Home Potato Chicken fillet in a pot with potatoes. Chicken in a pot in the oven with potatoes. To prepare this hearty, aromatic dish, you will need

Chicken fillet in a pot with potatoes. Chicken in a pot in the oven with potatoes. To prepare this hearty, aromatic dish, you will need

Do you love tender and juicy white meat? Struggling to eat a healthy diet and limit your fat intake? We can bet that most of your "meat" diet is chicken breast. Chicken fillet is incredibly nutritious and healthy - it contains a lot of B vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

This product is quickly absorbed by the body, which means it does not transform into toxins and does not participate in internal fermentation processes.

In a word, chicken breast is not only tasty, but also comprehensively healthy.

A stew with vegetables based on it is a hearty and appetizing dish that will appeal to both adults and children, who are often indifferent to fresh vegetables.

The vegetable stew recipe is simple and trivial. Some housewives assure that such a dish does not need to be cooked at all: it is enough to cut the ingredients, place them in a saucepan, season with dressing and wait for the end of simmering on the stove. But it is not so.

When preparing any dish, you must follow some rules to make it tasty, appetizing and “melting in your mouth”. Chicken meat, especially fillets, cooks extremely quickly, so it does not tolerate overdrying.

If the breast is stewed for too long, it can become dry and tough, which clearly does not add tenderness and piquancy to the finished dish. And some vegetables require a longer heat treatment, so it is important to observe not only the proportions, but also the order in which the products are sent to the container.

To avoid spoiling or drying out the meat, cut it into large enough cubes. Do not grind the fillets into too tiny pieces, as for fricassee. Before being sent to a hot container, the meat can be rolled in flour to make it even more tender and juicy. The batter, of course, is not needed.

If you like dry starchy vegetables, keep in mind that they are not enough here. For a stew to be appetizing and tender, you need at least one juicy plant component. The most "delicious" combination is chicken and tomato.

Tomatoes give the dish a special pungency and piquancy, saturate the main ingredients with a unique aroma, make the stew softer and juicier.

If the main recipe does not include potatoes or cauliflower, it is best to serve the stewed breast with a side dish. Use pasta or mashed potatoes.

In the second case, we advise you to boil the tubers with a few cloves of garlic, and the last ingredient should not be removed from the pan when ready. Drain and crush the mashed potatoes and garlic with a crush, and then add the usual ingredients to it.

Natural flavoring makes regular puree an amazing and delicious side dish. Try it yourself, and you can't help but notice the enthusiastic reaction of your family or guests!

Do not forget about greens - they also add spice and richness to the finished dish.

Aromatic chicken fillet stew with tomatoes and peppers

You will need:

  • Pitted chicken fillet (peeled) - 400 g;
  • Broth - 1.5 cups;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Iodized salt - 1 tsp;
  • Allspice black pepper (peas) - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - to taste;
  • Herbal mixtures to taste;
  • Spices and seasonings to taste.


  • Rinse the meat thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into large cubes of equal size;
  • Dip the meat in a little flour (optional) and place in a thick-walled container. Pour in broth, cover and leave to simmer over low heat;
  • In the meantime, process the tomatoes. Scald them with boiling water, then pour over them with cold water, wait a few minutes and remove the peel. Cut into thin slices and send immediately to the chicken. Place bay leaves and dry herbs there, if you plan to add them;
  • Rinse the bell peppers and discard the seeds. Cut into strips;
  • Peel the carrots and cut into semicircular slices;
  • Place vegetables on your stew;
  • Chop the onions finely, send to the rest of the ingredients and simmer everything together for another 15 minutes;
  • Salt and pepper the dish a few minutes before cooking, stir vigorously, and let it “reach” for 5 minutes. After cooking, leave the stew to brew under the lid. Serve in portions with your favorite side dish.

Delicate chicken stew in kefir

You will need:

  • Peeled chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Potatoes - 7–8 large tubers;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 piece;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • Greens (assorted) - to taste;
  • Spices and seasonings to taste.


  • Peel and prepare the meat by cutting it into large uniform sized cubes;
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into even cubes;
  • Chop the onion (you can cut it into half rings);
  • Cut the carrots into semicircular pieces;
  • Melt butter in a saucepan or large frying pan (you can use vegetable or butter, at your personal discretion);
  • First of all, place the onion in the heated oil, sauté it until a golden brown crust forms, stirring constantly and intensively;
  • Dip the meat in flour and send to the onion. Make sure it turns white on all sides;
  • Send the potatoes and carrots to the container, fill everything with a small amount of water and simmer under the lid for at least 15 minutes. The fire must be weak;
  • Add kefir to a saucepan and simmer for another 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly;
  • A few minutes before cooking, season the stew with salt, pepper and your favorite spices, mix well again, hold for 2-3 minutes under the lid and remove from the stove. Let it brew in an airtight state for at least 20 minutes. Let your stew soak. Serve as a separate meal in portions, no garnish. Decorate as you see fit.

We are sure that the fragrant stew according to the recipes given will definitely conquer you and your loved ones. Cook with love and turn every dish into a true culinary masterpiece. Bon Appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the chicken fillet.

Rinse the chicken fillet and pat dry with disposable paper towels. Cut the poultry into medium to small cubes.
Attention: the chicken must be completely thawed.

Arrange the prepared chicken fillet immediately in the pots.

Step 2: Prepare the potatoes with onions.

Rinse the potatoes, peel them, rinse with water again and cut them into small cubes (about the same as chicken fillet cubes). Fold the potatoes into the pots for the chicken.
Peel the onions, rinse with ice water and chop very finely. Pour the onions into the pots after the potatoes.

Step 3: We bake the chicken and potatoes in a pot.

Fill the contents of the pots with water to the top and place them in preheated until 170-180 degrees oven... You need to bake everything at this stage for 30 minutes... The baking sheet with the pots should be on the middle level in the oven.

Step 4: Prepare the spices.

While the chicken and fries are baking, prepare the seasonings. To do this, put the washed cilantro, a couple of peeled garlic cloves and about a pinch of salt in a mortar. Mash everything with a pestle, turning into a homogeneous gruel.

Step 5: We bring the chicken and potatoes in a pot until cooked.

Use oven mitts to remove the chicken and potato pots from the oven. Put sour cream, salt and black pepper in each. Stir everything and return to the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

After the indicated time, turn off the oven and remove the pots of chicken and potatoes from it. Season them with garlic crushed with cilantro and salt, and also add chopped parsley and dried savory, stir with a tablespoon and leave at room temperature for another 5-7 minutes so that everything is infused a little, and the smells are mixed.

Step 6: Serve the chicken and potatoes in a pot.

Potato Chicken is a great dish to serve as a hearty lunch or dinner. Divide everything into portions or leave in pots for fun. Additionally, you can garnish the chicken and potatoes with fresh basil. Although, as for me, the dish turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. It can even be served on a festive table, believe me, guests will be happy with such a meal.
Bon Appetit!

To prepare this dish, you can take a whole chicken, only it will need to be cut into pieces so that the individual pieces easily fit into the pots and still leave room for onions and potatoes.

According to this recipe, you can cook chicken and potatoes both in portioned pots, and in one large pot, or even bake everything in a form covered with foil.

Cooking potted chicken in the oven is a real treat for the chef. Preparing all the necessary products does not take much time, and chicken meat is stewed in its own juice, without adding fat. As a result, you get a very tasty and healthy dish. There is a minimum of calories in it, such a dish can be recommended for baby and diet food. However, like most other dishes, potted chicken has its own secrets, which we will recall at the end of this article.

Chicken goes well with a variety of foods, which in turn enrich it with their own flavor and aroma. Chicken with potatoes in pots, chicken with mushrooms in pots, buckwheat with chicken in pots, etc. are very popular with us. An important point: any food in pots is prepared without the participation of the hostess, you do not need to monitor the oven, stir and constantly turn something over. Such dishes as roast in pots with chicken, julienne with chicken in pots and others, just put in the oven and after a certain time take out the finished aromatic treat.

Pot-cooked chicken is healthy because it is cooked without the use of oil. The walls of the pot create a steam effect, in which the dish is not cooked, but languishes in its juice, which has a positive effect on the preservation of vitamins. Chicken in a pot lends itself remarkably well to culinary research, combining various products. For example, the independent dishes "chicken with potatoes in a pot in the oven" and "chicken with mushrooms in a pot in the oven", when combined, give an even more delicious and aromatic dish - "chicken with potatoes and mushrooms in a pot", which is liked by most of our guests at the festive table.

There is another advantage to this preparation: you can easily cater to the tastes of all your guests or family members. Often, one of them does not like spicy food, and the other does not eat mushrooms. In this case, you simply put less pepper in one pot, and make the other without mushrooms. This is how you create a new chicken pot recipe that has a right to live. But first, it's worth mastering the classic versions of chicken in a pot in the oven, there are recipes in a large assortment on our website. A recipe for chicken with potatoes in pots, a recipe for chicken with mushrooms in pots - all this will definitely come in handy.

For a better assimilation of recipes, we will give you some simple recommendations:

The best taste of the dish is provided only by ceramic dishes, and the glass is heated unevenly;

Count the number of pots by the number of your guests or family members;

Use a chicken marinade, soak the meat in it for a couple of hours, so it will be more aromatic;

If the meat is cooked with a lot of vegetables, it is not necessary to add water or broth to the pot. Onions, mushrooms, cabbage give a lot of juice;

Instead of broth, you can pour wine diluted with water into a pot. Alcohol will evaporate anyway, and it will make the meat more tender and aromatic;

After cooking, allow the dish to “warm up” a little at room temperature;

Always fry vegetables for dishes in pots beforehand, as they lose their attractive appearance when raw. The exception is potatoes and zucchini, they can be placed in pots raw;

Ceramic pots should only be placed in a cold oven, and after removing them from the oven, place them on a wooden plank.

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