Home perennial flowers Acquaintance with foreigners for communication in English. How to practice spoken English with native speakers for free. Lessons with a tutor

Acquaintance with foreigners for communication in English. How to practice spoken English with native speakers for free. Lessons with a tutor

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Web chat with foreigners

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Communicating in English is one of the best ways to learn a language and improve your skills. The experience of voice communication and even correspondence is invaluable for those who are going to live and study abroad, as well as take IELTS and TOEFL language exams.

Today, there are many sites that help you find friends abroad, communicate with them and practice your English. Introducing the Top 10 Resources for Communicating with Foreigners…

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This international social network brings together people from all over the world who want to find pen pals. Users from the UK, India, USA, Russia, France, Japan, Korea, Spain, Germany and many other countries are registered here.

You can upload photos and information about yourself to the site, as well as write an ad about who and for what purposes you are looking for. Most of the portal users seek to find people for language practice, but this is not the only purpose of the resource. The social network is betting on the opportunity to find a true friend and soul mate anywhere in the world!

The resource has an official application for Android.

2. pen4 Pals

The site is designed specifically for language exchange between native speakers of different languages. It is enough to go through a quick registration to get acquainted with a native speaker of a foreign language and start correspondence.

The resource is based on mutually beneficial language exchange. For example, you are learning English and communicating with a native English speaker who is learning Russian. In addition to English, you can learn Italian, French, Spanish and other languages ​​on the site.

For the convenience of users, there is a forum and groups through which it is easy to find new pen pals.

3. Livemocha

The resource provides versatile opportunities - from language lessons of all levels to the search for pen pals. There are many users on the portal who regularly exchange language experiences, check each other's written assignments, text messages and communicate with each other in a convenient chat.

4. Learning Russian with Russians (Facebook)

This is a popular Facebook group. It brings together over 4,000 users from all over the world who want to learn the language by chatting with Russians.

Most of the group members are ready for a language exchange and will be happy to help you learn your native language in exchange for help in learning Russian.

5. Abroad Pal

The site brings together a large number of users who are native speakers of various languages. There are special groups and forums for communication on interests. In addition, you can correspond in private messages and leave comments on the pages of other users.

6 Shared Talk

This is a portal for quickly finding interlocutors and language exchange. Users from various countries are registered here, with whom you can communicate in real time.

The site has not only a convenient text chat, but also a voice chat, communication in which will help you develop your speaking skills in a foreign language.

7. Learning Russian with Russians (Google)

This Google Community is similar to a Facebook group. There are over 3,000 registered users here.

In the group you can meet foreigners who are studying Russian and are ready for a language exchange. The community is useful not only for learning the language, but also for simple communication on interesting topics.

8. Learning Russian with Russians (In contact with)

Another version of the popular language group, which will definitely appeal to adherents and active users of the Vkontakte network.

The group is not that big, there are only about 1,000 members. However, there are many foreigners here who are learning Russian and who want to find pen pals for a language exchange.

9. Inter Pals

Here you can chat in private messages, communicate online and on forums. The site unites more than 11,000 users from 164 countries of the world who are eager to communicate, learn new languages ​​and other cultures.

10. Club of pen pals "Edelweiss"

This portal was created specifically for Russian-English language exchange between native speakers of these languages.

Here you can find pen pals abroad, improve your language skills, gain new experiences and even meet your soul mate! The portal also has a forum for communication and posted a lot of useful articles with tips on how to learn a foreign language.

Slowly is a unique service for finding pen pals. The authors of the application deliberately abandoned instant messages in order to return the romance of communication through letters. You find an interlocutor with similar interests, write him a message in a few paragraphs, attach a stamp and send. Delivery time depends on how far the addressee is from you - it can be either a couple of hours or a day. You can also send photos, but their number is limited, and the speed of delivery also depends on the distance.

Social network for communication with foreigners and daily lessons on various topics. For membership in the community, you need to transfer 5 dollars to the project account every month. But there is also a seven-day free subscription for beginners. The site has chats, forums and blogs for communication in the selected language.

Convenient service and application for learning a foreign language. To use it, you only need a device with a camera and the Internet. Here you can meet both professional teachers and native speakers offering informal tutoring. Each user can be both a student and a teacher. More than 10 thousand tutors are available, and tuition is paid by the unit.

A resource for finding friends, pen pals and even travel companions around the world. You can select interlocutors in specific countries, communicate in forums, chat, or use private messages. The site is free and has tens of thousands of registered users from all over the world.

On this site you can find a partner for face-to-face or remote communication through private messages or chats. When searching, you should indicate the language you want to learn and the one you will teach the interlocutor, as well as which applications you would like to use.

More than 100 thousand people from 56 countries use Easy Language Exchange to find interlocutors who speak different languages. You can communicate with the community in an open forum, or only with selected people using private messages. In addition, this resource contains many courses for self-study.

7. Speaky

Speaky is a free social network that consists of just two elements: a list of profiles and a chat window. When filling out a profile, you choose which languages ​​you know and which you would like to learn, and the service itself selects the best candidates. You can communicate with both native speakers and those who are just learning it.

A site for finding interlocutors from the American Dickinson College. The Mixxer is aimed primarily at communicating via Skype, but also allows you to just chat. A useful bonus is free audio lessons on learning different languages ​​from consulates and leading universities.

9. Language Share

A simple and convenient service for finding interlocutors. Profiles are filtered by native and studied languages, gender and age. You can send messages to people you like: the service sends notifications by mail. If you wish, you have the right to look for a partner only in a certain country.

10. Tongue Out

An ambitious project with a design and structure reminiscent of Facebook in the late 2000s. There are not only profiles, but also forums, groups, collections of photos and videos. You can add users as friends, participate in discussions and write messages, including through the application.

11. Tandem

Stylish mobile service for finding native speakers. Finding someone to talk to is easy: Tandem is used by millions of people. You can even enlist the help of professional teachers and sign up for a private lesson. Training takes place both through chat and through audio and video calls.

12. HelloTalk

HelloTalk is a multifunctional application for learning languages ​​and communicating with native speakers. In the chat, you can exchange not only text messages, but also audio recordings, photos and videos. It is also possible to visually correct the interlocutor's mistakes in correspondence.


HiNative is a question and answer platform. You ask native speakers questions about their language, and they answer. You can also ask for feedback on your pronunciation and sentence structure. Owners of free accounts can listen and see answers only to their own questions, and those who have bought a premium version can also listen to questions from other users.

Communication with foreigners

Communication with foreigners- a great way to improve or even learn a foreign language, meet new interesting people and even create serious relationships abroad.

Today, foreign language courses are offered, giving students a serious theoretical base. However, linguistics is not a science where, in order to achieve a result, it is enough just to learn the main rules and general expressions. The main thing is practical communication, with which the necessary skills are mastered, and the best practice is live communication with foreigners who are native speakers.

Possible ways communication with foreigners

Those who are interested in linguistics would like to practice communicating with a foreigner - a native speaker. There can be many goals: someone is interested in moving to a foreign state and making friends abroad, some dream of getting married or going out marry a foreigner. Numerous online resources and dating sites with foreigners help to quickly get language practice and talk with a resident of any country of interest. Portals do not even charge for such a service, so it is useful communication with foreigners is free.

A dating site will help not only communicate with foreigners, but will also be useful to those girls who dream of going out marry abroad. The functionality of the dating site also includes a free online translator that helps if something is not yet clear when communicating. Website Russian dating takes 1 place in the TOP 10 best free dating sites with foreigners according to ZSI.

Free communication with foreigners on Free-russian-dating.net

Sites for communication with foreigners

Portals and resources suitable for communication with foreigners:

  • Interpals- the site is suitable for those who study rare languages ​​and dialects, the resource allows you to choose any option communication to freely meet and talk with representatives of any countries and continents.
  • Russian dating- international free dating site with foreigners. Suitable for those who not only want to improve the level of spoken foreign language, but are also looking for a serious relationship with the opportunity to go abroad.
  • Italki- a portal with a convenient navigation system. Helps to find an interlocutor for any purpose. A section with paid services, forums, acquaintances with foreigners, interest groups - the functionality offered on the portal is convenient and easy to learn for free communication.
  • Lang-8- suitable for those who want to master the language without unnecessary emotions and is ready to help the interlocutor in improving their native language skills. For example, a Japanese who is interested in French helps the French learn Japanese through the process of correspondence. High-quality spelling of messages promotes rapid learning in the process communication of foreigners.
  • My Language Exchange- an international dating site that tries to understand the registered user. During the registration process, it is proposed to describe yourself, interests and tastes, and do the same work regarding the “desired interlocutor”. Potential applicants are filtered, and the search returns candidates according to the filled in data. The site presents more than a hundred languages ​​of possible communication.
  • My Happy Planet- a convenient social network for the practice of foreign communication, aimed more at learning than at spontaneous acquaintance. The user places on his page a video with visual lessons that reveal the features of speech and communication.
  • Tandemapp- a portal for communication from a mobile device. Inferior to previous support for less than ten languages.
  • HelloTalk- is a smartphone application. You can use geolocation. The device finds the nearest users of the program and offers to establish communication.
  • Easy Language Exchange- a newly developed platform for communication with foreigners. Therefore, the number of people using it is not yet large. Suitable for those who are primarily interested in English and want to learn it in real life, communicating with native speakers.
  • English, Baby!- is positioned as a resource offering to master all dialects of English. A large amount of educational material, including video, audio, graphic content that will help you learn spoken English, taking into account local specifics.
  • Ling- provides an opportunity for simple communication with foreigners. In the process of dialogues, the user learns new words, set expressions and, for the sake of convenience, writes them down on a personal page.

Dating site with foreigners

It is worth considering the differences in the quality levels of the sites. For a more accurate presentation, please refer to TOP 10 best international dating sites with foreigners .

Also, if you are interested in dating abroad, check out the article marriage agencies, in it you will find general concepts, and a rating of the best agencies, and interesting video materials on the topic.

The main difference between dating sites is the functionality of the service:

  1. Interface (page design, convenience of questionnaires, walls).
  2. Filter system (search for participants by criteria).
  3. Navigation menu (number of sections).
  4. Online translator function.
  5. Error correction (grammar check).
  6. Paid, free features (charging fees for using certain services).

Sites may request contact information, including a phone number. Sometimes there are requests for a scanned copy of the passport with all the data. They are needed to ensure that the user gets to know a real person, and not a robot or a figurehead. For example, a portal Russian dating uses several stages of verification:

  • checking email and phone number;
  • verification of passport data;
  • support operators call each foreigner and check the authenticity of their profiles (this also helps to cut off agencies and bots).

Do not forget about such a way of dating as social networks: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and others, because it is there that the liveliest communication takes place.

Communication with foreigners for language learning

In addition to the considered online communication with foreigners for language learning with the help of international dating portals, other ways to raise the level of language proficiency have been developed. This service is offered by online linguistic schools. They position themselves as a replacement for traditional teaching. Anyone who wants to find a representative of the language of interest in the "school", chooses him, leaves a response. Further, the student agrees with the teacher on the cost, proceed to online communication and classes. People with different levels of linguistic knowledge can earn on such sites. For example, you can find an experienced German teacher, or you can work with a person who is just starting to master the profession of a teacher.

Of course, people are wary of this method of learning, especially since it costs money. Not everyone can assess their own level of language proficiency and understand what kind of teacher they need. Many doubt the effectiveness of such schools and show open distrust.

Unambiguously answer all these questions, of course, everyone must himself. Of course, like any new system, online school has advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of online schools for communication with foreigners

Positive points:

  1. The teacher does not know the native language of his student. Simply put, if you speak Russian to your Portuguese interlocutor, he will not understand anything. This will help to tune in the right way, concentrate and make the student think only in the language he is learning;
  2. Classes are educational. Since childhood, everyone has been accustomed to the fact that lessons, for example, English, are built on the study of England, its citizens and their way of life. But only a real citizen of this country will be able to tell about all its features like no one else. This is a significant advantage of communicating with foreigners, in comparison with a Russian repeater.
  3. Improve your pronunciation. Since the student does not have the opportunity to switch to his native language in the process of communication, he gets used to a foreign dialect much faster. Gradually, without noticing it, the student repeats the accent of his foreign teacher.
  4. Increasing self-confidence. In the end, a person who has had a close conversation with a native speaker of a foreign language feels completely different. He is more confident in his strengths and abilities, builds sentences much faster and masters free speech. This is a significant plus for learning any language by communicating with native speakers.

Cons of online schools for communication with foreigners

Among the disadvantages of this method of communication:

  1. embarrassment. Shy people simply will not be able to overcome themselves and start communicating with a foreign representative of another country. Moreover, from the very beginning, the conversation takes place in a foreign language, without the possibility of adjusting to your own. This binds many.
  2. Speaking speech of the teacher. If you speak with a Russian-speaking foreigner, using turns that are known only to the Russian people, he simply will not understand. A similar situation could happen here as well. Some of the teacher's expressions may not be understood even if the student has a perfect command of the language. Some things just can't be described or explained.
  3. Level of online tutors. It is worth recalling that an online school teacher can be both an experienced linguist and a beginner. He may even have relatively poor knowledge of elementary rules of spelling or grammar. Therefore, no one bears responsibility for the result of his work, and all this turns into a will of chance. Lucky or not lucky.
  4. High price. There is a difference in prices in Russia and abroad. An amount that seems acceptable to an English tutor for a Russian person may turn out to be unbearable. At the same time, the higher the fee, the higher the quality, so dating sites with foreigners can become the golden mean, since they are free and are presented in dozens of countries of the World that speak a variety of languages.

In addition to international dating sites and online language platforms, there are also applications for communication with foreigners to improve speaking practice.

The most famous of them are:

  1. Tandem. Registration here is possible both as a student and as a teacher. People can be found by a logical system of filters, and the communication process takes place both in the form of correspondence and in the form of calls. Video calls are also possible. Among the teachers there are beginners and professionals. The function of attaching images, sound files to messages and auto-editing is convenient.
  2. hello pal. Voice messages, calls, convenient filtering of potential interlocutors. This application provides such functions. Convenient messenger for simple communication with foreigners. The program edits errors, contains a convenient dictionary, which facilitates the process of communication. Suitable for those who find it difficult to start a conversation on their own.
  3. Speaky. The service is not inferior to the previous two in terms of functionality: convenient filters, thanks to which you can find a person close to you, a high-quality messenger, support for video calls and audio calls. The special advantages include: support for more than eighty languages ​​and a huge audience of users.
  4. Anygram. The number of registered participants is much less than in competing applications, however, Enigram also boasts convenient features. For example, a certain rating of friendliness and friendliness of a foreigner. With increasing complaints and uncultured communication, he falls, and the lower the user's rating, the fewer people see him in the list of potential friends. The function of blocking unwanted interlocutors for communication is useful. The platform allows you to share music, videos, and communicate via video and voice messages.
  5. Hi Native. Suitable for those who are embarrassed by personal communication one on one. The structure of HiNative is more like a forum where private traders can ask each other questions and answer them. There is no personal binding, the user simply selects the desired language and enters the dialogue of several dozen people. It is easy to join the conversation and just as easy to leave it in case of discomfort in communication. A handy dictionary will help start a conversation and give you a choice of several standard questions to start a correspondence.
  6. HelloTalk. The service supports over a hundred languages. A huge number of foreigners from all over the world are available for communication. The popularity of the application is constantly growing due to easy navigation, beautiful interface and high-quality chat. Each user can create a dictionary on his page, where words from dialogs and conversations are added. A truly innovative system of voice messages: phrases sounding into the microphone are instantly translated for the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted. For example, during audio communication with an American, the Russian interlocutor will hear only the Russian speech translated by the computer, and the American will hear Russian. Very convenient when talking with foreigners. Therefore, the HelloTalk application is not suitable for those who start communication solely for language practice.

Communication with foreigners to learn English

A good program or an online school will not replace a live one communication. The best option for learning English would be a trip to the country of interest. In addition to classical tourism, it is possible to get to another state in other ways. It is especially convenient to do this as a student. It is easy to find profitable contests, programs. True, they assume the fulfillment of certain conditions. In any case, it's worth a try. The methods below are cheaper than traveling abroad at your own expense.

Represents student summer employment in the United States. The organizers of the tour settle the participant in an average American family in need of help.

Help includes:

  • care for children;
  • home help;
  • doing household chores.

The trip is free, but the work is paid. includes free housing, food, a lot of free time. The program participant lives in a family that does not speak his native language, respectively, the level of English proficiency is rapidly increasing due to the constant forced communication. Students are allowed to move freely around the city, visit local entertainment and cultural institutions. Program participants are provided with benefits for admission to local universities, in case of high-quality work.

The program is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of money to study a language abroad and are ready to plunge into the culture of the United States of America for a while.

English schools abroad

An expensive way to learn English. The cost of schools is determined by the qualifications and extensive experience of teachers. Classes are held according to established standards. Lessons are divided into theoretical and practical communication. During practice, students are given the task of casually communicating with unfamiliar foreign Americans. Courses involve teaching people who already know the language at an elementary, intermediate or advanced level. Training is also provided from scratch. Students are divided into classes according to the level of knowledge of the English language. Teachers will teach competent oral and written communication. Graduates of the school receive special certificates. Certificates of such schools are officially recognized in the world.

Work as a volunteer to communicate with foreigners

The method should be attributed to a number of free and simple ways of communication. To start work, an application is submitted to a volunteer organization. Volunteering is not paid and will be of interest to those who want to get and live in another state for free, gaining experience in communicating with foreigners in another country. The method is suitable for students, young people, preferably under 35 years old.

Personal live communication with foreigners is suitable for people who want to quickly master the knowledge and pronunciation of the language being studied. It is easier to implement the idea as a student, as there are enough exchange programs between universities and offers like "".

There are plenty of learning opportunities for adults as well. Online schools, apps, dating sites for foreigners are suitable for those interested in developing practical language skills. The main thing is to determine the goals in order to choose the appropriate method.

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Today, in social networks, you can not only like photos and follow the lives of your friends, but also learn foreign languages. Special language social networks will help you find a live interlocutor who will raise the level of your foreign language. And at the same time it will help to replenish vocabulary, get rid of hackneyed phrases and enliven speech with real phrases of English, German, Italian, Chinese, and any language. All Courses has collected for you a selection of popular language social networks created just for this purpose.

You can already communicate "with a dictionary" but still worry about pronunciation? Then social networks will come to the rescue, where you can find new friends around the world.


The social network unites people from 190 countries, which means 90 languages ​​to learn. The idea of ​​the site is simple: the user writes a phrase or post in the language they are learning, and a native speaker checks and corrects speech, grammatical and spelling errors, if any. You can attach tags to notes, and the most popular ones get to the top. You can also make friends on the site.

There are two options for using the network: paid and free. The second allows you to learn only two languages ​​and make no more than 500 notes in a notebook. Paid content has an unlimited number of posts and languages, and at the same time it is allowed to post photos, leave comments in pdf format.


Lingq relies on vocabulary replenishment, so communication requires at least a minimum knowledge of a foreign language. The social network has been open since 2007 and today offers access to 16 languages, among others there are English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, German. All new words are easily stored in the profile. In addition to free communication, there is access to audio lessons and you can send a written work for verification.

The site has paid and free content.

English, Baby!

The main feature of the site is communication in correct English, American or British. To do this, the site has daily free lessons on a new topic, thematic audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews. Many use the net in preparation for the TOEFL. There are those who prefer to improve grammar, and just chat.

For English teachers there is a separate section where teachers share their experience.

There is paid content.


A site for finding an interlocutor for a language exchange. Friends from 154 countries are now available. And this is more than 100 languages, including the main European and Asian ones. The social network is completely free. You can register with Facebook. There is a forum and chat for communication, you choose a partner yourself. You can select an interlocutor by age and gender, or by specifying a specific country. The resource always shows who is online and who is not online at the moment.


On Conversationexchange.com, you need to register and choose a partner to communicate in Windows Messenger or Skype. The resource is also interesting because it helps to find a native speaker of the language you are learning in your own city. So you get an additional opportunity to chat with a person face-to-face. In addition, on the site you can improve your written language.


After registering on the site, you will see a quick search for native speakers. You can choose an interlocutor by age, gender, language being studied. The resource will immediately offer you the contacts of a person in Skype or other messengers. The main advantage of the site is only communication. Free speech is encouraged here and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.

Easy language exchange

The new social network for communication in a foreign language today has about 72,000 users from 56 countries. The site pays special attention to learning English: there are courses for beginners, as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve grammar. In addition, useful articles are published on the resource, there is a forum where you can find an interlocutor to learn Chinese, Arabic, Korean and other languages. A separate plus is registration as a teacher.


The service offers more than 5,000 active chat rooms where you can discuss the latest music, sports, current events, and just chat with people around the world. And these are 37 major European and Asian languages. Additionally, you can communicate via text messages, which will allow you to master the written language.


Site for advanced users of foreign languages. A community that can help not only find interlocutors and friends around the world, but also invite you to attend events and meetings. The service will be very useful for immigrants - in a short time, a person will be able to acquire a new social circle and get to know the city.

The site will help you practice your language. On the main page, you can immediately select the interface language: English, Russian and Spanish. You choose the interlocutor yourself: gender, native language, studied language. In addition, there are sections "Forum", "Articles", "Invitations". To communicate, you must register on the site.


This is not a social network, but a chat program for a mobile device that offers you to communicate with your interlocutor through text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The program options allow you to train pronunciation, as well as collect your own database of materials on the language being studied (audio, words, sentences, pictures).

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