Home Perennial flowers A fun lottery with prizes. Comic birthday lottery. Happy family holidays to you

A fun lottery with prizes. Comic birthday lottery. Happy family holidays to you

Scenario of a corporate party for teachers on teacher's day

Autumn is the beginning of the school year and autumn is a series of holidays. One of the first holidays of autumn is Teacher's Day. We have prepared a fun script for a corporate party for teachers on Teacher's Day. Each teacher at such a corporate party will take a break from his work, from his students and have a great time.

For starters, not a big game in the form of a question-answer. This is something like an exam for teachers, but only in a humorous form and according to different rules. First, teachers pull a ticket with a question, and then they pull a ticket with an answer. It will be funny and interesting.

1. Do you visit a psychiatrist after school?
2. Are you taking anti-anxiety pills?
3. If you can see that the student was preparing, but could not answer, will you give him at least a three?
4. Pets in the class, do you have them?
5. During the lesson, do you close your eyes to relax?
6. Is a pointer a school subject or a means to calm students down?
7. To calm down, do you print out photos of students and throw darts at them?
8. In class, do you use the Internet to communicate with your classmates?
9. If you are late for class, will you explain to the students why you are late?
10. Do you take chalk home?

1. It happens, but just let it stay between us.
2. And is it so noticeable to me?
3. Let's not talk about it out loud.
4. You know, I just have my own opinion on all this.
5. Only if I feel good.
6. These are provocative questions and contribute to the fact that we are prejudiced against others.
7. And this has happened.
8. Damn, I knew there were hidden cameras in the school.
9. Let it be better to be a question without an answer, otherwise I have already chatted too much.
10. But you can look at it from a different angle.

Then you can arrange small scenes in the form of improvisations. Let each subject teacher show the most famous person in this area, and other teachers will guess him. For example, in physics they are scientists, in literature they are writers, in mathematics they are mathematicians and so on.
For the next competition, you will need either a projector or pictures of famous people with a beard. And also some pictures or photographs of teachers with a beard. If the teachers don't have a beard, then it can be done in Photoshop. The essence of the competition is to guess whose beard it is. At first you show only part of the beard, if there are no options, then you open it more and more until the correct answer sounds.

Competition for quick wits. You need cards with the letters of the Russian alphabet. The teachers take turns taking a card and seeing a letter on it. Their task is to instantly, within three seconds, come up with a sentence on a school topic, which begins with this letter.

For example:
Letter B - out of class!
Letter S - Boots, again not ready for the lesson ?!
The letter I - I will go out, and when I come in, so that everyone has already written everything!

Another competition called - guess the book.
In this competition, the presenter reads an excerpt from a book, textbook or fairy tale, and other teachers guess the title. Of course, you need to make sure that no one sees the cover of the book.

Key tags:

1.Friends, we are glad to see you
And we'll start our concert now.
We will remind only for the viewer:
Today is Teacher's Day.
2. Teachers are the source of glorious deeds!
Their weapon is white chalk,
Pointer, rag and board
Goodbye boredom and longing!
1.We will dedicate a concert to teachers,
We want to say in advance:
We will play you in faces
And present in different genres.
2.Although sometimes we scold you,
But we always run to you in trouble.
And so that it was pleasant to you,
All genres we want to present
And glorify the teacher's work!

Ode to the headmaster
Any trouble will make noise and rush away,
How insult goes from a funny joke,
If she is with you, if she is always there

Your path was more difficult every day
On that difficult road to a long distance.
You were iron and fire,
Were a rock and a hard place
Were the pusher and the sails-
Whoever you were in your life.
Were a bird in a cage, but ourselves
Birds you let out the sky in life.
Very rare, but still sick.
All then somersault, from the ceiling to the floor,
Because she, because she-
The person who holds the school.
We are being carried away somewhere by the impetuous century.
In the hustle and bustle, we forget, allowing punctures,
That she is not a foundation, she is a person
The person who holds the school.
So that it is light in the heart and in the school,
Come here only with a cheerful smile.
May she always feel love and warmth
The man on whom the school is held!

The floor is given ……………………………………………………………………………… .. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………
The head teacher who does not dream of becoming a simple teacher is bad.
The head teacher, who was taken to school 10 years ago (or so), did not go to bed the night before Teacher's Day. Waiting until all the household had gone to their rooms, she sat down in the kitchen and, putting a sheet of paper in front of her, began to write:
Dear Natalya Alekseevna! I congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you all the best from the Department of Education.
For 10 years, day by day, I have served you faithfully. How many teachers have I learned to count pages, write letters correctly and put in magazines not dots, crosses, sticks, minus signs, plus signs, zeros ... but numbers - 2,3,4,5. How many notebooks, sheets of paper have filled, making up reports. And now I am looking at the form of the report that you brought the third day from the Department of Education and which had to be submitted last week. I can't make out anything in it: either leave the numbers, or change places.
And yesterday I was dragged out. Teachers came running, and everyone pokes a finger at me in the schedule and wants to have no "windows".
Dear Natalya Alekseevna, how can they not be, if our team is practically female, and every day someone will get sick and who will go on maternity leave.
And then the checks were overpowered. God forbid, (spits over his left shoulder) a new one will appear. I don’t sleep with such thoughts. After all, show them again, tell them about something else, let them see, or even write off. They themselves are not very good at this, apparently, they understand.
Again, the teachers, who are simple, come to work late, leave early, and I run to school on Sundays. You won't have time to look around, you have to prepare documents for certification, go to the teachers for lessons. And at night I sit and check my notebooks. Yesterday they came from the council of high school students, they want to arrange a disco. And I will have to walk around the school again. And I am a fragile woman, I have no strength to endure anymore.
Dear Natalya Alekseevna, please, let me be a simple teacher. I will not forget the age of your kindness.
I remain your head teacher.
The head teacher folded the four times written sheet and put it in her pocket. Tomorrow morning, busy with solving many questions, she will never remember the letter and will not give it to the esteemed Natalya Alekseevna.
We thank our irreplaceable head teachers and those who once held this post.
Three maidens by the window
Interpreted in the evening
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says, -
That is for a school for a native
Used to roll the feast up like a mountain.
I would feed the teachers
Delicious, joyful and a lot.
And not just pies
Kalach and pancakes.
I would give them honey
And at the same time she said:
“You took care of us
Every day and every hour
Now feast your fill
Then start dancing! "
"If I were a queen, -
Her sister says, -
Then there would be one for the school
I have woven canvases
And your favorite teachers
Would dress up a little.
Everything about teachers is beautiful:
Faces are bright, thoughts are clear,
They have a good soul.
Only money - not a shisha.
I will try and dress
All in costumes from Cardin,
English tweed, Chinese silk
They will be more beautiful than the May rose! "
"If I were a queen, -
The third sister said, -
Without saying many words,
Used to give birth to a hero.
And as the time comes, immediately
I would give it to first grade
And to their teachers
I would say: “Here you are!
You obedient such
Have not seen, the right word:
Will come to school on time
Listen to you with your mouth open
Listen to everyone's sound
Memorize everything as it is.
There will be books and notebooks
He's always okay
And no mistakes,
And fives - a whole swarm.
And at all Olympiads-
All prizes and all awards.
To teachers - with respect
And attention, respect.
He will love school
And pour balm on the soul! "
Only managed to utter-
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence-
These speeches, all over
Loved him.
"You would be lovely girls,
Made every one a queen!
After all, I thought about all this myself!
Yes, our life is not bad!
Every issue is just a miracle!
Someone sings songs,
Who - the granite of sciences gnaws,
All the girls are stately
They act like peaks!
And the guys are young
All handsome men are daring!
Only there is no diva in this ...
Where is a teacher with a passionate heart-
-There, efforts are not in vain,
Where is the teacher with a soul
The result is high there,
The teacher did not spare his strength-
The graduate is cheerful and nice.
Honest work of teachers
Here is the most valuable emerald!
Therefore, I give the order:
This very day and this very hour
Praise all teachers
My valiant school! "

Scene "Schoolboy is cool!"
To the music of any children's school song, "first graders" appear on the stage - two girls with bows and pigtails and a boy.
Leading. First grade!
1st girl. School, teacher, students - cool!
2nd girl. Lessons, changes, calls - cool!
Boy. Satchel, notebooks, pens - cool!
1st girl. Bows, shoes, a suit - cool!
2nd girl. Buffet, tea, rolls - cool!
Boy. Stairs, corridor, spaciousness - cool!
1st girl. High school students ...
2nd girl. Pinky ...
Boy. Tumaki ...

The second group of schoolchildren, "fifth graders", comes out to a different music.
Leading. Fifth grade!
1st girl. Second floor, new classroom, classrooms - cool!
2nd girl. Bag, hair, earrings - cool!
Boy. Gym, competitions, sections - cool!
1st girl. Homeroom teacher, teachers, new subjects - cool!
2nd girl. Newbies, tips, questionnaires - cool!
Boy. Hints, gags, spurs - cool!
1st girl. Six lessons ...
2nd girl. Duty…
Boy. Arrivals ...
In chorus (head down). Not cool…
The third group of pupils - “ninth graders” - comes out to rhythmic music.
Leading. Ninth grade!
1st girl. Mini, makeup, manicure - cool!
2nd girl. Evenings, discos, baldezh - cool!
Young man. Leather, glasses, grinders - cool!
1st girl. Notes, anecdotes, boyfriends - cool!
2nd girl. Beer, cigarettes, gum - cool!
Young man. Mopeds, motorcycles, cars - cool!
1st girl. Ancestors…
2nd girl. Exams ...
Young man. Parting ...
In chorus (head down). Not cool…
The last group - "graduates" appears on the stage to a calm melody.
Leading. Eleventh grade - graduation!
1st girl. Growth, appearance, "outfit" - cool!
2nd girl. Jewelry, figure - and not a fool! Cool!
Young man. Respect, reverence, obedience - cool!
1st girl. Gifts, dates, promises - cool!
2nd girl. Compliments and other moments - cool!
Young man. Computer, internet, experiment - cool!
1st girl. And all this ...
2nd girl. Last…
Young man. School year ...
In chorus (head down). Not cool…
All participants in the performance (in chorus). And how cool - just being a student! Hooray for school!
Hurray for our beloved teachers!
The teaching staff of the school is getting younger every year. So today young specialists have come to us and have firmly taken their place at the teacher's table. They don't know much yet, but experience comes over the years. And in order not to incur the wrath of the administration, you need to remember the 10 commandments:
Teacher's commandments:
1. Obey the director, he knows better than you how much and to whom to give twos.
2. Before you put a two, think about who will correct it.
3. Remember, all means are good for complete success.
4. Even N.V. Gogol asked: "Eh, three, bird three, who invented you?" We now know that the top 3 was invented to achieve 100% academic success.
5. Do not scold the trade union committee for inactivity, the unemployed is also not sweet.
6. Honor the head teacher, otherwise he will make so many "windows" for you that you will not see the light.
7. Do not forget that apart from the Days of Health, the Days of Independence, there is also the Day of the Teacher.
8. Get upset less, readjust more.
9. Do not blame the director for all the sins, there is also an education department.
10. This commandment applies more to those who are already aged. Do not envy young teachers: they are still so far from retirement.

Here is a house in which everyone is comfortable.
And this is the director
And wise and strict

A house in which everyone is comfortable.
Here are our head teachers-
In anxiety, in care.

They cannot find flaws, gaps ...

Which leads us on the right path
Keeping from various adversities and problems ...
A house in which everyone is comfortable.
And this, friends, meet me - teacher
History, chemistry if you like

And here are the writers,
This is a psychologist

(all have angelic patience).

Owning the subject,
Technique cleverly,

But - the caretaker looks anxiously.
She carries a school household cart,

And finally, our guys -
The family lives together, albeit not rich.
You will not find unhappy faces with us.
"All the best for children!" - this is our motto!
We create, compose, dance, sing,
We visit the theater, go hiking.
It is no coincidence that we have countless talents,
There are already winners of all ranks.
Every teacher is proud of his successes:
History, chemistry if you like
Fizruk, mathematicians, physicist, biologist,
Russianist, writers, school psychologist,
Technologists, librarian, singing teacher
Proud of the younger generation.
Primary school, geographer, English,
Fine art, informatics. Now and ever,
Owning the subject,
Techniques cleverly,
They drive science into children’s heads.
The caretaker is proud of the successes of the children;
She drives the school cart
Subject to technicians, plumbers, drivers,
Chef, electrician, as well as watchmen,
All the caretakers and kitchen workers,
He will only say to them: "Guys, let's hoot!"
Our head teachers are in anxiety, in care,
In educational as well as extracurricular work
You will not find flaws, gaps ...
Help director both in word and deed,
Which, of course, is both wise and strict,
Which leads us on the right path
Keeping from various adversities and problems ...
A house in which everyone is comfortable.
If I don't burn
If you don’t burn,
If it does not burn ...
Stop! And the kettle on the stove?
That's it, the last, the fifth, burned down!
Oh, colleagues, maybe that's enough?
What are you talking about compliments?
There would be alimony on time!
Oh, admire each other?
I would sleep off first!
Maybe it's enough to integrate?
So degrade for a short time!
To hell with self-expression!
Well, get into position!
Bags, plans, lack of money, children -
Are these problems familiar to you?
Memory is trying to grasp the meaning:
Compensation, ambivalence,
And the eyes do not blink, they stick together,
Everything is practically indifferent!
There is a biologist in a colorful dress,
I picked up on the courses of words:
Problems, perception -
And the mother-in-law is sitting at home with the children!
And the psychologist keeps repeating about adaptation,
About the approach, about hypnosis.
Oh, this emancipation for me -
Children have no time to wipe their nose!
And yet you need to concentrate ...
What did they say? A visual analyzer?
Lord, it won't end until tomorrow!
Hey! Do you know if they will give you a salary?
Which year, like bream in a frying pan,
And the taste of tar is all the sweeter on the lips.
We got clubs, rallies and gatherings,
And the certification clenches the claws.
What? Correction? What? Innovation?
I stagger, I can barely stand
I'm almost completely prostrate now
But I give the standard to the state!
The writer wheezes with fatigue,
The historian has been at the limit for a long time,
It would be a little bit of a math rest,
But we work all the same!
We will not repent of our choice of the ages
And we don't want another job,
Every day we smile at the children
And, imagine, we are not burning as a smolder!
We endure any cataclysms,
What they don't put on our shoulders - we carry
And, any resolving issues,
We breathe school and live school!
And that means there will be a school!
And this school bloom!
When there are such people in its composition!
Who answers the well-known children's question: "Why?" - taught us to look for the answer on our own?
Who, using the entire range of their vocal cords, is trying to invest in us for a change that has not been kept in place for years?
Who comes up with 7-8 hour homework for us, protecting us from the pernicious influence of the street and TV?
Who cannot live a day without our lovely parents, reporting on our various achievements?
Who has to act as an educator, public figure, psychologist, artist, cosmonaut in one working day (if we are talking about overloads)?
These are all of them, our dear teachers!

School of my dream
The bell rings. Teachers sit in the classroom at their desks, like students. A student enters, introducing himself as a teacher.
Student. Well, who is ready to answer?
Physical education teacher (holds out his hand). Can! Can!
Disciple (surprised). Valentin Anatolyevich!
Physical education teacher. No, I'll go out.
Student. Sit! So, as always, there are no volunteers. Then the answer will be ... Elvira Tagirovna!
Geography teacher. Why should I go straight away!
Student. Well, Miklouha-Maclay, tell us where the Black Sea flows. Do not prompt! Do not know? Ashamed! The third deuce in a row! Very bad.
Physical education teacher (holds out his hand). I want to leave!
Student. What for?
Physical education teacher. And I'm in your ear. (whispers)
Student. Are you shirking your lessons again? Are you going to the fun starts? Will not work! We have mathematics now. And mathematics is the queen of the fields.
Mathematic teacher. Not fields, but sciences.
Student. I know better! Answer, Alla Yurievna, what is the sum of the square legs?
Mathematic teacher. What legs?
Student. Do not know? Maybe you've never heard of the square hypotenuse? Two, Alla Yurievna! Come tomorrow with your parents! And you, Tatyana Yuryevna, that you are shining, is everything all right with the chemistry? Answer, at what temperature does the right angle boil? Do not know? Your troika ordered to live long! And you blew out the control and with alkalis you are bad. So your card is a bit. For the second year!
Student. And what are these extraneous sounds? The literature teacher is chatting. But you, Svetlana Vladimirovna, will tell us in what year Pushkin wrote his bestseller "Mu-Mu"?
Literature teacher. I forgot ... I taught ...
Student. And with what score the Canadians defeated the Swedes near Poltava?
The school principal is leafing through the magazine.
Pupil (pulls out a magazine). He probably reads Pushkin. No, not Pushkin, “Burda” is leafing through! Get up, Natalya Alekseevna! Dressed up like a disco! And I painted my lips! You have to be more modest! Diary!!!
Director. I forgot…
Student. Have you forgotten your head at home ?! If you don’t bring the diary tomorrow, I’ll send it home now!
Englishwoman. May I come in?
Student. Hello, Alexandra Evgenievna, where did this disappear? Did you drink coffee again? To the blackboard. Answer.
Speaks English.
Student. Two, Alexandra Evgenievna.
Englishwoman. Why? I learned everything.
Student. Now we have not English, but MHC.
Student. No, my dears, this will not work. The end of the year is just around the corner. And you slovens, loafers, grabbed twos! So you will never leave school!

Learn to work, think boldly,
Walking - the roads are good ...
There is no more joyful thing in the world,
Than the education of the soul!
Poems and songs for mentors.
The sparkling of inspirational lines.
The wisest of all professions,
The great title "Teacher!"
There is no more beautiful position in the world,
Labor is more courageous and sweeter ...
Shining blue. It is a holiday today
My friends, teachers.
One who has become a teacher will understand
What happiness it is to be useful to people.
Teach His Majesty the People!
Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,
And your kindness heart light-
There is no more responsible vocation on earth,
No more honorable and more joyful.
Outlined with immortal ideas,
May your work be honest to the end,
And then they will open to meet you
Young fellow citizens have pure hearts.
And they will carry, like a baton,
As a memory of your teacher,
The desire to make this land better,
The planet we live on!
Song performed by students
The day is not easy, because you have a lot of things to do,
Worries like an endless stream.
You are wandering home already tired
And tomorrow with renewed vigor for a lesson.
Chorus: You will live forever in our heart.
Do not forget your lessons.
The teacher is the highest calling.
The teacher will teach us to love life.
You are soul creators and sculptors of morality,
Take care of the brightness of the mind,
Do you want us not to lose ourselves,
We lived with hope, believed in ourselves.
We want to congratulate you today together.
Words cannot convey everything to us.
We, dear ones, need to take care of all of you.
This is what we wanted to tell you.
There is no harder work than your work,
Reform will not make it easier,
Life itself makes you
For children, do not regret anything!
In aviation, they strictly believe
How many hours the pilot has flown
Not everyone will know about the teacher
How long he stood at the blackboard!
How many notebooks did I check at night,
How many plans I wrote in my life
How many times has a person believed
And he punished himself for him.

For kindness and sensitivity,
For endless patience
For wisdom and knowledge
For charm and beauty,
For amazing optimism,
For adherence to principles and exactingness,
For honor and dignity,
For love of life and faith ...

scripts corporate Scenario corporate scenario Corporate Light dance music sounds.

The presenters meet the teachers at the entrance, congratulate them on the holiday and give everyone flowers.

The guests, the teachers, are seated at the tables.

Host 1: Good evening, dear teachers!

Host 2: Happy Holidays, dear friends!

Host 1: Today, on this wonderful evening, we are greeted by a cheerful musical tavern "Thirteen Chairs".

Host 2: You have the right to ask, dear guests, why 13?

Lead 1: Teachers - love the progressive, always bring the light of knowledge to the masses and oppose obscurantism. And today we will try to prove that 13 is a lucky number! I wish you happiness, good luck today and always!

Host 2: I propose to start our festive evening with a friendly song (lyrics on the tables).

Host 1: So, the pub opens and the party begins!

The soundtrack (backing track) of the song "Time to go, road" from the movie "Heavenly slug" sounds

All: "This is a festive evening, evening

All teachers, frankly, have nothing to do!

We all gathered at the table

Talk about this, about this

And we will sing this song together.

It's time to celebrate the holiday

Everyone have fun, relax

And forget the word "lesson"

And the ugly schoolboy

May you have plenty of rest from our notations!

During the performance of the song by the teachers, the presenters and their assistants put 13 school chairs in a row on the staged playground. Each of them is covered with tips (except for the last one - the thirteenth)

Host 1: The 13 Chairs Zucchini is open! And here they are - the symbols of our festive evening - school chairs. There are exactly 13 of them!

Lead 2: Our esteemed headmaster is invited to the first chair of honor.

The director walks over to the chair and reads the hint from the first chair.

Let volleys of colorful fireworks

Our long-awaited holiday will be opened!

What a pity the school can't afford fireworks ...

We have salute no worse from Champagne !!!

Host 1: Dear male teachers! Let's open up Champagne together.

Attention! Prepare for the "cork fireworks" in honor of the Teacher's Day! Three, two, one ... A volley !!!

Glasses are being filled. The director of the school congratulates his colleagues on their professional holiday!

Lead 2: To continue the holiday

We need to take a hint.

Which chair?

Of course, the second!

Lead 1: Amazing teacher people!

After a glass of Champagne

They even remember the ordinal score!

Lead 2: Carefully, teachers! I put "five" for the answers! (reads a hint)

Do you love your school?

Everyone, of course, you know:

Which way do the doors open in the lobby?

How many chairs have I seen in the secretary's office?

What color is the director's eyes when a thunderstorm thunders outside the windows?

What did (I.O.) wear to the last New Year's ball?

Host 1: Let's raise a glass for attention, creativity and vocation!

Lead 2: Here is the third chair,

And here is the question:

"What's the main thing?"

Clothing? Height?

Ability to communicate?

Children to smile?

(perform a song of their choice)

Host 2: How good the singer is!

And our soul sings!

Here is the fourth chair - surprise!

Let's play an unexpected prize

For friendly singing

And beautiful execution!

Competition "The song goes in a circle" (teachers at one table begin to sing the song, and the other table must continue it. So in a circle, one after another)

Table - the winner says a toast!

Host 1: Let there be laughter and a joke and a dance minute in the hall!

(takes a clue with a treble clef from the fifth chair). We continue,

Lead 2: We have fun,

We invite everyone to dance!

Host 1: (when everyone is back at the tables)

The next chair has a surprise!

A wonderful prize for the best dancers!

(a symbolic prize is awarded to the most active dancer)

Lead 2: Attention, gentlemen!

Here is the game for you! (6 chair)

"It's time for blondes to play"

Host 1: You come out blondes and amaze us with your mind!

(any competition, you can guess riddles, etc.)

Host 2: Blondes are smart!

The world rests on them!

And we will give each of them a souvenir!

(symbolic souvenirs from the 7th chair)

Toast from the participants.

Host 1: The Sound of Music Again

They invite you to dance!

(treble clef with 8 chairs)

During the dances, the presenters invite those who wish to prepare for the next number. Participants dress up in Russian folk costumes and take words with ditties. It is possible that men wear women's outfits, and women wear men's)

Host 2: Open the door soon!

Guests are freezing at the door!

(Participants of the number go out and take the balalaika from the 9th chair)

Artists: We have come to visit you

And they brought ditties!

(singing ditties about school)

Host 1: Teachers are all artists!

We are ready to tell everyone.

With your help today

We can show a fairy tale!

The presenters choose the participants of the "Fairy Tale" number from the teachers and give them cards on which the role is defined. You can choose any fairy tale, for example, "The Stolen Sun" by K.I. Chukovsky.

Roles on cards: sun, crocodile, cloud, two rams, etc.

The presenter reads a fairy tale (excerpt), and the participants depict as they can.

The role of the sun is best left to the school principal.

In conclusion, Host 2: We have one sun! (points to the director)

Let it shine on us!

Let the salary increase!

Teachers do not offend!

The presenter asks the director to take a tip from chair 10.

Director: The prize is not fun for you!

I wish you all creativity and success!

(if there is a prize for Teacher's Day, it's time to present it)

Lead 1: (takes the treble clef from the 11th chair)

To become slimmer for all of us

Everyone needs to dance!

And men do not sit

Invite the ladies to dance!

Lead 2: To show agility

We must play together!

We will put chairs in a circle,

We'll make you dance around!

The game "One extra" is played with twelve chairs.

Host 2: Here is the last thirteenth chair.

If anyone has forgotten about the fate of the twelve chairs, you can ask Ostap Bendar. And today we will walk his path. Today is a festive evening and we can be a little adventurous! Bring in the magic bag! (there are chips in the bag, one of them has the number 13)

Lead 1: Each of you can take only one chip. The lucky one who got the chip with the lucky number 13, please come to the cherished chair!

The presenter, under the solemn music, puts on the lucky man a ribbon with the inscription "Teacher - Millionaire" and sits him on the 13th chair and gives him a hint to read.

Millionaire: Where is my prize - a million? Is he lost or what?

Lead 2: Only our generous teacher

Dumped a million in a bag

And I bought gifts!

The presenters bring gifts to all teachers.

Lead 1: It's time to end the holiday.

All teachers "Hurray!"

Lead 2: Let the students and their parents

You are respected!

Let colleagues appreciate and adore!

Lead 1: May the noble work of the teacher

Higher ascends from year to year!

Dance music sounds. *********

A large collection of scripts and scenes !!!
lists of all scenarios
categories of all scenarios: New Year Christmas St. Valentine February 23 March 8 Easter Maslenitsa April 1 May 9 high school students' evening Last bell Graduation evening September 1 School Teacher's Day Birthday Children's party Anniversary KVN Students Wedding Orthodox Halloween For adults Various

We offer an interesting scenario for a corporate party of teachers, which can be held in the teacher's room or in any school premises. The script is suitable for the end of the school year and for the last call. After all, the teachers worked all the way without interruption, taught the children and earned themselves a small holiday.

You need to choose two leaders or invite someone to lead the holiday so that all teachers can relax. Relaxing music sounds and presenters come out to this music.

Lead 1:
Put all your notebooks, pens and pencils aside!
After all, today, together with you, we will tear ourselves away from the soul!

Lead 2:
Let's sing and dance
And slowly forget about school!
And when we play,
You will forget everything in the world!

Lead 1:
But first, dear teachers,
I propose to make a toast!
For your friendly team,
In which to work is just a class!

If there are male teachers at the corporate party, they open champagne and pour it to their colleagues. If there are no men, then only female forces will have to be dispensed with.

Lead 2:
Do you want to play?
In order not to fade right away.
Remember something about your colleagues,
And laugh at the same time!

Competition for the best memory.
We need to prepare questions, so to speak from real life, and to which there are truthful answers. For example, what was the headmaster of the school on September 1 of that year? Or a question to the oldest teacher: what is the exact amount of money you received in your first salary? Question to the physical education teacher: in your first lesson in the gym, which sports object did you pick up first? Etc.

Lead 1:
I raise a toast to your profession,
And I congratulate you on the holiday!
Your profession is very much needed!
Very important, but so difficult!

Lead 1:
There are countless questions in the world!
And not all the answers are there!
It happened historically,
That these questions are rhetorical.
Let's go against the foundations,
And we will find the answers to these questions!

Game of questions and answers. Facilitators ask a question or read a sentence, and teachers should continue or provide an answer.

Question 1:
Everyone knows that the husband is the head and the wife is the neck. The question is: who is to blame for the head looking to the left?
(answer: the neck is to blame, because where the neck turns, the head turns there)

Question 2:
What is the name of the day when you wash, clean, cook and iron?
(answer: day off)

Question 3:
What if a beautiful, smart and interesting girl doesn't have a boyfriend?
(Answer: stop thinking that she is a beautiful, smart and interesting girl)

Question 4:
Why do people eat at the computer?
(Answer: food tastes better at the computer)

Question 5:
What is it called - lying on the floor all day.
(Answer: active sex life)

Question 6:
What is not written in any melodrama, in any film about love, or in any novel?
(answer: it does not say that the film is based on real events)

Question 7:
How can you throw yourself at people?
(answer: you can throw words at people)

Question 8:
What is a word that one means three different things?
(Answer: a pen - for writing, for a door and for a person)

Lead 2:
And now we will conduct experiments,
And together we will go to the hospital later!
No friends, of course I'm kidding
But I will carry out the experiments anyway!

Experience 1:
If I give you five apples,
And then take one,
Give another to grandfather,
And a couple more to lose.
Add two, hide three.
In the end, tell me how much will be!
(answer: zero apples)

Experience 2:
In the morning
My head ached.
And then I grabbed my stomach,
I held on as much as I could.
After the leg was so tight,
What immediately twitched my eye.
And still trouble came
The left arm ached.
I ran and screamed
And I was looking for pills.
And when I found the pills.
I asked a question.
Why did it hurt me
In the morning?
(answer: head)

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