Home Perennial flowers Suppositories from female diseases gynecology. The name of suppositories from discharge in women and the correct treatment. Rectal suppositories anti-inflammatory in gynecology - list

Suppositories from female diseases gynecology. The name of suppositories from discharge in women and the correct treatment. Rectal suppositories anti-inflammatory in gynecology - list

For the treatment and prevention of female diseases in gynecology, anti-inflammatory suppositories are used intravaginally (introduction into the vagina), or rectally (into the rectum).

Anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology are administered vaginally or rectally

Benefits of treating gynecological diseases with suppositories

Medicines in the form of suppositories have an oblong shape, which ensures their convenient and painless administration. The basis of topical preparations are fats or gelatin-glycerin gels, the pharmacological activity of which is manifested under the influence of body temperature.

The prerogatives of using suppositories over tablet medicines include:

  • the promptness of penetration of the drug to the source of inflammation accelerates the achievement of the therapeutic effect;
  • maximum resorption (absorption) of the active component into the systemic circulation ensures high quality of treatment;
  • lack of direct contact with the digestive system minimizes the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and the manifestation of large-scale allergic reactions.

An insignificant disadvantage of gynecological suppositories is the property to leave stains on underwear. This can be easily prevented by using panty liners.

Indications for the use of anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology

In case of suspected inflammation, like a woman, she takes a smear from the genitals for bacteriological culture and microflora, and prescribes a number of tests:

  • a blood test for Wasserman's reaction (definition of syphilis);
  • blood test for HIV.

The list of diseases of the female genitourinary system, for the treatment of which suppositories are used:

  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - vaginitis or colpitis;
  • synchronous inflammation of the vagina and external genital organs - vulvovaginitis;
  • defects of the epithelium of the cervix - erosion;
  • inflammation of the ovaries - oophoritis;
  • violation of the vaginal microflora - dysbiosis;
  • inflammation of the walls of the bladder or urethra (cystitis or urethritis);
  • inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of the cervix - endocervicitis;
  • fungal infection -;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and uterine (fallopian) tubes - adnexitis;
  • pathological proliferation of cells of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) - endometriosis;
  • benign neoplasm of the uterus - myoma;
  • inflammatory lesions of the endometrium - endometritis.

The prophylactic purpose of the suppository is to prevent possible complications after surgery. To accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, suppositories are used after a non-drug abortion.

List of suppositories with anti-inflammatory action

To relieve inflammation of the female genital organs, suppositories are selected taking into account the etiology (origin) of the disease. For thrush, suppositories with an antifungal (antifungal) component are prescribed. For intense pain syndrome - pain relievers with lidocaine or diclofenac. In the case of infectious diseases - with antimicrobial and antiseptic agents. Vaginal medicines with herbal extracts (aloe, belladonna, chamomile) will help with a common cold in a woman's way.

According to the method of administration, therapy can include one vaginal or one rectal preparation, or be based on their combined use.

Topical preparations are available at the pharmacy without a prescription, accompanied by instructions for correct use.

  • carry out hand hygiene;
  • moisten the candle with water or lubricate with petroleum jelly (if it is difficult to introduce).
  • injecting vaginal medicine in a horizontal position of the body on the back to the maximum depth;
  • insert candles into the rectum while lying on its side, tucking legs to the chest;
  • after the introduction, remain in the supine position for a quarter of an hour.

Empty the intestines before using rectal suppositories.

Vaginal preparations with anti-inflammatory action

The list of the best topical medicines includes:

  1. ... An inexpensive medicine based on the broad-spectrum antibiotic chloramphenicol. Possesses pronounced antimicrobial properties. It is prescribed for the inflammatory process caused by the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Depending on the severity of the infection, 2 to 4 suppositories are used daily. Treatment takes a week.

Synthomycin suppositories have antimicrobial effect

Contraindicated in the perinatal and lactation period, with thrush and psoriasis.

Pharmacy cost - 100 rubles.

  1. ... The active substance, chlorhexidine bigluconate, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, antipruritic effect. Used for the prevention and complex treatment of sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis). For therapeutic purposes, it is administered 2 times a day for 10 days. As a preventive measure against latent genital infections, it is recommended to introduce 1 suppository after unprotected intimate contact.

Hexicon has an antipruritic effect

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Price - 260 rubles.

  1. ... The effect of the drug is due to its components: the antiseptic substance chlorhexidine, and the derivative of vitamin B5 - dexpanthenol. Used in the treatment of endocervicitis, acute and chronic colpitis, complex therapy of cervical erosion. The recommended dose is 1 candle 2 times / day. Course therapy takes 7-10 days.

Depantol contains vitamin B and chlorhexidine

Contraindicated in case of individual allergy to the substances included in the composition.

The cost of 1 package with a picture of chamomile on the package is 560 rubles.

  1. ... Combined preparation containing:
  • antiprotozoal ternidazole;
  • aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin;
  • antifungal nystatin;
  • synthetic glucocorticoid hormone prednisolone.

Polygynax has an antibacterial effect

Do not use in the perinatal and lactation period and in the presence of allergies, the substance in the composition of the medication.

12 candles cost 600 rubles.

  1. ... Effective antiprotozoal and antimicrobial suppositories based on metronidazole and miconazole. They have antipruritic action. It is prescribed for thrush, and in the complex therapy of trichomoniasis. The standard treatment regimen is 1 time / day for 10 days. In severe cases of the disease, the dose is increased.

Klion-D - suppositories for thrush based on metronidazole

Contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, with hepatic pathologies and diseases of the central nervous system.

Estimated cost - 350 rubles.

Suppositories for rectal and vaginal use

Good anti-inflammatory drugs that can be administered both intravaginally and into the rectum:

  1. Suporon. Homeopathic vaginal preparation containing natural ingredients:
  • curative mud from Lake Tambukan (Russia);
  • ginseng and eleutherococcus root extracts;
  • bee propolis;
  • buckwheat pollen and honey.

It has an analgesic effect. Practice for pain in the ovaries caused by adnexitis, with erosion of the cervix, endometritis, vaginitis. Used in the complex treatment of fibroids. Course treatment takes up to 30 days with the introduction of 1-2 suppositories daily.

Contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to bee products.

Average price - 330 rubles.

  1. Methyluracil suppositories (Methyluracil)... Cheap suppositories are made on the basis of the substance of the same name (chemical name - dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine). Possesses healing and anti-adhesion properties. In gynecology, it is used for erosion, non-bacterial colpitis, for inflammation of the appendages, after abortion and surgical removal of uterine polyps. It is allowed to apply up to 4 times a day. The treatment is long, the course is selected individually.

Methyluracil suppositories have healing properties

The use of Methyluracil for leukemia is excluded.

The price of the medication does not exceed 75 rubles.

The use of vaginal suppositories in the first seven days of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (period of bleeding) depends on the composition of the drug. Each individual case requires the consultation of a gynecologist.

Anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories

Topical drugs for rectal administration have a wide range of uses. In gynecology, they are used for acute and chronic inflammations of non-infectious origin.

Examples of drugs:

  • ... Produced on the basis of sodium diclofenac. Strong anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug with a pronounced analgesic effect. Practiced for adnexitis, inflammatory diseases, accompanied by acute pain. The maximum daily dose is 3 suppositories. The duration of therapy is determined by the gynecologist.

Diclofenac - rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories


  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys in the stage of decompensation;
  • allergy to sodium diclofenac.

The cost of 10 suppositories is around 100 rubles.

  • ... The medicine contains the antiseptic substance ichtammol in combination with belladonna (belladonna). It has a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect. In gynecology, they are effective against ovarian inflammation, in the complex therapy of endometritis and endometriosis. The course of treatment is designed for 7-10 days, with the daily administration of 3-4 suppositories. With severe pain, the dose is doubled.

Betiol - suppositories for ovarian inflammation

Betiol suppositories are not prescribed for chronically increased eye pressure, allergy to belladonna or ichtammol, and underage girls.

Price - 90 rubles.

  • Ichthyol (Ichthyol)... The active ingredient - ichtammol helps to eliminate inflammation, effectively relieves pain. Used for adnexitis, oophoritis, endometriosis, as an auxiliary treatment for fibroids. 1-2 candles are injected daily. The duration of therapy is determined by the gynecologist.

Ichthyol suppositories relieve pain syndrome

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to ichtammol.

Pharmacy cost - 80 rubles.

  • ... Produce 2 types of medicinal candles: for morning and evening administration. The composition of the morning suppository includes extracts of the roots of badan and zizifora, cocoa butter. They have anesthetic and healing effect. The evening version of the preparation is made on the basis of chamomile, zizifora and cocklebur herbs with the addition of cocoa butter. Promotes tissue regeneration, relieving inflammation, reducing pain, preventing infections. It is prescribed for inflammation of the appendages and other organs of the small pelvis, with erosions and in the postoperative period. The course of treatment is from 6 to 12 days.

Sanitazol-R morning candles contain cocoa butter

Prohibited in case of allergic reactions to the herbal components of the medication.

Estimated price - 300 rubles.

In the presence of chronic diseases of the lower parts of the large intestine, treat gynecological diseases with rectal suppositories with the attending gastroenterologist (proctologist).

Use of rectal and vaginal suppositories- part of the treatment of inflammatory diseases in women. Candles are made on the basis of synthetic or natural ingredients. The therapeutic effect is observed after 1-2 weeks. Medicines are easy to use, as safe and affordable as possible.

A gynecologist should choose a specific drug, based on the results of laboratory diagnostics. Self-medication may not lead to the desired effect due to the lack of knowledge of the etiology of the disease.

Women's diseases are a hot topic faced not only by adult women, but also by young girls, including girls. Inflammations along the gynecological line cause a lot of anxiety and unpleasant symptoms that patients cannot ignore. Among the annoying concerns:


  • pain;
  • burning;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • discharge;
  • smell, etc.

Pharmaceutical companies provide a wide range of medications to help treat these problems. But how effective are suppositories against inflammation in gynecology?

Can I use suppositories for inflammation?

Suppositories are a dosage form of a drug that retains a solid state at room temperature and melts completely when it enters the body. For female inflammation, this is the most commonly prescribed form of treatment. Why? Yes, because suppositories have a number of advantages over pills, injections, and so on.

  • Suppositories are topical preparations that quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms;
  • They do not have a negative effect on the intestinal and gastric mucosa;
  • The rate of delivery of the active component to the blood is less than an hour;
  • The minimum number of side effects and allergic reactions;
  • Naturalness of the composition.

As you can see from the benefits, suppositories for inflammation can be used. The same conclusion can be made, given the number of prescriptions of suppositories to women who asked for help.

How to choose the right suppositories for inflammation?

Of course, this type of treatment is popular, common and available over the counter. But this in no way means that a woman herself can choose acceptable suppositories for herself. Only a specialist will do this. What will it rely on?

  • Than the woman was sick before;
  • it is a primary case or a relapse;
  • which virus causes the inflammation:
  • staphylococcus;
  • gonococcus;
  • colibacillus;
  • what concomitant diseases are present;
  • are there any allergic reactions;
  • the issue of pregnancy and lactation.

Only after the initial examination, comparing the existing symptoms and all analyzes, the doctor prescribes exactly those suppositories that will definitely help, and not harm.

Types of suppositories for inflammation in gynecological practice

There are a lot of species. They can be divided in relation to composition, microbial group, number of complications, etc. However, it is customary to distinguish them by their forms into three main groups:

  1. Rectal. Suppositories in the form of a cone or bullet, which are administered through the rectum. They mainly belong to the group of analgesics and antipyretics.
  2. Vaginal. Suppositories that are inserted into the vagina. They are rounded, sometimes egg-shaped. Used to relieve symptoms.
  3. Uterine suppositories are injected by the doctor directly into the cervix. A woman cannot enter them on her own.

Seeing such a variety, we are once again convinced that without education a woman will not be able to choose exactly those that will be useful to her.

Most effective candles

All suppositories have a different composition, which is aimed at eliminating the virus of a particular group. Below are the popular inflammations of our time and suppositories that actively fight each of them.

For inflammation of the appendages with anti-inflammatory action

This type of inflammation affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes. The main reasons are hypothermia and decreased immunity due to a viral infection. The infection can get through lack of personal hygiene and after sexual intercourse without using a condom. In this case, the treatment is complex, but the composition includes candles.

  • Polygynax. Suppositories containing the antibiotic neomycin and polymyxin. Among other things, the active ingredients contain an antifungal substance - nystatin. They do an excellent job with ovarian inflammation.
  • Viferon. These suppositories, in addition to anti-inflammatory action, also increase immunity. Additionally, vitamins C and E are included in the composition. The suppositories are rectal and the composition includes alpha - interferon.
  • Diclofenac. Rectal suppositories, which are anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and pain relievers. Due to absorption into the blood, the active substances reach the nearby organs, appendages, thereby contributing to their healing.

For the treatment of colpitis candidiasis (thrush)

For this disease, vaginal suppositories are the best method of dealing with the local level. They quickly relieve symptoms and increase local immunity.

  • Nystatin. Local antifungal suppositories. They also have an effect on the entire body.
  • Ketoconazole. A very popular remedy for thrush, as it acts directly on the mushrooms that cause unpleasant symptoms.
  • Itraconazole. Effective in local control against candida fungi. It is enough to take a candle before bedtime and the action will last for a day.

From cystitis

Cystitis is very dangerous in its consequences. However, even at the initial stage, it gives the woman a lot of anxiety, such as pain, itching, swelling.

  • Hexicon. Anti-inflammatory suppositories that actively fight the causative agents of cystitis: chlamydia, trichomanades, treponema. These vaginal suppositories do not disturb the flora of the vagina, therefore they are not dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Atzilact. The drug contributes to the complete restoration of the vaginal microflora after the treatment of cystitis. Relieves unpleasant symptoms during illness.

With erosion of the cervix

Erosion is a disease that is caused by viral infections. As a result, small ulcers form on the cervix. How to treat?

  • Depantol. Suppositories that are used intravaginally. They have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
  • Livarol. A powerful and popular drug in the treatment of cervical erosion. First of all, it kills the viral infection that caused the inflammation. Then the wounds heal.

With adnexitis

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the pelvic organs, accompanied by acute symptoms, which is caused by various bacteria.

  • Polygynax. Suppositories kill the infection, relieve swelling and associated symptoms.

Read more in the article "Suppositories with adnexitis."

With endometriosis

This disease is accompanied by pain and a disrupted menstrual cycle. Complex treatment. Suppositories are often prescribed to restore immunity.

  • Candles with belladonna. Natural suppositories that are prescribed to eliminate dysmenorrhea and pain. Is taken rectally.
  • Terrilitin. Eliminate inflammatory processes in female organs, serve as a means for resorption of adhesions.

From Gardnerellosis

If an increased number of Gardnerella sticks is found in a smear, suppositories are prescribed, which include metronidazole.

  • Ginalgin. Ukrainian drug that contains the antibiotic tinidazole. It contains vitamin C to strengthen the immune system. In addition, to maintain normal microflora, they contain lactic acid.
  • Klion-D. The composition is aimed at destroying gardnerella sticks. The active substances are miconosol and metronidazole.

The principle of action of suppositories from inflammation

How do suppositories work for inflammation? Due to the fact that the composition contains antiseptic substances, suppositories quickly act locally on the virus that causes unpleasant symptoms. Some candles (for example, Hexine) contain chlorhexidine. It is a disinfectant that does not negatively affect the flora of the vagina, but only removes dangerous viruses.

Suppositories, which include bifidobacteria, restore local vaginal immunity, to protect against dangerous bacteria and normal body functionality.

Some helpful tips:

  • It is best to insert a suppository before bedtime so that the medicine is absorbed as much as possible;
  • if the suppositories need to be taken more than once a day, after the introduction, you should lie down for 20 minutes;
  • use panty liners to avoid damage to your laundry, as the wax base will leak out;
  • during treatment, exclude sexual contact in order to avoid re-infection. Have your partner also receive treatment;
  • moisten the "torpedo" with water before insertion for painless insertion.


All possible contraindications are indicated in the annotation to the medicinal product. It is very important to inform the doctor about all kinds of allergic reactions. Many suppositories are based on natural ingredients. Women suffering from hay fever should pay special attention to the composition of the drug. If the suppositories are based on antibiotics, then the contraindication is:

  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • lactation.

Possible consequences from the use of candles

The main adverse reaction from a suppository is an allergic reaction. If you notice any deterioration in well-being, be sure to inform your doctor to reduce the dose or change the drug. This applies to preparations based on natural ingredients.

Suppositories containing antibiotics have a greater number of undesirable reactions:

  • migraine;
  • depression;
  • back pain;
  • change in the volume of urine excreted;
  • nausea.

Among the most popular antibacterial suppositories are the following drugs.

Lactonorm... This is a new vaginal probiotic that helps deliver the required lactobacilli to the vagina. These suppositories are used to treat vaginal dysbiosis, vaginitis, vulvitis, bacterial vaginosis. They can also be used to prevent dysbiosis in the vagina and urogenital tract during antibacterial treatment.

Lactonorm contains a large number of live acidophilic bacteria (at least 100 million CFU of Lactobacillus acidophilus in 1 suppository), which help restore the vaginal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics, after inflammatory processes and hormonal failure.

During treatment, one vaginal capsule is prescribed twice a day (morning and evening) for seven days. For prevention, therapy can be continued for two weeks.

Phytoraxin... This drug has proven itself in the complex therapy of uterine fibroids, colpitis, cervical erosion. The product contains components of plant origin (propolis, celandine), potassium iodide and gallic acid polyphenolic complex. Phytoraxin does not affect healthy cells, but it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

It is used twice a day, one suppository rectally or vaginally (depending on the disease). Do not use in case of intolerance to the components of the drug. No side effects were identified.

Terzhinan... This drug has antiprotozoal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effects. It is actively used in gynecology in the treatment of many gynecological diseases (colpitis, candidal and bacterial vaginitis, trichomoniasis), as well as for their prevention.

The active active ingredient is ternidazole. Also, the preparation contains: nistanin, neomycin sulfate, prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate. Suppositories are inserted vaginally, one suppository once a day (best before bedtime). It is recommended to hold the tablet under water for twenty seconds before use. Introduce lying down. Therapy lasts on average about ten days. Prophylaxis - six days.

Do not use the drug in case of intolerance to its components. Among the main side effects are: burning and itching in the vagina after administration, allergies.

Methyluracil... The active ingredient is methyluracil. This drug is often prescribed to treat bacterial cystitis, proctitis, or sigmoiditis.

It is administered rectally 1 tablet three to four times a day. The therapy can be quite long (from seven days to four months).

The tool is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its main component. Sometimes it can cause side effects such as allergies, headaches.

Antibacterial vaginal suppositories

Today, for any disease of the genital organs of women, gynecologists prescribe antibacterial vaginal suppositories. They are of particular importance in the treatment of inflammatory processes. It is suppositories or suppositories that are considered today a unique form, with the help of which a medicinal substance can be effectively delivered to the inflammation focus, while minimizing side effects.

With colpitis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs. Colpitis is of different types, but suppositories are prescribed only for the treatment of nonspecific colpitis. As a rule, antibacterial drugs are used, which include a broad-spectrum antiseptic. The most popular remedies for nonspecific colpitis are:

  1. Terzhinan. The active ingredient is ternidazole. Dosage: One tablet once a day for ten days.
  2. Polygynax. The active ingredients are nistanin, neomycin and polymyxin B. Dosage: one tablet twice a day for five to fourteen days.
  3. Betadine. The active ingredient is iodine. It is administered twice a day for six to twelve days.

If colpitis was caused by Trichomonas, suppositories based on metronidazole are considered the best remedies:

  1. Klion D. It is administered once a day for ten days.

  1. Ginalgin. It is prescribed for ten days, one tablet per day.

For genital herpes, suppositories are often used. Among them, the following stand out:

  1. Viferon. It is administered rectally twice a day for five to seven days. The active active ingredient is interferon.

With candidiasis colpitis, the most popular suppositories are:

  1. Bificol. The product contains dried bifidobacteria. Inserted vaginally once a day for ten days.
  2. Atzilact. The composition contains live lactobacilli. Assign one suppository for ten days.

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Antibacterial anti-inflammatory suppositories

As a rule, inflammatory processes in the vagina and reproductive organs of women are caused by various microorganisms (chlamydia, gonorrhea). The most common symptoms of inflammation are: cutting or aching pains on the right or left side in the groin area.

In this case, suppositories are used, which can be administered both vaginally and rectally. The most popular drugs are:

  1. Movalis... Rectal suppositories with the active ingredient meloxicam. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician and is strictly individual. The drug is not taken in case of intolerance to its main component, severe heart and liver failure, during pregnancy. Taking suppositories can cause anemia, headaches, high blood pressure.
  2. Longidaza... The active ingredient is longidase. It is used for the treatment of prostatitis, cystitis, for the prevention of scars after surgery. The drug is known for helping to get rid of adhesions. It is administered rectally or intravaginally, one tablet at a time (best before bedtime) for ten to twenty days. The drug is contraindicated in malignant tumors, during pregnancy, in children under twelve years of age. The main side effects are allergic reactions (itching, burning).

Antibacterial rectal suppositories

As a rule, antibacterial rectal suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids and infections in the female reproductive organs. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, suppositories help to heal wounds in the anus faster, and also improve the regeneration of damaged tissues. The most popular rectal suppositories today are as follows.

Ultraproject... The active ingredient of the drug is fluocortorone, which is a glucocorticosteroid. It helps to reduce the permeability of the vessel walls, thereby reducing tissue swelling, itching and burning. Suppositories are used for trauma to the anus and hemorrhoids.

Suppositories are introduced immediately after bowel movements and thorough hygiene of the anal passage. Use one candle a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

The drug is contraindicated in chickenpox or other viral diseases, tuberculosis and syphilis in the affected area, during pregnancy and with intolerance to its components. The most common side effects are: itching, burning, allergies.

Posterisan... An agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the anorectal region (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anogenital itching). The active active ingredients of the drug are: hydrocortisone, inactivated E. coli cells.

Suppositories are administered in the early morning hours as well as late at night (before bedtime). Also, in some cases, it is possible to introduce each time after emptying. After the main symptoms of the disease have passed, treatment is carried out for several more days to consolidate the result.

Candles Posterisan can be safely used even during pregnancy. The only contraindication is considered intolerance to the components. Among the side effects from the use of the drug are: allergy in the form of dermatological reactions.

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Antibacterial suppositories for prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis, special rectal suppositories are often used today. But it is worth noting that therapy can last long enough, since the intestinal wall and the capsule of the prostate are located between the rectum and the prostate. For the treatment of prostatitis, suppositories with antibiotics and antispasmodics are used, as well as with natural ingredients, such as propolis.

The most popular suppositories for prostatitis are:

  1. Rifampicin... The active ingredient of the drug is the antibiotic rifampicin. It has a bactericidal effect against staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia, neisseria, brucella, rickettsia, chlamydia, improves tissue regeneration. Suppositories are injected rectally, one per day (best before bedtime) until the main symptoms of the disease disappear. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the main substance, in childhood, during pregnancy. It can cause such side effects: loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen, headache, blurred vision, inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  2. Prostopin... The active active ingredients of the drug are: royal jelly, pollen, honey, propolis and bee bread. It has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used in the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. One suppository is used once a day for fifteen to thirty days. The rectum must be emptied before administration. Do not use in case of intolerance to the components of the candles.

It is inserted vaginally one suppository twice a day for five to fourteen days. For prophylaxis, one candle is used once a day for eight days. The only contraindication for this drug is intolerance to its components.

  1. Betadine... The active ingredient is povidone iodine. Additionally, the suppository contains macrogol Active against staphylococcus, fungi and Escherichia coli. Suppositories help not only cope with the main symptoms of cystitis, but also normalize the microflora of the vagina, relieve a woman from unpleasant burning and itching.

The drug is contraindicated when using other drugs with iodine, kidney disease, during childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When applied, side effects are possible: a feeling of a metallic bite in the mouth, reactions on the skin, irritation of the eyes, pain in the mouth.

Method of using antibacterial suppositories

Antibacterial suppositories are divided according to the method of their introduction: vaginal (inserted directly into the vagina and are suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes in it), rectal (they are introduced into the rectum through the anus).


Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract are one of the urgent problems of modern gynecology. The structure of the etiology of infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages is characterized by the prevalence of chlamydial, mycoplasma and viral infections, prone to latent course and chronicity. Gynecologists are faced with the task of timely detection and treatment of such diseases, since it is genital infections that lead to infertility and create a fertile ground for the development of precancerous and oncological diseases.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus requires an integrated approach. The following blocks are used in therapy:

  • antibacterial- includes taking antibiotics both orally and by injection;
  • immunocorrecting- represented by parenteral and topical preparations in the form of suppositories aimed at treating viral infections and restoring the activity of local and general immunity;
  • antiseptic- covers a number of medicinal substances with multidirectional antimicrobial action and is represented by vaginal suppositories for infectious inflammation of the uterus and other parts of the gynecological tract;
  • antifungal the block includes suppositories and tablets for suppressing the growth of candida and treating thrush;
  • hormonal - taking drugs orally and locally in the form of suppositories with estrogens - is necessary in case of concomitant violations of the production of female sex hormones;
  • restorative stage - means the normalization of the vaginal microflora after the main treatment with suppositories.

The consistent application of the steps in the treatment of uterine inflammation has a significantly pronounced clinical effect. Combined therapy of endometritis, metroendometritis and inflammation of the rest of the genital tract provides the most complete restoration of reproductive function, in particular, the structure of the endometrium.

Treatment of uterine inflammation begins with a thorough diagnosis. Determine the reasons, the stage of the process, for which the examination of scrapings and smears by the PCR method is carried out, bacterial cultures of the discharge, aspiration biopsy, washings of the uterine cavity, diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed, during which a targeted biopsy of the endometrium is taken. They also perform pelvic ultrasound and determine the level of sex hormones, since the endocrine background has a significant effect on the course of the inflammatory process in the endometrium.

Treatment of uterine inflammation is carried out in a general and local direction and always has a combined character. Suppositories in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterus, cervix, vagina have a special place. Suppositories have a direct local effect on the affected tissues, are practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream. In addition, suppositories contain various components and may include several medicinal substances, which makes it possible to shorten the treatment time for uterine inflammation due to its multidirectional action.


The cause of inflammation of the uterus, vagina, cervical and cervical canal, appendages are two main groups of pathogens.

  1. Pathogenic microorganisms. A normal vaginal environment implies the absence of pathogenic microflora, pathogenic representatives include: chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, human papillomaviruses, herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2.
  2. Conditionally pathogenic flora. Representatives of this group include E. coli, enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Staphylococcus aureus, various types of streptococci, candida, clostridia, Klebsiella, urea and mycoplasma up to 10³ - 10 CFU / ml.

The source of pathogenic microbes is infected sexual partners, less often the household route of infection is recorded. The conditional flora is constantly present in the genital tract of a woman, but with a full-fledged lactic acid composition of the vagina, it does not reproduce. The source is the intestines, urinary system, the skin of the external genital organs. Mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and candida are sexually transmitted, but not all of them cause inflammation. Inflammation of the uterus and other organs begins only with the active spread of such microorganisms.

The normal microflora of the vagina is represented in the bulk by lactic acid microorganisms - lacto and bifidobacteria. With a normal level of estrogen in a woman's body, the epithelium lining the surface of the vagina provides the flora with glycogen granules, which are a food substrate for lactic acid bacteria. They metabolize glycogen to form acids and peroxides, which maintain the pH in the acidic range. Such an environment is destructive for absolutely all pathogenic microbes. With a weakening of immune forces, a massive attack of opportunistic and pathogenic flora, this natural barrier does not withstand, and provocateurs of inflammation of the uterus, cervix and vagina begin to multiply intensively.

It is noteworthy that inflammation of the uterus, vagina, cervix and ovaries caused by pathogenic microorganisms is impossible without an imbalance in the opportunistic flora. The main function of normal vaginal microflora is protective. With its full-fledged qualitative and quantitative composition, pathogenic bacteria are not able to overcome this barrier. This relationship is taken into account in the treatment of uterine inflammation: after suppressing the infectious process, the normal flora is restored with special probiotic suppositories.

Pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens lead to the following infectious and inflammatory pathological processes:

  • colpitis - inflammation of the vagina;
  • vulvovaginitis - damage to the mucous membrane of the external genital organs and the vagina;
  • cervicitis and endocervicitis- inflammation of the cervix and cervical canal;
  • endometritis, myometritis- involvement in the process of the inner and muscular layers of the uterus;
  • adnexitis and salpingitis- inflammation of the ovaries and tubes;
  • parametritis - damage to the peri-uterine tissue.

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages is a consequence of an ongoing infection in the vagina and cervix. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the process extends to the overlying sections, including the uterus. As a rule, isolated inflammation of the uterus in the form of endometritis and myometritis is rare.

Most often, a combined process is diagnosed, initiated by chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmas, papillomaviruses and genital herpes. Such diseases lead to chronic endometritis and adnexitis, which is considered one of the causes of infertility.

Candles with antiseptics and antimicrobial agents

The first stage in the treatment of uterine inflammation includes an antibacterial block, which is represented by antibiotics and suppositories with an antimicrobial effect.

Suppositories for inflammation of the uterus consist of the following active ingredients.

  • Aminoglycosides - polymyxin and neomycin - are antibacterial agents. Suppositories with antibiotics can suppress the growth of bacteria of both opportunistic and pathogenic nature. They are used in the treatment of inflammation of the uterus of bacterial origin in addition to antibiotics in tablet or injectable form;
  • Ternidazole and Ornidazole- are used in the treatment of gardnerellosis and trichomoniasis;
  • Prednisolone is a powerful anti-inflammatory component of hormonal origin, effective in endometritis to relieve acute inflammation;
  • Nystatin is an antifungal component that is relevant for combining bacterial and candidal processes;
  • Povidone iodine - has a wide range of antimicrobial and antifungal effects;
  • Chlorhexidine is a topical antiseptic with an antibacterial effect.

Suppositories and vaginal tablets for uterine inflammation contain several components. The described substances, in addition to chlorhexidine, are part of such candles as Terzhinan, Elzhina, Giterna. Topical medications without prednisone - Amintax, Polygynax. The most popular suppositories with chlorhexidine - Geksikon and with povidone-iodine - Betadine, are used for sanitation before diagnostic interventions, for example, hysteroscopy.

The course of treatment with candles is from 7 to 10 days.

Antifungal suppositories

Treatment of an infectious and inflammatory pathology of the uterus of bacterial origin includes the mandatory intake of antibiotics. Therefore, to prevent the development of thrush, suppositories with antifungal components are prescribed: miconazole, iconazole, econazole, clotrimazole.

The course of preventive therapy is 7 days and is often accompanied by taking fluconazole tablets. The most popular suppositories for thrush are Pimafucin, Ginesol, Zalain, Gino-pevaril, Lomeksin, Ekofutsin.


In parallel with taking antibiotics to treat inflammation of the uterus, suppositories with immunomodulators help to activate the local immune response and enhance the effect of antimicrobial agents. Immunomodulators are also used after treatment of the underlying disease with long courses, for example, in chronic endometritis or salpingo-oophoritis.

If bacterial inflammation of the uterus is combined with papillomavirus or herpesvirus infection of the cervical region, the appointment of immunomodulators is mandatory.

Suppositories with interferon are used: Viferon, Genferon, Laferobion, Kipferon, Ruferon. Suppositories for inflammation are administered rectally. The course of treatment is from a month to six months. Medicines contain donor human interferon.

Immunostimulating agents are often used in treatment, for example, Polyoxidonium suppositories. The activation of the immune response plays a significant role in the treatment of chronic infectious diseases of the uterus.

Hormonal drugs

At the stage of completing the treatment of uterine inflammation, especially in older women, restoration of the normal epithelial cover and flora is required, and it is impossible without estrogenic support. Most often, medications containing estradiol in the form of tablets and gel are used, but to achieve a quick effect, estrogen suppositories are used, for example, Ovestin.

Suppositories restore the acidic pH of the vagina, which promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria and forms the barrier lost during the disease. This reduces the risk of inflammation recurring.

Suppositories with estrogen have a short period of action, since they are retained in the cells of the inner layer of the uterus for a short period. This principle of action does not lead to hyperplasia, which is important during menopause.

Suppositories for flora restoration

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs are always accompanied by vaginal dysbiosis. Treatment of inflammation of the uterine body with antibiotics aggravates the condition and qualitative composition of the vaginal microbiocenosis, which can lead to a relapse of the infection some time after the end of the course of therapy.

The course of treatment with candles with probiotics is from two weeks to a month. To assess the state of the flora after the therapy of inflammation of the uterine body, the vaginal discharge is examined for the degree of purity, as well as bacteriological culture from the cervical canal.

Treatment with suppositories and general remedies is supplemented with physiotherapeutic methods, vitamin complexes, hirudotherapy.

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathology of the uterus is long and complex. The combined approach using suppositories can increase the effectiveness of the main block of therapy and reduce the risk of recurrence and chronicity of acute processes.

Gynecological diseases are often accompanied by inflammatory processes, which not only cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms, but also affect the functioning of the reproductive system, and also increase the risks of serious consequences. And for treatment, anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories can be prescribed. But which ones are the most effective?

Why vaginal suppositories?

Gynecology is a difficult branch of medicine that covers a lot of different diseases of the female reproductive system. And, unfortunately, many of them are accompanied by inflammation. It is quite possible to stop them with the proper approach and timely treatment, and quite often experts prescribe anti-inflammatory suppositories. Such drugs have the following advantages:

  • Local and targeted impact. Active substances almost immediately hit the target, that is, they rush to the focus of inflammation. The components bypass the digestive tract and begin to act in the near future.
  • Pronounced effect. The composition includes substances that really help to stop inflammation.
  • It is an excellent alternative to oral medications with many side effects.
  • The use of suppositories not only in most cases does not have general side effects (only local ones are possible in the form of discomfort, burning, itching), but also does not cause any painful sensations.

An overview of effective candles

So, we offer an overview of the most effective vaginal suppositories with an anti-inflammatory effect used in gynecological practice:

  • "Longidaza" is a new generation product, which contains the active component of hyaluronidase conjugate. This substance has a proteolytic enzymatic effect, which provides a long-term and pronounced effect in such areas as antioxidant, moderate anti-inflammatory, chelating, and immunomodulatory. Vaginal suppositories have an anti-fibrotic effect, that is, they prevent hyperplasia (proliferation) of tissues and facilitate the course of acute phases of inflammatory processes. In addition, there is an increase in the immune response. In gynecology, such a drug is prescribed for endomyometritis, synechiae inside the uterus, tubal-peritoneal infertility, as well as for the prevention of adhesions after inflammatory diseases or surgical interventions.

  • "Suporon" are suppositories that can be used both rectally (that is, inserted into the rectum) and vaginally, and they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Suppositories are made on a natural basis and contain such components as Tambukan mud concentrate, buckwheat honey, Eleutherococcus, propolis, cocoa butter, ginseng. In gynecology, the drug is used for various diseases of the female reproductive system, such as adnexitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, endometritis and others. This tool is domestic, that is, it is manufactured in Russia.
  • "Mikozhinaks" is a combined agent that has analgesic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. The composition contains four substances at once. Chloramphenicol and metronidazole are effective against many bacteria that cause common infections. Nystatin inhibits the activity of fungi and ensures their destruction. And dexamethasone belongs to the category of synthetic corticosteroids, and this component has pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties, and also affects cellular metabolism and significantly reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes, thereby eliminating such unpleasant symptoms as pain, discomfort, itching.
  • "Terzhinan" is available in the form of so-called vaginal tablets, and they contain the substances neomycin sulfate, nystatin, sodium metasulfobenzoate prednisolone and ternidazole. The latter has trichomonacid properties and is active against some anaerobic bacteria. Nystatin is an antifungal agent. Neomycin is an effective antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. And prednisolone is considered an analogue of hydrocortisone and has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-exudative effects. In medical practice, such vaginal tablets are prescribed by doctors for vaginates of a different nature (fungal, bacterial and mixed), as well as for vaginal trichomoniasis.

  • "Meratin-Combi" is an analogue of the remedy described above and is used if you need to anesthetize and eliminate other unpleasant symptoms that accompany many women's diseases, as well as to influence the causes of inflammation. The composition contains several active substances: nystatin, which has antifungal activity, neomycin, which destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, ornidazole, an antibacterial component of a broad spectrum of action, and also prednisolone, a synthetic corticosteroid. The indications for use are the same as for the Terzhinan vaginal tablets. The release form is identical.
  • "Eucalimin" - suppositories recommended for vaginal use and containing a component of natural origin - eucalyptus rod-shaped extract. The use of such a drug is recommended for cervical erosion, endocervitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis and other inflammatory gynecological diseases.
  • "Depantol". The tool is available in the form of suppositories intended for vaginal use, based on the components chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic agent that destroys pathogenic microorganisms. And dexpanthenol relieves inflammation and stimulates the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. The remedy can be recommended for vaginitis, cervical erosion, endocervitis and exocervitis, as well as after childbirth and previous invasive and aggressive procedures, such as cryodestruction, thermocoagulation.

Application rules

In order for the use of vaginal suppositories to be effective, some rules must be followed. Firstly, it is advisable to introduce the introduction after washing or showering. Secondly, after placing the suppository in the vagina, it is recommended to remain calm for a while, preferably in a supine position (the pelvis can be raised). Thirdly, you should follow the instructions given in the instructions and all the recommendations of your attending physician.

If the doctor has selected and prescribed anti-inflammatory suppositories, start using them in order to soon notice the effect and get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

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