Home Potato What do you need to sleep well. How to sleep well: rules and useful tips. No additional stimuli

What do you need to sleep well. How to sleep well: rules and useful tips. No additional stimuli

A modern person feels like a Superman - he manages to do a hundred things both at home and at work, and then he also helps his friends with their problems. Carried away by some project, you can stay awake all day long and maintain a cheerful rhythm for some time. But then the body settings fail, and then only one thought settles in my head: “I want to sleep.”

Having violated the sleep regime, you can no longer fall asleep on time and get up early, your regime flies into tartar, decreases. Remember how much to sleep comes after another "marathon of 24-hour activity",to sleep and becheerful? No wonder then you google the answer to the question, "how many hours a person should sleep per day” and trying to find an answer that would justify your attitude towards sleep. And along the way, you are looking for advice on how.

Here are some valuable tips on how to fall asleep faster, which givesArianna Huffingtonin his book The Sleep Revolution: How to Change Your Life Night by Night.

1. Dim the lights

5. Eat healthy food

Deep sleep will be provided for those who do not fill up at night, especially if you suffer from acid belching. But everyone else should also carefully monitor, because the process of digesting food takes at least two to three hours. Do not abuse spicy and fatty foods, sauces.

Drinking alcohol before bed is not a good idea. “Many people believe that a small dose of alcohol helps them fall asleep, and they cite Winston Churchill and James Bond as an example. However, few people know what exactly happens in the body if you drink before bed. A 2015 study from the University of Melbourne found that alcohol actually works as a sedative at first. However, later it treacherously changes its action and disrupts the normal process of sleep.

6. Give up coffee and sweets

A 2013 study from Wayne University and the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit found that taking even six hours before bedtime can reduce sleep by at least one hour.

On this topic:

How to sleep fast?

Quickly reshape the mode of sleep and wakefulness will not work. And there is no universal recipe for everyone. You will have to try some new approaches and rituals and make your own personal combination.How much sleep do you need to get enough sleep– also the question is not entirely unambiguous. An adult needs about 7-9 hours. But few people can sleep less without harm to the body, and this is already a pathology.

Short naps can reverse many of the long-term effects of chronic sleep deprivation, at least for a while. Experts are sure that, based on daily rhythms, it is best to lie down around 13:00-14:00.

To get enough sleep, you need to ensure fast falling asleep and sound sleep. And for this - learn to cope with. For example, if in the evening you are disturbed by obsessive thoughts, write them down on paper. “I noticed that when I didn’t waste time and energy on having endless dialogues inside my own head for half the night, it was much easier for me to fall asleep. In the morning I got up cheerful, ready to face any problems that a new day inevitably brings, ”writes Huffington.

To relax before going to bed, contact or, the practice of acupuncture is also useful. To improve sleep, you can try lavender. It has been used for centuries for healing and relaxation. By the way, in Germany, lavender tea was approved by the Ministry of Health as a remedy for insomnia.

Why is it important to sleep?

“One of the most important scientific discoveries is that sleep, in essence, works like a team of janitors who at night cleanse the brain of toxic proteins that accumulate between brain cells during the day.” Therefore, the banal"sleep at night"turns out to be almost the main advice in life. If the brain does not have enough time to flush out all the unnecessary toxins and chemical products, your body can face serious consequences. In particular, experts from the Oxford Center for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain found that lack of sleep leads to a decrease in size over time.

Sleep is also associated with longevity. Scientists at Duke University School of Medicine and the National University of Singapore found that the less we sleep, the faster our brains age.” And Canadian and French researchers found that regular early bedtime reduces the risk of developing mental illness.

Scientific research has also proven that the principle of "the morning is wiser than the evening" is still the most effective approach to solving most problems. Scientists at the University of Exeter (UK) found that "sleep almost doubles the likelihood of recalling previously forgotten information."

Desire to sleep a lot should not be shameful. Learn to make the most of not only your waking time, but also your sleeping time. You will notice how your mood will improve and your productivity will increase!

Sleep is essential for the life of the body. If you want to look good, you need to get quality sleep, as a well-rested person always looks more attractive. To improve the quality of your night's rest, make changes to your daily routine and review some habits. The simple tips in this article will help you look good with good sleep.


Part 1

Learn about the effect of sleep on appearance

    Set a goal to sleep at least eight hours a night. If you get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, you'll look good without putting in much effort! Good sleep helps prevent wrinkles and inflammation of the skin, stimulates muscle growth, and also inhibits the formation of body fat.

    Wash your face before bed. Make it a rule to wash your face every day before going to bed. Dirt and cosmetics clog the pores of the skin, which leads to acne.

    Choose the right pillowcase. Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase helps prevent wrinkles and also has a beneficial effect on hair health.

    • Change your pillowcase as often as possible, as dirt and oils can build up on the surface of the pillowcase, leading to clogged pores.
    • In addition, sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent wrinkles, since your face will not come into contact with the surface of the pillow.
  1. Moisturize your skin. While you sleep, the skin is renewed. Speed ​​up this process by hydrating your skin before bed. As a moisturizer, use a mask instead of a lotion or cream.

    Lose weight. Being overweight increases the risk of sleep apnea. This negatively affects the quality of sleep.

    Eliminate foods that you are sensitive to from your diet. This applies to dairy products and bakery products. They can cause gastrointestinal upset, bloating and similar unpleasant symptoms, due to which good sleep is out of the question.

    Get regular exercise. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day for exercise. This will help you fall asleep when it's time for bed.

    • If you find it difficult to perform exercises for 30 minutes, then break the exercises into 3 parts. Do the exercises for ten minutes in the morning, ten minutes in the afternoon and ten minutes in the evening.
    • Don't exercise right before bed as you won't be able to sleep. If you're used to exercising before bed, try changing your schedule so that you get enough rest after your workout.
  2. Reduce your stress levels. Stress is very harmful to health. As a rule, stress negatively affects the quality of sleep. If you are unable to sleep due to stress, do your best to reduce your stress levels.

    • Learn to look at things positively and remember to laugh to reduce your stress levels.
    • Meditate, exercise and practice deep breathing techniques. All of these will help reduce stress levels. Choose what works for you.
    • Make plans for the next day some time before bed. This way, you won't have to waste precious sleep time thinking about your upcoming plans while you're in bed.
  3. Get enough sunlight throughout the day. Natural light helps regulate circadian rhythms and normalize the sleep-wake cycle, so you can fall asleep at night.

    • Even if you can't be outside during the daytime, try to sit near a window.
  4. Avoid daytime naps. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, try not to sleep during the daytime, as this will negatively affect the quality of your night's rest.

    • If you want to take a nap during the day, take it as early as possible.

Part 3

Stick to a sleep schedule
  1. Go to bed at the same time. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This regulates the sleep-wake rhythm. A regular bedtime will help you fall asleep more easily in the evening and wake up in the morning.

    • Waking up late, even on weekends, is bad for your health. It will also make it difficult for you to sleep at night. Your body got enough sleep in the morning, so you won't be able to fall asleep quickly in the evening.
  2. Include essential foods in your evening diet. For better sleep, eat carbohydrate-rich foods before going to bed. Warm milk, herbal teas, and foods that contain tryptophan like yogurt and tuna are great choices before bed.

    • Don't overeat. Otherwise, you will not be able to sleep due to indigestion.
  3. Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. This will save you from having to get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet, or at least reduce the frequency of trips. Therefore, an hour before bedtime, try to drink as little as possible.

    • Go to the bathroom right before bed. At night you will sleep better and you won't have to get up to go to the bathroom.
  4. Don't watch TV before bed. Watching TV shows stimulates the brain. In addition, the bright light of the screen when watching TV before going to bed negatively affects the quality of a night's rest.

    • Don't use your tablet or phone before bed. Bright light from the screen can lead to trouble falling asleep and restless sleep.
    • If you want to watch TV before bed, don't do it in the bedroom. Your bedroom should be your place to sleep.
  5. Set aside work to prepare your body for sleep. Set aside work for at least one hour (preferably two or more) before bed. Your brain will rest, you will calm down, and you will not think about tomorrow's work.

    • Don't sacrifice sleep if you need to finish work or learn lessons. Instead, plan your work so that you finish it on time and go to bed at your usual time.
  6. Do something to help you unwind before bed. Instead of watching TV or working, do something that will help you unwind after a hard day's work. Choose an activity that helps you calm down. Do something relaxing every night before bed. This will help you reduce stress.

    Take a hot bath, shower or sauna before bed. A hot bath causes a rise in temperature, and then the subsequent cooling helps you relax and fall asleep soundly.

Part 4

Make sure you have the right sleeping environment
  1. Use the bed only for sleep and sex. If you are used to watching TV or doing work in bed, it will be difficult for you to relax and you will not perceive your bed as a place to sleep. Ideally, your bedroom should be a sleeping area, not a place where you do things.

    • If you don't have a choice and have to spend your waking hours in your bedroom, complete your bedroom with a comfortable armchair or sofa where you can work and watch TV. Thanks to this, you will not use your bed for this purpose.
    • Sleep on your bed. You won't get a good night's sleep if you sleep on the couch.
  2. Make sure your bedroom is dark enough. Even the slightest light in the bedroom can disrupt your biological clock and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin.

    • If you cannot ensure complete darkness in the bedroom, or if your partner's schedule is different from yours, use a sleep mask.
    • Don't turn on the lights when you go to the bathroom before bed.
  3. Make sure the bedroom is a quiet place. Turn off the TV. Do not listen to music with words. Make sure your bedroom is very quiet.

    • Some people find the sounds of nature or the sound of white noise, such as the ocean or forest, to help them relax. Use a white noise generator or a fan if these aids help you fall asleep faster.
  4. Take care of a comfortable temperature for sleeping. The bedroom should not be too hot or too cold. The ideal temperature for sleeping is 18 - 25 C. However, only you can determine what temperature will be comfortable for you.

    • Due to poor circulation, the feet may freeze. Wear socks when you go to bed.
  5. Choose the right alarm. The alarm clock should be loud enough to wake you up, but not so loud that you get scared when it goes off. If possible, set a pleasant soothing signal or use a light alarm.

    • If you wake up at the same time, very soon you will find that you do not need an alarm clock, you will be able to wake up without one at the right time.
    • Do not use your phone as an alarm clock as incoming text messages may interfere with your sleep.
    • Do not use an alarm clock that emits blue light as this may disturb your sleep.
    • If you wake up at night, don't look at your watch. You can move them to another room or move them away from the bed. In addition, you can put them to sleep.

Are you unable to sleep at night? Do you wake up feeling tired or numb? A healthy night's sleep is extremely important for overall well-being, and a rested body and mind will help you successfully solve everyday problems. If you create the right conditions, choose the right position and develop healthy habits before bed, then your night's rest will be as complete as possible.


Part 1

Create the right conditions

    Choose the right mattress. Some people find it comfortable to sleep on a firm mattress, while others prefer a softer option. Choose the one that suits you best. Regardless of the chosen material and firmness level, the mattress should provide support and remain comfortable enough for a good rest.

    Choose the right pillow. Focus on comfort, not softness or hardness. You can also use multiple pillows. The main thing is that during sleep your head does not turn out to be at an acute angle. Regardless of your sleeping position, pillows should support your head between your shoulders, just as if you were standing up.

    Keep your bedding clean. Clean linen provides a more pleasant sleep. Wash bedding as often as possible, especially if soiled.

    • When washing sheets, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
    • If you are using a mattress cover, wash it in hot water.
    • You can sprinkle the mattress with baking soda and vacuum it the next day. This will remove moisture from it.
    • Pillows can be washed or placed in a dryer at a high temperature to clean and disinfect them from dust mites.
  1. Adjust to a comfortable temperature. During the day, body temperature changes constantly. During sleep, it always decreases. A cool room (about 18 degrees Celsius) is best for a healthy rest, as such conditions correspond to natural changes in body temperature.

    • Control the temperature in the room with a thermostat, fan, or an open window.
  2. Choose the right sleepwear. Pajamas should be comfortable. Use loose-fitting clothing that will keep you cool in the warm season and keep you warm when the cold sets in. If you are too hot, then take off your clothes or remove the blanket. If you are cold, then put on another T-shirt or take a warmer blanket.

    Minimize outside noise and interference. Most people find it most comfortable to sleep in an environment of peace and quiet.

    • TV, radio and other devices should be turned off or set to a low volume.
    • Close your windows if street noise disturbs your sleep.
    • Some people use assistive devices such as earplugs to block out extraneous sounds or white noise from a small fan.
  3. Don't eat before bed. Foods and drinks, as well as when you eat them, affect your sleep. A heavy dinner shortly before bed can cause indigestion. It is best to eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    Use lighting correctly. Your body naturally responds to lighting conditions and regulates sleep accordingly. This means that in the morning and afternoon the rooms should be well lit, and in the evening it is best to dim the light in order to fall asleep soundly.

    Don't exercise before bed. Regular exercise is good for your health and promotes sound sleep. But they have a stimulating effect, so it is not recommended to exercise before bed. Do exercises 2-3 hours before bed. But a light warm-up just before bed will help you relax.

    Limit daytime sleep. A short nap will help in case of fatigue, but try not to sleep more than half an hour during the day and do not lie down to take a nap in the evening. Otherwise, you won't be able to sleep well at night.

    Keep a sleep schedule. If you can fall asleep and wake up at the same time, your sleep will improve significantly. Pay special attention to the time of falling asleep and waking up on weekends and holidays. Try not to deviate from the established schedule for more than 1-2 hours. It will take time and perseverance to develop a sleep routine, but a healthy night's rest will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

A feature of sound sleep is considered to be an improvement in mood, an increase in immunity, and the normalization of the activity of internal organs. Proper rest contributes to better performance, fights weakness and malaise. With proper sleep, cheerfulness comes after 3-4 hours from the moment you fall asleep, which is not very convenient. Consider alternative ways to improve the quality of rest.

Be in silence

Make sure that there is silence for 2 or more hours before going to bed. Home preparations for tomorrow, disputes with household members, noisy parties - all this must be done long before bedtime.

It is important to organize the bed in such a way that it is comfortable. Move the TV to the living room, the computer to the office. In no case do not use the bedroom as an office, otherwise thoughts about work will constantly haunt you.

Go to bed every 4 hours

Sleep technology has been successfully practiced for more than half a century, it has found approval among people from all over the world. The technique was called "Da Vinci's Dream", which has come to us since the life of the great artist.

The genius of his business slept no more than 1.5 hours a day, while he felt great throughout the day. He slept better than people resting more than 8 hours.

The secret is that you need to go to bed every 4 hours, while sleep should be about 15-20 minutes, no longer. Of course, not everyone can observe such a rhythm of life, but it is worth taking the technique into service.

Look for time to sleep absolutely anywhere: taxi, subway, lunch break. Eliminate disturbing thoughts from your head throughout the rest.

Postpone things for tomorrow

Most people can't sleep due to unresolved issues. They mentally scroll through the dialogue in their heads over and over again, while clearly understanding that today this issue will remain open.

Disconnect from the past day, put off pressing matters for tomorrow. Late evening and night is not the best time for such manipulations. Think blue seas or towering mountains, turn on nature sounds or a relaxing tune on your smartphone.

Prepare for sleep

Tomorrow you will have a grandiose and exciting event? Do you need to wake up at 6 am and feel sleepy at the same time?

Start preparing in advance, tune in to rest 2.5-3 hours before going to bed. Starch your underwear, put on pajamas that smell good. Prepare a hot bath with essential oils, foam and medicinal herbs.

Fluff up the bed, turn on the nightlight so that the light is slightly dimmed. Set an alarm in advance, lie down to rest, adhering to the posture, lying on your back, and not on your stomach.

It's no secret that absolutely every person has their own internal alarm clock, which determines the time of wakefulness and rest.

The alarm clock is set when sunlight enters the closed eyes, which breaks through the eyelids. From that moment on, the body prepares to wake up, no matter how late the person went to bed.

To increase the time of rest, curtain the windows with thick curtains that will not allow bright rays to enter. The advice is especially relevant for people with a nocturnal lifestyle or those who want to sleep well on the weekends.

Follow the biological rhythm

The biological law of nature does not at all imply sleep before dinner or wakefulness at night. Rest will be correct in the period of 22.00-06.00 hours. It is at this time that a person is able to sleep to the maximum, and it is important to observe the regimen constantly, regardless of whether it is weekends or weekdays. After a certain period of time, you will begin to restore strength not in 8 hours, but in 6-7.

Have a glass of milk

The main property of whole milk is considered to be the presence of an amino acid (L-tryptophan), which helps to fall asleep. For this reason, it is recommended to drink 250-300 ml. warm milk with a teaspoon of honey just before bed. You can make a drink and take it to bed with you, or sit under a blanket while reading your favorite book.

The action begins after 20-30 minutes after consumption. During this period, the main thing is not to miss the moment, so as not to cause the opening of the “second wakefulness”. As soon as you feel sleepy, go to bed immediately.

Don't eat heavy food

Refrain from eating fatty, fried, spicy, salty and highly sweet foods before bed. Firstly, it contributes to the swelling of the limbs and the body as a whole, and secondly, you will not be able to sleep well.

If after a hard day you want to have a snack, prepare a vegetable or fruit salad, drink kefir or eat cottage cheese. At the same time, always observe nutritional hygiene, which involves the absorption of complex fats and carbohydrates at least 5 hours before bedtime.

The optimal temperature for sleep is considered to be 19-22 degrees. For this reason, it is recommended to ventilate the room for half an hour or more, depending on the initial temperature. If weather permits, leave the window open all night.

Such a move will “ventilate” the brains and make up for the lack of oxygen, in the morning you will feel like a rested person. The main thing is not to freeze: in summer, sleep under a sheet or duvet cover, in winter - under a warm blanket. Do not abuse the air conditioner and heating appliances.

Give up alcohol

Many believe that alcohol is the best antidepressant, sleeping pill and sedative, but this misconception is extremely erroneous. Perhaps immediately after a noisy party you will “pass out”, but after 3-4 hours the alcohol will make itself felt.

The ethanol escaping will begin to act as a catalyst, causing dehydration. You will start tossing and turning, depriving yourself of any opportunity to sleep. It is especially difficult for people who smoke, alcohol and tobacco are an ominous combination.

In addition, in the morning after drinking, you will not feel at all sleepy, headache, fatigue and irritability will set the tone for the whole day.

Don't drink caffeine

A modern person does not get enough sleep so often that he begins to abuse strong coffee and other invigorating drinks. It is important to understand that such products make the heart beat faster, but do not contribute to awakening at all. Not many people know, but green tea with jasmine or lemon balm invigorates better than caffeine, focus on it.

In cases where it is not possible to refuse coffee, drink one cup a day only in the morning. When doing this, be sure to add cane sugar or its equivalent, as well as cream / milk. It is worth remembering forever that caffeine is excreted naturally after 11-14 hours, depending on the strength of the drink.

The modern urban rhythm leaves its mark on society. More and more people are trying to improve the quality of sleep without spending a lot of time. Be in silence, do not eat heavy food, observe the biological rhythm.

Video: how to get enough sleep in 2 hours

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