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Thermonuclear reactor. Fusion reactors in the world. The first thermonuclear reactor. Low energy nuclear reactions

10.Peter I introduced the assembly, which was
11.What innovations were used during the Battle of Poltava
12.The famous naval battle during the Northern War
II the concept of "Bironovschina" was perceived as
Continue with the words. The palace coup is ...
5..Fight for the throne in 1725 started between two gangs
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Russia in the Petrine era

Option 1
  1. The first half of the 18th century. called:
A). Elizabethan time

B) .Petrovsk era

V). Catherine's era

G). era of palace coups

2.Most historians consider Peter I

a). a reformer:

b). "The destroyer of Russian culture"

v). antichrist

g.) "preacher of Western culture"

3. In the field of economics, Peter I carried out:

a.) Development of manufacturing

b.) Issue of securities on the Russian market

c). Monopoly on domestic and foreign trade

d) protectionist policy

4 The innovations of the Peter the Great era include:

a) the establishment of orders and medals

b). New Years celebration

v). introduction of elementary education for the lower classes

d) creation of Russian writing

5. Reasons for the defeat of the Russian troops near Narva:

a) Betrayal of foreigners who commanded the Russian army

b) The incapacity of the Russian army

c) The quantitative superiority of the Swedes

6 what was the advantage of colleges over orders

a) We were in charge of certain areas of government

b) The activity was based on initiative and independence

c). The principle of collegiality was present

d) The presence of a huge bureaucratic apparatus

7.The famous battle of Poltava took place

8. The lag of Russia from the European powers was explained by:

a) The absence of an open access to the sea for Russia, which hindered the development of foreign trade

b) The presence of the serf system

c) The presence of a huge territory

d) Multinationality

9.On Red Square, Peter I ordered to build

a.) "Comedy Temple"

b.) Spasskaya Tower

c.) "Court Theater"

g) Execution ground

ten . Princess Sophia, seeking the throne, relied on

a) the guard

b). archers

v). endowed people

G). Cossacks

11. Features of the development of Russian industry and trade in the first half of the 18th century.

a.) the use of serf labor of workers in factories

b.) Development of zero trade routes to European countries

v). intensive development of peasant crafts

d) the development of manufacturing in the boyar estates

12.Even after the capture of Azov, Russia was unable to resolve the issue of the Black Sea, i. To.:

a.) Turkey continued to dominate the Black Sea

b). Could not recapture the Kerch Strait

v). England and France were strongly against

d). Swedes prevented \

Option 2

1. The purpose of the "Grand Embassy":

a). find allies in the upcoming war against Sweden

b). to conclude a peace treaty with Poland

v). get acquainted with the state structure of Western countries

d). find allies in the upcoming war against Turkey

2.The Northern War falls on the period

a) .1700 -1721.

b). 1709 -1721.

c) .1699 -1720.

d) .1701 -1721.

3 .. Peter I began his reform activities with the transformation:

a). manufactory

b). army and navy

v). industry

d) order system

4. Match the name of the governing bodies and their definition:

A). Chief Magistrate 1). The supreme body governing the Russian Church

B). Zemsky Sobor 2). The highest legislative, administrative and judicial


B). Synod 3). The central authority governing cities

D) Senate 4) Estonian-representative institution

5.As a result of the Northern War, Russia

a). conquered access to the Baltic Sea

b). has lost part of its territory

v). strengthened its international position

d). has lost its independence

6.New in Russian life

a) European cut appeared in ojda;

b) shaving beards;

c) Russian people have become literate and educated;

d) books began to be published and libraries appeared.

7. The deterioration of the situation of the peasants at the beginning of the 18th century. explained I am:

a) an increase in government duties;

b) the addition of peasants to the manufactory;

c) forced resettlement to Siberia.

D) the use of peasant labor in the construction of the fleet.

8 .. The new chronology in Russia was introduced in:

d) 1702 G

9 wearing beards was allowed:

a) peasants and artisans;

b) clergymen and nobles;

c) clergymen and peasants;

d) recruits and townspeople.

10. Peter I introduced the assembly, which was:

a) gambling establishment;

b) public meeting;

c) an entertainment establishment;

d) theatrical performance.

11.What innovations were used during the Battle of Poltava:

a) phalanxes and penal servitude;

b) earthworks) redoubts)

c) the battle cry "Hurray"

d) horse artillery.

12. The famous naval battle during the Northern War:

A) Gangutskoe;

B) Azov;

C) Baltic;

D) Poltava.

Russia in the era of palace coups.

Option 1

1..A major, decisive force in policy making:

A) guard;

b) tributary people

c) Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments;

d) rifle army

  1. .II the concept of "Bironovism" was perceived as:
a). lordship of the Secret Chancellery

b). active struggle against the Russian nobility

c) the personification of the dominance of foreigners in government

d). strengthening the positions of higher dignitaries

  1. .Continue with words. The palace coup is ...
  1. Peter I I I prepared a decree that solved one of the most important issues in Russia:
a). on the abolition of serfdom

b). on the introduction of the constitution

c). on the creation of parliament in Russia

G). on expanding the rights of merchants

5..Fight for the throne in 1725 started between two factions:

a). of the highest dignitaries, headed by A. Menshikov

b). noble aristocrats headed by Prince D. Golitsyn

v). guards led by G. Orlov

G). foreigners led by the nobleman of Peter the Great A. Osterman

6. Under Elizaveta Petrovna, the following were engaged in state affairs:

a) B.K. Minikh

b) A. I. Osterman

c) P. I. Shuvalov

d) K. G. Razumovsky

7.Elizaveta Petrovna proclaimed the goal of her reign:

a) .Return to his father's orders

b). the abolition of the death penalty

c). expansion of the rights and privileges of the nobility

d) limitation of the rights and privileges of the nobility

8.During the Northern War, the Russian army used new artillery weapons. What?

a). redoubts

b). "Unicorns"

c) howitzers

d) .pistle

9.Reasons for the nomination to the throne of the candidacy of Anna Ivanovna, daughter of Tsar Ivan 5:

a). There were simply no other candidates

b). Anna's lack of ties with the Russian nobility

c). there was strong pressure from Prussia

d) her "poor" existence in Courland

10.In the interests of the nobility and merchants, the following was carried out:

a). Creation of the Noble land bank

b) .Creating a Commercial Bank

c) the establishment of norms for the registration of peasants to manufactories

d). prohibition of non-nobles to buy serfs

11. The standards developed by the Supreme Privy Council contained the requirements:

a). do not appoint heirs

b). to expand the powers of the Supreme Privy Council

c). the most important state affairs should be resolved only with the participation of the leaders:

d). not to invite foreigners to Russia

12. During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna in the field of economics:

a). canceled internal customs duties

b). canceled the beginning of exploration and gold mining

c). the work of the commission on the creation of a new Code - a set of laws

d) secularization of monastic and church lands

Option 2

  1. The period of Anna Ivanovna's reign went down in history as:
a). "Rule of the supreme"

b). "Bironovschina"

v). "Reign of temporary workers"

G). "Orlovschina"

  1. .Guard was used:
a). for the personal protection of the emperor

b). to organize control over the activities of various institutions

c). for the protection of border lines

d). for organizing military expeditions to other countries

  1. . The expression "in word and deed" is associated :
a). with the activities of the Secret Chancellery

b) .with a Rogue Order

c). with the implementation of reforms of the state apparatus

d). with the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers

  1. .In the field of church life Peter I I I
a). proclaimed any other denominations

b). stopped the persecution of the Old Believers

c). allowed the Church to buy noble lands

d). announced the secularization of land

  1. After the death of Anna Ivanovna he inherited the throne:
a). Ivan Antonovich-son of Anna Ivanovna's niece

b) Peter Alekseevich - grandson of Peter I

c) Karl Peter Ulrich-nephew of Elizabeth Petrovna

  1. Correlate the name of the ruler of the state and the time of his reign:
1) Catherine I a) 1727-1730

2) Peter I I b) 1730-1740 g

3) Anna Ivanovna. c) 1741-1761

4) Elizaveta Petrovna d) 1725-1727

  1. The Supreme Privy Council was created to:
a). better government

b) limiting the power of the Senate

c). continuation of the reforms of Peter

d) secret control over the activities of higher dignitaries

  1. ... During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the following were restored:
a) Senate

c) Chief Magistrate

d) Secret Chancery

  1. .The rights and privileges of the nobility under Elizabeth expanded. This proves:
a). the nobility secured the right to own land and peasants

b). the nobility was exempted from public service

c) the landlords received the right to exile unwanted peasants to Siberia without trial or investigation

d). the entire tax burden was removed from the nobility

  1. .Peter I's decree on succession to the throne-1722. claimed the right of the sovereign:
a). to pass the throne by inheritance

b). to choose and appoint an heir himself

c). to pass the throne by inheritance both in the male and female lines

d) together with the Senate to choose and appoint an heir

  1. Elizaveta Petrovna appointed her heir
a) Petr Fedorovich

b) Ivan Antonovich

c). Petr Aleseevich

  1. Continue in your own words. Condition is

Catherine's era

Option 1

1.Ekaterina Petrovna came to power as a result of:

a). the appointment of her heir to the throne Elizaveta Petrovna

b). Palace coup

c). her election to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor

d). death of her husband, Peter I I I

2.The development of new fertile lands allowed Russia

a). to start exporting grain abroad

b). to solve the problem of peasants' land shortage

c). start distribution of land to the nobles

d). to improve agricultural machinery

3 .. Under Catherine I I in Russia for the first time appeared:

a). paper money;

c) bank notes;

d) a single monetary currency;

e) the peasant war of E. Pugachev.

4. The most important experiences during the reign of Catherine I I are:

1) "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility";

2) Partitions of Poland;

3) Abolition of serfdom;

4) Peasant War E. Pugachev.

5. Continue in your own words. Enlightened absolutism is….

6. Assign historical events and dates:

1) Russian-Turkish war a) 1767-1768;

2) E. Pugachev's Peasant War c) 1772-1795;

3) Partitions of Poland (I- I I I) d) 1768-1774;

The work of the "Legislative Commission" e) 1773-1775.

7 .. The main slogans of the rebels under the leadership of Pugachev:

A) the will of the peasants;

B) "a good king to the throne"

C) the destruction of landlords and nobles;

D) "the German woman won the sprestol"

8.As a result of the Senate reform:

A) improved governance of the country from the center;

B) the empress's sole power was strengthened;

C) restrictions on monarchical power were introduced;

D) the powers of the state apparatus have expanded.

9.One of the reasons for the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich:

A) the danger of the Cossacks for the government as an organized force;

B) the government no longer needed the Cossacks;

C) the participation of the Cossacks in the uprising of E. Pugachev;

D) Cossacks claimed power on the territory of Ukraine.

10,. The decree of 1775, which allowed peasant industry, served as an impetus to:

A) stratification of the peasantry;

B) an increase in the number of breeders from merchants and peasants;

C) the development of peasant industry;

D) investment in industry.

11.Results of the second Russian-Turkish war:

A) Russia received the entire Crimea, which it began to develop;

B) the construction of the Black Sea Fleet began;

C) Russia provided assistance to the Balkan countries;

D) Russia lost Azov and part of the land between the Bug and the Dnieper.

12..Who do the words of Catherine I I refer to "The rebel is worse than Pugachev":

A) to Radishchev;

B) to S.V. Suvorov;

C) to G. Potemkin;

D) to G. Orlov.

Option 2

1.The leading sector of the Russian economy was:

A) agriculture;

B) manufacturing production;

C) fishing industry;

D) factory production.

2.The era of Catherine I I went down in history as:

A) the era of enlightened absolutism;

B) the imperial era;

C) "Bironovschina";

D) an era of great changes.

3. The main feudal duties of the peasants of this period:

A) tithes and fatherhood;

B) corvee and rent;

C) month and working off;

D) capitation tax and corvee.

4. Continue with your words. Month is….

5. " Charter to the nobility "announced:

A) the nobility by the privileged class;

B) freedom of the nobles from government and military service;

C) the introduction of the noble court;

D) allowed the nobles to make the purchase and sale of land.

6. Catherine I I is one of the few monarchs who were in correspondence:

A) with Voltaire;

B) with Montesquieu;

C) with Robespierre;

D) with Russo.

7.In agriculture, crops began to be used such as:

A). Sunflower

B). Corn

8.Pugachev spoke under the name:

A). Tsarevich Dmitry

B). Emperor Peter I I

B) Tsarevich Fyodor

D). Emperor Peter I I I

9.In the Catherine period, manufactories predominated in Russia:

A). With the use of serf labor

B). Using hired labor

V). using the labor of otkhodniks

D). Using the labor of otkhodniki

10. The governor's reform had positive aspects:

A) facilitate the tasks of local management;

B) develop local independence and initiative;

C) gave the central government the ability to fully control;

D) made the control system more flexible and compromise.

11. The country continued to dominate:

A) serfdom;

B) capitalist relations;

B) corvee economy;

D) manufacturing production.

12.The merit of the Russian educator N.I. Novikova:

a) made the works of French philosophers available to a wide range of readers -


b) began to publish children's, women's, economic magazines;

c) criticized Russian reality;

d) promoted the European way of life.

From his first wife, Marya Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya. Sophia was born in 1657. Gifted with natural abilities, inquisitive, energetic and power-hungry, after the death of her father (1676), she managed to gain the love and trust of her sick brother-Tsar Fyodor and, thanks to this, achieved some influence on state affairs.

After the death of Tsar Fyodor (April 27, 1682), Princess Sophia began to support the rights to the throne not of the son of Natalia Naryshkina, Peter, but of the feeble-minded Tsarevich Ivan. Ivan, unlike Peter, was Sophia's brother not only by his father, but also by his mother. He was older than Peter, but due to his mental weakness he could not personally conduct state affairs. The latter circumstance was beneficial to the power-hungry Sophia, who dreamed of concentrating all power in her own hands under the external screen of Ivan.

Shooting riot of 1682. Painting by N. Dmitriev-Orenburg, 1862.

(Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna shows the archers that Tsarevich Ivan is unharmed)

In the struggle against Peter, who had already been seated on the Moscow throne by the boyars, Princess Sophia took advantage of the discontent that arose in the streltsy army at the end of Tsar Fyodor's life and the first days after his death. Under the influence of the Miloslavskys' party led by Sophia, a streltsy revolt began in Moscow. Convened on May 23, 1682, a council of the Duma and all ranks of people (of course, only Muscovites), under the threat of the expansion of the rebellion, agreed to the demands of the archers that Ivan and Peter reign together. Management "for the sake of the young years of both sovereigns" was handed over to their sister. The name of "the great empress, noble princess and grand duchess Sophia Alekseevna" began to be written in all decrees along with the names of both tsars.

Now it was necessary to appease the archers, who continued to worry. At the head of them was the former like-minded princess Sophia, the head of the streltsy order, Prince Ivan Andreevich Khovansky, who now began his own struggle for power. Following the Streltsy came the "schismatics", seeking a return to church antiquity and the renunciation of all innovations and "heresies" of Patriarch Nikon.

Nikita Pustosvyat. Dispute of Queen Sophia with schismatics about faith. Kremlin, 1682 Painting by V. Perov, 1881

Sophia began to act with great energy. Khovansky was executed for his ambitious plans. Duma clerk appointed to replace him Shaklovity restored discipline in the rifle regiments, and Sophia managed, thus, to raise the authority of the authorities to their previous height.

Princess Sophia. Portrait of the 1680s

The subsequent seven-year rule of Sophia on behalf of her brothers (1682 - 1689) was marked in purely civil matters by a slightly greater, compared with the previous time, gentleness (the prohibition of separating husbands from wives when the defective debtors were returned to work off the debt; the prohibition of collecting debts from widows and orphans , if after husbands and fathers there is no estate left; replacement with a whip and reference to the death penalty for "outrageous words", etc.). However, religious persecution even intensified: schismatics were persecuted with even greater severity than before. The period of the reign of Princess Sophia was the apogee of the persecution against them. Sophia's closest collaborator at that time was her heart's favorite, Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn, one of the most educated people in Moscow at that time, a big fan of "Westernism". During the reign of Sophia, it was opened in Moscow at the Zaikonospassky monastery Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which soon began to play the role of not so much an educational institution as a kind of church inquisition.

The years of Sophia's rule were also marked by important foreign policy events. According to the "Eternal Peace" on April 21, 1686, Poland finally ceded Kiev to Moscow and all the lands lost by its kings under the Andrusov armistice in 1667. Polish monarch Jan Sobieski made these concessions to attract Moscow to an alliance against the Turks. Within the framework of this union, Prince Vasily Golitsyn undertook two trips to Crimea(in 1687 and 1689), but both ended in failure.

Since 1688, the matured Peter I already began to take part in business and attend the Boyar Duma. Clashes between him and Princess Sophia began to become more frequent, and a decisive struggle was inevitable. An attempt by Shaklovity and Sophia to rely on the archers in this fight against Peter ( second rifle revolt) ended with the execution of Shaklovity and the imprisonment of Sophia in the Novodevichy Convent (at the end of September 1689). So her reign ended - state affairs have now passed into the hands of Peter and his relatives the Naryshkins.

Princess Sophia in the Novodevichy Convent. Painting by I. Repin, 1879

John, the eldest after Tsar Fedor, the son of Tsar Alexei (from his first marriage), was a sickly, frail and feeble-minded youth. The transfer of the throne to him seemed impossible. In contrast to him, the ten-year-old Tsarevich Peter (the son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his second marriage) was in good health, had a quick mind and abilities beyond his years. After long deliberations, the patriarch and the boyars decided that Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich should be elevated to the throne, and this choice was unanimously approved by people of all classes, gathered by order of the patriarch to the square.

The position of the ruler, which was to be occupied by Tsarina Natalia, mother of Tsarevich Peter, and her relatives, aroused hatred in the children of Tsar Alexei from his first marriage and in their relatives. One of the daughters of Tsar Alexei, Princess Sophia, an intelligent and energetic woman, decided not to yield to her stepmother and defend the rights to the throne of her half-brother, Tsarevich John.

With the help of her uncle, the cunning boyar Miloslavsky, Princess Sophia attracted the streltsy regiments stationed in Moscow and near Moscow to her side, and in 1682 staged a bloody coup, during which many relatives of Tsarina Natalia and her closest supporters were mercilessly killed. Relying on the violent archers, Princess Sophia achieved that Tsarevich John Alekseevich was recognized as tsar on a par with Peter, she herself was proclaimed ruler, and Queen Natalya was removed from the board.

Sophia's reign lasted seven years until Peter left adolescence and reached the age of 17. Then he already took advantage of the first opportunity to demonstrate his independence and break with his sister-ruler, who was forced to give in to him after a weak attempt to fight - and ended her life in a monastery. In early October 1689, Peter already entered the independent government of the state, while his brother and co-ruler, Tsar John, until his death, remained king only in name.

Russian princess, ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689 under two tsars - her young brothers Ivan V and Peter I. She came to power with the help of V. V. Golitsyn. She was overthrown by Peter I and imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

Sometimes it happens that strong, original personalities are unlucky with the timing or circumstances of birth. Princess Sophia could become a great ruler, she could become famous all over the world, like Catherine II, but fate played a cruel joke with her - she was late to be born, and history was already beginning to favor her opponents and rapidly led to the power of the great reformer - Peter I Sophia turned out to be doomed.

From the very childhood, her fate seemed to tease, beckon with illusions, pushed her to decisive actions and ultimately deceived. Sophia lost her mother early. Among her eight sisters and four brothers, she turned out to be the smartest, and most importantly, the healthiest. Unfortunately, Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna was fertile, but children, especially boys, were born sickly - mentally weak, and fearful, and frail. Sophia quickly mastered literacy, read a lot, even wrote poetry, and the teacher assigned to the heir to Fyodor, the famous Simeon of Polotsk, was very pleased with her. But Father Alexei Mikhailovich was not happy to notice how briskly little Sophia was ahead of the future tsar in development. Why does a girl need a letter? And why didn't God give mind to the heir? To whom should the throne be transferred?

Having lost her maternal affection, Sophia became joyless among boring cells, stupid mothers and nannies, among the whispering of praying mantises. She hated the gossip of the hay girls over the monotonous occupation of needlework and the petty intrigues of the female half of the wards. Her soul demanded a broad life, activity and struggle. Two years after the loss of his wife, Tsar Alexei remarried to the young, beautiful Natalya Naryshkina. Sophia hated her stepmother from the first days, the alienation of the father to the children from his first marriage and the fact that the new queen, being almost the same age as Sophia, was her complete opposite in character, also affected. Natalya Kirillovna was a perfect woman - soft, charming, who knew how to love. Slender, black-eyed, with a beautiful brow and a pleasant smile, she captivated both with her melodic speech and the beauty of her movements. Energy emanated from the princess, a nervous smile twitched on her lips, her face, carefully whitened, still gave out a scrofulous hue. Of course, smart, penetrating eyes attracted fans to Sophia, but the cold egoistic disposition kept those around him at a respectful distance from the princess. She found loyal friends with difficulty.

Alexei Mikhailovich died unexpectedly, almost painlessly. The first feeling that pierced Sophia was the feeling of losing something close, but with it came treacherous relief, as if a stream of fresh air burst into a stuffy locked room. Her brother Fyodor became the sovereign, three years younger than her, sick, weak and very influenced by his sister. Sophia gradually, but with pleasure, delved into the affairs of the state, introduced a hitherto not practiced order - she, a woman, was present at the tsar's reports, and over time, without hesitation, publicly began to give her own orders. Many at the court began to understand who owned the real power here, but few liked it. In the last years of Tsar Alexei's life, a strong party of the Naryshkins was formed, especially since it had a strong trump card - the healthy, intelligent Tsarevich Peter, who was growing up in the family. True, Fyodor Alekseevich and Sophia also had a younger brother, Ivan, but he was really quite weak.

The precariousness of Sophia's position forced her to look for reliable friends, she bet on her relative Miloslavsky and on the boyar Vasily Golitsyn, whom she liked. Time passed, and Vasily Vasilyevich, an honest, intelligent servant of the princess, melted the cold Sophia's heart.

On April 27, 1682, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, people moved in droves to the Kremlin for the last farewell to the deceased Tsar Fyodor. For Sophia, the decisive moment has come. The Naryshkin party did not sleep. From exile, Natalya Kirillovna's first assistant Artamon Sergeyevich Matveyev was in a hurry to Moscow, and Ivan, the brother of the dowager queen, also cheered up. Sophia's opposition was going to be strong, active, intelligent. The meeting of the Sovereign Duma opened with a speech by Patriarch Joachim, who announced that Tsarevich Ioann Alekseevich had abdicated the throne in favor of his brother. At first there was silence, and then the boyars, with the exception of a few adherents of Sophia, contemplated that the healthy, gaining strength Peter would be a worthy hope for the Russian throne.

The Patriarch immediately went to the chambers of Natalya Kirillovna and blessed the young sovereign. The most cherished, golden dreams of Princess Sophia were crumbling. Again the same hated stepmother stood in the way, and again should she return to the stuffy chambers? ... Sophia decided to fight to the end.

The core of the Russian military force in the 17th century was the archers, who more than once distinguished themselves on the battlefield and in the peaceful garrison service, but by the end of the century they had turned into a "state within a state", into entities that were little subordinate to the government and were a kind of "freemen" ... It was on these violent, little-controlled people that Sophia decided to put it. With the help of the close boyars, it was possible to play out the classic Russian revolt - "senseless and merciless." A rumor was spread that "Ivashka Naryshkin mocked Tsarevich John, tried on his crown, and then decided the unfortunate one." Huge crowds of drunken archers burst into the Kremlin. Natalya Kirillovna rushed to the images, her lips barely moved in despair, and the sorrowful sounds did not in any way form the words of the prayer. The crowd in the square roared about John's death. The thoughtful boyars sitting in the Kremlin decided to immediately show both brothers to the furious rioters. Driven to despair, the queen, accompanied by the patriarch, took both sons to the Red Porch. Sixteen-year-old sick John was trembling with fright, his festering, blind eyes blinked from the pressing tears. Peter looked boldly, and only a twitching of the facial nerve indicated a strong internal shock. However, a drunken crowd is easy to provoke into riots, but difficult to calm down. After a slight lull, Sophia's agents began to demand the extradition of the monster Ivan Naryshkin, who sneered at the prince. The rioters again rushed to storm the Red Porch. Prince Dolgoruky tried to stop them, but the mad crowd pierced the prince's heavy body with dozens of spears, and streams of blood stained the steps. This was the first victim of a bloody riot. For two days the rioters fought in Moscow, killing and robbing residents. The Naryshkins were defeated - Matveyev and Ivan Kirillovich died a terrible death. The queen locked herself with her son in the palace, trembling with fear.

The beloved chief of the archers, Khovansky, conveyed a request to the Duma - to see both brothers on the throne. But due to the painful condition of the senior tsar and due to the minority of the second, control was transferred to Sophia. According to the rules of decency, the princess refused the honor bestowed on her for a long time, and then she could not resist and ordered her name to be written with the names of the sovereigns, confining herself to the title of "the great empress, the noble queen Sophia."

It is difficult to conquer power, but it is even more difficult to retain it. The next five years were spent in the fight against the riflemen. Awakened by Sophia herself, the crowd did not want to subside for a long time, feeling its strength. Again, the queen had to go to the trick, again shed rivers of blood, although educated and intelligent, she understood that for a long time "you can't sit on bayonets." Her gaze was already directed to the West, Sophia was already close to reforms, to the desire to pull Russia out of the swamp of routine, but her hands were tied by internal turmoil.

Prince Khovansky, influenced by the major schismatic Nikita Pustosvyat, demanded the appointment of public disputes about the faith. For Sophia, who grew up on the Nikonian reforms, a return to the old was unacceptable, but she could not refuse outright the omnipotent leader of the archers. I had to resort to provocation. With the help of the faithful Vasily Golitsyn, an affair with whom flared up with renewed vigor, she lured Nikita Pustosvyat into the Faceted Chamber, where a discussion of the schismatic priest with the patriarch took place. Moreover, Sophia rudely intervened in the conversation of the clergy and in the end accused Nikita of assault. A few days later, the priest was arrested, charged with attempted murder of the Patriarch, and executed. All that remained was to deal with the "dog" who had once rendered Sophia an invaluable service by elevating her to the throne - with Ivan Andreevich Khovansky.

With her inherent cunning, she carried out another dirty murder, which could cost her her very life. On New Year's Eve, and this holiday at that time in Russia was celebrated on September 1, the royal court drove off to Kolomenskoye. The people were worried, it never happened that the sovereigns left their subjects on the eve of solemn days. Sophia hid in Kolomenskoye and closely watched Khovansky through her faithful servants. Ivan Andreevich was asked to replace the tsarina at the traditional prayer in honor of the holiday - an excellent reason to accuse the prince of abuse of power. However, Khovansky sensed the queen's calculation, but still could not protect himself. By her order, he was forced to leave for Kolomenskoye, where he found his death.

In place of the former head of the archers, Sophia appointed a devoted, but very close-minded Fyodor Leontyevich Shaklovity. Tall, slender, with expressive features, he was distinguished by exactly that energetic beauty that women like so much. For his sake, Sophia turned her back on her former lover Vasily Golitsyn, who, unlike Fedka Shaklovity, was a wise and sober politician. It was not an ardent passion that connected Prince Vasily Vasilyevich many years ago with Princess Sophia, but rather vanity, a desire to possess a high-ranking person. But the mind of the queen, her strength for a long time and firmly tied Golitsyn, and now, when Sophia found herself a new lover, Vasily Vasilyevich sincerely suffered. The betrayal of her only friend turned into a tragedy for Sophia. The decisive battles for power with the maturing Peter were approaching, and she was left without support.

Natalya Kirillovna lived in Preobrazhenskoye. From time to time, information came from the village that the young tsar was playing with amusing shelves, drinking a lot, rowdy and generally devoid of any solidity, freely converges with commoners. Sophia became more and more convinced that it was she, with her intelligence, that the Russian state needed.

The conspiracy drawn up by the queen against Peter failed. In fairness, it is worth saying that young Peter did not behave very wisely, but at the decisive moment experienced people turned out to be near him. Russia wanted to see a strong energetic ruler on the throne and could hardly resign herself to female power. Long-term Russian traditions, and Sophia's personal lack of charm, her inability to get along with those close to her, also had an effect. The queen was gradually betrayed by all - the close boyars, archers, the patriarch. When Sophia realized that defeat was inevitable, she decided to ask for peace, but the ambassadors seemed to dissolve in Troitskoye, where Peter was fleeing from the tsarina's provocations. Then Sophia herself went to negotiations at the monastery, but she was not allowed. No matter how enraged the queen was, being completely alone, she clearly saw that resistance was useless and settled in the Novodevichy Convent.

Russia experienced the last burst of streltsy unrest in the spring of 1698. Sophia was waiting for these speeches and, although she did not take an active part, hoped that the hated Peter would not be able to stay in power, that disappointed and enlightened compatriots would fall at her feet, calling to the throne. However, the last uprising ended in bloody massacres. And Sophia was not forgotten: in front of her cells, the tsar ordered 195 people to be hanged, of which three, hanging in front of her very windows, were put into the hands of testimony about the letters that the tsarina wrote, inciting rebellion. And for a long time, as much as five months, the queen had the opportunity to admire the decaying human bodies and inhale the acrid corpse odor.

Soon, Queen Sophia became nun Susanna, the name of the all-powerful mistress was forgotten. Russia entered the Petrine era.

SOFIA ALEXEEVNA Romanova (1657-1704) - ruler of Russia from May 29, 1682 to September 7, 1689 with the title "Great Empress, Blessed Queen and Grand Duchess", the eldest daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from her first marriage with Tsarina Maria Ilinichna, nee Miloslavskaya.

Meeting of Alexei Mikhailovich and Maria Miloslavskaya

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov (Quietest)

Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya

Sometimes it happens that strong, original personalities are not lucky with the time or circumstances of birth. Princess Sophia could become a great ruler, she could become famous all over the world, like Catherine II, but fate played a cruel joke with her - she was late to be born, and history was already beginning to favor her opponents and rapidly leading to the power of the great reformer - Peter I. Sophia was doomed.

From the very childhood, her fate seemed to tease, beckon with illusions, pushed her to decisive actions and ultimately deceived. Sophia lost her mother early. Among her eight sisters and four brothers, she turned out to be the smartest, and most importantly, the healthiest. Unfortunately, Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna was fertile, but children, especially boys, were born sickly - mentally weak, and fearful, and frail. But Father Alexei Mikhailovich was not happy to notice how briskly little Sophia was ahead of the future tsar in development. And why didn't God give mind to the heir? To whom should the throne be transferred?

Sofya Alekseevna was born on September 17, 1657 in Moscow. She received a good education at home, knew Latin, spoke Polish fluently, wrote poetry, read a lot, had a beautiful handwriting. Her teachers were Simeon Polotsky, Karion Istomin, Sylvester Medvedev, who from childhood instilled in her respect for the Byzantine princess Pulcheria (396-453), who achieved power under her sick brother Theodosius II.

Samuil Gavrilovich Petrovsky-Sitnyanovich (Simeon Polotsky)

Trying to appear in public to be God-fearing and humble, Sophia, in reality, from her youth, strove for the fullness of power. A good education and natural tenacity of mind helped her win the trust of her father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Sofia Alekseevna Romanova

Having lost her mother at the age of 14 (1671), she painfully experienced her father's quick second marriage to Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina and the birth of her half-brother Peter (the future Tsar Peter I).

After the death of her father (1676), she began to take an interest in state affairs: the country was ruled in 1676-1682 by her brother, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, on whom she had a strong influence. Painful, fond of versification and church music, being four years younger than his 19-year-old sister, Fyodor was not independent in his actions.

Fedor Alekseevich Romanov

Therefore, at first the widowed Queen Naryshkina tried to control the country, but the relatives and sympathizers of Fyodor and Sophia managed to temper her activity for a while, sending her together with her son Peter into "voluntary exile" in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

The sudden death of Fyodor on April 27, 1682, Sophia took as a sign and signal for action. The attempt of Patriarch Joachim to proclaim the king of the 10-year-old half-brother of Sophia, Tsarevich Peter, and remove from the throne 16-year-old Ivan V Alekseevich, the last male representative of the Romanov family from marriage with MI Miloslavskaya, was challenged by Sophia and her associates.

Ivan V Alekseevich

Taking advantage of the uprising of the archers on May 15-17, 1682, who raised a revolt against burdensome taxes, Sophia managed to achieve the proclamation of two brothers - Ivan V and Peter (May 26, 1682) as heirs to the throne (May 26, 1682) at the "primacy" of Ivan.

This gave Sophia a reason to be "shouted out" by the regent on May 29, 1682 - "so that the government, for the sake of the young years of both sovereigns, would hand them over to their sister." The kings were crowned a month later, on June 25, 1682.

In fact, having usurped the supreme power, Sophia became the head of the country. The leading role in her government was played by experienced courtiers close to Miloslavsky - F.L. Shaklovity and especially the book. V.V. Golitsyn is an intelligent, European educated and courteous handsome man, at the age of 40, experienced in dealing with women. The status of a married man (he married in 1685 by remarriage to the boyar EI Streshneva, the same age as Sophia), did not prevent him from becoming the favorite of the 24-year-old princess.

Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn

However, on the way of the reforms conceived by this government were adherents of the "old faith" (Old Believers), of whom there were many among the archers who raised Sophia to the heights of power. They were patronized by Prince Ivan Khovansky, who in June 1682 became the head of the Judgment Order and had deceptive hopes for a political career.

Ivan Andreevich Khovansky Tararui

The Old Believers wanted to achieve equality in matters of doctrine, insisted on the opening of a "debate on faith," to which the educated and confident in her intellectual superiority Sophia agreed. The debate opened on July 5, 1682 in the Kremlin chambers in the presence of Sophia, Patriarch Joachim, and a number of high-ranking clergymen.

The main opponent of the official church in the person of Patriarch Joachim and Sophia was the "schismatic teacher" Nikita Pustosvyat, who suffered a shameful defeat at the same time.

The regent immediately showed decisiveness: she ordered the execution of Wasteland and his supporters (some of them were beaten with whips, the most stubborn were burnt). Then she turned to Khovansky, who, with his lust for power, arrogance and vain hopes for the throne for himself or for his son, pushed away not only the Miloslavskys' party, but the entire aristocratic elite. Since rumors spread among the archers led by him about the inadmissibility of women on the Russian throne ("It's high time to go to the monastery!" Rumors about Khovansky's intention to exterminate the royal family forced her to save the princes: on August 20, 1682, Ivan V and Peter were taken to Kolomenskoye, and then to the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery near Zvenigorod. In agreement with the boyars, Khovansky was summoned with his son to Vozdvizhenskoe. Submitting, he arrived, not knowing that he was already doomed. On September 5 (17), 1682, the execution of Khovansky and his son put an end to the "Khovanshchina".

However, the situation in the capital stabilized only by November. Sophia with her court returned to Moscow and finally took power into her own hands. She put Shaklovity at the head of the Streletsky order in order to exclude the possibility of riots. Small concessions were made to the Sagittarius regarding everyday life (the prohibition to separate the husband and wife when paying off the debt, the cancellation of debts from widows and orphans, the replacement of the death penalty for "outrageous words" with exile and punishment with a whip).

Having strengthened her position, Sophia, with the support of Golitsyn, took up foreign policy issues, regularly attending meetings of the Boyar Duma. In May 1684 Italian ambassadors arrived in Moscow. After talking with them, Sophia - unexpectedly for many adherents of antiquity and true faith - "granted freedom" of religion to the Jesuits living in Moscow, thereby causing the Patriarch's discontent. However, a flexible approach to foreigners-Catholics demanded the interests of foreign policy: guided by her teacher, "pro-Western" S. Polotsky and with the support of Golitsyn, Sophia ordered to prepare a confirmation of the previously concluded Kardis peace with Sweden, and on August 10, 1684 concluded a similar peace with Denmark. Considering the main task of Russia to be the struggle with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate, in February-April 1686 Sophia sent Golitsyn to defend the country's interests in negotiations with Poland. They ended with the signing on May 6 (16), 1686 of the "Eternal Peace" with her, which secured the Left-Bank Ukraine, Kiev and Smolensk to Russia. This peace, which granted freedom of the Orthodox religion in Poland, conditioned all concessions by Russia's entry into the war with Turkey, which threatened the southern Polish lands.

Bound by the obligation to start the war in 1687, the government of Sophia issued a decree on the beginning of the Crimean campaign. In February 1687, troops under the command of Golitsyn (he was appointed field marshal) went to the Crimea, but the campaign against Turkey's ally, the Crimean Khanate, was unsuccessful. In June 1687 the Russian troops turned back.

The failures of the military campaign were compensated by the successes of the cultural and ideological plan: in September 1687, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, the first higher educational institution in Russia, was opened in Moscow, which gave Sophia the status of an educated and enlightened ruler. The royal court began to turn into the center of the scientific and cultural life of Moscow. Construction revived, the Kremlin walls were renewed, and the construction of the Big Stone Bridge near the Kremlin across the Moskva River began.

In February 1689, Sophia again gave the order to start a campaign against the Crimeans, which also turned out to be inglorious.

Despite another failure, Sofia's favorite Golitsyn was awarded “above all merit” for him - a gilded cup, a sable caftan, a fiefdom and a cash gift of 300 rubles in gold.

And yet the failure of the Crimean campaigns was the beginning of his fall, and with it the entire government of Sophia. The far-sighted Shaklovity advised the regent to immediately take radical measures (first of all, kill Peter), but Sophia did not dare to take them.

Peter, who turned 17 on May 30, 1689, refused to recognize Golitsyn's campaign as successful. He accused him of "negligence" during the Crimean campaigns and condemned for submitting reports to Sophia alone, bypassing the co-rulers. This fact was the beginning of an open confrontation between Peter and Sophia.

In August 1689, Golitsyn, sensing the approach of an imminent denouement, hid in his estate near Moscow and thereby betrayed Sophia. She tried to gather the strength of the streltsy army, while Peter, along with the Naryshkins, took refuge under the protection of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Patriarch Joachim, sent by Sophia (who did not forgive her for allowing the Jesuits to enter the capital), went over to his side, followed by the archers extradited to Peter Shaklovity (he was soon executed).

On September 16, Golitsyn, her former “heart friend,” tried to repent and declare his loyalty to Sophia’s half-brother, but was not received by Peter. The next day, September 7, 1689, Sophia's government fell, her name was expelled from the royal title, and she herself was sent to the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow - albeit without being tonsured as a nun. Terrible in anger and ready to resist portrayed her two centuries later I.E. Repin (Princess Sophia in the Novodevichy Convent, 1879): in the picture he depicts a gray-haired old woman, although she was only 32 years old at the time.

Sophia Golitsyn's beloved Peter and his family were exiled to the Arkhangelsk region, where he died in 1714. But even in his absence, the princess was not going to give up. She looked for supporters and found them. However, attempts to organize real resistance to Peter I failed: denunciations and spying on her in the monastery ruled out success. In 1691, among the executed supporters of Sophia was the last student of S. Polotsky - Sylvester Medvedev. In March 1697, another streltsy conspiracy in her favor failed - led by Ivan Tsikler. In January 1698, taking advantage of the absence in the capital of Peter, who had left for Europe as part of the Grand Embassy, ​​Sophia (who at that time was 41 years old) again tried to return to the throne. Taking advantage of the discontent of the archers, who complained about the burdensomeness of the Azov campaigns of Peter in 1695-1696, as well as the conditions of service in the border cities, she called on them to disobey the chiefs and promised to release them from all hardships in the event of her enthronement.

Peter received news of the conspiracy while in Western Europe. Returning urgently to Moscow, he sent an army headed by P.I. Gordon, who defeated the conspirators at the New Jerusalem Monastery on June 18, 1698.

Patrick Leopold Gordon of Ohlukhris

Russia experienced the last burst of streltsy unrest in the spring of 1698. Sophia was waiting for these speeches and, although she did not take an active part, hoped that the hated Peter would not be able to stay in power, that disappointed and enlightened compatriots would fall at her feet, calling to the throne. However, the last uprising ended in bloody massacres. And Sophia was not forgotten: in front of her cells, the tsar ordered 195 people to be hanged, of which three, hanging in front of her windows, were put into the hands of testimony about the letters that the tsarina wrote, inciting to rebellion. And for a long time, as much as five months, the queen had the opportunity to admire the decaying human bodies and inhale the acrid corpse odor

October 21, 1698 Sophia was forcibly tonsured into a nun under the name of Susanna. She died in captivity on July 3, 1704, having taken the schema before her death under the name of Sophia. She was buried in the Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Sofia Alekseevna Romanova in the Novodevichy Convent

Never married, having no children, she remained in the memoirs of her contemporaries as a person of "a great mind and the most tender insights, a virgin filled with more masculine [go] minds." According to Voltaire (1694-1778), she "had a lot of intelligence, wrote poetry, wrote and spoke well, with a beautiful appearance combined many talents, but they were all overshadowed by her enormous ambition." No real portraits of Sophia have survived, with the exception of an engraving created by order of Shaklovity. It depicts Sophia in royal vestments, with a scepter and orb in her hands.

Sophia's assessments of personality vary greatly. Peter I and his admirers consider her to be retrograde, although the state abilities of Peter's half-sister were noted already in the historiography of the 18th - early 20th centuries. - G.F. Miller, N.M. Karamzin, N.A. Polev, N.V. Ustryalov and I.E. Zabelin saw in her the embodiment of the Byzantine ideal of the autocrat, S.M. Soloviev considered her a "hero-princess" , who freed all Russian women from the prison retreat by the inner freedom of her personality, which tragically did not find support in society. Other historians inclined to such an assessment (N.A. Aristov, E.F. Shmurlo, some Soviet scientists). Foreign researchers consider her "the most decisive and capable woman who ever ruled in Russia" (SVO "Brian, B. Lincoln, L. Hughes, etc.).

Natalia Pushkareva

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