Home Potato Taurus horoscope for December 28th. Financial Astrological Forecast

Taurus horoscope for December 28th. Financial Astrological Forecast

In this winter month, relationships enter a favorable phase of development, marked by the joy of doing business together. Taurus is full of sensuality and passion, wanting to interact with their beloved on a deep level - both physically and emotionally. Personal life becomes not only a source of positive emotions, but can also bring monetary profit.

The patroness of love Venus is located in the Taurus house of partnership - this is a good position for you on the planet. Despite some difficulties, self-confidence and a sense of general well-being do not leave you. The harmonious relationship of Venus with Neptune promotes romance. Poetry, films, music - all this creates a pleasant love atmosphere.

The sun, Jupiter and Mercury transits in the house of transformation, so December is conducive to overcoming prohibitions, self-restraints and outdated ideas about relationships. Many of you will experiment with love and discover new facets of your own personality.

Some married Taurus are tempted to have a lover, thereby violating the vows given to their better half. Instead of looking for someone on the side, it would be better not to let boredom reign in your couple. The stars advise not to spend all their free time together, but to have an active social life.

Taurus' career and finance horoscope for December 2018

In the last month of 2018, you have a great chance to succeed through collaboration. Without the help of others, you risk falling behind and getting bogged down in details. With the support of Venus in the home of partnership, you are able to find support even where you did not expect. Sociability, friendliness, good manners - all this will help you to promote your ideas, achieve high results in your work and earn the favor of the management.

Some Taurus are considering changing jobs, but there are concerns that prevent them from making a final decision. First of all, you need to determine the direction in which you want to move, and then analyze the options that match your intention.

Financial circumstances change for the better after December 7, 2018, when Mercury, the ruler of your house of money, ends its retrograde period. The second half of the month can be a generous period as Mercury is near Jupiter. It is very likely that money will come through other people (partners, relatives, friends, etc.), since these planets are located in the eighth house associated with joint finances.

At the same time, the time is quite contradictory, since at the same time there is a negative aspect with Neptune - the planet of illusions. Remain vigilant and refrain from engaging in questionable businesses.


There is a tendency to get irritable about little things, so it is very important that you give yourself enough time to rest. It doesn't hurt to think about how to reorganize your schedule to find a balance between work and family. Excess, both in food and in entertainment, can adversely affect the state of health.

Only accept offers that look realistic, and don't be sucked into adventures!

Your character, dear Taurus, will undergo a number of positive metamorphoses, and all these pleasant changes will be determined by them - your heavenly patrons. The wisdom you acquired at the end of 2018 will be sent to you by Saturn and Jupiter, and your traditional leader, Venus, will in every possible way support the “politics” started by these celestials.

So, as long as your life is governed by a triad of such authoritative planets, you will become not only wiser, but you will also be able to calmly forget about all the troubles that shook you in the past. Venus will continue to carefully patronize your personal front, and her brothers, Saturn and Jupiter, will take over your finances and everything that happens at your place of work.

These planets will teach you to be tolerant of those with whom you have to contact, willy-nilly, due to your official duties. By recognizing that there are many quite pleasant people among your colleagues, you will stop abandoning long-term partnerships (this will be the first step for you to a bright career future).

The only planet that will set out to complicate your life path will be the Moon. She will try to take you into a world of fantasies and dreams, but you will not allow yourself to get away from reality. At the same time, you will find a common language with the Moon, allowing yourself to fantasize and dream exclusively at night.

Happiness can be different, the stars predict success for you in the outgoing year. The Taurus woman must make every effort to grab and not let go of the cherished happiness. You need to work on your own shortcomings daily, take a blank sheet of paper and write down all your negative character traits. Have you estimated the scale of the disaster? From the outside it is always easier to criticize someone, and when it comes to your person, panic sets in.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sensitive to criticism, they are not ready to tell the truth to a person themselves and do not seek to hear it in their address. Do you recognize yourself? Surely, every person will be unpleasant to listen to nasty things, but only the wise will draw the right conclusions and turn the "minus" into "plus".

Remember, "water does not flow under a lying stone." The second half will not fall from the ceiling onto the head of a person who is used to lying on the couch. Taurus, who listen to each of the tips presented for consideration, have a unique opportunity to find their personal happiness. Cupid is ready to help with his personal life, Fortune accompanies profit at work. The stars like to test the strength of your nerves only if you complete the work you have begun and do not give up - you will receive the coveted prize. It is not worth mourning the missed opportunities, only you will lose time and get paranoid syndrome. Taurus needs to fight their attacks of aggression, which cover quite often and do not allow to look adequately at everything that happens around.

Auspicious days in December 2018 for Taurus: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Taurus December 2018 love horoscope

Lonely young ladies do not know which man will be the perfect choice. Boyfriends are constantly hovering around you, and the Taurus woman is always sprayed between them. You should not do this, otherwise you risk walking for a long time in splendid isolation. It's time to change passion and tenderness for pacification and peace of mind. Surely friends and relatives will not adequately respond to such an unexpected turn of events. They are used to seeing you in the image of a temperamental person who, in any situation, will certainly stand up for herself. A dreamy and slightly melancholic mood will only do you good, no doubt about it. Muffled feelings will come to life by spring, but for now, you can engage in self-development and, despite the freezing temperature outside the window, sincerely smile and rejoice at every moment you live.

Couples in love are already ready to build a family nest. As long as you can travel to rented apartments, it's time to get your own home. Think about this issue at your leisure, it is not necessary to arrange magnificent weddings, it is enough to spend finances on purchasing living space and then everything will fall into place. Do not rush the course of events, let everything go on as usual, a little slowly, but confidently. Most people born under this zodiac sign are conservative and rational people who will not intentionally create conflict situations and break off relationships. Feelings are like a strong wine, the taste of which is revealed with new, unusual strength every year. You resist changes completely unconsciously, somewhere on a subconscious level you have hammered into your head that everything new is bad. Don't be so critical, you should look at the situation from different angles.

Married couples have long forgotten what it means to go on dates and hold on to the handle, you lack these emotions, which, like an avalanche, can cover every Taurus with the head. Please your soul mate, surprise with something interesting and then you will definitely be able to throw some firewood into the fire of your love. The source of tender and affectionate feelings is regular spending time together.

Finance horoscope for December 2018 Taurus

Do not even hope for a quick profit, this month will not bring any surprises at all, especially in financial terms. Be content with the result you have achieved and work even harder - the holidays are coming soon. In the New Year, you can implement even the most daring and creative ideas that have been gathering dust in your "box" for so long. December gives stability, a feeling of freedom, and there will be no dizzying victories, let alone rapid falls.

The Taurus woman is not ready to listen to non-standard solutions from her boss or business partner. The balance should not be disturbed, impulsive decisions are not your strong point and this should be remembered. Low wages may push some Taurus out in search of adventure, but don't be in a rush to quit your job. As long as you go to interviews instead of lunch and smile sweetly at your boss, everything is going according to plan. In addition, the holidays are ahead and the money paid will definitely not be superfluous. Try not to talk too much about your future plans, because "the walls have ears" and then the director can call you on the carpet and ask not very pleasant questions that can drive any Taurus into a corner. Such a person will regret that "the tongue was too long." From time to time, you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of an active work process, realizing that you should not be lazy. True, not all attempts can be called successful, but you can at least try to break out of this vicious circle.

On December 22, on the full moon, do not arrange any sabbaths, especially do not stay late at work. It is better to spend this day at home, try to do everything possible to protect yourself from stressful situations.

Health horoscope for December 2018 Taurus

It's important to strike an amazing balance between storing and wasting energy. Representatives of this zodiac sign waste too much emotion, energy and time. A combination of an active sport and a hobby will help you find peace of mind. Surely you've always dreamed of learning to play the drums, but something was constantly stopping you? Then you have a unique opportunity to implement this insidious plan as soon as possible.

All diseases from the nerves, each negative emotion negatively affects the work of internal organs. Taurus gets irritated over trifles, begins to behave aggressively and as a result - then gets sick with colds, complains of regular headaches and discomfort in the back.

It is common for some ladies and the stronger sex to constantly complain. Do you really not notice how close people began to avoid you, looking for excuses, just not to communicate with you. This scenario should alert you and conclusions should be drawn as soon as possible. Make a strategically important decision - stop terrorizing emotionally dear people, otherwise you will be left in splendid isolation.

It is important to monitor your diet, endless snacks on the go will only reward you with additional problems with the digestive system. Today you ate spicy, fatty and fried, and tomorrow you will have to go to the doctor for examination. Taurus often behaves like a "capricious little girl" who is afraid to visit doctors and tries in every possible way to avoid unpleasant procedures in the office of a specialist. You are always and everywhere accustomed to showing yourself as a brave person, why now you cannot remain one? Analyze the situation and be sure to draw your own conclusions in order to go further.

Read the horoscope for December 2018 for other zodiac signs:

December for Taurus is a month of global changes, breakthroughs and energy upsurge, the cards say. But they warn that you have to pay for everything in life. Do not forget about this when you choose the path.

Lovers, the Hanged Man and the Three of Pentacles

In this article


December for the representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign will be held under the sign of love and harmony. The month is favorable for the beginning of new relationships and the revival, and the restoration of broken ties. It's time to make an informed choice so as not to be left alone on New Year's Eve. Take a closer look at the familiar environment, perhaps among these people there is someone who is ready to become a faithful friend, helper and lover. The cards are advised to be attentive to the signs that Fate will give this month. Don't miss the happiness!


I'm tired of the routine, I want to change the usual course of events - December is the best time to take a decisive step. Ditch the templates, look at what you are doing from a different angle. You deserve more, the cards say. Feel free to take on complex projects, everything will work out, and the reward will be worthy. But remember, for the sake of bright prospects, you will have to sacrifice something: health or family relationships. Be ready to give yourself up to your work.


Taurus, who carefully monitor their health, have nothing to fear this month. But do not forget about prevention: do not be lazy and devote at least half an hour a day to physical exercises. They will help keep your body fit and soothe naughty nerves. Do not overuse medications, use traditional methods of treatment.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just making predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

In December, Taurus is waiting for several unexpected discoveries that can both please and disappoint them. In any case, the representatives of the sign will have something to think about in the near future, because most Taurus will really have the opportunity to change their lives for the better. In the first winter month, representatives of the sign will think more than once about what they live for and what kind of global goal they set for themselves. That is why December for Taurus will be a month of difficult thoughts, but, perhaps, if the representatives of the sign, correctly, set priorities for themselves, they will be able to reach a new spiritual level. But at the same time, the stars are advised to remember that everything is good in moderation, so you you need to find and reveal the reason for your today's failures, but not torment yourself morally.

In addition, the current period may turn out to be a month of unexpected meetings and opportunities for the representatives of the sign. Taurus can quite accidentally run into their old comrades, co-workers, as well as those people with whom they were previously in a relationship. It may happen that the interrupted communication will resume and can bring many pleasant moments in the future. Therefore, do not be afraid to let old acquaintances into your life, because everything can really begin at this very moment.

Horoscope for December 2018 Taurus - women

According to the Taurus horoscope in December 2018, talking about human relationships, you will begin to talk a lot about the fact that you dream of getting married, but you will not be in a hurry. Emotions will wake up that can ignite passion and awaken the sensual principle. In a romantic relationship, you will start looking for variety. in December 2018, Taurus is able to enter into an alliance not only because of emotional preferences, but also from a purely material interest. You will show business qualities and practicality in a marriage relationship and will become not just a happy couple with your spouse, but equal partners. Trusting each other and acting together, you can realize all your plans or make old dreams come true. If in your life there are difficulties with housing, then in December 2018 Taurus can apply for a mortgage to buy an apartment or otherwise solve the existing problem.

December 2018 will set a number of tasks for many representatives of the Taurus sign for the improvement of old housing or moving to a new one. For some, these are only plans so far, but for others it is real life. However, both will certainly be implemented in different periods of the next, 2019. Relationships among lovers are quite stable, many couples will decide on marriage, or at least on living together. New Year's Eve will be interesting and fun with close friends and loved ones. When choosing a gift for a child, give preference to the thing that will help, help in the development of his talents. In the new year, do not forget to please others with your good nature and optimism. Present love and fidelity to loved ones, care - to loved ones and the joy of joint creation - to children.

Taurus Woman - Horoscope for December 2018

In early December, representatives of the sign will be haunted by small failures that will be able to temper their endurance and character. Even if the representatives of the sign do not succeed in solving the problem the first time, they should still try to try again, since the second, and sometimes even the third attempt can become the very invaluable experience that they will need in the future.

In the middle of the month, most of the women will be busy solving work issues. At this time, the stars advise the representatives of the sign not to unnecessarily exhaust themselves with physical and mental stress, and also not to forget about loved ones. After all, they can become a saving straw for you in such a difficult time. By the end of the winter month, the representatives of the sign will rush to the shops in a hurry, trying to buy gifts for relatives, as well as food for the festive table. Perhaps the luckiest of them are lucky enough to get into the New Year's sale, which will help save on some expenses.

Horoscope for Taurus women December 2018

The beginning of winter will be romantic for the representatives of the sign. Despite being busy at work, Taurus' personal life will come to the fore. You will be glad not only that the old sympathy will return, but also a new man will appear who will pay attention to you. And, even if you just decided to flirt, the male attention will be pleasant for you. Many Taurus women even decide to change their usual image and become brighter and more modern. The main thing is to listen to your heart in order to make exactly the choice that is interesting to you. Then New Year's shopping will not cause regrets and you will be happy that you did not waste your money.

In December, the representatives of the sign may experience changes, both in personal life and in friendships. You decide to part with your loved one, as the relationship has exhausted itself, or you can make a new romantic acquaintance. However, this does not apply to the family representatives of this sign, since, on the contrary, romance and love will return to their lives. Try to spend the last days of the month with your family or close-minded friends. Then the holidays will become really bright and memorable for you, beautiful and interesting, full of surprises and surprises.

Horoscope for Taurus women in December 2018

There will be no drastic changes in your financial situation. If in December 2018 you do not have enough money for New Year's gifts to friends and loved ones, the horoscope advises you to find some kind of part-time job. If it doesn't work out, don't panic, but try to get by with what you have. Moreover, most of the representatives of this sign have already managed to accumulate a decent amount, so there is nothing to worry about. Venus is in the 7th house. For lonely representatives of the sign in December 2018, this gives a great chance to meet their soul mate.

The horoscope recommends looking around, perhaps she has been with you for a long time, but for some reason, you have not yet been able to appreciate this person. If you keep going over your fans, you will end up with nothing in the end. Those Taurus who have already managed to find a loved one, in December 2018, can decide to live together or to get married. But for family Taurus, the horoscope warns, it will not be too easy - their soul mate may demand to return romance to a relationship and you will have to think about how this can be done.

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