Home Potato Tea with vegetable oil. Dry cough: treatment with folk remedies. How to make Tibetan tea at home

Tea with vegetable oil. Dry cough: treatment with folk remedies. How to make Tibetan tea at home

The cough is exhausting and annoying. He is able to poison life for a long time, causing inconvenience not only to his owner, but also to the people around him. How to get rid of this ailment? Let's figure it out.

What you need to know about dry cough?

What is a cough?

A cough is the body’s defense reaction to an irritant that gets into the throat, such as dust, infection, etc. According to their origin, they are distinguished between wet and. A wet cough occurs due to phlegm, and a dry cough due to colds and appears 3-4 days after a person falls ill. Treating dry cough alone is useless without eliminating its cause, otherwise it will be a waste of time and money. If you have a dry cough, its treatment should begin with the elimination of the focus of the disease, and then you can start treating the cough itself. But you need to know that there are several types of dry cough. Let's consider them in more detail.

Types of dry cough

Paroxysmal - this type is characterized by the presence of severe attacks of coughing, when a person cannot stop and cannot restrain a cough, while tears appear in the eyes, and a strong burning sensation appears in the throat.

Barking - with it, breathing becomes difficult, wheezing and shortness of breath appear.

Chronic - after treatment arises again, then ceases to respond to treatment at all.

Causes of dry cough

If you have a dry cough, treatment should begin by identifying the cause. These include the following factors:

  1. Colds.
  2. Laryngotracheitis. With this disease, there is an increase in temperature, bouts of long-lasting coughing. The patient develops severe fatigue, so he is forced to stay in bed most of the time, which makes it very difficult to cough up.
  3. Chronical bronchitis. Here, a cough occurs in the morning, and in order to get rid of it, you need to take measures to strengthen the body as a whole. If you have such a bad habit as smoking, then you need to forget about it, at least for the duration of treatment.
  4. Cystic fibrosis. With him, a dry cough is replaced by expectoration of sputum.
  5. Bronchial asthma. Here, after a dry cough, shortness of breath is inevitable. Chest pain and cough with sticky phlegm may also occur.
  6. An alien body that has entered the trachea. There is extremely difficult breathing, whistling, hissing. This is all due to the fact that the body independently wants to get rid of this body.
  7. Tumor. It is characterized by a suffocating and tearing cough that cannot be ignored.
  8. Smoking. This addiction can develop a chronic cough.
  9. Whooping cough and tuberculosis. These diseases cause dry cough in children.

As you can see, there are many reasons for this unpleasant process, therefore, if you have a dry cough, it is better to entrust the treatment to a specialist, otherwise you can treat something completely different from what you are sick from. But when you were diagnosed with a disease, then you can start treating dry cough not only with medicines and folk recipes.

Dry cough treatment: homemade drinks and inhalation can help relieve cough symptoms

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies

Cough drinks

If you have a dry cough, your doctor will tell you about treatment with pills, in this article I would like to pay special attention to treatment with folk remedies.

Milk with honey for cough

The leader in the treatment of dry cough is milk. To do this, boil the milk and add a teaspoon of honey per cup. Milk should be consumed warm at night. You can also add carbonated mineral water to it and then bring to a boil. Use the same before bedtime.

Cough Oil Tea

Here you just need to make tea and add a small piece of butter to it. This will soothe your sore throat.

Radish with honey for cough

When you start your dry cough treatment, don't forget to drink. It is good if you use herbal infusions and decoctions throughout the day. At the pharmacy you can buy everything you need for this. It is also recommended to drink as much alkaline mineral water as possible.

Tea with oil and salt(chauima, or bo-cha) is an important part of the daily diet of the people of Tibet. For most of our compatriots, the combination of tea and oil looks unusual, and naturally there is a desire to try.

At first, the taste seems strange, but if you get used to it, it's not even very good. Every Tibetan drinks on average 5-6 cups of an hour a day. It is believed that this drink is the most nutritious and healthy in the whole world. In addition to tea, "tsampa" is served - flour made from refried barley grains.

The main advantage of Tibetan tea is its tonic properties. In a harsh mountain climate, chauyma perfectly relieves fatigue, adds strength and satisfies hunger. This is largely due to the nutritious milk and yak oil that make up the drink.

Oil tea

The correct preparation of butter tea involves following a certain order of actions. Puer tea and yak milk are traditionally used in Tibet.

In the absence of them, you can use fatty cow's milk and high-quality large leaf tea. To prepare one serving, you need to take the following amount of ingredients.


  • 1 cup full-fat milk
  • 1/2 tbsp. water
  • 1 tsp large leaf tea
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. ghee


Traditional medicine successfully applies tibetan oil tea for cleansing the body, strengthening immunity and raising the general tone. At the same time, along with the tea leaves, medicinal herbs are added to the tea: chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort, thyme, birch buds.

In Tibet, local green tea such as Bo Nai is drunk, which is a wonderful thirst quencher. The taste is a little odd due to the milk and butter. You will not drink such a drink sweet, so it is salted. This is the highlight of this high-calorie and invigorating tea. This drink is very invigorating and gives strength and energy.

An invigorating drink from Tibet

It is recommended to consume Tibetan salted tea in the morning. At the beginning of the day, an influx of strength and energy is needed for the human body.
The peoples of Asia consider tea with milk and salt to be their traditional feature. It is very hot where they live. Milk tea and salt helps prevent dehydration and is a great thirst quencher.

Why do people drink salty tea? It's very simple, because salt is an important element of the human body. Salted tea relaxes, restores strength during intense physical exertion, as is the case with long transitions.

Tibetan monks have been drinking tea for centuries. The power of herbs helped them to heal the body and prevent health. Before long fasts, the monks cleanse their bodies with tea. Tibetan tea is a natural herb that grows in the high mountains of Tibet.

This drink improves the functioning of human digestion and stabilizes the body's metabolism. Tibetan tea cleanses the intestines, has a good laxative effect, which helps with constipation. Traditional Tibetan tea does not remove nutrients and trace elements like other similar means. On the contrary, this drink contains many useful components that feed the human body.

Composition and benefits of Tibetan tea

Traditional Tibetan tea includes: green tea, healthy herbs (mint, rose hips, chamomile, nettle, lemongrass or), bay leaf, terminalia chebula, echinacea, linden bark.

Green tea is a strong antioxidant, enhances tone and performance, helps to resist stress and aggressive factors of the outside world, in addition, it prevents the general aging of the body as a whole. Chamomile in tea helps the digestive process and improves metabolism. It is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Peppermint is a choleretic and has a calming effect. Rosehip is a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements, has anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic and diuretic effects. Echinacea - enhances immunity and promotes cell regeneration and renewal.

Tibetan tea has a good effect on the human body, and its use contributes to weight loss and promotes weight loss without harm.

Everyone can make delicious, invigorating and incredibly healthy Tibetan tea or chauima at home. Its recipe does not require the use of special skills, and the composition is light and simple, if replaced with more familiar ingredients. There is an opinion that the drink carries some kind of secret that is associated with the place of its origin.

Black, green and herbal tea in Tibet is a whole legend, dating back to the 7th century. It was then that they tried it here for the first time and learned how to brew it in an unusual way. Secrets have been passed down from generation to generation. Gradually, the tea made by the Tibetan recipe gained world fame and recognition.

Surprisingly, Tibetan tea used to be a kind of currency of exchange or sale in its homeland. They made payment for the purchased products and things. Without the presence of this product in the bride's dowry, it was unthinkable to marry her off.

Since life in mountainous regions is characterized by harsh conditions and a difficult climate, a drink that gives strength to the people living there is simply necessary. One person can drink about 5-6 cups a day and this is the norm. And for Tibetan monks, the number increases almost several times, since they need strength doubly. There is an assertion that for a true Tibetan, such tea is more important than water. What is the secret of the drink?

Features of tea made in Tibet

The first thing that distinguishes Tibetan tea from thousands of others in the East is its fat content and salinity. An unusual combination. But, in fact, in this country they prepare green and black tea with salt, milk and ghee, which gives the drinker strength and energy. Having drunk it, a person receives a charge of vigor and is ready for any difficult physical and mental work.

Such a unique composition helps to cleanse the body, promotes rejuvenation, general strengthening of the body, and is useful for diets. And since the recipe includes oil, which gives the drink its richness, then after it you do not want to eat for a long time. For these properties, traditional medicine has long taken tea to itself and uses it as a medicinal product.

Recipes for making a real tasty drink

Among the recipes for a real tasty drink in Tibet, there are both old ones, which are considered classic, and new ones, created experimentally in modern times. Their composition has been modified due to the fact that it is not always possible to get the necessary ingredients.

Whichever one you choose, it is worth knowing that accuracy and a certain order of actions are important here.

Composition for the traditional way:

  • pressed tea (for example) green or black - 75 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • yak milk - 6 glasses;
  • ghee yak - 1 glass.

How to brew:

Tea will turn out to be nutritious and tonic if you follow the following sequence during preparation:

  1. You need to take any thick pot or cauldron, pour milk into it. As soon as it starts to boil, put in the tea cake and cook for at least half an hour, stirring constantly. The fire should be low so that the milk does not run away and froth.
  2. When the tea is boiled, strain, add salt and butter to it. Beat well after that. In Tibet, they used donmo, a special bowl for stirring. But since not everyone in the house can now find it, a regular mixer is ideal. In the process, the consistency of the tea should become homogeneous and thick. It will look more like a cocktail. After that, Tibetan tea can be poured into mugs and tasted.

The yak is a rare animal, so its milk and butter are most often replaced with cow milk, only with a high degree of fat content. And in many modern recipes, in addition, ordinary black (green) classic large-leaf tea is simply brewed in water without pressing, then all the ingredients are added and whipped in a blender.

Features to be aware of

  • The product must be of high quality, it is best to take black tea, with a pronounced aroma, without additives. But for those who use only green, you can replace it.
  • To feel the full bouquet of taste and understand it, tea with milk and salt should be consumed only hot.
  • Drinking the drink is recommended in small sips, and after each it is poured into the cup again.
  • It is customary to drink at least two mugs at a party. Moreover, if you don't feel like it anymore, you should leave the tea untouched and drink it right before leaving.

If the usual methods of restoring strength and lost energy have ceased to work, you should use the secret weapon of the Tibetans and taste their unusual tea.

photo: depositphotos.com/cococinema, Umalet

I want to acquaint you with Tibetan tea recipe... Having tasted it, you will touch the culture and traditions of the people living in those lands.

This drink strongly resembles the tea of ​​nomadic peoples: Mongols, Buryats, etc. They have common ingredients, but Tibetan tea has one nuance that sets it apart from similar drinks.

Ingredients for Tibetan Tea:

  • 30 g of oolong or just plain black tea; Some add pu-erh.
  • 2 glasses of milk. The Tibetans use yak milk. You are unlikely to find such an exotic product, so you can simply add fatty cow's milk.
  • 500 ml water;
  • Salt;
  • 100 g of ghee;

Making Tibetan Tea:

Pour the tea into the water and bring to a boil. Add milk, a couple of pinches of salt, butter. Whisk until stiff. In Tibet, for such things they use a special vessel, "donmo", but you just work with a whisk. Our high-calorie and healthy drink is ready. You can help yourself. There is also a cooking option where no water is used. Tea is brewed in milk for several tens of minutes. Which of these recipes is more "classic", traditional, I cannot say, since they are served both in that and in that form.

As you can see, the recipe for Tibetan tea is not that complicated. And the drink is very interesting.

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