Home Potato However, with Mikhail Leontiev, the last issue. Mikhail Leontiev - biography, information, personal life. Personal life of Mikhail Leontiev

However, with Mikhail Leontiev, the last issue. Mikhail Leontiev - biography, information, personal life. Personal life of Mikhail Leontiev

However, hello!

On the eve of the New Year, they frighten us with monstrous sanctions, the collapse of the ruble and other nonsense. In fact, there is a more terrifying horror film - this is an impending, unprecedented and almost inevitable world crisis.

Against the backdrop of Trump's recent triumphant reports about the amazing success of the American economy, it is interesting to look at the dynamics of the shares of the great and terrible Goldman Sachs, one of the most influential banks in the world. We see a 35% drop from annual highs, which has eaten away all the gains of the so-called tramporoll - a 13-month rally. CNBC notes that all the growth in quotations for 18 years was eaten away by the continuing decline in the market. Investment analyst Thomas Essey warns that the market will not survive another rate hike by the US Federal Reserve.

This is the end of a ten year uptrend. There is no longer any reason for the growth of the global economy. This growth was based on zero rates and money pumping. In America, in Europe, in Japan ... Rates are going up, the US Federal Reserve System, and behind it, all Western central banks are tightening their financial policy. As a result, all the old sores, which were smeared with the emission of money, crawled out.

Unlike 2008, when the crisis came as a surprise to all mainstream analysts, today there is practically a consensus on the coming crisis. The differences are only in terms: the 20th or the upcoming 19th. In fact, the ideal trigger, the trigger for the global crisis, could be the unleashing of the trade war with China declared by Trump. Today the markets were somewhat reassured by the 90-day truce announced after the meeting in Buenos Aires between Trump and Xi Jinping, during which the parties must agree on something.

China is obviously willing to make major concessions, but Trump's obsession with the trade deficit, coupled with concerns about the Chinese threat to American greatness, makes the situation unpredictable. In principle, American policy is predictably unpredictable. Because Trump consistently seeks to destroy the world order that America itself built as an instrument of its world domination and which has ceased to provide this domination.

Another difference between the coming crisis and 2008 is the wildest political tension provoked by the Americans. The United States has now embarked on a complete dismantling of the entire existing system of arms limitation in order to achieve its unilateral advantage in the medium term.

There is no medium-term outlook for the present time, in the event that a global crisis does break out. At present, he will be instantly transferred to the military-political plane, which is even for the better for us. Because we are so far better prepared for a military-political crisis than for an economic one. So happy coming!

From the cartoon "Revenge of Leopold the Cat":

- You are very kind! You need to get angry.

“I don’t know how, doctor.

- You can! Here is the medicine "Ozverin". Take one tablet at a time.

- So what?

- Become mad!

However, goodbye!

Mikhail Leontyev is a Russian journalist and publicist, the permanent host of the TV program "However". Today he conducts the author's program "Main Theme" on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", holds the position of press secretary and vice-president of the corporation "Rosneft". He is known for his harsh statements towards colleagues, as well as politicians, including other states.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev was born into an intelligent family on October 12, 1958. Mira Moiseevna, the mother of the future journalist, worked as a teacher at the Moscow Institute. Plekhanov, father Vladimir Yakovlevich was an aircraft designer. By nationality, the newborn turned out to be half Jewish, half Russian.

From childhood, Mikhail Leontyev had a passion for literature - the boy read "drunkenly", he especially liked historical stories and novels. At the age of 5, the parents wanted to enroll the child in figure skating, but he refused. In adolescence, the boy passionately argued with his grandmother, proving to her, an inveterate communist, the shortcomings of Soviet policy. In high school, Mikhail secretly read magazines that were banned in those years.

Journalist Mikhail Leontyev at the presentation of the book "Time to betray" / Dmitry Rozhkov, Wikipedia

After school, the guy entered the Faculty of Economics at the Plekhanov Institute and successfully defended his diploma in 1979. In his youth, the future journalist had to earn money as a loader.

After university, Mikhail Leontyev got a job at a research institute, trying to realize himself in the economy. Patience was enough for several years. In 1985, Mikhail resigned from the Research Institute, from that moment on, life became brighter. The young scientist mastered the carpentry trade, was an ordinary worker at the Literary Institute and a watchman at the dacha. Leontyev also earned his living by tutoring.


The biography of Mikhail Vladimirovich is closely related to journalism. In 1987, Leontyev was seriously interested in sociology - Mikhail's first analytical articles were devoted to this topic. After another 2 years, the man devoted himself entirely to journalism. At first he worked as a political correspondent for the Kommersant publication, then headed a department in Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

Mikhail Leontyev on today's television is one of the brightest journalists who clearly follow their principles. Under his editorship, the magazine "However" is published, he is the permanent host of the program of the same name on Channel One. Through the prism of his perception, he seeks to convey to viewers and readers information about the most important and current political events and does this with only his inherent openness and sarcasm. Opponents call the journalist a "bearded ulcer".

Mikhail Leontiev. Biography

He was born on 10/12/1958 into a family of Moscow intellectuals. From childhood, Mikhail Leontyev differed from his peers in education and not the simplest character. In 1979, he completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov, where he studied with a degree in Labor Economics. During his studies, he was fond of reading forbidden anti-Soviet literature, in particular the Posev magazine, where many dissidents of that time were published.

Immediately after graduation, Mikhail Leontyev began work at the Institute of Economic Problems, moonlighting as tutoring. However, he soon made the decision to drastically change his life and, unexpectedly for everyone, radically changed his profession. In 1985, having a higher education, Mikhail Leontyev graduated from vocational school, where he studied the skill of a cabinet-maker.

Professional activity

Mikhail Leontyev came to journalism at the same time. The first milestone on this path is the political section of the Kommersant newspaper. A year later, in 1990, Mikhail became the head of the economics department at Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the early 90s, he made a great contribution to the creation of the Segodnya publication and became the first deputy editor-in-chief. But the ongoing transformations in the editorial policy of the newspaper a little later became the reason for the departure of the journalist, who strongly disagreed with them.

Popularity came to Mikhail Leontyev after he ran for the State Duma in 1995. Then he lost the elections. Bolshoi was aroused by his statements about the introduction of troops into Chechnya.

Mikhail Leontiev - TV presenter

In 1997, the journalist became the founder of Delo magazine. The sponsor was M. Khodorkovsky, but the publication never went to press.

In the same year, M. Leontyev came to television, where he became the host of the program "Actually", which aired under his direction on TVC. Later he was the host of the analytical program "The Seventh Day". Leontiev combined his profession with work in print media. Known for his column "FAS!" in company". In the same 1997 the journalist was nominated for "TEFI", and in 1998 he became a laureate of the "Golden Pen" award.


In 1999, Mikhail Leontyev came to the ORT channel, where he began to conduct the author's program "However". He remains its permanent leader to this day. In 2002, the journalist joins the United Russia party, however, according to Mikhail Leontyev himself, he is simply “listed” there. In 2007 Leontyev was appointed to the post of editor-in-chief of the magazine "Profile", but two years later he left the editorial office of the magazine. In 2009, the journalist becomes a co-founder of the "However" magazine together with "Channel One". Since 2014, Rosneft has appointed a new vice president - Mikhail Leontyev. Photos of him scattered across the Web and the pages of the country's business publications. Later he will head the department of information and advertising.

Leontiev is married for the second time. He has two adult children from his first marriage. The ex-wife immigrated to America, and the children have now returned to Russia. In the second marriage with M. Kozlovskaya, a daughter, Daria, was born. The journalist does not advertise his personal life.

The press often discusses such an odious person as Mikhail Leontyev, the nationality of a journalist. The TV presenter himself considers himself to be a Russian Orthodox Christian, but at the same time, according to L. Nevzlin, he repeatedly had conversations with Mikhail about his Jewish roots.

Mikhail Leontyev is a Russian television journalist, publicist, editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper of the same name with the program. Since October 2007, in addition to his own program “However,” he has been the host of the geopolitical analytical program “The Big Game” - a series of programs devoted to the history of the confrontation between Russia and Great Britain for dominance in Central Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries. Member of the United Russia party. Mikhail Leontyev is a laureate of the "Golden Pen of Russia" prize, a nominee for the TEFI-1997 prize.

As a television publicist, Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontyev is a rather bright, charismatic and outstanding personality, he is a talented debater and an angry orator, a frequent guest of TV debates on topical political topics. In his broadcasts and publications, Leontyev, without hiding, zealously defends his political credo - he calls himself a right-wing conservative.

Mikhail Leontyev about television and himself: “Only a complete idiot can think that a major channel is ready to work for the sake of informing the viewer. The channel sells a product, it needs to be packaged. CNN, for example, is a colossal ideological tool in the West. A striking example of this is the situation around Yugoslavia. How spectacularly a very civilized part of humanity has been brainwashed! The question is in methods. If the consumer "hawala" stale bread, no one will give him buns with poppy seeds. I am an absolutely engaged person. Yourself. I have specific political views. I am not a journalist. I am engaged in political propaganda. I am a commentator, and if a person comments on events without having his own position, then this is a painful phenomenon. "

However, hello!

It is very likely that a Pandora's box such as they have never seen before is ready to open in America. Republicans in Congress voted to publish the so-called Nunes report on the investigation into the fabrication of dirt on Trump by the Obama administration and the Clintonshi headquarters.

This is an investigation that proved that the Clinton campaign headquarters and the leadership of the Democratic Party ordered and paid for the so-called "Steele dossier", which claimed that Trump was practically recruited by the Russians with the help of the incriminating evidence collected by the FSB. The administration, on the basis of this fake dossier, initiated an "investigation" by the Justice Department and the FBI. And from the transcripts of the conversations of the two FBI officers involved in this investigation, it became clear that they were not engaged in an investigation, but, in fact, political persecution of Trump in the interests of the Democratic candidate. Moreover, from these conversations it follows that after Trump's election, a kind of "secret community" has developed in the US security forces, acting against the president. So, immediately after the first transcripts became known, about 50 thousand records from the phones of agents were erased, and the FBI explained the loss as a technical failure.

“I think it will not end with layoffs. I am convinced that there are people who will go to jail. I was very convinced by the evidence, ”said Congressman Matt Goetz.

“In the end, I’ll say very simply: in the end, someone will be jailed, and the only question is who and when. But given only the information that we already have - and even more so the data that we receive from the memorandum and missing emails - someone will definitely sit down and get down to business, "said the former US presidential candidate Herman Kane.

This is a three-page so far secret report by Senator Nunes, the publication of which the Democrats are trying to block citing national security interests. It was this publication that Republicans unblocked in the House Intelligence Committee. Contrary to pressure not only from the Democrats, which is natural, but also from the US Department of Justice, whose leadership was appointed by Trump. In fact, the nature of the accusations and the mutual brutality of the parties are such that not only employees of the Ministry of Justice, the FBI, the administration, but also the functionaries of the Democratic Party, up to the Clintonshey, can actually sit down.

There are two parallel investigations, on "Trump's recruitment" and on "Russian intervention", which are not formally linked to each other. But, logically, emotionally and propagandistically, they are so intertwined that the collapse of the "recruitment case" will inevitably lead to "Russian interference in the elections", which, by the way, is also the basis for the second portion of anti-Russian sanctions. Numerous opponents of Trump in the press have already understood this and are trying to somehow unravel them, but it is almost impossible to do this using purely journalistic methods.

The investigation of the democratic conspiracy not only unties Trump's hands, including in relations with Russia, but also poses a direct threat to both the Democratic leadership and the Russophobic lobby in the intelligence services. And this cannot be allowed. And the only way for them is to drown this case in a new wave of anti-Russian hysteria.

And such a war can only be provided for them by Ukraine, which, finally, must work out the Maidan cookies. And they will try to drive Poroshenko to Donbass, despite the fact that he cannot but understand that this will be his "swan song". At the same time, the customers are not at all interested in the level of combat readiness of the Ukrainian army, nor its potential military successes, nor the fate of Poroshenko himself. The main thing is to provoke us to the maximum.

And we need to understand and calculate this.

However, goodbye!

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