Home Perennial flowers While doing yoga. Contraindications for yoga. What is the best time for a beginner to do yoga at home

While doing yoga. Contraindications for yoga. What is the best time for a beginner to do yoga at home

In this article I will answer where to start. yoga classes... In the course of a live survey, I found out that this is the question that interests you most, my newbies.

Together we will analyze the FIVE SECRETS OF PROFESSIONAL YOGA that every beginner needs to know and apply them in our first practice.

We will strive from our first asana to discover what yoga is.

Everyone is ready! Forward to get to know your body! To control your emotions! To profound changes in your life!

What is yoga

1 secret. Yogis know the anatomy of the body.

To perform an asana correctly, you need to know which muscles are involved in it.

Knowing the muscles will give us many benefits:

  • we will learn how to properly control the body in asana
  • we find out which parts of the body we make stronger
  • we will be able to control any daily movements (we will begin to notice when we hold an uneven spine, pinch our shoulders, carelessly walk and we will know exactly how to fix it).

Therefore, today, before performing your first asana, you will first learn its main muscles, as well as its significance for the modern style of a person.

2 secret. Thoughts of an experienced yogi.

It turns out that we do not see the main difference in the classes of an experienced practitioner from a beginner. The difference is not only in the complexity and technically correct performance of asanas, but also in the difference between the thoughts of an experienced yogi and a beginner.

By the way, the technique of performance does not always have significant differences, but THOUGHTS always!

If an experienced yogi performs the practice, then all his thoughts are only about the asana being performed at the moment.

There are no memories, experiences, worries in his thoughts.

Yogis are always in the present moment.

Here are the thoughts you need for beginner yogis:

  • thinking about working muscles in the asana to properly align each part of the body
  • thoughts of breathing. It helps to consciously gain even deep breathing.
  • attentively maintaining positive thinking during moments of muscle pain and fatigue
  • no thoughts, only observation of your body and emotions.

And from all other thoughts during yoga classes you can finally rest.

Try it! If you are reading, just read, if you are taking a shower, be all your thoughts in the shower, not at work (watch the sensations, do not think about the upcoming business, you already know what you need to do).

One of the main tasks yoga for beginners, teach your new students to always maintain a calm positive thinking and consciously get rid of negativity in their minds.

Sorted it out! During the asana, be attentive to your muscles and especially attentive to your thoughts.

And how to choose the asana you need, you will learn in the following secrets.

Secret 3... It is my asana.

In order for you to achieve the desired result from yoga, it is very necessary take a responsible attitude to the choice and method of performing asanas.

Always consider:

  • your body type
  • their physiological characteristics (structure of joints and spinal column, elasticity and strength of muscles)
  • Past injuries and illnesses (if you have serious illnesses or doubt the choice of an asana, be sure to consult with your doctor and yoga teacher).

Studying each asana in detail, we will compose our individual practice. Let's choose the asanas we need, their sequence, breathing and the pace of execution.

Secret 4... The rhythm of life matters

Before each asana practice, we must take into account the upcoming events and our state. Do we have an important meeting and need a burst of energy and concentration, or we have an interview, competition, exam and we need to be confident and calm.

  • we see only the shell of asanas, internal effects beyond our perception
  • some asanas relax the muscles, others put them on alert
  • Some stimulate the nervous system, others calm it.

With the help of our lessons, you will know exactly which asana will give you the desired effect. Take the entire yoga tutorial series, subscribe to blog updates.

Secret 5 in the morning or evening ?

Of no small importance is the time at which we do yoga classes.

In the morning we do asanas that awaken energy, give confidence and determination.

With evening practice, we achieve muscle relaxation and relaxation of the brain, release of general tension and restoration of strength.

And most importantly, no matter what asanas we perform, simple or complex, balances or twists, they all give us the main thing - a calm state of mind. Yoga encourages you to always maintain this state, whether you are running or walking, talking or listening, lying down or participating in competitions.

Is always! Here what is yoga!

Well, my beginner yoga all the secrets are revealed, let's get down to practice!

Yoga for beginners - mini course of 5 basic yoga asanas

We will study in detail one of the basic yoga asanas, Pashimottanasana, and immediately apply all knowledge about it in practice.

Let's get started.

1. What muscles are involved

The asana is visually passive, in reality it is a complex coordinated work of the muscles of the legs and trunk.

We will analyze only the largest muscles that hold the correct position of the asana. And over time, as you improve your practice, you will also master miniature work.

Working muscles

Leg muscles:

The broad muscle of the thigh - extends the knee with the charter.

The sartorius directs the movement of the legs inward and holds the hips, knees, toes together.

These movements form the basis for the correct performance of the asana. When we control them, the knees are pressed firmly against the floor and the back surface begins to stretch. Consider this carefully in the figure.

Back muscles:

The key work in stretching the spinal column is performed by the erector muscle. (Find it in the picture) But since the back muscles are completely resting only in the supine position, we still accompany the passive tilt of the torso with slight tension.

In pashimottanasana, it is the STRETCH of the muscles of the back and the back of the legs that allows the asana to reveal its effect. Pay special attention to the work of these muscles.

Now comes the fun part!

The harmonious work of the front and back surfaces of the legs makes the movements relaxed and light. The stretching of the spinal column forms the correct posture. And together you get an easy confident gait.

This asana also massages the abdominal organs well.

This means:

  • improves metabolism
  • improves digestion
  • normalizes reproductive functions

My beginners, we will soon do the asana and we will feel everything ourselves!

2. And what to think about during yoga classes!

We think about the right muscles and carefully build the correct position of the asana. What muscles, you already know!

Thoughts control muscle tension, stretching, and relaxation.

  • Thinking about breathing and consciously making it smooth and calm
  • From all other thoughts we just rest

3. Who is suitable for performing this asana!

  • Pashimottanasana has practically no contraindications, it is suitable for all body types
  • Asana easily adapts to the physiological characteristics of the body

I will repeat myself!

If you have a serious illness, or are in doubt about the choice of an asana, be sure to consult with your doctor and yoga teacher.

4. For what rhythm of life!

Perform the asana in moments when you are experiencing strong excitement, anxiety, tension.

After the asana, the restless mind becomes serene and the thinking becomes clear and calm.

5. When is the best time to do it.

Pashimottanasana is ideal for evening practice. The asana relieves tension in the body and relaxes the brain. Irritation, anger and other states of excitement from the past day subside. The chaotic seething thoughts calm down.

What to wear for a yoga lesson, is it possible to practice after breakfast, how often to practice? All kinds of questions are spinning in the head of a person who has decided to do yoga. We will tell you how to organize such classes correctly.


1. Find out if you have any contraindications to yoga

Yes, start with that. Despite the well-known health-improving effect of yoga, it is not shown to everyone. Among constant contraindications to yoga: mental disorders, some heart diseases (tachycardia, uncompensated defects, atrial fibrillation, myocardial dystrophy), blood diseases, infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system, severe traumatic brain injury, malignant neoplasms.

Temporarily abstain from yoga stands while taking a large number of medications, with exacerbation of chronic diseases, immediately after operations, with severe physical fatigue, at a body temperature above 37 and below 36.2 degrees, on a full stomach.

2. Find the type of yoga that is right for you

It may well turn out that, having gone to hatha yoga at the suggestion of her admiring girlfriend, you will be disappointed. And having dragged a young man to pair yoga - quarrel and give up this idea. You need to approach it consciously. Decide what you want from the practice: lose weight, keep fit, quickly restore lack of strength, or gradually learn to manage prana (energy) - and go to a suitable yoga class.

3. Find the right clothes for yoga

8. Exercise on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating

The stomach should be empty during yoga. Therefore, it is good to practice in the morning immediately after waking up. Either.

9. When doing yoga, try to disconnect from everything.

Yoga requires total concentration and immersion. Periodically distracted by gadgets, questions from children or noise in the next room, you will not be able to concentrate, which means that you will reduce the effect of the lesson. Therefore, try to practice in such a way that no one and nothing interferes with you.

Take our advice before heading to your yoga class and rest assured that even the first lesson will be as easy and comfortable as possible.

If in those years, when Western people just discovered yoga, it was mainly hippies who were fond of it, now both top managers of the largest companies and Hollywood stars are "taking a pose".

Neurologists, osteopaths and massage therapists in Russia and abroad unanimously speak of an increase in the number of patients overdoing it during yoga classes. This fact, however, does not affect the growing popularity of this type of physical activity. What is the right way to start doing yoga so that you do not have to go to the doctor later?

The plethora of yoga guides, books and video courses on the internet can be confusing. It seems that you can just repeat the movements of the instructor on the screen, and that will be enough. In practice, there are so many nuances in performing postures - asanas that no video course or book can convey them all.

The first thing to do yoga is to find the right class. Only in a yoga class for "dummies" can you find out when you need to tighten your knees, how to properly tighten the muscles of your legs, and in which direction you need to turn your shoulders. Also in yoga class you will get tips for beginners, learn about what you have, for example, such parts of the body as the outer and inner heel, the apple of the big toe, and learn how to "poke" your toes, transferring body weight to the heels.

The safety and positive effect of yoga (and any other physical activity) largely depends on the correctness of the exercise. Therefore, in the beginning, if possible, it is worth joining the class and learning how to correctly perform asanas. Then you can practice yoga at home.

Yoga classes and studios offer so many styles that it's easy to get confused. It is worth doing a little research on Yoga: What Beginners Need to Know and read about these styles before heading off to class. See which philosophy appeals to you more? Do you want to move faster or slower during exercise? Do you prefer to use available means for more comfortable asanas? Are you ready to do asanas slowly and thoughtfully? Or do you want to experiment, and are you ready to sweat in the "hot" yoga class, performing the complex in a room with an air temperature of 37-40 ° C? The choice of direction will depend on this.

How to start doing yoga the right way

Yoga is good because a rug or a couple of square meters of non-slip floor is enough for practicing. Expensive branded coasters and similar items can be replaced with improvised materials - dictionaries, blankets, etc.

The main thing that is needed is the desire to try something new and the willingness to devote some of your time to yoga. If you are into fitness or any kind of sport that requires a lot of activity, you will be surprised how different yoga is from your usual activities. You will be even more surprised when you realize that even these slow, fluid movements and static postures require tension and effort. On the Internet, you can find asana complexes for people involved in some sports, for example, for runners.

There is always someone in the class who bends better and gets up on hands faster. The surest way to get injured is to try to catch up and overtake such a friend or impress those around you with your physical training. Unless you are a professional dancer or gymnast, you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Respect the limitations your body places on you. Moving forward in small steps is a much faster way than breaking your neck right away and then healing it for a long time.

Despite the fact that the correct performance of asanas will require some effort from you, you do not need to do something "through pain." Tell the teacher that you are in pain and a good teacher will show you how to change your posture. If the teacher advises you to be patient, and even makes an effort to stretch you harder and more painfully, you should consider changing the class.

The teacher will definitely warn you that there are restrictions on the performance of this asana. The first thing to start with yoga classes is to tell the teacher that you have, for example, problems with your back, neck, knees, the consequences of an injury or surgery, and that you are pregnant, even if you cannot see your belly. ...

The rules of yoga practice dictate - no need to pay attention to others. Yoga in the classroom is a great opportunity to be alone with yourself. Therefore, you should not waste time looking at others and paying attention to how they perform asanas, how they are dressed and whose pedicure has peeled off. In addition, if you turn your head to the sides while in an inverted position (in other words, when your legs are thrown behind your head), you can easily get a neck injury.

Yoga etiquette for beginners

Yoga is practiced barefoot, so it is worth taking care of a pedicure. The temptation to come in socks is very great, but you should not give in to it - legs in socks can part at the most inopportune moment, which can cause a fall or injury.

We usually feel more confident when someone we know is around in a new situation. Do not give in to this feeling and come to class with a girlfriend! The chances that you will start chatting and disturbing others are very high. In addition, you will be more watching each other and commenting on what is happening than actually doing something.

The phone must be turned off before entering the classroom. Vibration mode will not work, your vibrating tube will be perfectly audible. Running out of class to answer calls is a surefire way to avoid making friends in the class.

One of the favorite "calluses" of those who practice yoga in the classroom is that some people do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Uniforms need to be washed after each lesson and, of course, you need to shower before heading off to class. If you bring your exercise rug with you, wash it from time to time - the old smell of sweat from the rug does not add to the popularity of anyone. The strong smell of perfume and cosmetics is the other extreme, which you should not fall into when going to a yoga class.

Leaving before the end of the class, during relaxation is a bad form. Even if you tiptoe to the exit, it still distracts the whole class. Plus, relaxation is an important part of the lesson, so you shouldn't give it up.

Yoga: What Beginners Need to Know

If you are just starting to do yoga, you need to be prepared for the fact that you may suddenly start gas or your stomach rumbles. It's a little awkward, but completely natural. Pretend nothing special has happened. Because in fact it is. For the future, you should not gorge yourself before classes, however, you should not come on an empty stomach either. Eat about 1.5-2 hours before class.

The teacher can demonstrate to you the peculiarities of the new pose. Do not think about extra pounds in the waist area, people are not looking at this, but at how you competently work with your shoulders.

You can fall asleep while performing the final asana - "posture of the dead". Nothing wrong with that. But maybe it is worth taking a more critical look at your daily routine. Are you sure you are really getting enough sleep?

What clothes do you need for yoga

Clothes for yoga practice should be soft, comfortable and made from natural materials. Your instructor needs to be able to see your knees, so choose an athletic outfit that reveals them, or wear leggings. Despite the fact that black is slimmer, in light leggings your knees are much more visible, so pay attention to bright and light colors when buying a uniform.

We should also talk about linen separately. Sales consultants in any sports store can answer the question of what kind of clothing you need for yoga. Sports bras are preferred over regular bras. And they wear them when doing any sport, not just yoga. If you don't have any sports bras yet, be sure to check them out. Such underwear is incredibly comfortable, provides good support for the chest, and is made of modern breathable materials.

It is more difficult with panties - traces of elastic bands make the whole picture faulty, and not everyone likes and can afford to wear thongs. When thinking about how to dress for yoga, first of all, keep your comfort in mind. If you are comfortable in such underwear, choose it. If not, pay attention to the classic seamless panties.

As a "nightmare" in a yoga class they call persons who come to the lesson without any underwear at all, just in sports uniform. If such an idea occurs to you, keep in mind that it will shock those around you, who are forced to regularly look directly at your butt for 1.5 hours.

Healthy people need yogic practice to strengthen their body and spiritual harmony. But whoever has any diseases, you need to know the contraindications to yoga.

If during the class, you feel a sharp pain or you feel unwell, you need to stop the class and tell the instructor or doctor about it.

Properly selected exercises should not cause any sharp pain. You need to be able to distinguish between muscle and joint pain. In the early stages, any pain is considered a mistake. Increase the load gradually in order to prevent injury.

There are contraindications for yoga, and you need to know them.

There are cases when yoga is prohibited, but there are time restrictions on classes. Small mistakes in yoga practice can harm the body.

This is especially important for those who decide to do yoga on their own.

What time can you do yoga

It is necessary to start classes no earlier than two hours after eating. After the bath, you need to wait 4 hours. But what time of day to choose is up to you, but preference is given to the morning hours.

At what age can you start classes

According to experts, children from 5 years old can practice yoga. It is important to choose the right exercises. Can the elderly do yoga? Of course, but better with an instructor.

How often to practice

We need an individual approach. The doctor or instructor should say how many times a week to practice. But only systematic practice will bring the desired result. People with good health can exercise every day.

Permanent contraindications

This is when any yoga practice is prohibited. These include the following diagnoses:

  • Serious mental illness (borderline mental states, epilepsy, psychological disorders, psychosis, schizophrenia). But with depression, yoga is needed.
  • Oncology.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Complex damage to the digestive system and spine.
  • Infection of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Lesions of the musculoskeletal system are severe.
  • Severe vertebral and craniocerebral trauma.
  • Hernia in the groin.
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • Serious diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system (atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysms, uncompensated heart defects, paroxysmal tachycardia).
  • Infection in the brain and spinal cord.

Temporary contraindications

In some cases, yoga is contraindicated for a certain period of time:

  • Six months after suffering a stroke, heart attack. Further, only after consulting a doctor.
  • After operations on the chest, in the abdominal cavity for 2-3 months.
  • Pregnancy after three months and three months postpartum.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal ulcer, appendicitis, etc.)
  • Increased or decreased body temperature.
  • Colds, flu.
  • Body temperature above 37 and below 36.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • A slight imbalance in the activity of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Increase in intracranial and ocular pressure of a temporary nature.
  • The use of drugs in large quantities.

Only the doctor should tell you when to start yoga classes.

Yoga in special states


Menstrual cycle

Not all asanas are allowed during menstruation. During such a period, the practice should be light, without overexertion. Inverted asanas, twisting are prohibited. It is desirable to use simple asanas, but if you feel bad, it is better not to practice.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia

It is advisable to do it in the morning. Perform standing postures slowly, inverted asanas with caution.


Preference is given to gentle relaxation asanas and breathing practices. This method is also suitable for neuroses, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Varicose veins

Do not put heavy loads on the lower limbs. With varicose veins on the legs, standing positions should be performed slowly. It is necessary to maintain balance, keeping your hands on the wall. It is not recommended to perform the exercises with the support of the legs.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If you have any doubts about your health, it is best to consult a doctor or instructor. You will receive information about which exercises are right for you and which ones are not recommended.

With age, many people lose mobility, which aggravates physical ailments. Often people perceive this as aging of the body and do not pay attention to problems with joints, feet, etc. But yogic asanas are able to return mobility, former awareness, sensitivity.

  • People again feel the fullness of life.
  • For beginners and older people, it is important to study slowly, you need to save strength.
  • A calm rhythm makes it possible to better understand what is happening to your own body while performing various asanas.
  • The most common diseases for older people are hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis, and women are also worried about being overweight.

The main thing is to choose asanas with a specialist that will not harm your health.

With increased pressure, inverted poses should not be used. For them, a lightweight complex should be drawn up, relieving stress, tension.

If the pressure rises from time to time, move to inverted asanas gradually. In osteoporosis, perform each position with caution, especially those that put stress on the joints.

When arthritis is diagnosed, it is important that the joint moves. This is painful, but you need to be patient and repeat the exercises whenever possible. Gradually, the joint regains its former mobility. It is advisable to practice under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

If you are overweight, you also need to choose a complex according to an individual program. How many calories are burned in one hour? It all depends on the type of practice and individual characteristics. On average, 100-200. Excess weight goes away faster if yoga practices and proper nutrition are applied.

Dangerous asanas

Why is yoga dangerous for beginners? Get an injury to the spine, joints, ligaments, etc. Spinal injury is especially dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to know traumatic postures and perform them with caution.

These include:

  • headstand, shoulderstand, and other inverted positions;
  • asanas that open the pelvis (splits);
  • backbend exercises.

For beginners, the most dangerous asanas are as follows: Halasana (plow pose), Padmasana (Lotus pose), Sirshasana (headstand), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Trikonasana (extended triangle pose).

Surely there is no such person who would not have heard of such a word as "yoga", but at the same time not everyone is able to explain what it is. I would like to note that yoga is a unique, amazing practice that came into the world from a mysterious, mysterious India, but, as you know, it is this country that brings health not only to the body, but also to the soul, so it is worth realizing and understanding this ...

It should be added that yoga allows you to learn to competently, breathe correctly, fully relax, but in addition, it allows you to forget about insomnia, and after all, many people suffer from this ailment so often.

Speaking about yoga in general, then of course, it should be understood that this is a special, unique way of life, which is famous for the fact that it will allow everyone to achieve enlightenment. Remember that if you want to do yoga, you will have to give up certain benefits of civilization.

After all, it is yoga that is different in that it makes you rethink not only life principles, but also habits. If you want to practice yoga, be prepared for the fact that now there will be a desire to give up everything bad and harmful, you can learn to control your feelings, gaining not only mental, but also physical balance. Those people who regularly do this claim that they started life differently, and had no idea how their gray days went before.

Many people perceive yoga as a set of asanas, if you wish to do the same, then you should know that for you it will become simple gymnastics and nothing more, and accordingly it will not be able to bring the desired effect. In this case, yoga will be a complex of various exercises designed to improve health, normalize the work of certain organs, etc.

A brief history of yoga

As for the history of yoga, then naturally it is long and rich, because if you carefully study the Indian seals, you can see the images of figures in the postures of yogic meditation.

Despite all the advantages that yoga has, nevertheless, many people do not know what benefits it brings, and if you carefully study this issue, then all doubts will disappear instantly, instantly. We can safely say that even two months is enough, and you can feel favorable, positive and positive changes.

Such exercises are also famous for the fact that they will allow you to forget about chronic pain in certain sections of the spine, which is important. It is important to add that yoga is also different in that it heals all body systems, and these are not empty words. Of course, you should practice regularly in order to achieve some results, and the effect, in this case, you yourself will begin to notice how the body becomes flexible, plastic.

Attention: Remember that only yoga classes will allow a person to feel real life energy, gaining self-confidence, moreover, such activities will allow him to become calmer, less prone to both stress and other negative situations, and this is a serious advantage.

Contraindications to yoga

You need to understand that yoga can really be done to all those who wish it, but, like any gymnastics, there are some contraindications that it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance so that such training could not cause any damage or harm to your health.

  1. For example, it is strictly forbidden to practice yoga for certain mental disorders, this also includes schizophrenia, certain exacerbations of diseases of internal organs, so it is worth considering this;
  2. If you are faced with such a problem as arterial, intracranial pressure, then you should forget about such activities, perhaps you have various heart diseases;
  3. You can not do yoga and in the presence of inguinal hernias;
  4. In the case of certain heart diseases, especially after a heart attack;
  5. One cannot but add here also diseases of the joints, various injuries of the spine, oncological diseases;
  6. If certain operations have been carried out, then such activities should be abandoned;
  7. Accordingly, this must be done in case of flu, colds, fever.

Attention: Sometimes it happens that while practicing yoga, a person begins to feel bad, his condition worsens, of course, you cannot tolerate, in this case, you should definitely stop training so as not to face serious health problems, moreover, you will need a medical consultation ...

Now you probably understand that yoga will require systematicity, so try to immediately determine the time of classes, in general, it is generally accepted that you should start every morning with yoga, doing this for a couple of hours, but of course, the most optimal time for classes is evening.

In addition to the above, it is important not to forget that yoga should be done strictly with an empty stomach, or, several hours after eating, you can perform special exercises, both on a slippery rug and on the floor, barefoot.

Many people are not serious about such activities, further wondering why they could not achieve any results. Know that yoga always requires complete silence, concentration, which means that external sources of sound should be turned off accordingly.

At the moment when you begin to perform certain exercises, you will definitely need to concentrate on the body, completely relax, forgetting about all those problems that may bother you, completely immersing yourself in the meditation process. In general, know that asanas should be performed correctly, namely, slowly and smoothly, then you can feel every inhalation, exhalation, which is important.

After all, with exceptionally correct breathing, it will be possible to properly relax the body, calm the mind, so do not forget about this, this is the main secret, the effectiveness of such exercises.

What not to do while doing yoga?

Yoga, as a rule, is considered a calm and safe activity, it will allow you to cope with constant stress, it also strengthens the immune system quite well, but you should not ignore the fact that you need to perform each exercise not only smoothly, but also with concentration.

Beginner Exercises for Beginners

As for the first exercises, you can start them on your own, even without an instructor, such asanas are extremely beneficial, and even if they are not performed quite correctly. Of course, you should not rush, try to tune in exclusively to the sensations of your body, performing the exercises gradually.

To perform this exercise as efficiently and correctly as possible, you need to stand straight, while inhaling, slowly raise your arms, stretching them up as far as you can. After the manipulations done, straight arms need to be pulled back behind the head, this will allow the chest to be fully opened. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to raise the bent leg, placing its foot on the thigh. This exercise is effective and useful, because it gives a graceful posture, moreover, it seriously strengthens the spinal column.

You can do the following exercise, which is called the child's pose. In this case, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels, and then start lowering your body to your hips, while stretching your arms forward. This exercise is necessary, effective, because it will relax your tight muscles, relieving tension from the neck.

For this exercise, bend over with your palms on the floor. Then raise the pelvis up, stepping back with the heels, and the weight should always be evenly distributed between the palms and feet, respectively, as a result, you can relieve tension from the shoulder girdle, from the back.

For example, stork pose is also a good option. Where should you raise your arms up, bending down with an exhalation, thereby bending from the lower back. This exercise will tone the body up.

To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, grabbing yourself by both ankles, while inhaling, simultaneously lifting both the upper and lower halves of your torso. The exercise is effective, as it will make your back straight, arms slender, so it is impossible not to appreciate it.

It is important not to forget that practice yoga at home, it is natural to perform certain exercises thoughtfully, slowly, this is the most important thing. Only in this case, there is an excellent opportunity to experience your every movement as effectively as possible, enjoying it to the fullest.

Of course, one should never forget about thoughts while performing such exercises, this is because it is they that will allow one to relax, distract from certain problems, making oneself much better than yesterday.

If something is not clear, then you can always watch videos teaching these exercises that will help you not to make mistakes. Thus, after a while, you will memorize all these exercises by heart, respectively, you will be able to perform them without much effort, difficulty and complexity.


Now you understand yourself that yoga is really a complex of serious, effective and safe exercises that allow you to look at the world with completely different eyes, get rid of certain problems, creating a special harmony of soul and body.

In addition, now you know that it is yoga that is the direct path to health, such training will allow you to get rid of the negative baggage that has been accumulated throughout your life, etc.

There are many excellent exercises in yoga, but the minus of yoga is various spiritual practices that often lead to spiritual problems.

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