Home Perennial flowers Lesson for the 2nd junior group of the profession of parents. Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed. All professions are important. Musical game "We will wash handkerchiefs"

Lesson for the 2nd junior group of the profession of parents. Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed. All professions are important. Musical game "We will wash handkerchiefs"

Inna Ivanova
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group "Here is winter, all around it is white"


Acquaintance with a new material - cotton wool; skill training paint snowflakes with a brush; skill training paint with gouache; continue to teach correctly, hold the brush, work with cysts, use a cloth, rinse the brush. Anchoring white, season. Induce a sense of joy from the strokes that children drew by ourselves... Foster interest in creativity. Develop fine motor skills; to form the ability to rhythmically perform movements to the music.


Pieces of cotton wool for each child, tinted album sheets with painted trees, white paint, brushes, rags, jars of water, a snowflake, a bucket of snow, a stand for small portraits with a picture of snowflakes (for each child, a picture depicting late autumn, an easel, palettes for each child, a mold, a loop; music recording.


The teacher tells the children that a breeze came to us and a snowflake flew with it to visit us. The snowflake brought something with it. Snowflake asks the guys to go to the table and take a look. There is a bucket on the table.

Guys, tell me what the snowflake brought us? (Snow.)

What color is the snow? (White.)

Feel the snow. What is he? (Cold.)

The teacher shows the children a picture of late autumn.

Guys, what time of year is shown in the picture? (Late fall.)

In late autumn, the trees all threw off their leaves from their branches, and a snowball falls.

Have you seen how the snow swirls in the air? Show.

Children whirl, show with their hands "Flashlights".

And one snowflake sat on my sleeve, I blew on it, the snowflake flew to the ground. It is light and fluffy like cotton wool.

The teacher gives the children pieces of cotton wool and offers to play the game: "Snowflake and Breeze" blow on her.

Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

And you and I can draw how quietly the snow falls, white, clean as a fluff. A brush and paint will help us. What kind of paint will we take to draw snowflakes? (White.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to sheets of tinted paper with a picture of trees, suggests draw how beautiful the snow is spinning.

Children sit at tables, pick up brushes and first show with a dry brush how to draw snowflakes(attach-remove, then draw paint on the tip and start to work. Children do the drawing, the teacher, if necessary, helps, tells you how to work with a brush correctly.

At the end of the work, the teacher praises all the children, specifies what color paint they used, how painted with a brush, notes that after work, the children took care of their brushes, rinsed them well in water.

Do you guys want to play with the snow?

The teacher shows the bucket, there is no more snow in it, it has melted in the warmth.

And our snowball in the drawings will not melt, because we painted with paints.

And from the bucket (melted snow) We will pour some water into a mold and put a loop. We will go for a walk and take a mold with some water. Let's see what happens to the water, whether the water remains in the mold, or freezes.

Guys, the snowflake has melted, but she left small portraits of snowflakes as a souvenir. Completes activity game"Snowflakes are spinning": to the music, the guys perform whirling, at the end of the music, the guys squat down, lower their hands.


drawing classes in the 2nd

younger group

Theme: "Winter sunny

a day in the forest "


January 2012

Open lesson in drawing in the second junior group.

Theme: Painting with paints "Winter sunny day in the forest".

Tasks. 1... To continue teaching children to carefully use a brush and gouache, to teach how to draw snow in the form of snowdrifts, to consolidate the ability to convey a rounded shape, to consolidate painting techniques, to transmit the traces of animals with the rhythm of strokes. 2. Development of creative imagination, aesthetic perception of children, development of interest in visual activities: ask children what can be drawn about winter; consider illustrations depicting a winter sunny day and snowdrifts (then the children describe them); to convey the phenomena of reality. Admire the beauty of the drawing.

Material. Paper watercolor, pre-protonated in blue, for each child, white, yellow and black gouache, brushes No. 8-10, jars of water, tape recorder, musical disc "Kid in the Village" from the series of magical voices of nature.

Lesson plan:

1. Examining illustrations depicting winter. Children answer the teacher's questions.

2. The teacher shows the techniques of drawing snowdrifts. Children draw.

3. The teacher asks the children to draw the sun. Children draw.

4. Physical education: "The snow is spinning."

5. The teacher shows how to draw footprints in the snow with the rhythm of strokes. Children draw.

6. Admire the beauty of the drawing.

The course of the lesson.(Before the beginning of the lesson, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the arrival of guests.)

The lesson begins with the teacher asking the children what time of year it is; how they guessed it was winter; what games are played in winter; Does the sun shine in winter, what kind of snowdrifts there are, etc. Next, the teacher examines illustrations of winter landscapes with the children, the children describe them. Before the teacher asks the children to draw a winter sunny day, we repeat how to use a brush, gouache, water correctly. The teacher reminds the children of being neat.

First, the teacher shows how a snowdrift is drawn. Children draw. Then the children draw the sun on their own (the previous drawing lesson was devoted to drawing the sun). By this time, the children have time to get tired and the physical education begins.

Physical education

Physical education... Children go out onto the carpet. The teacher includes background music. Children repeat the movements behind the teacher following the poem:

"Snowflakes are falling from the sky, as in a fairy-tale picture, We will catch them with our hands and show our mother at home, And there are snowdrifts around, the roads are covered with snow, Do not get stuck in the field so that we raise our legs higher, There is a fox in the field jumping like a soft red ball Well, we we go, we go and again we come into the house. "

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the words in the poem about the fox and asks what will remain in the snow if the fox runs. Children answer that there are traces. The teacher offers to finish the drawing: depict fox tracks in the snow. All sit down. The teacher shows how to draw traces with the rhythm of strokes. Children draw.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the children and draws the attention of the children to the beauty of the drawing.

Abstract of the OOD in the second junior drawing group.

Topic: "Winter" (drawing with a brush and cotton swabs)

Target: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​winter as a season of the year.


- improve the skills of drawing with gouache paints;

Skillfully use a brush for painting to depict snowdrifts, snow on Christmas trees;

Strengthen the ability to draw snowflakes with cotton swabs using the poke method; teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing;

To consolidate drawing techniques familiar to children;

Expand children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena;

Involve children in looking at the illustrations for the winter season;

Be able to reason;

Clarify the idea of ​​winter through snowflakes;

Develop visual-figurative thinking, imagination, a sense of color and rhythm, curiosity, sensuality;

To foster in children a love for animals and nature, to show interest in them and a respectful attitude;

To cultivate joy and interest in displaying your impressions in visual activities.

Integration of different types of activities: conversations about winter natural phenomena, reading poems, stories, fairy tales about winter, guessing riddles on the winter theme, viewing illustrations of the winter season, observing on a walk, outdoor games on a walk on a winter theme, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations of winter nature; watching snowfall, snowdrifts while walking, looking at snowflakes caught on a mitten; reading fiction about winter; guessing riddles about winter and winter phenomena; carrying out outdoor games on a winter theme; conversations with children about the winter season with viewing illustrations.

Materials and equipment: soft toy "Bunny", white snowflakes made of paper; a magic box (a package from a bear), white gouache, paint brushes, cotton swabs, sheets of blue tinted paper with a picture of green Christmas trees, cups of water, cloth and paper napkins, illustrations of a brown bear and winter nature.

The course itself is educational activity.

Educator: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

I would like to start our meeting today with a riddle

Loves to eat carrots very much,

He deftly gnaws a cabbage,

White, gray and oblique

Who is this? (Hare )

Educator: Well done, you guessed it! Of course, it's a bunny! Today he came running to you in the kindergarten from the forest. (children greet bunny )

Educator: Guys, look, the bunny brought you something (the teacher takes out a magic box, shows the children )

Educator: Guys, the bunny told me in secret that one forest dweller gave you this parcel, and who he is, try to guess

He sucks his paw, sleeps all winter long

And when spring comes, it wakes up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest, because his name is (bear )

That's right guys, it's a bear!

Educator: Unfortunately, the bear could not come to visit us with the bunny, because he is now sleeping in a den and sucking his paw, but he sent you a magic package, in which there are many interesting tasks.

Educator: Let's open it! (the teacher opens a magic parcel, takes out a letter, in the letter - riddles )

Stars fly from the sky

And shine in the sun.

Like a ballerina dance

Whirling in winter ... (snowflakes )

It's getting colder every day

The sun is getting weaker and weaker

Everywhere there is snow, like a fringe, -

So she came to us ... (winter )

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed right! And why exactly these riddles the bear sent you, guess? (because it's winter outside )

Educator: Right now on the streetwinter.Let's take a look at what happenswinter ( the teacher hangs illustrations of the winter season on the board, the children examine them )

Educator: Guys, now tell us, what kind of winter happens? (snowy, cold, frosty, beautiful, etc. .)

Educator: And what falls from the sky in winter? (snow )

What kind of snow is there? (soft, white, cold, fluffy, silver, etc. )

What is snow made of? (from snowflakes )

Who can tell what snowflakes are? (light, beautiful, white )

And what can snowflakes do? (spin, fly, fall, etc. )

Educator: Do you guys love winter? What do you like in winter? (play snowballs, sledding, ice sleds, making a snowman, etc. .)

Educator: And I really love winter, especially for its beauty.

Guys, the bear has never seen how beautiful it is in winter. How quietly white snowflakes whirl and fall to the ground, how they cover the branches of trees, Christmas trees, pines, how big there are snowdrifts, what patterns frost draws on glass. Let's draw winter for him as a gift (children agree)

Educator: What color are we going to paint it with? (white)

Educator: Why white? (because the snow is white and everything is white )

Educator: Guys, you have blue sheets on your tables with Christmas trees, white gouache and magic brushes - these are cotton swabs. With cotton swabs you will draw snowflakes, falling from the sky (the teacher shows the technique of working with a cotton swab: first, we dip the cotton swab into water once, but do not wet it too much, and then we dip it in white gouache and draw many, many snowflakes using the “poke” method )

Children perform the task (in the process of doing the work, the teacher explains that the snowflakes are drawn next to each other, leaving no empty spaces )

Educator: Well done boys! And now we will play with you and the bunny(The teacher opens the magic package and takes out white paper snowflakes )

Educator: Look at what beautiful snowflakes the bear sent you! And there are so many of them!

Snowflake game

We are white snowflakes, -children run ("fly") with snowflakes in a circle

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Paths and paths-waving snowflakes, throwing them up

We will powder everything

Let's circle over the garden -whirling with snowflakes

On a cold winter day

And we'll sit quietly next to you -squat

With the same as we

We dance over the fields -form a round dance, run in a circle

We are leading our round dance

Where we don't know ourselves, - whirl with snowflakes, throw them up

The wind will carry us.

Educator: What good fellows, how merrily they played! And the bunny liked the game, but you and I need to finish painting the snow-white winter. Sit on the chairs.

Educator: Guys, we drew snowflakes, but did not show in the drawing how beautiful spruce can be after a snowfall and what drifts the snow sweeps.

Educator: You have brushes on your feet with which you candraw snow on Christmas trees and snowdrifts near firs. (The teacher reminds children how to work with a brush and gouache )

Children complete the task using familiar techniques (Painting straight and wavy lines, adjoining, painting, etc. )

Educator: Well done boys! Very beautifulsnow-white winter you haveit turned out! Do you like it, bunny? (children, together with the teacher and the bunny, examine the work and remember what paint and what techniques drawing used ).

Educator : Guys, do you remember that you drew your fabulous drawings for the bear? (children's answers )

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten about the magic package? Let's open it again, maybe there is something else in it?

Surprise moment: the teacher opens the parcel and takes out a treat from the bear for the children, guests and the bunny.

The children and the teacher thank the bunny for coming to visit them from the forest, bringing a magic box, in which there were interesting tasks from the bear, which all the guys coped with.

The guys give the bunny their drawings, ask him to give them to the bear, who will soon wake up and say goodbye to the bunny.

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