Home Potato Do-it-yourself pvc pipe flute. Do-it-yourself pvc pipe flute How to make a pipe out of a plastic tube

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe flute. Do-it-yourself pvc pipe flute How to make a pipe out of a plastic tube

August 1, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

At first glance, finding the use of PVC pipes is not easy, except for their intended purpose. But if you look at this material as a constructor, then surely you will have several interesting ideas in your head at once. In this article, as you probably already guessed, I will tell you how to make some useful homemade PVC pipes at home.

Features of the assembly of parts from PVC pipes

First of all, I note that PVC pipes are quite durable material that allows them to be used for a variety of purposes... In particular, some do-it-yourselfers even make roof racks for cars out of them.

As a rule, for the manufacture of various crafts, in addition to the pipes themselves, tees and corners are used. Thanks to them any frame structures can be assembled from pipes as from a children's designer.

In cases where it is necessary to obtain a strong one-piece connection, the joints are coated with a special one, which, in fact, ensures the welding of the parts. The instructions for working with it are quite simple:

  1. first of all, cut the workpiece to the desired length;
  2. then cut a chamfer from the end of the workpiece so that no burrs remain that can scrape off the glue in the process of connecting the workpiece to the fitting;
  3. then apply an even layer of adhesive to the adjacent surfaces of the workpiece and fitting;

  1. after that, insert the pipe into the fitting until it stops and turn the parts relative to each other by 90 degrees. In this position, they need to be left for a while, until the connection is securely glued together.

By this principle, you can assemble any structure.

Types of products

I note right away that you can make any crafts from PVC pipes that only your imagination will tell you. And as an example, below I will tell you how to make the following products from this material:

  • laptop stand;
  • rack;
  • tent;
  • flute;
  • blades for a wind generator.

First of all, let's look at how to make the most simple craft - a laptop stand. To make it, you need a minimum of parts, namely six corners and five tubes.

Such a construction is assembled very simply and quickly:

  1. first of all, make two L-shaped pieces of the same size. At the same time, the dimensions of the long tube depend on the depth of the laptop, while the short tubes determine the height of the stand rise, so their length is selected individually according to your wishes;
  2. then connect the two L-shaped parts with a crossbar, which is attached to the short tails, as shown in the photo above;
  3. then install the corners that will hold the laptop so that it does not roll off the stand;
  4. at the end of the work, you can paint the structure with aerosol paint in any color you like.

This completes the manufacturing process of the stand. Now your laptop will not heat up while standing on a table or, for example, on a sofa. In addition, it will be more convenient to work with.


Making a PVC pipe rack is not much more difficult than a laptop stand. If the structure is small, then it is based on four posts, which are connected to each other by jumpers. On these jumpers, sheets of plywood or chipboard should be laid as shelves.

If the rack is large, its design can be complicated, as well as provide for fixing to the wall. These can be L-shaped brackets, which you can subsequently attach to the wall with clamps.

In the process of making the rack, like all other crafts, make sure that all paired blanks are of the same length, so that the structure does not turn out to be skewed.

Such a rack can be useful to you in the country, in the garage or in the pantry.

Making a tent

The tent is a more complex structure, moreover, in addition to the pipes themselves, you will need a tarpaulin or other suitable canvas that will be pulled over the frame. However, there is still nothing super complicated in this work.

So, the process of making a tent is as follows:

  1. start by preparing a drawing, which should display all the details with an indication of the dimensions, as well as the location of the connecting fittings. The structure is based on four pipes, to which four posts are attached.
    From above, the upper harness is attached to the racks, which serves as a roof. I note that it is easier to make a single-pitched tent, since it is rather difficult to find tees or corners at 45 degrees.
    If the tent is large enough, include additional jumpers and poles to increase its strength;
  2. then you need to cut the tubes into parts of the required length, and also prepare the fittings. It should be noted that the fittings must be of high quality, since the strength and durability of the structure depends on this;

  1. now you need to sew an awning according to the drawing;
  2. at the end of the work, assemble the tent without gluing the joints so that the structure is collapsible, then pull the awning over it.

As a result, you should have a high-quality tent, and its price will be disproportionately lower than a similar product from the store.

Catamaran manufacturing

Fans of outdoor recreation and tourism can be recommended to make not only a tent, but also a catamaran for walking on the water or fishing. Like all the other products described above, a catamaran made of PVC pipes with your own hands is quite simple to do.

To make it, we need three sewer pipes, each one and a half to two meters long. The diameter should be as large as possible.

The structure is made as follows:

  1. connect large pipes with pipes of a smaller diameter. To do this, you can use clamps or make your own fasteners;
  2. put plugs on large pipes so that water does not get into them;

  1. on the resulting base, place a shield made of strips or other materials that will serve as a deck. In this case, a seat must be attached to the shield.

You can control such a catamaran with oars, like a kayak. Of course, if you wish, you can make a more complex structure with pedals and blades.

If you want to provide a country house with autonomous electricity, then you will need PVC pipes for the manufacture of blades. To do this, prepare workpieces with a diameter of 160 mm. Of these, you can make blades up to 160-180 mm long, you should not make them longer, as they can break off.

I would like to note that the process of calculating the profile is quite complicated, requiring certain highly specialized knowledge. But, you can use a ready-made template, which you just need to enlarge to the desired scale.

The manufacturing process of the blades in this case will look like this:

  1. first of all, you need to enlarge the template and print it at a 1: 1 scale, using several sheets of paper for this;
  2. then, according to the template, markings must be applied to the pipes;
  3. further, according to the marking, you need to cut the blades from the PVC pipe;

  1. then round off the edges and grind the ends as shown in the diagram above;
  2. after completing the required number of blades, the mounting holes should be drilled to attach them to the generator.

The number of blades depends on the power of the generator. If its power is 30 W, four blades will be enough with a wheel diameter of 1.44 m.

Flute making

PVC pipes can be used to make not only various useful household products, but also musical instruments such as a flute. Even if you don't know how to play it, it can be a great decor element.

To make a flute, you will need the following materials and tools:

In general, the process of making a flute is quite simple, however, it is extremely important to correctly perform the marking, since the pitch of the sounds depends on it... Accordingly, if the markings are incorrect, the flute will not build.

Also keep in mind that the markings may vary depending on the scale and octave in which the instrument will sound. But let's not go into musical theory, but consider, as an example, how a shakuhachi flute is made in the key of D (re):

  1. stick to the end of the pipe, after removing the stopper inside it. You can also use the cap by cutting off the end wall from it;

  1. then grind the end and draw a tangent line with a pencil to the circle of the inner diameter of the tube, as shown in the diagram;

  1. then saw off the upper part of the sleeve along the marked line at an angle of 25-30 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the tube, i.e. as shown in the diagram above;

  1. then grind the bevel with a file to form a 3-4 mm notch;

  1. after that, round off the lower part of the mouthpiece, which will rest against the chin when playing;
  2. now you need to make a sound. Without holes, our flute must play the note "D";

  1. then draw two opposite straight lines parallel to the axis of the tube and mark them along them, as shown in the diagram above;

  1. then drill holes according to the marking. Use a 9.5 mm drill for the third hole and 10 mm for the rest;
  2. now tune the flute along the tuning fork, taking into account that the larger the hole diameter, the higher the sound when it is opened;
  3. when the flute is in tune, remove small chamfers from the edges of the holes with a sharp knife;
  4. at the end of the work, decorate the flute, for example, by gluing a multi-colored strapping or electrical tape to it. This completes the PVC pipe flute.

Here, perhaps, are all the crafts made of PVC pipes that I wanted to tell you about.


VPH pipes can be used to make a variety of crafts, which only your imagination will tell you. Therefore, above, as an example, we considered only a few diverse products that it will not be difficult to make independently for every home craftsman.

The video in this article contains more information. If you do not understand some points or you have encountered difficulties in the process of work, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to help you.

August 1, 2016

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Svirel (it is also called "snot" or "tartar") - one of the types of longitudinal flute, common in Russia. According to a Slavic legend, Lel, the son of the goddess of love, played the flute. Therefore, it was believed that the pipe can awaken mutual feelings.

Materials and tools for making a pipe

To make a pipe from wood with our own hands, we need a rather impressive arsenal:

  • sandpaper
  • small wooden sleeve (1.5 cm in diameter and 4 cm long)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • tuner
  • small vise (not necessary, but much more convenient with them)
  • something that can be drilled (drill, drill, engraver) and drills of different diameters: from about 0.8 to 4.2 mm
  • file
  • semicircular cutter
  • pair of clamps
  • PVA glue
  • two wooden blocks 30x2x1 cm.

Making a pipe with your own hands

First, we take wooden blocks and mark them. It is necessary to draw the boundaries of the inner channel of the flute, on one side of the bar this channel is 1.5 cm wide, and on the other, 1 cm, that is, the channel will slightly narrow towards the end of the flute.

Now we clamp one of the bars in a vise and begin to cut out a semicircular canal. There is a shaded area on my workpiece that will need to be removed with a cutter.

We carefully and slowly remove the shavings, follow the direction of the wood fibers. They may not always go along the workpiece, so be careful, otherwise the cutter may go crooked.

We try to cut the channel to a flat semicircle along its entire length. We do the same with the second bar.

When both halves are cut, you need to sand them. With a piece of sandpaper we pass along the inner surface of the channel, achieving smoothness.

After grinding, move on to the whistle. Having retreated 4 cm from the upper edge of the workpiece (where the wide end of the channel is), draw a rectangle 5 by 7 cm, preferably exactly in the center.

With a 4.2 mm drill, we make three holes close to each other, so that an oval window is obtained.

Now we take the file and bring the window to a rectangular shape, according to the markup made.

After that, with the same file we grind off one side of the window at an angle of about 30-45 degrees. This is the most important part of the job: the sound quality will depend on the sharpness and smoothness of the edge.

It's time to put the halves together. We smear them with PVA glue and fold them, carefully aligning the channel. Press with clamps and leave to dry for a couple of hours.

When the glue is dry, unscrew the clamps and take the knife. Cut off the top of the small wooden sleeve, about 1.5 mm, so that you get a flat, even edge. Look at the photo and everything will become clear.

After that, we grease the sleeve with glue and insert it from the upper end of the flute, forming a whistle. The cut edge upward, exactly to the edge of the whistle window.

We are waiting for the glue to dry, and we take up the knife. Gently rounding off the workpiece, give it a rounded shape, then smooth it with a sandpaper.

To make it easier to play, we will make a cut at the upper end of the pipe at the back.

Now the fun part is setting. Try blowing a pipe, listen to the sound, and check the tuner. If you did everything carefully, you will get A sharp. This is the lowest sound that our pipe can make.
In total, we will have seven notes and six playing holes. Let's mark them: the very first hole will be 6 cm from the lower end of the pipe, the rest of the holes - with a step of 2 cm.

Armed with drills of different diameters, we begin the setup. The pipe is often tuned in natural major. This means that we should get the following series of sounds: A sharp - Do - D - Re sharp - Fa - Sol - A.

The general principle of tuning is as follows: the larger the hole, the higher the sound. Therefore, first we drill a very small hole, listen. If you need a slightly higher sound, drill out more. The main thing is not to overdo it, because you won't be able to make the hole smaller.

We start drilling from the very bottom hole. When it is configured, move on to the second. The second hole is adjusted when the first one is open, and so on. That is, when you listen to sound from any hole, this very hole and all holes below it must be open.

So that is all! The pipe is ready, you can start playing. Or you can decorate it to your taste. I just covered my pipe with stain.

It would seem that pipes are surprisingly simple and uncomplicated products. Nevertheless, you can make an incredible amount of practical, useful and high-quality items and devices from simple pipes.
For example, in order to develop physically from pipes, you can make a horizontal bar with your own hands, and for the aesthetic development of your personality, you can make a magnificent PVC flute.

To create such a flute, you need pvc pipes with a diameter of about 16-17 millimeters, which you can find in any specialty store. The size should be chosen which is the most convenient for you, the length of the forearm or depending on the length of your fingers and palm. Next, you should make holes in the tube exactly in the center of the tube, that is, measure out half the diameter and make a center line.

In the future, it is along this line that you will need to make holes. In the proposed version, holes are made for the flute in the key of F major. Although, if you yourself have experience in sound production and understand the correspondence of the magnitude of sound frequencies to certain notes, you can experiment with your own definition of the size and distance of the holes.

To make a flute in the key of F major, use the proposed scheme.

The first hole has a diameter of four millimeters, then the holes have dimensions of ten and eight millimeters. The most important is the slightly off-center hole. This hole is displaced towards your leading hand, since such a flute is not held forward, but to the side. It is into this hole that you will begin to blow for sound production. The first drilled hole (four millimeters in diameter) is not used for playing music, but is a resonator.

In order not to make additional defects in your flute on the back side, during the drilling process, insert a stick or something similar into the pvc pipe so that the drill does not damage the surface. In addition, after drilling, you should sand the surface a little to smooth out various roughness, and burn the edges of the flute a little with fire to make them pleasant to the mouth and fingers. To obtain more accurate holes, you must first punch the drilling position and only then use the drill.

When you have made all the holes, you need to put a plug to create pressure in the flute. The cork is made of foam rubber, about eight centimeters thick, which is not difficult to find in a specialty store. A piece of rubber must be cut exactly along the diameter of the pvc pipe, but take another half a millimeter in addition for tightness.

Place the plug hermetically into the hole on the side of the hole for sound production so that the surface of the plug is a couple of millimeters away from this hole. Then your flute will sound nice. You can practice using it and with the appropriate position of your mouth, a pleasant and melodic sound will appear.

In addition, the relative importance of the sound hole, which is located at the far end of the flute, should be noted. If you do not have the longest fingers, then you do not need it so much.

If you can make this magnificent instrument, then you can complement your own music-making with an excellent pipe swing, the creation of which can be found on our website. In addition, you can make such a swing for your children and fill their joyful pastime with the melodic sounds of a flute made by yourself.

We assure you, kids will remember such a “melodic” swing for their whole life, and the story of the inventor will go through the centuries!

I have already written many times that I really appreciate the rare master classes on our website. Therefore, I am pleased to present to you Dmitry Dubrovsky's story about how to make a musical instrument Pan flute (Kugikly) do it yourself. Now, of course, is not the time to collect reeds in our latitudes, but next year it may come in handy, save it to your bookmarks.

DIY reed flute for children

“Reed is an amazing natural material. Just a storehouse for all sorts of things. Since ancient times, many peoples on Earth have used it in agriculture and art. The hollow stem device in itself begs for the manufacture of a wind instrument. One of the simplest tools - kugikly... Different peoples call such a wind instrument in their own way: nai, skuduchay, samponyo, syrinx, etc. Also known as pipe or pan flute(in honor of the ancient Greek goat god). It is not difficult to make it yourself. In fact, this is a set of tubes of different sizes.

This pipe will surely delight your child. Better if you do kugikly you will be with him. From a pedagogical point of view. Especially at the first stage.

And the first stage is the collection of material. Take one day off for a walk in the fresh air. Reed grows along the banks of rivers and ponds. You should bring a knife, gloves and rubber boots with you. It is necessary to collect reeds in the fall, in October. At this time, he is already fully ripe.

So, you are in a thicket of reeds. It is necessary to choose straight stems, approximately the same diameter.

You need to "mow" a lot, as in the process of cleaning a part will inevitably go to waste. In order not to take home excess organic waste, it is recommended to clean the stem of leaves on the spot.

After cleaning, it is much easier to identify crooked stems. It is also desirable to cut them off. Take the remaining armful of quality raw materials home.

Let the reed dry. Find a comfortable place at home where your "prey" can lie quietly for a couple of days (sometimes a week). Putting on a radiator or drying with a hairdryer is not worth it.

Well, the reeds are dry. As you can see, the reed consists of tubes connected by "knees". Identify five of these tubes. It is necessary that they match in diameter and length. Now let's separate the reeds. If you cannot masterfully work with a knife, then it is recommended to take a jigsaw. Do the subsequent manipulations yourself, without the participation of the child.

Saw carefully exactly in the middle of the knee. The resulting tubes are protected by membranes on both sides. You need to pierce them. A knife or a large nail will do.

Then we remove the pulp from the core of the tube. You will need a straight, round stick with a slightly smaller diameter.

Or a round file. You need to be extremely careful with the file, do not overdo it. The inner walls should be smooth. Blow it out.

The first tube is the longest. We use it to measure the length of the other four. Then we cut each one down from the first. The width of the thumb will serve as a measure.

After all, this is a folk instrument, jewelry precision is not required. We clean the ends with sandpaper (low grit) from irregularities. You can check the sound. Pinch one end of the tube with your finger, blow on the other. But you need to blow not like a ball or an ordinary pipe, but in passing. Make a Mona Lisa half smile, lean the free edge of the pipe vertically against the lower lip and blow.

The final stage. All tubes must be connected "in a row". The classic folk way is quite laborious. It is necessary to tie all the tubes in pairs, and then together with a thread. Fix it all with the same reeds split in half. There is an alternative option - cold welding.

It is available in any household or auto parts store. It is quite inexpensive. It consists of two components that need to be mixed, kneading in the hands like plasticine. However, it is not necessary to mix the entire contents of the package. Leave half, it will come in handy.

We fasten the parts of our Pan's pipe. In a couple of hours, everything will be seized, tightly. Therefore, you should put the future musical instrument in a place where it will not be disturbed. Now you need to plug the bottom holes. Alternatively, it will work. Or the remaining cold welding. We roll a sausage equal to the inner diameter of the pipes, cut into equal parts. The plugs are ready. Kugikly are ready. We play, enjoy.

Now give the child, let him try to play. And nothing that doesn't work right away.
And a little advice in the end. When playing the kugiklah, they play (blow) with a diaphragm: the tone of the sound depends on the force with which the air is blown out. "

Many thanks to Dmitry for this DIY Pan flute workshop. And how it should sound, you can listen to the author's video in this video:

In Voronezh there is a "Museum of Forgotten Music" by Sergei Plotnikov, we listen to kugikly:

Still interesting:

Discussion: 12 comments

  1. Thank you, Dmitry, for an interesting MK! Your story is interesting not only as a very useful MC, but also interesting, even with a grain of humor, presentation of the material. * BRAVO * * BRAVO * * BRAVO *

    To answer

Flute How to make a flute with your own hands

If you want to learn how to play the flute, but you do not have the opportunity to purchase the instrument itself, we suggest that you make it yourself from ordinary PVC pipes. You can find out detailed instructions for making a Bansuri transverse flute from the video tutorial "How to make a flute with your own hands." The presenter of the video will share with you his secrets, and also tell you in detail and in an accessible way how to turn an ordinary plastic pipe into a musical instrument.

How to make a flute with your own hands

The general name for a number of musical wind instruments from the woodwind group. It is one of the most ancient musical instruments in origin. Unlike other wind instruments, the flute produces sounds as a result of cutting the air flow against the edge, instead of using the tongue.

Origin, history of the flute. In Greek mythology, the inventor of the flute is considered a son Hephaestus Ardal... The oldest form of the flute appears to be the whistle. Gradually, finger holes were cut through the whistle tubes, turning a simple whistle into a whistle flute, on which it was already possible to perform musical works.

The longitudinal flute was known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and it remains the main wind instrument throughout the Middle East. A longitudinal flute, which has 5-6 finger holes and is capable of octave overblowing, provides a full musical scale, the individual intervals within which can change, forming different frets by crossing the fingers, closing the holes in half, as well as changing the direction and strength of breathing.

The transverse flute with 5-6 finger holes was known in China at least 3 thousand years ago, and in India and Japan more than two thousand years ago. In Europe during the Middle Ages, mainly simple instruments of the whistle type (the predecessors of the recorder and harmonic), as well as the transverse flute, which penetrated into Central Europe from the East through the Balkans, where it still remains the most widespread folk instrument, were widespread.

By the end of the 17th century, the transverse flute was improved by French craftsmen, among whom Otteter stands out, who, in particular, added valves to the six-finger holes to perform the full chromatic scale. Possessing a more expressive sound and high technical capabilities, the transverse flute soon supplanted the longitudinal (block flute) and by the end of the 18th century took a firm place in the symphony orchestra and instrumental ensembles.

You will learn more information by watching the online training video “ How to make a flute with your own hands»On our portal. Great result to you!

Watch this video lessons on our portal for making a Flute at a convenient time for you. Join our groups in VKontakte, Facebook, and Google+ and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Enjoy your viewing.

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