Home Potato How and when to prepare celandine. Collection and preparation of celandine for further treatment. The use of a medicinal plant

How and when to prepare celandine. Collection and preparation of celandine for further treatment. The use of a medicinal plant

There are a huge number of different medicinal herbs that are successfully used in both folk and traditional medicine. The article “Celandine use in folk medicine” will tell about this unique plant, about the methods, scope, chemical composition and features of the use of the remedy.

How to recognize celandine

Celandine (Russian ginseng, golden or swallow grass) is a perennial, herbaceous plant, from the genus Poppy. There are two main types:

  • Asian (up to half a meter in height).
  • Large (up to 1 meter in height, in rare cases it can reach 1.5 meters).

It is quite simple to recognize it - the inflorescences consist of several, usually 4-8 flowers, bright yellow, golden in color. The main distinguishing feature is the release of orange juice. The stem is straight, ribbed, can reach up to 1 meter in height, covered with small hairs.

The leaves also have characteristic features - they are green on top, have a bluish tint below. It grows everywhere - in gardens, summer cottages, on the side of roads and wastelands, it can be found even in the mountains. The distribution area is the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia. The flowering period is May-July; in the south, flowering occurs earlier, by about a month. Fruits in June.

The healing composition of the herb celandine

Swallow grass has long been used in medicine, but do not forget that it is poisonous, mainly due to the presence of a large number of alkaloids - biologically active nitrogen-containing components. All alkaloids affect the physiological functions of the body, especially their effect on the central nervous system. For example, caffeine, ephedrine are also alkaloids and therefore they are widely used in medical practice.

The composition contains more than 20 alkaloids, various subgroups:

  1. Protopin group - protopin, allocryptopin.
  2. Benzophenontridine group - chelirubin, tyramine, histamine, etc.
  3. Protobereberin group - berberine, stylopine, etc.

The alkaloid chelidonin, in its chemical composition is similar to morphine, has a pronounced analgesic effect. Homochelidonin, known as a convulsive poison, acts as an anesthetic. Protopin has a tonic effect on the muscles of the uterus.

The highest concentration of these substances (up to 4 percent) is found in the root system, in leaves and stems up to 2 percent.

Important! Due to the presence of alkaloids in the composition, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Medicinal properties of celandine

This natural medicine is most often used to combat various skin diseases, since its main properties are bactericidal, antiseptic and disinfecting effects. It is successfully used in the treatment and prevention of disorders of the digestive tract, liver diseases. The natural antibiotic, which is part of the composition, helps to fight infectious diseases, is used for colds, coughs, due to a pronounced mucolytic effect.

Helps with such ailments of the female reproductive system as uterine fibroids, salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes), colpitis, vulvitis. The substances that make up the composition are used in the treatment of various oncological diseases, as they reduce the growth of tumor cells. These drugs show the highest efficiency in the early stages of cancer.

Celandine and its use in folk medicine

The use of the plant in folk medicine has been known for a long time. It is widely used as decoctions, infusions, skin care products, and various creams and ointments are made on its basis. Due to its properties that help with diseases of the skin, it is popularly called a warthog, as the juice will successfully cope with warts, corns, and even lichen.

For skin diseases, a simple ointment recipe will help

For cooking, you need to take one part of the juice and 4 parts of petroleum jelly or another base. If it is problematic to get juice, especially in the cold season, then you can use dried grass prepared for the winter or buy it at any pharmacy. Dry raw materials must be well crushed to a powder and mixed with petroleum jelly.

The ointment should be applied to the affected areas several times a day, for 1-2 weeks, then take a break and repeat the course. This remedy will help get rid of warts and more serious problems such as eczema or psoriasis.

Another common name is jaundice, due to the fact that decoctions are used for liver diseases.

For the prevention of liver disease excellent use of infusion. It is prepared as follows - 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water and infused for 4-5 hours. It is recommended to take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed, 150 milliliters.

It should be remembered that this is primarily a drug and its uncontrolled use can lead to serious consequences and health problems.

Note! Use pure juice only externally!

Oncology - healing folk recipes for the treatment of cancer

Application in oncology is characterized by a cytostatic effect.

In oncology, an infusion has an antitumor effect.

Pour one spoonful of dry raw materials with 250 milliliters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. It is necessary to drink 2 times a day, two tablespoons. To prevent the spread of metastases, the following recipe is used: pour equal parts of medicinal herbs (celandine, calendula, nettle) with 300 milliliters of boiling water. After the medicine is infused - strain, drink 100-150 milliliters on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Attention! The therapeutic effect is achieved in the early stages of cancer, and only in combination with the traditional treatment regimen!

Nail fungus how to apply celandine recipes

If personal hygiene rules are not followed in public places, there is a risk of contracting such an unpleasant and, unfortunately, common disease as nail fungus. Most often, you can get infected by visiting baths, saunas, or other public places, using shoes that are not your own, or even trying on new shoes in a store without stockings.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of this disease, it brings a lot of inconvenience and causes significant damage to the general condition of the body. For the treatment of the fungus, various medicines are used, both local in the form of ointments and sprays, and inside, to strengthen the protective mechanisms.

Treatment of fungus with celandine juice

Freshly harvested raw materials are best suited, which should be ground in a meat grinder. Squeeze the finished gruel through gauze and dilute the resulting juice with 70% alcohol, one to one. After that, let it stand in a dark place for a day. Before applying the finished infusion, you should steam your legs well, then apply the juice to the affected areas. Therapy lasts about two weeks, daily carrying out such procedures twice a day.

Celandine oil treatment

Cooking butter is also easy, but it will take longer and it is better to prepare it in advance. You can buy it at any pharmacy or cook it yourself. To do this, tightly fill a jar or other container with a dried plant and pour oil (olive or sunflower) so that it covers the raw material by 2-3 centimeters. Leave for a week, shaking occasionally.

The preparatory procedures before applying the oil are the same as in the treatment with tincture, with the difference that after steaming, the legs must be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Procedures should be carried out before going to bed, until the effect appears (on average, several weeks).

celandine on vodka

Another method of treatment is the use of alcohol tincture or vodka tincture. This tool is ideal for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, because alcohol helps to extract all useful components in a quality manner, tinctures are highly digestible by the body and have an almost instantaneous effect.

How to make a tincture

For cooking, it is necessary to pass freshly picked grass through a meat grinder and then squeeze through gauze. Add vodka in proportions one to one. Another cooking method:

  • grind fresh leaves and roots;
  • pour vodka so that it covers the raw material by several centimeters;
  • insist 2 weeks under a tightly closed lid;
  • strain and store in the refrigerator.

For what diseases to apply

This tincture is a universal remedy, it can be used both externally and internally. It helps with such diseases:

Important! The use of this herb is prohibited for people suffering from epilepsy and neurotic diseases.

Healing recipes

In its pure form, vodka tincture is used topically for skin diseases. For the treatment of colds, a simple recipe is suitable - a teaspoon of the finished tincture is diluted in 100 milliliters of boiled water and gargled with the resulting throat. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tincture should be taken orally, starting with 5 drops and gradually increasing to 10-15.

Celandine tincture

Tincture can be prepared without the use of vodka or alcohol, but this does not affect the beneficial properties. A positive result will not be long in coming, the main thing is to strictly observe the dosages and adhere to the treatment regimen.


Pour about two tablespoons of grass with 300 milliliters of water, soak in a water bath for 20 minutes, then strain.

Pour 100-150 grams of leaves with boiling water and insist for several days. After strain and store in a dark place with a tightly closed lid.

This tincture is prepared with the addition of dandelion. Pour equal parts of the components with boiled water, cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes, strain, let stand.

Application of tincture

All of the above tinctures can be used externally and internally. For the treatment of skin diseases, the first recipe is used. Tincture is wiped with problem areas of the skin or compresses are made 2 times a day until a therapeutic effect appears. In diseases of the internal organs, the remedy is taken orally, before meals. The main rule is that the daily dose should not exceed one glass.

The use of celandine for the face

Possessing a pronounced antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, this medicinal plant is successfully used for facial skin care. The components included in the composition will help get rid of acne, slow down the aging process of the skin, get rid of shallow wrinkles. There are many ways to use this beautiful plant: as lotions, ointments, compresses.

It should be remembered that fresh juice should never be used on the skin of the face, as this can lead to burns. Alcohol tinctures should be applied pointwise, applying it only to the affected areas. It is best to use aqueous solutions of tincture for cleansing and skin care, or simply wipe your face with a decoction. For maximum effect, it is advised to drink infusions and decoctions along with other medicinal plants, such as chamomile, thyme, medicinal dandelion, mint.

Celandine in gynecology

In gynecological practice, along with traditional methods, doctors often use recipes from traditional medicine, since medicinal herbs are of natural origin and complement therapy without harming a woman's health, but rather enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs.

In case of erosion, douching or the use of candles will have a positive effect. To prepare a decoction for douching, you need to take 40 grams (2-3 tablespoons) of dry grass per liter of boiling water. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for an hour, then strain the broth and divide into 6 doses. Douching should be done once a day for 3 weeks. Instead of douching, you can use candles. You can buy them at a pharmacy or use a swab dipped in a decoction instead. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Note! It is forbidden to use this plant during pregnancy.

Celandine oil

In herbal medicine, there is an opinion that the most gentle and effective way of application is to use the oil of this plant. Due to the preservation of all useful and medicinal components, the oil has a pronounced local anesthetic effect, antiviral and antiseptic effect.

The regenerating feature of this substance allows it to be used in cosmetic practice - it perfectly heals wounds, has a rejuvenating effect, and eliminates the first signs of skin aging. The range of application of the oil is quite wide: it is used for the treatment and prevention of colds, in gynecology, cosmetology, as a prophylactic tonic.

When making at home, it should be remembered that the highest quality and biologically active substance will be obtained from plants collected at the beginning of the flowering period, since at this moment the plant has the highest concentration of useful components. As raw materials, you need to take only the upper parts of the plant. Any vegetable oil is suitable for the base, but it is better to take olive, apricot oil.

Important! Before use, be sure to conduct an allergy test.

Medicines for children

In acute respiratory diseases, gargling with decoctions, instilling the nose with juice and tincture will help. The oil of this herb can alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis. They need to treat the nasopharyngeal mucosa several times a day. In the complex therapy of adenoids, in combination with traditional medicine, infusions can be used - instill a few drops in the nose three times a day. The optimal amount is three to five drops, depending on the age of the child.

The use of celandine in cosmetology

In cosmetology, "golden grass" is popular due to its healing qualities. Shampoos and rinses are prepared for hair and scalp care. To prepare hair care products, infusions and decoctions are used, mixing them with any neutral shampoo for the head.

It is better to take baby shampoo, as it does not contain additional impurities and dyes. In its pure form, decoctions can be used as a hair rinse. All these funds can be purchased at a store or pharmacy, but you can also prepare them yourself, as it is quite simple and fast.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Nowadays, such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is quite common. The reason for this is sedentary work and an inactive lifestyle. For the treatment of this disease, there are many methods, both classical, with the use of medicines, and, in especially difficult cases, surgical intervention, and using recipes of traditional medicine and herbal medicine.

"Swallow grass" is no exception and is often used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids. It primarily relieves pain, promotes healing due to the protopine alkaloids contained in it. This plant removes such unpleasant sensations as burning and itching, prevents inflammation and infection due to its antibacterial action.

Lotions are used to relieve symptoms and pain. To prepare the remedy, you need to take a tablespoon of dry grass and dilute it with 500 milliliters of kombucha sourdough. Leave the resulting mixture closed for several days. Then use it for its intended purpose, at night. To enhance the therapeutic effect, along with lotions, it is recommended to use a decoction of 250 milliliters before meals once a day.

Fibroids treatment

Against uterine fibroids, there are 2 prescriptions approved by gynecologists. In the first case, you need to mix 20-30 drops of freshly squeezed juice with 70 grams of milk. The resulting composition should be drunk once a day for 5 days, washed down with a small amount of pure milk.

Celandine is a unique plant, the herb, juice and roots of which have extraordinary healing power. The effectiveness of products prepared on its basis has been tested by more than one generation. The plant contains a lot of substances that can have a healing and therapeutic effect on the human body: alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, resins, bitterness, vitamins and organic acids. A similar composition allows the use of preparations from celandine as anticonvulsant, antimicrobial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, diuretic, sedative and choleretic agents.

Brief description of celandine

Celandine is a plant belonging to the poppy family, which has a ribbed, hollow stem, a short vertical rhizome and a thick branched root. Most often, the height of its aerial part ranges from 30 to 90 cm. The upper leaves of the plant are green, and the basal leaves are bluish or bluish.

Golden-yellow celandine flowers, consisting of four egg-shaped petals, are collected in umbrellas of 3-8 pieces. The flowering of the plant lasts from May to July, however, when it is mowed, secondary flowering can be observed - in July or August. The fruit is a pod containing many shiny, black seeds.

In the wild, celandine is found in Eastern Europe, in Siberia and the Far East. The plant prefers shady lowlands and places with high humidity (forests, shrubs, roadside areas, clearings, pastures, river valleys, etc.). Celandine does not form dense thickets in nature.

Rules for harvesting celandine: collection and drying

Most often, for medicinal purposes, juice and the ground part of the plant are used - stems with flowers and leaves. However, in some cases, its roots are also harvested.

Features of collecting celandine grass

The ground part of the celandine is harvested during flowering. It is necessary to collect raw materials in dry weather, choosing plants growing in shady areas. It is important to ensure that diseased, affected stems do not get into the collection.

The grass is cut almost to the root, cleaned of dried leaves and impurities. Then the celandine is tied into bundles and hung in a shaded, well-ventilated place (in the attic, balcony, in a dry pantry or under a special canopy). Well-dried plant stems do not deform, but immediately break when bent.

The order of harvesting the roots

Celandine roots are harvested in autumn. The plant is dug up, washed thoroughly and laid out on a flat surface to dry. As soon as excess moisture evaporates, the roots are tied into bundles and hung in shaded, well-ventilated places.

Juice Collection Rules

To harvest the juice, the ground part and roots of the plant are cleaned of impurities, washed thoroughly and ground with a meat grinder. The puree is squeezed, the liquid is poured into bottles with caps and placed in a cool place. During the entire period of fermentation, the lids are periodically opened, the resulting gas is released and screwed again.

There is another way to make juice from celandine. The stems of the plant are crushed with a meat grinder, squeezed and the resulting liquid is diluted with alcohol (4:1) or vodka (2:1).

How to store celandine

Celandine must be stored in bags made of cloth or paper, suspended in a dark place. If necessary, the raw materials can be folded, without compaction, in an ordinary wooden or cardboard box, and then left in a room that is not penetrated by daylight and excess moisture. Under the above conditions, the celandine grass retains its medicinal properties for up to 3 years, and the roots - for 5 years.

Celandine juice is very widely used in folk medicine both in its pure form and as a base for the preparation of many medicines. And if an alcoholic or aqueous extract of this plant can be purchased at a pharmacy, then it is best to prepare celandine juice on your own.

How to prepare celandine juice?

Making juice from celandine at home is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules at the stage of preparing raw materials:

  1. Plants for squeezing juice are harvested at the beginning of the flowering period. Firstly, during this period the stems are the most juicy, and secondly, the concentration of alkaloids in the juice of young plants is lower than in old ones, and it has a milder effect. Thus, the beginning of the flowering period is the optimal period for the collection of raw materials, so that on the one hand it contains a sufficient amount of the necessary substances, and on the other hand, the toxicity of the plant does not exceed its beneficial properties.
  2. There are two main juice recipes. One involves using only the stems and leaves, while the second also includes the roots of the plant. If the roots are included, the concentration of alkaloids in the prepared juice will be higher, since the content of active substances in the celandine root is from 2 to 4%, while in the grassy part it usually does not exceed 2%.
  3. The collected raw materials should be thoroughly washed at least twice, sorted out so that there is no debris, other plants, as well as dry and yellowed leaves, twigs, spread out and wait until the water drains and the celandine dries a little.
  4. Raw materials are carefully ground to a gruel state using a meat grinder or blender.
  1. The crushed mass is immediately squeezed out through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.
  2. The crushed mass is put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, so that the celandine starts the juice, and only then squeezed.

In most cases, the first method is used, since it requires less time. When preparing celandine juice, it is necessary to work with gloves, since prolonged skin contact with it can cause burns resembling burns from iodine. To grind the plant, it is desirable to have a separate meat grinder or then thoroughly, at least 2-3 times, rinse the used kitchen utensils with detergents.

How to save celandine juice?

Freshly squeezed celandine juice is suitable for consumption only for a very short period of time, and only for external use, so it should be fermented or canned.

squeezed juice

To store funds:

  1. Fresh liquid is poured into a glass container.
  2. Tightly close the lid and clean in a dark place, with a temperature of +20 to +30º C.
  3. After 5-6 days, the juice begins to ferment, so you should periodically open the lid to release the gas, after which the container is tightly closed again. The fermentation period can last from one to one and a half months. Juice must not be used during this time.
  4. After fermentation is complete, the juice is filtered again and stored in the refrigerator.

In its pure form, the juice is stored for up to 6 months.

Celandine juice with vodka

Celandine juice is mixed with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 to extend the shelf life. So fermented juice mixed with vodka can be stored for up to one and a half to two years, although it is still better to use it for a year, and then prepare fresh.

You can mix with vodka and freshly squeezed celandine juice:

Thus, the prepared product can be stored for up to a year.

Canned celandine juice

To prepare such juice, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. After dissolving the sugar, alcohol is added in such an amount that the degree of alcohol in the resulting mixture is 10%.
  3. The resulting solution is poured into glass containers, hermetically sealed and stored in a refrigerator.

Celandine refers to medicinal herbs, the products of which can cure a large number of different diseases. In this case, the leaves and stems of this plant, and even the roots, are used.

In order not to spend money on preparations from celandine in pharmacies, you can independently prepare medicinal raw materials by collecting it in a timely manner. When to collect celandine for treatment? And how to harvest a medicinal plant for the winter?

The dates for the collection of celandine fall on the period from May to August, it is at this time that the medicinal herb blooms.

During flowering, the green mass of celandine, like most herbs, is especially saturated with juices and useful substances, the presence of which is just what is necessary when collecting it for medicinal purposes.

Celandine is a widespread herb and grows everywhere, you can recognize it by medium-sized yellow flowers.

This medicinal plant prefers to grow in shady places, often hiding under shrubs or deciduous trees that protect it from the scorching sun and gusts of wind.

Of course, it is necessary to collect celandine for further preparation of traditional medicine only in places far from cities, industrial enterprises, highways, etc.

The material collected in contaminated places can only harm the body with further use of products from it, as it contains heavy metals and other unhealthy impurities.

But it is important not only to find the habitat of celandine, but also to choose the right time for collection. The fact is that experienced people in this matter collect medicinal herbs, taking into account several factors:

  • collection is best done in the morning;
  • it is recommended to collect grass in the phase of the growing moon;
  • the weather should be dry, without rain.

These conditions apply to the collection of celandine. In addition, before going for raw materials, you should think about the container in which it will be transported to the harvesting site (usually buckets or bags are used). And also about the means of protecting hands (gloves) and the nasal part of the face (gauze mask), since the pollen of celandine flowers acts as an irritant to the nasal mucosa.

Depending on which parts of the plant will be harvested, celandine is harvested in different ways.

For example, if it is planned to harvest only the green mass of the crop (stems and leaves), then it is cut at a height of 5 ... 7 cm from ground level.

When collecting celandine roots, they gently shake off the ground, and in the green part of the plant, you can carefully remove contaminated and damaged leaves.

The collected raw materials for transportation are placed in bags or buckets and in no case are they tamped. And after collecting the celandine, they immediately begin to harvest it for further use. How to prepare celandine for medicine?

How to dry celandine at home

In order to prepare the green mass of celandine, three drying methods are used immediately after collection:

  • in bundles, which is considered more preferable. The fact is that when tying the stems into bundles of several pieces and hanging them, better ventilation of the raw material is provided. In this regard, the grass dries faster and does not rot;
  • in bulk on the work surface, which is suitable for the floor or table. The collected celandine is laid out in an even layer and periodically stirred to prevent rotting;
  • in a special dryer at a temperature not exceeding 600C.

If the drying of the celandine takes place indoors, then it should be well ventilated and dark enough so that the sun's rays during harvesting the celandine do not destroy the chlorophyll in its stems and leaves.

If drying takes place on the street, then a canopy is required for the same reasons.

Properly dried celandine greens, when bent, break rather than bend, are odorless, and have a bitter taste.

Dried grass is stored in dry rooms in paper bags in a suspended state. But such an opportunity is not always available, therefore it is possible to put it in boxes without compacting the celandine at the same time.

Dried grass can be stored for up to three years if the storage rules are observed.

How to prepare celandine roots

Celandine roots are used for medicinal purposes not so often, but if drying of the plant with them is meant, then they are pre-cleaned from the ground during collection, and then additionally washed with running water.

After washing, the plants are laid out for pre-drying. As soon as all the water has evaporated from the plants, you can proceed to the main drying in bunches. For this, several plants are also associated.

Properly dried celandine roots have a brownish-brown, almost black color, and when broken, they can be light brown or yellowish.

For storage, celandine roots are wrapped in thick paper and hung up. So plants can be stored up to 5 years without loss of useful properties.

How to prepare celandine juice

Celandine juice is very widely used in the methods of treatment of traditional medicine, so it makes sense after collecting the material not to send all of its quantity for drying, but to leave a part for harvesting juice.

In order to isolate it, immediately after collection, the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, and then placed in a glass jar and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. During this time, crushed celandine will give juice.

When this happens, the jar is taken out, the remainder is collected and squeezed through gauze, after which the juice is closed with a lid and put back in the refrigerator.

After a while, the fermentation process will begin, and this phenomenon is absolutely normal. You just need to periodically release air from the can.

After a couple of weeks, fermentation will end, and the juice will be completely ready for medicinal use.

Many people prepare celandine juice on their own, as it helps to get rid of many diseases, and the price of a vial of this product in a pharmacy can hit your pocket.

Such a plant as celandine has long interested scientists from different countries. After a long study, it turned out that this plant is endowed with many healing properties. The composition of celandine includes various useful components. It is used to make ointments, tinctures, creams and many other medicines that are used in traditional and folk medicine.

There are few vitamins in the plant, it is only A and C, but there are more than 20 alkaloids. Celandine consists of essential oils, citric, ascorbic, organic acids, sanguinarine, tannins, coumarins, saponins, bioflavonoids are also included.

Each part of the plant can be involved in the treatment, but the most important thing in celandine is milk. Most of it is found in the root of the plant and is bright orange in color. Of course, there is also milk in the leaves, but not in such quantity. Therefore, the root system is used to prepare the medicine.

Celandine has a bactericidal, diuretic and analgesic effect on the human body. It is also anticonvulsant, wound healing, choleretic, antitumor and sedative. It is important that the correct dose of the drug is observed and that there are no contraindications in the patient.

What medicinal properties does celandine hide in itself?

Healers and healers often use celandine, this plant fights well with many ailments. Due to the content of natural substances in it, it is considered the guardian of health.

  • Treats skin diseases, warts, papillomas, psoriasis, eczema, lichen, herpes.
  • Normalizes the work of the digestive system.
  • It is used for diseases of the kidneys and liver, but not all.
  • Used to treat arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • Eliminates viral infections and bacteria.
  • Treats cough, bronchitis, asthma.
  • Treats gout, some thyroid diseases, diabetes.
  • It is used in the treatment of oncological diseases, only in the early stages.
  • Treats nail fungus.
  • Inflammation of the gums, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Women's diseases - erosion of the uterus, ovarian cyst, colpitis, breast mastitis.
  • Treatment and prevention of rheumatism.
  • Used to cleanse the body after poisoning.

It has a calming effect, and together with other herbs relieves nervousness, sleepless nights and stress.

Benefits for women

For representatives of the female half of humanity, this plant, one might say, is just a godsend. Its healing properties have a positive effect on the skin of the face. It cleanses, prevents rashes and inflammation and, importantly, eliminates the initial signs of aging. Organic acids activate the action of the epidermis, due to which this result is obtained. Pure plant juice can be used infrequently, as it is poisonous. They use masks with its content, lotions, creams and other cosmetics.

In order for the hair to begin to grow better, to become silky and smooth, to stop falling out, an infusion of herbs will help. After washing your hair, you will need to rinse your hair with boiled water, to which add a few drops of this infusion. If the scalp quickly becomes oily, then you need to add chamomile, nettle, sage to the celandine and make an infusion for rinsing your hair. To avoid baldness and hair loss, a mask is made based on grass juice, and burdock oil is added to it.

Women use celandine not only for cosmetic purposes, taking care of their skin and hair, they treat skin diseases and female diseases in the reproductive area.

To cure diseases in the field of gynecology, oil is used. I make oil swabs and treat thrush, fibroids, increased discharge of leucorrhoea, bacterial vaginosis. This procedure is performed for an hour no more than two weeks.

If the vaginal flora, menstrual cycle, erosion are disturbed, an infusion is applied.

Help with skin diseases

An ointment will help to eliminate corns and warts. It is also used for cosmetic procedures. Age spots, freckles can be removed at home without the help of a specialist and clean the skin yourself. Ointment with celandine will help with psoriasis, diathesis and eczema - this has long been proven by experts. To prepare the ointment, you need celandine juice and petroleum jelly. Prepared in proportions of one to four. The components are mixed and put in the cold. Celandine milk can be replaced with dried celandine.

For people with skin diseases, it will be useful to take baths with a decoction of celandine. The grass is poured with hot water and allowed to brew. After taking a bath, you do not need to rub the body with a towel, let everything dry on its own.

  1. To restore strength, strengthen the immune system, support the nervous system, you need an effective remedy. In folk medicine, for a long time, celandine infusion has been used to eliminate such problems. It will be good if you make an infusion from a fresh plant, then all its healing properties will go into action. But dry celandine will be useful no less. To prepare an aqueous infusion, a fresh plant is dug up. There must be a root, then it is thoroughly washed and finely cut. Put in a 500 gram container. Fullness should be half. The rest of the container is filled with boiling water. The jar is wrapped in a towel and allowed to cool. You can store the infusion for no more than three days. If the infusion is made from dried herbs, then you need to fill the container by a quarter.
  2. Taking the infusion, an adult takes half a glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion, diluted and drunk 15 minutes before the start of a meal. How many times to take such an infusion depends on the complexity of the disease. Usually it is three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 14 days, then a break for the same time, if necessary, the infusion can be repeated. If a child drinks such an infusion, then the dosage should be as follows: a teaspoon of infusion in a third of a glass of water. Drink in 10 min. three times before meals.
  3. For psoriasis and eczema, you need to use grass juice. The affected area is treated several times a day. Perhaps there will be not a strong burning sensation. Such procedures are done for three weeks.
  4. Treatment of papillomas and warts also occurs with the juice of the plant. The growths need to be steamed out and, if possible, the hardened layer should be removed. Then they are treated with juice three times a day. After a while, the affected area will begin to darken, and the growths will fall off. It is important that the celandine juice does not get on the skin, if this happens, immediately rinse this place with water.
  5. For the treatment of colds, celandine juice helps well. Drink 20 drops of juice. Diluted in water should be 1:10.
  6. Alcohol infusion or decoction of the plant can help get rid of cancer at an early stage. The reception of the tincture should be as follows: 50 drops of the infusion are diluted in the same amount of water and taken orally. Treatment of external neoplasms is performed with ointment or plant juice.
  7. As soon as you see that herpes begins to appear, redness appears, a burning sensation and tingling are felt - lubricate this place with celandine ointment, and if bubbles appear, cauterize with juice.
  8. Diseases of the genitourinary system are treated with vodka tincture. In proportions one to one, one hundred grams of plant roots are taken and 100 ml of vodka is poured. She must insist for a week. Take 20 drops before meals.
  9. I do enemas from infusion of celandine in the case when polyps have formed in the rectum. For one liter of boiling water take 50 gr. herbs. They insist two hours. The first enema is done as usual, and subsequent enemas are made from celandine infusion. Such procedures are performed 6 to 8 times.
  10. For the treatment of stomach diseases, plant juice is diluted in vodka and left for 24 hours. The proportion should be 1:2. Accepted for 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.
  11. To eliminate toothache, an infusion is made from the roots of celandine. One spoon per glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled slightly, the oral cavity is rinsed. The rinsing process should take at least 15 minutes.
  12. If you are concerned about periodontitis, you need to mix celandine tincture and olive oil in equal parts. The gums are smeared with this liquid. Leave for 10 min. rinse your mouth after.
  13. With atherosclerosis, one spoon of grass is brewed. Drink on an empty stomach 50 ml, morning and evening.
  14. For cosmetics, you can prepare a lotion. They take celandine leaves and fresh cucumber, finely chop and pour 200 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 14 days. Wipe your face with this. If the skin is very sensitive, then after five minutes of application, you need to wash off and anoint your face with cream.
  15. Rejuvenation mask. You will need egg white, 1 tbsp. celandine, 15 gr. starch and 10 gr. honey. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. Withstand 20 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with a napkin. The skin becomes fresh, healthy, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Celandine juice is most applicable in the summer, but you can get sick in winter, and in spring, and in autumn. Therefore, traditional healers advise preparing celandine juice so that it retains its healing properties and can help at any time.

Interesting fact! The places where this grass grows are bypassed by animals, and no matter how attractive the celandine leaves are, they do not eat them.

Celandine juice can replace iodine, it is also a good antiseptic, and some people may be allergic to iodine. It cauterizes wounds well and does not sting. But the use of juice is possible only if there are no contraindications.

In order to prepare the juice, you need to dig up a young plant with a root. Wash it well. Cut into small pieces and grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is squeezed through gauze and poured into a container with a lid. The liquid is placed in a cool place for 5 days. Since the product will begin the fermentation process, it is sometimes necessary to open the lid to release gases. When the fermentation process is completely completed, the product is ready for use. You can store such a medicine for no more than three years, during all this time its beneficial properties will be preserved.

It is necessary to use celandine as a medicine carefully and quite carefully. Not everyone knows that the juice of the plant contains poison, which means that it is dangerous. It must be applied correctly.

It is important to know that even the smallest drop of celandine juice leaves a burn on the skin and can cause inflammation. Before you start taking drugs with celandine, it is important to study the contraindications.

Celandine should not be taken by people who suffer from heart failure, angina pectoris, constipation, epilepsy, and have nervous disorders. The plant is contraindicated for women in position, breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age.

Medicines based on celandine are allowed to take no more than two weeks, after which you need to pause. Since the plant is poisonous, it is better to take it together with other herbs that will neutralize toxic effects (the effect of treatment will not get worse from this).

If the plant is taken for the first time, you need to pay attention to your condition after that. Is there any deterioration? The dosage must be strictly observed. After taking celandine should not appear:
  • sudden intense thirst;
  • increasing headache;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • changes in heart rate;
  • heaviness in the stomach, spasm;
  • sudden vomiting, constipation.

If the case of overdose is severe, hallucinations may begin, the person may lose consciousness. Such side effects can occur if celandine is taken incorrectly. The result of a negligent attitude to one's health can also be a violation of the intestinal microflora. If this happens, you should definitely call a doctor, since in such a situation you can not do without the help of a medical specialist.

Video: what celandine treats

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