Home Potato Map showing different countries. Maps depicting different countries are called political maps

Map showing different countries. Maps depicting different countries are called political maps

1.Using the textbook, write in the missing word. Maps depicting different countries are called

Political maps

2. Using the map in the textbook, give examples of countries located on different continents. (Write one name for each item.)

  • Eurasia: Russia
  • Africa: Egypt
  • North America: Canada
  • South America: Brazil
  • Australia: Australia

Introduce your work to the class, see the work of other guys. Arrange a peer review.

3. Ant Question has compiled a list of countries he would like to visit. Find the mistake, cross it out. Explain (verbally) your decision.

Austria, Sweden, Argentina, China, Africa (this is the mainland) , Greece, Mexico, India.

Think of a similar task for your classmates. Write it down.

I would like to visit different continents: Africa, Eurasia, the United States of America, Australia, South America and Antarctica.
(superfluous - the United States of America. This is a country, and the mainland is called North America)

4. Determine on the map on which continents and parts of the world these countries are located. Point with arrows to the continents (parts of the world) highlighted in yellow.

5. Conduct a game-competition: who will name more countries. Follow the rule: the one who makes a mistake (names the mainland or city) is eliminated from the game. The group winners compete with each other following the same rule.

Russia, Canada, China (PRC), United States of America (USA), Brazil, Australia, India, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Indonesia, Sudan, Libya, Iran, Mongolia, Peru, Chad, Niger, Angola, Mali, South Africa (South Africa), Colombia, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Mauritania, Egypt, Tanzania, Nigeria, Venezuela, Namibia, Pakistan, Mozambique, Turkey, Chile, Zambia, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Somalia, Central African Republic (CAR), South Sudan, Ukraine, Madagascar, Kenya, Botswana, France, Yemen, Thailand, Spain, Turkmenistan, Cameroon, Papua New Guinea, Sweden, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Iraq, Paraguay, Japan, etc. etc.

6. Tell us about our planet on the political map of the world. Use the map in the tutorial or the wall map. Let the other guys complete your story.

7. If you are interested, determine which countries these flags belong to. Use additional literature, the Internet. Sign the names of the countries.

Read in the book "Travel Encyclopedia. Countries of the world". about these flags. Pay attention to the symbolic meaning of the colors of the flag. Prepare a story about flags of 1 - 2 countries (of your choice).

Argentina flag

There are several versions of why the Argentine flag looks like this.

The simplest explanation of the flag symbolism is sky, clouds and sun. Between the two blue stripes representing the sky, there is a white strip of clouds on which the May sun shines.

According to another version, the blue color symbolizes the largest river in Argentina, La Plata, and white - silver (in Latin, silver is denoted by the word "Argentum" and the name of the country is derived from it).

Austria flag

According to legend, the colors for the flag of Austria were invented by the Duke of Austria Leopold V, who lived in 1157-1194 and an active participant in the Crusades. During one of the battles, the white marching uniform in which the duke was dressed was completely covered in blood.

It seemed that not a single white speck remained on the uniform, but when the duke removed the belt, a white stripe was found under it, on which there was not a drop of red. The Duke really liked the look of the white stripe on a red background and decided to paint his standard in the same way.

"Political culture of Russia"- Political culture of modern Russia. Political culture can be seen as a mediator between the political world and the environment, providing interaction between areas of social relations, cultural norms and stereotypes and political processes. Problems of the formation and development of the political culture of the Russian Federation.

"Changing the political system"- Changes in the political system of the Russian Empire. Emperor until October 17, 1905. Changes in the political system. Features of the Russian multiparty system. Fill in the table. After October 17, 1905, the emperor. Electoral law of Russia: place symbols on the diagram.

"Political extremism"- Environmental extremism. Typical for countries with a non-democratic regime of government. It is carried out without the participation of government agencies. Constitutional rights of the individual. Definition of political extremism. State organizational-group individual. It is associated with the activities of political entities that use violence in the struggle for power.

"Political process"- Civil war in Russia. D. Easton: the political process can be understood as. Confrontation. Discussion and Lobbying. 2.2. Interaction of actors in the political process. Decision-making. Compromises. 1.2. Conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the political process. 1.3 Types of political processes.

"Political map of the world"- The number and grouping of countries. Insular Peninsular Archipelagos Continental. Grouping of countries by area. Topic: Political map of the world. The political map of the world is a kind of mirror of the era. Anchoring test. Country. The largest state of the Earth by area: a) Canada; b) Russia; To China; d) USA.

"A cylinder is called a body"- Problem No. 3. Solution: Problem No. 1. Cylinders. Cylinder. Let's find the length (h) of the perpendicular OK. 4) According to the condition AB = A "B" = M "= 8. In a right-angled triangle AOK leg AK = 4. Then, according to the Pythagorean theorem, h = OK = = = 3 m. The section of a cylinder by a plane passing through the axis of the cylinder is called the axial section ...

1.Using the textbook, write in the missing word. Maps depicting different countries are called

Political maps

2. Using the map in the textbook, give examples of countries located on different continents. (Write one name for each item.)

  • Eurasia: Russia
  • Africa: Egypt
  • North America: Canada
  • South America: Brazil
  • Australia: Australia

Introduce your work to the class, see the work of other guys. Arrange a peer review.

3. Ant Question has compiled a list of countries he would like to visit. Find the mistake, cross it out. Explain (verbally) your decision.

Austria, Sweden, Argentina, China, Africa (this is the mainland) , Greece, Mexico, India.

Think of a similar task for your classmates. Write it down.

I would like to visit different continents: Africa, Eurasia, the United States of America, Australia, South America and Antarctica.
(superfluous - the United States of America. This is a country, and the mainland is called North America)

4. Determine on the map on which continents and parts of the world these countries are located. Point with arrows to the continents (parts of the world) highlighted in yellow.

5. Conduct a game-competition: who will name more countries. Follow the rule: the one who makes a mistake (names the mainland or city) is eliminated from the game. The group winners compete with each other following the same rule.

Russia, Canada, China (PRC), United States of America (USA), Brazil, Australia, India, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Indonesia, Sudan, Libya, Iran, Mongolia, Peru, Chad, Niger, Angola, Mali, South Africa (South Africa), Colombia, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Mauritania, Egypt, Tanzania, Nigeria, Venezuela, Namibia, Pakistan, Mozambique, Turkey, Chile, Zambia, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Somalia, Central African Republic (CAR), South Sudan, Ukraine, Madagascar, Kenya, Botswana, France, Yemen, Thailand, Spain, Turkmenistan, Cameroon, Papua New Guinea, Sweden, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Iraq, Paraguay, Japan, etc. etc.

6. Tell us about our planet on the political map of the world. Use the map in the tutorial or the wall map. Let the other guys complete your story.

7. If you are interested, determine which countries these flags belong to. Use additional literature, the Internet. Sign the names of the countries.

Read in the book "Travel Encyclopedia. Countries of the world". about these flags. Pay attention to the symbolic meaning of the colors of the flag. Prepare a story about flags of 1 - 2 countries (of your choice).

Argentina flag

There are several versions of why the Argentine flag looks like this.

The simplest explanation of the flag symbolism is sky, clouds and sun. Between the two blue stripes representing the sky, there is a white strip of clouds on which the May sun shines.

According to another version, the blue color symbolizes the largest river in Argentina, La Plata, and white - silver (in Latin, silver is denoted by the word "Argentum" and the name of the country is derived from it).

Austria flag

According to legend, the colors for the flag of Austria were invented by the Duke of Austria Leopold V, who lived in 1157-1194 and an active participant in the Crusades. During one of the battles, the white marching uniform in which the duke was dressed was completely covered in blood.

It seemed that not a single white speck remained on the uniform, but when the duke removed the belt, a white stripe was found under it, on which there was not a drop of red. The Duke really liked the look of the white stripe on a red background and decided to paint his standard in the same way.

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