Home Potato How to prune an adult indoor hibiscus. How to properly prune indoor hibiscus? Shaping the Chinese Rose! How to prune indoor hibiscus

How to prune an adult indoor hibiscus. How to properly prune indoor hibiscus? Shaping the Chinese Rose! How to prune indoor hibiscus

Best of all, hibiscus (Chinese rose) grows on a window on the east or west side - in diffused light. He does not like not only direct sunlight, but also shade and drafts. If the temperature in the room is below +10 degrees, this plant will definitely shed its leaves.

During flowering, the Chinese rose must be watered abundantly and often. In winter, moderate watering every two or three days is enough. In homes with radiator heating, regular spraying is desirable. Top dressing is done in spring and summer (once a month). In the spring, it is advisable to transplant the plant or at least change the topsoil to a depth of 5 cm.

How to properly prune hibiscus

It's no secret that the Chinese rose is a very tall flower. And it needs constant care, since its branches can grow randomly, while it will have only one foliage, and it will never bloom. You will constantly be lost in conjectures and ask yourself questions: what is the matter, what am I doing wrong?

And the whole secret lies in the fact that you need the correct pruning of hibiscus, which does not harm this beautiful flower.

A Chinese rose can be shaped like a bush or a standard plant. The crown shape is formed by pruning. After a spring transplant or soil change, all branches are pruned 15 cm from the base, leaving 2 cm from the buds with leaves. The top should also be cut to the point where the last upper branches go from the trunk, also leaving a distance from them. When new shoots begin to form, the weakest must be removed. After the flowers die off, the shoots should be shortened again.

If your Chinese rose has been growing for a very long time, has reached a large size and has never been pruned, it will even benefit her, since with proper pruning, you give the plant additional strength for further growth. With this pruning, the crown itself will form correctly, and your flower will bloom profusely.

Do not let the branches be bent and weak - this can cause the hibiscus to lose its leaves and shed flowers.

Pruning hibiscus is necessary and does not need to be delayed; it is better to form the plant from the second year of growth in your home. Later, it will be easier for you to do this, and your flower will be strewn with flowers and beautiful dark green leaves.

How to prune hibiscus:

Sharp secateurs;

A clean, sharp garden knife.

It is better to treat the sections on the branches with the preparation "Maxim" - this will help the hibiscus to adapt more quickly after the stress suffered during pruning and to resume growth.

Possible care difficulties

If you want your hibiscus to bloom until late autumn, you must additionally prune it in July so that the buds re-form in early autumn.

If buds have formed on a Chinese rose, but flowers have not bloomed, then there are only two reasons: in the apartment the air temperature is below +14 degrees or the soil is dry due to insufficient watering;

Chlorosis has arisen (leaves on the lower branches have fallen off, new ones grow, but have a yellowish tint) - there is an excess of chlorine and calcium in the soil, but there is not enough nitrogen and iron;

Leaves can also fall off due to too much watering or too high a room temperature;

If the foliage is very lush, and the plant does not bloom, then there is too much nitrogen in the soil, not enough light or moisture;

If pink spots appear on the leaves, then the plant is overfed or has little light;

If the soil is too cold, the hibiscus roots may dry out;

Leaves dry out if the room temperature is too high and there is not enough moisture.

The Chinese rose is propagated by both seeds and cuttings. But the second method is better, since all the properties of the mother plant are preserved.

This beautiful plant has an important and beneficial advantage - the ability to grow back from the root. If there is not enough space in your apartment, and in winter there is no way to properly place a pot of hibiscus, you can cut it off in autumn, leaving hemp 7-8 cm long, and place it in a cool place (+ 10-12 degrees). Until March, you only need to periodically moisten the soil. In March, transfer the flower to a bright, warm place, and it will start new shoots.

In warm regions of Russia and Ukraine, the Chinese rose can also be grown outdoors. It blooms with bright, large flowers. In cold regions, this plant cannot be kept in the garden. But if you really want to, then you can take it out along with a large pot, which with the onset of cold weather can be easily transferred to the room. If there is enough space in the dwelling, the flower will continue to grow. If the apartment is small, use the feature described above - cut the flower. It should be noted that there is a special species - the Syrian hibiscus, which is able to withstand frost.

Take care of this plant: water, fertilize, prune. And let your Chinese rose bloom for as long as possible!

When is the best time to perform the procedure: in February, before spring, or in autumn? The main pruning of the Chinese rose takes place in February. Slight - in September, after flowering. If you ignore the autumn pruning, then the old side shoots will grow back. And there will be no flowering (?). After all, the buds appear exclusively on young shoots.

Important: the more often this procedure is performed, the more magnificent the crown will be and the more abundant the flowering.

In the summer, you should refrain from pruning. There will be no flowering after summer pruning.

Pruning a home flower

How can a home flower be pruned? Depending on the age of the plant, its condition and the expected shape of the crown, there are 5 types of pruning:

Do not try to leave as many shoots as possible when pruning. Don't be afraid to trim! Even if you cut off the excess, the plant will survive. Pruning tools must be sharp and disinfected.

How to form a crown at home?

Formative pruning is the most difficult type of hibiscus pruning.

Purpose of the procedure and the best time for it

The Chinese rose is shaped in order to obtain the desired crown shape and the whole plant. The more often the crown lends itself to shaping by pruning, the better the plant will develop and achieve the correct shape.

They begin to form a crown in the spring, at the end of the dormant period of the plant. Maintains the hibiscus shape by selective pruning.

How to properly trim a bush in spring?

The rules for pruning hibiscus depend on what type of crown is supposed to be obtained after the procedure. It can be a lush tree, a branchy shrub, or a miniature bush.

  • To form a Chinese rose in the form of a tree, you should:
    1. Remove side branches.
    2. Leave a couple of medium branches, shortening them only by 2 - 3 buds. In the future, this will be the main trunk.
  • To form a lush bush hibiscus, you must:
    1. Trim the middle uppermost branches. In this case, the lateral buds will begin to form new shoots.
    2. Shorten the central branch, leaving only a few points of growth.
  • To form a lush crown:
    1. Remove all useless branches: internal, parallel to the main trunk, gnarled, deformed and growing inward.
    2. Timely cleanse the crown of faded flowers. This promotes the development and breakdown of new buds.

Caring for a Chinese rose immediately after crown formation

The first time after pruning, the Chinese rose needs adaptation:

  1. Place the plant in a cool area.
  2. Protect from direct sunlight.
  3. Limit watering.

Further care for the trimmed houseplant is no different from the usual:

  • Watering with warm, settled water as the top layer of the soil dries out.
  • Air humidity - about 50%.
  • Spraying and rinsing in the shower. Wiping the leaves with a damp cloth is also fine. For the full development of the Chinese rose, the leaves of the flower must be constantly free of dust.
  • Once a month with complex fertilizers.
  • Airing the room, but avoiding drafts. In summer, it is preferable to take out the hibiscus to fresh air.
  • Lighting should be bright, but diffuse.

What if the plant starts to wither?

Withering of hibiscus after pruning is quite rare. The flower is absolutely calm about pruning. And if this happened, the reason lies in the violation of the adaptation mode of the trimmed hibiscus or the rules of general care. Let's note the main ones:

  • Insufficient watering. Novice flower growers understand the limitation of watering during the adaptation period as its almost complete cessation. The frequency and amount of watering depends on the temperature and humidity of the room.
  • Excessive rise in room temperature should be the reason for increased watering.
  • A significant decrease in humidity requires additional spraying.
  • Use very hot or cold water for irrigation. It should be noted that the water must not be defended under the scorching rays of the sun.

So, the problem of plant wilting after pruning is solved by normalizing the conditions for caring for it... Thus, a Chinese rose, with proper care, needs systematic pruning. And the more old and deformed branches are cut off, the more nutrition the young shoots will receive. Only the competent formation of the hibiscus crown will make this flower unique in its beauty.

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Any plant has secrets, pruning features. The houseplant hibiscus (Chinese rose) is no exception. Unpretentious, but beautiful, calmly withstanding sudden changes in climatic conditions, drafts, lack of moisture, lighting, the plant is popular both among professional gardeners and among amateurs due to these qualities. How to properly cut a Chinese rose so that it becomes beautiful, lush, pleases the owner with large flowers and a healthy look?

What time of year is it better to prune

The Chinese rose wakes up quite early: already in February new shoots are visible, some are trying to bloom, although the flower is unlikely to have enough strength for this. As soon as the activity of new shoots has become visually noticeable, the hibiscus must be transplanted. If it has reached a large size, it must be transplanted once every 2 years. When to prune a homemade Chinese rose so as not to harm it?

The Chinese rose is one of the few plants that can be transplanted and pruned at the same time. It is loved and not all plants can normally tolerate it. In a home rose hibiscus, a transplant, even if the plant is placed in the same pot, can be combined with the root pruning process, because in a year the root system of the flower completely fills the pot. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the central root system. Trimming the roots leads to a weakening of the plant, so you need to cut off its upper part, so that it quickly recovers and starts growing.

It is better to prune hibiscus in February (although it is possible to do this during the entire spring-summer season) or in the fall, when the flowering period ends.

Cropping targets

Homemade hibiscus rose must be pruned for a number of reasons:

  1. Bloom. In order for the Chinese rose to bloom in spring, it is imperative to cut off old shoots in February, since hibiscus blooms only on young shoots.
  2. Flowering time shift. The procedure will allow you to slightly postpone the flowering time, which will lead to the appearance of more lush flowers in the future.
  3. Shaping. Thanks to proper pruning, a Chinese rose can be shaped like a standard tree reaching a height of 2 m, preventing low-lying branches from appearing on the trunk, or the shape of a small lush bush.

When pruning correctly, all of these goals are easy to achieve.

What to trim

How to prune a Chinese rose to make it lush? First of all, dry, old branches parallel to the main trunk (“tops”) are removed from a Chinese rose with a sharp knife (pruning shears). The remaining branches are cut, paying attention to the buds. It is better to leave a part of the branch on which the new bud is located outside the branch, that is, directed to the side, so that the density of the bush does not become excessive: the indoor rose grows quickly. Then the remaining branches are examined. Good, but short branches, only slightly pinched, removing only the top. At the branches, the top is cut off longer (video).

Depending on the desired shape of the home hibiscus rose, there are pruning features:

  • to form a standard tree, the lower branches of the trunk are removed, from the upper ones, pruning is carried out only with faded branches, and then, when the desired height is reached, with the apical branches to stop their growth (photo);
  • to form a small lush bush, pruning is done for the entire crown, and the root shoots are removed entirely.

After pruning, from the many buds that have appeared that have slept in winter, first 2 leaves will begin to grow, then they will develop into a small twig, which is likely to bloom in May.

Information: when the hibiscus fades, it is necessary to remove not only the flower, but also part of the stem along with the internode with leaves closest to the flower. This is done during the entire flowering season with each flower, because a new flower will no longer appear on the old branch.

Can pruning harm hibiscus

Can a Chinese rose be pruned too tightly? Would it hurt her?

Don't be afraid to prune your hibiscus. It grows easily. If the hibiscus is old or has broken branches, cut it back to a hemp and it will start growing again.

Rose quickly builds up the trunk, which looks beautiful. If you do not prune, the plant will grow, the trunk will be thin, the hibiscus will not bloom.

What to do after trimming

After pruning, the hibiscus must be carefully watered, placed in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight. Spraying is possible, not necessary, but the rose loves it, and when the processes of recovery and growth begin after pruning, it will be very useful.

If you do everything right, then in a couple of weeks the hibiscus will turn green with new leaves, in a couple of months it will delight you with its flowering.

If you want the Chinese rose to become a beautiful, healthy plant with a lot of flowers, you need to prune it in time and according to all the rules, and take care of it with love.

The hibiscus, commonly called the Chinese rose, is a flowering plant. In order for such beauty to bring joy for a long time, it is required to take care of the plant in a certain way. Hibiscus needs to be rejuvenated from time to time. To rejuvenate and renew a plant, you need to know how to prune hibiscus how to transplant it correctly.

How and when to prune a Chinese rose is a very important question for connoisseurs of this plant. Indeed, with correct and timely pruning, you can achieve the desired shape of the hibiscus crown. Achieve long and vigorous flowering. Considering that hibiscus flowers are laid and formed at the end of the branch, and when the branches are cut, the growth of new branches is stimulated, the number of flowers will accordingly increase.

Even if you have no experience in such matters, pruning hibiscus it will not be difficult. Either a sharp knife or a secateurs will be needed to trim. You will not harm the plant by starting this procedure at any time of the year, when you deem it necessary. However, in order for the plant to bloom until winter, replanting or replacing part of the soil and then pruning the hibiscus is best in the spring months. Pruning is recommended for no more than two-thirds of the crown volume. Only damaged and diseased shoots must be trimmed without fail, regardless of the length. A diseased branch must be cut to a healthy area, and if necessary, cut out entirely.

Pruning is done in several ways, depending on what shape and size you want your plant to be. As a result of pruning, you can get a tall tree, you can form a compact fluffy bush, or you can have a very short bush.

  1. In the first case, to form a tree, it will be necessary to remove the side branches. It is necessary to leave only one or two middle branches, which will subsequently play the role of the main trunk. It is advisable to shorten them a little by at least a couple of buds.
  2. If you want to admire a lush bush, then, on the contrary, you need to cut off the middle highest branches. In this case, the lateral buds will develop vigorously and form new shoots. You can even try to shorten the central branch as far as possible, leaving only a few buds. And see what happens as a result of this experiment.
  3. To obtain a beautifully formed crown of a plant, it is necessary to remove the internal useless branches. These can be branches parallel to the main trunk. These can be any gnarled branches growing deeper into the crown. All of them will take some of the nutrients needed by other branches that play the most important role in flowering and plant formation, but there is no sense from them. With their clumsy, they will spoil the shape of the plant.
  4. It is necessary to remove faded and dried flowers in a timely manner, thereby stimulating the formation and blooming of new buds. And pruning of branches is best done after flowering and wilting of flowers.

Hibiscus, in principle, is not a particularly picky plant. If you follow all these simple recommendations, you can achieve abundant and beautiful flowering of a perfectly formed plant. It will definitely become the pride of your collection.

Hibiscus or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-chinensis), a common houseplant with large, beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. Many decorative varieties with different colors will perfectly take root at home. If you follow the simple rules for caring for hibiscus, then the rose will begin to bloom pretty soon.

Necessary conditions for keeping hibiscus or how to care for a flower, description and photo ... A flower with a beautiful name "Hibiscus", in addition to beauty, will thank you for care and attention, effectively purify the air and have a beneficial effect on indoor flowers growing next to it!

Hibiscus flowers of all colors of the rainbow, leaves of emerald, bright color. But here the flower pleases us only for one day and, having opened, withers, falls ... The buds appear in turn, replacing each other and several pieces at once. If you care and love hibiscus, then you can admire the flowering year-round !!!

Blooming hibiscus increases the number of days, depending on the variety and density of the petals. It is noticed that in cool weather the buds will last longer, in hot weather a day and no more!

The basics of hibiscus care and maintenance ...

- Temperature conditions.

Hibiscus belongs to heat-loving plants and feels very comfortable at temperatures from 18 to 22 ° С, but it blooms well and for a long time, mainly at 14-15 ° С. Therefore, if there is an opportunity after a hot summer to put a bush in a cooler, but lighter room, then it will not hesitate to respond to this with its flowering. For the summer period, it is very good to take out the hibiscus to fresh air, ideally on a veranda or balcony, only avoiding drafts.

- Lighting for hibiscus.

Prefers the sun's rays from the south. In the heat, the plant must be moved away from the glass or shaded. The best option is a tall stand in front of the window. Home hibiscus will instantly react to insufficient light by “falling leaves” or dropping buds.

- Watering and humidity.

The Chinese rose tree is highly dependent on timely watering and regular spraying. Water for irrigation must certainly be at room temperature, separated, always in an open glass container with a wide neck. If the room is very hot, then you need to prevent evaporation of moisture from the ground - cover it with fine expanded clay or moss.

The most important thing for rose leaves is constant spraying from a spray bottle or regular operation of a humidifier in the room. Do not spray hibiscus flowers. During the heating season, you can put containers with water on hot batteries.

Loves hibiscus to “take a shower” in the bathroom. Rinse off the dust from the leaves with warm water, just to avoid waterlogging of the earthy coma, wrap the pot in a plastic bag and tie it.

How to overcome difficulties in growing hibiscus

Hibiscus is "not capricious" in home care and if you make mistakes, they can be easily corrected, the flower will immediately respond to changes. At first, it was very upsetting that the rose was losing its leaves. But our long cohabitation taught me to spray the leaves more often as soon as they look a little wilted. After a long flowering, hibiscus sheds old leaves, but at the same time immediately grows new ones.

The yellowed leaves of the Chinese rose indicate that the water for irrigation must be carefully filtered and defended in order to reduce the chlorine content. If the yellowed leaves have a brown border, then there is too much nitrogen in the fertilizer, stop feeding the flower for a while.

With a sharp change in conditions of detention, hibiscus can completely shed not only the buds, but also the leaves, taking on a depressingly "naked" appearance, but soon new leaves will appear on it.

How to "make" hibiscus bloom?

Many people wonder why it does not bloom and how to properly care for hibiscus ... Everything is simple here! Change the soil to fresh, prune old branches and place the plant in the sunniest spot. Thus, you will achieve the stimulation of young shoots and buds, on which flowering will take place.

Only young shoots bloom on hibiscus, so do not be afraid to cut it, leaving a few buds. If you do not cut off the old branches a couple of times, then the flowers become smaller, and subsequently disappear altogether.

And one more important point: if it is hot in your house in summer, and the heating season does not start for a long time in autumn, or hibiscus is in a cool room, then very soon it will form buds and throw out beautiful flowers. Conversely, if the hibiscus was too hot in winter, then there is a high probability that it will begin to bloom in the spring.

Another little secret: with the next flower transplant, take a wooden chip up to 10 cm long and insert it into the ground in a pot, at a short distance from the hibiscus trunk. It may not seem serious, but this "grandmother's method" contributes to the fact that hibiscus blooms for a long time: every morning a new flower blooms, falls in the evening, the next morning the next bud opens.

Forming your flower - hibiscus pruning

The advantage of hibiscus is that when pruning a flower, we choose to grow a lush bush or a small tree. She began to grow her Chinese rose on a narrow windowsill, and then, having moved to a private house, the rose instantly turned into a spreading bush in front of the window.

Each spring, the hibiscus undergoes formative pruning - until the plant has started to grow, or in the fall - after flowering. Long shoots are shortened to stimulate branching. By pruning the bush too late, for example in May, you can not wait for flowering at all in the summer. At other times, you need to look so that there are no buds on the cut shoots.

It is more convenient to use scissors for pruning, hibiscus branches are thin for using a pruner. Lignified shoots are cut off, which grow parallel to the main branches, it is also necessary to cut off all dried branches.

To form a bush, each shoot is pruned 1/3 above the leaf facing outward.

When pruning, I shape the bush so that it is spreading, but not high, because it “hibernates” on the second floor, in a room with a low ceiling.

Shape your flower to fit comfortably into your decor. Do not be afraid to overdo it, hibiscus, with proper care, grows new shoots very quickly, and the leaves become thicker and larger.

Hibiscus soil, transplant and fertilization

Usually, the flower is sold in a compact form, there they are treated with special preparations that slow down growth, but at home, especially after transplanting into new soil, hibiscus begins to grow actively.

In spring, at the same time as pruning, hibiscus are transplanted or transferred to fresh substrate; young plants annually, adults as needed. In large specimens, the top layer of the earth is changed annually. Transshipment with the preservation of an earthen coma is carried out at any time of the year.

Any nutrient medium is suitable for transplanting hibiscus. Usually I take two-thirds of the garden land, just not black soil, I add a universal soil for indoor crops. You can add turf or humus soil. Since the Chinese rose needs good watering, good drainage from expanded clay at the bottom of the pot is necessary to avoid stagnant water.

The pot with each transplant should be taken larger, but not by much. In a pot that is too large, the rose will start to grow, but it will stop blooming. For a large specimen, you just need to change the top layer of the earth.

When transplanting, while the size of the earthen coma allows, I shake off the old soil from the roots, especially if it is too wet. You can not completely remove the soil from the roots and do not cut the roots themselves, if there is no suspicion of their decay.

Top dressing plays an important role in caring for home hibiscus

The new substrate, into which the hibiscus was transplanted, already contains a large amount of nutrients, so fertilizing after transplanting should be done after a couple of months. I usually transplant my flower in April, I feed it from September to March. Any universal fertilizer for indoor plants, with a low nitrogen content, in liquid form or in the form of sticks, is suitable for hibiscus.

So that the hibiscus leaves shine and the plant does not attack the spider mite, several times a year I spray the rose with onion peel infusion. It is not difficult to prepare the infusion: pour the husks into a three-liter jar to half, tamp, pour boiling water almost to the top, let it brew, strain.

Reproduction of hibiscus - beauty must be increased

The Chinese rose is propagated by cuttings. You can use the same shoots that remained after pruning, choose the strongest and most woody.

Put the stalk in water, put two tablets of activated carbon in a container with water or add a rooting stimulant. Wait until small white roots appear and plant in a small pot with plain soil.

Be sure to cover with a cut plastic bottle, in which to make several holes for ventilation, this will provide the desired air humidity. It is necessary to water frequently for the plant to grow well and quickly. When the cutting begins to release many new leaves, the mini greenhouse can be removed.

If you are ready to spend some time to monitor the soil moisture in the pot every day, to see if the leaves are drooping, to spray the beautiful crown of your hibiscus with a spray bottle, then thanks to the care of your home flower, several times a year you can admire its magnificent flowering.

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