Home Potato Horoscope for the end of October Sagittarius. Latest news: Newsline

Horoscope for the end of October Sagittarius. Latest news: Newsline

Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the bladder, often affecting its mucous membrane. Due to the high prevalence, high frequency of relapses, as well as the difficulty of treating chronic forms of the disease, cystitis is a serious medical problem. In addition, a pronounced sudden onset of the disease, significant unpleasant sensations in the process of the disease lead to disruption of the normal rhythm of life, forced disability. Therefore, the detection and treatment of cystitis must be timely.

Causes of cystitis

Infectious diseases of the bladder are divided into complicated and uncomplicated. TO uncomplicated forms of cystitis include inflammation of the bladder in healthy non-pregnant women aged 16-65 years in the absence of other diseases of the urinary tract. Complicated forms of cystitis there are also patients with pre-existing diseases of the urinary tract, for example, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, with severe systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart failure, as well as in men and the elderly. This distinction between forms of cystitis is necessary for adequate diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

The main cause of cystitis is infection. As a rule, uncomplicated cystitis is caused by a single microorganism; in chronic inflammation, a mixed flora is determined. The main causative agent is Escherichia coli, in a smaller percentage of cases, saprophytic staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter. Most pathogens are representatives of the normal microflora of the large intestine, rectum and vagina, therefore, cystitis is referred to as an autoinfection. Currently, among young people, cystitis is more and more common, caused by specific sexually transmitted infections, for example, chlamydial. In persons with reduced immunity, fungal cystitis is common, including due to infection with yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

In a smaller percentage of cases, non-infectious cystitis... Overcooling of the body causes a narrowing of the vessels of the bladder, a malnutrition of its wall, and as a result of a weakening of the protective properties and the development of inflammation.
Chemical cystitis cause aggressive substances injected into the bladder by mistake for therapeutic purposes or when trying to terminate a pregnancy.
Allergic cystitis develops when allergens enter the body. As a rule, certain foods become allergens. Allergic cystitis is characterized by a short duration of the course and complete cure on its own or under the influence of antihistamines.
Prolonged stress, neuropsychic overexcitation can cause functional urination disorder with changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder. Such cystitis is characterized by a persistent course, a tendency to relapse and the absence of bacteria in the analysis of urine.

For the development of cystitis, a combination of at least two factors is necessary: ​​the entry of microorganisms or aggressive substances into the bladder and a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membrane. Bladder infection can occur in the following ways. The predominant route of infection is ascending from the rectum, vagina in women, and the urethral region in men. The descending pathway (with kidney and ureteric infection) of infection is less common. Hematogenous and lymphogenous infection is also possible, when microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the bladder with the flow of blood or lymph. In rare cases, a contact route of infection is possible with damage to an organ located next to the bladder. In conditions of reduced protective properties of the bladder wall, an intensive multiplication of microorganisms occurs. In the course of their life, they secrete some substances that damage the mucous membrane, and cystitis develops.

Defloration, active sex life, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period, climacteric changes are distinguished as provoking factors of the disease. Girls of preschool and primary school age are 6 times more likely to develop cystitis compared to older age groups. This is due to the immaturity of the ovaries during this period and the absence of female sex hormones in the blood, which play an important role in the formation of the protective mechanisms of the vaginal mucosa and paraurethral region. This leads to the colonization of microorganisms and the formation of cystitis as an ascending infection. When defloration (destruction of the hymen) through the damaged lymphatic vessels of the hymen, the infection enters the bladder. Frequent and rough intercourse contributes to microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa and the penetration of infection into the bloodstream and further into the bladder. But more often, with prolonged intercourse, due to massage of the urethra, the infection enters the bladder ascending. During pregnancy, due to the pressure of the growing uterus, urine stagnation forms, which contributes to the rapid multiplication of microorganisms and predisposes to the development of inflammation. In the climacteric period, in the absence of female sex hormones, which contribute to the formation of local immunity of the mucous membrane of the vagina and bladder, cystitis also often develops.

In men, primary cystitis is extremely rare, as a rule, with a foreign body of the bladder or after urological manipulations. In most cases, cystitis in men is secondary against the background of any disease of the urinary system.

Cystitis symptoms

Acute cystitis is characterized by a rapid onset of the disease. Often it is possible to establish a connection between inflammation and predisposing factors, for example, hypothermia, previous sexual intercourse. Patients complain of frequent urination, a constant urge to urinate, a sharp urge to urinate (urinary incontinence). It is often necessary to make an effort to start urinating. In the process of urination, pain and burning sensation occur in the urethra, after urination, cramps in the lower abdomen. The urine leaves in small portions, the urge to urinate does not stop day or night. In young children, acute urinary retention may occur due to intense pain.

With a significantly pronounced inflammatory process, a general poisoning of the body is possible: an increase in body temperature up to 38-40 degrees, general weakness, sweating, dry mouth, thirst. As a rule, this indicates the spread of infection with the development of pyelonephritis (an infection of the tissue of the kidneys and renal pelvis).

With a recurrent form of cystitis, exacerbations are replaced by periods of complete absence of manifestation of inflammation. In this case, even a minimal effect of provoking factors can again cause the development of the disease.

The chronic form of cystitis is characterized by both mild and severe urination disorders, slight discomfort or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which are permanent and change slightly during treatment. Such manifestations of cystitis occur due to persistent changes in the wall of the bladder due to the frequent preceding microbial attacks. In chronic cystitis, microorganisms in the urine are not detected.

When the above complaints appear, it is necessary to contact a therapist or nephrologist as soon as possible. Self-medication or loss of time can cause the transition of acute cystitis into a chronic form, the occurrence of complications.

The main sign of the presence of cystitis, in addition to external manifestations, is the detection of leukocytes and bacteria in the general analysis of urine. If bacteria are present, urine culture can be performed to identify the organisms and determine their antibiotic susceptibility. It is also possible that a small amount of red blood cells appear in the urine. With hemorrhagic cystitis, urine becomes the color of "meat slops", a large number of red blood cells is determined in it. Ultrasound is informative only with a significantly pronounced process or with a chronic form of the disease. This reveals a thickening of the bladder wall, its layering, and edema.

In the lumen of the bladder, a suspension of exfoliated cells of the mucous membrane and microbial conglomerates appears.

Complications of cystitis

One of the most common complications of cystitis is pyelonephritis. In this case, the infectious process ascends from the bladder through the ureters to the renal pelvis, from there to the kidney tissue. Of particular importance is the throwing of infected urine into the renal pelvis with an increase in pressure in the bladder due to inflammation.

Another serious complication is the transition of uncomplicated cystitis to the hemorrhagic form. In this case, inflammation covers not only the mucous membrane, but also other layers of the bladder wall. In the course of their vital activity, bacteria destroy the wall of the bladder, bleeding occurs. Hemorrhagic cystitis is characterized by visible changes in the properties of urine: it turns red due to blood impurities, and an unpleasant odor appears. Bleeding from the bladder wall can be a serious problem for the patient and even require surgery.

Cystitis treatment

Treatment of cystitis should be timely and comprehensive. Uncomplicated acute cystitis is treated on an outpatient basis. Depending on the alleged pathogen, antimicrobial therapy (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin) is prescribed. For the treatment of the inflammatory syndrome, anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, nimesulide) are recommended.

From the first hours of the disease, to relieve pain and ease urination, it is necessary to use anesthetic drugs (solpadein, suppositories with anesthesin) and antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine).

To ensure adequate excretion of infected urine and to prevent stagnation, it is recommended to consume at least two liters of liquid per day. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for 5-7 days. Also, in order to restore the protective properties of the bladder mucosa, the use of immunostimulating drugs is shown.

Complicated cystitis usually needs to be treated in an inpatient setting. In this case, the recognition of the disease that contributes to the onset of cystitis is made, as well as its adequate treatment. In some cases, for example, with prolapse of the uterus in women or prostate adenoma in men, surgical treatment is indicated.

For treatment chronic form of cystitis and for prophylactic purposes, it is permissible to use herbal preparations with a diuretic effect. Also, some plants (bearberry, horsetail, knotweed, lingonberries and cranberries, celandine) have bacteriostatic, antispasmodic and analgesic properties. In Russia, some herbal medicinal products are patented, for example, kanephron, cyston, which have proven themselves well in the complex treatment of cystitis. Exacerbations of chronic cystitis are treated similarly to acute cystitis.

Prevention of cystitis

As a prophylaxis of cystitis or its exacerbation in the chronic form of the course of the disease, it is recommended to regularly empty the bowels and bladder, to prevent constipation. Lead an active lifestyle, move more, as this helps to eliminate congestion in the abdominal organs. In addition, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially of the genitals. It is very important for women to timely sanitize the vagina. In chronic cystitis, a complete cure is impossible without identifying and treating the primary cause.

Physician, therapist, nephrologist Sirotkina E.V.

Cystitis is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in both women and men. It is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system as a result of the vital activity of bacteria. It manifests itself more often in women and girls, since the vagina and anus are located close enough to each other, and the urethra is not long enough, which allows microorganisms to enter the body.

Etiology of the disease

Acute cystitis can occur at any age. According to statistics, women between the ages of 20 and 45 most often experience this disease. The inflammatory process begins as a result of the penetration of the bacteria E. coli, enterococci and enterobacteria into the body.

Acute cystitis in women is characterized by changes in the genitourinary organ, which can be:

  • Catarrhal. In this case, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. The vessels of the bladder expand, there is edema and redness of the epithelium of the walls.
  • Hemorrhagic. As a result of an increase in vascular permeability, erythrocytes are released. The urine turns brown or pink.

There are two forms of acute cystitis:

  • Primary. The disease develops as a result of hypothermia or allergies. Diabetes mellitus is considered one of the causes of development. The primary form of cystitis is not associated with various pathologies of the organs of the genitourinary system. Depending on the extent of the spread of inflammation, it is subdivided into cervical and diffuse.
  • Secondary. It develops only against the background of another disease. Often these are violations of the patency of the urethra, damage to the spinal cord, tumors and urolithiasis.

There are many causes of acute cystitis and forms of development. For effective treatment, it is very important to accurately establish the focus of inflammation and determine what triggered the onset of the disease.


The main cause of acute cystitis is infection. It enters the body through the urethra or through the bloodstream. The disease can also occur due to the development of complications of respiratory or acute forms of various diseases. That is why you should not delay treatment and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

There are a number of factors that can trigger the onset of acute cystitis, these include:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth;
  • infection - a woman gets into the body as a result of the fact that the anal and vaginal openings are very close to each other;
  • hypothermia;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system, stagnation of blood in the pelvic region;

  • inflammatory process;
  • bad habits - smoking and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affect a woman's health;
  • fatty or spicy food, metabolic disorders;
  • low level of immunity;
  • crystallurgy - a pathology in which the formation of salt crystals in the urine begins;
  • hormonal disorders - most often it is diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • tight-fitting underwear.

In addition, acute cystitis develops as a result of malfunctioning of various systems and functions of the body, for example, constipation, abnormal development of the organs of the genitourinary system, or age. Primary cystitis in girls often occurs due to dysbiosis or insufficient intimate hygiene.

Clinical picture

The main sign of the development of acute cystitis is the occurrence of pain in the pubis and lower abdomen. The pain is often aching. In addition, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • Desire to empty the bladder. It occurs quite often, even though the woman had already visited the toilet a few minutes ago. This is the most common sign of developing a disease.
  • Deterioration of health.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Inability to hold back urination that has already begun.
  • The presence of mucus and blood clots in the urine.
  • In cases where cystitis is accompanied by urethritis, burning and itching may occur during urination.

In acute cystitis, the symptoms disappear after a few days of treatment. But after a while, they may appear again as a result of the fact that microorganisms or inflammation still remain on the mucous membrane. This condition is called a relapse.

If acute cystitis is treated incorrectly, then the disease becomes chronic. Symptoms will be less pronounced, but the walls of the bladder become more thickened, due to constant inflammation of the mucous membrane. Thus, the bladder shrinks and does not store urine. Chronic cystitis can only be treated with a surgical method.


In order to establish the cause and degree of development of the disease, the attending physician prescribes an examination. These include:

  • Analysis of urine . Thanks to the data, the cause of the disease, the degree of damage and the intensity of inflammation are established.
  • Cystography and cystoscopy. They help to find out the type of pathology. The presence of ulcers, stones, fistulas, or tumors in the urethra.
  • Ultrasound. It is carried out if a chronic form of the disease is suspected.

  • X-ray examination. It is necessary to determine the degree of inflammation.
  • Gynecological examination using mirrors.
  • Biopsy. It is prescribed when diagnosing a chronic form and is carried out in order to exclude the presence of cancer cells.

A complete examination allows the doctor to prescribe a treatment regimen depending on the various characteristics of the course of the disease.

Treatment of acute cystitis

When acute cystitis is established, rest and drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. The amount of liquid can reach five liters per day. Most often it is water, herbal infusions, compotes or fruit drinks. It is also necessary for cystitis to follow a special diet in order to avoid irritation of the bladder mucosa. In addition, it is important to have a timely bowel movement. Experts do not recommend having sex during the treatment of cystitis. It is important not to overcool your legs and keep your body warm.

In women, treatment with drugs involves taking the following groups of drugs:

  • Pain relievers. The main symptom of the disease is pain, which can be relieved by applying a warm bottle to the perineum. In the case when the pain syndrome is pronounced, Ibuprofen, Baralgin, Diclofenac, Papaverine or No-shpa are prescribed.
  • Antispasmodic drugs, these include Spazmalgon.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Uroseptic.
  • Antibacterial. They are used for treatment only after determining the cause of the development of acute cystitis.

In order not to be mistaken in choosing an antibacterial drug, the doctor takes into account a number of factors:

  • The level of the antibiotic in the urine. For effective treatment, the amount of the drug must exceed the value obtained as a result of the analysis.
  • Safety of the medicinal product. The drug should have a minimum of side effects, especially in the presence of a disease of the nervous system.
  • Antibiotic resistance of microorganisms. Not every remedy can withstand certain types of bacteria that provoke the onset of the disease.
  • The totality of antimicrobial activity against pathogens.

Therefore, the doctor pays special attention to the indicators of clinical studies, which confirm the effectiveness of the drug. This is very important for those medicines that are taken in short courses or once. Most often assigned:

  • Fosfomycin;
  • Co-trimoxazole;
  • Nitrofcrantoin;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

The course of treatment for cystitis is from five to seven days, depending on the degree of development of microorganisms and the inflammatory process. At the end of antibiotic treatment and relief of the acute stage, the procedure of electrophoresis, UHF and magnetotherapy is recommended.

Nutrition for acute cystitis

Along with taking medications, it is recommended to follow a special diet. This is necessary to slow the progression of inflammation and eliminate irritation of the bladder mucosa. The diet consists in giving up:

  • coffee;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • conservation;
  • pickles;
  • smoked meats.

All food during the treatment of acute cystitis should be light, cooked exclusively on steam, stewed or boiled. It is also necessary to exclude fermented milk products. It is worth giving up various yoghurts, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and fermented baked milk.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies

You can treat the disease with the help of traditional medicine recipes. But it is worth remembering that before using them, you must consult a doctor. The most common and effective remedies for cystitis include:

  • Rosehip root. It is used not only in the treatment of acute cystitis. Chop two tablespoons of dry roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Put on fire and simmer for fifteen minutes. Then insist for at least two hours. Drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals.
  • Lingonberry leaves and berries. Pour two teaspoons of fresh or dry leaves with a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain and cool. Drink throughout the day in small sips. Lingonberry has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • Yarrow. Pour boiled hot water over two tablespoons of the plant and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass four times a day.

For acute cystitis, the following are also used:

  • Watermelon. It is a powerful diuretic. The juice helps dissolve stones and salts in the bladder.
  • With an increased level of protein, you need to grind parsley in a mortar, and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for two hours and drink during the day.
  • Acute cystitis often presents with mucus in the urine. In order to reduce the level of its content, you need to take 50 grams. finely chopped sage. Then pour a glass of boiling water and steam for two hours in the oven. Drink the infusion cold three times a day before meals.

It is not recommended to treat acute cystitis with folk remedies on your own. Certain ingredients can cause an allergic reaction.

Cystitis in women is a fairly common disease that is characterized by pronounced symptoms. There may be several reasons for the onset of the disease, but most often it is the penetration of infection and the multiplication of microorganisms in the genitourinary system.

Is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder of an infectious origin, usually not complicated by structural and functional changes in the urinary system. It is manifested by frequent painful urination, the presence of pus and blood in the urine, subfebrile condition. Diagnosed by clinical manifestations, general urine analysis and ultrasound. In the course of therapy, compliance with a protective regime is shown, the use of antibacterial and pain relievers, herbal medicine, local thermal effects, and physiotherapy.



General information

A relatively high percentage of cases of cystitis in women is associated with the structural features of the female urethra, hormonal disorders, frequent genital inflammation (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis), contributing to the entry of microflora into the lumen of the urethra and bladder. Acute cystitis in men almost always occurs against the background of prostatitis, urethritis and orchiepididymitis. An active sex life provides a greater likelihood of infection in the bladder.


Pathology can manifest itself as catarrhal and hemorrhagic changes in the inner lining of the bladder. In the catarrhal process, the urothelium is edematous and hyperemic, the blood vessels of the bladder wall are dilated. An increase in vascular permeability leads to sweating in the focus of inflammation of a large number of red blood cells and the development of hemorrhagic cystitis. For a severe form of the disease, the spread of inflammation to the submucosal layer is characteristic.

Symptoms of acute cystitis

Typical signs are frequent urge to urinate, micturition in small portions with cramps and pain at the end, the appearance of terminal hematuria; pain syndrome in the bladder, perineum and anus; change in the transparency and color of urine (cloudy or the color of "meat slops"). Strong and frequent urge to urinate occurs even with the accumulation of a small volume of urine, which is caused by increased reflex excitability of the bladder, provoking detrusor contractions. The frequency of mictions depends on the severity of the pathology (sometimes they occur every 20-30 minutes).

Involvement in the inflammatory process of the bladder neck is accompanied by constant intense pain radiating to the perineum, anus and glans of the penis in men. Reflex urinary retention may occur due to severe pain and spasm of the external sphincter of the urethra and pelvic floor muscles. The cervical form of the disease with the involvement of the sphincter of the bladder may be accompanied by episodes of urinary incontinence. With the spread of the infectious process into the upper urinary tract, subfebrile temperature and malaise join dysuric disorders, which indicates the development of acute ascending pyelonephritis.


Diagnosis of acute cystitis is carried out by a specialist urologist, it is quite simple due to the specific symptoms of the disease. The results of a general urine analysis help to confirm the diagnosis, in which leukocyturia is observed, which is neutrophilic in nature, erythrocyturia, bacteriuria, a large number of squamous epithelial cells and mucus. Macrohematuria indicates a severe hemorrhagic process and is an unfavorable prognostic sign for further relapses.

To identify the causative agent of inflammation and its sensitivity to antibiotics, a urine culture is performed. In a clinical analysis of blood in an uncomplicated form, the criteria for an acute inflammatory process are rarely identified. According to the ultrasound of the bladder, carried out against the background of its "physiological filling", a thickening of the inner wall of the bladder and the presence of a sufficient amount of "echo-negative" suspension in its cavity are revealed. Cystoscopy and cystography during the period of acute inflammation are not indicated, they can be carried out after the inflammation subsides.

In patients with a complicated course, further examination is advisable to detect neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder (urodynamic examination), gynecological problems in women (smear microscopy, cultures of STI discharge, PCR studies), prostate diseases in men (bacterial culture of a smear from the urethra, examination of secretions prostate). Differential diagnosis is carried out with acute pyelonephritis, acute appendicitis and paraproctitis, with sudden gross hematuria - with a tumor and bladder stones.

Treatment of acute cystitis

Rest (if necessary - bed rest), abundant drink (up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day) and a sparing milk-vegetable diet are shown. It is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements, exclude sex life and avoid hypothermia. The patient's condition is facilitated by general and local thermal procedures (warming, dry heat to the bladder area, herbal sitz baths t = + 37.5 ° C). Instillation of the bladder and hot baths are contraindicated.

Drug therapy for acute cystitis consists in taking painkillers, antispasmodics, antihistamines, uroseptic and antibacterial drugs. With severe pain syndrome, papaverine, drotaverine, metamizole sodium, ibuprofen, diclofenac, paracetamol (orally or rectally) are shown. Antimicrobial therapy is carried out taking into account the antibioticogram, until the results of which nitrofurans, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used (with oral administration and predominantly excreted in the urine).

In acute uncomplicated cystitis in adults, treatment with fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin) or monural is preferable. In the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in children, amoxicillin, cephalosporins (cefuroxime axetil, cefaclor, ceftibuten), nalidixic acid are mainly used. The course is at least 7 days. Treatment is supplemented with phytotherapy using herbs that have a diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tanning effect (bearberry, lingonberry leaf, kidney tea, knotweed). After the acute stage of cystitis subsides, physiotherapy is prescribed (magnetotherapy, magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis, UHF, inductothermy, etc.).

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for acute cystitis is usually favorable; in the case of a complicated form, the disease can acquire a chronic course. For prevention, regular urination and complete emptying of the bladder, personal hygiene, timely treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and genital infections, increasing the body's immune defenses, maintaining the anatomical and functional integrity of the urothelium and detrusor during urological manipulations and operations are important.

Chronic cystitis comes to light more on laboratory parameters. Outwardly or subjectively, the patient may not present any complaints. However, laboratory values ​​of blood and urine indicate the presence of infection in the lower urinary tract. At any time, chronic cystitis can worsen, and all the signs of acute cystitis appear.

According to the causal factor,

Nonspecific- which are caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora (enterobacteria, candida, staphylococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella).

Specific- caused by sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, syphilis) or tuberculosis.

Symptoms of acute cystitis

Some of the main symptoms of a bladder infection are:
pain when urinating, worse at the end of emptying the bladder
frequent urination more than 6 times a day
feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urinating
general weakness
temperature increase
soreness in the lower abdomen
women of childbearing age may also experience menstrual irregularities
Discoloration of urine. It becomes unclear; in some cases, a small amount of blood may be released at the end of urination.
Possibly the presence of purulent discharge from the urethra when urinating

Modern diagnostics of cystitis

The diagnosis of any disease begins with the patient's own observations of his condition. At this stage, we begin to notice a distinctly affected organ and pay increased attention to it. Still, not running to the toilet every 15-30 minutes, painful urination, and even in some cases with blood. How can you not pay attention to your own health? Naturally, these symptoms of a sick person make you seek help from a doctor.

When you go to a doctor, you will be subjected to "inquiry" from his side: what worries, when the first symptoms appeared, whether there were similar symptoms in the past, what diseases did you suffer from in the past, etc. It is imperative to answer these questions, since the doctor asks them in order to more clearly imagine the picture of everything that is happening to you.

The basis for the diagnosis of cystitis is clinical examination:

Patient examination, as a rule, does not reveal any external changes in a patient with cystitis.

Feeling the belly reveals soreness when pressing on the lower abdomen.

Laboratory examinations for cystitis

  • General blood analysis can reveal signs of nonspecific inflammation, an increase in the level of leukocytes and immature forms of neutrophils, as well as an increase in the level of ESR.
  • General urine analysis, as a rule, reveals the presence of protein in the urine, an increased number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and bacteria. In the event that the general analysis of urine revealed an increased content of leukocytes, a urine analysis is performed according to Nechiporenko and Trekhstakannaya sample.
For detailed information on decoding urine analysis, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko and a three-glass sample, see the heading: Analyzes
  • Bacteriological examination of urine after a few weeks, it can help identify the pathogen, which will allow for more targeted and effective treatment. With a bacteriological examination, it is possible to carry out an antibioticogram and determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of cystitis to the main types of antibiotics. This examination will allow you to prescribe the most effective groups of drugs.
  • The use of special test strips for the determination of nitrites... These special strips react to the presence of microbial waste products in the urine. According to the results of this test, one can indirectly judge the presence of an infection in the urinary tract.
  • The use of special test strips for the determination of leukocytes. In some cases, test strips are used to determine an increased concentration of leukocytes in the urine. However, the value of this method is questionable, since the laboratory copes well with this study, conducting a general analysis of urine.
  • Cystoscopy, as a rule, it is performed for chronic cystitis, in the acute period this procedure is not only painful, but also dangerous, since it can contribute to the ascending advance of the infection.
  • Bladder ultrasound allows you to exclude stones in the bladder, gives information about the state of the upper urinary tract and the state of the organs adjacent to the bladder. Also, an ultrasound examination allows you to exclude volumetric neoplasms.

Effective treatment of cystitis

This section deals with acute cystitis, the tactics of its complex treatment.

Antibacterial treatment

In the treatment of acute cystitis, it is necessary first of all to limit the spread of infection, and this requires the use of antibacterial drugs. The main question in this regard is the name of the antibiotic, the duration of its administration and the course dosage. Numerous studies have shown that 3- and 7-day courses of antibiotics and antiseptics are optimal in the treatment of cystitis. There were no advantages in a longer course, but the adverse effects of long-term antibiotic use were confirmed in all clinical studies. You need to understand that the bacteria that cause cystitis are also in constant search of ways to bypass the antibacterial action of medications. Therefore, drugs that at the moment give almost 100% result in the eradication of infection in a few years will be effective only in a certain percentage of cases.

At the moment, the drugs of choice are antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones, fosfomycin. Unfortunately, the other groups of antibiotics are not effective enough against the bacteria most often causing cystitis. In case of intolerance or contraindications to the use of drugs of choice, drugs from other groups are prescribed: cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, nitrofurans.

We present several schemes of antibacterial treatment:

  • Monural 3 g 1 time per day - duration of treatment 3 days
  • norfloxacin 400 mg 2 times a day - duration of treatment 3 days
  • ciprofloxacin 250 mg 2 times a day - duration of treatment 3 days
However, self-medication rarely cures an infectious disease. Therefore, for adequate treatment, it is necessary to conduct a personal consultation with a urologist, a full examination and control of the healing and dynamics of the process against the background of the treatment. Also, the antibacterial drugs used have a number of absolute contraindications, therefore, to exclude them, it is necessary to conduct a personal consultation with a specialist doctor without fail.

Antimicrobial drugs
With the proven addition of an infectious factor, it is advisable to conduct a course of therapy with antimicrobial drugs that are well excreted in the urine and act on E. coli - the most common causative agent of cystitis, and such is, for example, McMiror. has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and is also effective against fungi and protozoa. This is important, since mixed flora can also join, and it is not always possible to reveal this in time.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy

In some cases, painful cystitis requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The unpleasant sensations and soreness with cystitis is associated with the damaging effect of infection in the lumen of the bladder. The toxins released by them, damaging the epithelium, cause an inflammatory reaction, which at the local level is manifested by pain. In this case, the soreness increases precisely under the influence of filling and emptying the bladder. This is not surprising, because the locally inflamed tissue reacts primarily to mechanical stress. However, pain relief is necessary not only to increase the patient's comfort, but also because severe pain reflexively forces the patient to drink less, and a decrease in the volume of passing urine adversely affects the dynamics of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory drugs(diclofenac, nimesil) interrupt the cascade of biochemical reactions that leads to the development of inflammation. Due to this, local edema and plethora of damaged tissue are reduced, which reduces pain.

Antispasmodic drugs- the inflammatory reaction in cystitis also extends to muscle tissue - this is associated with severe pain when the bladder stretches (when it is filled) and exacerbation of pain during emptying. Antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, papaverine, baralgin) reduce muscle tension, which reduces soreness in the bladder.

Antispasmodic drugs can be used in the form of tablets, powders dissolved in water, or in the form of rectal suppositories - the effectiveness of the method of administration does not change.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of cystitis

The use of herbal remedies in the treatment of this disease is aimed at increasing the generated daily urine (herbal diuretics), as well as the consumption of substances that have a bactericidal effect (infusions of bearberry, knotweed, horsetail,
celandine or cranberries, lingonberries) as part of urine. Currently, there are many industrially manufactured preparations based on plant raw materials (kanefron,
phytolysin, cyston). These drugs have proven medicinal properties in the treatment of cystitis. However, these drugs are used only as an addition to the main drug treatment.

Stimulation of immunity in the treatment of cystitis
For effective treatment of immunodeficiency states, it is necessary to understand that immunity depends on many factors: psycho-emotional state, nutrition, human activity. The state of immunity depends on all these factors. If your life is replete with stress, or during the day you never looked up from the monitor screen, then reduced immunity is a natural consequence of an improper lifestyle. Treatment should begin with the exclusion of factors unfavorable to the immune system and begin to follow the following rules:

Normalize nutrition- special attention should be paid to the composition of the daily consumed food. Your diet must be enriched with easily digestible meats (veal, hare meat, chicken brisket), eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (exclude GMO products - in them only the form and organoleptic properties correspond to those of natural, vitamins and nutrients in their composition are almost absent).

Eliminate stressful situations... If for this you need to give up work or change your housing and communal conditions, then proceed with the implementation. You can take a vacation from work and go on a well-deserved rest in a dispensary or a sanatorium. In the event that neighbors, relatives or obsessive friends are the cause of constant stress, then it is worth changing your place of residence and categorically limiting communication with people annoying you.

Active lifestyle... This is not only daily exercises, a contrast shower, classes in the fitness room, but also an active life position. Remember, "thoughts will materialize." If you consider yourself a sick, worthless person, then for those around you you will look just like that. However, every person has a huge potential hidden, most of us do not know even half of our inherent abilities and talents. Look for yourself, get to know your abilities, do not be afraid to seem funny and inquisitive - after all, curiosity is the source of eternal youth.

If you do not like the work you are doing now, go to courses (there are a huge number of them now) in the specialty that you like best (photography courses, management courses, foreign language courses, computer courses). It is highly likely that these courses will help you to do not only what brings money, but also what “elevates work to the level of creativity” - your favorite work.

However, in the context of the treatment of acute cystitis, to raise immunity, it may also be necessary to take medications. The fact is that acute cystitis, with a failure of the immune response, can turn into a chronic one, from which you will be treated for more than one month, but for years. The course of this annoying form of cystitis actually causes a lot of trouble - the slightest hypothermia or stressful situation and chronic cystitis worsens with all the consequences ...

A brief overview of several of the currently used immunostimulants:

Viferon- a preparation containing the active substance alpha interferon. Interferon is a natural compound that is also synthesized in our body during infectious and inflammatory processes. In case of an inadequate immune response, taking this drug will mobilize the immune system and make it work harder.
As a rule, for cystitis, this drug is used in the form of rectal suppositories in a dosage of 500,000 IU (1 suppository) 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
Treatment with this drug should be preceded by a personal consultation with a physician or urologist. This drug has a number of absolute contraindications and a wide range of side effects. To exclude contraindications and minimize the likelihood of adverse reactions, a full examination and personal consultation with a specialist doctor are required.

Likopid- has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, stimulates the activity of cells that absorb bacteria for their subsequent dissolution, and also stimulates the production of antibodies against infectious agents. In fact, the active substance of this drug is a bacterial wall molecule. Due to the form of antigen supply, convenient for the immune system, leukocytes easily recognize this structure and actively begin to produce antibodies, and cellular immunity is also stimulated.
The treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on the parameters of peripheral blood and the dynamics of the infectious process. Here is the most commonly used treatment regimen with this drug: taking 10 mg 1 time per day, the duration of treatment is 10 days.
Treatment is prescribed by the attending physician urologist or gynecologist in an individual combination with other drugs.

Uro-Waxom- this drug is a lyophilisate of 18 species of the most common bacteria E. Coli. The fact is that 80% of all cystitis is caused by this intestinal bacterium. Therefore, the introduction of this drug allows the immune system to form an adequate immune response in the shortest possible time. This drug causes the body to produce its own interferon, which stimulates the entire immune system. Also, there is an active training of special immune cells (T lymphocytes) on the spot to destroy E. Coli. It is also important to stimulate the production of special surface IgA antibodies. These antibodies are located on the surface of the epithelium of the urinary tract mucous membranes and prevent the ascending penetration of the infection along the urinary tract.

Prevention of cystitis

In order to prevent the development of cystitis or to prevent its recurrence, the recommendations below must be followed. It is worth noting that compliance with these recommendations cannot relieve you of this disease by 100%, however, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of this pathology.
  • As part of compliance with hygiene standards, wash yourself every day at least once during the day. Optimal to achieve cleanliness in the external genital area is washing at least 2 times a day using soap (preferably using baby soap, which does not contain fragrances and baptists) and running water.
  • Make sure that your sexual partner also observes the basic hygiene rules of hygiene of the external genital organs - daily washing will help with this.
  • Before and after each sexual intercourse, it is necessary to wash with soap. This rule applies to both sexual partners.
  • Oral sex should be excluded if pathologies such as stomatitis, angina, oral candidiasis and other infections in the oral cavity. The reason for this recommendation is clear - with saliva, it is possible to introduce infection to the external genital organs and into the urethra.
  • Dress for the weather. An extravagant miniskirt for cold weather can cost you many years of fighting chronic recurrent cystitis. However, cystitis is not the worst of the pathologies caused by hypothermia - the development of an inflammatory process in all pelvic organs is possible, and this threatens infertility and long-term visits to gynecologists in the hope of recovery.
  • Monitor the state of your own immunity - frequent colds may indicate its poor condition. The measures taken to restore it are described in the corresponding chapter of the article.
  • Do not restrain yourself when you want to go "small". Prolonged urinary retention in the bladder contributes to the development of infection.
  • Fluid consumption should be optimal, in the hot season it should increase by at least 1-1.5 liters.
  • Whenever possible, women are advised to change their tampons to pads. The fact is that tampons can mechanically squeeze the urethra and be a source of infection in the immediate vicinity of the external opening of the urethra.
  • Men can only be advised to change their underwear daily. This measure will minimize the likelihood of developing nonspecific urethritis.
  • Having visited the toilet, it is advisable to wipe from front to back, and not vice versa. The reason for this tactic of wiping is understandable - when wiping from back to front, intestinal bacteria are introduced onto the external genital organs, which contributes to their penetration into the urethra.

How to treat cystitis during early pregnancy?

Cystitis during pregnancy- a fairly common phenomenon that not only presents discomfort for a woman, but is also dangerous for its complications in relation to the kidneys, that is, the development pyelonephritis ... Pregnancy is always a big load on the kidneys, because they work for two, and they also remove a large number of immune complexes, especially when the mother and child are incompatible by blood group or Rh factor. Inflammation of the kidneys can lead to a difficult course of pregnancy with a threat to the life of the mother and baby, this and renal failure preeclampsia or late gestosis (high blood pressure, edema, protein in the urine) and eclampsia (manifested by convulsions and loss of consciousness, requires immediate caesarean section).

So, every tenth woman during pregnancy, he feels all the delights of cystitis.

Why is such a pleasant period for any woman so often darkened by cystitis? And everything is explained physiological changes in a woman during an interesting position:

  • compression of the bladder by an enlarged uterus;
  • the effect of progesterone , the main hormone of pregnancy, on the contractility of the bladder, which reduces the tone of its walls;
  • ascending infection from the vagina, associated with a change in its microflora (the norm for pregnancy);
  • reduced immunity, characteristic of all expecting mothers.
Here cystitis has developed during pregnancy, what to do, how to treat it, if any drug is not recommended in the early stages of pregnancy and can harm the long-awaited baby? And the main treatment for this ailment is antibiotic therapy, and fluoroquinolone preparations are the most effective. Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated not only for pregnant women, but also for children under adolescence, because they have a wide range of side effects, the main ones being the effect on the growth zones of the bones and disruption of the central nervous system and psyche.

Regimen for cystitis during pregnancy:

  • consult a urologist;
  • do not take risks by self-medication and folk methods, because even many herbs can harm the baby, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, and increase the tone of the uterus;
  • observe bed rest;
  • strictly avoid hypothermia and contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • follow a diet with the exception of spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods;
  • it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fruits and berries (according to the season, cranberries, watermelons, cherries, cherries, strawberries, citrus fruits, and so on);
  • it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid (water, juices, fruit drinks), carbonated, especially sweet drinks are contraindicated;
  • cranberry juice and rosehip decoction are good remedies that enhance the treatment and prevention of cystitis;
  • visit the toilet in a timely manner, do not tolerate;
  • observe the hygiene of intimate places;
  • do not wear tight underwear;
  • strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and treatment regimens.
Treatment regimens for cystitis in early pregnancy

1. Antibacterial drugs:

  • Monural(antiseptic of the urinary tract) - not recommended for pregnancy for periods of less than 12 weeks (taking an antiseptic is possible only with a severe course of the disease), after 12 weeks Monural can be used once 3g (1 capsule) between meals and immediately after emptying urinary.
  • Amoxicillin(Flemoxin, Ospamox, Amosin) is a penicillin antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity. Apply 500 mg 3 times a day (every 8 hours) for at least 5 days.
  • Suprax(antibiotic of the cephalosporin series) - 200 mg 2 times a day (every 12 hours), not less than 5 days.
No antibiotics cure cystitis possible, but very difficult , in most cases, temporary relief of symptoms is achieved. The lack of adequate antibacterial treatment for acute cystitis very often leads to the development of a chronic form of the disease.
When deciding on the appointment of antibiotics, you always need to weigh the pros and cons, that is, the risks of developing complications of the disease and the occurrence of side effects from taking the drug.

2. Herbal preparations:

  • Kanefron-N - 2 tab. 3 times a day, the course of treatment is from 2 weeks;
  • Urolesan - 8 drops 3 times a day, the course of treatment is on average 2 weeks;
  • Cyston - 2 tab. 3 times a day after meals, the course of treatment is from 2 months.
3. Antispasmodics: No-shpa - 1 tablet (40 mg) 3 times a day after meals.

What is contraindicated in early pregnancy in the treatment of cystitis?

  • the use of most antibiotics, except for the above, is dangerous by the development of developmental anomalies in the fetus; fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, norfloxacin), tetracycline, aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin) are especially contraindicated;
  • carry out instillations (the introduction of antibacterial drugs directly into the bladder), can lead to miscarriages;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, diclofenac, Analgin, and so on), can lead to severe pathologies in the baby;
  • using physical therapy can lead to miscarriage;
  • take hot baths (and of course saunas, baths and other types of overheating), high temperatures can provoke hypertonicity of the uterus.

How to treat cystitis in late pregnancy?

The principles of treating cystitis in the second half of pregnancy are very similar to those in the early stages. But the risk of developing fetal pathology associated with therapeutic measures after 20 weeks of pregnancy is much lower. By this time, the baby has already formed the main organs, tissues and systems, they continue to mature and develop. But the risk of developing cystitis itself and its complications during this period becomes higher.
Therefore, some drugs and procedures prohibited in the early stages can be used in the second half of pregnancy, but the decision on their appointment is made only by a specialist doctor, should be weighed taking into account the risks in case of treatment and without it.

Principles of home treatment for cystitis:

  • taking medications for oral use (tablets, decoctions, suspensions, drops and others), injections and instillations of the bladder are not recommended at home;
  • adherence to standard treatment regimens for cystitis, preferably recommended by a doctor after a detailed objective, laboratory and instrumental examination;
  • adherence to the daily regimen, nutrition, abundant drinking, personal hygiene;
  • combination of drug therapy with traditional medicine methods;
  • use of thermal procedures in the bladder area, prevention of hypothermia, wearing warm clothes, drinking warm drinks.
The scheme of drug treatment of cystitis (for more details in the section of the article "Effective treatment of cystitis"):
  • antibiotic and / or antiseptic of the urinary tract;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory drug;
  • immunostimulant;
  • herbal preparations.
Some traditional medicine methods:

1. Warm baths with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile, succession, celandine, St. treated with disinfectants and given with boiling water. The bath is taken for at least 10 minutes (until the water cools down) several times a day.

2. Tinctures that increase immune strength : Eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea and other tinctures, sold ready-made in pharmacies. A mixture of different tinctures in equal proportions is also effective.

3. Decoction of a mixture of plants : dill, parsley, thyme and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Pour 1 large spoonful of 1 cup boiling water, let it brew. Recommended for 1/3 cup of broth 3 times a day. The course of treatment is several weeks.

4. Complex collection: lingonberry leaves (2 measures), St. John's wort (1 measure), rose hips (3 measures), echinacea (1 measure), eucalyptus (1 measure), meadowsweet (2 measures) - mix. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted. Recommended for 1/3 cup of broth 3 times a day. The course of treatment is several weeks.
5. Renal collection (ready-made form in a pharmacy) 2 large spoons pour 300 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 1.5 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10.
It must be remembered that any herbs cannot be used for a long time, since the body becomes addicted to them, it is necessary to regularly change the types of herbal preparations used.

And most importantly, you cannot stop treatment (especially with antibacterial agents) after the first improvement, any treatment must be completed with a minimum course to the end, otherwise rapid relapses of the disease may develop and the pathogen resistance to antibiotics may develop.

Therefore, drugs that at the moment give almost 100% result in the eradication of infection in a few years will be effective only in a certain percentage of cases.

Acute cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. This disease does not cause difficulties in treatment, but it is dangerous for its severe complications, which can threaten the patient's life. You should not be frivolous about this problem, you need to make every effort to cure in the early stages, and for this you should know the symptoms of acute cystitis (until it has passed into the chronic stage).

The essence of pathology

Cystitis is a very common disease and is the most common among urological diseases. Most often, women complain about acute cystitis, this is due to the anatomy of the structure of the urethra.

In women, the diameter of this canal is larger than in men, but at the same time it is shorter in length, such a structure is favorable for pathogenic microflora to penetrate and multiply there.

In addition, the urethra in women is located in close proximity to the vagina and rectum, which is also a "convenience" for all kinds of infections. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it quickly becomes chronic.

Acute cystitis is divided into primary (when it is an independent disease) and secondary (when it is a complication of other diseases, such as adenoids). Most often, acute cystitis affects a person from 20 to 40 years old: during this period, sexual activity is high.

Signs of the disease

In acute cystitis, the symptoms are expressed by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, painful and frequent urge to urinate, when the bladder is emptied, the pain intensifies, and the release of urine may end in drops of blood. Signs of acute cystitis - a rise in temperature, chills and weakness, sometimes spontaneous excretion of urine may occur.

If the disease is not treated, then gradually the patient's condition worsens, there is an admixture of blood in it. In the initial stage of the disease, it is acute at home, but as soon as the disease begins to progress, treatment should be inpatient.

It is important to know that the urinary system includes several organs that are very closely related to each other, so pathology can spread outside the bladder and also involve the ureters and kidneys.

Acute and chronic cystitis requires mandatory treatment, since it is extremely dangerous for its complications, the main thing is to seek help on time, and then the treatment will not take much time.

Causes of Acute Cystitis

With the development of acute cystitis, the causes are infections. Usually, the culprits of the disease are gram-negative pathogens (Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Proteus and others), gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus), and maybe both.

The occurrence occurs with a certain factor - parainfluenza, adenovirus or herpes infection. They disrupt the innervation and microcirculation in the bladder, which contributes to the further spread and development of the infectious process.

Sometimes cystitis is provoked by mycoplasma, chlamydial or ureaplasma infections.

The appearance of acute specific cystitis of tuberculous, gonorrheal or Trichomonas origin stands apart.

Normally, the cleansing of the urinary tract of a healthy person is due to urine, which regularly flows outward, moreover, from the inside, the ureter is covered by a membrane that has a high resistance to various types of infections due to a special secret. Its thin layer protects the bladder from penetration of pathogenic flora. But sometimes various changes occur in this layer, in which it loses its protective properties, and then cystitis can develop in an acute form.

An injured inner lining of the urea can lead to acute cystitis. This can happen as a result of surgical or instrumental interventions - ureteroscopy, cystoscopy or catheter insertion. Frequent colds, weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, toxic and chemical effects of various substances can also provoke the development of the disease.

Cystitis can also occur in children, in this case, the causes may be in boys of pathology of the anatomical and functional properties, and in girls - vaginal dysbiosis (if personal hygiene is not observed).

One of the causes of cystitis is stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. It disrupts the blood supply to the walls of the bladder, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted. Sexual excesses with non-observance of hygienic measures can also lead to the development of this unpleasant disease.

First aid for acute cystitis

Asking the question of what to do with acute cystitis, it should be remembered that there can be only one answer - contacting a specialist. But it so happens that it is not possible to visit a urologist immediately. Then it remains only to take measures to alleviate the patient's condition. And here you need to know how to treat the disease without leaving your home, as well as what is the emergency care for acute cystitis.

First aid, if pain is disturbed, are antispasmodics or pain relievers.

It can be Pentalgin, Ketonal, No-shpa, Nurofen. The patient must be given a lot to drink, and not only water. The use of cranberry juice is encouraged. And no carbonated water, citrus and tomato juice, coffee and strong tea!

At the initial stage of the disease, it is allowed to use funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine, but this should only be first aid, in the future, traditional medicine should be combined with the professional help of a urologist. Salty, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

Infections are treated with antibiotics, but a doctor must prescribe them, so you cannot start drinking antibiotics on your own. After the patient has been given first aid, you need to contact a urologist as soon as possible.

Cystitis treatment

In acute cystitis, treatment is prescribed only after passing all the necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics, they must be taken strictly according to the scheme indicated by the doctor, and not to cancel the prescribed course, even if the symptoms no longer bother. Also, anti-cystitis therapy includes antiviral and antifungal drugs.

Most likely, the attending physician will prescribe herbal preparations, for example, Canephron or Phytolysin, the dosage and duration of use is determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition. He will need to follow a diet throughout the course of treatment, drink plenty of fluids and not get hypothermic.

Danger of cystitis

Acute and can cause serious complications:

  • The most common of these is. The disease develops due to the movement of the infection from the urea to the kidneys. Pyelonephritis, in turn, can result in kidney dystrophy, renal failure, and kidney tumors. The development of renal failure is faster if pyelonephritis has affected both of the paired organs.
  • The next complication is interstitial cystitis. With it, inflammation will also affect the muscle layer of the bladder. The kidney shrinks, loses its ability to stretch and decrease in volume, which causes bleeding, the formation of calculi in the kidneys, and provokes stagnation in the urinary tract.

  • Hemorrhagic cystitis is a disease that leads to vascular damage, which promotes the release of urine with blood, while the temperature rises sharply, unbearable pain appears, as a result, iron deficiency anemia may develop.
  • Necrotizing cystitis manifests itself in the formation of ulcers on the walls of the bladder, which can subsequently degenerate into malignant formations, their perforation may occur, which will lead to the addition of a secondary infection, and this will further aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Gangrenous cystitis is a dangerous process that causes complete or partial necrosis of the bladder. This usually leads to peritonitis. There is only one method of treatment - an operation to remove the urea.

Prolonged inflammation can contribute to dysfunction of the sphincter and urinary incontinence, or vice versa - severe inflammation will lead to retention of urine, with filling of the bladder, the patient feels a sharp and painful urge to urinate, and emptying does not occur.

Prevention of cystitis

In order not to become a victim of acute or chronic cystitis, you need to follow some preventive measures for the disease:

  • It is necessary to keep the genitals clean. It is optimal to wash yourself twice a day, while you need to use soap, preferably hypoallergenic for children.
  • Make sure your partner is good at personal hygiene too.
  • Before and after sexual intercourse, it is also necessary to rinse the genitals well. This applies to both partners.
  • If there is an infection in the oral cavity - candidiasis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, you should refrain from oral sex.

  • In cold weather, dress warmer. Putting on a fashionable mini-skirt and thin tights in the cold, of course, you will look great, but is it worth it to shine one evening, and then heal for many years?
  • Maintain your immunity.
  • If there is an urge to urinate, you cannot restrain yourself. Retention of urine triggers the infection to act.
  • When menstruating, women should use pads rather than tampons. Firstly, the tampons press on the urinary canal, and secondly, they are in the immediate vicinity of the urethra.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of acute, the most effective of them are presented below:

  • Cornflower . Take 1 tbsp. l. flowers, pour 300 g of boiling water. Let it brew, then divide the infusion into 2 parts - the first is drunk before bedtime, the second in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and drink a whole glass each time before meals.

  • 2 tsp Pour yarrow with a glass of boiling water, boil, let it brew for an hour, strain and drink half a glass before meals.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Boil St. John's wort for 15 minutes in a glass of water. Drink 50 g. A good remedy for chronic form.

Now you know what cystitis is, how dangerous it is, how to treat it and what preventive measures to take. Start taking care of your health as early as possible, because youth is not eternal!

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