with the vertical row of matches, insert another row. The heads should point in the opposite direction.

16. Then we insert horizontal rows (8 matches in each face).

17. The horizontal rows form 4 additional holes. Insert a match into each.

18. Push all the matches in the extreme vertical row up to half.

19. The structure should look like in the photo.

20. Between the protruding matches, insert other matches in a checkerboard pattern.

21. After every two rows, lay out 1 less match on each side. You should get a pyramid.

22. Stick matches on one edge under a slope.

23. Close with another side to make a roof.
Press in a vertical row of matches.

24. Insert 4 matches for the smoker. Add windows and doors.

A house of matches without glue is ready! Good luck!

An unusual street ... Houses, wells, palaces, but a mill, a wheel, a tower ... And it is unusual that all this is made of matches.

Crafts from matches

This lesson does not require large expenses. There is no need to purchase any special devices. In addition, the material itself is inexpensive. Several boxes, desire and free time, and crafts from matches without glue will become an original decoration of the room.

The technique for making such crafts is quite simple. Having mastered it, you can first make simple models, and then start creating real masterpieces.

Interesting items can be made without significant costs. And if you take into account the material of the craft itself, then in a hundred years you can sell these matches as rare.

House of matches

First you need to master a simple House of matches without glue will be a prime example of such work.

The work is done by common fasteners. It will take several boxes.

The cube hut will consist of eight matches at the base. They are laid out perpendicularly at the same distance on two main parallel matches. This is the first row of the flooring, on it we lay out the second row perpendicularly.

In the third row, we begin to create a well: we place two matches perpendicularly, two in parallel, while the heads of each pair are turned in different directions. Next, you need to make six more such rows. On the last row of the well, we again lay out the flooring of eight pieces.

In the next row, we place six matches perpendicularly. We put a coin in the middle, with it we hold the structure with our finger and fasten it with matches, which must be inserted vertically into the corners of the lattice.

We build a house of matches without glue further. Now we take twenty pieces and carefully, heads up, along the perimeter, insert them into cells, five on each side. Now you can pick up the house. If done correctly, it shouldn't fall apart. The walls must be compressed to make the structure stronger.

We turn the house upside down and make walls by inserting matches into the cells, then lay out a horizontal layer, alternating heads and ends. Then we squeeze the structure again.

At the last stage, we form the roof. We insert four matches into the corners of the house up to half. We raise the lateral vertical ones to their level. Now we put the matches of the roof perpendicular to the top flooring. We start with two, and add two at a time. To form the roof, we lay on top of the match with the heads towards the center.

Such a house will be the basis of all crafts, which we will talk about further.

Different ideas for crafts from matches

Now let's see what can be done without glue.

The best crafts for beginners are all kinds of houses and wells. They are performed according to the previous scheme. You can decorate them with windows, balconies, chimneys, drawings on the walls.

An example of a craft made from matches without glue can be a well with a bucket. To make it, we take a whole box, a canapé skewer and a shoe cover.

First, we build a well (a house without a roof). We pierce the wall of the matchbox with a souvenir skewer, which, moreover, will imitate a shop. We install it next to the well. We hang the case from shoe covers on a string to the handle of the skewer. Optionally, you can install the bucket on the bench.

However, there are many options for making a well.

The "wheel" is another example of a non-glue pattern. Matchcraft workshops often tell you how to get the job done. This is a very serious business.

First you need to complete the drawing. Draw a circle with a radius of 39 mm on the cover of an unnecessary book. Starting from the zero point, set aside the 34 mm serifs. We get a heptagon, the sides of which we divide in half, we get 14 sectors.

At the points marked around the circle, make a hole with a nail, insert matches there. We lay out supporting matches between them. Each next one goes on top of the previous one. At the end of each circle, slip the last match under the first. Thus, we lay out four more rows. Then carefully remove it - and the wheel is ready.

If you use skewers instead of supporting matches, you get a glass for pencils and pens. In this case, it does not need to be removed from the base. The bottom can be made wider (for stability) and decorated at your discretion.

Crafts from matches: schemes

When making crafts from matches without glue, they usually use the scheme. It must be carefully studied so that during the work no questions arise and nothing has to be redone. Diagrams usually contain step-by-step instructions. At each stage, it is important to use the right amount of material correctly.

When performing complex work, preliminary calculations are first carried out and drawings are made, according to which the creative process will go on. The better the preparation is done, the more accurate the work will be.

Using the basic scheme, you can add your own elements to the work on the craft. This is possible when the technique of working on crafts from matches is well mastered.

Over time, you can learn how to make a variety of crafts from matches: the best ideas and schemes will allow you to create real masterpieces, provided that all the requirements of the work are met.

Crafts from matches: instruction

If you decide to start making crafts from matches, the instructions and diagrams accompanying the work will help you.

The instruction describes in detail what material and in what quantity will be needed, and what tools should also be prepared for work.

Many crafts will look better if you choose the same matches without marriage. Therefore, the instructions also often provide advice on sorting them.

From matches. This is an example of the largest matchstick craft so far without glue in the supporting structures.

It was made by a former oilman. This is a copy of the rig he worked on himself. It took about 4,000,000 matches to create it. The work lasted 15 years. At first, the rig was built at home, but then the author moved it to the garage, where he demonstrates to everyone.

Matches are the most accessible and at the same time fairly simple craft material that opens up unlimited possibilities for leisure and creativity! You can create incredible things out of them.

Crafts made from matches are a separate art form that pleases and amazes us no less than, for example, glass crafts and majestic sculptures.

It takes a lot of patience to make anything out of matches.

Just imagine how much work and perseverance is needed to make a house or a well from matches!

What was not made of matches - starting with small houses and ending with huge structures of architecture (the largest match made of matches, which is listed in the Guinness Book, is a clone of an oil platform, this craft has a mass of almost 1 ton and rises up 4 meters, and in length - more than 6 meters)!

Moreover, matches are the most useful material for constructing various puzzles. In addition, they develop in children: intelligence, accuracy of movements; attentiveness to individual parts; creative activity and aesthetic taste; striving to achieve your goals!

Imagine how great and fun you can spend your time designing crafts from matches. The long process of collecting small parts into a single whole has a positive effect on the human nervous system. During this lesson, all attention is focused on the result, the rest becomes unimportant and fades into the background. This is - brain relaxation!

Crafts made from matches are a fun and rewarding way to spend time. By making a variety of crafts, you can glue not only many matches for the house, but also strengthen friendship and understanding between family members!

Making a wide variety of items from matches is quite often compared to the construction of sand castles and palaces, this activity can be just as simple and unpretentious. But the process of working with matches has a certain unique specifics.

There are two main ways to design all kinds of crafts from matches: without the use of glue and with its use.

Of course, the use of glue in the process of work greatly simplifies it, and becomes within the power of small children. By bending matches and gluing them, you can design the most diverse crafts: boxes, figures of animals and people, tables, chairs, beds, houses, cars and even whole pictures! Matches are a material that is excellently glued with almost all adhesives, so making crafts will be simple and fun for both children and even adults.

The second way is the design of various souvenirs, compositions, decorations, in which no glue is used. This is a rather complicated technique that requires some experience and skills in working with matches, so it is better for novice “matchmakers” to start making crafts using glue.

But it is the manufacture of handicrafts without the use of glue that makes it possible to design beautiful specimens, for example, castles, houses, chambers, cubes, mills and figures, from which the construction of larger and more complex products is possible.

At the end of the day, matches are perfectly matched with other materials, which are suitable for making fun and original crafts.

For example, matches may be needed if you want to make a variety of unusual and interesting toys, figures of insects or animals (deer, donkeys, horses, beetles, spiders).

For greater effect, when creating volumetric compositions and appliques, matches can be combined with paper, and also with fabric and threads when creating wall paintings.

Works from matches with multi-colored sulfur heads look very beautiful, which, if necessary, are independently painted with acrylic paints or varnish.

Recently, unfortunately, it is quite rare to meet people who are seriously fond of "matchbox architecture". For many, working with such fragile material seems very time-consuming and boring, but true fans of matchmaking get incredible pleasure and are charged with positive energy in the process of creating paintings, various compositions and other crafts from matches.

There are certain tips for starting the craft making process:

  • you need to find a place suitable for creativity;
  • cover the table with oilcloth so as not to stain it;
  • if the crafts are made with glue, you need a saucer into which you can pour glue;
  • it is better to take glue with a toothpick or a sharpened match;
  • the work requires a clerical cutter;
  • it is necessary to carefully select matches with a smooth surface of the fabric;
  • during work, to achieve the best result, cut off the match heads.

You can design real masterpieces from matches! This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition, this lesson will calm your nerves and give your head a rest more efficiently than any fancy designers. And the tools and materials that are needed for work can be found in every home!

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