Home Potato Genetic memory in psychology. About gene memory. Honey's genetic memory - myth or truth

Genetic memory in psychology. About gene memory. Honey's genetic memory - myth or truth

Let's try to understand the concept of "genetic memory" - this is a feature of memory to reproduce moments that cannot be remembered, since the person has not experienced them in a real time period. I also call genetic memory “ancestor memory”. It is located in the depths of a person's everyday memory in the distant subconscious and emerges periodically, causing incomprehensible pictures, sensations and vague feelings.

Many scientists argue that an unborn baby already in the womb during pregnancy sees dreams for 60% of the time. Currently, scientists have proven that the fetus in the mother's womb goes through the entire process of evolutionary development, from a single-celled organism to a fully formed small person. A newborn baby has certain abilities that are recorded through genetic memory. For example, a newborn can remain in the water for a month after birth; after a month, this skill will be lost if it is not maintained and developed. Over the entire period of evolution, gene memory accumulates knowledge and transfers it to us. Until the age of two, a child uses genetic memory, and then, as he grows up and accumulates knowledge, it becomes almost inaccessible.

While a person is in a meaningful state, genetic memory is inaccessible to him. Our consciousness blocks the manifestation of it, otherwise, otherwise, the human psyche would expect a “split personality”. This memory manifests itself in non-standard situations, such as hypnosis or trance, and sometimes during sleep, when our consciousness loses its vigilance. That is, if our subconscious mind needs it, then it will reproduce genetic information.

Psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of "collective unconscious", which is stored in the depths of the psyche and is inherent in every person, regardless of the accumulated experience. It retains the primary images, the psychologist gave them the name archetype. An archetype is every individual situation that occurs in a person's life. Those moments that are experienced over and over again are imprinted in the subconscious not as images filled with meaning, but as a form without a definite meaning. Jung said that archetypes are transmitted through genetics, and not through culture. Therefore, we can say that the experience that a person accumulates throughout his life will then be indulged in the next generation and influence it through the subconscious.

According to Jung, there will be significant differences in the collective unconscious, which depend on the biological factors of the personality's existence. This is proved by an experiment conducted at the University of Chicago by Dr. Daniela Friedman. The experiment involved babies with different skin colors and races. They were exposed to the same stimuli, but the response of infants of a particular race was different from the race of other newborns.

According to the experiment, it was concluded that the spiritual world of a person is genetically tuned to specific frequencies peculiar only to him. Psychologists and teachers who work with children have also come to this conclusion - genetic memory is inside the collective unconscious. Since it is given to him as "self-evident", in order to master it, no special data or efforts are needed. But if suddenly, for some reason, memory destruction can occur, then the consequences may not be predictable with a variety of affects. The child's soul is no longer a blank slate. She selectively feels and is able to respond to certain influences in her direction. If actions create dissonance to the collective unconscious, then this leads to such mental trauma as neuroses, psychosis, sleep disturbance, overexcitability in children.

It can be said that the subconscious of a person carries in itself certain cultural matrices in which the concept of the norm is concentrated. The psyche of children is very sensitive to information and actions, if there are any deviations from the norms in which the child is comfortable developing, then a signal “I feel bad” may appear - this is how neurosis arises. Thus, the child's psyche occupies any comfortable place for her within the matrix, where there is enough space for the development of individual, group and other characteristics of the child that do not violate the general cultural archetype.

Recently, there have been many more children with the disease "neurosis". These are not necessarily children from disadvantaged or low-income families, where a social indicator plays an important role, but many children with such problems have appeared among fairly wealthy families. For example, in Russia at the moment there are 40% of children with neurological diseases, in the future this may affect the health of an entire nation.

Not a very attractive prospect, but there is a way out of this situation, for this you do not need to go into a "conflict" with the child's genetic memory, preventing it from fulfilling its purpose. It would be more correct to direct and stimulate memory, and this does not require much - only knowledge of the native language, which is absorbed with mother's milk.

The native language is primarily responsible for how the human soul is structured and how the national spirit is formed. Due to the divine essence and the influence of the highest essence of the language, the spirit of the people is formed.

The word is a gift from above, the word contains the meaning, the word can “kill”, or you can put it on a pedestal, the word conveys emotions, thoughts, words teach life and faith. God gave powerful power to humanity, wealth that he provided through the means of the word. But these are not the words that are used every moment, but at the same time do not carry a deep meaning. We are talking about words that live in mothers' lullabies, grandmother's fairy tales and stories, grandfather's jokes and jokes, in songs and wisdoms that came to us from our ancestors. Only these words are able to unite people and turn people into a people with a common genetic memory.

Honey's genetic memory - myth or truth?

Since we have already touched on the topic of genetic memory, I would like to talk about a recently emerging question on the Internet: "Does honey have a genetic memory?" Let's figure it out ...

The bottom line is that if you drop honey on a plate, and then drop spring water on the honey, you can see a pattern in the form of perfect hexagons, very similar to honeycombs. Many say that in this way honey remembers its own home - the honeycomb, and takes the same arrangement in which it was there, that is, honey has a genetic memory. This "magic" is shown in large apiaries in order to draw more attention to the product. Reception with honey and water is used as a marketing ploy, and it should be noted - quite successfully. However, this "trick" can be fully explained from the scientific point of view.

In physics, there is such a thing as a Rayleigh-Benard cell - these are structural compounds that, under certain conditions, such as heat supply and the presence of a liquid in a strictly horizontal plane, where heat is supplied from below, hexagonal structures are formed that are very similar to honeycombs. For example, even if we heat oil, and not honey, then the Benard grid, that is, the honeycomb, will also be visible in it. So genetic memory has nothing to do with the formation of honeycomb-like hexagons.

As for checking honey for naturalness, in fact, this is not the best way to diagnose. After all, even if you feed the bees with sugar, they will still process it and then seal it into honeycombs, as they do with natural honey. Therefore, one should not take this "demonstration performance" for a truthful definition of honey for naturalness. In this case, Benard cells form these hexagons even from the so-called "natural honey". The peculiarity of bee honey and its products is that they have a useful composition for our body, help to raise immunity and promote a speedy recovery.

The Secret Power of Genes - What's hidden in our genes? (ancestral-genetic memory of ancestors)

1. GENE MEMORY AND COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP This page tells about the most intimate secrets of nature, including the secret of human genetic memory. In the most general case NS memory (according to TSB) is characterized as "the ability to reproduce the past experience, one of the main properties of the nervous system, expressed in the ability to store information about the events of the external world and reactions of the body for a long time and repeatedly enter it into the sphere consciousness and behavior ". Memory in psychology. Carrying out a connection between past states of the psyche, the present and the processes of preparing future states, memory communicates coherence and stability to human life experience, ensures the continuity of the existence of the human "I" and thus acts as one of the prerequisites for the formation of individuality and personality" . On this page, perhaps one of the most fantastic hypotheses about the existence in nature is substantiated gene memory and mechanisms of its implementation. It is known that (according to TSB) : "Gene (from the Greek. Gé nos - genus, origin), an elementary unit of heredity, representing a segment of a molecule deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA (in some viruses - ribonucleic acid - RNA). Each gene determines the structure of one of the proteins of a living cell and thereby participates in the formation of a trait or property of an organism. A set of genes -genotype - carries genetic information about all species and individual characteristics of the organism. It is proved thatheredityin all organisms on Earth (including bacteria and viruses) it is encoded in the sequences of nucleotides G. In higher (eukaryotic) organisms, the gene is part of special nucleoprotein formations -chromosomes... The main function of a gene is programming the synthesis of enzymes, etc.proteins, carried out with the participation of cellular RNA (informational - i-RNA, ribosomal - r-RNA and transport - t-RNA), is determined by the chemical structure of the gene (the sequence of deoxyribonucleotides in them - the elementary DNA links). When changing the structure of the gene (see.Mutations) certain biochemical processes in cells are disrupted, which leads to the strengthening, weakening or loss of pre-existing reactions or signs. " Thus, the gene carries information about the heredity of the cell (organ, organism, etc.). And this position is directly reflected in the essence of the science of genetics. "Gene e tika (from Greek g é nesis- origin) - the science of the laws of heredity and variability of organisms. The most important task of genetics is the development of control methodsheredityand hereditaryvariabilityto obtain the forms of organisms necessary for a person or to control their individual development. " And, therefore, the gene must carry information about the past, present and even the future, and therefore the gene must have memory. And this is nothing new, because it is known that the DNA molecule contains in an encoded form the "information trace" of the evolution of a cell (organ, organism). However, it is hard to believe that the mechanisms of gene memory fixed in the DNA molecule are a miracle of nature. There are no miracles in nature, except for one -all miracles are generated by one single Universal law of evolution of a dual relationship (monad). And a similar conclusion appears on the pages of the site in the substantiation of a new metascience-metagenetics (Metagenetics). This metascience, from the standpoint of the same principles (heredity, variability and natural selection), convincingly proves the unity of the genetic properties of the microworld, macroworld and megaworld. On the page "TIM Models", which substantiates the evolution of personality types, it is also shown that personality types, as well as DNA molecules, are formed, in the image and likeness, using their own "four elements" - socionic quadras. The universality of the manifestation of the evolutionary properties of DNA, forming double helices, is inherent at all levels of living and non-living matter. So, each atom of chemical elements is a double chain, twisted of proton and electron shells and subshells, so that the principles of the formation of double chains are multilevel. Therefore, similar "miracles" work not only in the DNA molecule. They work in every cell of a living organism, not just in the "exclusive" gene. Therefore, each cell can (and does) have its own gene memory, and the gene memory of the totality of the organism's cells generate the gene memory of the organism. Thus, in the most general case G nnmemory can be characterized as "the ability of a cell to store information for a long time allowing under certain conditions replay the pastan experience (ability to revive, regenerate) andpredict future events and states according to certain algorithms. Gene memory gives cohesion, integrity, stability and continuity of existence life experience and not only an individual biocell, but an organism human generally. speaking in as one of the main prerequisites for the formation of individuality cells (organ, organism) ". How gene memory is formed and what properties it possesses? The unified law of evolution of the dual relationship (monads "original-image"), allows you to reveal the nature of gene memory, which is directly related to the Unified Law and the relative values ​​of the objective function of a complex relation ( Complicated attitude). rice. 1 This is the truly wonderful relationship that generates gene memory. It connects the original and the image by invariant transformations.
rice. 2
Figure 2 reflects the mechanism of transformation of the original into an image and vice versa. On the right, the figure shows the "fishbone" evolution of the original. Here all the "bones" are characterized by corpuscularity (discreteness). The picture on the left shows a "fish bone" image tree. Here all the "bones" are characterized by relative (fractional) values ​​(in fractions of one). They reflect the virtual internal structure of the corresponding "bones" of the original, characterizing the meaning of such a fundamental concept as information. The process of normalizing the IMAGE, synthesized from the Image, characterizes the process of materialization of the Image. The processes of transformation of the IMAGE into the IMAGE is its dematerialization. The image, while retaining the idea of ​​the materiality of the IMAGE, is not itself material. Figure 2 shows, by way of example, the relationship between the image and the original on the main diagonals of the evolution of ambivalence. In fact (and this is shown by the arrows in the figure) at each point of the "gene space" there is a possibility of transition through one of the three (! ) directions. As a result, “fish bones acquire a spatial shape. Option 1 . Disintegration of the "bone" of the original. This option corresponds to the case when the original begins to evolve from the Present to the Past. The original, according to the information "traces" of its internal structure and "back "decaying, revives one or more particles from which the original was once synthesized. In this case, the energy of the" bone "of the original is distributed among the newly born particles. If these particles are stable, then the decay process will stop there. Otherwise, a new one, unstable particle of the original, decaying, will cause a new "wave" the formation of particles by information "traces" that characterize the internal structure of the decaying particle. When the stream of decays ends, we get two "fish bones". One will characterize the original, and the second - its mirror print, reflecting information "traces" of the internal structure of the corresponding "bone". From this tree of decay of one particle, which characterizes its rebirth in "previous lives", one important conclusion follows that each "particle" remembers all its past "lives". Another important consequence that can be done is that if one and the same particle at the moment of decay has different energies, then the tree of its decays may have a different spatial structure, because the redistribution of the energy of the particle between the new particles being born can lead to this that this or that particle can change its "status", for example, their stable become unstable and cause another wave of decays, or rather revivals of its "past lives", characterizing the tree of its genetic memory. Option 2. Synthesis of a "bone" from its image. Imagine a situation that we have a certain program that contains the genetic code of the future original, i.e. this program is essentially nothing more than a "fishbone" image, i.e. plan for creating the original. A new particle is obtained by synthesizing several particles. And the moment it appears from the looking glass, it should not initially be stable. It must be "aggressive" and therefore, as a result of the energy "pumping", when decaying, it triggers the mechanism for the revival of its past lives, forming the original tree. Further processes of "fission of particles" lead to the construction of more and more "bones" of the original. Thus, each unstable "bone", decaying, chooses from the plan the most optimal, in terms of energy, scheme for reviving its past life. In recent years, everyone has been talking a lot about the genetic code. But for some reason, many associate it only with the combinatorics of the alternation of its 4 components. In fact, this is only one of the components of the Unified genetic code. Another component is determined by the spatial structure that the DNA double helix forms. A complex attitude gives the key to understanding the mechanisms of synthesis of the original from its copies. Thus, it is extremely important to understand that different energetics of the "primary particle", from which the process of "cell division" begins, can significantly affect the properties of the future original, correcting (mutating) the gene memory of the DNA double helix and revealing the true meaning of mutations. The processes of decay and synthesis (reincarnation and rebirth) of the original can be illustrated by the figure below.
rice. 3-1 This figure can be explained using the following identity This identity reflects the "market" relationship between complementary components of gene memory. More information about the properties of gene memory can be obtained from the following figure.
rice. 3-2 Collectively, these figures reflect the processes of formation and activation of the original gene memory. Note that the arrows in the figures only symbolize the presence of bonds and the principles of symmetry. Therefore, they should not be completely identified with the direction of the processes of the formation of gene memory and the removal of copies from them into the original. A more complete picture is given here below. It clearly characterizes the multi-level of gene memory. From this figure, the attentive reader can see the laws of reflection and how they relate to a complex relationship ( Complicated attitude). At the first stage, in the process of synthesizing the original, from simple to complex, Fig. 3 -1 (I) , there is a parallel formation of the information "trace", fixing the "trajectory" of the synthesis of the original, Fig. 3-1 ( II) ... This trajectory, while possessing the properties of the original, is nevertheless characterized by fractional values ​​(in fractions of one). Next, the image is copied, Fig. 3-1 ( III ). This process characterizes the stage of formation of the original gene code. Next, the process of reviving the original takes place according to its copy, Fig. 3-1(Iv).
Of course, this scheme is only demonstrative, but the mechanisms of the formation of the original gene memory in this scheme are periodically repeated, and they are characterized by the corresponding conservation laws. This diagram demonstrates the principles by which Spirit gives birth to Matter. It demonstrates the unity of Spirit and Matter. The considered principles of gene memory functioning clearly indicate that each particle, each object remembers all its past "lives", which are stored in them in the form of informational "traces". When analyzing the properties of a complex ratio (Complex ratio), when analyzing the properties of the golden section (About the golden ratio), it was shown that a complex ratio at x = 0.618 ... (or 1.618 ...) form an infinite series of alternating values x 1 = - 0.618033989 ..., x 2 = 1 / x 1 = -1.618033989 ..., x 3 =1- x 2 = 0.618033989 ..., x 4 = 1 / x 3 = 1.618033989 ..., x 5 =1- x 4 = -0.618033989 ..., x 6 = 1 / x 5 = -1.618033989 ..., x 7 =1- x 6 = 0.618033989 ..., x 8 = 1 / x 7 = 1.618033989 ..., And this endless series characterizes conservation law of the golden ratio. rice. 4 In this figure, one triad is x and the other is 1 / x. This diagram reflects the conservation laws when moving only clockwise. When moving in the opposite direction, the "causes" (1 / x i) and "consequences" (1 / x i + 1) arising from the actions ("x") change places. The gene memory mechanism, in its essence, resembles the algorithm for extracting and writing information into computer cells using list structures:
  • each cell has links back and forth,
  • the number of links back and forth is determined by the properties of the original monad,
Therefore, the semantic load of the concept of gene memory is associated, first of all, in the formation of links to the past and the future. Moreover, they have specularity, i.e. are used to move both forward and backward, and therefore reflect different consequences. Back links characterize going back in time. This process in the physics of elementary particles is known as the decay of particles, although in its meaning it is more expedient to call the rebirth of a particle in its past appearance. The forward link characterizes the valence (the presence of an "empty" link) that can be realized in the process of synthesis of a particle with another "particle" that has a similar link (with complementary information). The synthesis of two particles gives rise to a new monad, which merge to form a monad with internal duality (a link to its "parents" will be formed in its gene memory. Movement into the PAST ("division"), as well as movement into the FUTURE (synthesis), are carried out using the same mechanisms of the Single law of evolution of a dual relationship (monad). Otherwise, the world would not be complete. And therefore, the general scheme of the evolution of gene memory,- reflecting back and forth movement,can be described by the following diagram, reflecting the evolution of the GREAT LIMIT OF Tai Chi.
rice. 5 - The pinnacle in this scheme is the GREAT LIMIT, which reflects the normalized (single) state of the gene memory monad. The e-volition of the gene memory monad can be carried out according to the law of inertia. those. in the case when no external influence is exerted on the monad, the monad, upon the beginning of the cycle, extracts information from the gene memory that will be used for synthesis. This process is characterized by the fact that during its implementation a completely closed cycle of evolution (in a circle) is carried out. P-in the presence of a disturbing influence (external forces). This force leads to renormalization of the GREAT LIMIT, which leads to the correction of the PAST (during division) and the formation of a DIFFERENT FUTURE (during synthesis). How not to remember here the law of Karma, reflecting the cause-and-effect relationship between the Past and the Future. 2. SCALES OF GENE MEMORY Figure 3 already initially bears the imprint of the "four elements", each of which is represented in the form of an n-dimensional matrix. On the page "Magic of numbers" we considered the mechanisms of generation and properties of magic n -dimensional matrices and came to the conclusion that each n-dimensional magic matrix is ​​a projection onto the plane of an n-dimensional crystal. For some reason, people have developed a stereotype of thinking that a being of a lower dimension cannot see the world of a higher dimension, while a being of a higher dimension has access to all dimensions of lower dimensions. However, such stereotypes of thinking are only partially correct. A being of lower dimensions according to the magical n-matrix can not only cognize the properties of the world of higher dimensions, but also form it, in the image and likeness, using the properties of the laws of symmetry and asymmetry of the magic matrix. You don't have to go far to be convinced of this. You just need to look at any, for example, mechanical engineering drawing, to realize that according to one or another projection of the depicted figure, present it entirely in 3-dimensional space. The set of projections onto the plane is the magic matrix that carries information about the higher dimensions. The properties of magic matrices help to realize magic numbers of the Periodic table of chemical elements. The monographs "Fundamentals of Mercy" and "Mercy" considered the properties of the matrix

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reflecting properties of subshells and shells of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. It is directly seen from this matrix that

1. The quantitative composition of subshells is the same both horizontally and vertically.

2. Groupings of numbers reflecting the composition of subshells of the Periodic system characterize two types of groupings of these subshells. One grouping reflects grouping by rows, and the other by columns of the matrix. The figure shows that shells and subshells in both projections are characterized by the same numerical values, but their sequence turns out to be different.

But this is how it should be, tk. the matrix is ​​a "imprint" of the spatial structure (monadic crystal) on a plane, in two projections orthogonal to each other.

In this case, the main diagonal of the matrix is ​​the sum of all numbers horizontally and vertically.

This matrix directly reflects the principles of the formation of a double helix, which is built in the image and likeness of the DNA double helix. The infinitely rich and harmonious world of DNA, weaving an infinite-dimensional double helix, reflects, in the image and likeness, the mechanisms of the formation of the genetic memory of the living and inanimate Universe. Each materialized cell carries the original Thought of its own creation, which reflects all the previous stages of its evolution. The "four elements" of metagenetics give rise to the corresponding genomes, each particle of which carries information not only about all its products, not only the memory of its Primordial Creator, but also carries the self-sufficient properties of its own Primordial Creator, which are manifested in it, regardless of the "length" her memory. On the page "The World of Relations" the market mechanisms of harmonious relationships of "demand" and "supply", generating the scales of the four "elements", were substantiated. rice. 7 Further evolution leads to the birth of three-dimensional and multidimensional weights
rice. 8 So, for example, the I Ching (Book of Changes) matrix, 8x8, is a projection onto the plane of the hypercube, while the 9x9 matrix
rice. 9 Bears the imprint of the properties of the same hypercube, but contains additional information about the Great limits of each "cube". These Great Limits are the very "worm holes" connecting different worlds and the universe and about which scientists are constantly writing, giving them a certain mystical meaning. Meanwhile. there is no mysticism in this. This is a property of genetic memory. in accordance with the properties of the Unified Law, it leads to periodic renormalizations, which make it possible to form memory in the image and likeness, at all levels of the hierarchy. Moreover, each Thought of creation is singular and can be expressed by a Number, as if proving the validity of the statement of Pythagoras: "Everything is a Number." On the page "Metagenetics", the genetic properties of particles of the micro-, macro- and mega-world were substantiated in detail, reflecting their inferiority, variability and natural selection. I think that it will be clear to everyone if we say that genetic mechanisms are universal, that they are reflected in all Objects and Subjects of the universe, and therefore they simply have to manifest themselves in the mechanisms of memory formation of living and nonliving. Therefore, below are only some rationales that provide additional information about the mechanisms of gene memory. 3. ABOUT THE CLASSIFICATION OF GENE MEMORY Speaking about the classification of gene memory, it should be noted in view. that it is not intended here to reflect a complete classification of all kinds and types of gene memory. Here we are talking about the fundamental problems of differentiating gene memory according to some "selected" classes. 3.1. ABOUT THE GENE MEMORY OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES In the physics of elementary particles, the properties of gene memory described above are most clearly manifested.Physicists who have looked inside elementary particles begin to realize that in the microcosm, some hitherto incomprehensible phenomena are taking place. At first, from the moment of realizing the fact that the majority of elementary particles are composed of quarks with fractional charges that cannot be detected in any way, only their "traces". Just some kind of phantoms. A single, integral, structureless elementary particle has some kind of internal structure that cannot be observed in an experiment. Secondly, neutral particles exhibit even greater phantom. The internal structure of the structureless most elementary neutral particles turns out to be more complex than the internal quark structure of the most "complex" elementary particle generated from this elementary particle. Thirdly, physicists are well aware that spin also has signs of phantom ... Physicists have long recognized that spin isspecificangular momentum of a particle, which can be called own angular momentum. So, now, it turns out that this own moment is characterized by a huge "inner" meaning, but which is not registered in any way in the manifested form. Therefore, it can be assumed that not only the energy of the disintegrating particle is distributed appropriately between the new particles being born, but it is possible that the spin is also distributed between these particles, changing its internal "content". Fourth, physicists are well aware that the decay of particles is often ambiguous. In some cases, one decay (or synthesis) scheme is observed, and in others, another. Moreover, there are decay (and synthesis) schemes in which particles generate themselves, closing the circle of interconversions. Thus, any particle born from a "vacuum" carries a "gene thread" of information about its past, unwinding which, it will generate certain trajectories of decay traces. This conclusion means thatphysical quarks, which in no way can accurately identify, fixing only "traces", in fact, they are. They are just informational "traces" of the particle's gene memory. The essence of the processes of synthesis and decay of elementary particles can be illustrated by the following figure.
rice. 10 The figure on the left shows a basic diagram of the relationship between the past and the future of particles. This scheme is conditional. It reflects only the principles by which the gene memory of only two "ancestors" is formed. The following figure can give some ideas about the relationship between the past and the future in the world of elementary particles. rice. 11-1 Assuming that a number of units reflect the manifested present, we see that the past and the future with respect to these units are mirror-symmetrical. The topmost row characterizes information about the object. From the point of view of the physics of the microworld, this series is a combination of a triad and an antitriad, grouped into a single hexad. By successively combining quarks and antiquarks, we get a family of mesonic particles, which in their properties are a reflection of quarks, but this will already bemanifested family,which, using gene memory, can synthesize particles of the families of the future, grouping in two or three particles standing side by side. (1 / x) x = 1, - NS -(1 / x) = 1, -(1 / x) x = 1, ... (1 / x) x - (1 / x) -= -- (1 / x) -, NS -(1 / x) -NS --= x, -(1 / x) x - (1 / x) -= -- (1 / x) -, ... ..... Unperturbed particles, according to the information stored in the gene memory, generate own the manifested Past, in which each state is stable, not disturbed. Physicists call these processes decay processes, although in this context it is more correct to call them regeneration. Particles from the present, merging somewhat into a single one, in the process of synthesis, generate a gene memory of their past, from which they originated. Now, for synthesized particles own the manifested Future turns out to be own manifested by the Present. The following figure is shown on the Evolution of Dimension page.
- rice. eleven- 2 See what an amazing harmony and symmetry in Figures 6. But only in the first case, this symmetry is discontinuous (discrete), and in the second case, this symmetry is continuous. See that by sequentially multiplying these derivatives, we will also get unit (dimensionless) values. Let's go back to fig. 10. Here on the right is the same diagram as on the left, but one of the particles in the present turns out to be "indignant" (red). Therefore, during revival, or in the process of synthesis, among new particles, unstable (disturbed) particles will also arise, which in the process of their revival or synthesis, being freed from excess energy, will generate new particles. And this process will continue until a stable manifested Past or Future arises. And now verbal fabrications, so as not to just "shake the air" ,as professionals from science like to express themselves, we will give several specific examples known from the physics of elementary particles, where scientists have already come to the realization of the fact that the term "particle decay" is becoming untenable, because many particles can decay in different ways. So, in the overwhelming majority of cases (more than 99 0/0), a positive pion decays according to the scheme However, in some cases, it decomposes according to a different scheme. These schemes can reflect two limiting cases, causing the revival of their past in "image and likeness". The first option may mean an attempt to remove energy from the particle from the ground (minimum) state. The second option may mean the revival of the particle's past from an excited state. But these chains can be combined into general scheme of evolution. This scheme can also be interpreted as the interaction of the Past and the Future of the particle. So, the chain on the left can be interpreted as a process of synthesis of a positron and an electron neutrino, which generates a manifested Present (positive pion), and the process of rebirth of a particle (positive pion) from the Future into a manifested Present can be explained by the right side of the diagram. The existence of other dual decay schemes in the world of elementary particles not only does not reject this hypothesis of the existence of particle gene memory, but also clarifies many decay schemes, which should be called rebirth schemes. Let's give one more example. With approximately equal probability, the sigma-hyperon decays according to the scheme Since the neutron in the baryon family is at an earlier step in evolution, these schemes can also be combined into a single These diagrams clearly demonstrate the connection between the Past and the manifested Present of elementary particles. Moreover, they explicitly indicate the similarity in the formation of quanta for certain particles, i.e. different particles play the role of quanta. The above properties of gene memory that elementary particles possess are truly unique. But these properties have another theoretical basis (Theory of Hierarchy). 3 .2. ABOUT THE GENE MEMORY OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS Knowledge of the properties of chemical elements is known to many from the school chemistry course. Everyone knows that it costs a chemical element to "gain" or "lose" one positively charged particle (proton) and it immediately turns into another chemical element, with a higher or lower ordinal number in the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev. And where is the gene memory here? But don't jump to conclusions. V [1] and [2] were detailed, from the standpoint of the Unified Law, substantiated the nature of the periodicity of the properties of chemical elements and their closure, on the basis of which it was concluded that the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements ends at 118 chemical element. There have never been and never will be chemical elements with large ordinal numbers in nature. They cannot be obtained even artificially. And although this conclusion was made back in 2014, scientific thought is still intensely feeding illusions (and spending money) on the search for non-existent chemical elements. And she finds them ..through the looking glass ... Scientists say that somewhere in the region of the serial number N = 118 + n, there is an island of stability. So herethis island of stability is mirroredreflects the most stable elements of the existing periodic table, but in a mirror, or, if it is more convenient for physicists, in a vacuum. From the standpoint of the Unified Law, element 119 corresponds already to the first element of the next, truly Stellar Periodic Table - the Periodic System of Astronoids (About Chemical Elements). In terms of structure, stellar matter has no internal structure, at least its very first element. This is a stellar drop of matter (a new state of matter), fused from 118 chemical element with the addition of one more proton to it. Stars are built from this stellar matter (On cosmology). From this stellar matter, stellar objects of the Universe (planets, stars, constellations, galaxies) are built. Stellar matter is characterized by an eternal circulation: a drop of stellar matter, evaporating from the surface of the ocean, acquires self-sufficiency and therefore acquires the properties of wave-particle duality and transforms - first into elementary particles, and then is grouped into atoms (hydrogen, then helium, etc.) / And when the last element is synthesized, it transforms again into a stellar drop, which falls back into the stellar ocean. This circuit characterizes one side of the evolution of chemical elements. From the Manifested Present to the Manifested Future, which ultimately closes back on the Past again. The way back seems to be impossible, because the stellar element has no internal structure. However, each stellar element has a gene memory that allows it, under appropriate conditions, to return to the Past (to revive the manifested Past), using a "return matrix" that stores "information traces" of past evolutions. But what will this manifested Past be like? It can be its own manifested Past, i.e. the Past that really was, and maybe a different Past. This is possible if the manifested Present in the process of its "reincarnations" was transformed into the manifested Future, from which the manifested Past was revived. 3.3 . ABOUT THE GENE MEMORY OF BIOCELETS After the discovery and recognition by scientists of the existence of a biofield, a "leaf phantom" was discovered. Scientists have found that if you remove a small section of the leaf and a special method developed by the spouses S.D. Kirlian and V.Kh. Kirlian, take a photograph of the leaf, then a glow (aura) will be recorded in the photo, reflecting the full outlines of the leaf. So, the results of the study of the aura of human skin made it possible to conclude that each organ, tissue has its own range of radiation, and, in addition, in the case of sharp changes in the natural conditions of life, the frequency range of radiation also changes sharply, shifting to one or another region of the radiation spectrum ... Such phantoms are observed not only in leaves. They appear in all living organisms, in "image and likeness". So, it is known that people, for one reason or another, who have lost, for example, an arm or a leg, often feel phantom pain. From the meaning of the gene memory mechanism, a simple and obvious conclusion can be drawn that each biocell remembers all its previous lives, and their totality, forming a single integral organism, will also remember all the previous lives of the original (living organism). Thus, a biocell in the process of disintegration (division) can revive all its previous images - from "Likeness to revive Image". And this is also not a fantasy. Academician G.P. Grabovoi works and lives in Russia. Here is one of the notarized facts given in the book by V.Yu. and TS Tikhoplavov" Cardinal turn "(St. Petersburg, Publishing House "All", 2015). "One woman's 12-year-old son disappeared, and there were witnesses to the dismemberment of the boy's corpse. The investigating authorities turned to Grabovoy. A quartered corpse appeared before Grigory Petrovich's eyes. Tell her that soon she will see her son safe and sound. " And he began to build, going back in time, a positive picture of the future. "We need to get around the problem, we need to build a different, successful course of events." Three days later, the mother, distraught with grief, "quite by accident" found her son at the Kazan station, only he did not remember anything for several days outside the house. " This is perhaps one of the most striking examples of how, using the "information traces" of a person's genetic memory, one can go through them into one or another part of one's own past andmanifest (revive). Thus, it can be assumed that Every personthere is its own "return matrix" of the Past, using which it is possible to change your manifested Present. Special mention should be made of the properties of the return matrix. At first , "return matrix", plays the role of a special, messenger RNA (the molecule with which DNA is produced) (About the genetic code).
rice. 12 Secondly , according to its properties, this return matrix is ​​formed in accordance with the algorithms for the formation of magic matrices (Magic of numbers). 3.4 ... GENE MEMORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS 3.4 .1. ABOUT PHYSIOLOGY AND HIERARCHY OF THINKING BODIES Much of what is written here characterizes a different type of thinking. Therefore, this information obtained by e-mail,is provided "as is".
"Imagine a body (fractal) made up of a combination of" cubes ".Each cube is a cell of living nature, at the same time attached to others according to a certain algorithm, and forms a body (thinking).For example, a certain part of the brain, functionally allocated for the procedure of thinking (frontal lobe, temporal lobe, etc.).
The cubes are unusual, and letting in only force (energy) in the form
biochemical cold plasma. ( * - does modern science know about this concept? ) As soon as the plasma density inside the "cube" reaches the limit, its shell is rearranged and begins to transmit energy plasma in the highest density of ionized biological (biochemical) energy. In the center of the cubes, there is a point of ionized plasma, for each such layer or volume,having the property of attaching. (* this is the point at which 8 and 9 merge together - the Great Limit) The amount of plasma is determined by the biocell itself, for which it is a material for recording actions and other procedures of thinking. In other words, it is a medium for recording in the memory of a cell its transformations and transformative actions in the body. Ask how she writes. So the membrane has modulating properties and the energy is already modulated. This is how the life of the cell is recorded. The main part of the biological cell, which is first recorded in the primary fibers and initial energy bodies, is a virus-like program that builds up a functional body in the image and likeness in the desired form and with the desired functional purpose. As a computer virus grows itself, so the brain body grows itself. But this is only a part of the program of reproduction of oneself and one's body according to the recorded reproduction algorithm.
Now, take a bioenergetic connection (wire, cable) and conduct it between each living biocomputer of nature through the central connecting point (chakra) and connect all these cells into a single network of thinking. It will be possible to single out a part of the bodies of thinking for the most general procedures that may be responsible for the control of other functions in accordance with the nerve fibers attached to this body. The free part regulates thinking according to the multifunctional task of movement and memory procedures with its distribution over the bodies of thinking. Another part is intended for analysis from internal and external receptors of the body and from external analyzers of the external environment, vision, etc.
This is how we got
two main parts of thinkingand start organizing its procedures. The biological network by the attachment of cells by neurons and the contact of membranes and energetic inside the cells of thinking with the attachment of the cells in the center of cells in the form of a network of Elementary Organic Carriers - EONs of thinking.
But this structure does not provide sufficient redundancy. Therefore, the body of thinking of the plasma structure is recreated or
thinking plasmoid... I saw such plasmoids during the study of Silanes and displayed photos of these structures on my website.
The plasmoid is modulated by a copy of the internal network along the totality of the body of thinking of the brain and is attached by flexible connections to the body of thinking of the main organ of thinking. Here is the Guardian Angel of this part of the organ of thinking, invisibly inaudibly "tied" to the body of thinking, which is, in essence, the energy reserve of a copy of the main organ of thinking and its reflected memory in the process of life.
So, the main cells are called in biology by the name of the organ of thinking (see the structure of the brain), the energy bodies of thinking reflect the cell and record the dynamics of life cell-by-cell and are called,
double-cage ... The body that reflects the double-body by the totality of the double-cells of a given physiological organ of thinking is an Angel (Guardian) of this body of thinking (organ of thinking), orstandby double-body of thinking... The connection between the plasmoid and the organ is organized in a pseudomagnetic region (something between a magnetic field and an electric field, which was previously calledmagnetite body) a flexible magnetite compound that does not interfere with the relative movements of the Angel and the person in the atmosphere, which was formerly called Agasfera, emphasizing the preservation of the properties of all spheres in it. Where a person can live. Simple reproduction is regulated by the biological reproduction mechanism in place of the dead cell.
Here is the simplest image of the bodies of thinking in the physiology of thinking, the area visible and invisible to people.
To remember the hierarchy of the connection of bodies of thought, it is enough to recall the Bible and the Hierarchy of the Supreme Hierarchs (Essences). In the center, the Man Himself. Left. The Angel of the Left Hand, and the physiological display is the body of thinking, the left lobe of the brain. Identical, Right Hand Angel. Etc. Somewhere he will find Archangels, Archangel and other apostles. All the Angels, having separated from the connections with the brain of their individual people, preserved in their relations the general Hierarchy of the bodies of thinking in man. The one that they had in the reserve organ of the double-body of thinking. The union of double-bodies gives their bodies according to the stable forms of body parts and throughout the body as a whole.
The most connected double-body of thinking of all the bodies of the Angels of the organs of thinking, has the form and structure of a person, but in Light, that is, in energy
This information can be treated in different ways, depending on its perception by people with different levels of scientific knowledge. And yet there is a major link in this information. It gives new impulses for the formation of different ideas about the genetic memory of biocells, remembering their entire genealogy, and, in aggregate, the genealogy of organs and bodies of thought. This information gives the first ideas about the mechanisms for recording this information. See that this information contains a mention of energy bodies, and this is a double-cell, carrying a functional copy of the structure of a real cell.And each energy body of a cell (double-cell) has a gene memory. 3.4.2. ABOUT GENE MEMORY SOCIUM Since a person is an elementary cell of society, it is necessary to consider some aspects of the relationship between gene memory and the "consciousness-subconsciousness" monad of a person. Human subconsciousness is characterized by multidimensionality. This is an unmanifest part of consciousness, which can manifest itself willingly or unwittingly as a result of a person's conscious or unconscious activity. Each thought that is born in consciousness, manifesting itself, activates (reanimates, revives) one of the dimensions of its inner world (subconsciousness), i.e. a thought-form born in consciousness carries out materialization, which arises only if an invariant sequence (structure) of interconnected thought forms of the subconscious... If there is no such correspondence, then no associations will arise in consciousness either. The mechanism of gene memory functioning reveals fantastically simple and intuitive mechanisms of associative "recall" of images from thought forms stored in the subconscious (brain) of living organisms. Gene memory mechanisms allow today to raise the question of creating a digital holographic memory of a new generation supercomputer. The genetic mechanisms of the functioning of consciousness and subconsciousness can play an extremely important role in the evolution of Mind, and not only earthly, but also the Highest. They allow the Reason, following its own "footsteps", to carry out a purposeful change in the relationship between the dimensionality of consciousness and subconsciousness (On the noosphere , About the World Creators ), through new reincarnations to subsequent rebirth, thus forming a multidimensional absolute consciousness, absolute Mind (Phenomenon of Mind). In spiritual literature it is written that at the moment of a person's birth, the Spirit enters his body, the soul is invested in him. In the light of the foregoing, it becomes clear what role the soul invested in a person can play with the fate of a person. It can be one of the dimensions of a multidimensional Essence and, therefore, can remember all its previous offspring, if the revival mechanism is launched. For example, Jesus Christ is called the son of God. This interpretation, in light of the above, has a simple and clear meaning. The Spirit of God, embedded in the body of the infant Christ, led to the reincarnation of the Divine Essence, giving rise to a new dimension of this Essence. Moving on to considering the gene memory of a society, it is necessary to first note that the gene memory of a society can be characterized as multidimensional scales of the "consciousness-subconsciousness" monad of society, in which each dimension of consciousness is associated with the gene memory of an individual. The totality of the gene memory of individuals is not my invention. The gene memory of society is manifested in the egregor of society and is also characterized by karma. Each nation, each historical community of people has its own karma, reflecting their evolution from the Past through the Present into the Future. Why do we not hear, understand and perceive the "karmic call" of the genetic memory of our ancestors? this state of interconnection of a person with his own gene memory can also be characterized as "unconscious". Such a person lacks the scales of the "Past-Present" monad, and therefore such a person evolves in accordance with his own karma, by inertia, from the Past to the Present and the Future. With regard to the evolution of society, genetic memory, woven from a multitude of "unconscious", but considering themselves conscious, evolves according to its own laws of karma as a "collective-unconscious". For the Russian people, "collective-unconscious" karma manifests itself in periodic "spontaneous riots". The Jewish people have their own "Old Testament karma". leading to periodic pogroms. To correct karma, it is necessary to include "collective-conscious" thinking, which characterizes a fundamentally new type of thinking, the properties of which are discussed on many pages of the site. Today, when it comes to whether to live in Russia, or not to live, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that can be used to carry out a phase transition from the "Death line" to the "Life line" and not take into account the national characteristics of the evolution of socially self-sufficient population groups it is possible only through thoughtlessness, or by design. 4 ... GENE MEMORY AND THE AKASHI CHRONICLES 4.1 ... THE GREAT LIMITS OF SPACE - TIME On the page "Monad of Time" we substantiated the properties of the monad "SPACE-TIME" (Fig. 9). rice. 14 Here the symbol Ldenotes space, and symbol T -time. The exponent reflects the dimensionality of space or time. Fractional exponents (time and space) reflect the properties of space and time beyond the "horizon of the conscious world". This figure reflects the interaction of two WORLDS located on opposite sides of the GREAT BORDER. One of them can be conditionally considered the PAST, the other PRESENT. But if you change the polarity of the vector, then you can come to the conclusion that one WORLD is PRESENT, and the other, located on the other side of the GREAT LIMIT, will reflect the FUTURE. It is clear that there is a relationship between these WORLDS and, therefore, the PAST can become the FUTURE. This figure shows how"in the image and likeness"the FUTURE is recreated from the PAST. This figure reflects evolutionary law of inertia (law of karma): If an external force does not act on the evolving (moving) body, then the body evolves in accordance with the "program" inherent in its genetic memory. --- -The use of active power (CONSCIOUSNESS) creates a DIFFERENT FUTURE, but as a result, these changes are reflected in the genetic information. It also changes, decreasing or increasing a person's karma, i.e. by changing the FUTURE, we thereby change our own PAST. The figure shows how the "SPACE-TIME" monad successively changes its properties in the course of evolution (T 3 L 0 -> T 0 L 3), periodically folding and unfolding into the GREAT LIMITS. The process of folding into the GREAT LIMIT can be interpreted as folding into a "black hole", and the process of unfolding the GREAT LIMIT will reflect the properties of the "white hole". Therefore, it is safe to say that gene memory contains full functional information about the PAST, which is used to synthesize the structures of the FUTURE. 4.2. CHRONICLES OF AKASH The properties of gene memory considered above indicate that beyond the "horizon of the conscious world", in the gene memory, there is another, informational world - the WORLD OF THE PAST. And the FUTURE is built from the PAST "in the image and likeness" until the "body" is acted upon by the active force "CONSCIOUSNESS", which by its magnitude can influence the course and outcome of the evolutionary process. In esoteric literature, in spiritual sources, in the information transmitted to us from above, the concept is constantly and invariably present - " CHRONICLES OF AKASH ". Thus, the famous American prophet Edgar Cayce said that during his "travels" in a state of trance, he ended up in a huge library, where a book was kept for each person, in which all the events that happened and should happen to one or another were recorded in detail. human. Today, this kind of information has a different meaning - it is no longer about books, but about a computer (or biocomputer) and that such a biocomputer has fantastic abilities. So what is AKASHA? This is what information about Akasha is given from above (Conversations with the Father-Absolute ". "AKASHA (accent on the second A)this is the property of the primary matter to preserve (remember) the action produced on it... Your matter that is under your feet -secondary... It is made from the root cause. The basis for all matter was the root cause. Akasha is inherent in any matter, but the property of the primary matter to hold information throughout the day of Brahma. This is the safety of events reflected on matter. We use the ability of matter as a source of information. " "Is Akasha matter or a property of matter?" "This is matter with only one property:keep the action taken on it... When you try to assign it one more property, it ceases to be Akasha. Akasha is the first transformation of the primordial substance ..... " "When the day of Brahma ends, does Akasha dissolve or remain?" "During the night of Brahma, it is cleared of unnecessary information. The necessary information is not destroyed and several manvantaras can be preserved." "Who is the recorder of the Akashic Chronicle and who controls access to the recorded chronicles?" "On each causal plane of each universe there is the Lord of the Akasha Chronicles. He oversees all actions related to the recording of the Akasha Chronicles. In the absolute causal universe, the Absolute Lord of the Akasha Chronicles. By analogy with librarianship, the Lord is a writer describing an event in a book, which is then placed in the library. He also controls access to the Akashic Chronicles, being, by analogy with the librarian, the librarian responsible for the preservation of the chronicles and for the issuance of information. He is the only one who allows access to the Akashic Chronicles. And only with his permission can you get access to the Akasha Chronicles. Each universe has its own Lord of the Akasha Chronicles (sometimes he is called the Keeper of the Akasha Chronicles) ". "Is the book of the life of the individual part of the Akashic chronicles?" "The book of life is, but not individuality, but the book of the existence of Atma in individuality. Individuality disappears and appears, Atma is eternal. Atma takes experience, becoming an individual. And the Akasha chronicles record all her experience of being in matter. The Akashic records have access to the causal plane of man. and remove information from the causal plane of man. The causal plane of man is connected to the causal plane of the universe, where his evolution is like a thread of connection. " "The Book of Life exists only for beings living in material universes, or is there a Book of Life for beings of the Fiery universes?" “The Chronicles of Akasha, as a book of life, are needed for physical people. the physical plane does not exist there. It is necessary to fix the manifestation of free will only on the physical plane. " From the information received from above it is clear that the Akashic chronicles and gene memory have similar mechanisms of manifestation. But only in relation to Homo sapiens on the PHYSICAL PLAN, in the Akashic Chronicles gene memory is manifested as an eminently complex form. And yet, the Akashic Chronicles hid their most intimate secrets until now. By what law and in accordance with what principles are the Akashic Chronicles formed? But today many scientists do not even know by what laws the GENE of the UNIVERSE is formed. Therefore, to talk about the laws according to which the Akashic Chronicles are formed, in general, may seem like a madman's delirium, fabrications. How can a modern scientist imagine the unimaginable - how it is possible to store in the Akasha Chronicles full information about the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, for example, of each person, information that predetermines his FATE. Such statements by themselves are pseudoscientific for many serious scientists. That's why the following information for many serious scientistsmay seem extremely pseudoscientific. And nevertheless, we will continue to discuss this topic. About the essence Chronicle of Akasha and the essence of gene memory can be obtained for more information on pages " exponential generating functions of the binomial Newton, generate exponential binomial coefficients, generate an arithmetic triangle, generate all the variety of all colors of the rainbow of our manifested world and affirm the GREAT TRUTH-ALL IS A NUMBER, expressed by Pythagoras at the dawn of the science of OUR civilization. Each exponentially generating function has a genetic memory that stores the entire history of its origin. Exponential generating functions have unique properties. 1. THE GREAT LIMIT OF DUAL RELATIONSHIP (MONADA), REFLECTES THE FUNCTIONAL ASPECT OF THE UNIVERSE, i.e. IT, being a convolutional structure, reflect it in a functional form, in the form of polynomials of exponential-generating functions. 2. TO THE FORCE OF THE UNITY OF THE STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL ASPECT OF THE DUAL RELATIONSHIP (MONADA), THE FUNCTIONAL AND STRUCTURAL ASPECTS CAN BE MUTUALLY TRANSFORMED INTO ANOTHER. THEREFORE, THE GREAT LIMIT REPRESENTING THE FUNCTIONAL ASPECT OF THE UNIVERSE (BLACK HOLE) CAN TRANSFORM INTO THE STRUCTURAL ASPECT (WHITE HOLE). 3. BASIC EXPONENTIALLY-PRODUCING FUNCTIONS GENERATE A RECTANGULAR SYSTEM OF COORDINATES AT THE CENTER OF WHICH THE FUNCTION IS e 0 = 1 (GREAT LIMIT). TO as we see, there is actually a UNIT at the origin of this coordinate system. Substituting instead of ONE any exponentially-generating function, which will be the DESIGN of the Creation of another world (system), we will generate one or another exponentially quantized "manifested" world. Thus, the ideas of physicists about the "NOTHING" standing at the origin of the "coordinates" of the universe, in fact, reflects in itself the entire "behind the looking glass" world of the PAST history of any system (and any Universe), from which, in the image and likeness, is "world (PRESENT). And if our "manifested" world at one inevitable moment enters a point of bifurcation (or a point of synthesis), in which evolutionary streams will branch out, or merge together, then a new GREAT LIMIT OF THE PRESENT will be formed. Our "manifested" world will move to another dimension and Our "manifested" world will be rolled up into a UNIT and will pass into another dimension, where, in an image and likeness, it will begin to form a NEW MANIFESTED WORLD from a UNIT. Thus, we come to the realization not only of the reality of the existence of the CHRONICLES OF AKASH, but also to the realization of the most intimate secrets of the genetic mechanisms of formation of the CHRONICLES OF AKASH and the concept of KARMA as the law of spiritual inertia (as long as the active force of CONSCIOUSNESS does not act on the "body", the evolution of the "body" is carried out, in the image and likeness, using exponentially generating functions that store the memory of the PAST. But if the active force of Consciousness becomes commensurate withBY THE FORCE OF SUBCONSCIOUS INERTIA (KARMA),then there is a change in the AKASHI CHRONICLES. This means that from this moment on, there is a change not only of the FUTURE, but also, in the image and likeness of the PAST. Thus, we form a new PAST that did not exist. Thus, THE AKASH CHRONICLES REPRESENT THE GREAT LIMIT OF DUAL RELATIONSHIP (MONADA) REFLECTING THE FUNCTIONAL ASPECT OF THE UNIVERSE, i.e. THEY, AS A CONVOLUTIONAL STRUCTURE, REFLECT IT IN A FUNCTIONAL FORM, IN THE FORM OF POLYNOMIALS OF EXPONENTIALLY-PRODUCING FUNCTIONS. From the information coming from ancient legends and from above about the essence of the Akasha Chronicles, it follows that during periods of inter-cycle development, THIS INFORMATION IS CLEARED (using the ACTIVE POWER OF CONSCIOUSNESS). But no one says anything about what the essence of such purges is. And the essence of cleaning mechanisms is ridiculously simple. ONLY THIS INFORMATION REMAINS IN THE CHRONICLES OF AKASHI, WHICH REFLECTES THE UNIFORM LAW AND MEETS ITS REQUIREMENTS. Essence of the GENOME Chronicle of Akasha lies in the fact that they represent the FLOWER OF LIFE, which forms the ONE SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD of ALL EXISTENCE from exponential generating functions. In this FIELD, only THOSE have the right to LIFE, WHO lives in HARMONY with EVERYTHING. DISHARMONY characterizes the KARMA OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE. Therefore, it is quite possible that information about the souls of people (and civilizations) who have not reached the required level of perfection will be excluded from the Chronicles. Thus, the selection of the Mind, which is necessary for its self-reproduction and subsequent self-development on a new round of evolution, can be carried out. 5. ABOUT THE GENE MEMORY OF THE UNIVERSE The mechanisms of the genetic memory of a complex relationship considered above can be fully attributed to all objects of the Universe as a whole, because a complex relationship is characterized by relative values ​​generated during the evolution of the "original-image" monad. Therefore, it is time, when considering the problems of the evolution of the Universe, to move from talking about the genetic code of the Universe to analyzing the real mechanisms of action of the gene memory of the Universe, generated by the corresponding energy of the "original" and reflected in its "image" (through the looking glass). the genetic memory of the Universe can rightfully be called the stellar memory of stellar bodies. The meaning of this memory is revealed by the Unified Law and is reflected in the logo of the new science (Logo). rice. 13 The meaning of this figure is extremely simple. The stellar body, being in one of the manifested states, stores in itself a "return matrix of information traces" (Design), which allow it to carry out its own transformation both into the Past and into the Future. The difference is that movement into the Future is accompanied by the formation of a "return matrix", while movement into the Past is characterized by the formation of the manifested Past according to the return matrix. If the "Circle" is closed, it means that such transformations are carried out unambiguously. We always, for example, revive our own Past, which was. If the Circle is not closed, then we will have a spiral that revives, for example, our Past, which did not exist. Therefore, the stellar body exists only in its entirety, characterized by the fusion of all its stellar envelopes - into the Unified Stellar Envelope of the Stellar Body, with the Unified Stellar Returning Matrix. allowing the Star Body to "breathe" with its own states (Past and Future). TNow, when we have learned that the Mind also has a gene memory, that the gene memory is preserved even after the end of the DAY OF BROMA, when the Universe passes from the state of BEING to the state of NON-BEING, it can be assumed that this gene memory is also used in the process of awakening the MIND to BEING. This procedure is used "in the image and likeness" with the procedure for awakening a person after sleep, awakening nature after hibernation, etc. And now realize that in the case when the Universe collapses into a Single GREAT LIMIT (black hole), then all information about the structure and functions of the former Universe will be stored in the gene memory of the black hole. In this GREAT LIMIT (black hole), MIND will also be curtailed. The moment of awakening is initiated by a "white hole" reflecting the process of the Universe (and MIND) unfolding. The process of unfolding a black hole (and MIND) can be compared to the stages of the intrauterine development of MIND. In particular, modern mankind, which entered the 6th race in 2014, is still in the 6th month of "intrauterine development", repeating the stages of its evolution in the "previous life" (before the Big Bang). Ask any doctor and he will tell you at what month of fetal development the brain and nervous system are formed in the fetus, and you will understand that the 5th race and the 6th race are incompatible in the way of thinking. The fifth race is characterized by an "unconscious" type of thinking, and the 6th race is characterized by a conscious type of thinking. Thus, the properties of gene memory considered above apply not only to the physics of Matter, but also to the physics of Spirit. These properties help to understand that in the process of explosions of universes (Large and Small), the gene memory of the PAST and FUTURE of these cosmological objects is not destroyed, but, on the contrary, is actively used, and the MIND acts here already in the role of an equal cosmological object. SUMMARY 1. The principles of the gene memory functioning considered above clearly demonstrate the mechanisms of the Matter generation by the Spirit. These principles show that the genetic memory of dual objects of the most varied nature is largely determined by the level of their energetics and is closely related to the wave-particle properties of the objects themselves ( On particle-wave dualism). The original and its images, being interconnected, are the reasons for the generation of mutations of the most varied nature. 2. The mechanisms of gene memory are formed by the laws of reflection generated by the monad ("original-image") of a complex relationship. These mechanisms clearly indicate that all the proper spaces of a monad of any nature evolve according to the same law (The single law of evolution of a dual relationship"original-image "). Moreover, all "like particles" of all families, regardless of their nature, have the same relative values ​​generated by a complex relationship. 3. The mechanisms of gene memory reveal the deepest layers of the relationship between Matter and Spirit, reflecting the essence of the Holy, Immortal Spirit, capable of generating and reviving Matter. reflecting the essence of the concept of information. Thanks to gene memory, the disembodied Spirit gains Flesh, giving birth to the original the first monad "Matter-Spirit". 4. Gene memory reflects the mechanism and nature of the periodicity of the properties of elementary particles, the periodicity of the properties of atoms of chemical elements, the periodicity of the properties of the genetic code, etc. in the hierarchy of the evolution of matter, it occupies the most important page, defining, "in image and likeness", the properties of all other levels of organization of matter. 5. The mechanism of gene memory is based on two postulates -"division" and "synthesis". When dividinginformation about the PAST SYNTHESIS is extracted from the gene memory, and according to this information, the PAST is revived. When synthesizinggene memory is realized through the mechanisms of reflexes and instincts (conditioned, unconditioned, rational). Thanks to these instincts and reflexes, the choice of FUTURE SYNTHESIS, or rather complementary "partners" for this synthesis. carried out quite consciously. The level of complexity of the "mind" of instincts depends significantly on the level of organization of matter.

Have you ever thought about the fact that every person has the memory of his ancestors, that is, what was inherent in his family? In scientific words, this is called "genetic memory".

Genetically, memory is primary, the carrier of which in the human body is nucleic acids that provide stability in storing information.

It is located deep in the subconscious of every person, in the area of ​​sensations. Sometimes you can feel it. Genetically primary memory makes itself felt in the form of impressions, vague images. So, in most cases, a child in the womb sees dreams, which are a manifestation of the memory of his kind. As a result of watching such dreams, the child's brain learns, as if by looking. After birth, the baby is endowed with all the necessary knowledge. Remember even the fact that babies swim well from birth, but soon lose this skill. Children up to 2 years old retain this genetic memory.

It is difficult for adults to see this type of memory because consciousness prevents this, it seeks to protect us, our psyche from a split personality.

Genetic memory was studied by Carl Jung and psychology classified it as a "collective unconscious." It was believed that it does not depend on the experience of the individual. This memory contains many original images, referred to by Jung as "". He believed that the experience of each person is not erased after his death, but, on the contrary, is accumulated in the genetic memory.

Human genetic memory - examples

The "right of the first night" was always appreciated, the spouse should have been "clean" and. This hides not only morality, but also a biological meaning. After all, there is a genetic memory of the uterus. This indicates that the child will be dominated by features of similarity with the partner of his mother, which she had for the first time. Therefore, it is not in vain from time immemorial chastity valued above all else.

A woman's genetic memory is also manifested in the habits of a modern woman, in her appearance. The woman, as the keeper of the hearth, had to do several things at the same time (which is very similar to women in our time): they looked after the children, picked berries and at the same time watched so that enemies did not attack. By the way, it is not for nothing that a long neck is considered beautiful among many peoples. In ancient times, she was valuable because it was easier for such a woman to escape from dangers.

Each person has this unusual memory and it is worth remembering that our life experience will be passed on from generation to generation.

Genetic memory ("ancestral memory", "ancestral memory") has been proven by scientists. Previously, it was assessed only at the level of hypotheses. She won the most serious attitude from psychologists (hypnotherapists). Through generic memory, the inexplicable was explained: for example, constant stress and panic attacks during a prosperous life (parents survived a concentration camp). Under hypnosis, patients revealed shocking details of horror that they simply could not have known.

Even 100 years ago, Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, believed that descendants inherited the experience of their ancestors, which is associated with stress and pain. But until recently, this assumption has not been confirmed empirically.

A breakthrough occurred only in 2013. The study that proved Pavlov's hypothesis was carried out by American scientists Kerry Ressler and Brian Diaz from the Emory University Medical Center in Atlanta (USA). They found that trauma data altered gene activity through chemical modification of DNA. The experiments were carried out on mice, which transmitted the memory of the smell from generation to generation. The article was first published in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience.

During the study, it was found that newborn rodents inherited a gene responsible for innate reflexes from their parents. In particular, offspring may fear certain odors that their "parents" cannot tolerate.

Scientists have taught a male rodent to be afraid of the smell of bird cherry, which has a substance acetophenone. Then, from crossing these males with females, they got offspring and found that the mice were also afraid of the smell of bird cherry. Moreover, the training of offspring by parents and contacts between generations were excluded. In addition, the reaction to the "dangerous" odor was not lost in the next generation and during the breeding of offspring by artificial insemination.

It turns out that traumatic information changes the activity of genes through chemical modification of DNA. Experts have proven that this is a biological, not social transfer of information, and it occurs through the transfer of DNA methylation through the germ cells.

Such a scheme is typical only for “paternal” and “grandfather's” memory, but not for “maternal” memory, since spermatogenesis occurs throughout the life of men, and a woman is born with a full set of eggs, and it is no longer possible to somehow change these genes. However, in the same formed eggs, the woman keeps the ancestral memory from her father, that is, the grandfather of her child. By the way, it is curious that among Jews it is customary to define a true Jew by his mother.

Prior to the release of these studies, there were dozens of books written on ancestral memory. Most of them come from psychophysiologists and hypnotherapists. As circumstantial evidence (in the absence of experienced ones), they cited the amazing and inexplicable skills of babies (for example, the ability to swim). The reasoning was about the following:

Today it is known that during pregnancy, the fetus in the womb sees dreams about 60% of the time. From the point of view of SP Rastorguev, the author of the book "Information War", it is genetic memory that manifests itself, and the brain looks through it and learns. "A genetic program containing the lives already lived by the ancestors is fed to the original void that the embryo is destined to fill in the mother's womb." Thanks to science, today we know that the human embryo in the womb in the process of maturation, passing through the entire cycle of evolutionary development - from a single-celled organism to an infant, “briefly recalls its entire history as the history of the development of a living being”. As a result, the newborn child retains the genetic memory recorded by all his historical ancestors. For example, a newborn has the ability to float on its own. This ability to swim is lost after a month. Those. children are born with a full arsenal of knowledge, carefully preserved over centuries of evolution in genetic memory. And up to 2 years old, the child retains sound, visual, tactile genetic memory. Unfortunately (or fortunately), as you grow and learn, access to genetic memory diminishes.

Present in our psyche, genetic memory data are usually not available to us in conscious comprehension. Since the manifestation of this memory is actively counteracted by our consciousness, trying to protect the psyche from “split personality”. But genetic memory can manifest itself during sleep or a state of altered consciousness (hypnosis, trance, meditation), when the control of consciousness is weakened.

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