Home Potato What to give a 16-year-old boyfriend for his birthday from a girl. A birthday present for a boyfriend from a girl. Top-rated best gift ideas, do-it-yourself gift. Photo. For a young lady

What to give a 16-year-old boyfriend for his birthday from a girl. A birthday present for a boyfriend from a girl. Top-rated best gift ideas, do-it-yourself gift. Photo. For a young lady

Being able to please with a gift is a gift. Many people think so. But in fact, everything is much more prosaic: in order to choose an appropriate present, you need to spend not only material resources, but also invest your time and soul. For a teenage boy 16–17 years old is the age of searching and testing oneself, and in order to please him, listen to some recommendations.

Subtleties of adolescence

Knowledge of the basic psychological characteristics of 16–17 year old guys will greatly facilitate the search for a gift that can be defined by the highest degree of approval of modern youth - the word “cool”. To begin with, let's highlight the main feature that unites young people of this age. In the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood, that is, from leaving school to entering a university, adolescents:

  • they judge life too categorically (be prepared for the fact that if the boy does not like the gift, you will hear about it right away);
  • not only stumble upon, but they themselves build sharp corners in many life issues (therefore, when figuring out what to give him, in no case criticize wishes, even if they seem useless or ridiculous);
  • suffer from many complexes (of course, you shouldn't indulge these fears, but you don't need to provoke them either, so let the book on how to become the soul of the company from a shy introvert remain with you).

At 16, 17 years old, children believe that they understand everything, including how to celebrate a birthday, and what gifts are needed

Who is giving: important or not

In this matter, it is worth focusing on two points.

  1. The closer you know the birthday person, the more intimate the gift can be. That is, if a great-aunt, whom the guy remembers only from his preschool childhood, presents a sweatshirt with an animal print, the boy is unlikely to be as happy as if he received the same model from friends or a girl.
  2. Expensive gifts are usually the prerogative of parents and godfathers. Friends can present something inexpensive, but always original.

A gift from a girl can be inexpensive, but always original and sincere

Inappropriate gifts

These include:

  • clothes (not trendy, which a teenager would love to wear, but everyday, one that will be bought without any reason);
  • something that indicates a deficiency (for example, a book on proper nutrition for a child suffering from overweight, or dumbbells for a guy who only theoretically knows about the location of the biceps);
  • your dreams at 16, 17 years old (the deepest misconception is that the birthday boy will be delighted with the skateboard of your youth - skateboards are still in vogue, but, perhaps, a gyro scooter is more preferable for a young man).

Top best ideas for congratulating a teenager

All gifts can be conditionally divided into several groups. And in each of them there is surely something suitable for your birthday boy.


Congratulatory etiquette denies such a souvenir as even a possible presentation idea, defining it as a "surprise to get rid of." Yes, indeed, by presenting money, you free yourself from the need to look for options, find out wishes and choose a gift. But, what if a guy has long dreamed of a super-fashionable fishing rod, but he absolutely does not have enough funds? Then your gift will be very appropriate. Conclusion: you can give bills when you know what these funds will be spent on.

As for the amount, there are no strict limits. However, you shouldn't put more in the envelope than - you know for sure! - put the parents (or spent money on a gift).

And the final touch: original design. Agree, it is much more pleasant for a young man to receive an unusual piggy bank with initial capital than a greasy bill awkwardly stretched out on the doorstep. There are many ideas for giving a cash gift, for example:

  • invest in a beautiful and stylish wallet;
  • pack in cellophane tape, from which to twist the candy, making two tails on the sides;
  • place in a balloon;
  • make money rain by investing cash in a closed umbrella - when the birthday person opens it, he will be pleasantly surprised by the unusual rainfall.

By the way, money is a universal gift from the point of view of the giver. That is, a certain number of bills can be handed over by parents, and grandparents, and friends. An interesting option for relatives is a personal deposit and a plastic card. It will lie in the most conspicuous place in a teenager's wallet as an indispensable attribute of an adult man.

A girl shouldn't give money to a guy - it can offend the recipient.

A guy has a plastic card that emphasizes his adulthood.

Electronic gadget

Modern youth refuses to use devices only in the case of some kind of experiment, for example, how to survive a week without a mobile phone. In other words, the value of such a gift can hardly be overestimated. Moreover, manufacturers of electronic toys do not stand still and constantly update the market for their products. The young man will be pleased to receive a new model of a smartphone with a large screen and enhanced camera capabilities, even if his gadget was purchased only a year ago.

The most trendy devices include:

  • tablet;
  • notebook;
  • computer (large display or new more powerful system unit);
  • e-book (a very handy thing, as it allows you to upload not only literature of interest, but also the necessary textbooks).

The so-called near electronic presentations can also be very appropriate. But here it is important to know exactly what the guy needs.

For an athlete

On the one hand, it is very convenient when a young man is fond of sports - you can pick up something thematic. But on the other hand, if a guy was not interested in physical fitness before this age, then it is foolish to hope that the donated punching bag will attract him to boxing.

If the birthday person is not alien to sports, moreover, he is engaged in it at a professional or semi-professional level, feel free to give:

Please note that all sports equipment should only be of the best quality, otherwise they can adversely affect not only the performance of the athlete, but also his health.

Sports gifts are, so to speak, of an entertainment nature: a hoverboard, a graveyard, rollers. But even from them you can take away the maximum benefit. For example, discussing customers in a summer cafe. It is both convenient and fast for a boy earning his first capital.

And what to give to a young man who is alien to sports, but dreams of a beautiful body? An annual gym membership will certainly help to combine business with pleasure (a lot of girls around - this is nice, in a year the coveted reliefs will appear - this is useful).

A motorcycle is a very dangerous and therefore controversial gift.

Another important point in the sporting goods category is the purchase of a scooter or motorcycle. Half of the teenagers dream of an iron horse. At the age of 16, 17, they consider themselves to be adults, and they get the rights of category A (driving two-wheeled vehicles with a motor) just at 16. And yet, parents must understand and accept (!) All the responsibility that they take upon themselves, agreeing to purchase such a gift.

It is interesting. Fashionable clothes and perfumes can be great gifts too. But you should definitely proceed from the guy's tastes, even if you don't like the style of the outfit itself or the smell of eau de toilette seems too harsh.

Photo Gallery: Fashion Sports Gifts

Roller skating is one of the most favorite leisure activities of young people. Pogostik is a jumping apparatus with a common support for both legs.

For musician and music lover

For professional musicians, a gift can be highly specialized. For example, an expensive violin case or an original footrest.

If the budget allows, it is better to make a violin case to order.

If the young man does not play himself, but he loves to listen to music, then you can donate a set of licensed discs with songs of your favorite performers. In addition, a good player, speakers or headphones will delight the music lover.

For the collector

Does the boy collect coins, stamps or miniature copies of tanks? Then find out exactly what exhibit he lacks, and spend your time looking for it. There will be no limit to the collector's joy.

The missing model of the collection will be the perfect gift for a young collector

For the book lover

There are not so many reading lovers today. But if such leisure is accepted in the family, then the child will be included. At 16, 17, the average reader already has a certain taste, prefers specific genres. In this case, you can donate a gift edition of the book of interest, a collection of works by a particular author.

  • the fantasy of the Strugatsky brothers and Ray Bradbury;
  • detectives brothers Weiner;
  • fantasy by J.R. Tolkien, etc.

Books can be donated not only fiction, but also popular science, if from a tender age the boy is interested in some topic.

A book is an ideal gift from a girl, because in such a souvenir, not only the act of giving is important, but also the fact that the beloved and the only one understands literature.

Even if the young man is not too keen on the classics, the gift collection will take its rightful place in the library of a real book lover

For the dreamer

The young man, keen on astronomy, will appreciate not only the telescope, but also the compact starry sky projector. This toy visualizes the sunset, the stars, the northern lights, allowing you to see all these beauties on the ceiling.

Video: how to make a starry sky projector with your own hands

For the traveler

At 16, 17 years old, a guy can already ride and watch the world himself. Why not give him an interesting tour? Just be sure to specify the important details: which hotel is more convenient for the birthday person to stay, what trips and excursions will be relevant.

If a guy likes to hitchhike, then you can pay him one way only, and he will get back as he used to

Surprise gift

Present from friends and beloved

This group of gifts differs in that for adults it will seem frivolous, but for like-minded people, that is, peers, it is quite understandable and, most importantly, affordable.


Recently, anti-stress toys have become increasingly popular. Despite the fact that their target audience is hard-working adults who are faced with stressful situations on a daily basis, young people enjoy having fun with intricate things, coming up with more and more new ways to interact with them.

  1. Neocub. A couple of hundred small magnets can be used to make different shapes. To do this, you need to break the magnetic field and arrange the elements in the desired order.
  2. Spinner. These turntables captured children of all ages: from 2 to 20 (and adults too). Give your boyfriend a personalized accessory or ceramic with an intricate pattern.
  3. 3D pen. Such a gift will be especially interesting for a young man who loves to draw. After all, now he is able to create three-dimensional figures with just a few drawn strokes.
  4. The anti-stress ball in the grid is also in demand among teenagers. It resembles the slime of the generation of the parents of the birthday man: a viscous substance is placed in a grid, when you press the mass, balls stand out in the cells. In general, it does not look very good, the sensation is for an amateur, so, despite the popularity, not everyone will like it.
  5. Table football or hockey. If a young man is passionate about one of these sports, then the portable version will appeal to him. By the way, adult men are also happy to organize exhibition matches.
  6. The game "Monopoly" perfectly develops logic, ingenuity and teaches the basics of economic theory. A great option for family leisure.
  7. A poker set that you can master right at your birthday party.
  8. Twister. For a friendly company, there is no more fun entertainment than trying to correlate the movements of the arms and legs with the direction of the arrow on a small playing field.

Such gifts are especially pleasant to receive from friends who know exactly what they themselves would be happy to do at their leisure.

Photo gallery: interesting toys

Poker is a great exercise for the mind Neocube balls can be folded into a variety of shapes Making feints with a ceramic spinner is more difficult, since it is heavier Tactile sensations from the anti-stress ball not everyone likes Using a 3D pen, you can draw three-dimensional sculptures


This group presents things that are customary to receive from close relatives or friends. And, of course, the birthday girl may also like some option.

Gifts with humor

This category is interesting, first of all, to the friends of the birthday boy. It is important here, as they say, not to go too far, because a rubber woman or an obscenely shaped cake can put a young man in an awkward position in front of adult guests and parents. So it's better to pick up an original, but not vulgar thing.

Video: how to weld an iPhone

DIY souvenirs

Of course, a basket of newspaper tubes is unlikely to captivate a guy (unless it has a voluminous logo of his favorite football team). But a T-shirt with a photo print, a box for discs made using decoupage technique, a frame and a collage of funny photos with friends, decorated with coffee beans, will do just fine.

There is another very original way for comrades to wish a young man a happy birthday: to make a video greeting by adding special effects. Such a gift will remain for a long memory, and most importantly, it will be evidence that close people tried, spent time, energy and called on all their creative resources.

A girl can give her photo to the birthday boy in an original way, defining it in a frame decorated with coffee beans


At 16, 17, boys are usually not given pets, since either the animal is already there, or the young man is already stern enough to be touched by our cute little brothers. But if the hero of the occasion really would like to have a pet, then, in addition to finding out his wishes, it is worth asking the parents' opinion on this matter. If all the cards come together, then you can give:

Please note that man's faithful friend - a dog - is not included in this list. Too much hassle associated with daily walks in any weather. Teenagers at 16, 17 years old are hardly capable of such feats. But if relatives are ready to share the concerns, then, of course, a dog is an ideal pet.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of the present are the key lines of my 31-year life. Strong qualities: responsibility, desire to learn new things and improve oneself.

The more friends a 16-year-old has, the more useless nonsense he will have after his birthday. Unfortunately, this often happens in those cases when before the birthday they do not apply to choose gifts from "SuperHelper". That is why, starting from the age of 7, in a guy's room, a huge number of all kinds of players, boxes for discs, various backpacks and many other unnecessary items accumulate.

What to give a 16-year-old boyfriend? The question is actually quite simple. It is necessary to give the gift that will be interesting to him. By the age of 16, hobbies are already clearly defined, and this is music, a computer, weapons, sports. So, based on these basic hobbies "Super Helper" will give out the best ideas from.

At this age, most guys are seriously into music. They enjoy listening to their favorite performers, going to their concerts and collecting their records. They create their own bands, write music, seriously rehearse and dream of a stunning career as a musician. In this case, from what to give for the 16th birthday, the following gifts can be:

Mini-simulator - for those who support a sports figure there is no better gift.

For amateurs and computer games:

Far Cry is a computer game that can become the most demanded gift for a true connoisseur.

For those who are fond of weapons, give:

Machete - just be sure to take a coin for this gift - such a sign;

The crossbow is a cool gift for the connoisseur;

Souvenir weapon - no collector can resist such a gift.

Parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles "Super Helper" advises you not to give anything to the birthday boy and not to enter the portal catalog, just give your baby:

Money - and he himself has to decide what to do with it.

And organize the holiday in such a way that the birthday person starts celebrating his birthday with his family, because no one can break old family traditions.

Sixteen to seventeen years of age for a guy is very controversial, but at the same time it is a great time when the boy gradually begins to turn into a young man. The first independent decisions, the first serious falls in love, the first temptations, disappointments and victories - in general, everything that is remembered by every person for life. Accordingly, a gift for a 16-17 year old boy should also be memorable and original, although choosing the right thing is not so easy, because at this age the birthday boy's preferences can change at an incredible speed. So, what can you present for a birthday to a young man in his prime?

Gifts from family

The holiday, when yesterday's baby becomes an adult and independent, for the people closest to him is both sad and joyful at the same time, so they, of course, want to give their beloved son, grandson and nephew a really good gift. What options for presents from relatives are best suited for such a solemn occasion?

Gifts from your girlfriend

As mentioned above, the age of 16-17 for a young man is the time of the first serious relationship with the opposite sex. Of course, on his birthday, every guy will be just happy to receive a good gift from his girlfriend. How to choose the right present? The ideal option is a useful and original thing that a young man can constantly carry with him (or at least use it regularly), while remembering about his beloved.

Gifts from friends

Psychologists say that it is at the age of 16-17 that a real male friendship is born - exactly the one that stays with a person for life, so a young guy's birthday will certainly not do without congratulations and presents from his closest friends. Below we will look at several options for gifts that can be presented to a teenager by his buddies.

Large selection of gifts for 16 years

Once a year we all have a special day because it’s our birthday. It is easy to add magic and emotions by presenting what the birthday boy has been waiting for.

It is not always possible to find out what the hero of the occasion is dreaming of, and often asking about what to give, we hear: “I don’t know” or “I don’t need anything”. In this case, it will be difficult to make a choice.

Finding a gift for a 16-year-old boy is doubly difficult. This is no longer a child, but not yet a man, although he strives to become one. Accordingly, the present should not be childish, but modern and original. How to surprise and please the guy?

Vous 3.0 positive mirror with engraving

Now it's easy to get an infinite number of likes. The Voes 3.0 positive mirror will help you with this! Great selfie guaranteed. The mirror can be hung at any angle thanks to a special mount. You can demonstrate that the gift was carefully chosen for the guy using engraving. It is easy to give confidence in your appearance by handing over a Vous 3.0 mirror, because it is so important for teenagers.

Glass "Luminarius" with engraving

A glass of Luminarius will surprise any guy. It looks like an ordinary glass cup, but as soon as you pick it up, it starts to glow. A birthday boy can feel like Harry Potter by casting the Lumos Maxima spell and holding a glass in his hands, which will begin to emit light. Engrave the bottom, the gift will become individual, and the owner will never confuse it with another. Just do not forget to warn that the glass cannot be heated in the microwave and washed in the dishwasher, otherwise all the magic will dissipate. The manufacturer is the studio of Artemy Lebedev, which adds fashionableness to the gift.

Personal piggy bank "For a big dream"

When a guy is 16 years old, this is the same age when dreams overwhelm the imagination. Plans for the future: about studies, profession, new hobbies. But someone lacks so little to make their dream come true! For example, a new stick for a future hockey player or a powerful computer for a future programmer. A personalized piggy bank will help make your dreams come true. Due to the fact that it cannot be broken, it will become a strong and safe storehouse of savings, which will help keep them from temptation. Therefore, the dream will wait in the wings and be fulfilled.

External battery "Magic charge" with engraving

For the birthday boy's smartphone to become Perpetuum Mobile, you just need to donate the Magic Charge external battery. Using special Velcro, the portable device is attached to the back cover of the gadget. Now situations when you cannot watch the video or listen to your favorite song are excluded. Also, the guy does not have to look for an outlet to urgently charge his phone or tablet. It will be nice to give a really useful thing.

Flash drive "Zenith"

There is nothing better for a football fan than a piece with the symbols of his favorite club. And when it also has 8GB of memory and is made of durable PVC, it doubles the value of the gift. It will be much more pleasant to store photos, films and other files when it is not just a storage device, but a symbol of the birthday boy's hobby.

Lamp "Happy Birthday" with engraving

Do you want your gift to glow with congratulations? This is possible thanks to the Happy Birthday lamp. When ordering, choose pleasant words that you address to the guy. Turning on the light, congratulations will remind the hero of the occasion about you and this day. The lamp is, in fact, two gifts in one: a postcard, and, in fact, the gift itself.

Personalized iPhone case "Persona" (black)

Picking up a present for a 16th birthday for a young man is not an easy task. Before you is already an adult serious guy, but at the same time a cheerful, perky teenager.

How not to make a mistake with a gift? Do not give something too childish, and also do not choose something that is not at all interesting to teenagers. What to give a 16-year-old boy like this? Let's try to figure it out together.

Of course, there are also universal presents. And there are those that suit a specific addressee. Depending on who is your 16-year-old birthday boy, we can find a suitable gift.


One of the coolest options is a reminder present of a story that only both of you know.

You can also look at the following:

  • Sports gifts: inventory, accessories, uniforms, things with the symbols of his favorite team.
  • Electronic presentations: computer components, flash drives, headphones, external batteries for your phone, USB toys and useful gadgets.
  • Paramilitary theme presentations.
  • Funny gifts.
To son or grandson

What can you give a 16-year-old boy in this case? A present from parents and grandparents for such a date should be serious enough:
  • Useful gadget: tablet, laptop, smartphone, e-book.
  • Updating computer hardware.
  • A serious present for a boy's hobby.
To a loved one

Take a look at all kinds of romantic gifts:
  • Board games for two.
  • Paired T-shirts, accessories, pendants, key rings, phone cases.
  • Convenient device, a device for making homemade delicacies.

What to give a 16 year old boy here? If your classmate is sixteen, then you can stop at the following:
  • Cool stationery, notebook, diary.
  • Mug with custom design.
  • Funny and original accessories, souvenirs, whose price does not bite.

Advice! Remember that there is a large selection of great presentations on the internet as well.

Thematic gifts

Let's now look at the possible options for presentations, distributing them by topic.

Romantic gifts

Most of all will suit, of course, donors - beloved girls.

  • Ordering from a printing house - a poster, mug, T-shirt, sweatshirt, mouse pad with a congratulation drawn or compiled in a photo editor by you personally.
  • Pair of jewelry - bracelet, pendant, pendant. You can just give the guy an original hand-made jewelry made of leather, wood, metal.

  • Stylish and practical backpack, sports bag, business briefcase. But with a cute funny keyring from you.
  • A ticket to a concert of his favorite performer, a match of his favorite team, the premiere of a long-awaited film or a sensational exhibition.
  • The garment provided that you know its style and size. If not, then you can get by with a high-quality belt, a warm hat, a scarf (you can knit it yourself), leather gloves, an umbrella with a cool pattern.
  • Goodies with romantic coloring: flash drives, key rings, headphones, external batteries for the phone, waterproof cases for smartphones, USB accessories - heaters, refrigerators for drinks, fans, mini vacuum cleaners for the keyboard.
  • Painting to order. A portrait, both in your general terms and in his photo. You can also choose caricatures, pop art images, photo mosaics and pictures from words. For serious young men - historical portraits in the form of heroes of the past.

Hobby gift

An excellent idea if you decide to prepare a present, taking into account the favorite hobby of the young man. If you are not entirely sure that you can find what he needs, then you can limit yourself to a certificate for a theme store.

Here's what you can roughly prepare - a gift for a teenager, a boy of 16 years old:

  • Present to the musician- a professional tool, consumable parts for it, a tutorial. You can take care of the case, cover. For example, a guy who is a guitar player will always need strings, picks
  • Athlete- comfortable shape, sports accessories, fitness bracelets. It would be nice to have a gym membership, a swimming pool, a certificate for extreme sports.
  • For winter sports lovers- waterproof gloves, balaclavas, ski goggles, protective whimsical painted helmet.

  • For fans of table sports- rackets, billiard balls, personal poker set.
  • Just a guy who loves outdoor activities- mountain bike, moped, electric unicycle, skateboard, mountain or cross-country skiing.
  • What to give a 16-year-old boy - a novice tourist? A roomy backpack, a lightweight and comfortable tent, a warm sleeping bag, a compass or navigator, a flask for drinks, a multifunctional knife, a self-loading flashlight and other necessary camping gear.

  • Art lover- a collection of books, discs of his favorite author, a rare collection of works, an e-book, a ticket to an event of interest to him.
  • Computer genius- an unusual gadget, a licensed disc with your favorite game, accessories and components for a PC.


A very suitable option for a young person is an experience certificate. As you know, at the age of 16, young men are gambling maximalists, so he will definitely appreciate the present at its true worth.

Here is what can be distinguished - a gift for a boy on his 16th birthday:

  • Karting race.
  • Walk on the aquabike.
  • Swimming in the pool with dolphins.
  • Tour of the rooftops of the city.
  • Passing a cool quest, visiting the dread room.

  • Show in virtual reality glasses.
  • Karting race.
  • Tour in the rope park.
  • Visit to the trampoline park, water park.
  • Laser tag, paintball.

  • Excursion to the abandoned and mysterious places of the city.
  • Descent in a zorba ball.
  • Horseback riding.
  • Hot air balloon flight.
  • Riding an ATV, snowmobile.
  • Climbing lessons, diving.

Advice! Check with the provider of the service beforehand if it is valid for a minor.

Gift for beauty and style

At the age of 16, many young men already begin to actively follow and take care of themselves, pay great attention to their appearance and style. If you have such a mod, then you can please him with the following:

  • Wrist watch. You can choose both a stylish mechanical model and take a closer look at electronic ones. Smart watches that work in tandem with a tablet or smartphone stand apart.
  • Perfume. Here you need to know the boy's favorite scent. Or be aware of the popular toilet waters among young people.
  • For such a serious birthday, a baptized young man can be presented with a gold or silver cross.
  • Young people are also not indifferent to jewelry - these are bracelets, chains, both made of precious materials and designer ones made of metal.
  • The transitional age is fraught with skin problems for teenagers. Therefore, the young man can be given high-quality caring cosmetics. But with tactful packaging - so that with all its appearance the gift does not talk about such a personal problem.

Useful gifts

As you know, men from young nails love everything that is useful and functional, do not tolerate unnecessary trinkets.

What can be given to our birthday boy against this background - instructions:

  • Both girls and boys dream most of all to receive smartphones of the latest models for their celebration. The cost of such gifts, alas, bites. But you can buy a present from your parents, grandparents, relatives.
  • If a guy is fond of computer games, then it's not bad to please him with a licensed disc with the most newly-made "toy". Look after a gaming mouse, joystick, keyboard, headphones. Or souvenirs in the spirit of his favorite characters.
  • A voluminous and cool "flash drive" or, if resources permit, an external hard drive.
  • Music speakers, comfortable wireless headphones - for the avid music lover.
  • Inexpensive, but not a bad gift - a case for a smartphone, a folder for a tablet, a bag for a laptop. Take a closer look at protective glasses for the screen, waterproof cases, covers, touch gloves for using the gadget in the cold.

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