Home Potato To remember and subsequently independently perform complexes of exercises, their content is written in the form of pictograms, write down graphically the main initial positions. Exam preparation: how to memorize more easily. Quests related to the list

To remember and subsequently independently perform complexes of exercises, their content is written in the form of pictograms, write down graphically the main initial positions. Exam preparation: how to memorize more easily. Quests related to the list

9-11 grade


    In ancient times, adolescents, imitating adults, mastered vital skills and improved their physical qualities. This is how ...

a.... physical education systems.


v.…physical exercises.

G.... teaching and education methods.

    The manifestation of general endurance determines the level of development ...

a.... personal and mental qualities.

b.... speed-strength abilities.

v.… Functional economy.

G. aerobic capacity.

    Regular exercise can help improve performance because ...

a.… As a result, the efficiency and economy of breathing and circulation are increased.

b.… During the lesson, exercises are performed to promote the development of physical qualities.

v.... the resulting fatigue activates processes that lead to increased performance.

G.… The person doing the exercises is able to do more work.

    The basis of the methodology for the education of physical qualities is ...

a.… Exercise.

b.… Age-appropriate load.

v.… Training in motor actions.

G. a gradual increase in the strength of the impact.

5. The relationship between exercise volume and intensity is characterized by ...

a.… An increase in the body's responses.

b.… Indicators of the quantity and quality of physical activity.

v. inversely proportional relationship.

G.... directly proportional to the relationship.

    Running with stops and change of direction on a signal is mainly conducive to improvement ...

a... ... quick response.

b.... movement techniques.

v.... speed power.

G. coordination of movements.

Check all items.

    The result of doing strength exercises with great weights is ...

a.... rapid growth in absolute strength.

b.… Increasing the functional capabilities of the body.

v.… Strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

G.… An increase in the physiological diameter of the muscles.

    Education and training in physical culture and sports activities is ...

a.... independent and independent processes.

b.... alternately implemented processes.

v.… Processes that condition each other.

G.... interchangeable processes.

9. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

The transition from hanging to close-up in gymnastics is designated as "

    Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

      in chess - defending your piece from the attack of a long-range opponent's piece by advancing another piece, which "takes fire" on itself, is denoted as ... «

11. The structure of teaching movements is due to ...

a.... the ratio of teaching and upbringing methods.

b.… The individual characteristics of the student.

v.… The biomechanical characteristics of the learned movement.

G. patterns of motor skills formation .

12. The continuity of physical education is due to ...

a.... a variety of forms of employment.

b.… A combination of preparatory and developmental classes.

v.… By the peculiarities of building lesson forms of classes.

G. the interaction of the effects of classes.

    List the types of physical culture and sports activities, due to their functional characteristics. … ..

    List the indicators that characterize the physical development of a person. Human development indicators characterize .... Morphological and functional characteristics of the human body ... we list:

    To remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is recorded in the form of pictograms.

Write down graphically complex morning exercises number 3:

I. p. - o.s., gymnastic stick in front of you. 1-2 - stick up, bend, right back to the toe; 3-4 - stick forward in front of you, put the right one.

I. p. - stand bend your arms forward. 1 - bend the right one forward until the elbow touches the left hand; 2 - attach the right.

I. p. - walking in place, gymnastic stick down. 1-2 - stick forward; 3-4 - stick up; 5-6 - stick forward; 7-8 - stick down.

I. p. - hand stand up, hands into fists. 1-4 - circles with hands forward; 5-8 - circles with hands back.

I. p. - leg stand apart, gymnastic stick down. 1 - stick up, rise on your toes, inhale; 2 - stick down, descend on the entire foot, exhale.

I. p. - bending forward, bending legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - circles with the body to the right.

I. p. - leg stand apart, gymnastic stick up. 1 - forward tilt; 2 - straighten up; 3 - tilt to the right; 4 - straighten up.

I. p. - sitting on the heels, hands forward. 1-2 squat on the heels, arms forward. 1-2 - lying emphasis; 3-4 - return to SP

I. p. - lying on your stomach, gymnastic stick up. 1-2 - bend over; 3-4 - return

I. p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - bending, bend the left one forward and touch the left knee with the right elbow; 2 - return to SP

I. p. - gray, gymnastic stick forward. 1 - bending your legs, move them forward over the stick; 2 - gray, stick on the floor under your feet; 3 - bending your legs, move them back

through a stick; 4 - gray, stick forward.

I. p. - rack, gymnastic stick at the bottom. 1 - squat, stick in front of you; 2 - stand up. I. p. - a stand, a gymnastic stick back on hands, bent at the elbows. 1-4 - jumping

with a turn to the right for each account.

I. p. - o.s. 1-8 - walking with deceleration of the pace of steps.

I. p. - leg stand apart. 1 - arms outward arcs upward, inhale; 2-3 - bend forward, lowering your hands down, exhale.

I. p. - leg stand apart. 1-2 hands forward and up, put on your toes, inhale. 3-4 - bend forward, drop your hands down, exhale; 4 - straighten up in I. p.

Closed tasks evaluated in 1 point.

Tasks involving more than one correct answer are estimated at: 1 point, if all the "correct" answers are indicated; 0.5 point, if not all "correct" answers are indicated;

0 points if, along with “correct”, “incorrect” answers are marked.

Open form assignments e. "Correct" statements are scored 2 points.

Enumeration related tasks.

13: Varieties of physical culture and sports activities

Due to the presence of synonyms, a qualified assessment is required. Each position of the transfer is estimated at 0.4 points 5 or more positions are estimated at the maximum - 3 points.

14: Indicators of physical development

Keywords: …

Development is a biological process of changing the properties of an organism throughout life. In this regard, development indicators should characterize changes, dynamics, trends in morphological and functional characteristics of the human body. Due to the possibility of presenting synonyms, the jury will qualify

no answers.

The absence of keywords is considered a wrong answer. The presented indicators are estimated at 0.4 points.

5 or more positions are evaluated as the maximum – 3 score

Tasks involving a graphic representation. Each “correct” image is scored 0.3 points.

      School stage

      All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

      2014/2015 academic year

      All types of tests are conducted separately among students of different genders and in the following three age groups:

      Group 1 - grades 5-6 (boys, girls);

      Group 2 - grades 7-8 (boys, girls);

      3 group - grades 9-11 (boys, girls).

      1. Theoretical and methodological tour conducted in all age groups on test questions. The duration of the test for all age groups is 20 minutes. Held on the first day.

      Tasks in a closed form are estimated at 1 point.

      Tasks involving more than one correct answer are scored in:

      1 point if all the "correct" answers are indicated;

      0.5 point, if not all "correct" answers are indicated;

      0 points if, along with “correct”, “incorrect” answers are marked.

      Open tasks. "Correct" statements are estimated at 2 points.

      Tasks involving a graphic representation. Each “correct” image is scored 0.3 points.

      A fully completed task is estimated at - 3 points.

      The final grade is represented by the sum of the assessment points of the tasks performed:

      Closed-ended tasks - 13 points

      Open-ended task - 2 points

      Graphic task - 3 points

      The maximum possible amount is 18 points

      2. Practical tour. Practical tests consist mainly of performing exercises of the basic part of the school sample program on the subject "Physical culture". The number of practical tests at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is three: on the first day - cross-country, on the second day - gymnastics and basketball (if possible).

      Winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are determined by the results of the points scored for completing all types of tasks on all rounds.

      Points are awarded in accordance with the place (rank) occupied by the participant based on the results of individual tests. The final result of each participant is calculated as the sum of points (ranks), gained by him for completing each task - the lower the amount, the higher the result.

      In case of equality of the results of several participants when performing separate tasks, they are awarded the number of points, which is the arithmetic average of the amount of occupied places.

      The results of the Olympiad should be determined separately among girls / girls and boys / boys in each age category. The final results of the participants are recorded in the final table, which is a ranked list of participants, arranged in order of increasing points scored by them. Participants with the same score are listed alphabetically.

      Instructions for completing tasks

      You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of general education schools in the subject "Physical culture".

      The tasks are grouped into 3 groups:

      1. Tasks in a closed form , that is, with the proposed answer options. Tasks

      are presented in the form of unfinished statements, which, when completed, can be either true or false.

      When performing these tasks, it is necessary to choose the correct completion from the proposed options. Among them, there are both correct and incorrect endings, as well as partially corresponding to the meaning of the statements. The correct one is the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the statement.

      A number of assignments are graded if all test options are marked. This condition is specified in the assignment: "check all items."

      Selected options are marked (circle the answer number) in the assignment form.

      Read the assignments and the suggested answer choices carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks. This will save time for other tasks, and later you can return to the missed task.

      2. Open tasks , that is, without the proposed answer options.

      When performing this task, you must independently choose a definition that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected definition in the appropriate column of the answer sheet.

      3. Assignment in the form of a graphic representation starting positions for exercise.

      Drawings are made in the form. Records must be legible. The jury evaluates each position presented by you.

      Control the time it takes to complete the task.

      Time for completing tasks is 20 minutes.

      A set of Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

      on the subject "Physical culture"

      Theoretical round. 5-6 Class

      1. Mark the valid statements

      a.Doing physical education, any of you can become strong, fast,

      dexterous and courageous.

      b.A passion for physical education will allow many of you to become


      v.Anyone engaged in physical education can become famous

      an athlete.

      G.By exercising regularly, everyone can learn to run fast,

      swim well, ski, and have the ball with confidence.

      2. Choose an appropriate sequence of exercises for morning exercises.

      1. Jumping and walking slowly with breathing exercises.

      2. Walking with acceleration, turning into a run.

      3. Breathing exercises.

      4. Stretching, shaking hands and feet

      6. Exercises for the muscles of the legs.

      7. Exercises for back muscles

      8. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and neck.

      9. Exercises for flexibility.

      10. Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and trunk.

      a.4, 9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 10, 2, 3.

      b.1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3.

      v.4, 5, 2, 3, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 1.

      G.9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1.

      3. To go faster, you need to increase ...

      a.... the length of the steps.

      b.… Cadence.

      v.... length and cadence.

      4. If you lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, lean on the floor and raise your torso, then you will assume the position designated as ...

      5. To learn to swim, you must, first of all, ...

      a.... do not swim with a runny nose and cough.

      b.... lie on the water and hold your breath.

      v.… Douche with water in the morning.

      G.... learn to breathe out into the water.

      6. The first competitions began to be held in order to ...

      a.... the strongest became the head of the tribe.

      b.... young people could prove they were ready for adulthood.

      v.... to identify the best hunter, warrior.

      G.All versions are plausible.

      7. Select the appropriate sequence of application of water hardening methods:

      1. Swimming in reservoirs.

      2. Dousing.

      3. Rubdown.

      4. Taking a contrast shower.

      a. 2, 4, 1, 3.

      b. 3, 2, 4, 1.

      v. 4, 1, 2, 3.

      G. 1, 3, 2, 4.

      8. The cause of poor posture is ...

      a.... the wrong posture at the table.

      b.… Sleeping in a soft bed with a high pillow.

      v.... walking with your head down.

      G.... muscle weakness.

      9. Exercise physical activity characterized by an increase in frequency

      heart rate up to 130 - 150 beats per minute is estimated as ...

      a.... easy.

      b.... average.

      v.... big.

      G.…very big.

      10. The pentathlon in the program of the ancient Olympic Games included competitions in ...

      a.... a fist fight, etc.... long jump,

      b.... I'm running, e.... archery,

      v.... riding, f.... javelin throwing,

      G.... the fight, h.... discus throwing,

      11. The term "Olympiad" in ancient times meant ...

      a.... a collection of athletes in one policy.

      b.... a four-year period.

      v.… The year of the Olympic Games.

      G.... Olympic competition.

      12. Strength exercises are used to educate ...

      a.... strength.

      b.…you were fast.

      v.... endurance.

      G.... flexibility.

      Check all items.

      13. Exercise has a positive effect on

      mental development. With this statement

      a. … Agree (agree).

      b. ... disagree (disagree).

      14. Compliance with the daily routine contributes to ...

      a. ... the right timing.

      b. ... building willpower.

      v. ... alternating mental and physical work.

      d.… exclusion of negative emotions.

      15. To remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is recorded in the form of pictograms. Draw images of the starting positions:

      Main rack

      Hand stand to the sides

      Kneeling stand


      Gray legs apart

      Sed with support on the arms from behind

      You have completed the quest, congratulations!

      Theoretical round. 5-6 class (answers)

      1.a, b, d.



      4.pring rest






      10.b, d, e, g, h


      12.a, b, c, d



      15. Pictograms:

      Description Picture

      Main rack

      Hand stand to the sides

      Standing hands on the belt, legs apart

      Kneeling stand


      Gray legs apart

      Sed with support on the arms from behind

      Practical tour. 5-6 CLASSES


      The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise in comparison with the ideal execution option.

      The maximum possible mark for the performance of exercises in each type of test - 1 0,0 points.



      Acrobatic exercise

      I. p. - o.s. Points

      1.stop crouching, 2 forward rolls together …………………………… 3.0

      2. Lie down and, lifting the torso, bend forward, arms up (mark) and roll back, stand on the shoulder blades (hold) ..................

      3. Roll forward to close-up squatting ……………………………………… 1.5

      4. Somersault back to close-up crouching ………………………………………. 2.0

      5. Somersault forward and jump upward, bending over …………………… .. 2.0


      Acrobatic exercise

      I. p. - o.s. Points

      1. Two somersaults forward at close range, sitting down and standing in a rack, hands


      2. Go down into the “bridge” ……………………………………………… 3.5

      3. Lie down, stand on the shoulder blades ………………………………………… 2.0

      4. Roll forward to the point of crouch and jump upward bending legs





      Tests in this sport are carried out at a distance of 500m.


      Boys, Girls

      Competitive test consists in performing a technical-tactical combination of a basketball game.

      The participant starts dribbling from the endline of the field to the right of the backboard, circles the central circle counterclockwise, continues dribbling to the opposite penalty area, where, after two steps, they perform a throw, pick up the scored ball and perform the same task with the attack of the other ring.

      The exercise time is recorded. The throws of the ball into both rings continue until the ball is hit.

      For each violation of the rules of basketball (jogging, passing the ball, double dribbling), penalty seconds (5 seconds) are added to the task execution time.

      Remembering movements

      Motor memory plays an essential role in human life. Learning movements develops coordination in the child, relieves the nervous system and loads the muscular system. Outdoor games must be included in every lesson.

      "Repeat after me"

      For the lesson, you can use the available sports equipment (ball, rope).

      The exercise is that the presenter shows single movements or series of movements, and the children watch, remember and repeat them correctly. This lesson differs from classical morning gymnastics in that the execution of movements is not accompanied by comments, that is, the child visually perceives the sequence of movements and remembers them by repetition.

      "Forbidden traffic"

      For the lesson, you can use the available sports equipment.

      The presenter tells the players that he will show various movements, which everyone must repeat exactly after him. But it is forbidden to repeat one movement! At this moment, the players agree on which movement cannot be repeated after the leader. For example, today a prohibited move is to put your hands on your belt. The presenter tries to confuse the players, shows movements at a fast pace, distracts attention with funny movements. The task of the players is not to make a mistake and not to repeat the forbidden movement after the leader. You can also play in pairs.

      Exercises for the development of verbal and logical memory

      We remember logically

      In the learning process, the main load falls on the verbal-logical memory. It needs to be developed and improved. The process of forming this memory begins in elementary school, and it is very important to support it with additional activities. The curricula of most school subjects are based on the student's ability to work with the text: read it, understand the content, remember and retell. Therefore, for successful learning, it is very important to help your child learn to memorize and reproduce texts. We offer exercises that gradually build up the skills of logical memorization, starting with working with a word in the first tasks, moving on to working with several sentences and finishing with the text. In this section, you will find tasks that train the basic methods of memorizing text: memorization using a diagram, using keywords, using a system of questions, using a plan, using the restoration of deformed text. We suggest using simple and accessible examples to learn how to use these methods of memorization, and the child will use them when doing homework related to working with the text.

      "Grouping words"

      For the lesson, you will need flashcards with 12-word strings.

      First, give your child the task on card number 1: “This is a card with 12 words written on it. Concentrate your attention, read them and remember them. " When your child reads the words and gives you back the card, ask them to repeat the chain of words. Discuss how many words he memorized. After that, spend a physical education or an outdoor game (for example, "Repeat after me"). After 5-7 minutes, give the child card number 2, on which the words are written in 3 lines, but there are also 12 of them, and you need to remember all the words.

      Compare the results, ask the child which words were easier to remember. Of course, grouping words by meaning or by a common feature makes memorization easier. And this skill must be trained. Invite your child to rearrange the words on card # 1 as shown on card # 2.

      No. 1. Wardrobe, leaves, table, puddle, sofa, drop, tree, chair, buds, thunderstorm, forest, rain.

      No. 2. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, blueberries; pen, notebook, pencil, ruler; summer, heat, sun, July.

      We offer more variants of word chains on which you can practice the ability to group words.

      Blizzard, pie, February, shirt, candy, snowdrift, skirt, cake, dress, marmalade, trousers, frost.

      River, shop, football, ocean, goalkeeper, stream, shopping, goal, sea, money, stadium, seller.

      Casserole, month, plate, fun, year, laughter, cup, day, joy, frying pan, smile, hour.

      "Tie a couple"

      For the lesson, you need to come up with pairs of words that are not directly related to each other in meaning.

      To memorize non-related concepts, it is useful to learn how to combine them. As a result of completing the task, the child must compose a sentence in which pairs of words will be connected by a common thought. For example, given a couple of words candy is a tree. It is necessary to connect these concepts with each other. "It would be nice if candy could grow on a tree like apples." Such a sentence evokes a vivid visual image, and a couple of words become easy to remember. Also, the implementation of this exercise develops associative thinking, this will help to subsequently complete the tasks from the exercise "Associations".

      We propose to connect the following pairs of words: river - notebook, bag - cloud, car - forest, butterfly - telephone, sea - plate.


      Associations are one of the ways to memorize material. After all, it often happens that when we see one object, we remember another. Then we say that the second object is associated in our consciousness with the first. It is easier for a child to explain this with a visual example. Take 4 pictures (for example, heart, clock, snowflake, lightning) and place them in front of the child.

      Words: winter, love, time, storm.

      After completing the assignment, ask the child about the principle on which he chose the pictures, and explain to him that he made this choice thanks to associations. Then you can proceed to the independent exercise.

      Option 1

      The task is to build a number of associations for the subject. The exercise can be performed both individually and in a group, both verbally and in writing. First, suggest that you come up with a series of associations for the words that you used to explain this concept to show that winter is associated not only with a snowflake. Then suggest other words.

      kettle - water, cup, kitchen, mom, breakfast, warm

      pharmacy -

      hair -

      newspaper -

      Option 2

      It is more difficult for a child to perceive and memorize abstract concepts. Therefore, in this version of the exercise, we propose to select associations with specific objects and examples for abstract concepts. Make associative rows for the following words:

      sports - stadium, TV, football, ball, jump rope, physical education lesson friendship - success - humor - joy - lies - weather -

      "Drawing a diagram"

      For the lesson, prepare sentences, short texts, a sheet of paper, a pencil.

      Drawing diagrams is one of the methods of logical memorization, which must be taught to a child. Explain that a schematic drawing is the simplest sketch that only the author can understand. First, you need to show the child how to make a schematic drawing for one sentence. Here are examples that can be used to teach a child to schematically reflect the content of a sentence (all schemes are approximate, there may be others).

      A large tree is growing by the road.

      The boy is skiing.

      Do the exercise with your child first. When he understands the essence of the assignment, ask him to make a diagram for the proposal on his own. Then offer to draw up a diagram for two sentences.

      The sky was covered with black clouds. Soon the strong began

      When the skill to draw diagrams has been worked out on one or two sentences, you can move on to small texts. The purpose of the exercise is to sketch out its main content after listening to the text. Then, using the scheme, retell the text. It is better if the child retells the text after a while, after 30-40 minutes. Then it will be clear that the scheme helps both to store information in memory and to reproduce it.

      Option 1

      Beauty butterfly

      It was a summer day, the sun was getting hotter. The beauty butterfly spread its bright wings and exposed them to the sun's rays. She fluttered merrily from flower to flower and sang joyfully: “Oh, how wonderful! Oh, how wonderful! "

      Suddenly the wind rose, something rumbled in the distance, and the sky began to be covered with clouds. The butterfly murmured: “Oh, it's going to rain now! He will wet my beautiful wings! " The flowers answered her in unison: "Do not be afraid, we will hide you under our petals."

      Option 2

      Transformations of snowflakes In winter, during a snowfall, snowflakes fly together, dancing and spinning, especially if the wind is blowing. Falling to the ground, they turn into snowdrifts and lie like this all winter, wrapping everything around with a white blanket. And only in spring, when the sun begins to warm up strongly, the snowflakes melt, turning into water streams.


      For the lesson, prepare excerpts from literary works, a sheet of paper, a pen.

      The goal of the exercise is to learn how to highlight keywords in the text that will help you remember the content and subsequently reproduce it. Explain to your child that the keys to memorizing the text are words or phrases that convey facts (names of characters, place names, dates), events, their essence and meaning.

      There are two options for working on the assignment: the child listens to the text, writing down keywords or phrases in pauses, or reads the text on his own, underlining the keywords in it and writing them down on a sheet of paper. The text is read twice. Then the child should try to retell the text, holding the written words in front of him. Correctly made extracts will help to remember the facts and proper names, the sequence and essence of the events described in the text. As an example, we offer an excerpt from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" about how a girl rushed to rescue her brother, who was carried away by the geese-swans.

      Geese-swans (excerpt)

      Has come running - there is a hut on chicken legs, standing, turning. In the hut sits Baba Yaga - a clay foot; and my brother sits on a bench, playing with golden apples. His sister saw him, crept up, grabbed and run, and the geese-swans fly in pursuit of her; the villains will catch up, where to go? She ran to a milk river with jelly banks: "Mother river, hide me!" - "Eat my jelly!" Nothing to do, I ate it. The river planted her under the bank, the swan-geese flew by. She came out, said: "Thank you!" - and again runs with my brother; and the swan-geese returned, flying towards. What to do? Trouble! There is an apple tree. "Apple tree, mother apple tree, hide me!" - "Eat my forest apple!" I ate it quickly. The apple tree covered it with twigs, covered it with leaves - the swan geese flew by. She went out and ran again with her brother, and the swan-geese saw - and behind her; they completely swoop in, they beat them with their wings, and they will tear him out of his hands! Fortunately, there is a stove on the road: "Madam stove, hide me!" - "Eat my rye pie!" The girl quickly put the pie in her mouth, and herself in the oven. Geese-swans flew, flew, shouted and flew away empty-handed.

      Possible keywords: a hut on chicken legs; grabbed and run; geese-swans in pursuit; milk river; Apple tree; madam stove; flew away with nothing. The most common mistake in retelling a text is inconsistency in the presentation of events. In the above passage, it is also easy to make such a mistake due to the large number of described actions. Key words will help avoid this if the child learns to highlight them.


      Prepare literature passages and questions for the session.

      The child will have to answer questions about the text or an article in a textbook throughout all the years of study. It is important to learn how to complete this task correctly and understand that the answers to the questions help to comprehend the content of the text and thus better remember it, especially when the answer to the question is confirmed by words from the text. These exercises are done both orally and in writing. The child can not only answer the proposed questions, but also compose questions to the text independently.

      "Making a plan"

      Prepare extracts from literature for the lesson.

      Another way of verbal and logical memorization is to draw up a text plan. We offer a checklist that will help your child learn how to make a plan and retell the text using the plan.

      1. Read the text, write down the words that you do not understand, and find out their meaning.

      2. If the text has a title, then think it over, answer the question: "Why is the text so named?"

      3. Divide the text into several semantic parts.

      4. Underline the keywords in each part (see exercise "Keywords").

      5. Ask questions for each part of the text (see exercise "Questions").

      6. Title each part of the text using keywords or questions.

      7. Read separately and retell each part of the text reflected in the plan, mentally drawing pictures for the content (see exercises from the section "Remembering visually"),

      8. Retell the entire text in its entirety, using your outline.

      Using this memo, you can easily remember the training material. To practice the ability to draw up a plan and retell a text according to it, you can use excerpts from literary works.


      For this lesson, you will need any text printed on a piece of paper.

      It is understood that the child has already memorized this text. You cut the printed text into separate passages or sentences, shuffle and give to the child, who is tasked with reconstructing the sequence of passages or sentences, so that the original text is obtained. The purpose of the exercise is to control memorization and consolidate the text in memory. If it is necessary to memorize the material well, to transfer it from short-term memory to long-term memory, then this task with the same text can be performed several times with a time interval. For example, after 2-3 days.

      Repetition rules

      Repetition is the most important way of memorizing material. Since we are talking about logical ways of memorizing, we will not be talking about mechanical, but about meaningful, active repetition and its rules.

      If you need to remember a small amount of material (for example, a rule), then read it, establish logical connections, then repeat it several times in a row, mentally creating a visual picture. Then repeat after 10-15 minutes, after an hour. To better remember the information, repeat the material in a few more days, in a month.

      If you need to memorize a large volume of material, then read it in full. Then break into parts, read and tell in parts, using all the methods of memorization suggested above, repeating several times. At the end, tell the story in full. Repeat after a while. It should be borne in mind that in the first two days after memorization, the fastest forgetting occurs, therefore, during this time, the material must be repeated.

      For long-term preservation of information in memory, it must be repeated periodically.

      The exercises we have suggested will help your child master basic memorization techniques. If these skills are worked out, completing homework and the perception of educational material in the lesson will not cause difficulties for the child.

      ... While talking with your child, check if the child remembers the material from the completed assignments after a while.

      ... Translating information from short-term memory into long-term memory requires reflection and repetition.

      ... Memorization of the material will be more solid if the repetitions are separated by a significant time.

      Be interested in what methods of memorization the child uses during homework. If necessary, tell him the most appropriate way.

      Trying to learn a ton of information or learn a paragraph on history before your next lesson? Reading a passage three times before bed, putting a book under your pillow, dancing with a tambourine - all these methods are as popular as they are useless.

      How our memory works

      We will start, perhaps, with this question.

      The process of memorizing any information goes through three stages.

      1. The first one is short-term memory... Any data is delayed there for no more than a few minutes.
      2. Then the data goes into the second stage - intermediate memory... Here she can stay either for several days or for a month.
      3. The third and last stage is long-term memory... Information is always stored there. Even what we think we have forgotten.

      Therefore, in order to use the capabilities of your memory as efficiently as possible, you need to take this into account. Try to immediately translate everything you learn into intermediate memory. And so that the information stays with you as long as possible, from time to time revise it and transfer it to the departments of long-term memory.

      10 ways to memorize text

      • Retell to another.

      Retell what you read and remember it 4 times faster. The likelihood that you will master a large text much faster if you read and retell it to another person is much higher. When you tell something, the neurons in your brain work much more efficiently, and you instantly transfer everything that you have learned to the intermediate section.

      • Work on a 20/5 or 45/15 basis.

      Your brain cannot learn something indefinitely - it needs to be given breaks. Try it yourself practice to teach for 20 minutes and rest for 5 minutes; or study for 45 minutes and rest 15. Your brain will get used to such uniform loads and will work as efficiently as possible, and you can easily learn even the most complex information.

      • Use associative thinking.

      What you already know is your best training weapon. Draw associations and analogies with the knowledge that is already stored on the shelves of your brain... This will help you not only to quickly remember everything, but then, if necessary, to remember much faster.

      • Highlight key points in the text with a marker.

      Of course, if the text is in the textbook, you don't need to do this. But often, these are printouts, photocopies, with which this method will be just great! I did this myself when I was at university - it really, really helped! Believe me, as soon as you do this, all unnecessary will disappear and will not interfere, and all the necessary will "stick" to your memory and will glow in it as brightly as the marker with which you worked! Of course, for this you need to have the skill of finding important supporting thoughts in the text. Practice and you will succeed!

      • Read the text with expression or using different pitches.

      In other words, you can just indulge in pretending to be an actor (if you are not really an actor :-)). Read the text in a whisper, then in a low voice, then in a thin mouse voice ... Change intonations - from joyful notes to sad and melancholic ones. In general, get a feel for what you are reading! Believe me, sometimes this becomes the only sure way to quickly memorize the text.

      • Don't sit in one place.

      Scientists have proven that if, when trying to learn something, you will not just sit at the table over a book, but, for example, walk around the room, then you can learn a text or a poem much faster.
      Once we discussed this issue with my student. Her biology teacher has repeatedly noted that during memorization, it is best to clean the house, put something in its place, or just walk around. But on very rare occasions to sit still.

      A person who never ceases to amaze me in terms of memory development is Stanislav Matveev... He got into the Guinness Book of Records for his techniques and perseverance. And now Stanislav shares his knowledge with people, helping them achieve their goals.

      • Learn in the morning.

      It doesn't matter if you are the most "early bird" of all the early risers or a hardened owl, your brain still remembers information best in the morning hours or when you just woke up. Of course, there are rare exceptions when a person's biological rhythms are most active at night. But, nevertheless, trying to remember something before bedtime can not only have no effect, but also ruin your sleep.

      • Tired - change your environment.

      The main mistake many make is to try to teach without any rest. I remember myself during the sessions. I allocated myself two hours to study in the morning, then went to workout. I returned home and taught for another 2 hours. I constantly diluted my study hours with other activities. And I was always amazed at people who, during session did not see friends, did not go for a walk, but simply closed in the house. Therefore, my advice to you is friendly - change the environment and give yourself some rest.

      • Use the power of your brain.

      You probably know how you are best at memorizing. If it is enough for you to listen to the lecture and then retell everything without hesitation - you definitely have a type of memorization based on perception. audio information.

      For example, my best understanding of information is when I write it down. It's hard enough for me to remember something. During my studies at the university, I wrote notes, and made all important notes in writing. When I had to remember something during the exam, my notes instantly popped up in front of my eyes.

      Therefore, use your strengths in memorization. It may take a little longer sometimes, but you will be sure of the result.

      • In any incomprehensible situation, go to bed.

      If nothing comes into your head, go to bed. When you sleep, all the information that enters your brain, let's say, is laid out on the shelves of the long-term department. In general, never try to learn anything without getting enough sleep. At this moment, your brain is only busy keeping you awake, and there are simply not enough resources to remember something.

      At the moment, there are many techniques, techniques and a wide variety of books to develop your memory and be able to memorize tons of information. You can watch videos or read books to develop your memorization skills. Memory is like muscles - you just have to exercise a lot.

      A great way for regular memory training, which I recently discovered for myself, is the online service " Fitness for the brain". I told in detail about him and our success with my daughter V.

      Here are, my dear, basic ways how you can easily memorize large text. But I can say one thing: all this works individually for each person. I advise you to try and analyze what you do best.

      Share in the comments what learning methods you use and how they help you. And for the curious there is my newsletter, where I constantly share interesting and useful information regarding any aspect of the English language.

      Subscribe and be fully armed.

      Each person is periodically faced with the need to learn material of different content and volume. Someone can do this easily, but the majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

      The work of the human brain has not yet been 100% studied, we only know that we use a small part of the brain's abilities. The psychological processes taking place in a person's mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will make it possible to achieve success in any area of ​​human activity, will be needed in “everyday” life, study, and will easily increase intellectual abilities.

      To learn a text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with specially designed exercises. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile memory. It represents the ability to memorize and store any amount of information.

      Each type of memory develops differently in people. It is easier for someone to memorize the text by saying it aloud, and for someone, on the contrary, it is better assimilated after visualization of the read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

      The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to memorize the necessary material in a short time.

      • Method of rational memorization;

      It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the consciousness. With rational memorization, the comprehension of the read text occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to memorize material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

      • Method of mnemonic memorization;

      This is the most interesting of the three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative communication. Mnemonic memorization is based on the received life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to memorize a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These can be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps fight everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember what is happening.

      • Method of rote memorization.

      This method involves memorizing the material. He is considered ineffective and difficult to train, as he can fail at any moment, "falling out" from memory. With age, the ability to mechanically memorize deteriorates.

      Memorization techniques

      For quick assimilation of the text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It works well for memorizing large and small volumes. This way is used by actors, who, like anyone else, it is important to know how to quickly memorize a text.

      • First, slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. Better to read it out loud. When reading, it is necessary to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can quickly remember.
      • If the volume of the material is large, we divide it into semantic parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding in them the main words or phrases in meaning. This will help in the future, restore the entire text in order.
      • After that, you need to rewrite the entire text, manually. This should be done slowly, delving into the essence of what has been written.
      • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, relying on keywords. If you cannot remember a certain moment, it is better not to pry in the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can only spy on it as a last resort.
      • Further, we rewrite the second time only what we remembered without prompts.
      • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text again and retell it. Better to do this before bed.

      This memorization method is suitable for memorizing the text verbatim. It will help students, pupils of the school and everyone who needs to know in a short time how to learn a large amount of information. In this way, theater and film actors use to remember their roles.

      Tricks for quick memorization

      There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text based on the nuances of our brain. This requires:

      • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

      This will allow you not to be distracted by an extra part of the text. Actors thus highlight their phrases in the script.

      • Sing words or text;

      This is a non-standard memorization method. Having sung the material, it will stick into memory better and you can recall it faster.

      • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

      It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions on yourself if it is fiction that the heroes experience.

      • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
      • Read aloud with expression;
      • Write the text with the other hand;

      If you are left-handed, write with the right, if you are right-handed, write with the left. This clever way will make the brain spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

      • Find a training partner;

      Actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to check your knowledge of all the material. In a company, learning by heart is more interesting and much easier.

      • Record the text on a voice recorder;

      Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day, while doing your daily activities or while traveling. This will help you memorize a lengthy text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

      Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of coding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in man, this happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain's work and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information, and if it is not used, then over time it disappears from memory.

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