Home Perennial flowers Assignment on the topic sweep drawing. What is a flat pattern in a drawing. Drawing lesson: "Drawings of sweeps of some geometric bodies." G. Kunichan, L. I. Idt Creation of flat patterns of surfaces

Assignment on the topic sweep drawing. What is a flat pattern in a drawing. Drawing lesson: "Drawings of sweeps of some geometric bodies." G. Kunichan, L. I. Idt Creation of flat patterns of surfaces

We often meet with sweeps of surfaces in everyday life, in production and in construction. To make a case for a book (Fig. 169), sew a case for a suitcase, a cover for a volleyball, etc., you must be able to build a sweep of the surfaces of a prism, a ball and other geometric bodies. A flat pattern is a shape obtained by aligning the surface of a given body with a plane. For some bodies, sweeps can be accurate, for others - approximate. All polyhedrons (prisms, pyramids, etc.), cylindrical and conical surfaces, and some others have precise sweeps. Approximate sweeps have a ball, a torus, and other surfaces of revolution with a curvilinear generatrix. The first group of surfaces will be called developing, the second - non-developing.

TBegin -> TEnd ->

TBegin ->
TEnd ->

When constructing unfolded polyhedrons, you will have to find the actual size of the edges and faces of these polyhedrons by rotating or changing the projection planes. When constructing approximate sweeps for non-developing surfaces, you will have to replace the sections of the latter with developable surfaces close to them in shape.

To construct a sweep of the lateral surface of the prism (Fig. 170), consider that the plane of the sweep coincides with the face AADD of the prism; other faces of the prism are aligned with the same plane, as shown in the figure. The edge of the SSBB is preliminarily aligned with the edge of the AABB. The fold lines in accordance with GOST 2.303-68 are drawn with thin solid lines with a thickness of s / 3-s / 4. It is customary to designate points on a scan with the same letters as in a complex drawing, but with an index of 0 (zero). When constructing a scan of a straight prism according to a complex drawing (Fig. 171, a), the height of the faces is taken from the frontal projection, and the width - from the horizontal. It is customary to build a sweep so that the front side of the surface is facing the observer (Fig. 171, b). It is important to observe this condition because some materials (leather, fabric) have two sides: front and back. The bases of the ABCD prism are attached to one of the sides of the lateral surface.

If point 1 is set on the surface of the prism, then it is transferred to the sweep using two segments marked in the complex drawing with one and two strokes, the first segment C1l1 is laid to the right of point C0, and the second segment - vertically (to point l0).

TBegin ->
TEnd ->

Similarly, build a sweep of the surface of the cylinder of rotation (Fig. 172). The surface of the cylinder is divided into a certain number of equal parts, for example, 12, and the inscribed surface of a regular dodecagonal prism is developed. The sweep length with this arrangement turns out to be slightly less than the actual sweep length. If significant accuracy is required, then the graph-analytical method is used. The diameter d of the circumference of the base of the cylinder (Fig. 173, a) is multiplied by the number π = 3.14; the resulting size is used as the length of the sweep (Fig. 173, b), and the height (width) is taken directly from the drawing. The cylinder bases are attached to the lateral surface sweep.

TBegin ->
TEnd ->

If point A is set on the surface of the cylinder, for example, between the 1st and 2nd generators, then its place on the sweep is found using two segments: a chord marked with a thickened line (to the right of point l1) and a segment equal to the distance of point A from the upper base of the cylinder marked on the drawing with two strokes.

It is much more difficult to construct the unfolded pyramid (Fig. 174, a). Its edges SA and SC are straight lines in general position and are projected onto both projection planes by distortion. Before building a flat pattern, you need to find the actual value of each edge. The size of the edge SB is found by constructing its third projection, since this edge is parallel to the plane P 3. The edges SA and SC rotate around the horizontal projection axis passing through the vertex S so that they become parallel to the frontal plane of the projections P (the actual value of the edge SB can be found in the same way).

TBegin ->
TEnd ->

After such rotation, their frontal projections S 2 A 2 and S 2 C 2 will be equal to the actual size of the edges SA and SC. The sides of the base of the pyramid, as horizontal straight lines, are projected onto the plane of projections P 1 without distortion. Having three sides of each face and using the serif method, it is easy to build a flat pattern (Fig. 174, b). Construction starts from the front edge; a segment A 0 C 0 = A 1 C 1 is laid on a horizontal line, the first notch is made with a radius of A 0 S 0 - A 2 S 2, the second - with a radius of C 0 S 0 = = G 2 S 2; the point S „is obtained at the intersection of the serifs. Take the order side A 0 S 0; from point A 0 make a notch with radius A 0 B 0 = A 1 B 1 from point S 0 make a notch with radius S 0 B 0 = S 3 B 3; at the intersection of the serifs, point B 0 is obtained. Similarly, to the side S 0 G 0, the edge S 0 B 0 C 0 is attached. In conclusion, a base triangle A 0 G 0 S 0 is attached to the side A 0 C 0. The lengths of the sides of this triangle can be taken directly from the flat pattern, as shown in the drawing.

The sweep of the cone of revolution is constructed in the same way as the sweep of the pyramid. Divide the base circle into equal parts, for example, into 12 parts (Fig. 175, a), and imagine that a regular dodecagonal pyramid is inscribed in the cone. The first three faces are shown in the drawing. The surface of the cone is cut along the generatrix S6. As is known from geometry, the sweep of a cone is represented by a sector of a circle whose radius is equal to the length of the generatrix of the cone l. All generators of a circular cone are equal; therefore, the actual length of a generator l is equal to the frontal projection of the left (or right) generator. From point S 0 (Fig. 175, b), a segment 5000 = l is laid down vertically. A circular arc is drawn with this radius. From the point O 0, the segments Ol 0 = O 1 l 1, 1 0 2 0 = 1 1 2 1 are laid, etc. Putting aside six segments, point 60 is obtained, which is connected to the vertex S0. The left side of the sweep is constructed similarly; the base of the cone is attached below.

TBegin ->
TEnd ->

If you want to apply point B to the sweep, then pass through it the generatrix SB (in our case S 2), apply this generatrix to the sweep (S 0 2 0); rotating the generator with point B to the right until it aligns with the generator S 3 (S 2 5 2), find the actual distance S 2 B 2 and set it aside from the point S 0. The found segments are marked on the drawings with three strokes.

If points are not required on the sweep of the cone, then it can be built faster and more accurately, since it is known that the angle of the sweep sector is a = 360 ° R / l is the radius of the base circle, and l is the length of the generatrix of the cone.

As a rule, parts made by punching, stamping, cutting to length from standard rolled products or any sheet material require one image. The thickness is indicated in accordance with GOST 2.307 68.

In fig. 50, the part thickness is 2 mm and is indicated on the leader line shelf.


1. If there is a row of identical holes in the part, located along the axis (Fig. 50), the step and size between the extreme elements are put down in the form of a product.

2. Overall dimensions are for reference, since they are determined by the sum of the required dimensions, which are stated in the first place.

3. The thickness dimension is also a reference, as it is given in column No. 3 when specifying the material of this part.

4. For the part shown in fig. 51, the baselines are the axes of symmetry. Center-to-center for 4 holes 12 are affixed in the same way to all mating parts to ensure assembly.

3.2. Drawings of parts from sheet material obtained by flexible (parts of the "Bracket" type)

The rules for the execution of drawings of parts manufactured by flexible are established GOST 2.109-73.

When the image of a part does not give an idea of ​​the actual shape and dimensions of its individual elements, a partial or full development of it is placed on the drawing of the part. On the scan image, only those dimensions are applied that cannot be indicated on the image of the finished part. A sign is placed above the image of the scan or in front of the overall dimension (the inscription "Scan" is allowed above the image).

The contours of the expanded image are made with a solid main line, and the folds are depicted with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots (Fig. 54).

It is allowed to combine the image of a part of the scan with the view of the part. In this case, the scan is depicted as a thin dash-dotted line with two dots, and the designation of the image is not required (Fig. 52).

The sweep length of the part is calculated along the center line. So, for example, for the part shown in fig. 52, the sweep is determined by the formula:

L = L 1 + 2 Rav. / 4 + 2RWed / 4 + L 2


1.Dimensioning countersunk holes can be done in two ways. In fig. 54 shows a constructive dimensioning option. The diameter of the tapered hole (14) is determined by the diameter of the screw head. Another option (Fig. 53), when the counterbore depth is set, due to the feed of the drill or countersink, is called technological.

2. The sign of roughness "", affixed to the thickness of the sheet on both sides, requires an indication of the assortment of material in the column "Material" of the main inscription (Fig. 54).

3.Dimensioning should provide the construction of the contour of the part and the calculation of the dimensions of the development.

If a drawing of a flat blank-sweep is given with an indication of all the dimensions necessary for its construction, then only the dimensions obtained as a result of bending should be affixed to the drawing of the part, without repeating the dimensions indicated in the drawing of the sweep.

If the designer does not provide a development drawing, then on the drawing of the curved part it is necessary to affix the internal dimensions.

3.3. Drawings of parts obtained from high-quality material by mechanical processing

3.3.1. Drawing of a part of the "Bushing" type

As a rule, such details require one image. The axis of the detail in the main image is positioned horizontally.

Date of introduction 1974-07-01

GOST 2.052 ). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) General requirements for electronic documents - in accordance with GOST 2.051 1.1.2. When referring to technical specifications in the drawings of serial and mass production products, the latter must be registered in the prescribed manner (in states where state registration of technical specifications is mandatory). It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required product quality; at the same time, they must be attached to the set of design documentation for the product when transferring it to another enterprise. It is not allowed to give links to individual clauses of standards, specifications and technological instructions. If necessary, the drawing gives a link to the entire document or to a separate section of it. It is not allowed to give references to documents defining the shape and dimensions of structural elements of products (chamfers, grooves, etc.), if there is no symbolic designation of these elements in the relevant standards. All data for their manufacture should be shown in the drawings. (Changed edition, Amendments No. 4, 10, 11). 1.1.3. It is not allowed to place technological instructions on working drawings. As an exception, it is allowed: a) to indicate the methods of manufacturing and control, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product, for example, joint processing, joint bending or flaring, etc .; b) give instructions on the choice of the type of technological workpiece (castings, forgings, etc.); c) indicate a certain technological method that guarantees the provision of individual technical requirements for the product, which cannot be expressed by objective indicators or quantities, for example, the aging process, vacuum impregnation, gluing technology, control, coupling of the plunger pair, etc. 1.1.4. For products of the main unit * and auxiliary production on the drawings intended for use at a particular enterprise, it is allowed to place various instructions on the technology of manufacturing and control of products. * The rules for the execution of drawings of products of one-off production also apply to auxiliary production. 1.1.5. In the drawings, the conventions (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations) set in state (interstate) standards are used. Symbols are used without explaining them in the drawing and without specifying the standard number. An exception is the legend, in which it is provided to indicate the number of the standard, for example, the center hole C12 GOST 14034. Notes: 1. If there are no corresponding symbols in state (interstate) standards, then the symbols established in national standards and standards of organizations with obligatory references to them are used. 2. It is allowed to use conventions that are not provided for in state (interstate) and national standards and standards of organizations. In these cases, the legend is explained in the drawing field. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.1.6. The dimensions of the conventional signs not established in the standards are determined taking into account the clarity and clarity of the drawing and are kept the same with repeated repetition. 1.1.7. On the working drawing of the product indicate the dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other data that it must comply with before assembly (Fig. 1 a b v


Detail Drawings

In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to indicate which assembly units and parts are replaced with newly installed ones during alteration or are excluded without replacement, for example: “Details of pos. 4 and 6 to replace the existing roller and bushing ”,“ Remove the existing bushing ”, etc. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.3.5. If the revision of a product, which is an assembly unit, consists in the removal or replacement of its component parts, then the assembly drawing for the revised product may not be issued. The specification of such a product should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106, taking into account the following features: the finalized product is recorded in the section "Assembly units" as the first item; the component parts removed from the final product are recorded under the item number according to the specification of the final product in the appropriate sections under the heading "Component parts removed"; newly installed component parts are recorded in the appropriate sections under the heading "Newly installed components" indicating the position numbers that are a continuation of the positions indicated in the product being modified. Note. The specified method is not allowed to be used when revising purchased products. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 6). 1.4. Product drawings with inscriptions, signs, slags, photographs 1.4.1. The inscriptions and signs applied to the flat surface of the product are usually depicted in full on the corresponding view, regardless of the method of their application. Their location and style must comply with the requirements for the finished product. If these products are shown with gaps in the drawing, then it is allowed to apply inscriptions and signs on the image not completely and to bring them to the technical requirements of the drawing. 1.4.2. If the inscriptions and signs are to be applied to a cylindrical or conical surface, then an image of the inscription in the form of a scan is placed on the drawing. In a view where inscriptions, numbers and other data are projected with distortion, it is allowed to display them without distortion. It is allowed in this view to depict only a part of the applied data necessary to link the view with the scan (Fig. 12, 13). 1.4.3. With a symmetrical arrangement of the inscription relative to the contour of the part, instead of the dimensions that determine the location of the inscription, as a rule, the technical requirements indicate the maximum deviations of the location (Fig. 14). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 6). 1.4.4. The drawing should indicate the method of applying inscriptions and signs (engraving, stamping, embossing, photographing, etc.), covering all surfaces of the product, covering the background of the front surface and covering the applied inscriptions and signs (Fig. 15). 1.4.5. If the application of inscriptions, signs or other images to the product must be carried out by photographing or contact printing directly from the original working drawing of the product, then the drawing (Fig. 16) in this case, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements: a) the product must be drawn in full size or on an enlarged scale. The scale should be selected depending on the method of applying the image (for example, for contact printing, the scale should be 1: 1); b) there should be no construction lines on the product image. All necessary dimensions, dimension and extension lines must be placed in the drawing field, outside the image. The dimensions of the holes made on the product may be given in the technical requirements. 1.4.4, 1.4.5. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 5). 1.4.6. If it is advisable to apply an image to a product by photographing from the original of any design document (for example, from an electrical schematic diagram), then the drawing of such a product (Fig. 17) must be made in compliance with the following requirements: a) the applied images are not drawn; b) inside the contour of the product indicate the boundaries of the location of the image (solid thin line);


a - for metal; b- for fabrics; v - for paper; g - for a tree; d - for plywood.


d, e f and s of this paragraph are not placed on the assembly drawing if they are shown in another design document for this product, for example, on the dimensional drawing. (Modified edition, Amendments No. 8, 11). 3.1.3. When specifying the installation and connection dimensions, the following should be applied: location coordinates, dimensions with maximum deviations of elements serving to connect with mating products; other parameters, for example, for gears serving as elements of external communication, module, number and direction of teeth. 3.1.4. On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to depict the moving parts of the product in an extreme or intermediate position with appropriate dimensions. If, when depicting moving parts, it is difficult to read the drawing, then these parts are allowed to be depicted in additional views with appropriate inscriptions, for example: “The extreme position of the carriage pos. 5". 3.1.5. On the assembly drawing of a product, it is allowed to place an image of border (neighboring) products ("furnishings") and dimensions that determine their relative position (Fig. 30). The component parts of the product located behind the furnishings are depicted as visible. If necessary, it is allowed to portray them as invisible. The items of "furnishings" are performed in a simplified manner and provide the necessary data to determine the installation site, methods of fastening and connecting the product. It is allowed not to hatch in the sections and sections of the "situation". 3.1.6. If on the assembly drawing it is necessary to indicate the names or designations of the products that make up the "environment", or their elements, then these instructions are placed directly on the image of the "situation", or on the shelf of the leader line drawn from the corresponding image, for example: "Pressure automaton (designation ) "; "Oil cooler pipe (designation)", etc. 3.1.7. On the assembly drawing of an auxiliary production product (for example, a stamp, a conductor, etc.), it is allowed to place an operational sketch in the upper right corner. 3.1.8. Assembly drawings should be performed, as a rule, with simplifications that meet the requirements of the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation and this standard.


a, b).

c, d, d


If necessary, in the “Note” column of the specification for “pick-up” parts, it is allowed to give references to the paragraph of the technical requirements, which gives instructions on the selection, for example: “See NS. ...". 3.3.11. When, after assembling the product during its transportation and (or) storage, it is required to install protective temporary parts (cover, plug, etc.), these parts are shown on the assembly drawing as they should be installed during transportation and storage. ... If protective temporary parts for the period of transportation and storage should be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then corresponding instructions are placed on the assembly drawing in the technical requirements, for example: “Pump pos. ... and the regulator pos. ... before packing, remove and replace the covers pos. ..., tightening them tightly with the bolts pos. ..." etc. On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to place an image of a part of the machine with an installed protective temporary part, explaining the position of the part. 3.3.13. The assignment of names and designations to protective temporary parts, their image on the assembly drawing and entry into the specification or electronic structure of the product is carried out according to the general rules. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 3.3.14. In cases where individual parts of the purchased product are installed in different assembly units of the product (for example, tapered roller bearings), the purchased product is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in which it is assembled. The technical requirements of the assembly drawing of the product being developed indicate those assembly units that include individual parts of the purchased product. In the specifications of these assembly units in the "Note" column indicate the designation of the specification, which includes the purchased product in assembled form. In this case, in the column "Name" indicate the name of the component of the purchased product, and the column "Quantity." is not filled. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 8).





State name

Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandart
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandart
The Republic of Uzbekistan Uzgosstandart
Ukraine State Standard of Ukraine

State name

The Republic of Azerbaijan Azgosstandart
Republic of Belarus
Georgia Gruzstandart
The Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandart
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandart

Item number

Item number

GOST 2.104-2006 GOST 1133-71
GOST 2.106-96

1.3.5 , 5.6, 5.7

GOST 1435-99
GOST 2.113-75 GOST 2590-88
GOST 103-76 GOST 8240-97
GOST 535-88 GOST 8509-93
GOST 1050-88 GOST 8510-86
GOST 2.051-2006 GOST 14034-74
GOST 2.052-2006
GOST 2.053-2006

The purpose of the assignment- construction of unfolded surfaces with drawing the line of intersection of surfaces.
Given: Drawing "".
Necessary: Construct a cylinder unfolding and mark on it the line of mutual intersection of the surfaces of the cylinder and the hemisphere.

We have already drawn the unfolded cylinder, so we will repeat the material we have studied. Moreover, the original drawing and the method of constructing the original drawing is different from the previous one.

Algorithm for constructing a cylinder unfolding

  • We build a scan of the lateral surface of the cylinder.
    • Divide the base of the cylinder into 12 equal parts.
    • We measure the chord between any two adjacent dividing points of the base circle and plot this distance along the underside of the cylinder sweep.
  • We attach the base of the cylinder to any generatrix of the lateral surface.
  • We draw the line of intersection of the cone and the cylinder on the sweep of the lateral surface of the cylinder.

Since we have only one projection (frontal) of the mutual intersection of the cylinder and the hemisphere, we will construct only the profile projection of the cylinder. The profile projection of the cylinder with all the auxiliary constructions necessary for constructing the unfolding of the cylinder will be selected with thin lines and will be considered auxiliary constructions.

For more details, see the video tutorial.

Video "Unfolding a cylinder"

This video tutorial and article are included in the professional free AutoCAD tutorial, which is suitable for both novice users and those who have already been working in AutoCAD for a long time.

The flat shape obtained by aligning with the plane of all its faces is called the unfolding of the surface of a polyhedron. The unfolding of faceted surfaces is performed for cutting sheet material in the manufacture of parts or for determining the surface area of ​​parts covered with various materials. Determination of the area is important for various coatings, carried out both for decorative purposes and in order to impart certain properties to the surface, for example, increased electrical conductivity, as well as with various chemical surface treatment methods.

To construct a flat pattern of a faceted surface, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of its faces. Note that the construction of any face of a polyhedron can be performed by dividing it into triangles. The length of the sides of the triangle, in turn, can be determined by any of the known methods.

Unfold the surface of the pyramid. The construction of a sweep of the side surface of the pyramid can be carried out in the following sequence:

determine the length of the ribs and sides of the base of the pyramid; carry out a drawing of a sweep by sequential construction of triangles - the faces of the pyramid.

An example of building a flat surface of a triangular pyramid SABC is shown in Figures 6.14 and 6.15. For the convenience of construction in Figure 6.14, the side edges of the pyramid are extended to the intersection with the plane N. This made it possible to determine the length of the segments on the horizontal projection 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 new base of the pyramid. Side rib length S-l, S-2, S-3 found by rotating them around the vertical axis - segments s "1 1", s "2 1", s "3 1". Segments were found on them s "a 1", s "b 1", s "c 1". According to the found segments in Figure 6.15, a side surface unfolding is built Solo2o3o1o and then S 0 A 0 BoCoAo. On the segment A 0 C 0 the actual size of the triangle is built A 0 B 0 C 0 on the sides of A 0 B 0 and C0B0, by the found method of a right-angled triangle (see Fig. 2.9).

Creation of a flat pattern of a prismatic surface can be produced in several ways - normal section, triangles.

With the normal section method, it is advisable to construct a sweep of a prismatic surface in the following order (Fig. 6.16):

intersect a prismatic surface with a construction plane perpendicular to its edges (P is perpendicular to 1-2;normal section);

unfold the constructed polyline (А0В0С0D0) the intersection of the auxiliary plane with the prismatic surface, having determined the length of its segments (A0B0, B 0 C 0, C 0 D 0);

on perpendiculars to the expanded line of intersection (A0D0), set the length of the edge segments of the prismatic surface (A 0 2 0, BoZo, Bo4o, Co5o, Co6o, Do7o, Do8o)and connect their ends with straight line segments.

An example of constructing a sweep of the lateral surface of an inclined prism in the drawing is shown in Figures 6.17 and 6.18. To build an auxiliary plane P, perpendicular to the prism edges, an additional projection plane is selected T, parallel to the edges of the prism and perpendicular to the plane N. Auxiliary plane P is given by the trace P t on the projection plane T S (pl. S perpendicular to T).

According to the method of triangles, the development of a prismatic surface is as follows: quadrangles (faces) are divided by diagonals into triangles; determine the lengths of the sides of the triangles; perform a sweep drawing by sequentially building triangles into which the faces are divided.

Date of introduction 1974-07-01

This standard establishes the basic requirements for the implementation of drawings of parts, assembly, dimensional and erection at the stage of development of working documentation for all industries. (Modified edition, Amendments No. 8, 11).


1.1. General provisions 1.1.1. When developing working drawings, they provide for: a) optimal use of standard and purchased products, as well as products mastered by production and corresponding to the state of the art; b) a rationally limited range of threads, splines and other structural elements, their sizes, coatings, etc .; c) a rationally limited range of grades and assortments of materials, as well as the use of the cheapest and least scarce materials; d) the necessary degree of interchangeability, the most advantageous methods of manufacturing and repairing products, as well as their maximum ease of maintenance in operation. 1.1.1a. Working drawings on paper (in paper form) and electronic drawings can be made on the basis of an electronic model of a part and an electronic model of an assembly unit ( GOST 2.052 ). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) General requirements for electronic documents - in accordance with GOST 2.051 1.1.2. When referring to technical specifications in the drawings of serial and mass production products, the latter must be registered in the prescribed manner (in states where state registration of technical specifications is mandatory). It is allowed to give references to technological instructions when the requirements established by these instructions are the only ones that guarantee the required product quality; at the same time, they must be attached to the set of design documentation for the product when transferring it to another enterprise. It is not allowed to give links to individual clauses of standards, specifications and technological instructions. If necessary, the drawing gives a link to the entire document or to a separate section of it. It is not allowed to give references to documents defining the shape and dimensions of structural elements of products (chamfers, grooves, etc.), if there is no symbolic designation of these elements in the relevant standards. All data for their manufacture should be shown in the drawings. (Changed edition, Amendments No. 4, 10, 11). 1.1.3. It is not allowed to place technological instructions on working drawings. As an exception, it is allowed: a) to indicate the methods of manufacturing and control, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product, for example, joint processing, joint bending or flaring, etc .; b) give instructions on the choice of the type of technological workpiece (castings, forgings, etc.); c) indicate a certain technological method that guarantees the provision of individual technical requirements for the product, which cannot be expressed by objective indicators or quantities, for example, the aging process, vacuum impregnation, gluing technology, control, coupling of the plunger pair, etc. 1.1.4. For products of the main unit * and auxiliary production on the drawings intended for use at a particular enterprise, it is allowed to place various instructions on the technology of manufacturing and control of products. * The rules for the execution of drawings of products of one-off production also apply to auxiliary production. 1.1.5. In the drawings, the conventions (signs, lines, alphabetic and alphanumeric designations) set in state (interstate) standards are used. Symbols are used without explaining them in the drawing and without specifying the standard number. An exception is the legend, in which it is provided to indicate the number of the standard, for example, the center hole C12 GOST 14034. Notes: 1. If there are no corresponding symbols in state (interstate) standards, then the symbols established in national standards and standards of organizations with obligatory references to them are used. 2. It is allowed to use conventions that are not provided for in state (interstate) and national standards and standards of organizations. In these cases, the legend is explained in the drawing field. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.1.6. The dimensions of the conventional signs not established in the standards are determined taking into account the clarity and clarity of the drawing and are kept the same with repeated repetition. 1.1.7. On the working drawing of the product indicate the dimensions, maximum deviations, surface roughness and other data that it must comply with before assembly (Fig. 1 a). An exception is the case specified in clause 1.1.8. Dimensions, maximum deviations and surface roughness of product elements, resulting from processing during assembly or after it, indicate on the assembly drawing (Fig. 1 b). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 3). 1.1.8. A product, in the manufacture of which an allowance is provided for the subsequent processing of individual elements during the assembly process, is depicted in the drawing with dimensions, maximum deviations and other data that it must correspond to after final processing. Such dimensions are enclosed in parentheses, and in the technical requirements they make an entry like: "Dimensions in brackets - after assembly" (Fig. 1 v). 1.1.9. The working drawings of the products to be coated indicate the dimensions and surface roughness before coating. It is allowed to indicate simultaneously the dimensions and surface roughness before and after coating. In this case, dimension lines and designations of surface roughness before and after coating are applied, as shown in fig. 2. If it is necessary to indicate the dimensions and roughness of the surface only after coating, then the corresponding dimensions and designations of the surface roughness are marked with a "*" and in the technical requirements of the drawing they make an entry like: "* Dimensions and roughness of the surface after coating" (Fig. 3).

1.1.10. A separate drawing is performed for each product. The exception is a group of products with common design features, for which a group drawing is performed in accordance with GOST 2.113. 1.1.11. On each drawing, the main inscription and additional columns to it are placed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104. 1.1.12. Columns of the title block are filled in taking into account additional requirements: when drawing on several sheets, the same designation is indicated on all sheets of one drawing; in column 5 indicate the mass of the product: in the drawings for the manufacture of prototypes - the estimated mass, in the drawings, starting with the letter O 1, - the actual one. In this case, the actual mass should be understood as the mass determined by measurement (weighing the product). On the drawings of products of single production and products with a large mass, and large-sized products, the determination of the mass of which by weighing causes difficulty, it is allowed to indicate the estimated mass. At the same time, on the drawings of products developed by orders of the Ministry of Defense, an indication of the estimated mass is allowed only by agreement with the customer (customer's representative). The weight of the product is indicated in kilograms without specifying the unit of measurement. It is allowed to indicate the mass in other units of measurement, indicating them, for example: 0.25 t, 15 t. If necessary, it is allowed to indicate the maximum deviations of the mass of the product in the technical requirements of the drawing. It is allowed not to indicate the mass on the dimensional and installation drawings, as well as on the drawings of parts of prototypes and single production. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 6). 1.1.13. (Deleted, Amendment No. 11) 1.1.14. If an edge (edge) must be made sharp or rounded, then a corresponding instruction is placed on the drawing. If there is no indication in the drawing about the shape of the edges or ribs, then they should be blunt. If necessary, in this case, you can specify the size of the blunting (chamfer, radius), placed next to the "∟" sign, for example dash. 3a. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 9).

1.1.15. If the finished product must have center holes made in accordance with GOST 14034, then they are depicted conditionally, with a sign indicating the designation in accordance with GOST 14034 on the leader line shelf. If there are two identical holes, one of them is depicted (Fig. 4 a). If center holes in the finished product are unacceptable, then a sign is indicated (Fig. 4b). Center holes are not shown and no instructions are placed in the technical requirements if the presence of holes is structurally indifferent. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 7). 1.1.16. In justified cases (for example, when changing the dimensions on a drawing during its development, when it is impractical to reissue the drawing, when using blank drawings *, etc.), a deviation from the image scale is allowed if this does not distort the visibility of the image and does not make it difficult to read the drawing in production. * Blank drawings - blanks of design documents that are used after entering missing dimensions and other necessary data into them. (Modified edition, Amendments No. 2, 8).

1.2. Drawings of jointly processed products 1.2.1. If individual elements of the product need to be processed together with another product before assembly, for which they are temporarily connected and fastened (for example, halves of the body, parts of the crankcase, etc.), then independent drawings should be issued for both products in a general manner, indicating them of all sizes, limit deviations, surface roughness and other necessary data. Dimensions with maximum deviations of the elements processed together are enclosed in square brackets and the specification is placed in the technical requirements: "Processing in size in square brackets should be done together with ..." (Fig. 5).

1.2.2. In difficult cases, when specifying the dimensions connecting different surfaces of both products, next to the image of one of the products that most fully reflects the conditions of joint processing, place a full or partial simplified image of the other product, made with solid thin lines (Fig. 6). It is not allowed to release separate drawings for joint processing.

1. Processing according to the sizes in square brackets should be done together with the children ...

2. Details to apply together.

1.2.3. The technical requirements related to surfaces processed together are placed in the drawing, which shows all jointly processed products. Co-processing instructions are placed on all drawings of co-processed products. 1.2.4. If individual elements of the product must be processed according to another product and (or) fitted to it, then the dimensions of such elements should be marked in the image with a "*" or letter designation, and the corresponding instructions are given in the technical requirements of the drawing (Fig. 7). 1.2.5. When the processing of holes for mounting bolts, screws, rivets, pins in a product should be carried out when assembling it with other products without preliminary processing of a hole of a smaller diameter, the details of the holes are not shown in the drawings and no instructions are placed in the technical requirements.

1. Top. And process for children. ..., keeping the size B.

2. Details to apply together.

All the necessary data for processing such holes (images, dimensions, surface roughness, location coordinates, number of holes) are placed on the assembly drawing of the product, in which this product is part of (Fig. 8). When using tapered pins on the assembly drawings of products, only the surface roughness of the hole is indicated and under the shelf of the leader line with the pin position number - the number of holes. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.2.6. In the drawing of the product obtained by cutting the workpiece into parts and interchangeable with any other product made from other workpieces according to this drawing, the image of the workpiece is not placed (Fig. 9). 1.2.7. For a product obtained by cutting the workpiece into parts or consisting of two or more jointly processed parts, used only together and not interchangeable with the same parts of another of the same product, one drawing is developed (Fig. 10). 1.3. Drawings of products with additional processing or alteration 1.3.1. Drawings of products manufactured with additional processing of other products are performed taking into account the following requirements: a) the blank product is depicted with solid thin lines, and the surfaces obtained by additional processing, newly introduced products and products installed instead of existing ones, with solid main lines. The parts removed during the alteration are not depicted; b) apply only those dimensions, maximum deviations and designations of surface roughness that are necessary for additional processing (Fig. 11). It is allowed to apply reference, overall and connection dimensions. It is allowed to depict only a part of the blank product, the elements of which must be additionally processed. 1.3.2. In the drawing of a part made by additional processing of the workpiece, in the column 3 the main inscription write down the word "Blank product" and the designation of the blank product. When using a purchased product as a blank product, in column 3 of the main inscription indicate the name of the purchased product and its designation, which are contained in the accompanying documentation of the manufacturer (supplier). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11)

Assembly drawing

Detail Drawings

1.3.3. The blank part is recorded in the appropriate section of the product specification. In this case, the column "Pos." are crossed out. With computer-aided design, it is allowed to write a blank product after the modified product without taking into account the specification section. In the column "Name" after the name of the blank product, indicate in brackets "Blank for ... XXXXXX ...". (Modified edition, Amendments No. 6, 11). 1.3.4. When using an assembly unit as a workpiece, the drawing of the product made from the workpiece should be executed as an assembly. In the specification of this product, a blank product and other products installed during rework are recorded. The converted product is assigned an independent designation. When documents are executed in electronic form, the blank product is included in the electronic structure of the product (GOST 2.053).

In the technical requirements of the drawing, it is allowed to indicate which assembly units and parts are replaced with newly installed ones during alteration or are excluded without replacement, for example: “Details of pos. 4 and 6 to replace the existing roller and bushing ”,“ Remove the existing bushing ”, etc. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 1.3.5. If the revision of a product, which is an assembly unit, consists in the removal or replacement of its component parts, then the assembly drawing for the revised product may not be issued. The specification of such a product should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106, taking into account the following features: the finalized product is recorded in the section "Assembly units" as the first item; the component parts removed from the final product are recorded under the item number according to the specification of the final product in the appropriate sections under the heading "Component parts removed"; newly installed component parts are recorded in the appropriate sections under the heading "Newly installed components" indicating the position numbers that are a continuation of the positions indicated in the product being modified. Note. The specified method is not allowed to be used when revising purchased products. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 6). 1.4. Product drawings with inscriptions, signs, slags, photographs 1.4.1. The inscriptions and signs applied to the flat surface of the product are usually depicted in full on the corresponding view, regardless of the method of their application. Their location and style must comply with the requirements for the finished product. If these products are shown with gaps in the drawing, then it is allowed to apply inscriptions and signs on the image not completely and to bring them to the technical requirements of the drawing. 1.4.2. If the inscriptions and signs are to be applied to a cylindrical or conical surface, then an image of the inscription in the form of a scan is placed on the drawing. In a view where inscriptions, numbers and other data are projected with distortion, it is allowed to display them without distortion. It is allowed in this view to depict only a part of the applied data necessary to link the view with the scan (Fig. 12, 13). 1.4.3. With a symmetrical arrangement of the inscription relative to the contour of the part, instead of the dimensions that determine the location of the inscription, as a rule, the technical requirements indicate the maximum deviations of the location (Fig. 14). (Modified edition, Amendment No. 6). 1.4.4. The drawing should indicate the method of applying inscriptions and signs (engraving, stamping, embossing, photographing, etc.), covering all surfaces of the product, covering the background of the front surface and covering the applied inscriptions and signs (Fig. 15). 1.4.5. If the application of inscriptions, signs or other images to the product must be carried out by photographing or contact printing directly from the original working drawing of the product, then the drawing (Fig. 16) in this case, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements: a) the product must be drawn in full size or on an enlarged scale. The scale should be selected depending on the method of applying the image (for example, for contact printing, the scale should be 1: 1); b) there should be no construction lines on the product image. All necessary dimensions, dimension and extension lines must be placed in the drawing field, outside the image. The dimensions of the holes made on the product may be given in the technical requirements. 1.4.4, 1.4.5. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 5). 1.4.6. If it is advisable to apply an image to a product by photographing from the original of any design document (for example, from an electrical schematic diagram), then the drawing of such a product (Fig. 17) must be made in compliance with the following requirements: a) the applied images are not drawn; b) inside the contour of the product indicate the boundaries of the location of the image (solid thin line);

Deviation from the symmetrical position of the inscription is no more than 0.5 mm.

1. Photochemical etching is flat: a) the background of the front surface is black;

b) inscriptions, letters, signs and platform - metal colors.

2. Font - according to normative and technical documentation.

C) in the field of the drawing or within the outline of the product indicate the designation of the document from which photographing is to be made, and provide additional information about which part of the document is to be photographed; d) inside the contour of the product draw (indicating the required dimensions and coordinates) the missing inscriptions in the document, signs and other data that must be added to the applied image. 1.5. Drawings of products manufactured in various production and technological options 1.5.1. Drawings that allow the manufacture of products in two or more production and technological options should be carried out according to the rules established for drawings of parts and assembly drawings, taking into account the additional requirements given in paragraphs. 1.5.2- 1.5.8. Note. Manufacturing and technological options are such options for the implementation of the product, which are provided in the drawings in relation to different known production conditions or technological methods and means of manufacture. Production and technological options should not violate the interchangeability, technical characteristics and performance of the product. 1.5.2. For each option for manufacturing a part that differs from other options in manufacturing technology (casting, forging, welding, pressing from press material, etc.), a separate drawing with an independent designation is issued. l .5.3. In the drawing of a part, which can be made in various versions, differing in structural elements or their shape (grooves for the exit of the tool, chamfers, rolled or cut threads, etc.), an indication of permissible replacements is made. If necessary, place an additional image with the inscription "Variant" above it. In case of several variants, the variant number is indicated in the inscription. Instructions allowing the manufacture of parts in accordance with the depicted option are not given in the drawing (Fig. 18). 1.5.4. When the assembly drawing provides options for the manufacture of component parts of the product according to independent drawings (for example, parts made from metal casting or from stamping forgings, or pressed from plastic), all options are written in the specification of this assembly unit in separate positions under their designations.

The number of components in the column "Quantity" specifications are not affixed, but in the "Note" column indicate "... pcs., tolerance, replacement for pos ...". On the shelf, leader lines from the image of the component part indicate the position numbers for all variants of this part, for example: "6 or 11". 1.5.5. It is allowed to make parts from two or more parts (for example, sheathing sheet; separate parts of fences, etc.); at the same time, an indication is placed in the technical requirements about the admissibility of the manufacture of such a part, the method of connecting the parts and the materials necessary for the connection. If the place of possible connection of parts and their preparation for connection must be precisely determined, then additional data is placed on the drawing: image, dimensions, etc. The junction is depicted with a dash-dotted thin line. 1.5.6. The assembly drawing of the product, which includes a part with various manufacturing options (in accordance with clauses 1.5.3 and 1.5.5.), Is drawn up without additional instructions. 1.5.7. If the options for manufacturing a product consist in the fact that its constituent parts, while remaining equivalent, differ in any structural elements that are advisable to show on the assembly drawing, then the corresponding additional images will interfere. An inscription is made above the additional image, explaining that this image refers to the manufacturing option. In case of several variants, the variant number is indicated in the inscription.

The positions of the components included in the options will interfere with the corresponding additional images (Fig. 19). 1.5.8. If the option for manufacturing parts is a detachable connection consisting of several parts, then the assembly drawing for such an option is not developed. In the specification of the product, the parts that make up the variant are recorded in separate items. Column "Qty." do not fill in the specifications, but write in the "Note" column: for the main part; "Pcs., Tolerance, replacement for pos ...", while indicating the position numbers of all parts that make up the option, and the number of each of them; for details of the variant (detachable connection): "... pcs., applied. from poses ... instead of poses ... "(Fig. 20).


2.1. Working drawings are developed, as a rule, for all the parts that make up the product. It is allowed not to produce drawings for: a) parts made from shaped or high-quality material by a cut at right angles, from sheet material by a cut along a circle, including with a concentric hole or along the perimeter of a rectangle, without further processing; b) one of the details of the product in the cases specified in paragraphs. 3.3.5 & 3.3.6; c) parts of products with permanent joints (welded, soldered, riveted, glued, knocked down with nails, etc.), which are integral parts of products of a single production, if the design of such a part is so simple that three to four sizes are enough for its manufacture on an assembly drawing or one image of such a part in the free field of the drawing; d) parts of products of one-off production, the shape and dimensions of which (length, bend radius, etc.) are installed in place, for example, separate parts of fences and flooring, separate sheathing sheets of frames and bulkheads, strips, squares, boards and bars, pipes etc.; e) purchased parts, subject to anti-corrosion or decorative coating that does not change the nature of mating with adjacent parts. The necessary data for the manufacture and control of parts for which drawings are not issued are indicated on the assembly drawings and in the specification. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 8). 2.2. In part drawings, in a bill of materials or in the electronic structure of a product, the material conventions must correspond to the designations established by the material standards. In the absence of a material standard, it is designated according to technical conditions. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 2.3. The designation of the material of the part according to the standard for the assortment is recorded in the drawing only in cases where the part, depending on the structural and operational requirements imposed on it, must be made of high-quality material of a certain profile and size, for example:

In documents made in electronic form, the horizontal bar indicated in the examples may be replaced with a slash (/). It is allowed not to indicate the accuracy group, flatness, drawing, trimming, length and width of the sheet, width of the tape, etc. parameters if they do not affect the performance of the product (part). At the same time, the general sequence of recording data established by standards or technical specifications for materials should be preserved. (Modified edition, Amendments No. 8, 10, 11). 2.4. In the title block of the drawing, details indicate no more than one type of material. If the use of material substitutes is envisaged for the manufacture of a part, then they are indicated in the technical requirements of the drawing or technical specifications for the product. 2.5. If the shape and dimensions of all elements are defined in the drawing of the finished part, the scan (image, length of the scan) is not shown. When the image of a part being made flexible does not give an idea of ​​the actual shape and dimensions of its individual elements, a partial or full unfolding of it is placed on the drawing of the part. On the unfolded image, only those dimensions are applied that cannot be indicated on the image of the finished part. A conventional graphic designation is placed above the scan image (Fig. 21). 2.6. The sweep is depicted as solid main lines, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the lines of the visible contour in the part image.

If necessary, fold lines are applied on the scan image, performed by a dash-dotted thin line with two points, with an indication on the shelf of the "fold line" leader line. 2.7. It is allowed, without disturbing the clarity of the drawing, to combine the image of a part of the scan with the view of the part. In this case, the scan is depicted by dash-dotted thin lines with two dots and the conventional graphic designation is not placed (Fig. 22). 2.8. Parts in which individual elements must be measured after changing (within elastic deformations) of the original shape corresponding to the free state of the part are depicted by solid main lines in a free state and dash-dotted thin lines with two points - after changing the original shape of the part. The dimensions of the elements that must be measured after changing the original shape of the part are applied to the image made with dash-dotted thin lines with two dots (Fig. 23). If in such a part deformable elements in a free state can have an arbitrary shape, then the part is depicted in the drawing in the state of its measurement with a corresponding indication in the drawing field (Fig. 24). 2.6 - 2.8. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 3). 2.9. If the part is to be made of a material with a certain direction of fibers, warp, etc. (metal tape, fabrics, paper, wood), then in the drawing, if necessary, it is allowed to indicate the direction of the fibers (Fig. 25). Indications about the arrangement of layers of material of a part made of textolite, fiber, getinax or other laminated material, if necessary, are placed in the technical requirements (Fig. 26). 2.10. On the drawings of parts made of materials with front and back sides (leather, some types of fabrics, films, etc.), if necessary, the front side is indicated on the shelf of the leader line (Fig. 27). Such instructions are allowed to be placed on assembly drawings of products, which include parts with front and back sides (Fig. 28). 2.11. Parts made from transparent materials are depicted as opaque. The inscriptions, numbers, signs and other similar data applied to the parts from the reverse side of the observer, which should be visible from the front side of the finished part, are depicted in the drawing as visible and the corresponding indication is placed in the technical requirements (Fig. 29).

a - for metal; b- for fabrics; v - for paper; g - for a tree; d - for plywood.

Engrave the inscription on the reverse side.


3.1. Content, images and dimensions 3.1.1. The number of assembly drawings should be minimal, but sufficient for the rational organization of production (assembly and control) of products. If necessary, assembly drawings provide data on the operation of the product and on the interaction of its parts. 3.1.2. The assembly drawing must contain: a) an image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and interconnection of the component parts connected according to this drawing, and providing the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit. It is allowed to place additional schematic images of the connection and location of the component parts of the product on the assembly drawings; b) dimensions, maximum deviations and other parameters and requirements that must be met or controlled according to this assembly drawing. It is allowed to indicate as a reference the dimensions of the parts that determine the nature of the conjugation; c) instructions on the nature of the pairing and methods of its implementation, if the accuracy of the pairing is ensured not by the specified limit deviations of dimensions, but by selection, fitting, etc., as well as instructions on the implementation of permanent joints (welded, brazed, etc.); d) position numbers of the component parts included in the product; e) overall dimensions of the product; f) installation, connection and other necessary reference dimensions; g) technical characteristics of the product (if necessary); h) coordinates of the center of mass (if necessary). Notes: 1. Data specified in the enumerations d, e it is allowed not to indicate assembly units on the drawings that are not the subject of self-delivery. 2. Data specified in subparagraphs f and s of this paragraph are not placed on the assembly drawing if they are shown in another design document for this product, for example, on the dimensional drawing. (Modified edition, Amendments No. 8, 11). 3.1.3. When specifying the installation and connection dimensions, the following should be applied: location coordinates, dimensions with maximum deviations of elements serving to connect with mating products; other parameters, for example, for gears serving as elements of external communication, module, number and direction of teeth. 3.1.4. On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to depict the moving parts of the product in an extreme or intermediate position with appropriate dimensions. If, when depicting moving parts, it is difficult to read the drawing, then these parts are allowed to be depicted in additional views with appropriate inscriptions, for example: “The extreme position of the carriage pos. 5". 3.1.5. On the assembly drawing of a product, it is allowed to place an image of border (neighboring) products ("furnishings") and dimensions that determine their relative position (Fig. 30). The component parts of the product located behind the furnishings are depicted as visible. If necessary, it is allowed to portray them as invisible. The items of "furnishings" are performed in a simplified manner and provide the necessary data to determine the installation site, methods of fastening and connecting the product. It is allowed not to hatch in the sections and sections of the "situation". 3.1.6. If on the assembly drawing it is necessary to indicate the names or designations of the products that make up the "environment", or their elements, then these instructions are placed directly on the image of the "situation", or on the shelf of the leader line drawn from the corresponding image, for example: "Pressure automaton (designation ) "; "Oil cooler pipe (designation)", etc. 3.1.7. On the assembly drawing of an auxiliary production product (for example, a stamp, a conductor, etc.), it is allowed to place an operational sketch in the upper right corner. 3.1.8. Assembly drawings should be performed, as a rule, with simplifications that meet the requirements of the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation and this standard.

It is allowed not to show on assembly drawings: a) chamfers, fillets, grooves, indentations, protrusions, knurls, notches, braids and other small elements; b) the gaps between the rod and the hole; c) covers, shields, casings, partitions, etc., if it is necessary to show the component parts of the product covered by them. In this case, a corresponding inscription is made above the image, for example: “Cover pos. 3 not shown "; d) visible component parts of products or their elements located behind the net, as well as partially covered by the component parts located in front; e) inscriptions on plates, name plates, scales and other similar parts, depicting only their outline. 3.1.9. Products made from transparent material are depicted as opaque. It is allowed on assembly drawings to depict component parts of products and their elements located behind transparent objects as visible, for example: scales, instrument arrows, internal arrangement of lamps, etc. 3.1.10. The products located behind the helical spring, depicted only by the sections of the turns, are depicted up to the zone conventionally covering these products and determined by the axial lines of the sections of the turns (Fig. 31). 3.1.11. On the assembly drawings, the following methods of simplified depiction of the component parts of the products are used: a) in the sections, the component parts are depicted as undisclosed, for which independent assembly drawings are drawn up. It is allowed to carry out drawings as shown in fig. 32; b) standard, purchased and other widely used products are depicted by external outlines (Fig. 33).

3.1.12. The external outlines of the product, as a rule, should be simplified, without depicting small protrusions, depressions, etc. (Fig. 33, 34 a, b). 3.1.11, 3.1.12. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 5).

3.1.13a. On assembly drawings, it is allowed to depict seals conditionally, as shown in fig. 34 ( c, d, d), indicating the direction of action of the seal with an arrow. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5). 3.1.13. On assembly drawings, which include images of several identical component parts (wheels, road wheels, etc.), it is allowed to perform a complete image of one component, and the images of the remaining parts are simplified in the form of external outlines. 3.1.14. A welded, brazed, glued and the like product made of a homogeneous material assembled with other products in cuts and sections are hatched in one direction, depicting the boundaries between the parts of the product with solid main lines (Fig. 35). It is allowed not to show the boundaries between the parts, i.e. depict the structure as a monolithic body.

3.1.15. If it is necessary to indicate the position of the center of mass of the product, then the corresponding dimensions are given in the drawing and the inscription is placed on the shelf of the leader line: “Ts. M. " The lines of the centers of mass of the constituent parts of the product are applied with a dash-dot line, and on the shelf of the leader line, the inscription is made: "Line Ts. M." 3.2. Item numbers 3.2.1. On the assembly drawing, all component parts of an assembly unit are numbered in accordance with the position numbers indicated in the specification of this assembly unit. Position numbers are applied on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the images of the component parts. 3.2.2. Position numbers indicate those images in which the corresponding constituent parts are projected as visible, as a rule, in the main views and cuts that replace them. 3.2.3. The position number is placed parallel to the title block of the drawing outside the outline of the image and grouped into a column or line, if possible, on the same line. 3.2.4. The position number is applied in the drawing, as a rule, once. It is allowed to re-indicate the position numbers of the same components.

3.2.5. The font size of position numbers should be one or two numbers larger than the font size accepted for dimension numbers in the same drawing. 3.2.6. It is allowed to make a common leader line with a vertical arrangement of position numbers: a) for a group of fasteners related to the same attachment point (Fig. 36). If there are two or more fasteners and at the same time different component parts are fastened with the same fasteners, then their number may be put in brackets after the number of the corresponding position and indicated only for one unit of the fixed component, regardless of the number of these component parts in the product; b) for a group of parts with a clearly expressed relationship that excludes a different understanding, if it is impossible to bring a leader line to each component (Fig. 37). In these cases, the leader line is removed from the fixed component; c) for individual component parts of the product, if it is difficult to graphically depict them, in this case it is allowed not to show these component parts in the drawing, but to determine their location using a leader line from the visible component and on the drawing field, to place an appropriate indication in the technical requirements , for example: “Harnesses pos. 12 under the brackets, wrap the press panel pos. 22 ". (Modified edition, Amendment No. 10). 3.3. Execution of certain types of assembly drawings 3.3.1. On the assembly drawing of the product, including parts for which working drawings have not been issued, in the image and (or) in the technical requirements, additional data is given to the information specified in the specification required for the manufacture of parts (surface roughness, shape deviations, etc.) ... It is allowed to indicate data on the preparation of edges for permanent joints (welding, soldering, etc.) on the assembly drawings of products of a single production, directly on the image or as an external element (Fig. 38), if these data are not shown in the drawings of the parts. 3.3.2. Depending on the nature of the production, the component parts of the product, for which it is allowed not to produce drawings, can be taken into account in two ways: as parts with the assignment of a designation and name to them, or as a material without assigning a designation and name to them and with an indication of the quantity in units of length, mass or other units (Fig. 39 - 42). (Modified edition, Amendments No. 5, 11). 3.3.3. When a certain graded material is installed for the manufacture of a part of a simple configuration according to an assembly drawing (without releasing an independent drawing on it), then the corresponding dimensions of the part are given in the specification. If there is no need to set a certain grade material for a part, then on the assembly drawing all dimensions are placed on the image of this part, and only the material grade is indicated in the specification.

3.3.4. On the field of the assembly drawing, it is allowed to place separate images of several parts, on which it is allowed not to issue working drawings, provided that the clarity of the drawing is preserved. Above the image of the part, an inscription is applied containing the position number and the scale of the image, if it differs from the scale indicated in the title block of the drawing. 3.3.5. If a part of large dimensions and a complex configuration is connected by pressing, soldering, welding, riveting or other similar methods with a part of less complex and smaller dimensions, then, provided that the clarity of the drawing and production capabilities are preserved, it is allowed to place all dimensions and other data necessary for manufacture and control of the main part, and release drawings only for less complex parts. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 8). 3.3.6. If an assembly unit is manufactured by surfacing on a metal or alloy part, by pouring the surfaces or elements of the part with metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials, then a drawing for such parts may not be issued. The drawings of these assembly units indicate the dimensions of surfaces or elements for surfacing, pouring, etc., the dimensions of the finally finished assembly unit and other data required for manufacturing and control. 3.3.7. The guided metal, alloy, plastic, rubber and other materials with which the reinforcing parts are poured are recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in the "Materials" section. 3.3.8. Examples of drawing up drawings of assembly units made by surfacing and pouring parts with alloy, rubber are shown in Fig. 43- 45. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

3.3.9. If, when assembling a product for its adjustment, adjustment, compensation, the component parts are selected, then on the assembly drawing they are depicted in one of the possible applications. 3.3.10. Recording of "matching" components in the specification and the indication on the shelves of the leader lines of the position numbers are applied depending on the method of using the components: a) if the selection is made by the same products (for example, the required spring load is achieved by installing identical washers under it), then in the column "Count" specifications indicate the most probable number of products during installation, and in the "Note" column write down - "Naib. count. ". The technical requirements of the assembly drawing contain the necessary instructions for the installation of such “pick-up” parts, for example: “Ensure the spring load by installing the required number of parts. pos ... "; b) if the selection is made by installing one of the products having different sizes and independent designations (for example, the size of the gap should be ensured by installing only one adjusting ring), then each "matching" part is recorded in the specification under different position numbers. In the column "Qty." for each part indicate "1" and in the column "Note" - "Selection". The technical requirements place a record of the type: “Size (clearance, stroke, etc.) A provide the installation of one of the children. pos. ... "; c) if the selection can be carried out by installing several products with different sizes, designations and in different quantities, then all products are recorded in the specification. Each "pick-up" part is assigned its own position number and designation. In the column "Qty." in this case indicate the most probable quantity during installation for each “pick-up” part and in the “Note” column - “Naib. count. ". Position numbers of all “pick-up” parts are placed on the shelves of the leader lines. In the technical requirements, respectively, indicate: "Size (clearance, stroke, etc.) B provide installation of det. pos. ... ".

If necessary, in the “Note” column of the specification for “pick-up” parts, it is allowed to give references to the paragraph of the technical requirements, which gives instructions on the selection, for example: “See NS. ...". 3.3.11. When, after assembling the product during its transportation and (or) storage, it is required to install protective temporary parts (cover, plug, etc.), these parts are shown on the assembly drawing as they should be installed during transportation and storage. ... If protective temporary parts for the period of transportation and storage should be installed instead of any devices or mechanisms removed from the product, then corresponding instructions are placed on the assembly drawing in the technical requirements, for example: “Pump pos. ... and the regulator pos. ... before packing, remove and replace the covers pos. ..., tightening them tightly with the bolts pos. ..." etc. On the assembly drawing, it is allowed to place an image of a part of the machine with an installed protective temporary part, explaining the position of the part. 3.3.13. The assignment of names and designations to protective temporary parts, their image on the assembly drawing and entry into the specification or electronic structure of the product is carried out according to the general rules. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 3.3.14. In cases where individual parts of the purchased product are installed in different assembly units of the product (for example, tapered roller bearings), the purchased product is recorded in the specification of the assembly unit in which it is assembled. The technical requirements of the assembly drawing of the product being developed indicate those assembly units that include individual parts of the purchased product. In the specifications of these assembly units in the "Note" column indicate the designation of the specification, which includes the purchased product in assembled form. In this case, in the column "Name" indicate the name of the component of the purchased product, and the column "Quantity." is not filled. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 8).


4.1. Dimensional drawings are not intended for the manufacture of products based on them and should not contain data for manufacturing and assembly. 4.2. In the dimensional drawing, the image of the product is performed with maximum simplifications. The product is depicted so that the extreme positions of moving, extending or folding parts, levers, carriages, hinged covers, etc. are visible. It is allowed not to show elements that protrude beyond the main contour by an insignificant amount in comparison with the dimensions of the product. 4.3. The number of views in the dimensional drawing should be minimal, but sufficient to give a comprehensive idea of ​​the external outlines of the product, the positions of its protruding parts (levers, flywheels, handles, buttons, etc.), the elements that should be permanent in the field of view (for example, scales), on the location of the elements of connection of the product with other products. 4.4. The image of the product in the dimensional drawing is performed with solid main lines, and the outlines of the moving parts in the extreme positions are dash-dotted thin lines with two dots. It is allowed to depict the extreme positions of the moving parts in separate views. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.5. In the dimensional drawing, it is allowed to depict parts and assembly units that are not part of the product with solid thin lines. 4.6. On the dimensional drawing, the overall dimensions of the product, the installation and connection dimensions and, if necessary, the dimensions that determine the position of the protruding parts are applied. Installation and connection dimensions required for linking with other products must be indicated with maximum deviations. It is allowed to indicate the coordinates of the center of mass. The dimensional drawing does not indicate that all dimensions shown on it are for reference only. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 8). 4.7. The dimensional drawing is allowed to indicate the conditions of use, storage, transportation and operation of the product in the absence of these data in the technical description, technical specifications or other design document for the product. 4.8. An example of a dimensional drawing is shown in fig. 46.


5.1. The assembly drawing must contain: an image of the product being assembled; images of products used for installation, as well as a full or partial image of the device (structure, foundation) to which the product is attached; installation and connection dimensions with maximum deviations; list of components required for installation; technical requirements for the installation of the product. 5.2. Installation drawings are issued for: products mounted at one specific place (device, facility, foundation); products mounted on several different places (devices, objects). An assembly drawing is also issued in cases where it is necessary to show the connection of the complex components to each other at the site of operation. 5.3. The assembly drawing is carried out according to the rules established for assembly drawings, taking into account the rules set out in this section. 5.4. The assembled product is depicted in the drawing in a simplified manner, showing its external outlines. Show in detail the structural elements that are necessary for the correct installation of the product. The device (object, foundation), to which the assembled product is attached, is depicted in a simplified manner, showing only those parts that are necessary to correctly determine the place and method of fastening the product. The image of the product to be mounted and the products included in the set of installation parts is performed with solid main lines, and the device to which the product is attached - with solid thin lines. When making drawings of foundations, the foundation is depicted with solid main lines, and the assembled product with solid thin lines. 5.5. The installation drawing indicates the connection, installation and other dimensions required for installation. The installation drawing intended for the installation of the product in different places also indicates the dimensions that determine the specific requirements for the placement of the product (for example, the minimum distance to the wall of the room, etc.). The installation drawing of the complex indicates the dimensions that determine the relative position of the component parts directly included in the complex. 5.6. The list of components required for installation can be made according to Form 1 of GOST 2.106, with the exception of the columns "Format" and "Zone", and should be placed on the first sheet of the drawing.

The list records the product to be installed, as well as assembly units, parts and materials required for installation. Instead of the list, it is allowed to indicate the designations of these components on the shelves of the leader lines. 5.7. Products and materials required for installation, supplied by the enterprise that manufactures the product to be installed, are recorded in the specification of the assembly kit in accordance with GOST 2.106 or in the electronic structure of the assembly kit in accordance with GOST 2.053. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 5.8. The products and materials required for installation, which are not supplied with the installed product, are recorded in the list on the installation drawing, and in the "Note" column or in the technical requirements, a corresponding note is placed, for example: "Pos. 7 and 9 not supplied with the product ", etc. If it is impossible to indicate the exact designations and names of non-supplied products, then their approximate names are indicated in the list, and in the drawing, if necessary, dimensions and other data that ensure the correct selection of products required for installation. 5.9. On the installation drawing on the shelf of the leader line or directly on the image, indicate the name and (or) designation of the device (object) or part of the device to which the mounted product is attached.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR 2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1843 dated 27.07.73 Amendment No. 9 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 13 dated 28.05. 98) Registered by the IGU Technical Secretariat No. 2907

State name

Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandart
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandart
The Republic of Uzbekistan Uzgosstandart
Ukraine State Standard of Ukraine
Amendment No. 10 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 17 dated June 22, 2000). Registered by the IGS Technical Secretariat No. 3526.

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan Azgosstandart
Republic of Belarus State Standard of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia Gruzstandart
The Republic of Kazakhstan Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstandard
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandart
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikstandart
Turkmenistan Glavgosluzhba "Turkmenstandartlary"

Item number

Item number

GOST 2.104-2006 GOST 1133-71
GOST 2.106-96

1.3.5 , 5.6, 5.7

GOST 1435-99
GOST 2.113-75 GOST 2590-88
GOST 103-76 GOST 8240-97
GOST 535-88 GOST 8509-93
GOST 1050-88 GOST 8510-86
GOST 2.051-2006 GOST 14034-74
GOST 2.052-2006
GOST 2.053-2006
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 11) 5. EDITION (June 2002) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, approved in February 1980, November 1981 May 1984, December 1984, March 1985, September 1985, March 1986, September 1987, February 1999, December 2000 (IMS No. 4-80, 4 -82, 8-84, 3-85, 5-85, 12-85, 6-86, 12-87, 5-99, 3-2001)

MBOU Beyskaya secondary boarding school

secondary (complete) general education

Lecturer - organizer of the life-saving safety Malanchik Pavel Ivanovich.

Outline - outline of a drawing lesson for grade 8

Lesson topic: Drawings of unfolded surfaces of geometric bodies

The purpose of the lesson: To teach how to project an object on 3 planes. Develop spatial thinking. Cultivate accuracy when making drawings.

Methods: Conversation, explanation, demonstration, independent work.

Equipment: Textbook, poster, drawing tools, models.

Lesson type: Learning new material

Lesson structure

Org. moment - 2-3 minutes.

Analysis of graphic work - 5 min.

New material - 10 min.

Fastening - 25 min.

The final part - 3 min.

During the classes

Org. moment.

Hello, sit down.

The topic of today's lesson is "Drawings of unfolded surfaces of geometric bodies." Write it down in a notebook in a drawing font (the topic is written on the board), and at this time I will distribute your work to you.

Setting the goal of the lesson, motivation for the upcoming activity, (it is desirable that the goals of their activities in the lesson are set by the children themselves, two or three people are enough

Analysis of the execution of graphic work.

Put common mistakes on the board, mark the best works.

New material

Drawings of unfolded surfaces of prisms and cylinders.

In the course of the explanation, demonstrate the cut out sweeps, show the sweeps made by children in the past years.

For the manufacture of machine tool fences, ventilation pipes and some other products, their sweeps are cut out of sheet material.

A scan of the surfaces of any straight prism is a flat figure made up of side faces - rectangles and two bases - polygons.

For example, in the sweep of the surfaces of a hexagonal prism (Fig. 139, b), all the faces are equal rectangles of width a and height / i, and the bases are regular hexagons with a side equal to a.

Thus, you can build a drawing of the unfolded surfaces of any prism.

The unfolding of the cylinder surfaces consists of a rectangle and two circles (Fig. 140, b). One side of the rectangle is equal to the height of the cylinder, the other is the circumference of the base. In the drawing of the sweep, two circles are attached to the rectangle, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the bases of the cylinder.

Drawings of unfolded surfaces of the cone and pyramid.

The sweep of the surfaces of the cone is a flat figure, consisting of a sector - a sweep of the lateral surface and a circle - the base of the cone (Fig. 141, b).

Constructions are performed like this:

1. Draw a center line and from the point s "on it describe a radius equal to the length s" a "of the generatrix of the cone, an arc of a circle. The circumference of the base of the cone is laid on it.

Point s is connected to the end points of the arc. 2. A circle is attached to the resulting figure - a sector. The diameter of this circle is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone.

The length of a circle when constructing a sector can be determined

according to the formula C = nD.

Angle a is calculated by the formula ,

d - diameter of the base circle,

R is the length of the generator of the cone, it can be calculated by the Pythagorean theorem.

A drawing of a sweep of the surfaces of the pyramid is built as follows

(Fig. 142, b).

An arc of radius R equal to the length of the side edge of the pyramid is described from an arbitrary point O. On this arc, four segments are laid, equal to the side of the base. The extreme points are connected by straight lines to the point O. Then a square is attached equal to the base of the pyramid.

Pay attention to how the drawings of the sweeps are drawn up. Above the image they write "Sweep" with a line below. From the fold lines, which are dash-dotted with two points, draw leader lines and write on the shelf "Fold Lines".

The construction of unfolding is usually performed graphically, using the methods offered by descriptive geometry.

The surfaces of parts bounded by planes or developable curved surfaces can be flattened and aligned with the plane exactly. In this case, points (segments) lying on the surface are preserved on the sweep, and each point (straight line segment) on the sweep corresponds to a completely definite and unique point (straight line segment) on the surface of the part, and vice versa.

The figure shows unfolded surfaces of polyhedral bodies and bodies of revolution.

The construction of the unfolding of the surface of a polyhedron is reduced to the determination of the natural size of each of its faces. First, a sweep of the lateral surface is drawn, then the bases of the polyhedron are attached to one of the faces (one or two - depending on whether it is a prism or a pyramid

Examples of unfolding polyhedra and bodies of revolution


Together with the children, perform and arrange sweeps of geometric bodies:

Cylinder, Cone, Prism, Pyramid.

In the course of construction, once again dwell on the features of this work. Demonstrate the cut out sweeps, show the sweeps made by children in the past years.

Final part

Summing up.

What did you like in today's lesson?

What did not suit you in this lesson (pace, volume, etc.)?

Have you achieved your goals? Did everyone get the job done?

What have you learned? (it may be worth asking questions here, depending on the time)

Homework: Unroll and glue it. (Any geometric body to choose from, dimensions h - not less than 70mm

Abstract of a drawing lesson.

Theme: Drawings of sweeps of some geometric bodies.


- to consolidate the concept of geometric bodies;

Contribute to the independent study of the construction of sweeps of geometric bodies;

Develop spatial representations and thinking, the ability to work with information sources;

To foster a sense of time, responsibility in the team.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material

Material support: models of geometric bodies, cards - assignments, textbooks, drawing accessories, drawing paper.


1. Organizational part.

Very correct, very wise

May laziness not be a hindrance

In the morning, say to everyone: "Good ... (morning)",

Well, in the afternoon say: "Good .. (day)."

View student readiness for a lesson.

Are you ready to start the lesson!
Is everything in place? Is everything all right:
Books, pens, pencils and notebooks?
We have a motto like this:
Everything you need at hand!

2. Updating knowledge

In the previous lessons, we examined some geometric bodies, learned how to build their drawings. Let's remember what geometric bodies are there?

I show, and the students call.

Let's check how you learned the material you learned.

What is the order of the projections?(frontal, horizontal and profile).

One of them works at the blackboard (Yura), making projections of the cone, and the rest work independently in their notebooks.

The height of the cone is L = 40 mm, and the base diameter is 30 mm.

3. Learning new material.

Lesson topic message.

Today we will continue working with geometric bodies, the topic of today's lesson: “ Drawings of sweeps of some geometrical bodies ".

In the lesson, we have to learn on our own how to unfold some geometric bodies.

We often meet with sweeps of surfaces in everyday life, in production, in construction. To make packaging for juice, sweets, perfumes, a holiday box or bag, etc., you need to be able to build a sweep of the surfaces of geometric bodies.

    Consider the unfolding of the packages and tell me what geometric shapes do they consist of?

    What is a sweep? Let's open the tutorials on page 63 and read the definition.

Now I will show you how to unfold some geometric bodies.

Unfold the surface of the pyramid.

In order to unroll, let's define what shapes the pyramid consists of.

The side surface of the pyramid consists of four equal triangles. To build a triangle, you need to know the size of its sides. Equal edges of the pyramid serve as lateral sides of the faces (triangles). From an arbitrary point, we describe an arc with a radius equal to the length of the side edge of the pyramid. On this arc, lay four segments equal to the side of the base. We connect the extreme points with straight lines to the center of the described arc. Then we add a square equal to the base of the pyramid.

Development of cylinder surfaces.

The unfolding of the lateral surface of the cylinder consists of a rectangle and two circles. One side of the rectangle is equal to the height of the cylinder, the other is the circumference of the base.

The circumference is calculated by the formula: L = Pi * D.

In the drawing of the sweep, two circles are attached to the rectangle, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cylinder.

When drawing up drawings of sweeps, a sign is applied over the image of the figure -

Fold lines should be drawn with a dash-and-dot line with two dots.

All clear? To consolidate the new material, we will perform practical work in pairs on the cards. And one at the board will unfold the cube.

4. Practical work in pairs. Before starting work, please tell me with what tools and with what material you will work?

5. Summing up.

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    What did you meet?

    Where are they used?

    What have you learned?

6. Reflection.

Did you enjoy the lesson?

Are you satisfied with your work in the lesson?

You have emoticons on your desk.

Choose the emoticon that matches the grade of your work in the lesson.

7. Assessment of students.

I am grateful to you for the lesson, for the fact that you worked well. I hope that your interest in learning drawing will not fade away.


Task card. Development of the cylinder (page 65. fig. 137).

Height H = 40mm, D = 40mm.

Task card. Development of the pyramid (page 64. fig. 134).

50mm, A = 40mm.

Task card. Sweep of a triangular prism (page 65. fig. 136).

Prism height H = 40mm, base side A = 30mm

Task card. Unfolding the cube (page 64. fig. 132).

Side of the cube A = 30mm.

For the manufacture of machine casings, machine tool fences, ventilation devices, pipelines and other products, it is necessary to cut out their sweeps from sheet material.

The flat shape obtained as a result of sequential alignment with the drawing plane of all the faces of the polyhedron is called the unfolding of the surface of a polyhedron.

Construction of unfolded surfaces of polyhedrons consists of determining the natural size of the faces and constructing on a plane in sequential order of all faces. The dimensions of the faces, if they are not projected in full size, are found by the methods of rotation or changing the projection planes given in the previous paragraph.

Consider the construction of unfolding of some of the simplest bodies.

The unfolding of the surface of a straight prism is a flat figure made up of side faces - rectangles and two equal base polygons. For example, a regular hexagonal prism was taken (Fig. 4.17, a). The side faces of the prism are equal rectangles with a width a and height I, and the bases are regular hexagons with side equal to a. Since the dimensions of the faces are known, the construction of the flat pattern is not difficult to perform. To do this, six segments are successively laid on a horizontal line, equal to the side of the base a hexagon, i.e. 6 a... From the points obtained, perpendiculars are restored with a length equal to the height of the prism I. Connecting the obtained segments, a second horizontal line is drawn. The resulting rectangle ( H× 6 a) is a sweep of the lateral surface of the prism. Then, on one axis, the figure of the bases is attached - two hexagons with sides equal to a. The contour is drawn with a solid main line, and the fold lines are drawn with a dash-dotted thin line with two dots.

Rice. 4.17.

With the help of such a construction, you can draw a sweep of straight prisms with any figure at the base. The only difference will be in the number and width of the sides of the side surface.

The unfolding of the cylinder surface is constructed in a similar way (Fig. 4.17, b). Only its width is equal πd(circumference of the base).

The unfolded surface of a regular pyramid is a flat figure made up of side faces - isosceles or equilateral triangles and a regular base polygon. For example, a regular quadrangular pyramid was taken (Fig. 4.18 a). The solution of the problem is complicated by the fact that the size of the side faces of the pyramid is unknown, since their edges are not parallel to any of the projection planes. Therefore, construction begins with determining the size of the edge SA by the way of rotation (see fig. 4.15, v). By determining the length of the oblique rib SA, equal s "a" 1, draw from an arbitrary point 5, as from the center, an arc of a circle with a radius s "a" 1. Along this arc, lay four segments equal to the side of the base of the pyramid, which in the drawing is projected into the true value. The found points are connected by straight lines to a point s. Having thus obtained a scan of the lateral surface, a square equal to the base of the pyramid is attached to the base of one of the triangles.

The unfolded surface of a straight circular cone is a flat figure consisting of a circular sector and a circle (Fig. 4.18, b).

Rice. 4.18.

The construction is carried out as follows. Draw an axial line and from a point taken on it, as from the center, draw a radius R 1 equal to the generatrix of the cone s "a" 1, an arc of a circle. Then the sector angle is calculated using the formula α = 360 ° R / L, where R- radius of the circumference of the base of the cone; L- the length of the generatrix of the lateral surface of the cone. In the example α = 360 ° 15/38 ≈ 142.2 °.

This angle is built symmetrically about the center line with the apex at point S. A circle is attached to the resulting sector with a center on the center line and a diameter equal to the diameter of the base of the cone.

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