Home Perennial flowers The higher astral differs from the lower. "Tower of karma". lower astral - life after death - self-knowledge - catalog of articles - love without conditions. Consciousness is an immortal entity, eternally reborn

The higher astral differs from the lower. "Tower of karma". lower astral - life after death - self-knowledge - catalog of articles - love without conditions. Consciousness is an immortal entity, eternally reborn


Unfortunately, only relatively few of the huge army of modern psychology students, as well as recently admitted members of the Temple of Humanity, have become familiar with one of the main teachings of the Religion of Wisdom, namely, the teaching of the Seven Principles, or Seven Sections, of Matter, Force and Consciousness. Therefore, most of the students experience serious difficulties in interpreting certain terms or when trying to connect together the various references and details that are constantly used by their teachers. All this causes great embarrassment and sometimes causes significant harm. And most of all harm is obtained in the case when the ignorant undertakes to interpret the nature and functions of the lower "I" - linga-sharira, as it is usually called in the teachings of the Far East, or "Ka" - a double, a shadow, according to the terminology of the ancient Egyptians.

This part of the human being, which is built and matures together with the mind and physical body of a person, after the soul leaves the body, remains for a certain period of time, although this is invisible to most people. Just as a lifeless body disintegrates due to the action of elementary forces, the lower astral is disintegrated by these same forces a little later - when the soul passes into a higher order of life - unless it is revived by the thought and will of the incarnate ego or not tied to the earth by a strong desire.

It is this lower "I" - "Ka" of the soul tied to the earth that answers the call of the average spiritualist and is often observed on graves or when separated from the body at the time of death.

It also acts in sensory dreams, since its substance is created by the lower, or sensible, pole of human nature. Since it is a perfect repetition of the physical body, it is often mistaken for the deceased person himself.

Sometimes, before death, this "Ka" acquires such a powerful control over the body that it completely displaces the true essence of a person - his soul. And then an incredible change for the worse is observed in this person. Such a change can occur due to damage to the physical body or brain, paralyzing some spiritual or cerebral center, which prevented the natural control of the soul imprisoned in the body, leaving it at the mercy of the elementary forces of this lower self.

The appearance of this creature in most cases is such that it fills any heart with horror or disgust. You will get some idea of ​​his appearance and inclinations if you realize that every selfish, sensual, evil thought cherished and sent by you, as well as the nature and power of the forces liberated in all such actions you have done in life, are concentrated and materialized in this lower self. And if you also realize that this “I” is endowed with the conceit of an ordinary person, his ability to make compromises, to betray, then it will become clear to you that such an entity, naturally, seeks to mislead a weak person about his real character and claims, and even her appearance, for which she tries to cloud the mind of the observer.

In short, this is the devil embodied in human nature. Such a devil lives in every person and, depending on the inner spiritual qualities, can be weak or strong. And this devil, like the one that tempted Jesus, always "lifts the soul to a high mountain" and offers her all the "kingdoms of the earth." This means that he always plays on the ambition and greed of human nature and tries to make a deal with the soul dwelling inside, offering those things that, in essence, he is powerless to give, in exchange for the favor and devotion of the soul, for he can exist only with her consent.

If the reality of the existence of the force of this other, lower "I" is fully realized by the soul, this antithesis of the lower "I", then the danger of suffering from its wiles and tricks will be much reduced.

All true neophytes know that it opposes the forces and principles in which the human soul is clothed. But if we can accept and realize the immutable and immutable truth of the words "I am omnipotent", then we will understand that we are able to overcome evil and make powerless this demon, this worst enemy, who has taken on a human form in order to mislead.

Good is omnipotent. Evil, or darkness, can always be dispelled by good - Light. But you cannot defeat evil by denying the existence of this very material entity, as some would like, because by this denial you only give it strength and power, adding one more lie to the one that originally served to create it. And sometime in the future, this essence, having destroyed the boundaries erected by such denial, will destroy the harmony in your aura and you will have to reckon with it.

You should with all your might assert the power of good, at the same time identifying your higher "I" with this good. Constantly keeping in mind the thought of such an identification, you thereby completely ignore your lower self, and this is the only thing that it fears. With your refusal to supply him with the substance that he needs in order to live, that is, the substance of your own evil thoughts and words, his power dries up, it becomes less and less dense, and after death and even before it quickly collapses. This is the case with the Teachers and with the advanced chelas who have destroyed their lower "I am", defeating him with good and thus changing his nature.

It is said that the Great Teacher has no shadow - it is extremely rare to see a shadow in such a society.

Do not feed, do not feed this lower "I" with your fear of its influence or obsequious recognition of its power over you.

Try to realize the truth of the words: “I am one with God and all Good; evil has no power over me ”- and, recognizing evil as powerless, you will be freed from its power. It is the recognition of this lower self, clothed in stolen equipment - the forms of dead friends - that makes spiritualistic seances such a dangerous place, for almost all reliable materializations are produced by the lower self of the medium, which clothe itself in an image in the mind of the questioner through the magnetism of the latter.

The conscious life of the lower self takes place on the lower astral plane, which is why it has access to astral records. Sometimes such an entity can tell the truth to some extent and predict something correctly, especially if by this it can give itself more significance. But, as a rule, he cannot be trusted at all, because his nature is very changeable. And the true purpose of its existence is to preserve or concentrate transient evil in human nature inside some form, or sphere, where it can be destroyed more easily and quickly, or, rather, changed by the embodied ego into goodness, when he is repeatedly given the opportunity to pay off karmic debts accumulated in past lives - debts created as a result of bad thoughts and actions.

Every normal person is more or less aware of the existence of this lower self. During serious trials, it is his voice that is heard by the inner ear, often making one believe in Divine intervention. But this voice, once recognized, can be silenced.

Only an Initiate of a high degree can bring the souls of two individuals into conscious contact if they are on different planes. But since for a soul freed from the bonds of matter, this is often very harmful, it is done only in exceptional cases on an important occasion.

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Many do not understand or are afraid of the unknown world of the astral, therefore, when they hear this word, they have an association with something dark. So let's dispel this myth. The Astral World serves as a mediator between the Spiritual and Physical worlds.

The representative of the astral world is: energy (or strength), soul, astrosom.

All worlds penetrate each other to one degree or another. The principle of energy is Spirit, and energy is manifested in matter, which it sets in motion.

According to physics, all bodies decompose into molecules, and molecules into atoms. At the same time, there are simple bodies, the atoms of which are different from the atoms of other bodies and cannot be decomposed any more, these are gold and hydrogen.

At the heart of all bodies and all types of matter are the primary atoms "astral atoms".

Basic concepts

Astral mother I am the same material substance, only of a more subtle character. At its vibration level, it is quite material. As matter becomes spiritualized, it approaches the Spiritual Principle. There are two main poles: Spirit and Matter, between which there is a mass of intermediate steps. Spirit and Matter penetrate each other and all this is surrounded by the Astral. Astral penetrates into everything and surrounds the whole world, connects star systems with each other. Connecting the stars with rays of light, gravity and other factors.

Astral- being the energy of matter, it shares the properties of ordinary matter, namely: the atoms of all matter are in vibration, the atom of one body is combined with the atom of another.

The subtlest vibrations- this is animal magnetism (on the astral plane Xn-rays), that is, psychic energy. Already in the field of electricity, vibrating matter is a lower (denser) astral.

  • Xn - high frequencies of the astral plane.
  • Electricity is low.

Astral is thus divided into many energy octaves of vibration.

Astral positive and negative poles

After rough electricity comes:

  • electric light,
  • sound waves,
  • heat rays
  • XH-rays - physical magnetism (magnet).

Magnetism, including the animal, is inherent in all bodies, and the body has two poles (+ and -). The entire Astral is also polarized, while it is in constant circular motion. The speed of the Astral Vortex cannot be grasped by the imagination. Therefore, in our concept, space and time in the astral plane does not exist.

  • The positive rays of the Astral have the symbol of the Sun and are called AOD.
  • Negative rays are symbolized by the Moon and are called AOB.
  • And being in a balanced movement are called AOP - this means - the astral, or astral light.
  • At the base of the ANM lies Jonah - the power of expansion of space and life, its symbol is a dove.
  • And at the base of the AOB lies Erebus - the force of the compression of time and death, its symbol is the raven.

The ancients depicted the Astral in the form of two serpents standing in a spiral, one around the other. This is the emblem of the ANM and AOB in a balanced state.

Etheric or astral bodies

Astral is filled with various etheric or astral bodies, partly conscious, partly unconscious.

Astral bodies- Astrosomes are formed as a result of the condensation of astral particles, just as ball lightning (unconscious astral energy) is formed in the air saturated with electricity.


Astrosomes or astral bodies - the 2nd subtle body refers to the manipura chakra

The unconscious astrosomes gather around the positive poles, and the conscious ones around the negative ones. In the astrosome, there is a process of attracting molecules into oneself and excreting molecules into the Astral. Moreover, the potentiality of molecules in the entire given area should be more or less the same. Otherwise, with a strong difference in the potentials of the astrosome and the Astral around it, the astrosome gets holes in the shell, - striving outward; or the Astral rushes into the astrosome.

The density of the subtle world

The world around us is complex and diverse. There are many such worlds in the Universe, where intelligent beings live in different spatial and temporal coordinates, and have different densities in the material shell (of the astral plane). The structure of the Universe and the basic laws of the Cosmos are basically the same. The arrangement of planetary systems and galaxies, in accordance with the arrangement of molecules and atoms. Elementary particles consist of even smaller particles and structures.

At a certain stage, the materiality of particles changes and passes into an energetic substance, beyond the threshold of the material and physical world lies the invisible (subtle) world.

  • World of Energy Information Structures. This world is much larger and more diverse than the physical world.
  • This world is inhabited by intelligent beings that do not have gross, physical shells (bodies).
  • Certain thought-forms, thought-clichés, feelings of various beings also accumulate there.
  • Egregors are also created there, due to the mental and emotional energy of many people.

What is the highest mind - God, the laws of the universe

Everything in the Universe develops according to certain laws - the laws of Harmony and Causal relationships. The power that created the Universe is beginningless, limitless and all-pervading. This is the creative principle that supports, regulates and guides the development of the universe. This is what we call God, or the Supreme Intelligence. Its influence extends to all events and processes with the help of the powerful Hierarchy of Light, the essences of the subtle worlds of a higher order.

God created man in his own image and likeness, which means that God created a Spiritual Being with the ability to creatively act. And his ability is the greater, the less the spiritual essence of a person. The soul is dependent on material bonds.

Human body- this is an animal body in which an immortal spirit is embodied, and which temporarily dwells in it, for gaining experience in the physical world, for the knowledge of good and evil, in order to learn to distinguish one from the other on one's own experience, for spiritual growth and development of the consciousness of one's being, through knowledge and creation.

Impact of vibration on life and the world

The entire Cosmos is filled with vibrations of varying strength and intensity, emanating from the Primary Source of life. And each form of life inhabiting the Universe emits, in turn, vibrations of one force or another, which depend on its development. Consciousness of any form of life is its ability to respond to vibrations, the ability to respond to them.

The mechanics of the development of consciousness consists in the increasing ability of every form of life to respond to ever more subtle and higher vibrations. The entire evolution of life in Cosmos and all the progress of mankind are essentially reduced to the development of consciousness.

What is consciousness and how does it develop

If memory is for the past, then consciousness is for the future. Consciousness is like understanding spirit; it grows, embracing the whole being, like a flame. In this process, fragments of memory, like slags, interfere with combustion.

To know is not to remember. Any consciousness develops individually, and there are no general laws for the development of consciousness. Any consciousness develops along its own line of development, and in a normally developing person it never stops, being infinite in its achievements. As there are no two similar persons, two similar souls, just as there are no two similar consciousnesses.

Countless. Since the development of consciousness is the most difficult and longest process in the Cosmos, the desire to preserve the continuity of consciousness after leaving the physical plane of Existence, in thinner shells, on the astral and mental planes of Existence, would significantly accelerate the evolution of human development.

Consciousness is an immortal entity, eternally reborn

If the physical essence of each form ceases to exist with the cessation of life, then the spiritual essence, passing into the Subtle World together with the consciousness that belongs to all human shells, continues its conscious or semi-conscious existence, depending on its spiritual development, transforming the experience gained by life into abilities - increasing existing ones and adding new ones.

Human evolution is possible only thanks to the consciousness that dwells in the non-destructible part of the human essence, in its immortal body. This higher principle of man is his immortal essence, that eternal indestructible that accumulates all the good from the past as a guarantee for a beautiful future. A person does not have to begin his labors and his trials with each new life, because, being born again, he brings with him the entire stock of his experience and all his previous achievements, which he only needs to remember and renew.

What bodies are in the astral atmosphere

The astral atmosphere is filled with astral bodies, generated both by the movement of the Astral, and by the influence of the Spirit and Will on it.

  1. Elementals or Spirits of Nature - (elements).
  2. Astroids - i.e. human thoughts, images, desires.
  3. Astral clichés are imprints of actions and phenomena.
  4. Egregors - Spirits of human societies.
  5. Larvs are creatures generated by the passions of man.
  6. People who left the physical body in the Astrosom for a while (exteriorization).
  7. Elementaries - Spirits of the dead and consisting of Spirit, Soul and Astrosome.
  8. Nirmanakai - Adepts, good or evil, whose bodies are dead, but who have learned to live in the Astral space in ethereal personalities.

Exit to the Astral, for a while in the Astrosom

Exit to the Astral - Practical step-by-step video course

A person can leave his physical body in the astral body, when the physical body rests in a dream, and the Spirit, the Soul of a person, being clothed in Astros, enter the Astral. Although the Astrosome can move away from the physical body for a considerable distance, there is always a fluid connection between them, through which the Astrosome maintains the vitality and functioning of the organs of the body.

When this connection is broken, physical death occurs. A person's exit in the Astrosome may be unconscious during sleep, lethargy, hypnotic sleep.

Upon awakening, a person does not remember anything from his communication with the Astral or retains vague impressions in the form of dreams. In an ordinary dream, the Astros almost does not move away from his body, due to which a person is not exposed to the danger that can occur with a conscious exit to the Astral.

Astral travel and safety technology

With a conscious exit into the Astral, the Spirit of a person goes out of his own free will (using the attention of his consciousness at a meaningful exit), and gives an account of what he saw in the Astral.

Unconscious exit to the astral plane is dangerous

Being in somnabulism, a person under the influence of suggestion can also leave the body (and at this time the hypnotist subordinates the temporarily abandoned physical body to his will, and manipulates it, forcing him to carry out his orders). The conscious exit can be safe, and the unconscious (under suggestion) can be dangerous.

Conscious exit to the astral plane is safe

With a conscious exit in the Astrosom, a person controls the Astrosom and can be transported anywhere. However, the way out in this case presents many dangers for a person. Representing for itself condensed astral matter, Astrosom is sensitive to all touches, blows, especially sharp metal objects that have the ability to discharge the Astral.

What entities are dangerous when traveling in the astral plane

Practice. How to Get Rid of Lyarv and Other Energy Essences

The wound inflicted on the vital parts of the Astrosome brings him death. In the Astral there is a mass of Lyarvs, as well as Elementors who want to prolong their existence and materialize. They can take advantage of the removal of the Soul from the body and enter the body shell.

Then three outcomes are presented:

  1. The soul in the Astrosome, feeling the possession of its body shell, starts to fight. If you manage to drive out Lyarvu, then the person returns to a normal state.
  2. Otherwise, Lyarva remains in the body (after the return of the Soul), then it is madness interrupted by glimpses of reason, or obsession.
  3. The soul completely abandons its body, and Lyarva remains the sovereign master, then this is complete idiocy and madness.

The character of Larva also explains various manias, insanity, obsession, idiocy, sometimes as a result of a concussion or a strong mental shock. This is because at such moments there is a spontaneous exit in the Astrosom, and the Human Spirit, being severely affected, does not allow Lärve to take over the body.

With the conscious exit of the Astrosom, a long and special training is required, and even then, the Astrosom may not want to work (cooperate in this matter) with a person.

How a person can communicate with the astral world

A person has two ways of communicating with the astral plane:

  1. A person can even without being extracted bring himself into connection with the Astral World, through the organs of his Astrosome.
  2. The inhabitants of the Astral can materialize and become available to the senses of the physical body.

Passive and active imagination for seeing the astral plane:

  1. When a person is distracted from the physical world, then he can see the phenomena of the Astral World (passive imagination).
  2. Active imagination - a person himself creates images in the Astral, and passively he comprehends already existing Astral images.

When we can see the subtle world

We see examples of the vision of the Astral World:

  • in a dream,
  • telepathy,
  • magical hypnosis,
  • clairvoyance.

Formlessness, horror, nightmares of dreams are explained by the fact that during sleep a person sees Lyarv in the Astral.


This is a vision of a person at a distance (astral tube), usually with telepathy, a person sees his loved ones, acquaintances, often this happens at the moment of death of one of them. In other cases, the phenomenon of telepathy can be seen only by seeing through the transmonad — the astral imprint of a person and action, or simply by the appearance of the deceased in his Astral body and his materialization.


With clairvoyance and hypnosis, a person is able to read or see events for 1000 km. In this case, he also sees through the transmonada. Clairvoyants are also able to see a person's aura or imprint in the Astral of all his thoughts and desires.


Animals are very sensitive to the Astral. The villagers are receptive urban. Sometimes astral vision is accompanied by a voice, which can be called clairaudience.

Fortune telling

The concept of psychometrics can be summed up as the methods of fortune-telling: coffee grounds, egg, wax. These items have the ability to absorb and condense the Astral.

This also applies to fortune telling on a magic mirror, you can see the Astral in it. When communicating with the Astral World, the already known law always operates - Spiritual sympathies and antipathies. Therefore, all occultists put one of the conditions in communication with the Astral World - prayer, cleansing of the heart and thoughts uplifting the Soul.


The sprites during the sessions form a magic chain. The medium places its life force at the disposal of the inhabitants of the Astral, who use it for materialization, partial or complete, and for producing spiritualistic phenomena (knocking, moving, lifting objects, manifesting spirits and communicating with them).

When summoning Spirits, larvae appear most often who seek to manifest on Earth, but mainly during spiritualistic seances, the magic chain formed by the circle of spiritists gives rise to a new Astral being of a collective nature, which is called the Spirit of the Circle. Both the unconscious worlds and the Spirits of the Circle in their answers and conversations reflect only the thoughts of those present.

The subject and tone of communication also depends on the participants in the session. Sometimes at the sessions the Astros materializes the medium, and plays the role of the Spirit. Sometimes there are Astrosomes abandoned by the Human Spirit (astral corpses) after the second death. But the elementaries or Spirits of the dead, while still in the Astral, appear very rarely. Mostly these are the Souls of sensitive people yearning for the Earth and looking for an opportunity to materialize. Summons of Spirits or Elementors restrain their evolution.

How astral entities materialize in physical reality

Summoning the Spirit, in order for the Astral image, or the inhabitant of the Astral, to become visible to our physical vision. The process of materialization is carried out by the condensation of the Astral and the attraction of vital atoms, from which this astral creature creates a body for itself. For this process, the astral being needs life force, which it receives in various ways.

Often an astral being (inorganic entity) extracts life force for materialization from living people.

Through intense fear

It is for this purpose that astral beings strike a person with horror. Under the influence of strong fear, a person almost completely loses vitality, which the astral phantom quickly absorbs for its materialization. However, the absence of fear of the astral being prevents their materialization, since it is difficult for them to influence a person in order to steal his life force. When the Spirits are summoned, a bloody sacrifice is usually performed. Blood contains a great vital force necessary for the materialization of the Spirit.

Through incense and rituals

In addition, to summon Spirits, adepts and magicians usually use incense, which contributes to the concentration of the Astral. But the main factor in the challenge is the will and imagination of the adept. Therefore, the rules and rituals attributed to this have the purpose, first of all, to excite the imagination and direct the will.

Through fasting for a long time

Also, one of the main preparatory conditions for invoking the spirit is fasting for a certain period. Often an adept or magician sees not the Spirit of the invoked image itself, but only its imprint in the Astral, or even an astral image created by the adept himself



The Soul enters that region of the Subtle World, the level of vibration of which corresponds to the level of vibration of the Soul at the moment of dying.

Across 36 hours(1.5-3.5 days) Consciousness leaves the "River Styx".
About 7 days Visions of Paradise Worlds pass before a person.
WITH 10th day A person's consciousness passes into Kama Rupa - a carrier, a conductor of lower desires and feelings.

A person is involved here in the world generated by him and in such a state that was generated by the person himself during his life.
The soul, seized by the Great Serpent (Astral Light - the Light of Eternity) and thrown into a cone of shadow ("Tower of Karma" - the Lower Astral), experiences suffering there, being absorbed by the MOON.


"Truly, passion is its fuel."

Scraps of all dialects, wild murmur,
Words with pain and anger and fear
Hands clapping, and complaints, and cries,
Merging into a drone, without time, for centuries
Whirling in the uncharged haze,
Like a stormy whirlwind, indignant dust.
And I, with the head of the embarrassed horror,
"Whose cry is this?" - he barely dared to ask.
What crowd, defeated by suffering? "
And the leader answered: "That is a woeful lot
Those pitiful souls who lived without knowing
No glory, no shame of mortal deeds ...
Heaven overthrew them, not tolerating stains;
And the abyss of Hell does not accept them,
Otherwise the guilt would be proud. "


In this State, claims, desires and reality are confused.
In SECOND STATE the inner principles become apparent, and the outer principles are put to sleep. it STATE INTERNAL START , the state of free thinking, the deceased begins to think in accordance with his desire. In this STATE, thoughts and desires merge into one.

Dear travelers, look up, and if instead of the illusions of the Earth you want to fly further, then wings will grow! In the meantime, you have filled up the whole Astral Plane with the same miserable hovels..
A person passes into his inner spiritual / soulless life in the life of his true thoughts, and the outer principles cease to be important.
After death, the soul of a person falls into that Egregor with which he was most closely connected during his life. These Souls, which are in the sphere of influence of this Egregor, continue to serve him, being on the Thin Plan.
"Some Souls think about their tedious and dirty work on Earth: a plant immediately springs up in front of them, and every morning they joylessly rush to the grimy machines and creaking conveyors, not realizing that they are dead."
"Doctors enter a specially created room for them - a typical doctor's office with a couch, a table for a doctor and a nurse and other equipment. This room was created so that the doctor's mind can get used to the sudden changes."

Here you can no longer hide your thoughts, intentions. In SECOND STATE a person will not be able to split himself, i.e. know and understand one thing, but want and do another. Everyone is brought to a CONDITION when they are forced to speak how they think, and with their face and movements express what they want, because of which everyone's face becomes an Image or an expression of their inner principles.
The external Image of the hypocrites changes later and more slowly, because by a long habit they have developed in themselves the ability to compose their inner principles in imitation of good qualities, therefore they do not appear for a long time in their ugliness.
"He who only outwardly displays piety is a hypocrite, sets a bad example and thus only multiplies evil."

Evil Spirits in the Second State Avoid Reason.
Those who were on Earth in evil in the SECOND STATE act more insanely than during life, because their desires are given full scope, unrestrained by anything.
"During his lifetime, he was sane outwardly and this could take the appearance of a reasonable person, but when his external principles were taken away (earthly memory, physical memory), then his madness, lack of spirituality are revealed."


"You are your own highest court." A. Pushkin
"He is my Father, not a judge ..."

LOWEST ASTRAL - this is the zone of states, this is the place where the person from the "River Styx" falls and where he gets stuck if he has dents in the Aura. A person can leave this "Tower" (energy structure) only when the influence of karmic attachments becomes minimal.
There, certain changes take place with a person.
Here, most of the dead have a great desire to flee, but they are held there by attachments (sins). Psychics perceives "bindings" in the form of luminous lines, suitable for the Body. On the Ethereal Plane, connections are visualized that are the result of Corruption or vampirism. If a person patiently dwells there, enduring the process of correction, then he can get rid of all Karma altogether. The one who dwells in the "Tower" in a calm state leaves this place when he is completely cleansed. Trying to escape by flight returns to the Physical Plane strongly deformed (with old desires, vices).

To the soul before flying away into the distance
The Archangel will say: “Vidal,
We gave you the spark of God?
Eh you-s ... did not justify the hopes! "
It would be tricky for me to repent:
“What if the demon is in the blood?
Sorry for the lack of agreement
In sin, art and love! "
But again I am silent, I do not repent ...

Georgy Byazirev

Arcanum XVI expresses in the Divine World - punishment of pride... It depicts the Tower, the top of which is broken by lightning. One man wearing a crown and another without a crown were thrown from the top of the Tower along with its debris. This is a symbol of the onslaught of material forces that can turn to dust both great and small, both kings and their subjects. Lightning shatters ambition and other inferior qualities.

In the lower Astral, a person feels what karmic problems are associated with him, i.e. the Karma that he has accumulated over his life. This is the process of analyzing your karmic problems, which are activated when in contact with the Energy of Conscience. There a person feels all his attachments. Bringing to the surface everything that torments him, he returns to himself the Energy that he once spent - this is KARMIC BEAM.
In front of the deceased there are people in two ranks - on the left side the dead, on the right - the living. Those people to whom the deceased has done Good stand with kind faces, those to whom he has done Evil - with gloomy faces. The deceased person will understand whom he offended. And then he will be shown these moments, who and how he offended. To be free, he must approach everyone, forgive his offenders and receive forgiveness from those who have suffered from him.
"I forgive you for not being what I wanted you to be. I forgive you and completely set you free."
Having said this, the deceased will feel a warm energy wave, this is the return of the Energy that he used to waste in order to keep himself in a situation of resentment.

"I forgive, bless and lovingly let go "

FORGIVENESS is freeing yourself and another person from negative energetic bonds. If everyone forgives each other, then the Soul of the deceased, having cast off the burden of sins (bindings), will ascend to the higher Subplanes of the Astral World. If the deceased does not want to forgive someone, he will be forced to feel and experience his hatred in order to understand that it is meaningless. Liberation from hatred occurs only through COMPASSION and LOVE that breaks any hatred.
There is a vision of one's own karmic changes and interactions with them. In the Lower Astral, a person will be kept in touch with mental images (bindings). Events that deform the human essence should be completely scrolled here and then the bindings will come off.

"Lyarva"(lat. Larveae - larva) is a sexual emotion (thought-form). If it does not completely dissipate during life, it will bite a person in the" Tower of Karma ", and in the process of communicating with this thought-form, the person will lose Energy.
FEARS will rush at him like wild animals. If a person does not feed them with his emotions, then they will begin to die off and gradually dissipate.

When I get there, having drunk all the days,
in the earthly way I am to the limit,
The Middle Astral Plane. Olirna.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

- That's a find! He whispered, slapping Yegorov on the shoulder.
- They caught the Martian devil by the tail!
- So let's quickly baptize, baptize him, the enemy's son! - Egorov exclaimed.
(E. Parnov, M. Emtsev, "The Last Door")

The astral plane is an area of ​​visualization onto which mental, vital, energy elements, arising either spontaneously or during the practice of meditation, can be projected. Each person looks into the Astral plane involuntarily during dreams, the uncontrolled penetration of the astral plane into the physical one manifests itself in the form of hallucinations. There is also a physical exit to the Astral.

Getting into the Astral, a person can treat what is happening as events, although in reality these are only visual transcriptions of states (less often - concepts), those mental images that thus manifest themselves on the physical plane, including in the form of hallucinations, states, voices.

Astral forms and essences cannot touch a person until he has lost his sense of physical reality, and he has not become involved in the spectacle imposed on him. Astral protection is precisely based on a clear awareness of this characteristic feature of the Subtle World.

We live in the midst of energies that are perceived by us as a consequence of their effects. On this mental side of the World, invisible to the untrained eye, any actions can occur that affect the fate of the Physical World. Rarely, but there are times when these forces break through the veil and flood the minds of sensitives, healers, magicians (and other "trained" people), as well as all those who get in the way.

Fortunately, this rarely happens. And no matter how paradoxical it may seem, but precisely our ignorance, unbelief, and that inability to perceive all aspects of the Subtle World is the main protection created by evolution. However, under certain conditions, we can "fly" into this area or open the veil:

- meeting with a sensitive, healer, suggestologist;
- getting into the zone of action of hidden forces (, "triangles", zones, etc.);
- the practice of some psychotechnics;
- a case of substituting oneself as a victim of the previous three conditions.

There is only one way out of this - not to answer, not to be interested, to leave and not stand on the moral level of the attacker, since more humane methods are more effective and safer when used.

The overwhelming majority of participants in the astral "theater of magic" are the most diverse vital projections, and therefore a person who dared to visit the Astral should perfectly master the re-identification with his vital shell on the physical plane. If you, being in the Astral, are well established at least on the mental level (for example, with the help of such an elementary form - grounding and non-interference, then you are safe. Uninvolved contemplation - this is the astral strategy of the masters of visualization in Tibet and the Far East. The Europeans called for in no case should we forget that going out into the Astral, you find yourself in the world of imagination, and imaginary hostile forces coming from outside must be fought with the help of the same imagination. The European is not able to look passively at some action - he needs to participate, perform feats, restore justice.

Consequently, the style of behavior is also different - to fire with astral balls, wave a rune sword, detonate an astral bomb of 150 megatons ... But, as mentioned above, the struggle is at the subconscious level, and the enemy, gradually adapting, begins to confidently win. In this case, it is necessary either to hastily change the object of the attack - "chur, I am not playing", or to call the patrol of the Galactic Security Service for help in a heart-rending voice - maybe he will be in time.

There are all kinds of gods
but I'm not vain enough to imagine
that any of the gods are interested in my opinion of him.
(D.B. Keybell, The Tale of Manuel)

There are two types of penetration of the Astral plane into the physical;

1. "Thinning of the veil" separating the worlds;
2. "Breaking the veil", accompanied by the release of astral entities into the sphere of perception of the physical world.

The first type makes a person feel like someone's invisible presence. In most cases, this feeling can be accompanied by pointless fear, which can turn into panic, accompanied by behavior that is not typical of a person. This fear is a natural reaction of a living organism to an unpredictable situation, that is, a situation in which there is no objective opportunity to predict the course of events and apply the existing stereotypes of responses; perception and behavior are removed from the automatic mode of operation and transferred to "manual control". You are ready for anything. The body turns into a fist, ready to instantly respond to any blow or threat. This state manifests itself as a pointless fear, as anxiety, expectation of bad things. Nervous exhaustion, neurosis, psychosis, breakdown, hysterics - these are the most common symptoms of thinning or breaking of the veil, less often of a psychological attack.
The death of the victim is an extremely rare outcome.

But! Before looking for the intrigues of occult enemies (the devil, demons, tax collectors, larvae, etc.), you should consult with a neurologist or psychiatrist. Only after the exclusion of ordinary diseases can one speak of the patient's obsession with something otherworldly, etc. An example is the reverend father of the novel "The Exorcism".

Because the factors contributing to the thinning of the veil may be alcoholic psychosis, delirium (“delirium tremens”). There was a case when vulgar appendicitis was taken for spoilage, and an elderly relative was mistaken for a poltergeist, constantly hiding various little things in the most unexpected places: wax - a refrigerator, toothpaste - in a boot, and forks - a battery.

An ideal experiment simulating a state of anxiety and fear is a walk alone through a deep forest on a moonless night; it is good if the forest is dense and the weather is windy. In principle, this situation is safe - neither tigers nor alligators are found in our latitudes, and the criminal public is sitting at home in such weather. Nevertheless, such a walk will help you experience a state of pointless fear. Fear cannot be defeated, because this is a natural behavior of the body, but fear can be accumulated and used to increase one's own strength: one loses the ability to even move from fear, and the other, like a squirrel, flies up a smooth pillar.

The key to localizing fear lies at the mental level. It cannot be neutralized either by suppression or by persuasion, here it is necessary to achieve agreement using the simple formulation "come what may." Thus, the intellect stops "calculating probable and improbable situations" and agrees to participate in what is happening. This liberating form of consent is accompanied by an automatic stopping of the mental flow with a sharp clarification of the perception of what is happening. By the way, if you decide to use fear, then it must be a "manipulative" action, and its transformation requires the work of not only the consciousness, but also the subconscious, often at the level of "super-effort".

In the case of "breaking the veil", essences from the Astral penetrate into the sphere of perception of the Physical World. In this case, you need to be aware of what is happening. Sometimes these are voices, moreover, hostile, imposing information, persuading it to accept, otherwise - threatening all sorts of troubles. They can impersonate anyone, depending on the conjuncture on the physical plane of the Earth. Once upon a time: Beelzebub, Asmodeus, later - the spirit of Napoleon, even closer to our times -. Indeed, they are rarely informative, and even then they, rather, discourage people from performing certain actions. But as soon as the voice tries to impose its will on you, know that it is an indicator of hostility. In principle, both those and other voices can be brought to a psycho-neurological dispensary. The power of the voices lies in the fact that the attack turns out to be unexpected, and the main conquest of the "bridgehead" is done immediately, no time is given for critical reflection. It's hard not to give in, especially when this is new. By the way, this is the same with the reaction of others.

For example: if you are insulted (and you are obediently offended), rather, you do not feel any manipulations with your own psyche, you only feel negative emotions, you see that the offender is a bad person and does evil (rude, “speaking out” inappropriately). It almost never occurs to us that we have already begun to dance to his tune, we are experiencing conditions imposed on us, we are behaving inappropriately - swearing at hooligan grandmothers at young people in transport while simultaneously criticizing the President and the government. (When we hate enemies, we give them power over ourselves. By settling scores, we harm ourselves, first of all. "If you want revenge, swarm two graves: the enemy and yourself" and "Sit quietly on the threshold of your house, and they will carry you by the corpse of your enemy "- these are, perhaps, two basic principles of communication with enemies. More precisely, with people like us, but different, strangers. In this case, we are not talking about pathology (maniacs, sadists, etc.) ...

The complaints of the "victim" of the so-called psychic attack look similar: they tell you, splashing saliva, the essence of the conflict. But try asking him more details. Most often, it turns out that apart from vague and dark hints, allegories and clarifications: "You understand me ?!", nothing follows, but a specific question: "So what did he do ?!" - You will be answered: “He winked very meaningfully and smiled ambiguously.

You can communicate with entities, but not on the physical but on the mental level, that is, without the participation of a voice. You can get answers to your questions, find out something, although the reliability of the information is often unknown, and everyone loves to joke.

A sincerely and deeply inquiring person can go to the so-called astral Teacher, that is, "a personified projection of the intuitive sphere of the hypergological mental screen" and receive valuable information from the Astral. Unlike any voices, the Teacher (Ally, Friend) answers only what he is asked about. Sometimes, instead of answering, he gives advice to do something (usually these are things related to some kind of "super-effort" and giving the opportunity to self-reveal, change consciousness). If the required action does not contain a threat to the body, and you are convinced that this is not a joker (experienced people say that there are a lot of them there), then as a result of this action you unexpectedly receive an answer that, as it seems to you, is unexpected " falls out of nowhere.

Actually, in order to ask a question, you need to know most of the answer. For example, you ask: "Who is stronger, a whale or three bishops?", "What is the strongest move in chess?" As you can see, there is a comparison of the incomparable. All the components in the questions are on different planes, even if the question is about the game, but with different rules.

One more example in the end (to "finish off" finally!) - a savage sits and asks the Teacher: "Why can't you knock down a star?" Indeed, for an adequate answer, it is necessary to explain the sphericity of the Earth, the theory of universal gravitation, the Heliocentric theory, introduce the concept of cosmic velocities, metrology, strength materials ... What will he understand? Nothing. It's easier to say: "Taboo!" - "It is forbidden!". This will be the most understandable, and subsequently this simple prohibition will become overgrown with legends and traditions, and decoding will be the bread of exotericism and occultism. Years of commercials in 2-3 thousand.

Appealing to common sense, the author recalls the once popular proverb - "For one beaten two unbeaten give." That is, a person who has experienced fear, fright, horror at least once already knows what it is, knows how to handle it and can use it with benefit if he wants.

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