Home Potato The magical properties of real saffron - the most expensive spice in the world. Contraindications for use

The magical properties of real saffron - the most expensive spice in the world. Contraindications for use

Crocin and crocetin are carotenoid pigments and are responsible for the red color of saffron. Both compounds may have antidepressant properties, protect brain cells from progressive damage, reduce inflammation, reduce appetite, and help reduce excess body weight (,).

Safranal gives saffron its special taste and aroma. Research shows it can help improve your mood, memory, and learning ability, as well as protect your brain cells from oxidative stress ().

Finally, kaempferol is found in the petals of saffron flowers. This compound has been linked to health benefits such as reduced inflammation, anti-cancer properties, and antidepressant activity (,).


Saffron is rich in plant compounds that act as antioxidants such as crocin, crocetin, safranal, and kaempferol. Antioxidants help protect your cells from oxidative stress.

2. May improve mood and treat symptoms of depression

Saffron is called the "sun spice".

This is due not only to its color, but also to the fact that it can help improve your mood.

In a review of five studies, saffron supplements were significantly more effective than placebo in treating mild to moderate symptoms of depression ().

Other studies have shown that taking 30 mg of saffron per day is as effective as taking Fluoxetine, Imipramine, and Citalopram, traditional treatments for depression. In addition, fewer people experienced side effects from saffron compared to other treatments (,,).

What's more, both saffron petals and thread stigma appear to be effective against mild to moderate depression (,).

While these results are promising, longer human studies with more participants will need to be done before saffron can be recommended as a treatment for depression.


Saffron may help treat symptoms of mild to moderate depression, but more research is needed before specific recommendations can be made.

3. May have anti-cancer properties

Saffron is high in antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals. Free radical damage has been linked to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer ().

In vitro studies, saffron and saffron compounds have been shown to selectively kill colon cancer cells or inhibit their growth, leaving normal cells intact ().

This effect also applies to cancer cells in the skin, bone marrow, prostate, lung, breast, cervix, and a number of other cancer cells ().

What's more, test-tube studies have shown that crocin - the main antioxidant in saffron - can make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs ().

While these results from in vitro studies are promising, the anticancer effects of saffron are poorly understood in humans and more research is needed.


Saffron is high in antioxidants that can help kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact. However, more human studies are needed.

4. May Reduce PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a term that describes the physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that occur before the onset of your menstrual period.

Research shows that saffron may help treat PMS symptoms.

In women aged 20-45, 30 mg of saffron per day was more effective than placebo in treating PMS symptoms such as irritability, headaches, food cravings, and pain ().

Another study found that simply inhaling the scent of saffron for 20 minutes helped reduce PMS symptoms such as anxiety and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol ().


Both eating and inhaling the scent of saffron seem to help treat PMS symptoms such as irritability, headaches, food cravings, pain, and anxiety.

5. May act as an aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs are foods or supplements that help boost your libido.

Research has shown that saffron may have aphrodisiac properties, especially in people taking antidepressants.

For example, taking 30 mg of saffron daily for four weeks significantly improved erectile function compared to placebo in men with antidepressant-associated erectile dysfunction ().

In addition, an analysis of six studies found that saffron supplementation significantly improved erectile function, libido, and overall satisfaction, but not sperm performance ().

In women with low sex drive, antidepressant supplementation with 30 mg of saffron per day for four weeks reduced intercourse-related pain and increased sexual desire and lubrication compared to placebo ().


Saffron may have aphrodisiac properties in both men and women, and may be especially helpful for those taking antidepressants.

6. May reduce appetite and help lose weight

Snacking is a common habit that can put you at risk of gaining weight.

According to research, saffron can help prevent the urge to snack by curbing your appetite.

In one eight-week study, women taking saffron supplements felt significantly safer, had fewer snacks, and lost significantly more extra pounds than women in the placebo group ().

In another eight-week study, taking a saffron extract supplement helped significantly reduce appetite, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and total fat mass ().

However, scientists still do not know how saffron suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss. One theory is that saffron lifts your mood, which in turn reduces your urge to snack ().


Saffron has been shown to reduce the urge to snack and reduce appetite. In turn, this behavior can help you lose weight.

7-10. Other potential medicinal properties of saffron

Saffron has been linked to other health benefits that have not yet been thoroughly studied:

  1. May Reduce Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: Animal and test tube studies show that saffron's antioxidant properties can lower blood cholesterol and prevent blockages in blood vessels and arteries (,,).
  2. May lower blood sugar levels: In test tube and diabetic mice studies, saffron has been shown to lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity (,).
  3. May improve vision in adults with age-related macular degeneration (macular degeneration): Saffron improves vision in adults with macular degeneration and protects against free radical damage associated with macular degeneration (,,).
  4. May improve memory in adults with Alzheimer's: Saffron's antioxidant properties may improve cognitive function in adults with Alzheimer's ().


Saffron has been linked to several other potential health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, lowering blood sugar, and improving vision and memory. However, more research is needed to draw stronger conclusions.

How to take saffron

In small doses, saffron has a delicate flavor and aroma and goes well with spicy dishes such as paella, risotto and other rice dishes.

The best way to accentuate the unique flavor of saffron is to soak the strands in hot, not boiling water. Add strands and liquid to your recipe for a deeper, richer flavor.

Saffron is readily available in most specialty markets and can be purchased in strand or powder form. However, it is best to buy threads as they give you more versatility and are less likely to be tampered with.

Although saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, a small amount makes a big difference and you often don't need more than a pinch in your recipes. In fact, using too much of this spice can make your recipes taste too medicinal.

Additionally, saffron is available in supplement form.

As a dietary supplement, humans can safely take up to 1.5 grams of saffron per day. However, just 30 mg of saffron per day has been found to be sufficient for the health benefits (,,).


Saffron has a delicate flavor and aroma making it easy to add to your diet. It pairs well with savory dishes and should be soaked in hot water to add a deeper flavor to your food. Alternatively, you can purchase saffron in supplement form to take advantage of its health benefits.


Saffron is generally safe and generally does not cause side effects.

In standard amounts (when added to food), saffron has no harmful effects on humans.

On the other hand, high doses of 5 grams or more can be toxic. High doses should be avoided by pregnant women as it can cause miscarriage (,).

As with any supplement, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor first before taking saffron in supplement form.

Another problem with saffron - especially with saffron powder - is that it can be tampered with by other ingredients like beets, red-colored silk fibers, turmeric and paprika. Counterfeiting lowers the cost for growers as it is expensive to harvest real saffron ().

Therefore, it is important to purchase saffron from a reputable brand to ensure that you receive a genuine product. If it seems too cheap, it is best to avoid buying it.


In normal doses, saffron is generally safe with little or no side effects. Be sure to purchase saffron from a reputable brand or store to avoid product tampering.


  • Saffron is a powerful spice that is high in antioxidants.
  • Its consumption and supplementation have been linked to health benefits such as improved mood, libido, and sexual function, as well as reduced PMS symptoms and aid in weight loss.
  • Generally, saffron is safe for most people and is easily added to the diet. Try incorporating this spice into your favorite foods to take advantage of its potential health benefits, or buy a supplement online.

The exotic saffron seasoning, in addition to its bright taste, is also famous for the fact that it helps to get rid of excess weight. But given the strong effect of the spice on the body, it is important to choose the right dose and not confuse the product itself with turmeric or fakes. Otherwise, instead of being slim, it is easy to get poisoning, at best, not to achieve the expected effect. Read about the benefits of saffron for weight loss, how to use it, in the article.

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Useful properties of saffron for weight loss

The spice acts on the body in several ways:

  • Regulates appetite... The feeling of fullness comes with an increase in the amount of the hormone serotonin in the body. Saffron stimulates its production. As a result, a person painlessly reduces the volume of portions, which means that fewer calories enter the body.

In addition to the listed advantages, the spice stimulates immunity, helps to maintain vision, and counteracts tumor diseases. Indeed, it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

How to take the plant

The oriental spice has a pronounced taste and a strong effect on the body, which can be harmful in case of an overdose. Therefore, if you use saffron for weight loss, how to take it is one of the most important details.

It is best to add seasoning to food. You need to take a few fibers, grind into powder and pour into an almost finished dish. The spice goes well with fish, rice, vegetables. They put it in salads,. If you make fruit jelly as a dessert or just eat an orange, tangerine, you can also add saffron to them. It goes well with tea or. And to supplement the dish or drink with saffron with other spices is not worth it.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of weight loss product, and not only because it will spoil the taste of the food. For example, 3-5 spice fibers are enough for a portion of pilaf. An adult should not consume more than 1 g per day, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning.

You can also make an aqueous saffron tincture. For her, 1 tsp. the substances are placed in 200 ml of boiled hot water and kept closed for 20 minutes. You need to drink half an hour before meals three times a day. This solution is also suitable for adding a special flavor to food. A few drops in the dish will be enough.

Contraindications to saffron

The seasoning has a pronounced effect on the body. That's why it cannot be used when:

  • Pregnancy. There is a great risk of provoking hypertonicity of the uterus, that is, interruption of the state.
  • Elevated temperature. Spice can increase the indicator, worsen overall health.
  • Hypertension. Saffron speeds up blood circulation, which can cause an even greater increase in pressure.
  • Diabetes mellitus. The spice lowers blood glucose levels. But people with this disease must also take drugs that regulate its amount. Therefore, there is a risk of causing hypoklycemia.
  • Serious stomach and intestinal problems. If gastritis with high acidity, ulcers or enterocolitis with a tendency to diarrhea are diagnosed, the spice can intensify their manifestations due to the irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
  • Individual intolerance to the substance. A signal of this can be skin rashes, shortness of breath, and a general deterioration in well-being.

Care should be taken when adding saffron to meals prepared for children. Up to 2 years old, it is generally contraindicated for them.

How to Pick a Good Product

To make 450 g of spice, 75 thousand crocus flowers need to be processed. Moreover, they are collected in a very short time and manually. Therefore, turmeric is often passed off as real saffron, or a valuable and rare product is counterfeited in a different way. There are ways to distinguish it from corn silk and other imitating substances, and to avoid buying a fake:

  • Pay attention to the price. Saffron cannot be cheap. The cost of 1 kg of seasoning reaches 3 thousand euros.
  • Take the substance not in powder, but with larger particles - "threads". These are crocus stamens without "legs", which have a rich yellow-brown color.
  • Look for a characteristic scent. It is also quite pronounced.

The less yellow fibers in the seasoning, the better it is.

Storage features

Saffron preserves its properties for a long time. But for this you need to create the correct storage conditions for the seasoning. She does not like extreme heat, cold and humidity. Bright sun rays are contraindicated for saffron. Therefore, it is best to store it:

  • at room temperature;
  • wrapped in clean paper, not a plastic bag that collects moisture;
  • in a dark place, that is, a kitchen cabinet, not on an open shelf.

All this will allow you to use the spice for 2 years. The smell will tell you that it is time to replace it with a fresher product. If the substance loses its properties, the aroma will become less harsh.

Saffron extract in slimming capsules

The effectiveness of the product in the fight against excess weight has led to the emergence of drugs in which it is the main active ingredient. This is, for example, "Wild Saffron". There is also Saffron Platinum which contains spice. In capsules containing saffron, not only beneficial properties are important, but also how to take it for weight loss. Here too, overdose can become dangerous.

How to use the drug correctly to achieve the desired effect:

  • swallow no more than 6 capsules per day (2 for a single dose);
  • drink them every time with plenty of water;
  • take the remedy 20-30 minutes before a meal;
  • use it no longer than 1.5-2 months without interruption;
  • after a 30-60-day pause, it is permissible to repeat the reception.

For elderly people, the dosage is selected individually, most likely 3 capsules per day will be enough.

Do not think that saffron for weight loss acts like a magic pill. But he will help you to succeed in this in a shorter time and without the torment caused by the constant feeling of hunger. When using spices, weight correction occurs naturally, that is, there is no need to fear damage to health.

Useful video

Watch the video about the beneficial properties of saffron and its uses:

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in human history. This spice is made from the stigmas of spring primrose flowers - crocus (or saffron).

The use of saffron in cooking

Saffron is most widely used in cooking. It is especially in demand in French and Oriental cuisines. The minimum amount of spice gives the meat or fish dish an incomparable taste and aroma. As a natural coloring agent, added to the dough, saffron will color the baked goods in a delicious yellow color. The use of saffron gives a wonderful aroma and pleasant appearance to mousse, cream, jam. In addition, saffron can be added to coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages.

Medicinal qualities

The healing properties of saffron cannot be overemphasized:

  1. This plant helps to improve digestion, cure hypotension.
  2. Saffron is used as an anti-inflammatory and tonic.
  3. Aromatherapy uses saffron essential oil to treat the respiratory system.
  4. Saffron is also used externally. As an emollient, saffron compress is used to treat inflammation of the mammary glands.
  5. This plant is a powerful diuretic. Infusions of saffron decoctions are used to treat urethritis, cystitis, and urolithiasis, and to relieve pain in hemorrhoids.
  6. In the treatment of eye diseases - catarrhal inflammation, barley - lotions with saffron infusion are used. It is able to rejuvenate the eye muscles. Saffron tincture is used with the onset of hyperopia, as a general tonic and vitamin remedy, correcting this disease.
  7. Dry flaky skin is treated with crocus flowers. Dried flowers need to be soaked in water, rubbed into a gruel, and lubricate the skin. Hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This treatment will replenish the skin's reserves of minerals and vitamins.
  8. Saffron tincture is used in oncology. Research data indicate a positive effect of saffron tincture on the health of cancer patients - with its help, malignant cells are stopped and tumor growth slows down. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour one teaspoon of dry crocus stigmas with 200 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Then filter through 6-8 layers of gauze. For medicinal purposes, they drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The effect of saffron tincture is enhanced by adding ginger and black pepper to it.

Slimming with saffron

Scientists are interested in the properties of this rare spice extract to suppress appetite and help in getting rid of excess weight. A recent experiment confirmed the properties of saffron, which scientists began to guess for a long time: the saffron extract has the same effect on the human brain as the next meal. By directly affecting the appetite hormone serotonin, saffron extract practically satisfies hunger and prevents overeating.

The participants in the experiment noted a decrease in their appetite. They were satiated much faster, as evidenced by the decrease in their weight. Interestingly, they managed to achieve the desired result without changing their own diet and not following strict diets. At the same time, many participants in the study began to experience less stress and felt more relaxed.


Due to the fact that saffron is a toxic plant that has a strong effect on the body, its use must be treated with great caution. The use of saffron tincture by children under two years of age and pregnant women is prohibited. The prerequisites for the use of saffron recipes, both medicinal and culinary, are the personal recommendations of specialists in these industries.

The magic power of saffron

Saffron- the most expensive and most legendary spice in the world.

In India, it is believed that saffron was sown by a god who descended from Mount Incense in the local city of Kashmir. The most common types of plant: Indian saffron, Iranian saffron, it is also grown in Bulgaria, Italy.

Saffron, due to its properties, is popular in the manufacture of cosmetics. The spice acts as an effective anti-aging agent, fights wrinkles, smoothes the skin, gives it elasticity and improves complexion. Saffron has a very useful ability to stimulate metabolism, nourishing all body tissues, purifying the blood.

Useful properties of saffron in cosmetology:

Anti-aging. Saffron extract perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, its use is especially effective in cosmetics for skin care around the eyes.

Toning. After the first application of a cosmetic product based on this spice, you will notice that the skin has become more delicate and velvety.

Moisturizing. Saffron extract contributes to deep hydration and smoothing of the skin, ideal for dehydrated skin.

Anti-inflammatory. The plant has an active effect against inflammation on the skin, relieving pustules and healing small wounds.

Whitening. Saffron oil evens out the tone of the face, eliminating traces of inflammation, redness and age spots.

Firming. Saffron-based hair care products revitalize hair and give it a subtle golden hue.

Saffron essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy, as its aroma is able to balance the emotional state of a person, relieve him of depression, help him fall asleep, and relieve headaches.

Usually, saffron cosmetics are not cheap due to the high cost of the condiment. The price is fully paid off by the miraculous effect of cosmetics on the skin.

By the way, you yourself can make a drink of siddhas, or the healing tea of ​​immortality: take five saffron stamens, six black peppercorns and a few pinches of ginger. Pour boiling water over the healing mixture and leave for half an hour. Ingredients: mix saffron (five strands), black pepper (six peas) and ginger (twenty grams) and pour a glass of boiling water over for thirty minutes. Such a drink will help you cleanse the liver, spleen, strengthen the immune system (saffron is also included in the famous Ayurvedic drug Chyavanprash), and increase vital energy.

Saffron- It is the strongest tool for increasing libido, especially for women. Also helps men with problems with potency. Be careful with the spice, however, as overdosing on saffron will cause uncontrollable laughter. The use of this plant also reduces pain during critical days and makes childbirth easier.

Syn .: sowing crocus, cultivated saffron.

Bulbous perennial plant with colorful flowers that bloom for 1–2 days. It is used as a spice in cooking, as an active ingredient in many oriental medicines.

Ask the experts

Flower formula

Saffron flower formula: O (3 + 3) T3P (3).

In medicine

The beneficial properties of saffron are widely used in the oriental pharmaceutical industry, in the arsenal of which there are about 300 drugs with the extract of this plant. Sowing saffron extract is used as a part of biologically active additives (Lifevita saffron, Chavanprash). Since ancient times, Asians have cured cataracts with saffron infusion, now it is part of eye drops.

Some previously known drugs (Gu-feland baby powder, sabur tincture, saffron-opium tincture, syrups, plasters) contained saffron. In the stigma, plants are used for convulsive coughing, spastic phenomena in children.

Contraindications and side effects

Saffron can cause miscarriage, so it is better for pregnant women not to take it. It is not recommended to use saffron treatment for high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In cosmetology

The properties of saffron are unique. Essential oils of stigmas are often an active ingredient in various skin and hair care products: balms and shampoos, body and face creams, gels and masks. Saffron is used for the face as it improves the condition of the skin, softens and moisturizes it, retains moisture and rejuvenates it with antioxidant properties. There are known agents with a rejuvenating effect based on saffron: Veda Vedica cream, Kumkumadi oil.

In cooking

Saffron is known to be used as a spice in oriental cuisine. Its bitter spicy taste goes well with the ingredients of various dishes (pilaf, bozbash, peas). Saffron spice is added to the first courses - lamb meat soups, fish soups. In Sweden, saffron stigmas are used as a natural coloring agent for dough products. In addition, the spice has preservative properties, since food with the addition of saffron is excellently preserved for several days. Tea acquires a peculiar taste and golden hue, thanks to several stigmas of saffron, and milk with this spice improves complexion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and nourishes the brain.

In other areas

The plant is used as a dye for dyeing woolen, linen, cotton fabrics, in the food industry (tinting ice cream, creams, marmalade and cream, butter). Abroad, saffron stigmas are added to liqueurs to give it a specific aroma.

It is cultivated for the purpose of obtaining the spice "saffron", which is the stigma of flowers in dried form.


Sowing saffron (Latin Crocus sativus) is a herbaceous perennial corm plant that belongs to the genus Crocus of the Iris or Iridaceae family. Saffron is considered a hybrid of the Crocus cartwrightianus Herb. It is the most common species of the genus Saffron.

Botanical description

Sowing saffron is a perennial bulbous plant, reaching a height of 25 cm. The bulb is slightly flattened, spherical in shape. The system is fibrous. Linear, narrow leaves appear during the flowering period, elongate at the end. The flowers of saffron are large, purple (rarely yellow or white), begin to open at the beginning of autumn. The perianth is spliced, simple, with a long, funnel-shaped tube, the limb is of a pale purple hue. The stigma is reddish orange in color. The formula of the saffron flower is O (3 + 3) T3P (3). One corm can produce two or three flowers. Corollas open in sunny weather and delight the eye for no more than two days. The total flowering period of the saffron plantation does not exceed two weeks. Fruits are triangular-shaped boxes. Saffron does not form seeds, propagates only by corms-babies.


Saffron is widespread in Azerbaijan and Central Asia. Grows on well-lit rocky slopes along roads. The plant is one of the most ancient cultures. More recently, saffron has been grown in Europe - in the southern regions of France. The plant is also found in Russia - in Dagestan and other regions of the North Caucasus, in the Crimea.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The used part of the saffron is the stigma of the pistils. Flowers are harvested in dry, sunny weather in the afternoon. Corollas choose only those that have blossomed on the first day and immediately pluck out the stigmas of the pistils. In the process, they try not to capture the filaments that reduce the quality of the harvested raw materials. Dry in dryers for 15 minutes. A well-dried spice is slightly greasy to the touch, has a peculiar aroma and a bitter-spicy taste. Due to the hygroscopic structure, dry stigmas are stored in a hermetically sealed container for no longer than two years. To get one kilogram of raw material, it is necessary to collect stigmas from about 220 thousand flowers. Therefore, the price of saffron is quite high, and the raw materials are especially valued in the world.

Chemical composition

Saffron contains essential oil (0.6 - 0.9%) in the form of picrocrocin glycoside, fatty oil (up to 13%), carotenoids, lycopene, flavonoids, wax, thiamine, B vitamins, sugar, nitrogenous substances, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. The pigment anthocyanin is present in the petals of flowers, and the leaves contain up to 0.25% ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological properties

Sowing saffron is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in domestic official medicine, but it is widely used in traditional medicine in other countries, for example, in Asia.

In traditional Chinese medicine, saffron is used as a stimulant, psychoactive agent. Saffron stimulates enzymatic activity, thereby promoting the elimination of protein from the human body. The herb stimulates uterine activity and may have abortive effects. Crocus contains a rather high content of riboflavin, hence the herb's ability to lower blood cholesterol levels.

According to V. Dobronravov, saffron is capable of stimulating the activity of the nervous system in small doses and, conversely, in large doses has a sedative effect (causes drowsiness, lethargy). In the days of Hippocrates, saffron was likened to opium, claiming its stimulating effect in small doses.

As a result of modern studies of oriental medicine, the effectiveness of saffron treatment of neurodegenerative Alzheimer's disease in its mild and moderate forms has been proven. Taking the spice 15 mg twice a day is equal to the effectiveness of using the drug Donepezil at a dosage of 5 mg twice a day. It has been proven that the use of saffron leads to significantly fewer side effects, and the symptom of nausea is also reduced. The results were released in 2010.

In 2007, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry reported that 15 mg of crocus petals is as effective as 10 mg of Prozac in the treatment of depression (mild to moderate).

Application in traditional medicine

Raw saffron is used in the form of aqueous infusions for the treatment of certain heart diseases, leukemia, angina pectoris. Saffron infusion has analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effects. Effective for cystitis, urolithiasis, urethritis, used to relieve seizures in epileptic patients. The infusion of the stigmas of the plant is used as a means of stimulating sexual activity and toning the nervous system.

The stigma of saffron is used after soaking in water or milk. You can also dry the raw materials in a hot pan. When preparing a medicine, it must be remembered that the healing properties of saffron are lost at high temperatures. Therefore, warm boiled water is used to make tinctures from the plant.

Saffron is a natural antibiotic. It perfectly cleanses the blood, stimulates the formation of new cells, and promotes the rejuvenation of all body tissues. In oriental medicine, saffron is often used to treat the organs of the digestive tract, with intestinal polyps, cataracts, insomnia, hemorrhoids and gynecological ailments. Saffron is a choleretic agent, and in combination with honey it is effective for crushing and removing stones from the kidneys and bladder. Eating spices in food reduces appetite, therefore it is used for weight loss.

Topically applied saffron essential oil, using it to treat difficult healing wounds. Essential oil relieves stress, calms the nervous system. Compresses and lotions for external use are also made from an aqueous infusion of saffron stigmas. In the folk medicine of Azerbaijan, saffron is popular as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It is used for violations of the cycle in women, with urolithiasis, leukemia, as a sedative in hysteria, to relieve convulsive phenomena in epileptics. Aqueous infusion of saffron is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the heart, kidneys, angina pectoris, arousal of sexual activity. When mixed with pepper and ginger, the medicinal properties of saffron are enhanced. Outwardly, saffron oil and an aqueous infusion are used in the form of compresses, lotions in the treatment of difficult-to-heal purulent wounds.

Historical reference

Saffron has been known to mankind since ancient times. In the medical texts of Ancient Egypt, mention of him dates back to 1500 BC. The plant does not grow in the wild, so it is not easy to establish its homeland. Most likely, this is India, Iran or Asia Minor, as evidenced by references in ancient chronicles. The name of the plant is associated with the name of the legendary youth Crocus.

There are two versions of the origin of saffron. One of them tells that the god Hermes was very fond of a beautiful young man, but by a stupid coincidence he killed him. At the spot where the blood was shed, a colorful crocus flower has grown. Another version of the legend says that Crocus was madly in love with a beautiful nymph. But the gods intervened in their romantic relationship and turned the nymph into a flowering bush, and the young man into a small plant with amazing bright flowers, which acquired the name "crocus" or "saffron".

Translated from Arabic, "saffron" means "over-fran" or "to be yellow." The world knows the coloring properties of the plant. Since ancient times, the kings of Babylon and Media have had yellow shoes painted with saffron. They also dyed fabrics, bedspreads, and clothes in a golden hue.

As a spice with a specific aroma and bitter taste, saffron has been known since the reign of King Henry VIII of England. The king forbade the ladies of the court to use the coloring properties of the plant for dyeing their hair, presenting saffron as a useful spice for use in cooking. The spice was added to the wine and provided an additional intoxicating effect. The Chinese used to add saffron to their traditional drink, sake. Known since historical times "Dionysus ointment", which was prepared from a rosebud, saffron flower, acacia and opium poppy. This healing mixture was diluted in wine, it was used as an aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac for men.

In the twentieth century, crocus began to be cultivated in Spain. Later, the plant was exported from there to all European countries. Valais in Switzerland is a renowned as well as venerable saffron herb. The so-called "saffron fields" (krummenegga) have been located there since 1422. According to historical information, the fields were created by knights who returned from the Crusades.


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