Home Potato When can you give black currants to babies? Currants in baby food. Semolina dessert

When can you give black currants to babies? Currants in baby food. Semolina dessert

When is the child ready to taste the fragrant berries? Find out what kind of berries you can give your child and pamper him not only with the natural taste of fresh raspberries or currants, but also with vitamin dishes based on berries. Of course, in the process of even the most careful preparation, some vitamins are lost (especially ascorbic acid), but mineral salts, organic acids and B-carotene are retained. And food with a reduced fiber content after cooking is even useful for children with unstable stools and some gastrointestinal diseases.

Let's get acquainted

To make your acquaintance with the berries go without problems, conduct it competently. Do not forget that early fruits and berries are brightly colored, which means they contain a large amount of pigment. Unfortunately, lycopene and carotene can cause allergic reactions not only in children with food allergies, but also in healthy babies (if consumed in excess).

For the first time, it is possible to enrich infants' complementary foods with some types of berries after 7 months. At this age, you can introduce blueberries, raspberries, all types of currants, sea buckthorn. Offer your child garden and forest strawberries a few months later, but it is better not to experiment with strawberries until a year.

Summer taste

When you introduce the toddler to berries, you should not season them with sugar - it is much more useful if the baby gets used to their natural taste. Prepare any berry dishes immediately before use. Of course, it is best to use berries collected in your own or grandmother's garden in the children's diet: this way you will be sure that there are no harmful substances in them. When buying berries on the market, ask the seller for a certificate of the passage of radiological control.


Contains organic acids (especially a lot of salicylic), as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber. A powerful diaphoretic, antipyretic agent. Helps with violation of hematopoiesis, with problems of the thyroid gland.

Black currant

The record holder for the content of vitamin C. Also includes vitamin B, carotene, pectins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Tones up the cardiovascular system. Useful for colds, gastritis. You can make juices, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, jelly, marmalade from berries. Vitamin C is well preserved in any workpieces.

Red Ribes

Significantly surpasses black in the amount of vitamin A. Useful properties of red currant are similar to those of black currant. There are no contraindications to the use of these berries for children. Very tasty jelly made by mixing currant juice with sugar. It is recommended to make fruit drinks, compotes.


Organic acids (salicylic and oxalic), vitamins of group B, C, potassium, calcium. Mild diaphoretic, thins the blood, normalizes the intestinal microflora, removes toxins. Strawberries are categorically contraindicated in children with food allergies.


Contains potassium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, pectins, folic acid, vitamins. Improves digestion. The infusion of berry leaves has a diuretic effect. Not recommended for children with diathesis prone to food allergies.


Enriched with iron in easily digestible compounds. Strengthens visual acuity, has anti-inflammatory and fixing properties (recommended for diarrhea). For food allergies, use should be limited. It is good fresh, you can also cook jelly (both from fresh and from dried berries).

Note to mom

During the harvest season, do not forget about reserves for the winter. In order to preserve all vitamins and minerals as much as possible, it is better to freeze the berries in small portions (at a time) or grind with sugar. Then you can pamper your baby with a delicious and healthy dessert all year round!

Add vitamin

In combination with yogurt and cottage cheese, vitamins and minerals from berries and fruits are absorbed more efficiently. Also, fermented milk products soften the acids that are contained in berries, and they do not irritate the stomach lining of the crumbs. In a blender, beat the berries or fruits, add a glass of yogurt. A little honey and mint or lemon juice for freshness - and you can serve it on the table.

Yoghurts are best prepared with your own hands. Indeed, during industrial production, preservatives, thickeners, artificial colors are often added to this product, so it will be safer if you prepare yogurt and cottage cheese yourself.

To speed up the process, purchase a yogurt maker from the store. Boil milk (1 l), let it cool. Dilute the leaven and mix with the bulk. Pour the mixture straight into the jars and place them in the yogurt maker. After 8-10 hours, cover the containers with lids and place in the refrigerator. Add fresh fruits or berries to the finished product. You can add whole or whisk in a blender.

Of course, as a complementary food, the baby should be given berry and fruit puree or compote. These are the main sources of vitamins. But this does not mean that you need to give the baby as many berries as possible. The child's body simply cannot absorb an excess of vitamins. In the best case, the excess will come out in the urine, in the worst case, it will provoke diarrhea, and allergies will begin to develop.

When berries need to be limited

Many berries contain vitamin C in their composition, it perfectly improves immunity, helps to avoid colds, but is not recommended for kidney diseases. If too much vitamin C is consumed for these conditions, it will lead to the formation of kidney stones.

In case of problems with the child's digestive system, berries can only be given in the form of jelly, compote, mousse or jelly, that is, after heat treatment. If there is a food allergy to a baby, then in no case should you give strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants as complementary foods. It is better for babies with allergies to give complementary foods in the form of gooseberries, red currants.

The main rules of berry feeding

The main rules for feeding babies with berries are as follows:

  1. Know when to stop, do not overfeed the child with vitamins;
  2. At what age to introduce berries into the diet, the doctor should say;
  3. If the baby has any problems with the digestive system, be sure to consult a pediatrician before introducing berries into complementary foods;
  4. Complementary feeding with dishes from berries can provoke intestinal infections. And even in absolutely healthy crumbs. To avoid such troubles, the berries must be rinsed with clean water, and then doused with boiling water.

Where to start

Pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with the fruits of red or white currants, blueberries, raspberries. But berries such as strawberries and strawberries can be given a little later, and it is better to make sure that the baby is not allergic to them. Berries can be given to children at least 6 months old.

To start introducing berries into complementary foods, like any other product, you need to start from very small portions - at the tip of a teaspoon. Gradually, the number of berries in the diet can be increased, provided that the baby does not have problems with the digestive system and does not show allergies.

When can you give berries?

Often young parents ask the question: at what age is it better to introduce berry complementary foods, and how much? From the age of six months, a portion of berry fruits can be 50 grams. By one year, the portion is usually increased to 100 grams. They are given as mashed potatoes until the child learns to chew.

Do not experiment, do not give your baby several berries at once. Accustom him to one species first. Moreover, with the manifestation of diathesis or allergies, otherwise it will not be possible to determine which particular product the body does not absorb.

In no case should you give berries to children up to five months. The first months of life, the baby's stomach accepts only breast milk or a specialized formula. If the baby is given berry fruits early, then the following unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • the development of pathologies of the digestive system, the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • the development of allergies, the manifestation of diathesis.

Usually, children of six months of age are happy to eat dairy products with the addition of berries. For example, cottage cheese or yogurt. Add berry puree or juice. Do not add in any way. The kid must taste and love the natural taste.

How to cook?

If you have decided to feed your child with berries, then you should not prepare the berry dish in advance. Do it just before feeding your baby. The fact is that the vitamin C contained in them is oxidized under the influence of oxygen and loses its beneficial properties.

In addition to fresh berries or juices, the baby's diet must necessarily contain heat-treated fruits. Children usually enjoy various compotes, mousses, jellies, jelly. During cooking, a significant portion of dietary fiber is lost, which is beneficial for children with unstable stools.

Consider a few tips for the correct preparation of berry dishes for babies:

  • Berries are placed only in boiling water, so more useful minerals are preserved. The lid must always be closed during cooking. It is better not to use aluminum cookware for cooking;
  • Do not overcook the fruit;
  • Do not store the prepared dish for a long time. Better to eat it right away;
  • It is better not to boil the berries that are delicate in structure, but pour them over with syrup or boiling water;
  • Kissel should not be very thick. Use potato starch, not semi-finished jelly;
  • For the jelly base, use edible gelatin. Berry juices are added to it.

Mousse is a jelly mass, whipped into a foam.

Useful berry properties

The variety of berries is great. It is always difficult to decide from how many months, which fruits are best to give to the child. To choose, you need to understand the beneficial properties of berries.


Raspberries have healing properties, contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for the growing body, as well as calcium and carotene. It can be introduced into the diet of a child from six months. Raspberries are often used to prevent or treat colds. Experts recommend using it fresh or as a berry puree in case of intestinal disruption. For the winter, you can cook jam or compote. Many people add raspberry leaves to herbal teas. There are contraindications only when the child has only an individual fetal intolerance or allergy.

Black currant

Like raspberries, currants are very common and have a wide range of useful properties. It contains vitamins A, B, C. Moreover, they are perfectly preserved even for preparations for the winter, such as compote, jam, jam. It can be dried for the winter, and the dried leaves of the plant can be added to. Berries are prohibited for babies who have food allergies.

Red Ribes

Red currant contains a little less vitamins than black currant, but it does not cause allergic reactions in children and generally has no contraindications to use. Therefore, pediatricians are allowed to enter it into the baby's menu from the age of five months. Currant juice has a unique property - excellent jelly is obtained from it without the addition of edible gelatin. You can cook compote, mashed potatoes, jelly, fruit drink from currants.


Strawberries most often cause allergies in infants, you need to be careful with complementary foods from these berries. The fruits contain a large number of different vitamins and acids. Strawberries can be fed to children fresh in small chunks or puree.

The berry has a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system, increases appetite. Strawberries are recommended as a diuretic, as well as for babies with diabetes from six months of age. Strawberries are excellent at fighting various intestinal infections, restoring microflora.


Gooseberries are rich in fiber, pectin, acids and minerals. Compote is boiled from the fruit or juice, jelly and jam are preserved. Usually, gooseberries do not cause allergies in children.


Cranberries are the most vitamin C-rich berry. The acids contained in it easily "kill" dangerous bacteria. Cranberries can be stored frozen, they do not lose their beneficial properties. From berries you can cook fruit drink, juice, jelly, compote, make mashed potatoes. Cranberries help a child's body cope with infectious diseases, but often allergies appear because of it.


Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties, they are recommended for children to normalize the digestive system. From berries, you can make complementary foods in the form of mashed potatoes or cook compote. But doctors do not recommend giving blueberries to children if they have food allergies.


Fragrant strawberries, like strawberries, are rich in useful minerals and acids. Children are advised to give fresh berries, as mashed potatoes or cook compote. Strawberry leaves are added to or herbal decoctions. These leaves are diuretic. Like other berries rich in vitamin C, strawberries should be introduced into complementary foods carefully, they are not recommended for babies with allergies.


Among the non-allergenic and healthy berries, there is also a cherry. Babies can be given berries, after removing the seeds, fresh. The only limitation: if the child suffers from constipation, then the cherries will have to be postponed a little.

Berry preparations

The most useful, of course, is fresh berries. But when winter comes, babies also need vitamins and minerals. The question arises as to what kind of berry is better to choose for the winter season. The most effective way is to freeze the fruit. Strawberries, currants and raspberries are best suited for freezing. Berries for the winter must be prepared correctly so that they do not lose all their useful properties.

There are several simple rules for high-quality freezing:

  • Select juicy, but not overripe berries;
  • Remove leaves and stalks;
  • Rinse the fruits thoroughly and dry;
  • Store in a plastic container.

In winter, you can cook compote from frozen berries, make mashed potatoes. Strawberries can be simply defrosted and given to children as complementary foods, provided that there is no allergy. For comparison: berries, harvested as compote or grated with sugar, retain only 30% of their beneficial properties, and frozen ones - up to 70%.

When choosing the first complementary food, it is worth remembering that the children's digestive system is still being formed and its health depends precisely on the food you give your baby.

“I take one berry, I look at the other, I notice the third,” - remember, it was said in one well-known children's cartoon? Yes, the more berries the better. But it would be nice to know how to understand the benefits and dangers of berries for children. Learning.

In the summer, parents always try to feed their babies with seasonal berries - so that the children “gain” vitamins for the entire coming year. This desire can be understood, but there must be limitations. For example, at what age can a child be given berries, or what berries can be given to a one-year-old child.

After all, it is important that the vitamins contained in berries are good for the kids, and not lead to such consequences as food, or, for example,.

Read more about what seasonal berries can be useful for your baby, how to choose the best of them and save for the winter.

Vitamins for children: useful properties of berries

Currants in children's nutrition

Black currant is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements: vitamin C, potassium and iron, folic acid. Currants can be used in children's nutrition as an independent dessert, added to jam and jelly, compotes and fruit drinks.

Black, red and white currants can be harvested for the winter in the form of "live" grated jam - it is stored in the refrigerator. Healthy berries can be frozen or dried in the oven or outdoors.
Black currant is indispensable in children's nutrition, as it contains organic acids and trace elements important for blood and heart.

Out of season, you can use frozen or dried berries, or mousse from grated currants with sugar.

Strawberries in children's nutrition

Strawberries are not only a delicious treat, but also a way to strengthen eyesight thanks to their carotene content (yes, carotene is not only found in carrots!). Strawberries are also rich in organic acids, vitamins for children and microelements. However, remember about the high allergenicity of berries - strawberries are introduced into the diet of children not earlier than a year and gradually.

Vitamins for children: cranberries

Cranberries are rich in calcium, vitamin C and organic acids. This berry is effective in fighting germs and helps with indigestion. Cranberry juice is recommended for diseases of the urinary system, as it has a mild anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Raspberries in children's nutrition

Raspberries have many medicinal effects: antipyretic, anti-cold, diaphoretic. Raspberries are not recommended for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for food allergies.

Store strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in the refrigerator, in a special container - a fruit bowl. If there is no compartment in the refrigerator, place the berries in an airtight container. Store blackberries in a container without a lid.

Pomegranate in baby food

Pomegranate, which is also considered a berry, contains vitamins, organic acids and tannins. Its juice stimulates the appetite and has a strengthening effect. Therefore, do not give it to children who are constipated or overweight. Pomegranate should be consumed with caution in babies with food allergies.

Compote for a child

Berries are healthy and tasty not only fresh, but also in compote. To preserve vitamins for children in the drink, do not boil it for more than 5 minutes. And be careful with sweetening, you can use very little sugar!

Berries in children's nutrition: choosing the best!

If it is not possible to pick berries on your site, it doesn’t matter. You can find a large assortment of berries in the markets and shops. You just need to choose them carefully:

  • Choose dry, firm, undeformed berries that are free from stains, mold, or moisture.
  • Don't buy strawberries or blueberries with a green barrel, and blackberries with red are bad berries.
  • When shopping for frozen berries, shake the bag. A quality product should be crumbly. If you feel a single lump in the bag, refuse to buy - the berries have already been defrosted and re-frozen.

What berries can you give to a one-year-old child

The question - "what berries can you give to a one-year-old child" becomes especially relevant when summer comes. Indeed, it is difficult not to be tempted and not to offer the crumbs tasty and healthy.

However, it must be remembered that the digestive system of children at this age is still delicate, and berries contain fiber and pectins that stimulate intestinal motility. Also, berries are rich in organic fruit acids that stimulate digestion. With an overabundance of berries, this is fraught.

Here, girlfriends, I found a good memo - I share with you))))

Blueberries (from 6 months)... Contains a lot of vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, P, PP. Improves visual acuity, regulates digestion, and a decoction of dried berries is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Give the baby blueberries, rubbed through a strainer. If the baby doesn't like puree in its pure form, you can sweeten it a little. You can also add fresh berry puree to yogurt or porridge.

Blueberries (from 6 months)... The main source of folic acid, as well as vitamin C, carotene. This berry promotes the secretion of gastric juice, has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic effect, protects against radionuclides. Also, blueberry fruits are unique in that they smooth out all allergic reactions and soothe skin irritations.

Raspberry (from 7 months)... Perfectly quenches thirst, stimulates appetite and bowel function, prevents anemia. The salicylic acid contained in raspberries has antibacterial and antipyretic effects. Give the baby raspberries rubbed through a strainer or add such puree to his cereals and desserts. And raspberry tea is indispensable for colds, sore throats, any increase in temperature - it helps to relieve fever.

Blackberries (from 7 months). A source of glucose, fructose, vitamins A and C, carotene and organic acids. This berry improves immunity and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps to cure coughs, and heal the gums. It is very effective in the treatment of stomatitis.

Currant (from 7 months)... Contains a lot of vitamin C (even more than lemon!), Vitamins A and PP. It also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements. Currant strengthens the immune system, helps with sore throat or stomach, enlarged tonsils, improves appetite. Red and black currants are very necessary for babies suffering from anemia.

Sweet cherry (from 1 year old)... It contains vitamins C, P and B vitamins. These aromatic berries help to reduce blood clotting, prevent blood clots, and help with stomach pains. In addition, cherries contain a substance that stimulates the cleansing of the body from uric acid, so they are recommended for babies who have problems with the urinary tract.

Cherry (from 9 months)... It is rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, iron), also contains iodine. These elements play an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Cherry improves the functioning of the central nervous system, activates the work of the stomach, kidneys and liver, relieves swelling, promotes the regulation of metabolism, strengthens capillaries. The juice of these berries is used as an expectorant for bronchitis.

Attention! Be sure to remove the seeds before giving cherries or cherries to the crumbs.

Mulberry (from 9 months)... Contains glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid and fiber. Fruits have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, improve metabolism, have a mild laxative effect, can be used as an expectorant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Mulberry is good for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Also, these berries are good for the nervous system, speed up the healing process from colds, and improve heart function.

Apples (from 5 months). These fruits have a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system. The malic acid contained in them stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, and silicon dioxide strengthens the bones of the little one. Attention! Clean apples just before giving them to your baby - under the influence of air they lose a lot of vitamin C. If these are fruits from your own garden, not treated with chemicals, do not remove the skin - it contains many useful substances.

Plums (from 10 months)... They are rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines, and also contain phosphorus and magnesium, which affect the nervous system of the crumbs. Plums have a mild cleansing effect and satisfy hunger well. Give a kid suffering from constipation dried plums and prune compote. Attention! Do not boil pitted plums - they contain harmful hydrocyanic acid.

Gooseberry (from 7 months)... Contains organic acids, pectin, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins C, A, P and PP. Gooseberry cleanses the intestines well, removes toxic compounds, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and helps with anemia.

Grapes (from 1.5 years)... A source of sugar, magnesium, iron and potassium, B vitamins and vitamin C. It has a positive effect on the functions of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, improves the condition of the skin, gums and hair. Grapes are recommended in small quantities for diarrhea and heartburn.
Attention! Sometimes grapes enhance the fermentation processes in the intestines. If the baby often complains of abdominal pain, it is better not to give him these berries.

Watermelon (from 18 months)... Perfectly quenches thirst, as it consists of 93% water, at the same time replenishes the lack of mineral salts that the baby's body loses with sweat. Watermelons are rich in magnesium, an element important for the nervous system of the baby. To check if the watermelon is ripe, knock on it - you should hear a dull sound, as if there is emptiness under the skin.

Attention! Do not give your baby watermelons, which were the first to appear on the market - early berries contain a lot of nitrates and can cause serious harm to health. Wait for the high season.

Summer and autumn are the most berry season. In place of one another ripens. In addition, there are berries that can be bought in the store all year round. But at what age to introduce a child to them?

Mother's Club is consulted by pediatrician Larisa Zakharova

Up to 6 months, the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding. Later, the moment comes when you can gradually begin to introduce complementary foods, that is, in micro doses to acquaint the child with adult food.

There are two main types of complementary foods and their corresponding rules.

Do not give your baby a whole berry right away. In the first months of acquaintance with a new delicacy, it is necessary to process the berries, that is, soften with a blender.

The taste of the berries is quite pronounced, so at first it is better to drown it out a little. To do this, first make decoctions or compotes.

Then add the crushed berries to foods like cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.

It is advisable to start with cherries or blueberries. And with berries like strawberries and raspberries, be careful. The first contains gestamine, which is a strong allergen, the second can also cause a negative reaction in the body, since it contains bones.

In general, all berries containing seeds are not recommended for children under 2 years of age, for example, gooseberries.

Since we are introducing the child to a new product, the initial dose should not exceed a spoonful of berries processed in a blender. Not more.

And we observe the basic rule of complementary feeding: we introduce new berries, give them to the baby for 3-4 days in a row and observe his reactions. Allergy may not appear immediately, but just after this period of time.

Take also note that you cannot give your child freshly squeezed juice, always dilute it by half with water so that its concentrate does not irritate the small stomach.

You can give the berries themselves from a year.

Contains a lot of vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, P, PP

from 8-10 months


The main source of folic acid, as well as vitamin C, carotene

from 8-10 months

Perfectly quenches thirst, stimulates appetite and bowel function, prevents anemia. Salicylic acid in raspberries has antibacterial and antipyretic effects

from 10-12 months

A source of glucose, fructose, vitamins A and C, carotene and organic acids. This berry improves immunity and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps to cure coughs, heal the gums

from 12 months


Contains a lot of vitamin C (even more than lemon!), Vitamins A and PP. It also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements. Currant strengthens the immune system, helps with sore throat or stomach, enlarged tonsils, improves appetite. Red and black currants are very necessary for babies suffering from anemia

from 8-10 months (preferably black currant)

It contains vitamins C, P and B vitamins. These fragrant berries help to reduce blood clotting, prevent blood clots, and help with stomach pain

from 12 months

It is rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, iron), also contains iodine. Cherry improves the functioning of the central nervous system, activates the work of the stomach, kidneys and liver, relieves swelling, promotes the regulation of metabolism, strengthens capillaries

from 7-8 months


Contains organic acids, pectin, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins C, A, P and PP. Gooseberry cleanses the intestines well, removes toxic compounds, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps with anemia

from 18 months


A source of sugar, magnesium, iron and potassium, B vitamins and vitamin C. It has a positive effect on the functions of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, improves the condition of the skin, gums and hair. Grapes are recommended in small quantities for diarrhea and heartburn

from 12 months (juice is possible earlier, from 8-12 months)

Perfectly quenches thirst, as it consists of 93% water, at the same time replenishes the lack of mineral salts that the baby's body loses with sweat. Watermelons are rich in magnesium, an element important for the nervous system of the crumbs.

from 18 months

They are rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines, and also contain phosphorus and magnesium, which affect the nervous system of the crumbs. Plums have a mild cleansing effect and satisfy hunger well. For a kid suffering from constipation, give dried plums and prune compote

from 7-8 months


Contains organic acids (salicylic and oxalic), vitamins of group B, C, potassium, calcium

from 12 months


Contains potassium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, pectins, folic acid, vitamins

from 12 months

Compared to other berries, it is especially rich in organic acids and vitamin C. It contains potassium and other trace elements

from 12 months


Like cranberries, they are high in organic acids

from 8-10 months

Rose hip

It is the richest carrier of vitamin C, iron, (3-carotin.

from 12 months, but only a decoction, whole berries are not recommended to be given

Sea buckthorn

A treasure trove of vitamins. It contains almost all known vitamins, a lot of vitamins E, A, K

From 18 months (decoction - from 8-10 months)

Among vegetables, fruits and berries, feijoa has no equal in terms of iodine content. Feijoa fruit is also rich in pectin

from 12 months

Figs are very sweet, they contain up to 75% sugar, so it is very high in calories, and it should be limited in the diet of overweight children. But for babies suffering from constipation, figs are useful because they have a good laxative effect.

from 18 months

contains a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, organic acids, pectin

from 12 months

Its juicy fruits contain sugars, tannins, organic acids, a small amount of vitamin C.

from 18 months - juice (diluted with water), completely - when to learn how to spit out bones

High amount of vitamin C (more than oranges)

from 12 months

Bon appetit this sunny summer - to you and your kids!

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