Home Potato How to grow plumeria from seeds: planting and further care. The amazing world of plants Which tree has winged fruits

How to grow plumeria from seeds: planting and further care. The amazing world of plants Which tree has winged fruits

Holiday "Seeds - lionfish". Entertainment in the 2nd junior group

(carried out during a walk)
Target: Creating a festive atmosphere
Tasks by educational area:
Cognitive: To acquaint children with seeds - lionfish, show on which tree the seeds - lionfish grow. Learn to determine the size, color, weight of seeds - lionfish. Develop mental processes: memory, thinking, attention
Speech: Develop the speech of children, enrich the dictionary with adjectives. Continue to use the words "little", "a lot" in speech
Socio-communicative: Foster friendly relationships
Artistic - aesthetic: Learn to admire the autumn beauty of nature, use lionfish seeds in decorating a "cake", in modeling from plasticine.

Physical: To develop physical activity of children, to give children pleasure in playing with seeds - lionfish (mobile, plot - role). The teacher draws the attention of children to the lying "seeds - lionfish" on the path.
- Look, guys, what did I find? Here's another and another ... (children are connected to the search for seeds). These seeds are lionfish! How much did I find? (few). They came from the tree. What tree did they come from? Let's look (children, together with the teacher, examine the crowns of trees, they find). This tree is called maple. Each tree has its own unique feature. Maple seeds are lionfish. How many seeds are there on the tree? (many). Seeds - "lionfish" do not just fall from the tree, but, literally, spin and fly with gusts of wind. These seeds are often referred to as "helicopters". The teacher suggests looking for seeds under the tree.
- Throw them up, watch how they circle and fly. Let's look at them, what are they? Small or Large? Small, they can be hidden in the palm of your hand. Like this (shows). Seeds are light in color. What color are they? Light or Heavy? They are very delicate. Place the lionfish on one palm and close the other. Where are the seeds? Here they are!
The teacher offers to play the game "Seeds and Breeze"
Stroke: children - seeds, sat down "on the branches of a maple"
The teacher reads an excerpt from A. Barto's poem “What happened to the maples?
They nodded their crowns ...
Branches rustled
In the autumn wind "
All the "seeds - lionfish" flew, spun and sank to the ground (children run, spin and squat)
The teacher offers to collect "seeds - lionfish" for decorating cakes, for the "autumn piggy bank" and for handicrafts in the group. The teacher shows how to decorate "cake", "cakes" made of sand
In the group, read to children the natural history tale of N. Yakovleva "Maple Helicopter".
The next day, carry out a sculpting "Plate for a cat" (put a "fish" - maple seed)

This magnificent tree, beautiful at any time of the year, is a true decoration of city gardens, parks and squares. In autumn, maple leaves take on a variety of colors and shades: from the usual yellow to deep crimson.

This tree, with its beauty, inspired world famous masters to create paintings, poets wrote poems about it. In this article, we invite you to learn a little more about this plant, which may be in your city. How to grow a maple tree from seeds, and is it possible? How to care for him if you have planted a tree on the territory of your country house?


In natural conditions, maple grows in almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Twenty species of this plant are widespread on the territory of Russia, the most common of which are:

  • Norway maple;
  • field;
  • Tatar;
  • White.

Japanese maple is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.


The genus Acer unites woody and shrubby plants of the Sapindaceae family. Widely represented in Europe, North America and Asia. The genus has more than one hundred and fifty species, which mainly grow in the temperate zone, some of its representatives are found in Central Asia and the Mediterranean.

The tree grows up to thirty meters in height. The trunk is covered with gray-green bark with a network of lighter veins. The leaves are large, three-lobed, up to seventeen centimeters long. The edge of the leaf plate is finely toothed. Flowers are small, greenish in color. They have five oblong sepals and the same number of oval petals. There are eight non-pubescent stamens. The ovary is short, and underdeveloped in male flowers. The peduncle is thin, about five millimeters long.

Maple: fruits and seeds

The fruit of this tree is the lionfish. It is an achene with a leathery dry pericarp, a flat pterygoid fibrous outgrowth. Maple propagates with it. The spread of seeds by the wind is quite interesting: the lionfish moves amusingly through the air, writing spiral pirouettes, scattering over long distances and penetrating into the composition of tree stands.


What are the seeds of a maple? They are completely naked, with a large green folded embryo. Maple seeds are slightly flattened. They ripen at the very end of summer, and often remain on the tree throughout the winter. The seeds are covered with a thin skin. The tree bears fruit annually and abundantly, in Russia this happens in September.

Growing maple from seeds

There are many types of maple in our country, so everyone can choose a suitable specimen, even for a very modest garden plot. It's nice to grow such a luxurious tree with your own hands. Moreover, it is quite easy to do this even for a beginner in gardening.

First of all, you should decide what kind of maple you want to grow. The thing is that not all varieties can be propagated by seeds - there are decorative forms that reproduce exclusively by grafting or by cuttings.

For growing from seeds, the following are most often used:

  • Ginnal's maple;
  • Tatar;
  • green-barked;
  • holly.

Maple seeds collected in the fall or purchased from the store need to be stratified. In other words, it is necessary to simulate the transition of a plant from a state of winter dormancy to rapid growth in artificial conditions. For this, the seeds are kept at temperatures from +3 to +5 ° C for 120 days. To do this, you can use a refrigerator or cellar. Maple seeds are stored in a small container, which is filled with wet sand.

Germinating seeds

In April or early May, seeds are planted for germination. They are transferred directly to open ground. In order for the sprouts to appear sooner, you must first soak the maple seeds in hydrogen peroxide for three days. After this procedure, they are completely ready for planting. Now you need to find a place for the tree.

Where to plant maple trees?

The area where you plan to grow the tree should be sunny or slightly shaded. It is desirable that the soil be loose and fertile, therefore, at first (before planting), the soil is well dug and loosened so that it becomes homogeneous and fine-grained. Add some humus, peat and sand to your garden soil.

Planting seeds

The seeds are planted to a depth of about four centimeters. If you do not plan to further transplant seedlings, then the distance between the plants should be at least two meters. You can plant seeds at a closer distance, seedlings can be thinned out, and the strongest seedlings can be planted at a closer distance. After planting, the seeds are watered and kept moist.

Emergence of seedlings

The first shoots will appear about three weeks after planting. Maple germinates rather slowly, but when the seeds have sprouted, they need simple care: regular moderate watering, weeding the soil. In strong summer heat, shade young plants from the sun's rays. By the fall, your seedlings will already grow up to 40 cm, and in the first year - up to 80 cm.

Autumn planting

Sometimes maple seeds are planted outdoors in autumn. In this case, they are in their natural environment throughout the winter, and germinate in the spring. With this method, seed germination is somewhat lower due to strong and snowless winters, however, this method is considered the most natural.

Depending on the size of the seedlings, after one to three years they can be transplanted to a permanent place. To do this, it is necessary to prepare pits measuring 50x50x70 cm. The composition of the soil is the same as when growing seeds. Add organic fertilizers (compost or humus) to the soil before planting. Apply complex fertilizers for perennial plants every summer.

Maple is a gorgeous and easy-care tree with positive energy. In the shade of its dense crown, you can relax in summer, and in autumn you can admire the ever-changing colors and shades of foliage. Planting a maple tree is a long-term investment in the future of your garden or summer cottage. Maple will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren with its noble and sophisticated look.


Deciduous trees or shrubs with opposite simple or compound pinnate leaves without stipules.

Flowers are regular, bisexual or dioecious fivefold type in terminal or lateral racemes, panicles or scutes. 8 stamens located in two circles; ovary superior, bilobate, with two ovules in each nest. The fruit is a diptera, which decays into two fruits after ripening. Seed without endosperm. The embryo has thin folded cotyledons. Mostly entomophilous, melliferous; less often they are pollinated by wind.

Maples are common in temperate countries in the northern hemisphere. They multiply by seeds and give growth from the stump. Growing fast. They prefer fresh deep soils, but are often found on poor soils. Relatively shade-tolerant.

Maple wood is heavy, durable, has a beautiful texture and is used in furniture production, mechanical engineering, musical instruments, plywood, turning products, and various crafts.

Rod Maple (Acer L.)

A genus of trees and shrubs with simple, lobed or feathery petiolate leaves. The flowers are dioecious, or false-bisexual (female with underdeveloped stamens), mostly yellow-green, in scutes or racemes. A disc (nectary) and two opposite appendages of the ovary are developed in the flower, growing into the wings at fruits.

About 150 species are known. There are 25 species in the USSR. The most common and valuable in the forestry of our country are Norway maples, field maples, sycamore maple, Tatar, light, or Colchian, majestic, Georgian, in the Far East - small-leaved, yellow, ginnala, green, in Central Asia - Turkestan maple.

Norway maple (A. platanoides L.)

The tree is up to 30 m high and over a meter in diameter. The crown is thick, wide. The bark on young branches is reddish-gray, smooth, later darkens, on older trees it is gray, finely cracked. The buds are opposite, appressed, the terminal buds are larger, surrounded; two side ones. The leaf scar is oblique.

Leaves are dark green, shiny, 5-7-lobed with sharp lobes, 5-12 (18) cm long, 8-13 (22) cm wide, on petioles up to 15 cm long, glabrous.

Flowers are yellowish-green, male and pseudo-bisexual (female) on the last year's shoots on the same tree, sometimes dioecious. The calyx and corolla are of five-fold type, 8 stamens, the ovary is flat, glabrous (Fig. 54). Pollinated by insects.

It blooms at the same time as the leaves open or somewhat earlier, in the south at the end of April, then in the first or second decade of May (Table 8).

Table 8. Average and final flowering dates for Norway maple

Place of observation Blossoming date
average the earliest the youngest
Novocherkassk 24 / IV (22) 10 / IV 2 / V
Kiev 29 / IV (12) 20 / IV 10 / V
Bogoroditskoe-Fenino, Kursk region 7 / V (13) 27 / IV 20 / V
Kaliningrad 2 / V (23) 11 / IV 16 / V
Baltiysk 1 / V (20) 18 / IV 15 / V
Minsk 5 / V 14 / IV 15 / V
Mogilev 7 / V 15 / IV 18 / V
Gorki BSSR 8 / V (15) 24 / IV 16 / V
Bryansk forestry 7 / V (28) 18 / IV 19 / V
Zhizdra 6 / V (15) 27 / IV 19 / V
Kaluga 8 / V (34) 20 / IV 30 / V
Moscow, Sokolniki 10 / V (15) 30 / IV 20 / V
Murom 8 / V (9) 27 / IV 15 / V
Kazan 9 / V 2 / V 15 / V
Ufa 14 / V (20) 30 / IV 25 / V
Sverdlovsk 18 / V (11) 8 / V 31 / V
Nerekhta 12 / V (17) 3 / V 2 / VI
Leningrad 15 / V (12) 5 / V 27 / V
Novgorod 11 / V (15) 28 / IV 20 / V

The lionfish of Norway maple, each up to 4 cm long, are located almost horizontally, ripen at the end of August - in September and, gradually dropping, partially, remain on the branches until spring. Mass abscission of lionfish occurs after the first frost. According to observations in the BSSR, lionfish of Norway maple begin to fall off in July. In September, more than 28% of them fall, in October - about 42%, in November - more than 18%, the rest in other months.

The seeds are flat. Their germination rate is 85-90%. Under natural conditions, they germinate in early spring on thawed patches among the snow cover. For spring sowing of the maple lionfish, it is necessary to stratify up to 3 months. Seedlings with two tongue-shaped cotyledons and a pair of petiolate, triangular-shaped leaves.

Begins to bear fruit in plantings from 25-30 years. It is successfully renewed by seeds, gives growth from the stump. Growth capacity retains up to 60 years. It grows quickly under favorable conditions. Undergrowth shoots in good growing conditions give an increase of up to 2 m per year. From the age of 50, growth in height slows down or stops. Lives up to 150-200 years, and sometimes even older.

The root system is superficial, the taproot is underdeveloped. Shade-tolerant enough at a young age, later becomes more light-loving. Rarely forms pure maple stands. It grows in admixture, sometimes significant, in coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests on fresh fertile soils. Typical companion of oak and ash. In the northern regions of its range, it grows in spruce and pine forests of the highest bonitet classes together with linden, elm, elm and other species.

Distributed quite widely in the forests of the European part of the USSR up to 61 ° N. NS. and in the Caucasus in the mountain-forest belt from 600 to 1800 m above sea level and is bred as a forest, field protection and decorative breed up to Arkhangelsk (Fig. 55).

The leaves turn golden yellow or orange-red in autumn, which gives the maple a unique charm. Leaves fall in October. Maple is a good spring honey plant. Maple sap contains up to 3% sugar and can be used to make maple sugar. Maple sap flow begins in March.

The wood of the Norway maple has high physical and mechanical properties, is well polished and is used in furniture, joinery and turning industries, in mechanical engineering, aircraft construction, it is used for the manufacture of musical instruments and is used for various crafts.

The Norway maple is slightly damaged by insects and mushrooms. Young maples are greatly damaged by hares, gnawing the bark around the stem.

Pseudoplatanus maple, sycamore, white maple (A. pseudoplatanus L.)

Close to Norway maple. It reaches 40 m in height and up to 1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are dark green, dull above, bluish-white below, hairy, with five rounded lobes.

The flowers are yellow-green, in long, stalky, hanging racemes, appearing after foliage. The lionfish diverge at an acute angle. Seeds are convex, sit in a hairy nest. 1000 fruits weigh 80-110 g. Shoots with two narrow cotyledons and two bare, serrated leaves (Fig. 56).

Distributed in the southwestern part of the USSR to the west of Uman and in the Caucasus and is bred in gardens and parks in the European part of the USSR. It often freezes in Moscow and Leningrad.

Demanding on soils. It develops well on fresh, loose and deep enough soils. It grows poorly on dry slopes of southern exposure in the mountains. It is thermophilic and photophilous. Naturally renewed by seeds, gives growth from the stump. At a young age, it is severely damaged by rodents.

In the open, it forms a powerful tent-shaped crown, very decorative. It is used in planting in the forest-steppe part of Ukraine.

The root system is powerful and deep. It is growing rapidly.

Sycamore maple wood is used in the same way as Norway maple wood. Of particular interest is the shape of the sycamore with a wavy wood pattern, known as the bird's eye.

Yavor lives to be 100 years old or more.

Field maple, paklen (A. campestre L.)

The tree is smaller than the one described above. It reaches a height of 15-20 ME with a diameter of up to 60 cm. In the northern part of the range, it sometimes grows with large shrubs.

It grows in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea and the Caucasus in deciduous forests. To the north it reaches Zhitomir-Chernigov-Orel-Tula-Ryazan-Tambov (see Fig. 55). In culture, it is found before Moscow and Leningrad.

The bark is brownish gray. Leaves 3-5-lobed, downy. The flowers are yellow-green, with terminal scutes, staminate with 8 stamens and pistillate with sterile stamens. It blooms a little later than the opening of the leaves and much later than the Norway maple.

The lionfish are spread almost horizontally, they are shorter than that of the Norway maple (Fig. 57). They ripen in September and remain on the branches of the tree for a long time. The seeds are flat. 1000 fruits weigh 40 g. For spring sowing, lionfish must be stratified for a long time.

Shade-tolerant and more thermophilic than Norway maple. Relatively drought tolerant, tolerates some soil salinity. Demanding to the soil. It grows quickly in youth, later its growth slows down. Lives up to 100-120 years. It renews by seeds, gives growth from a stump, forms layers, and can give root suckers from damaged roots. It tolerates haircuts and can be used for hedges. Honey plant. It is of interest as a fitting breed for steppe afforestation. Wood is waiting for various crafts.

Tatar maple, chernoklen, neklen (A. tataricum L.)

Large shrub or tree up to 12 m high with thin reddish shoots and dark bark. The leaves are whole, less often three-lobed, ovate, double-serrate, dark green above, dull below, pubescent along the veins. The flowers are greenish-white, fragrant, in erect panicles (see Fig. 57). It blooms in late May - early June after complete foliage (Table 9).

Table 9. Average and extreme terms of flowering of the Tatar maple

Two winged worms are almost parallel, bright red, ripe brown, ripen in August and remain on the plant until frost, sometimes all winter. The nutlet is convex. In 1 kg - up to 22-24 thousand lionfish. For spring sowing, lionfish must be stratified.

Propagated by seeds, layering and gives growth from the stump. Demanding to the soil. Tolerates dryness and salinity of the soil. Can grow on light chestnut soils in the southeast. It is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. It grows in undergrowth in oak forests and is a valuable undergrowth for oak and soil protection undergrowth. It grows slowly. Good honey plant.

Distributed in the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The northern border of the natural growth of the Tatar maple lies somewhat north of Kiev - Chernigov - Kursk - Yelets - Efremov-Tambov-Ulyanovsk-Orenburg (see Fig. 55). It is widely used in steppe planting and landscaping. Its artificial northern border reaches Leningrad - Vologda - Perm - Sverdlovsk. It is bred in some places in Western and Central Siberia.

The wood of the Tatar maple is used for small crafts and for firewood. Of the many types of maples, one cannot fail to mention the light, velvety and Hyrcanic maples.

Ginnala maple, riverine (A. ginnala Maxim.)

A tree up to 6 w or a large shrub with gray smooth bark, reddish or brown shoots. The leaves are three-lobed, dark green, shiny, glabrous. The middle blade is large, the blades are double-serrate. Flowers are yellowish, in dense and long multi-flowered panicles, bloom almost a month after foliage. Lionfish up to 3 cm long, green, bright red during ripening, which enhances the decorative effect of the plant.

Lionfish ripen in September-October. The leaves turn bright red in autumn, giving the plant a particularly decorative look. Propagated by seeds and suckers. It is growing rapidly. Photophilous and frost-resistant. Honey plant.

It grows along the banks of rivers and streams in the basin of the middle reaches of the Amur and goes west to the Zeya and Selemdzhi rivers, found along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. Outside the USSR, it grows in northeastern China, Korea and southeastern Mongolia.

It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in the European part of the USSR, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East.

Ash-leaved maple, or American (A. negundo L.)

A tree up to 25 m high and up to 50 cm in diameter, originally from North America. The bark is gray, finely fractured. Shoots are green, reddish-brown or purple, glabrous, shiny, with a gray waxy bloom. Leaves are pinnate, with 3-7 leaflets. The apical leaf is wider than the rest and usually with lateral lobes. Dual domain. Male flowers in axillary bunches on long pedicels, female flowers in long drooping racemes, greenish, without a corolla. It blooms before the leaves open, earlier than the Norway maple. Lionfish converge at an acute angle, ripen in September, fall off gradually, remaining on the branches all winter, and sometimes longer (see Fig. 57). Gives abundant self-seeding. It grows very quickly in youth, but is short-lived. Photophilous. It tolerates pruning and transplanting well. Grows in a wide variety of soils.

It is bred in gardens and parks, in alleys. Sometimes it is used in protective afforestation, in railway protective belts. It is not of interest as a forest species.

Wood of lower technical qualities than other types of maple.

summaries of other presentations

"Culture of plant cells and tissues" - The functions of hormones in callusogenesis. Physical factors. Reasons for asynchrony. Cultivation methods and conditions. Hormone independence. Genetic heterogeneity. Open cultivation. Differentiated cells. Formation of crown galls. Dedifferentiation. Plant cell cultures. Culture media. Characterization of callus cells. Synthesis of secondary metabolites. Single cell culture. Factors affecting synthesis.

"Plant symmetry" - Rotary axes of different orders. Central symmetry. Bilateral symmetry. Sunflower inflorescence device. An odd number of petals. The symmetry of the cone is clearly visible on the example of almost any tree. Half of the object. Symmetry. Mirror symmetry. Definition. Symmetry phenomenon. Symmetry of the cone. Chamomile. Five axis. Twigs. The specificity of the structure of plants. Conclusions. Beam symmetry.

"Fruits and Seeds" - Spread with the help of the wind. Lionfish. Don't let your soul get lazy. Spreading by scattering. Why should the seeds settle. Distribution of fruits and seeds. Signs of seeds. Nut. Transfer to the outer integument. Apple. Achene. Knowledge. Knowledge tree. Orange. Pumpkin. Bean. Pod. Box. Questions to consolidate. Fruitfulness. Acorn. Berry. Nondescript flower. Physical education. Propagation by animals.

"Escape and buds" - The structure of the kidneys. Types of kidneys. Apical kidney. Leaf scar. The location of the buds on the stem. The escape. Type of leaf arrangement. Escape and buds. Bud. Topiary art.

"Features of the structure of the sheet" - Leaf blades. Leaf structure. The shape of the edge of the leaf blades. Vegetative reproduction. Raffia. Leaf location. The shape of the leaf blades. Leaf vein. Strange Welwitschia. Leaves. Internal structure of the sheet. Sheet. Evaporation of water. Gas exchange. The arrangement of leaves on the stem. Sheet functions. Formation of organic matter. What is a leaf. Modifications of leaves. Types of leaves by the presence of a petiole.

Plant Leaves - Composite leaves. Leaf location. Finger-complex. Edge of the leaf blade. The base of the sheet. Sessile leaves. Petiole. Another. Maple. The raven eye is reticulated venation, but the class is monocotyledonous. Stipules. The leaves are located on both sides of the petiole at some distance from each other. Describe the sheet. Lily of the valley. External structure of the sheet. Petiolate leaves. Ismailzade Nuray and Iskenderova Nazrin.

Ash, maple, linden and elm are representatives of different types of trees. What unites them is that they are all deciduous, and each has its own fruit. All these trees get along well next to each other. Their fruits are also similar - for each tree it is a lionfish, carefully protecting the seed inside the pericarp. We will learn about what are similar and how different the fruits of the above-named trees are in this article.

What does ash fruit look like?

Common ash loves light and moderate watering. The maximum height a tree can grow to is 40 meters. But life expectancy differs at times - ash can grow up to 300 years. The branches of the tree stretch towards the sun, the crown is wide and always raised high. Ash buds are fleecy, black. Leaves are opposite, 7-15 leaflets, smooth, dark green in color. Ash blooms in May, the flowers have no cups or corolla. Flowering lasts until the first leaves appear. And what do the fruits of an ash look like? These are lionfish that can grow up to 5 centimeters in length. The lionfish is green at first, eventually turning brown. Lionfish are collected in inflorescences, which are called panicles. Seed ripening occurs in August - the seeds become flat, wide, with a slight narrowing at the bottom.

What else can you learn about ash fruit?

Ash is considered an indispensable tree for urban landscaping - it is unpretentious and grows quickly. dense and durable, resembles oak in quality. In ancient times, ash was considered a tree of war, because spears, clubs and other weapons were made from it, which were notable for their low weight, but durability.

Ash was also used to make dishes, rocker arms, sleighs, wheels, souvenirs. Ash boards were widely used in shipbuilding. The fruits of the ash tree also differed in their properties. Few people know, but due to the high fat content, in a number of countries the fruits of the tree are used for food. For example, in the Caucasus, the following dish has become widespread: unripe fruits with vinegar and salt. After ripening, they are harvested, thoroughly crushed and canned, and then served as a seasoning for meat or fish dishes.

Medicinal and other properties

Ash seeds are used to make a dark green oil, which is widely used in the production of paint and soap.

It is worth knowing that this plant is considered therefore to use the root, bark, leaves or fruits of ash for medicinal purposes is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. The direction of action of decoctions and tinctures is very large - these are diuretic properties that help to remove excess fluid from the body. This is also the treatment of the respiratory tract, even in the chronic stage. Tinctures against coughs are excellent, and kidneys, sciatica and even dysentery are amenable to treatment. For those suffering from diseases of the nervous system, ash tincture is prescribed as a sedative and excellent sleeping pill. The collection of fruits for harvesting for the winter is carried out in the fall, after they are fully ripe.

Maple and linden

The fruits of ash, maple and linden are similar - they are all lionfish, differing only in the shape of the structure. Linden, like ash, is very fond of the sun, as well as abundant watering. It grows up to 30 meters, and life expectancy can vary from 150 to 1200 years. Linden blooms in June and blooms for only a few weeks.

Linden fruits are small rounded nuts of a slightly elongated shape. The nutlet is surrounded by a dense shell, under which a seed is hidden. Linden begins to bear fruit in August-September.

Maple grows up to 15 meters tall. The life span of this tree is 250 years. Maple blooms in April-May, flowers fly around after two weeks of flowering. Fruiting begins in September-October. Maple fruits are lionfish with outstretched wings, the run of which reaches 3.5 centimeters in length.

Useful properties of linden and maple fruits

What are the fruits of ash, maple and linden - we have learned. Now let's talk about the beneficial properties of the last two. Maple infusions also have diuretic properties. The content of vitamin C has a general tonic effect on the body, and maple decoctions are also known for antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory effects. Almost everyone knows about the medicinal properties of linden. Collecting flowers begins at a time when they are not yet fully open - it is advisable to pick off the buds that are just beginning to unfold. Flowers that have already begun to fade will be useless in their properties. Linden, like maple, is an excellent honey plant, its honey is extremely useful. Linden fruits have won high marks in cosmetology. Decoctions from fruits are used to cleanse different types of skin, they soothe irritations without overdrying the skin. Also, a decoction of linden fruits is useful for hair - they become stronger, acquire shine, lose fragility and stop splitting.

We found out what the fruits of ash, maple, linden look like. But what was attributed both to the fruits themselves and to the trees corresponding to them - not everyone knows. For example, linden was considered a sacred tree among the Slavs. She was closely associated with the goddess of love, so it was believed that linden has strong energy. Linden is able to absorb negative energy, restoring vitality. After contact with a tree, a person feels peace and an unprecedented surge of strength. That is why many families kept bags of dried fruits. Maple is also a legendary tree. There was a belief that the maple is a son bewitched by a mother for his disobedience. If you make a violin out of it, then its sounds will resemble the cry of a person talking about his misfortune. Its fruits helped to keep the peace in the family.

Also, by the maple, they guessed the weather and the presence of a nearby water vein. Therefore, the fruits of maple, ash, elm, linden were also endowed with magical properties.

Ash - tree of revival and renewal

A lot of interesting facts have been collected about ash. Our ancestors were sure that the tree is able to connect the worlds of people and gods. Ash inflorescences were compared to a bunch of keys that could open any door to another world. For this, ash fruits were collected in special bouquets. The Slavs were sure that such a bouquet would help "brighten" the house, protecting it from the onset of troubles and misfortunes. Yes, and you can clearly feel on yourself how light this tree is.

Ash lets in a lot of sun, ash forests are filled with light, and it is always easy to breathe in them. Ash fruits were collected in winter for handicrafts-amulets, which not only brought good luck, but also helped to find love in life. But the soaked fruits were placed in a vessel near the patient's bed, significantly accelerating his recovery.

A little more about ash

People call ash holly because of all good neighbors (elm, maple, linden), ash gets along best with oak. Ash and oak have been observed since early spring. If the oak blossomed first, people prepared for the dry summer. What are the fruits of ash - we learned what properties they have - too.

But the ancient Greeks were sure that a decoction of the fruits of this tree helps a man to restore sexual strength. The broth was poured into drinks in order to enhance sexual desire. Ash fruits had similar properties in dried form, so they were harvested in advance and in large quantities. Ash also served as a symbol of wisdom and life. Therefore, every second Slav certainly carried a bag of dried fruits with him.

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