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Artificial termination of pregnancy early. Early abortion methods. Timing of medical abortion

Well, finally, we figured out the aspect ratio of the "Sparks" IMAX screen ... It turns out that films with an aspect ratio of 1.78: 1 will be shown filling the entire screen (Avatar, if I'm not mistaken, has just such a ratio ). But in IMAX versions of films, for example, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Shrek Forever (2010), Hubble 3D (2010) with a ratio of 1.44: 1, not the entire width of the screen will be used (there will be a free zone on the right and left of the screen) ... And this fact is not encouraging! .. Why didn't you mount an IMAX screen with a higher height? Have you saved? ..

I watched Avatar 3D. The film is truly a masterpiece in all respects. Emotions are simply overwhelming ... I have never seen anything like it, at such a level. I am very sorry that I did not get this great pleasure in the IMAX version, and the 3D effect in anaglyph (red-blue) glasses, frankly, is rather weak. I am sure that the Avatar will look fantastic in the IMAX room because of the larger screen size, picture resolution and, if I'm not mistaken, the polarizing 3D implementation.

I went to IMAX on the second day of the opening, there were a lot of impressions, but only from the film, and not from the audience, I expected a lot more from IMAX, which was very upsetting. I'll start in order, 1. why was the entrance in the center (in fact, the hall lost 50 of the worst places ...) ??? (I certainly understand that this method was the most economical because there was less fuss, but it was possible make 2 entrances along the edges of the hall, as in the whole world, and not as in some kind of circus thread) 2.High railings above the entrance (tickets were for the 10th row for 13-14 places, and thank God that it was not a cent, in my opinion, the places in the center of this row are the most terrible in the hall, since the bottom of the screen is not visible), will they be replaced in the future by, say, transparent (plex, acrylic, glass, etc.) or you can not even dream of it ? 3. I would like to know how much the tickets will cost after changing their prices? Maybe I'm certainly too mercantile, but 920r for 2 tickets at 12.30 in the morning ... this is too much and what was the result

Today in Russia there is a concept of "night time", which regulates the presence of minors during the prohibited period. According to this law, teenagers cannot be at night in public areas without their elders. Parents will be fined if they violate this rule. Therefore, many are interested in: how old is it possible to walk at night? During this period, people are allowed to stay only from 18 years old.

In many countries, there are similar laws, when children are prohibited from being on the street at night without adults. This rule is necessary to ensure the normal development of adolescents and reduce crime. It is important to comply with the norms, otherwise a fine is provided.

Temporary restrictions

The period from 22:00 to 06:00 is considered to be night. Minors are not allowed to be without adults at night. This norm was adopted to ensure the safety of children, since many illegal actions are committed during the night. These rights are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It also indicates how old you can

The adopted law helps to reduce crime throughout the country. But, even taking this into account, the regions can change the time limits depending on the situation. Often the following rules apply:

  • under 16 years old, teenagers are allowed to be on the street without adults until 21:00;
  • and for children under 18 - until 11:00 pm.

How old can you legally walk at night? This right comes at the age of 18. Local authorities can officially increase fines, as well as lower age restrictions. When the relevant document is issued, the norms become binding on everyone.

The psychological effect of curfew

Now in each region, the authorities monitor the observance of this law. To do this, the police conduct inspections of yards, streets to identify minors after 11 pm. Many parents did not think about how old they can go for a walk at night for children. But with the adoption of the law, the situation began to improve. After all, such walks are associated with danger, as well as with the likelihood of paying a fine.

But nevertheless, the adoption of the law caused a wide resonance in society, since many citizens considered it a restriction of human rights and freedoms. But not everyone tries to follow these rules. So, how old is it possible to walk at night in Russia? This can only be done by persons who have reached the age of majority. The rest have this right only with their parents. There are still restrictions under 18 years of age.

Law of Belarus

Many other countries also have similar restrictions, only the time frame and liability for violations may differ. Almost everywhere teenagers are forbidden to be on the street alone at night. How old is it possible to walk at night in Belarus? This is determined by the laws of the country. There is a curfew here, according to which persons under 16 cannot be outdoors at night without adult supervision. Instead of parents, there may be older relatives and acquaintances.

A responsibility

Not all parents know if their children can be released alone at night. Even if this is the case, and the requirement is not met, liability is provided. If the child was detained outside the home at a prohibited time, then a penalty in the form of a fine is imposed.

Moreover, you will have to pay to the parents, as well as to the institution where the minor was. In case of repeated violation of the law, an increase in the fine is provided. Each region has the right to establish penalties for non-compliance with the rules to ensure the normal development of the child in various areas. In this case, a fine is foreseen from:

  • parents or substitutes;
  • persons responsible for activities with children.

Types of public places

Teenagers are prohibited from appearing after 11:00 p.m. in the following locations:

  • on the streets, in parks;
  • in schools and kindergartens;
  • in entrances and on stairs;
  • on sports grounds;
  • in the Internet cafe;
  • in public transport.

On the basis of this law, subjects can reduce age restrictions, but not more than by 2 years.

Rules of operation of the law

The observance of the law is monitored by a police patrol squad. Employees should accompany the teenager to the house. Even if he did not know how old you can walk at night, a fine is issued. If the child does not say his address, phone number and does not give information about the parents, then he is taken to the police station.

The duty officer establishes the place of residence of the child. By law, a teenager can be at the police station for 3 hours. If it was not possible to find a place of residence, then the child is transferred to social services.

Law enforcement agencies say that the law has reduced the number of crimes committed by teenagers. Now, not all parents can let their child go for a night walk. This saves children from many rash acts. It is important for parents to control the location of their children. Moreover, compliance with the rule will help save the family budget.

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