Home Potato Monsters that exist. The most terrible monsters of the XXI century. Gollum from Huaizhou

Monsters that exist. The most terrible monsters of the XXI century. Gollum from Huaizhou

Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, the Chupacabra, all these are the inhabitants of our Earth, everyone has heard about them, some believe in it, some do not, but today we will not be talking about them. There are other incredible creatures living next to us about which someone learns for the first time.

Mongolian death worm

Mongolian death worm, so named for its ability to kill enemies by spewing acid. The bright red worm lives in the most desolate part of the Gobi Desert.

The Mongols claim that the worm, up to 10 meters in length, can kill by emitting a deadly electrical impulse.

In the west, they were the first to learn about it in 1926 from RE Chapman's book "In the Footsteps of Ancient Man", the American paleontologist did not believe in the existence of the worm and described it according to the stories of Mongolian officials. However, interest in this creature did not subside; in 2005-2007, attempts were made to find the creature, but in vain. In 1990, the film "Tremors" was shot inspired in this image.

Orangutan Pendek

This primate was seen by hundreds of witnesses in Indonesia, both peasants and Dutch colonists. The monkey is about one and a half meters tall, but has very powerful developed muscles in the chest and shoulders, which easily helps to uproot small trees.

In 2005, National Geographic funded a project to obtain evidence in the form of photographs of the beast, but after four years of searching, the project was scrapped.


A huge and terrible snake from 6 meters in length, living in South Africa, according to witnesses, has a head resembling a horse. Rock carvings in the area indicate that the tribes of the KwaZulu-Natal province worshiped this creature and even believed that it could affect the weather.

In 1996, the local newspaper offered a good reward to anyone who could provide a photograph of the legendary beast. Two photographs appeared, but turned out to be fakes. Attempts to find the snake were made more than once, but also no results.

Wandering albatross

The wingspan reaches 30 meters, the largest specimen was observed in Alaska in 2002, at first this bird was mistaken for an airplane, its wingspan reached almost 40 meters.

No traces of vital activity were found either.

Skunk Are

One of the varieties of Bigfoot, a humanoid creature, an inhabitant of swamps in the United States, was last seen in 2002 in Florida and even managed to photograph it, but the photos were so poor that they were immediately recognized as a fake.

And they called him a skunk because he smelled like a rotten egg, maybe they shouldn’t have offended the monkey, hydrogen sulfide is not such a rare gas in wetlands.

Atmospheric monsters

Well, I talked about them quite recently, so I will not go deep into the description, I will only add that there is a version that these monsters can exist outside the atmosphere of the earth and move between planets.

Cryptozoology has long been popular among lovers of the supernatural. For centuries, people talk about where and when they saw strange creatures that cannot be in nature. This aroused such interest that in 1983 the anomalies received their own scientific classification and began to be called "cryptids". The idea that such monsters exist is fascinating, but there is usually no reliable evidence of their existence. In general, appearances can be deceiving.

1. Monkey de Lois

In 1917, the Swiss geologist François de Lois led an expedition to Venezuela. He was looking for oil. By 1920, he and the surviving members of the team reached Rio Tarra near the Colombian border, where they stumbled upon a pair of strange primates. Ape-like creatures were upright, their height reached 140 cm, and there were no tails at all. They approached the people and began aggressively waving their arms, shouting, throwing their own excrement, so de Lois shot one of them and killed on the spot. The second fled into the jungle. De Lois photographed the corpse, and then took the skin and the head of the creature. Unfortunately, almost all of the photographs and skins were lost or perished in the sunken boat at the end of the expedition. There is only one shot left.

The photograph has been gathering dust in de Lois's private collection for nine years and probably would have remained there if de Lois had not shown it to the anthropologist Georges Montandon, who studied evolution. Montandon believed that different races of people around the world descended from different large primates inhabiting their respective regions. In his opinion, for example, Asians descended from orangutans. De Lois's discovery seemed to Montandon the missing link between the arachnids and the indigenous people of South America. Montandon called the creature ameranthropoides loysi and, together with de Lois, declared it a breakthrough in anthropology. Too bad it was a hoax.

De Lois told the story to the press and aroused great interest. And Montandon defended photography in the scientific community and quickly quarreled with scientists who saw in the picture only an ordinary spider monkey without a tail. There are no comparative landmarks in the picture to determine the size of the creature. But then there are bananas that do not grow in that area. Conclusion: the photo is a fake.

Years later, in a letter to the Venezuelan news magazine, physician and politician Dr. Enrique Tejera claimed to have worked with de Lois during that expedition, was aware of the subsequent history and was confident that the creature in the picture was just de Lois's own pet monkey. The tail once had to be amputated for the health of the animal, and de Lois simply photographed the pet after death.

2. Hand of the Yeti

The story of the hand of the yeti at Pangboche Monastery is long, complex and controversial. It began in the 1950s, when a colossal number of Everest conquerors were replaced by a colossal number of seekers for Bigfoot, or at least evidence of its existence.

Although the legend of the Yeti is rooted in Himalayan folklore and was allegedly seen for the first time in the mid-19th century, climber Eric Shipton photographed its footprints in the vicinity of Everest only in the 1950s. In 1953, Edmund Hillary reached the top of the mountain. The West was delighted - not only from the conqueror of Everest, but also from the yeti. The London Daily Mail has equipped a large expedition just to find Bigfoot. It was this group that discovered the remains at Pangboche.

In the Himalayan village of Pangboche, there is an ancient Buddhist temple, where the expedition found a scalp allegedly of a yeti, stored there as a religious relic. White people were allowed to quickly examine her, but they were able to take only a few hairs for analysis. Expedition zoologist Charles Stonor was convinced of the scalp's authenticity from the outset, but it took years of careful analysis to prove it.

In the second half of the decade, Texas oil tycoon and famous adventurer Tom Slick organized three sensational excursions in search of the strange creature. For help, he turned to climber and explorer Peter Byrne. In 1958, Byrne visited the temple and found something that looked like a mummified yeti's hand, but the monks again refused to give him even a tiny piece with them.

Intrigued, Slick sent Byrne back to the monastery a year later with a dried human hand in the hopes of exchanging it for a yeti's hand. Byrne said that he persuaded the lamas to let him replace one finger. Then Slick's friend, the famous actor Jimmy Stewart, smuggled the finger out of India - hid it in a suitcase among his wife's underwear. So the finger ended up in Great Britain, where primatologist William Osman Hill received it for research. Part of the sample was also sent to the anthropologist George Ajogino in America.

It was all in vain: Hill found out that it was the hand of a hominid, but more of a Neanderthal than a person. Decades later, another expedition will be sent to Pangboche for more samples for analysis.

And in 1960, Edmund Hillary went to Nepal again, on his own initiative. He wanted to establish the facts. At Pangboche, he compared the scalp to the skins of three serau and realized that they were almost the same. Hillary's hand and his team were not considered at all, considering the results of Byrne's expedition not worth attention.

In 1991, a closer examination of the mysterious hand was finally done. This was facilitated by Ajogino, presenting his sample on the TV show "Unsolved Mysteries." The tests were again inconclusive, although the finger may well have belonged to a previously unknown species. But thanks to television, the relics became wildly popular, and the scalp and hand were stolen from the monastery. All that remains is the Ajojino sample.

But in 2008, the yeti finger brought by Byrne was found in Hill's collection, which he bequeathed to the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. In 2011, the BBC found out about the existence of the finger and took a sample for another study. And DNA testing has finally proved that this is an ordinary human finger, putting an end to the question half a century ago.

3. Chupacabra from Cuero

The most famous cryptid in the USA and Canada is the Yeti. And their neighbors from Latin America are dearer to the notorious bloodsucker Chupacabra. The first report about him appeared in 1990 in Puerto Rico: local residents accused the beast of regularly sucking blood from livestock. And Madeleine Tolentino became the first "eyewitness". She described a bipedal creature with giant eyes like a "classic" alien and sharp spines on its back like a stegosaurus. According to her description, the ufologist Jorge Martin made a drawing that laid the foundation for the documentation of the appearance of the Chupacabra. But how is it that today many consider the Chupacabra to be more of a mummified dog than a reptilian dwarf?

Thanks to Farmer Phyllis Canyon of Cuero, Texas. She claimed that in 2007, someone drank the blood from her chickens, as happened with the victims of the legendary beast. She also allegedly saw strange bluish-gray animals hiding in her land. One of them Kanyon found dead on a nearby road, and he looked so striking that she kept his head for DNA testing. At the same time I told everyone that it was definitely a Chupacabra. Of course, two separate DNA tests eventually showed that Cuero's Chupacabra was not a mythical monster. It was just a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote with severe scabies. Scientists explained the apparent lack of blood in cattle by ordinary clotting. Nevertheless, the public was impressed, so photos of sick canines graced the headlines for several years in a row: they wrote that here he is - the elusive Chupacabra.

4. Sewer Monster Raleigh

In the summer of 2009, a video appeared on YouTube titled "An Unknown Life Form in the North Carolina Sewers!" Posted by her independent UFO site. The news was quickly picked up by the famous science fiction blog io9 - a division of the famous Gawker. Io9 has a lot of readers. The video shows strange twitching balls inside a sewer pipe. The video went viral instantly - millions of views in a few days. The so-called life form suspiciously resembles the monster Drop from the horror movie of the same name. But despite the dubious source, our monster from the video seemed convincing. Then the administration of the city of Raleigh, where the monster was allegedly found, realized that everyone was talking only about him, and confirmed the authenticity of the video, but categorically denied that it was a monster. Meanwhile, the "sewer monster" made it into the US national news.

The video was filmed by an independent source in a private pipeline in the city of Raleigh, which is not owned by the city, according to the Department of Public Utilities. The video was made a month before it hit the internet, and authorities say they don't know who posted it. And the biologists said the "monster" was actually a colony of tubule or mud worms convulsed by the light from the camera. These animals are often fed to fish - they are easy to find and collect near sewers, but they are rarely found in the pipes themselves. A biology professor at the University of North Carolina suggested that the balls were a colony of aquatic invertebrate bryozoans, but he was refuted by an expert on bryozoans from Wright State University (yes, there are such narrow specialists) and a certain Dutchman who shared his experiments on a colony of tubules. In general, both experts, as well as an amateur naturalist from Holland, confirmed the words of the city authorities: probably in the video a pipe maker or bryozoans, but definitely not a man-eating protoplasm from space.

5. Monster Cerro Azul

At the end of 2009, a story about four teenagers and a strange creature they killed blew up the Internet. Different evidence of the meeting contradicts each other, but everything agrees on one thing: the teenagers killed a certain creature in the Cerro Azul area of ​​Panama City. They threw the creature into the water and later returned to photograph the body. Then the photos hit the Internet, in local television news and flashed in the American and British press.

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The photographs show a pale, almost hairless creature with long, skinny arms and an oddly shaped torso. And with at least one hooked hand. Assumptions were put forward different: from extraterrestrial life to a still unknown terrestrial species. But some recognized the already decaying three-toed sloth in the strange creature. When Panamanian authorities pulled the corpse out of the stream four days later, a biopsy showed that it was, it was a sloth. It was found that the monster Cerro Azul lay in the water for about two days, which caused rapid hair loss, smoothing of the skin and swelling of internal organs - all this caused such a strange appearance. The story of one of the boys only confirms these conclusions. He claimed that he felt the creature grab his legs while swimming in the stream, so the boys pulled the beast out of the water and attacked him. It follows that if adolescents do not lie, then they have been deceived by the currents of water.

6. Omayanaakos

In 2010, an Internet debate erupted around a photograph of an unknown creature posted on the website of the Canadian Big Trout hotel in northern Ontario. Two nurses were walking the dog next to the lake dam. And the dog pulled out of the water a strange beast with large teeth and a white hairless muzzle. Many assumptions have been made in the blogosphere, including this: this is none other than the beast Omayanaakos from Indian folklore. This name literally means "freak". Meeting him is a bad omen.

True, this is clearly not the case. On the Internet, they quickly figured out that the strange beast was just a mink, from whose muzzle all the fur came off due to being in the water after death. However, the body cannot be restored, so it is not clear whether it was the legendary harbinger of death or just a mink. But the women seem to be fine so far, as are the Indians.

7. Siberian alien

In April 2011, a video from the Siberian city of Irkutsk appeared on YouTube, which appeared to be the body of an alien in the snow. The operator examines the strange find and tells how his dog found the body. The small humanoid creature with sunken eye sockets and wrinkled pale skin was missing its right leg, as if it were in some kind of accident. There were versions that the Russian military was cleaning up traces at the crash site of the alien ship, but they missed something. And Irkutsk, apparently, the aliens fell in love for a long time: in the local media on the eve of the opening they talked about several UFO sightings. Two days and about 1.5 million views later, the video was found by major news agencies. And they declared it a sensation.

The alleged alien could very well have been a dried animal corpse. This means that the find could be either genuine or fabricated. Of course, it turned out to be a fiction. The creators of the video eventually admitted to local authorities that they had made the "corpse" out of chicken skin stuffed with bread crumbs. As for the strange lights in the sky over Irkutsk, their origin is still a mystery.

8. East River Monster

Another curious find that shook the Internet a little is the East River monster found in Manhattan under the Brooklyn Bridge. It was photographed in 2012 by a pedestrian and posted on the New York site Gothamist. No known species could be identified in the bloated carcass.

Wild giant rat? Or a secret laboratory experiment? The Department of Nature and Conservation suggested it was a roast pig. The creature in the picture really resembles him a little, but on its paws it has five claws - it does not at all look like pig's hooves. The teeth are also not at all the same as those of pigs. Soon the secret was clarified by the site Gothamist itself - he contacted a professor of natural history from Cornell University, who identified the "monster" as a small dog that took a long time to decompose in water.

9. Sea monster from Villaricos

In 2013, the remains of a giant sea serpent with horns were found on a beach near the Andalusian town of Villaricos. The decaying creature, four meters long, confused both the vacationers and the Spanish authorities. First, a photograph of the creature appeared in the Spanish press, and soon scattered all over the Internet. It was assumed that this is a belt fish. Or that it is a mutant sea dragon. Spanish officials buried the corpse and kept the samples for research, but remained at a loss. The secret was eventually revealed by NBC reporter Alan Boyle, who spoke with Florida State University ichthyologist Dean Grubbs. According to Grubbs, “This is definitely a shark skeleton. And the so-called horns are the scapulocoracoid, or the scapular plate that supports the pectoral fins. "

The Villaricos incident is just one of the many "sea monsters" appearances that have attracted widespread attention and ultimately received a fairly mundane explanation. A few months ago, footage of a giant skeleton on a beach in New Zealand appeared online. The video became a virus, appeared in the media, and the skeleton eventually turned out to be the remains of an ordinary killer whale. Last year, the sea also threw out a strange skeleton on a beach in South Carolina, which got into the news as something inexplicable, but in fact, it was just the remains of an Atlantic sturgeon. The Canway Island monster in Iceland (anglerfish), the South African trunko (whale oil), the plesiosaur Zuyo Maru in the Japanese fisherman's boat (giant shark) ... Sensational sea monsters appear several times a year, and it is unlikely that such " sensations "will come to naught.

10. Gollum from Huaizhou

Gollum from the Huaizhou Hills is one of the most recent examples of an animal being mistaken for a monster. Typing "Huairou Gollum" into a search engine will bring up thousands of pages in several languages. Photos of a strange beast, quite a bit like the famous character from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" by Peter Jackson, appeared in June 2014 on the Chinese social network Sina Weibo and gradually migrated to the media around the world.

The photographs show a fat bald creature with large ears. The image has been reposted over 30,000 times. It has amassed tens of thousands of comments and over a million views on YouTube. In the most famous photograph, the dwarf is looking directly into the camera at a relatively close distance from the photographer, and thanks to this, it can be seen in more detail. Naturally, many were of the opinion that the photographs were just a hoax. But no, everything is much more interesting.

Huaizhou is a picturesque mountainous region in the north of Beijing. A popular tourist route passes along it, during which you can see a part of the Great Wall of China. The photographs were taken by a tourist who had a rest in the campsite, who moved away from the group to go to the toilet. Just a day after being posted on the social network, the story went viral throughout China. And one anonymous commentator claims to know the answer to the mystery:

“Over the weekend, my friends and I went to the mountains to shoot a mini-sci-fi movie. When I went into the bushes out of need, a guy jumped out from somewhere. He took a picture of me and ran away. "

A day later, the Beijing police announced that the Chinese Gollum was "an actor dressed in a suit who starred in a commercial."

The Huaizhou District government confirmed the commentator's words, adding that the actor did go to the toilet and did not take off his suit. This explains why the creature in the photo is sitting in the bushes. Meanwhile, the producers of the popular online game "Guild Wars 2" offered another explanation: the actor allegedly specially made a photo from China for the game. He allegedly portrayed an asura - one of the original playable characters. And they photographed him when he bent down to drink water from the stream.

He actually drank or relieved himself and what exactly was filmed is unclear, but the fact remains: Gollum from Huaizhou is an ordinary person in a suit, who was mistaken by a tourist with a camera for a creature unknown to science. Technically no cheating - but the explanation is perfectly rational.

How Koschey hid death
Kashchei is tired. If he had not been immortal, he would have died long ago. The whole body of the old man was hardened with whites and yolks. Some of them have already dried up, some are rotten. Kashchei smelled. In his hands the old man stupidly held another egg, inside which he hammered a needle. Shoving him up the duck's ass was not an easy task. Taking the bird by the neck, he tried to shove the egg into its hollow. The shell cracked and flooded the old man again. Kashchei swore dirty and carefully took a needle out of the wreckage. The lethal tool had to be chained into the next egg. The duck obediently waited. The old man took the egg with his lips, parted the paws of the duck and carefully began to push the ellipsoid into her ass. The egg has burst. The old man jumped up, threw the bird into the sea and began to jump along the shore with curses.

Calmly, Kashchei, calmly, - he finally calmed himself and continued the procedure. The immortal did it over and over again, but the eggs burst. Finally, lathered with a safeguard, one of them crawled into the bird's womb. The old man leaned back with satisfaction on the trunk of the pine tree. But what is this ?! The damned feathered one is dead!
- Ioptvay, stsuko !!! One hundred and thirty years down the drain! - Kashchei with a howl fell on the sand and began to gnaw and pound him with his hands. Three days later he came to his senses and thought deeply. Some thought entered the immortal head. The old man got up and walked into the cave. For a month, the sound of a hammer, the grinding of iron and the sound of welding came from there. Finally Kashchei proudly stepped out into the light, holding a funnel in his hands. The ducks saw the fixture and settled down.

The work was in full swing. It was possible to insert the funnel into the feathered point right away. But the vile creatures died and died. Finally it happened !!! A fucking, but lively duck lay on the ground with bulging eyes. Her ass was tightly sealed with sealing wax - Kashchei did not like to take risks. The entire courtyard was covered with the bones of eight hundred and fifty-two thousand waterfowl. The old man sat down on a stump and looked longingly into the forest. It was necessary to shove a duck in a hare's ass.

Kashchei sat on the sand, looked into the eyes of a hare and thought. Oblique o @ ueval. He had never been looked in both eyes at once. "Is there an easier way to hide the needle?" - thought the old man, but nothing came to mind. "There are no such fortresses that the Bolsheviks would not have taken!" - decided Immortal and jumped up energetically. A minute later, he was already busily scurrying around beside the rodent crucified on the ground, measuring it with a tape measure. The hare is a powerful beast, the decoration of the breed, theoretically it could accommodate a duck. All that remained was to figure out a way.

The duck itself was sitting in a cage nearby. From one glance at the hollow of a hare, she was seized by a fit of claustrophobia. Kashchei did not touch the bird, realizing its value. For the experiment, he chose another.
"We care about you and your health!" Then he took the bird and began, little by little, with rotational movements, to introduce it to the hare's ass with its beak. The head went in, as it was, but then the matter stalled. The duck's neck bent in different directions, and then curled up nafig. Having exterminated one thousand and a half birds, Kashchei realized that this would not work. A revolutionary solution was needed. And the Immortal found him!

To begin with, he drilled a carrot along the axial and passed a nylon cord through the hole. Firmly fixing it on the other side of the vegetable, Kashchei thrust the root vegetable into the hare's mouth and waited. The rodent started working with its jaws.

The sun was already sinking when the end of the cord emerged from the shaggy ass. Tying a duck to its beak was a matter of several minutes. The hare did not like ducks at all, especially in its own ass. The beast spun with its ears and shook finely. Kashchei sat down opposite the hare, spat on his palms and, resting his feet on his shoulders, began to pull the cord. Oblique's eyes came together at the bridge of his nose and climbed onto his forehead. Looking at him, I recalled the words of the romance "It hurts so much today!"

And suddenly! The Immortal Hare felt sorry for him! "How long ?!" he cried, looking around the neighborhood. The remains of various living creatures covered the surface with a three-meter layer. Birds did not fly, animals huddled in holes. Desolation reigned everywhere. Then Kashchei spat poisonous saliva. He caught the kangaroo, wrote "Hare" on his ass with a felt-tip pen, put a duck in her bag and stuffed it into the chest. "Steroids, yopt!" - the old man grinned and went to bed.
Here is the fairy tale DANCES ...

Find out if there are crossroads demons and cold demons in real life. Here you will find the opinions of other users, whether demons exist in our time, whether there really are monsters.


A creature with supernatural powers and capable of exerting physical or psychological dominance is commonly called a monster. Many existing legends about monsters make you wonder if there really are monsters or if this is just a fictional character who has no place in the real world.

In mythology, descriptions of various monsters are quite common: cyclops (one-eyed giants), minotaurs (a monster with a human body and a bull's head), Lernaean hydra (a snake-like monster that can kill with one breath), leviathan (a multi-headed monster that lives in the seas) and many others ...

The modern idea of ​​monsters has been slightly changed, they include not only fairy-tale characters, but also various animals that have undergone a mutation, as a result of which they significantly changed their appearance and acquired additional abilities. One such example is the Loch Ness Monster, whose anatomical features are similar to some species of fossil reptiles such as plesiosaurs. Cryptozoologists claim that this monster lives in our time, its study was especially popular in 1933, at that time there were even photographs, but their reality has not yet been proven.

Another prime example of a modern monster may be Bigfoot, although its existence has not yet been confirmed, many travelers claim to have met him during their hikes.

In fact, monsters may exist now, but they are most often called mutating animals, for example, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the outskirts of the city of Pripyat, you can meet such animals, when you look at which only one word will spin in your head - "monster".

Do demons exist in real life?

According to the Bible, demons are fallen angels for whom there is no room left in heaven. According to legends, demons are the servants of the devil and carry out his evil designs.

Demons are considered to be spiritual beings, so many people ask the question: do demons exist or is it just a figment of the fantasies of people who are overly carried away by religion? It is quite difficult to believe that you cannot see or which you cannot touch with your hand, but in fact, in every person there is a belief in these creatures, it manifests itself in their secrecy.

In ancient times, there was a superstition that demons constantly crawl on the ground and, biting through the shoes of those walking, inject disease-causing "fluids" into their feet, which, after coming home, can negatively affect those around them. That is why people have a habit of changing their shoes into “house” shoes, which is preserved in modern society.

Another example is the swaddling of children, this custom originated a long time ago in those countries where the dead were wrapped in cloth. Superstitious people believed that by swaddling a child, they would deceive the demon and he would not want to harm the dead child.

Regardless of whether you believe in demons or not, it is best not to mess with them and not get carried away with various rituals aimed at communicating with them. Do not forget that these are real spiritual beings whose main goal is the death of a person. That is why you should avoid communicating with various sorcerers and fortune tellers, because no one knows in advance which side they are on, good or evil.

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