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Children's ski school. How to teach a child to ski. Basic techniques. Descent and braking

Schools near Moscow from February 1 to June 30 are accepting applications for enrollment in the first grades for the 2017/2018 academic year. How to enroll a child in school through, read on the portal of the regional government.

Who can apply

Parents or legal representatives can apply for admission of a child. At the same time, a child who is enrolled in a school must be permanently or temporarily registered in the territory of the Moscow Region, and also at the beginning of the school year he must be at least 6.5 years old, but not more than 8 years old.

The service of electronic registration in schools of the Moscow region is available for citizens living in the territory assigned to this school.

How to apply online

An electronic application can be filled out on the website in the "Registration for the first class" section.

If you are using the portal for the first time, you need to register - click the "registration" button. Then fill in the fields: first name, last name, email, password. A notification of registration on the website of public services of the Moscow region will be sent to the specified e-mail address.

After authorization, you can fill out an application. The application must indicate: the address of the child's registration (permanent or temporary). After that, educational institutions that are assigned to the specified address will be shown - choose the school that suits you best.

You can also find out the list of schools that are assigned to a specific address in the education department of a particular municipality.

The date and time of the application will be recorded in the system and will be taken into account when deciding whether to enroll the child in school.

List of documents

In order for your electronically submitted application to be considered, you will need to provide the selected school with the original documents within three business days. An electronic application is considered only if the original documents are available.

  • an identity document of the parent or legal representative,
  • birth certificate of the child (or a document confirming the relationship with the applicant),
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay in the assigned territory,
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) of the child,
  • for children with disabilities, the conclusion and recommendations of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and the consent of the parents (legal representatives) are also required,
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons, you will need a document confirming the applicant's relationship (or the legality of the representation of the rights of the child), and a document confirming the applicant's right to stay in the Russian Federation.

Terms of consideration of the application

You can find out about the child's enrollment in the first grade within seven working days after the submission of the original documents - you will receive a notification by e-mail.

How to apply offline

It is not necessary to fill out an electronic application, you can bring documents immediately to the selected school assigned to your address. In this case, the specialist will complete the application in your presence. To do this, you need to find out in advance from the education department of your municipality which schools have your registration address assigned to them.

Victoria Kulagina

The time has come to send the children to elementary school. The place has already been determined, but the free time does not coincide with the opening hours of the selection committee. In the age of digital technologies, parents have the opportunity to enroll their child in the first grade of the school through the State Service portal. Below are detailed descriptions of all the steps of registration via the Internet, with a clear sample of the application.

You can apply for a first-grader via the Internet when the child is 6.5 years old and not 8. All other cases are considered on an individual basis, the decision-making time increases to 1 month. You do not need to register your child for public services. All you have to do is apply online and get in line.

An application made through the State Services is considered up to 15 days. Note that this time period is the maximum.

To enroll a child in a school on State Services, a parent (guardian) needs a verified profile on the site. The procedure is free, you only need to correctly fill out the application. However, it is not implemented in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The date of enrollment in the State Services is determined by the group to which the future student falls:

  • preferential from 15.12 to 05.09 of the academic year;
  • residing in the territory assigned to the school from 20.01 to 30.06;
  • other children apply for vacant places from 01.07.

Instructions on how to enroll in school in grade 1 at the State Services

To apply to an elementary school through Public Services, you will be guided through a step-by-step guide. By repeating the steps presented here sequentially, you can easily sign up:

At the following stages, it is necessary to scrupulously check all the information entered and send the application. If the enrollment of a child in a school on Public Services is not available for your city, at this step you will not be able to enroll and you will have to apply and stand in line in person. But the portal is progressively developing and soon enrolling a student will become available to residents of the most remote corners of our country.

When the answer comes from the portal and what to do after

Now the parents are waiting for the enrollment of the future student in the chosen school. The waiting period is no more than two weeks, provided that the application has not been sent for revision.

After checking the data at the State Services, a notification will be received and you can prepare the child for the first grade. Now the legal representative of the future student must visit the school and show the originals of all certificates and documents of the admissions committee.

The typical set includes:

  • parent's (guardian's) passport;
  • birth certificate of a preschooler;
  • medical card;
  • certificate of a child psychologist on the readiness of the future student for learning;
  • proof of registration or place of residence.

How to register a child for school preparation through the State Services portal

You can register children for preparatory courses at school through the State Services portal, but in a number of regions of the Russian Federation this possibility has not been implemented. Therefore, many will have to personally write and submit an application for the education of a preschooler.

To find out if an appointment for training is available, go through the following path on the State Services:

  • life situations;
  • getting an education;
  • preschool education.

If preparatory courses are on the list, you will need to apply for a child by analogy with the example above. Otherwise, you will have to go in person. We sincerely hope that this instruction has closed the existing questions and was useful to you. Good luck with your admission!

Every year on the eve of the first of September, the excitement begins with the admission of the child to the first grade. The number of educational institutions, providing the opportunity to choose, provokes panic among the parents of future first-graders: “Will we get into the school we want to?” In order to resolve the situation on the initiative of the government, in 2009 a public services portal was created - http://www.gosuslugi.ru.

How the portal works

The portal of public services significantly saves your time

The task of e-government is to simplify as much as possible the procedures for applying to public authorities in connection with various life situations: obtaining a passport, obtaining a pension, enrolling in medical or educational institutions, etc. In addition, you can find a feedback form on the site, that is, ask specific officials in departments with questions of interest. To start using all e-government services, you need to

  1. Go on the website.
  2. Select your location in the box above.
  3. Determine the status (individual or legal entity).
  4. Select the desired section in the "Categories" list and follow specific instructions to obtain the necessary information or service.

The portal of public services greatly facilitates interaction with municipal and state departments, allows you to solve a particular issue online, without wasting time in queues.

Video: how to register on the public services portal

How to enroll your child in school

Enrolling in a school through the public services portal takes only a couple of minutes

According to the latest data from the Public Opinion Foundation, 14 million Russians use the public services portal.

One of the most requested e-government services is enrollment in schools. Parents or guardians can do this if the baby is already six years old, as well as the child himself, if he is already 14 years old, but in the latter case, the appeal concerns only additional education (circles, sections, studios). If parents do not have the opportunity to apply on their own, then this can be done through the District Information Service, whose office addresses can be found on the website of the local department of education. The clear advantages of applying online to an educational institution are the following:

  • lack of queues;
  • the ability to enroll a child in several schools at once (according to the rules of the portal - in three: one at the place of residence and two to choose from), and then choose the most suitable one;
  • guaranteed admission to an educational institution at the place of residence.

To use the full range of services of the state portal, first of all, you need to create your personal account, that is, register. This must be done in advance so that there are no problems and delays with enrolling in school. To register, you will need the following information:

  • Full Name;
  • passport data;
  • SNILS number;
  • telephone;
  • E-mail address.

To enroll in the school, follow the instructions:

  1. Find out when enrollment begins in your district (usually applications are accepted until February, and applications are processed and classes are formed until August).
  2. Fill out the application form for the child (you will need his last name, first name, patronymic, number, birth certificate series, address).
  3. Select an institution from the proposed list of geographically close schools. After that, a list of other educational institutions will become available.
  4. After successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to your email.

Applications, as a rule, are considered within a month, and then an invitation is sent to the email address specified during registration on the portal to get acquainted with the teaching staff of the school and a list of necessary documents for admission. This package must be provided no later than a week from the date of receipt of the invitation. In the event that there are no places in the preferred school, the child will automatically be enrolled in an educational institution at the place of residence.

Rules for registering a child for preparation for school

With the public services portal, you can even choose the direction of school preparation courses

Parents who want their baby to be fully prepared for the first grade try to send him to prepare for school. These courses have many advantages, the most significant of which can be considered

  • soft adaptation to a new stage in the life of children;
  • acquaintance with the teacher, the requirements of the educational institution, the team of children;
  • mastering basic learning skills that will have a positive effect on academic performance, and hence on the child’s self-esteem.

For the past few years, registration for preparation for school has been going on in the preschool institution that the baby attends. In addition, in 2011, by a decree of the Russian Government, a decision was made to merge schools and kindergartens into a single educational complex. However, even if the kindergarten is located at the school, it is not a fact that the child will be automatically enrolled in this school. It is also possible that parents do not plan to send their child to this particular educational institution. Therefore, it makes sense to attend to the choice of preparatory courses at the school in which you intend to enter. To do this, you can use the portal of public services. The registration procedure is identical to the application for admission to the school. But the time for consideration of applications is from April to September. In October, as a rule, courses already begin. At the same time, some schools start preparatory classes in January, so it is better to check the dates of registration and the start of classes on the portal.

Making transfers from one school to another

Soon, through the public services portal, it will be possible to transfer a child from one school to another

Among the prospects for the development of the public services portal, it will soon be possible to transfer the child to another school. By submitting an electronic application for transfer to another educational institution, you will be able to:

  • be confident in the objectivity of the refusal (data on applications and their consideration are public);
  • track the consideration of the application (in what time frame, who handled the application);
  • do not travel several times to the school just to talk with the director and find out the list of necessary documents.

However, in any case, if you are transferring your child to a lyceum or gymnasium, that is, educational institutions, admission to which is based on entrance exams, then filling out the online form is not enough, you need a personal presence.


The portal of public services will improve the quality of service for its subscribers

The essence of creating a public services portal is that a citizen has the opportunity not only to avoid queues in institutions of various kinds, but also that all registered users on the site must be given an answer from the department they applied to. Thus, control over the timing of processing applications becomes public. Applications to educational institutions are no exception. Information about admission or denial of admission to the school is sent by e-mail within 30 days from the date of application. In addition, the letter must necessarily explain the reasons for the refusal of admission to the educational institution.

Video: how to apply for admission to the first class through the public services portal

The public services portal for educational institutions is a promising innovation that not only speeds up the settlement of formalities, but also aims to ensure that admission to schools is as objective as possible.

Yes, it is believed that at 2-3 years old it is too early for a baby to teach skiing. According to experts, the most suitable age for learning this sport is 5-6 years. But there are exceptions, for example, if the child himself asks for skiing. The reason for this may be your passion for these sports. Then, of course, you can start training under your close supervision and in three, four years.

little skier

First you need to find a good flat area, which will be located somewhere near the house. It is desirable if it is protected from the wind. The most acceptable temperature: from -1 to -10°C. It is also necessary to take into account the direction of the wind when choosing or laying a ski track. It should blow on the child's back.

In ordinary walking and running, slipping does not occur. But sliding is the main movement of a skier. That is why you need to start with skiing. Sticks may not be used. They don't help much with balance and usually get in the way.

There are exercises that help kids get used to skiing. You just need to present them as a game:

  • You need to squat, while standing on two skis.
  • Let the kid jump on the spot from foot to foot or on two skis.
  • Exercise "stork": you need to raise the leg bent at the knee, while keeping the ski in a horizontal position.
  • Exercise "draw a fence": side steps on skis to the side.
  • Exercise "draw a fan, a snowflake": you need to turn around, stepping in place around the heels. After - around the toes of the skis. 90 and 360 degrees.

After that, the child will need to master the stepping step - a step without slipping. Watch your baby. The correct movements in this case are when:

  • The legs and arms of the baby move as if he was just walking. That is, forward - right foot and left hand, etc.
  • When walking, the child transfers body weight from one foot to the other.
  • The child's body leans more than if he were just walking.

First, let the baby learn to walk on virgin soil with shallow snow or on a ski track. Later, you can already master zigzag movements, bypassing trees, bushes, benches, etc.

Many wonder when teaching a child when it is time to learn the sliding step. This will happen when the baby will already be able to walk, while not crossing the skis. Also when he begins to move his arms and legs in a sweeping manner and keep his balance correctly.

To master the sliding step, you need to choose a ski track laid under a slight slope. It is necessary to show the baby how to ski even faster - not to walk, but to slide and push. To do this, taking a skier's stance (legs slightly bent at the knees, body slightly tilted forward, arms lowered), you need to take a large and sharp step forward and slide slightly on one leg. After that, you need to step and slide on the other leg, etc.

Although it is possible in another way: let the child scatter with a stepping step and, having already gained speed, switch to sliding steps. It is necessary to ensure that there is a complete transfer of the body from one foot to the other while sliding.

Exercises that will help your child train in sliding:

  • You need to run up, while sliding on one ski. Let the baby do this until it comes to a complete stop. The second ski needs to be slightly raised above the ski track.
  • Ski scooter exercise: slide on one ski while pushing off the other.
  • Try to take sliding steps with your hands behind your back.
  • Take sliding steps, alternately pushing off with sticks.

If the child masters these simple movements, you can safely take him with you on a ski trip. Later, the kid himself will understand that you can ride in other more complex ways. After all, he will constantly learn by watching other skiers.

Baby equipment

You may find it difficult to find small shoes for your toddler. But it will be easier with cross-country skis: there are good semi-rigid bindings on sale complete with small plastic skis, by the way, at a relatively low price. The main thing with regard to fasteners is the ease of handling them.

Remember that semi-rigid mounts also have a weak point. This is a heel strap. In no case should it “fall off” and is designed to firmly grip the shoes with the ski. In the case when the fasteners are old, you need to carefully inspect them. After all, during this time, the rubber could be pretty worn out and then it would have to be replaced with a new one. The smallest skiers do not need special ski shoes.

Skis should be about 10 cm longer, and the length of the poles should be 10-15 cm less than the height of the baby. Sticks should be light and have loops for brushes.

Let the outerwear of the child be better separately: jacket and trousers. It should be made from a wind and waterproof fabric. After all, falls, especially at first, will be frequent, so you should make sure.

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