Home Potato What are the names of Obama's children. The new life for Obama and his family is even better than the old one. What do you expect from the visit of the American leader

What are the names of Obama's children. The new life for Obama and his family is even better than the old one. What do you expect from the visit of the American leader

"Today marks a year since I learned that Sasha Obama's real name is Natasha," wrote Ashley Ford. After that, journalists drew attention to the fact that on many information resources the youngest daughter of the ex-president of the United States is called that way. "In most countries, the name Natasha is accepted, but in the Obama family this name is shortened to Sasha," according to the American dictionary of names Nameberry.


Among social media users, the news about the girl's real name caused a heated discussion. Americans wonder how they could have failed to notice such an obvious thing. "Today will be the day when in the future it will be a year since I learned that Sasha Obama's real name is Natasha," reporter Johnny Karate mimicked.

Many even refused to believe this information, Gazeta.ru reports. "If you're kidding, then you're doing great," wrote user Stirling Allred. After a while Ashley Ford answered him: "No, I'm not kidding! Didn't you know?"

Note that a number of users treated this information as a reason for jokes. "I demand to initiate a congressional investigation!" - commented on the post of the journalist scottwithrage. "Wait, if Donald Trump finds out about this, he will accuse Obama of having ties to Russia!" - wrote quizquest.

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