Home Potato Human natural instincts. Three basic instincts. Procreation instinct

Human natural instincts. Three basic instincts. Procreation instinct

A person, just like any other living creature, has three basic (basic) instincts: hunger, self-preservation, reproduction.

The realization of these three instincts is what people devote most of their time to, what is most interesting. And even if it seems that some actions of people are not connected with these instincts in any way, it is worth "digging" a little deeper, as it becomes clear that, in many cases, it all comes down to one of these instincts.
Of course, the spiritual part of our life is also important. However, in the daily routine, basic instincts come first.
These instincts are unequal for humans. While all three are important, at certain points in time, any of them can become more important than the rest.
For example: often the reproductive instinct becomes more important than the self-preservation instinct. It happens.
Those who understand how important these instincts are for us successfully manipulate us to achieve their own interests.
I will not be unfounded.
Television commercials tend to target basic instincts. Somehow, when you are too lazy to switch the TV to another channel, analyze which of the three instincts is influenced by each, taken separately, commercial. You will be faced with an interesting discovery: either "instincts" or "delirium". Moreover, there are much more "instincts".
But advertising is just a flower. Berries will continue.
Each television channel is "interested" in having as many TV viewers as possible so that they watch, instinctively obsessed with advertising on this particular channel. The larger the viewer audience, the more profit from the sale of advertising time. It's simple.
The most effective way to engage your viewers is to talk about basic instincts.
Let's look at it in order.

Have you ever wondered why culinary shows are so popular? Any TV shows, at best, lose their novelty over several seasons and, accordingly, the viewer audience decreases, at the same time, culinary programs have existed for many years, having a relatively constant viewer.
Our consciousness “sees” interesting communication, different recipes, and so on, while our subconscious mind “sees” FOOD. The subconscious mind, from the understanding that the basic instinct is realized, becomes calmer. Of course, food exists on TV, but most have a refrigerator where you can physically exercise your instinct, even if it's not what's on the screen.
Where malnourished, there are no culinary transmissions.


On TV, this instinct is fully realized. Even too much. Constant stories about how something bad happened to someone, on the one hand, “magnetize” a person to the screen, and on the other, create a society of intimidated people who are easy to control.
Suppose a person wants to watch the news, find out what's new in the country, in the world, draw some conclusions for himself, and what does he see? Details of the most terrible crimes, road accidents and other accidents. Why is this needed? Whom did it save? What information about all this, except for the realization of the instinct of self-preservation, gives a person?
The mechanism of realization is approximately the following: a compassionate consciousness sincerely empathizes with everything that has been seen, and the subconscious mind “rubs its hands rather enough” - it’s good that it’s not with me. This is how we humans are.
You have not noticed that from conversations on the topics "something good happened to someone" and "something bad happened to someone" in the second case, the conversation turns out not to be more interesting, but more "filled", whether.
For fun, on the evening news bulletin try to count the death toll reported across the country.
The details of human misery are not limited to the news release. Separate programs appear, where they talk about them in more detail, and there is even a separate TV channel broadcasting about it around the clock.
Why is all this necessary?
On the one hand, for the accumulation of the largest number of viewers, and on the other, in order to distract the public from events that really matter.
Some TV channels, not the most popular ones, do not relish the grief of others. Honor and praise to them.

Someone will object that we have a "type" of democracy. Everyone says he wants to and nothing will be banned. It's not really true. There are non-political topics that are carefully hushed up by the media.
For example: on television, a discussion periodically arises on the topic: are there deaths after being vaccinated? One side says that there are, the other - that this cannot be. If we average these two opinions, the output is "zero". The topic remains open further. And the "interested parties" just need that.
You might think that death is the worst thing that can happen in life.
At the same time, the occurrence of non-fatal complications is "hushed up". And there are many of them. Starting from a slight increase in temperature and ending with multiple sclerosis. And this is no secret. This is written in the instructions for the vaccines. You can read it yourself. It's just that they don't talk about it on television.
The likelihood of a severe complication is small, but for the person with whom it happens, the probability will be one hundred percent.
By the way, have you ever wondered why vaccinations are started in our maternity hospitals? This is not because we have advanced medicine that knows what the rest of the world has not thought of yet.
The thing is that pregnant women are dull. This is normal - the body's defensive reaction. Until the mothers have an adequate perception of reality, the newborns are inoculated with live mycobacterium tuberculosis and the genetically modified antigen of the hepatitis B virus. And then, after the fight, they do not wave their fists. They continue to receive the started vaccinations.

There is also a third side of the coin, when in rich countries, bad events and stories about them achieve their own financial and other interests.
Do you find any inconsistencies? Some strange terrorists, who had never before been seen in illegal activities, undergo a "non-childish" security service at a marathon in Boston, do their "dirty" deed, and, what is most interesting, leave without hindrance! After that, the main executor is physically destroyed, and his assistant is wounded in the neck in such a way that he cannot say anything in his own defense. By and large, he, in general, can not say anything. And what a coincidence, their parents live in a different country!
I think he confesses everything:
In the United States, no one "knocks out" a frank confession. And so they confess. The suspects in serious crimes are offered a choice: either you “go into denial” and receive the death penalty, or you take the blame and receive “life imprisonment”. American-style freedom of choice.
At the same time, a controversy arises in society: maybe it is worth strengthening control and increasing the already huge expenses on security?
To whom the war, and to whom the mother is dear.
In order to keep people at bay, you need to have an enemy image. George Orwell also wrote about this. When there was the Soviet Union, it was simple: have you forgotten that most of us are from the "evil empire"? And now, when there are few enemies left, they must be protected. If they are not there, who will remain but the mythical Al Qaeda? Don't be surprised by the word “mythical”: have you heard of anyone calling themselves a member of Al Qaeda? The myth is impossible to prove. And even the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings is a topic that requires detailed consideration.
If there are no external enemies, the average person will ask the question: is it worth it to "lay out" trillions of dollars on defense? Maybe it's better for this money to create a cure for cancer, or to do something else very good?
Therefore, no one is in a hurry to fight Syria, Iran or North Korea.

To intimidate your citizens, you need to periodically provoke external enemies:
Do you remember how recently North Korea threatened its closest countries with nuclear weapons? And the fact that the United States was the first to start, bringing two B-2 strategic bombers to the joint military exercises with South Korea, do you also remember that?
The "game" on the instinct of self-preservation has become one of the most important topics in the media.


Moving on to the fun part ...
Everyone perked up. Do you feel how it affects you?
The implementation of this instinct on television is a problematic topic. For men. They love with their eyes. How many noodles do not hang on your ears, they still need to see. This is where the difficulty arises. You understand what it is. I think it is temporary: what was impermissible a hundred years ago is normal now. What is impermissible now will be normal in a hundred years. They will come up with some kind of "video picker" of the most interesting moments. It’s good, fantasy “works” better. So, guys, we will live. Until then, catch up with the Internet. In the competitive struggle, he temporarily wins.
As for the women, they were lucky. They mostly love with their ears. For them, on television, the reproductive instinct is fully implemented through the "talking shop about relationships." And if you add the topic “child” or even “sick child” to this talking shop, the female part of the audience “sticks to the screen”.

Women buy more than 85% of all products (and they are still fighting for their rights). Therefore, the bulk of advertising and, accordingly, television broadcasting is aimed at women. So, ladies, watch TV. And for men there is the Internet: 30% of the world's Internet traffic is pornography viewing ...

The article is interesting, informative and relevant. As the author writes in the introduction:

The term "instinct", like many other scientific terms - for example, "stress" or "ecology" - has long come into widespread use, but its original meaning has undergone significant changes. At the same time, in everyday life, they are so different from those accepted in the scientific community that sometimes scientists are recommended to introduce new terms to denote a particular concept. Such proposals are argued, for example, by the fact that the distorted meaning of the term "ecology" has taken root in the mass consciousness, and it is easier to propose a new term than to change the current state of affairs. However, it should be noted that scientific terms and definitions have been perfected over the years and even centuries, and their correct understanding, coupled with appropriate use, is the key to the formation of an adequate picture of the world and a way of thinking in people.

One cannot but agree that it is important to think, understand and be aware of what the familiar terms mean. However, it seems to me that the conclusion turned out to be too categorical.

So, proceeding from the definition and structure of instinct, which we have just considered, we can now assume that a person - a creature, in development, standing much higher than felines, has no instincts in the classical representation.

[Although, in truth, a person still has one single instinct, which was discovered by Irenius Able-Eibesfeldt, a student of K. Lorenz. When we meet a person we like, we not only smile, parting our lips, we also involuntarily raise our eyebrows. This movement, which lasts 1/6 of a second, was recorded by Eble-Eibesfeldt on film in people of different races. He spent most of his research in the wild corners of the planet, among tribes who do not know not only television, but also radio, and have rare and superficial contacts with neighbors. Thus, the raising of the eyebrows could not be formed as a result of the simulation learning. The main argument was the behavior of children who were blind from birth. They, too, have the voice of a person they like to raise their eyebrows, and for the same 150 milliseconds.]

If expressions like “self-preservation instinct” are incorrect, what is “automatic” withdrawal of the hand from a hot stove or fire? A person has an innate need for self-preservation, but not an instinct, since there is no corresponding FKD - an innate program of motor activity that would satisfy this need. Having been pricked or burned, we withdraw our hand - but this is not an instinct, but just a reflex (unconditioned) to painful irritation. In general, we have a lot of protective unconditioned reflexes, for example, the blink reflex, coughing, sneezing, vomiting. But these are the simplest standard reflexes. All other threats to the integrity of the body cause only those reactions that we acquire in the learning process.

"Maternal instinct", "sexual instinct" and other similar expressions - they are all incorrect in relation to a person. And not only in relation to humans, but also to all highly organized animals. We have corresponding needs (Ptrb), but there is neither an innate program for their satisfaction, nor a key stimulus (CS), nor a fixed set of actions (FKD).

Have you forgotten the Instinct formula, dear reader?

I = Ptrb + KS + FKD.

Thus, a person has no instincts in the strict sense, and this is what makes our behavior plastic. However, the absence of rigid innate programs does not negate the fact that we are biosocial creatures; and there are purely biological factors that determine many aspects of our behavior.

The fact is that the question of the presence of instincts in higher animals is a question of terminology, agreement. From the same series, there are questions about from what level of development a creature should be considered alive, whether viruses should be considered alive, from what level of development animals have consciousness, etc. In all these issues, the differences are not qualitative, but quantitative.

The article says that a person has no instincts, because there is no innate and fixed set of actions.

What does fixed mean? Even the most primitive complex of actions has some flexibility, convention, variability. For example, the so-called appendage stage can be very varied and include other instinctive routines. The chick can overcome obstacles in different ways when moving to its mother. If the chick, say, is turned sideways or upside down and fixed, it adapts to feeding in this position. If during feeding there is a threat of an attack, the feeding will be temporarily interrupted, but why continue, etc.

In most cases, this refers to the motor component of the instinctive act itself, when a newborn cub performs its first consuming acts very unstably, indistinctly. Apparently, this is due to the unfinished process of the formation of neural ensembles of the brain, which are normally responsible for this congenital act. Therefore, the very first movements of the animal in the implementation of an instinctive act are "immature", "uncertain" and only after several trials and errors do they acquire all their purely species-typical features.

Of course, in different animals the ratio of congenital and acquired is different, but both components are always present.

So the difference is only in the complexity of behavior programs, so no clear boundaries can be drawn. And if we look at intelligence from the point of view of cybernetics as a tool for achieving goals, then the border becomes completely blurred.

Hello dear blog readers! Today we will talk about what it is and what human instincts are, as well as what is the difference from the animal world. Why do we need them and in what cases they are hypertrophied, or vice versa, very weak.

What is it?

A long time ago, in ancient Greece, thinkers and just smart men noticed that it is common for a person to react and behave in the same way in unsafe conditions. The instincts themselves are in the hemocode, and they consist of reflexes, which in turn are:

  • Conditional - that is, those that a person acquired during his life. The simplest example is when you turn on the light as soon as you enter the room. You were not born with this knowledge and habit, but acquired as you mature. And now you don't even notice how your hand reaches for the switch.
  • Unconditional, respectively, those that we received at birth. Rarely does anyone not withdraw their hand by touching a hot frying pan or iron, right? This is the unconditioned reflex.

Instincts can be influenced by religion, law, norms and rules of behavior, upbringing or lack of it. For example, in a family where parents abuse overprotection, controlling every step of the child, then what kind of independence can we talk about? He will not really understand in which situations he should be careful, and in which, on the contrary, to manifest himself.

Such stories often have two versions of events.

First: a child, growing up, remains to live with his parents, since in order to start a family, you need at least a little independence and the ability to rely on yourself.

Second: he tries in every possible way to break free, becomes uncontrollable and aggressive towards those who take care of. The stories of the second option usually end more successfully.

To make it clearer how you can influence instincts, let's first look at what they are.


1. The most basic and basic - self-preservation

If you have not weakened it for some reason, then your behavior will not be risky, reckless and destructive. For example, you will not crawl into a cage with tigers, you will not jump without a parachute and provoke a company of athletes. Even a child at birth unconsciously reaches out to his mother, experiencing strong anxiety if he remains alone, because his life depends on others. Therefore, babies start smiling so early, rejoicing at the approach of the one who cares, so that the desire to more often pick up and approach the crib does not fade away.


It also begins to manifest itself in childhood, in a feeling of happiness, when the whole family is assembled, and the child subconsciously “reads” any conflicts, no matter how adults try to hide the discord. Then he begins to make itself felt in the desire to create his own separate family, give birth to a baby and take care of him. Hypertrophied when a person has promiscuous sex, along with indifference to their safety. Or weakly expressed, when there is no desire to have heirs, devoting time and energy to other interests and desires.

3 altruism

The first two reflexes were the main ones that help a person survive. Now let's move on to more social ones that provide socialization and successful activities. And the first will be altruism, which is expressed in caring for others, both people and animals, this is compassion and empathy, the desire for peace and goodness. When it is strongly pronounced, a person is able to devote his life to caring for those who need it, not only to dedicate, but to sacrifice, for example, by going to a monastery.

4. Research

It is aimed at developing a person, both creatively and in other areas. Through curiosity, young children learn about the world, and depending on the environment in which they grow up, their abilities and aspirations develop. Examples of successful research activities that were not punished, but encouraged are great scientists, travelers, famous creative personalities and other people who follow their interests.

5 domination

It is a need for leadership and power. People who have a pronounced dominance are able to lead the crowd, organize and control. Have you noticed that even in the company of small children there is always a "ringleader"? No group is complete without a leader, even an implicit one. It often happens that a person who had no previous leadership experience, getting into a company in which power has not yet been distributed, takes the honorable place of a leader. And it doesn't matter in what way, whether he himself wins the championship, or whether he is chosen by the rest of the participants.

6 preserving your own dignity

Only now, in a hypertrophied form, people sometimes ignore innate instincts. For example, they are ready to risk their health with their lives, just to defend their honor or innocence. When the level is very weak, then a person has low self-esteem, as a result of which he allows not only humiliation in his address, but also violence. It is not uncommon for a confident woman to start a relationship with a tyrant who constantly devalues ​​her, bringing her to such a state that she really ceases to believe in her strength, intelligence and attractiveness. It becomes a victim, which is now easy to manipulate and control, because it will endure everything.

7 freedom and independence

It manifests itself in infancy, when trying to swaddle a newborn, with normal development. During a riot during adolescence, if not suppressed. Thanks to the need for freedom, a person develops social skills, increases the likelihood of success, creating a family and, in general, a high-quality independent life. A person is able to bear responsibility and rely on himself, as he has experience.

Differences from animals

The most basic difference is that a person is able to control or suppress their needs, especially in those moments when they contradict legislation or rules of conduct. With various mental disorders, the person loses the ability to control, which manifests itself, for example, in excessive absorption of food, that is, overeating, or, on the contrary, refusal from it with anorexia, with promiscuous sexual intercourse, any type of addiction, and so on. It is in such cases that a person becomes like an animal, in which the main instincts of preservation and procreation are.

Animals do not know how to suppress their reflexes, they have no concept of morality, therefore, a cat or dog during estrus is not selective in choosing a partner, on the contrary, the more there are, the higher the probability of having offspring.

Predators kill without feeling pity, just to get enough and feed the cubs, this, by the way, sometimes does not really distinguish us from animals. Unfortunately, many people are capable of killing for their own benefit. And in some ways, animals turn out to be more "human", in those cases when they show untold loyalty, creating only one pair in their entire life, and sometimes they are even ready to die with the loss of a partner, or spend the rest of the days alone.


And that's all for today, dear readers! Subscribe to the blog to keep abreast of new interesting information, support your curiosity, because this is the key to success. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Material for the article was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.


Human life and activity are subject to certain instincts. For its existence, nature forces us to be in constant search of food, clothing and other material goods. In society, people try to assert themselves and gain recognition from other people. To continue his kind, a person needs to establish relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, get married and have children. There are many factors on which our whole life directly depends. They can be summed up in three basic instincts.

What has nature endowed with?

It is just the instincts that provide a person with the main advantage in life, playing the role of a powerful impulse to achieve their goals. With their help, you can motivate yourself to be successful in any activity. When a person is not in control of himself, he is driven by instincts. This process is quite simple, and often very effective. The fact is that when actions and desires are conscious, you can resist manipulation, resort to similar techniques yourself, and achieve results with great success. There are three basic (basic) instincts:

  1. Striving for self-preservation and survival.
  2. Sexual instinct (procreation).
  3. Leader instinct.

Human instincts give rise to needs:

  • material well-being; the need for security;
  • search for a sexual partner;
  • taking care of children;
  • the need to influence the people around.

Also, a person has other natural instincts: maternal, the instinct of defending one's territory, the instinct of following, when we involuntarily repeat what others are doing. Unlike animals, we can control our instincts with our mind and spirit. It is also worth noting that animals survive only due to instincts, while humans owe their knowledge.

In details

The instinct of self-preservation in humans is based on fears for our health and well-being, makes us be careful and take responsibility. He can be considered above the rest.

The desire to continue the race and the desire for power are based on the survival instinct.

The sexual instinct is nothing more than the need to leave behind offspring, which also testifies to the desire for self-preservation.

In the matter of power, it can be noted that a person also needs it for greater security. If a person thinks reasonably and acts consciously, then any of his phobia loses its force. Anyone who understands the reasons for fears can easily eliminate them. Those who are afraid of this perish faster than anyone else, because they are driven by an inadequate instinct for self-preservation. Blinded by the desire to rule, people often "lose their minds", which also leads to unpleasant consequences. It should also be noted how many stupid things are done because of problems with the opposite sex. All these fears and fears unconscious and need to get rid of them.

The herd instinct in humans is due to psychological necessity. For many, the crowd is associated with strength. Strength means protection. And again, it turns out that the basis of this instinct is fear for one's life and the desire for self-preservation. Weak-willed people who do not want to take responsibility and who are unable to overcome their fears follow the crowd, where there is a "leader". The latter, in turn, hones the skill of manipulation.

Don't let your fears dominate you. Control your instincts and take control of your life.

The term natural instinct originated in ancient Greece, even then the thinkers of Hellas noticed that people have behavioral reactions that contribute to survival. For example, barely touching a hot object, we quickly withdraw our hand so as not to earn a serous burn, the door slams - we turn around at a sharp sound to check if there is a danger. All this is a manifestation of the natural instinct of human self-preservation.

What are natural human instincts

Instincts (as well as biological motivations and emotions) are innate forms of behavior. Instinct consists of many reflexes. Reflexes are divided into vital (food, drinking, defensive), zoosocial, which are aimed at interacting with their own kind (sexual, parental), and research (for example, an orientation reflex, a freedom reflex, manifested by the desire to avoid any restrictions).

Instincts are encrypted in the hemocode and absolutely all people have: both me, and you, and the passers-by whom we see from the window. The genetically inherent instincts can be influenced - strengthened, weakened by upbringing, stereotypical behavior, religion, morality, for example, due to improper upbringing, the child's self-preservation instinct can decrease or become too strong. In dysfunctional families, where only the whip method is used, adolescents often become uncontrollable, subconsciously causing aggression towards themselves. Due to the lack of parental care, the INSTINCT of self-preservation is weakened in them. In children, over whom adults shake, on the contrary, this instinct is hypertrophied - such children are afraid to take a step on their own.

Differences between human natural instincts and animal instincts

How is human instinctive behavior different from animal behavior? People, unlike animals; can control their instincts, hide them, and yet, analyzing the behavior of two-legged and four-legged fellows in certain situations, you can see what I have in common. In the USA, experiments were carried out that showed when a team is formed (for example, office workers), they necessarily have a leader, conditional slaves, one or two independent individuals trying to resist the leader, and a clown who can only grimace. It's the same with animals. Observe, for example, a pack of dogs - you will see they have the same hierarchy as in an intelligent human collective. After all, instincts are a powerful biological base that can be weakened by morality, by law, but completely unrealistic to destroy.

Patients with severe psychosis. in which the mass of neurons decreases, often suffer from gluttony, cannot restrain their sexual impulses. Cases are described when mentally unbalanced people committed crimes on the basis of disinhibited sexual instinct. So, the less human a person has, the more his “animality” becomes prominent.

Influence of hormones on natural human instincts

Imagine that the person is hungry. His blood glucose level is low, and his need for food is not satisfied. Emotions arise - anger, irritation, displeasure (which is especially acute in men). And this is great, because the so-called sympathetic nervous system is activated, the production of hormones that break down glycogen in the liver is stimulated, from which glucose is formed. The more angry a person is, the more necessary substances are released. Moreover, hungry male anger dictates the lifestyle - in cave times, a born hunter went to mammoths (the dominant motivation aimed at searching), now he seeks to earn more in order to satisfy his need for food.

The relationship between hormone levels and sexual instinct is very clear. The hormone testosterone determines the sex drive of both men and women. It is produced in the ovaries (in women) and the adrenal glands (in men), and this process is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This is reflected in sexual behavior. By the way, representatives of the stronger sex with a high level of testosterone have great masculine strength, which they retain until old age. One day my 100-year-old grandfather, the same age as the October Revolution, came to see me. Even the passport showed where it says that he was born on October 6, 1917! The conversation with him turned out almost like in a joke. I asked. What problems? And in response I heard: Two weeks ago ... sexual intercourse did not work. " Moreover, my very elderly patient was sane.

The difference between female and male natural instincts

Which instincts are more dominant in women and which ones in men? Women have a more developed parental instinct. The maternal instinct is stronger than the paternal instinct, and this is inherent in nature: biologically, the male was created “to scatter the seed, and the female must raise offspring, in Britain they conducted a study on the topic“ Who remembers the offense longer ”. It turned out that both men and women are offended equally often, but the first step is to the ladies make reconciliation ... This is a manifestation of the maternal instinct; a woman needs a male who will help her take care of the offspring,

Human natural instincts that animals do not have

No! What would we say about purely human instincts, allegedly acquired in the process of socialization. They can all be reduced to commonplace biology. Sometimes a person imagines that he is very much divorced from the animal world. Let me remind you that the genes of gray mice are closest to our genes. I will list other similarities: memory. Emotions are in animals, creative inclinations are observed in monkeys, but the presence of thinking of representatives of the fauna is still in doubt. True, some neurophysiologists say: The dog thinks! - The only thing that animals do not have is personality: it means that they do not have morality either. However, social qualities appear when a person lives among his own kind. Modern mowgli found among monkeys or wolves are not people

Was Sigmund Freud right when he argued that everything has a sexual origin? By and large, life begins with sex - and I mean having a baby. Yes, sex drive is a powerful enough engine, but I would not give first place to it alone. I don’t think Freud is completely right. Man is a balanced conscious and unconscious animal; both principles govern his actions. By the way, some scientists, developing Freud's thought, argue: yes, the unconscious plays a big role, but the unconscious is far from sexuality.Let's recall, for example, the pleasure principle of Reihe, according to which we move from pleasure to pleasure. And yet, it is possible to completely suppress the sexual instinct only with medications (in particular, powerful hormonal therapy) or surgically, by removing the appendages, ovaries. It is impossible to completely crush the sexual instinct by volitional effort (auto-training). To understand the teachings of Freud, you need to study his biography. "He was a deeply unhappy man. He had problems in sex life and then explained everything by the sexual principle! In my opinion, Sigmund Freud exaggerated somewhat, but there is still a rational grain in his theory.

The influence of a person's sexual instinct on the choice of a partner

Without any doubts! In Britain, an interesting study was carried out, which was then included in the popular science films of the BBC. In a group of women and men, each participant in the experiment was asked to write requests to their intended life partner, compared the questionnaires using a computer and received a result like this: "Lady A is perfect for Mr. M." Then the couple was introduced and asked the woman to rate her interlocutor. So: Lady L in reality gave Mr. M low scores, although the computer program showed: this person fully meets her requirements! What's the matter? It turns out that it is impossible to absolutely compare the setting I consciously want and what actually works. Some deeper things play a role here than the parameters of height, weight, social status or belonging to a zodiac sign. ? Shoots out - a lot of factors - both instinctive and social. Which one is the main one is very difficult to say.

Men are looking for an object that meets their criteria for female attractiveness. Initially, in the period of youthful hypersexuality, this object may not correspond to any parameters at all: it is enough that there is just a woman. Then the image of a lady is formed, and the gentleman becomes more selective. But I think that a real man is looking for a partner not with a certain eye color or breast size, but perceives (or does not perceive!) The woman as a whole. If a person is looking for a companion, for example, always with blue eyes or small feet, there is reason to suspect that he has mental abnormalities.

How natural instincts affect behavior

When a woman wants to attract the attention of a man, she, as a rule, preps up: does makeup. a new hairstyle by other elephants, is engaged in grooming. In animals, grooming (caring for the skin, hair, teeth) is an innate reflex, and in Primates, the fingering of wool has the character of affection. That is, "cleaning the feathers", the lady unconsciously gives the gentleman a sign that she is watching herself and this increases her value. Well, a man, wanting to conquer a woman, subconsciously speak to her in a low voice - this is an indicator that everything is in order with his testosterone.

It is no coincidence that they say that scars adorn a man: they are a sign of aggressiveness, that is, a high level of testosterone! By the way, when a boyfriend wants to express his interest in a woman, he spreads his feathers: he says compliments, sings and plays the guitar, composes poetry, And in general, he is engaged in marriage dances, like our smaller brothers.

The nature of maternal natural instinct

What is the nature of the maternal instinct? The maternal instinct will be transmitted genetically - it cannot be otherwise. Its essence is in the desire of a man, in taking care of him. And in an effort to do everything to get pregnant. Moreover, during ovulation, when fertilization is most likely, a woman's sexual desire reaches its peak. She prettier, gives off pheromones and with all her nature shows that she wants intimacy. During pregnancy, sexual activity will drop - and this is also the essence of the maternal instinct: now the main task of wives is to bear the child. Desire is especially weak in the first (there is a risk of breakdown) and third trimesters (it’s time to give birth). When the baby was born; it must be immediately applied to the breast, so that both the mother and the baby have the first, very important for both, contact. And this happens from year to year - in all generations of mammals. How a woman will behave after childbirth. Everything depends on upbringing. Maternal instinct in daughters can (and should!) Be developed from an early age: buy dolls for them, surround them with purely girlish things.

Obstetricians know one trick; a mother, who has deliberately warned that she wants to abandon the baby, needs to give the baby in her arms right after giving birth, or even better - offer her to feed a hundred at least once. Why? Because at this moment a very powerful maternal instinct awakens in a woman and after that it will be almost impossible to leave the child in the hospital! Unfortunately, unfortunate mothers also know about this feature, which is why they avoid contact with babies.

The maternal instinct does not appear - it is laid down by nature. When a girl is born, she already has nerve connections. which will lead to the realization of this instinct. After that, a dominant motivation is needed, an incentive that will set in motion the strongest mechanism. In humans, this stimulus is a child. The current trend, when women refuse to give birth in favor of a career, is it an atrophy of the maternal instinct or its artificial suppression?

This is a problem for the whole world, and especially for developed countries. And we are not talking about atrophy of instinct, people do not change, in order for a person to change, more than one millennium must pass. Refusal to give birth to a child is a negative influence of socialization, when the purpose of life is replaced and success, pleasure, wealth for the sake of oneself come to the fore. Alas, the suppression of the maternal instinct is costly for women. As a rule, at a certain moment in their lives they experience an existential crisis - they start running around psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, paying crazy money just to calm down. Because they cannot cope with the feeling of loneliness caused, for example, by meeting a friend who is worse financially, but is raising children. Conflict of instinct and social behavior can lead to very serious mental disorders

Paternal natural instinct

The paternal instinct, like the maternal instinct, refers to the parental instinct. How is it expressed? Of course, to protect the offspring! And yet I want to say one unpleasant thing, we are touched by the weight when we saw a lion on TV screens, allowing the lion cubs to crawl on it. However, for some reason, they hide from the viewer that the lionesses protect the cubs from their own dads - the lion is able to kill the lion cub if he wants to mate with the female. The fact is that the lioness, who raises offspring, does not allow the male to approach her, and having lost the cubs, the biology of the paternal and maternal instincts is again ready for mating. In humans, the development of the paternal instinct is, of course, strongly influenced by upbringing. Children, like monkeys, adopt the style of behavior of their parents. Moreover, this instinct cannot disappear in a man, since, like all others, it is embedded in the genes. But it can be suppressed by negative life experience, negative environment ... For example, in criminal groups, where a woman is despised, children are also badly treated. But rip such a person out of the underworld, place him in a normal society and he will become different.

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