Home Potato As the blinds are rightly said. Blinds - what is it? The meaning, the origin of the word, the correct stress. Examples and stress

As the blinds are rightly said. Blinds - what is it? The meaning, the origin of the word, the correct stress. Examples and stress

Where to emphasize the word "Blinds"

From the point of view of the Russian language, "jalousie" is a word with one root, which is not inflected and is not an animate noun. It has a neuter gender and an emphasis on the last syllable.

In vernacular pronunciation, the stress is placed on the first syllable. This changes its meaning from the neuter gender, to feminine, and also changes the zero declension of the word meaning to the third, in the plural.

How did blinds get into our vocabulary? Its origin is based on French etymology. From the standpoint of translation, the meaning of the word itself means "jealousy", and from the standpoint of belonging, "blinds" means a system of window shades.

What do jealousy and curtains have in common? Everything is very simple. In ancient times, French husbands (would-be jealous people) closed the windows of their houses with special designs (prototypes of modern "blinds") so that other men passing by could not see the beauty of their wives. And the women themselves, thanks to the unique design, could look through them and remain unnoticed by anyone. Which, undoubtedly, suited the most inveterate jealous people.

The answer is Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Communication and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Blinds are light protection devices that consist of vertical or horizontal plates. Despite all the variety of types of blinds, Russians are more familiar with them as "office curtains", which makes them a prosaic subject. However, the word has a very interesting, not at all prosaic history - let's turn to its etymology and see this.

The word came to us from the French language: fr. jalousie means "jealousy" - the same as the well-known English jealousy.

It is believed that this word owes its history to ancient traditions: in African countries, which were colonies of France, special shutters were widespread, which could let light and air through, but hide from the eyes of passers-by women in a harem - the wives of rich and jealous Muslims.

With jealousy, everything is clear, but what about stress and how to explain the desire of Russian speakers to change blinds in cases and put emphasis on the first, then on the last syllable?

First, it is important to understand that borrowed words are always undergoing adaptation in new conditions, "in a new homeland." This process cannot be considered an error. If 10 years ago the word the Internet was a proper name, unwilling Internet then today the Internet- a common noun that changes in cases. The word has become familiar - now it is built into the system as "our".

It doesn't matter what the origin of the word is - the language system will "sharpen" it. These are the patterns of its existence. The case paradigm of the Russian language will try to inflect a word through native speakers (and they, of course, do not perform a complex analysis of the use of cases, but use them automatically and constantly).

Therefore the word blinds, which is not embedded in Russian cases, will sometimes fall into them in the stream of speech of native speakers: a lot blinds, went for blinds... Today, a stable (and therefore recorded in dictionaries) pattern is as follows: the word blinds unchangeable. Blinds and blinds for today - a mistake. (It is worth saying that the school discourse finally spoiled this word and accompanied it with negative concomitant meanings, so it would be more accurate to say not a mistake, but a failure in a stable pattern.) But the word still shows a tendency to embed it in the case paradigm. Not as bright as the Internet because the word the Internet is used by us incomparably more often than blinds... But that doesn't mean that the words blinds, blinds and blinds will never get back to normal.

This prospect not only scares Russian-speaking people, but also causes them serious aggression. But this is natural, since since school we are used to dividing everything we know about the language into black and white, and we still really do not like it when things that are familiar, correct in our understanding, change. That is why we are native speakers of the language, as well as carriers of the current language norm. All this is natural, but should not prevent us from comprehending language as a dynamic system.

Second, the stress in the word blinds- on the last syllable - clearly "not ours." We (that is, the language system itself) just want to adapt it too, so we constantly hear the stress blinds... I don't want to upset the militant (for some reason) defenders of a strict literary norm again, but there is hardly anything more natural than a possible shift in stress in the word blinds on the first syllable. If a person (like a species) stops growing body hair, or if its growth in the course of evolution increases by 10 centimeters, geneticists and evolutionary biologists will hardly continue to insist that a person is still hairy, and an increase in growth is degradation. The time comes when we must state: a person has completely lost the hairline, and the Internet changes in cases.

Everything is the same with linguistic phenomena, only we have the illusion of influencing the language, since for us it is a toolkit: we use it, which means we dispose of (no); it means that people “invent” norms “so that it is convenient to understand each other” (no); means if someone says blinds instead of blinds- he is an ignoramus or a demon and spoils the language (no).

So, the current norm is as follows: blinds- an unchangeable noun with an emphasis on the last syllable. At least for now.

The other day in the company we somehow argued word for word about how to speak correctly? The topic was lively, the participants argued violently. To my surprise, I learned that the word "beet" can now be pronounced as "beet". Impressed, and reaching home, I began to surf the Internet and available dictionaries. And she became even more surprised.

Good for the French - hit yourself all the words on the last syllable! It's good for the Poles - he emphasized the penultimate syllable, and he is always right! But we have a hard time. He said something wrong and you will be suspected of being uneducated. You have to take action.

More often than not, we make mistakes in words from our passive vocabulary. In other words, you can read books on a certain topic for years and even write articles using words from a certain area, but at the same time not hear or pronounce these words in living speech.

Another situation: we speak exactly as we have heard all our life in the family, in the circle of friends and acquaintances. Quite active vocabulary: "beetroot" there, "call", "scam" ...

Let's check ourselves.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who call instead of calling. Remember, dear friends, we will speak correctly, that is "Call".

And how many people know the correct stress in the word " cakes "... Remember that the stress in the word cakes falls on the first syllable, that is, on the vowel letter O. As a visual check, you can use the word "tortik". For example, "The most desirable for children at the holidays - cakes with cream."

Everything seems to be clear with "totes", but on what syllable it falls stress in the word curd- question. To accurately determine which syllable is stressed in the word curd, it is necessary to go back to the 19th century. Dictionaries of the time say that correctly stress the word curd on the last syllable... Then another natural question arises. Where did the pronunciation of this word with the stress on the first syllable come from?

For the first time such a form of pronunciation was proposed by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in his explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. A little later, the authors of other dictionaries admitted pronunciation of the word curd with stress on the first syllable permissible in literary speech.

To date, the use of the word in speech cottage cheese with the stress on the last syllable is traditional and more correct. However, if you suddenly pronounce cottage cheese with an accent on the first syllable, that's okay, this option is quite acceptable in modern speech.

And as it is right, "prettier" or "prettier". According to the spelling dictionary the stress in the word is more beautiful is put on the letter "I". For example, "Which wallpaper is more beautiful: blue or beige?"

In order to understand what syllable is emphasized in the word blinds, it is necessary to refer to the origin of this word. Unlike, for example, the purely Russian word "curd", the origin of the word blinds is French, and therefore it is pronounced with an emphasis on the letter "I". It should also be noted that the word blinds has a neuter gender and, according to S.I. Ozhegova is not inclined. For example, "We have two types of blinds: horizontal and vertical."

The dispute about how to put it right stress in the word quarter has been walking for a very long time. Many people believe that the stress in this word goes on the first syllable if a time frame is indicated, and on the second syllable if a place is indicated. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. In the word quarter, the stress always goes on the second syllable - quarter. No other way.

All spelling dictionaries, with the exception of Kuznetsov's dictionary, say that the emphasis is on the second syllable. Kuznetsov's dictionary allows stress on the first syllable, but only when the word is used by professionals. Despite such an innovation in this dictionary, it is still correct to emphasize on the second syllable.

Now let's be clear, how to correctly emphasize the word "enviable".

According to the spelling dictionaries in the word, the stress falls on the second syllable, that is, the letter "I". As with another equally controversial word security, stressing in a word enviously it will be easier to remember than to understand why it is so, and not otherwise. In modern Russian stress in the word security can be put on both 3 and 4 vowels. Reznichenko's orthoepic dictionary can serve as a proof of this fact.

And now let's deal with the verb "scoop"- the stress in which people put it on the first syllable, then on the second. One of the orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language says the following: in all forms of the verb "draw" the stress falls on the first syllable, that is, on the letter "E".

Well, dear friends, are you checking yourself?

And here's another ..

Fen O men, not a ditch e n hour, including and shh, turn on and t, bowl a, ring and shh, ring and t, af e ra (not a scam!), af and nanny, b a rmen, religion e Denmark, forward and t (look), sun e night, sl O gan, secret in e cherya, rolled O g, carbine e p (not a carabinieri!).

And finally, not stress. And about the painful. The controversy continues to this day. When to speak correctly "Put on" and when "dress"?

The verbs to put on and put on are polysemantic. The meanings in which actions in relation to a person are indicated are as follows:
Dress - who, what. 1. To clothe smb. into some clothes. Dress up a child, sick, wounded; Wed dress a doll, a mannequin ...
Wear - what. 1. Pull on, pull on (clothes, shoes, cover, etc.), covering, wrapping something on someone. Put on a suit, skirt, coat, jacket, shoes, mask, gas mask ...
The verb to dress is combined with animate nouns (and with a small number of inanimate nouns, denoting the likeness of a person: doll, mannequin, skeleton); put on - with the inanimate (according to Ozhegov, Shvedova).

Well, that's all for today.

Let's get it right!

Since the inception of civilization, people have become accustomed to exchanging goods, knowledge, achievements with each other. Not a single culture developed in isolation; a typical phenomenon in the life of states is the borrowing of objects, concepts and, of course, the words that call them.

A striking example of such borrowing is BLINDS.

The origin of the word "blinds": meaning, stress and declension

To everyone who meets for the first time the word blinds, the accent is difficult... Not knowing the meaning and origin of the word, you will definitely be mistaken. Therefore, let's figure out where this word came from and the fashionable interior design item it calls.

Help define correct stress in the word blinds knowledge about the origin of borrowing. It appeared in French and in literal translation denotes such a strong feeling as jealousy. Its spelling in the source language is jalousie... Even if we have not studied French, we most likely know that in French the stress falls on the last syllable in words. Therefore, the correct pronunciation of this non-declining borrowed noun is jalousie - with stress on the last syllable.

As for the declensions of the word blinds, in this case everything is simple... In all cases, plural and singular, you should always use the word - blind.

Functional invention

Who invented the blinds and when? There is no exact answer, but the authoritative version is that according to which they appeared in the days of Ancient Egypt and were made from reed... During the Middle Ages, blinds were used in the countries of the East, and then became popular on European soil. This was the name given to curtains made of long fabric strips arranged vertically on window or doorways, which were supposed to protect from bright sunlight and prying eyes. Gradually, the fabric was replaced with thin and light wooden slats.

In the American continent, it is a comfortable and stylish product first used by John Webster- an Englishman who lived in the second half of the 18th century in Philadelphia. And the patent for the production of a device from thin wooden slats, fastened together and located horizontally, was issued American John Hampton... In the 40s. In the 20th century, blinds were made from metal elements, and then from any materials chosen by the designer. Blinds with vertically installed slats - an innovation developed and implemented by the Bopp brothers from the city of Kansas City in the middle of the 20th century.

Equally popular are horizontal, vertical and roller blinds that regulate the flow of light and air into the room.

Blinds: design solutions for your comfort

Standard models of blinds with horizontally positioned slats and a cord or cane for folding the device are now giving way to innovative horizontal and vertical versions with automatic and remote control. Nowadays, not only Venetian blinds (with horizontal strips of wood) are in vogue, but also pleated, Roman, roller blinds, mini-blinds, etc..

The development of the interior design of an apartment, office, industrial premises necessarily includes the design of window openings, for which blinds are selected from natural fabrics or wood, synthetic eco-materials, plastic, metal. Different colors and textures, a variety of designs will help you choose blinds for every taste.

You can purchase the entire range of blinds in Saratov and Engels from the Elveya company. Blinds are an easy way to change the mood of a room and give it a unique and original style, increase the level of its comfort and functionality.

The word "blinds" came to the Russian language from French. The name of this type of curtain comes from "jalousie", which means "jealousy" (according to legend, it is believed that the blinds were invented by jealous men specifically to protect their beautiful lovers from the interested glances of strangers). And in French, the accents are simple: in all without words, the last syllable is stressed. And the word "blinds" was no exception - the vowel "and" was under stress in it.

In Russian, this word (like many other borrowings from French) has been preserved in the last syllable - "zaluzI".

Many over time "assimilate" in the language and their pronunciation changes. However, this did not happen with the word "blinds"; it retained its "foreign", French look. And the only correct pronunciation is "jalousie" with an emphasis on "I" - just like in French.

The variant "jAlyusi" (stressed "A"), which is often found in speech, is specially marked as incorrect in dictionaries. "JalUzi" with an emphasis on the second syllable can be heard quite rarely, therefore, it was not included in the mistakes that need special attention. However, this variant of pronunciation is also a gross speech error.

"Blinds" - declension by cases

"Blinds" is a neuter noun that is not declining, and it only exists in the plural.

In all cases, the form of this word is the same: "blinds". This type of declension is called zero.

The reason for this atypical behavior for a noun is again in the foreign origin of the word "blinds". In the Russian language, there is a whole group of such loan words with vowel endings -o, -i, -e, -y, -yu. By the way, many of them came to us just from the French - "pince-nez", "menu", "taxi", "stew" and so on. All of them do not change in case, and, as in the word "blinds", the stress in them falls on the last syllable.

Nouns are an essential part of the vocabulary of any language. In some European languages, mainly belonging to the Slavic and Romance groups, this part of speech has a gender category. In most Slavic languages, nouns are declined in one way or another.

You will need

  • - noun;
  • - declension table;
  • - orthographic dictionary.


Return the given noun to its original form. The original form is the nominative singular. Notice if the noun has an ending. It is not always there.

Determine the gender. The feminine and masculine nouns can end in "-а", "-я" or have no endings at all. Neuter nouns have the endings "-o" or "-e". The gender of a noun and the presence of one or another ending in the nominative case are precisely the most important signs of belonging to a particular type. When in doubt about the gender of a noun, check the spelling dictionary. This is especially important for words without endings. Incorrect gender can lead to error, as feminine and masculine nouns with only stems are inflected differently.

If in front of you is a feminine or masculine noun with the endings "-а" or "-я", it refers to the first declension. There are the most such nouns in the language. According to the first type of declension, words such as "mom", "dad", "organization", "uncle" and a great many others change.

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