Home Potato Academy under the president of the russian federation northwest. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation . Teachers, students and the education system at Ranhigs

Academy under the president of the russian federation northwest. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation . Teachers, students and the education system at Ranhigs

Detailed instructions for future applicants.

We strongly recommend that you read this article very carefully and several times. In it we will talk about admission to higher educational institutions, how it happens, we will try to tell you about the pitfalls and give some advice.

Let's start with the fact that you were given a certificate, after which you wonderfully tumbled in a puddle with a bottle of champagne. Congratulations. Half of the way is covered. Then you need to drink mineral water and collect documents, namely:

1. Photocopy of passport
2. Photocopy of the certificate and the original of the certificate
3. A photocopy and original of the certificate of passing the exam (if any)

The original certificate of passing the exam may be issued to you very late, therefore, universities in 2012 accepted documents without it. Photos are NOT NECESSARY !!! They will be requested from you only after enrollment.

You have to choose 5 universities to which you are going to apply (6 universities will not accept documents from you, do not even try, even if they do, it will come up later, because admissions offices have all-Russian databases).

Just a small lyrical digression. Many of you (yes, yes) expect some kind of official announcement of the 2013 passing score from universities. I hasten to disappoint you. There is no guy in the admissions office of the university who points his finger at the sky and says that the 2013 passing score will be 210 points in total from 3 subjects (conditionally). What is a passing grade in general? The passing score is the score of the last applicant enrolled in the budget, that is, you will learn about the 2013 passing score only after you are admitted to the university or not enrolled. But more on that later.

As we have already said, you should not overestimate yourself in any case, even if you have 300 points with 3 USE. Perhaps all the places in front of you will be taken by beneficiaries, Olympiads and target groups. So do not choose a bouquet from HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO and St. Petersburg State University. Be sure to leave 1-2 universities for the "fallback" option, where, as a rule, there is a low admission rate.

So, you rubbed your eyes after graduation and went to your first university to apply. Most likely, you will immediately go to your favorite university. But, ATTENTION, most likely, your favorite university is the favorite university of thousands of applicants. Well, it just so happened. So what's going on? In the early days of admissions campaigns, everyone is amicably at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO, Finashka, etc., because these are just everyone's favorite universities. Accordingly, what's going on? In the first days of the work of admissions committees, we have huge queues at the leading universities. Therefore, I advise you not to run headlong in the first days to your favorite universities, but to walk around for the time being on the "spare", and then, in the middle, when this excitement comes off the top universities, come calmly to the university of your dreams and calmly submit documents in an hour , and not for 6, as it can happen.

So, you came to the university. In some universities you are given a ticket, in some there is a live queue, but not the essence. The first procedure that you have to go through is to fill out an application. In normal universities, they put you in a classroom with many computers, open a questionnaire and you fill it out electronically. Students help you, then they print your questionnaire for you. Well, or in many universities, the questionnaire is filled out for you. A number of universities scoff at applicants and force them to manually write this statement, and dig into the smallest mistakes. One filling out of the questionnaire can take about an hour, if the selection committee is completely disorganized.

So, you have the right to choose 3 (as a rule, there are several faculties in the competition group with the same entrance examinations and with similar topics). Those. You can choose 3 competition groups, and in this group there can be from one to infinity of specialties. For example. You have chosen 3 competitive groups, where in the 1st group there are 5 specialties, in the second group there are 3 specialties and in the 3rd group there is 1 specialty. Here you already have the right to choose all specialties in these 3 competitions. Those. it is possible to take part in 3 competitions in 9 directions at one university. In many universities, more often than not, there is one direction in the competition group. If someone is unclear about something, ask in the comments. This is not trivial, feel free to ask again.

Also, the university will require you to arrange all of these specialties in descending order of “desire”. For example. You are entering economics. We came to a university, and there we have economics in one faculty, economics in another faculty and world economics (let's say). We need to arrange them as follows:

The first competition group (we want to get into this competition group most of all)

1) Economics of the Faculty of Economics (we want here most of all)
2) Economics of the General Faculty of Economics (we want to come here, but not so much)
3) World Economy, Faculty of Economics

The second competition group (we apply to this competition group, because we passed the same exams, but just in case)

1) Management at the enterprise of the Faculty of Light Industry
2) Management in the sports industry of the Faculty of. Anastasia Volochkova
3) Advertising and Public Relations

The third competition group (just submitted the documents)

1) Jurisprudence of the Faculty of Law

So, we have filled out an application. We are cool. Submitted documents for 3 competition groups in 5 universities. Those. in total, you participate in 15 contests. Now attention. You are not the only one who is so fashionable and you participate in 15 contests. Let's imagine. You have 250 points with 3 USE (well, someone here will get 250 points). The score is not bad. Only here's the problem. Imagine that each applicant has applied for 15 competitions. We open the list of applicants, we find that you are standing with your (fairly good points) in the 1500th place, while your favorite specialty, your favorite university has 100 budget places. We are going to cut veins in the bathroom (this is not a call to suicide) or sob into the pillow, whoever we like. Only here's the catch. 14 out of 15 are really dead souls, they are just ticked boxes. Because one applicant at this stage of admission takes 15 places, but he really wants only one. Let's not talk about probabilities and that there are more popular universities and less popular universities. Let's take the average university. Suppose that we have exactly 14 out of 15 - these are dead souls (at HSE, for example, it is a little different, there, most likely, every 4th will remain on the budget). Nevermind. We are modeling the general situation. Being in the 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your specialty, I can assure you that most likely you will go to the budget, since 14 out of 15 are likely to leave. If you are confused, read it again, because it gets worse.

So, all applicants have submitted their documents. The time of the "first wave" is coming. We are sitting in our 1500 place in the university №1, in 2000 in the university №2, and in the 500th place in the university N3, etc. In this case, we fly over with the first wave. Let's go back to our university number 1, where we most want. As we have already found out, there are 100 budget places for our favorite specialty. Then there are 2 scenarios (different universities work according to different systems).

1. The classic version. On the first wave, the university asks for originals of documents from the first hundred. In our case, every 15th person brings documents. 6 people will bring documents to the university by the specified date. There are still 84 budget places that will be “raffled off” in the second wave

2. Green wave. Some universities are making green waves. They calculate the probabilities (in about the same way as we described above, well, or on the basis of last year's data) and recommend not 100 people to be enrolled, but how many budget places, but 100 * (1 / the probability that a person will bring documents to them , it is for this specialty). Well, they are also correcting for the worse for a safety net. In our case, we have. Let's say the university has calculated that such a probability = 1/15 (every fifteenth will bring documents to them). Those. according to this logic, we should recommend for admission (request originals of documents) from the first 1500 people. Well, universities usually don't take much risk and make adjustments. In fact, the university can recommend 1000 applicants at once, despite the fact that we have 100 budget places

The most epic situation occurs when you are recommended for admission after the first wave to Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing, and the university you wanted to do not recommend you for admission after the first wave. What's happening? Many applicants, having such a borderline score, run in panic to submit their originals to the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing (parents often force or in panic themselves that they will be left without a budget and carry documents there. Believe me, it will be so). You are safely enrolled there after the first wave, and on the second wave it turns out that you entered the university where you wanted. In this case, you have the right to revoke your documents (in fairness, we want to note that Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing will not let you go so easily and, perhaps, you will stay there. Be careful and know your rights!). The second wave is coming. As a rule, on the 2nd wave they call almost everyone and ask you privately whether you will bring the original or not. In general, you need to constantly sit on the websites of universities or on the websites for applicants of these universities (if any) and be constantly in the subject, because they may not call. They have the right, well, or they will not get through by accident, or you indicated the wrong phone number by mistake.

In the near future, 11-graders will have to decide how much and what kind of exam they will write in addition to compulsory mathematics and the Russian language, as well as in which Olympiads to participate.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, today up to 80% of school graduates become students. Pleasing statistics, especially since during the Soviet era this figure rarely exceeded 20%. Do not rush to rejoice! Most of the students go to paid places. How to become a student for free?

First way. Unified State Exam

The most common option. According to the results of the exam, up to 80% of students are enrolled.


Equal opportunities for all applicants, especially if next year they take into account all the scandals and exclude the use of mobile phones, tips from tutors and the substitution of students for schoolchildren.

Previously, for admission, it was required to study at the preparatory departments at the institutes or look for a tutor from the same place. This required huge financial investments. According to experts, today this path is meaningless. No matter how the universities claim otherwise, they cannot give any concessions for admission.

In the 11th grade, you can already focus on those subjects that are necessary for admission.


The student must clearly understand where he wants to go in the fall. If you do not submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam in a particular subject in time, it is very difficult to change the list, and from the end of winter it is completely impossible.

The difficulty level of the exam varies from year to year. In 2010, admission to a decent university was guaranteed by 75 points out of 100; in 2011, it was necessary to score at least 85.

Second way. Olympiad

Today - the presence of a diploma of the winner of the Olympiad, which is included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

They include almost 80 tests conducted by various universities in the country.


Several dozen schoolchildren are declared winners in each.

A diploma (depending on the level of the Olympiad) guarantees, if not admission out of competition, then exactly 100 points in the subject, and this is a guaranteed admission. You can participate in the Olympiads yourself, only the All-Russian candidates are nominated through the school. Moreover, in most Olympiads, the first round does not require a presence at the university: assignments are sent via the Internet. There are very complex olympiads like the emgeological "Lomonosov", and there are also quite real ones, for example, which are conducted by the Moscow Pedagogical State University.


Registration for participation in the Olympiad, as a rule, lasts one - maximum two months. If I missed it, the opportunity to participate was missed.

Only schoolchildren can apply through the Olympiads. Students of technical schools - those who could not enter this year, are deprived of such a right.

Most of our Internet sites are poorly debugged. For example, last year, during the Olympiad, which was held by one of the leading universities in Russia, there was a technical failure at all, due to which the site froze and many simply could not send answers.

Olympiads are a corruption-intensive way of entering. In the correspondence course, tutors often answer instead of students, and in some universities, prize-winners' diplomas are sold.

This year, up to 10-15% of places in elite universities of the country went to people with disabilities and target groups.

At least here the disabled do not feel like second-class people.

Unfortunately, a considerable part of the enrolled students bought fake documents at VTEKs.

The profession of a doctor is one of the most respected and prestigious, and how could it be otherwise, if the health and longevity of almost every person depends on doctors.

If you are firmly convinced that healing people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if the pessimistic remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission.

What exams you need to pass to enter the medical institute

Admission to medical universities in Russia is based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Universities establish biology and chemistry as core subjects for most medical specialties.

For some areas of training, instead of chemistry, physics or even specialized mathematics, computer science and a foreign language, for example, bioengineering, biotechnology or medical biophysics, may be needed. These details must be clarified on the university website. But usually applicants in classical areas of training: medical and preventive medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy - need high scores for admission in three exams: biology, chemistry and the Russian language. In total, this is about 240 for the medical professional and 280 for therapists and dentists.

Prizes and diplomas for participation in olympiads, various scientific conferences and competitions will be a special advantage in the competitive selection - universities add up to 10 points for all these achievements.

You can study at medical universities in Russia on a budget and for a fee. The prices can be found on the official websites of universities, but on average, those who have not earned points to go to the budget will have to pay 80 to 400 thousand rubles for each course - the amounts depend on the direction of training and the prestige of the university. The most expensive is to study at the medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties, regardless of where the university is located - in the capital or in the regions.

What documents are needed for admission

If everything is in order with the USE scores, then for admission you will need a standard package of documents for an applicant of any Russian university. It includes:

  • statement;
  • a questionnaire with personal data;
  • a certificate of complete secondary education (diploma of secondary specialized education);
  • passport (original is presented upon enrollment;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs., signed in pencil on the back);
  • medical certificate of the established form 086;
  • documents for the provision of benefits, if any.

The USE results are stored in a federal database, to which the admissions offices of universities have access, so no certificates are needed.

You can apply for admission in person or by mail. Some universities provide for preliminary electronic registration of applicants who are going to send documents through postal operators, so carefully study the requirements of the university. Many medical institutions accept applications via the Internet; you must personally submit the originals only after enrollment in the first wave. All these details need to be clarified on the websites of universities in the sections "Applicant", "Applicants", "Admission campaign".

Where to study to be a doctor

You can get the profession of a doctor not only in specialized medical universities, but also in medical faculties of classical multidisciplinary universities, for example, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University.

When choosing a medical university, one should be guided not only by the prestige of the university. Medical "towers" in Moscow and St. Petersburg are especially popular among applicants, respectively, there is much more competition in them than, for example, in no less worthy Tomsk, Samara, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kazan or Irkutsk universities. So it is worth taking into account the territorial factor - each region has its own medical university, which trains therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists - in general, doctors and specialists of all major profiles.

It is worth going to distant distances only if you wanted to get a rare medical specialty at the faculties:

  • biotechnology;
  • sports medicine;
  • clinical, medical or special psychology;
  • medical biophysics, biochemistry or cybernetics.

Not all medical schools have such faculties.

It will take longer to study than students of all other higher educational institutions - 6 years. This will give the right to work as district pediatricians or therapists in primary health care - in clinics, outpatient clinics, feldsher-obstetric points. To get a narrow specialization, for example, a dermatovenerologist, neurosurgeon, gastroenterologist or orthodontist, after a year of work, you will need to enter a residency. It is necessary to unlearn it for another 2 to 4 years - the period depends on the specialization.

The best medical universities in Russia

If you still haven't changed your mind about becoming a doctor, it's time to choose an educational institution.

The leading medical universities in Russia today are:

  • Moscow Medical Universities: First Med. Sechenov; Russian National Research University. Pirogov (Second Honey); State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Evdokimova.
  • St. Petersburg medical universities: State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova; State Medical Academy named after Mechnikov.

Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa and Ivanovo state universities are in the lead among other medical universities.

In the summer of 2018, Forbes compiled its own ranking of universities for the first time; it included 13 medical universities at once. Each university was assessed in terms of statistics on the employment of graduates, their demand in the regions and the number of entrepreneurs among them, including members of the Forbes list.

The highest (32nd) position in the general list belongs to Kursk Medical University; it even surpassed the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov (who has 34th place), North-Western Medical University named after Mechnikov (37th place) and Siberian State Medical University, which in 2017 received the honorary status of a "pivotal" university. At the same time, the RNIMU them. NI Pirogov was not included in the rating at all.

The largest Russian universities, in which there is a medical direction, along with many others, in the ranking were higher than specialized ones - for example, Moscow State University took 6th place, St. Petersburg State University - 17th, and RUDN - 25th.

Still, the most important thing that is needed for those who decide to become a doctor is not information about the positions of universities in the rankings and successfully passed the exam, with the results of which you can enter a medical university on a budget, but the desire to devote your life to helping those who needs medical attention, and often those whose lives hang in the balance. Therefore, it is important for future doctors to have such traits as resistance to stress, the ability to quickly respond to critical situations, and a willingness to sacrifice. Being a doctor means saving people, giving hope and becoming a real guardian angel in the eyes of others!

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