Home Potato Passive and active vocabulary of preschool children. Accumulation of passive vocabulary. Where does that lie

Passive and active vocabulary of preschool children. Accumulation of passive vocabulary. Where does that lie

(on the formation of an active vocabulary in children with disabilities by developing an understanding of the lexical meaning of words)

  1. Explanatory note
  2. The main content of the program
  3. Mechanisms for program implementation
  4. Stages and terms of implementation
  5. Bibliography
  6. Terminological dictionary


Explanatory note

Correct speech is the most important condition for the full development of children. The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

Speech is the use of language for communication purposes. Speech, acting in its functional purpose as a means of communication, also serves as the most important tool for the socialization of children with various physical and mental disabilities. Therefore, the development of speech in such children is one of the urgent problems of speech therapy and special pedagogy.
The developmental features of children with disabilities are expressed in speech impairment, a limited understanding of the world around them, and a weak need for communication. This determines the qualitative uniqueness of the process of speech development, the pace of which is slowed down in children with disabilities, and speech activity is insufficient due to poverty, limited, primitive vocabulary.

Thus, another reason for the weak speech activity of children with disabilities became clear - this is the insufficient lexical aspect of speech.

Hence, the idea arose to examine in more depth the vocabulary of children attending a speech therapist of the Rehabilitation Department for minors with physical and mental disabilities of the Social Service Institution of the Rostok Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children.

Analysis of the state of passive and active vocabulary in this category of children showed:

Passive vocabulary(Annex 1)

Active dictionary(Appendix 2)

0% children low level

9% of children are low

51% of children have an average level of speech comprehension

14% -level below average

49% - average

23% - level above average

49% high level

5% of children high level

As a result, the development of children's speech indicates significant deviations from age standards, the limited vocabulary, the originality of its use, persistent agrammatism. So, all this indicates the lack of formation of the impressive and expressive aspects of speech.

Revealing the child's lexical stock, the peculiarities of his understanding and use of words is necessary for a scientifically grounded selection of the content of vocabulary work and the determination of its methodology. The study of correctional work using a vocabulary refers to complex and insufficiently developed problems.




In the practice of various educational institutions, attention is mainly paid to the quantitative aspect of the communication process, that is, expanding the volume of the vocabulary, increasing the vocabulary. This situation leads to the need to include in the vocabulary work the analysis of the peculiarities of mastering the semantic side of the word.

The speech activity of children with disabilities is negatively influenced not only by the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, but also by mistakes of traditional teaching, which significantly hinders the development of their communicative abilities, impairs the ability to quickly and correctly navigate in a communication situation, when understanding and perceiving the speech of others, planning their own speech activity ...

Thus, the education of children with disabilities of attention to the meaningful side of the word, its semantics is simply necessary. Clarification of the meanings of words, enrichment of the connections of words with other words develop the accuracy of word use in children and have a positive effect on the coherence of a monologue statement.

Therefore, there is every reason to believe that to provide speech practice, which is so necessary for children with disabilities who have speech underdevelopment, there should be adequate conditions created for the spontaneous development of their speech activity.

Therefore, the search and provision of optimal methods of work on the formation of a vocabulary for children with disabilities who have speech disorders are extremely relevant today.

So, having identified the relevance and problems of developing an active vocabulary for children with disabilities, the goal of the program was set: to form an active vocabulary in children with disabilities by developing an understanding of the lexical meaning of words.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Develop an understanding of the meanings of words by children.

2. Form an active vocabulary for children with disabilities by understanding the lexical meaning of words through:

  • formation of semantic fields;
  • development of lexical and semantic associations;
  • development of antonymy and synonymy.

3. Activate the children's dictionary.

The Dictionary program has theoretical and practical significance:

If you introduce the program "Dictionary"; to carry out targeted work with children with disabilities to form an active vocabulary through the development of understanding of the lexical meaning of the word, this will contribute to their awareness of linguistic phenomena and help children of this category to be most successful in communicating with others and in society.

The program is designed for children with disabilities.
The composition of the group: children with systemic (children with mental retardation) and general speech underdevelopment of the III and IV levels (children with cerebral palsy, visual impairment, etc.).
Children age: 7 to 18 years old.

Children can be enrolled in these groups in cases where, in addition to violations of the phonetic and phonemic aspects of speech, they have pronounced deviations in the formation of the lexical and grammatical components of speech.

Differentiation of correctional speech therapy impact is carried out taking into account the clinical characteristics, individual psychological characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his psychophysical activity, working capacity, the level of underdevelopment and mechanisms of speech disorders, as well as taking into account the general didactic principles:

The implementation of the program takes into account the peculiarities of the vocabulary of children with disabilities of various clinical characteristics (hearing impaired, visually impaired, mental retardation, mental retardation, cerebral palsy) and corrective work with them (Appendix 3).

As a result of the individual characteristics of children with disabilities of different categories, one of the methods of work is most relevant - this is a game.

Hence, correctional work on the formation of an active vocabulary in children with disabilities is carried out in individual speech therapy lessons, which are based on various lexical games (Appendix 4).

An approximate list of games, play exercises and tasks for children with disabilities

Games, game exercises, tasks

for development
understanding the meanings of words

on the development of lexical and semantic associations

on the formation of semantic fields

on the development of antonymy and synonymy

1. Measure
2. Who is more attentive?
3. Who is more likely?
4. Remember
5. Do it
6. Classification of objects by pictures
7. What grows in the garden?
8. Shopping in the store
9. To whom to give what?
10. Gather your family
11. Common word
12. Answer quickly
13. Be Careful
14. Name the shape
15. Repeat
16. Who? What?

1. Who? What?
2. Comparison
3. Guess
5. Spell the word as quickly as possible
6. Arrange in order
7. Think of what we can talk about?
8. Pick a word
9. Pick up
10. Guess

1. Name an extra word
2. Arrange pictures by similarity
3. Which one? Which? Which?
4. Pick a word
5. What grows in the garden?
6. What do I see?
7. Select from a series of words
8. Guess
9. Guessing the subject by the name of its parts
10. What is common
11. Description
12. Guess the animals
14. Put things in order

1. Words-friends
2. Say it differently
3. Enemy words
4. Compare the other way around
5. Words-friends
6. Enemy words
7. Compare
8. On the contrary

to update the dictionary
Repetition of all the above games (possible with complication and change).

Relationship with educators. Joint work with specialists and educators is aimed at improving the active vocabulary of children with disabilities in their daily activities and in various classes. The technological aspects of the relationship are combined with the topics of the classes (Appendix 5).

Educators conduct speech therapy five minutes, related to a specific lexical topic, for children of this group according to the tasks of a speech therapist (Appendix 6). Relationship with parents. The family strategy is as follows:

Parents can help with homework, which includes exercises to improve active vocabulary through understanding the lexical meaning of a word. Also, parents are expected to control the child's speech.

A consultation "Games and play exercises for improving the vocabulary of children" (Appendix 7) is planned, thanks to which parents will learn the importance of vocabulary for their children and gain knowledge for conducting classes at home.

Thus, carrying out purposeful and interrelated work with other specialists and parents to form an active vocabulary in children with disabilities helps children in communicating with parents and adults.

Mechanisms for the implementation of the program "Dictionary"

Corrective speech therapy work is built taking into account a certain strict algorithm of action:

The first stage is preparatory

Purpose: to develop children's understanding of the meanings of words.

Development of understanding of different meanings of words.

Clarification of the concepts "word", "action", "sign", "sentence", "words-friends", "words-enemies", etc.

The second stage is the main

Purpose: to form an active vocabulary by understanding the lexical meaning of words.

Block 1. Development of lexical and semantic associations.

Block 2. Formation of semantic fields.

The third stage is the final

Purpose: to activate the vocabulary of children.

The first stage is preparatory.

The purpose of the first stage is to develop an understanding of the meanings of words in children with speech underdevelopment.
This stage includes 2 blocks: development of understanding of different meanings of words and clarification of the concepts of "word", "action", "sign", "sentence", etc.
Block 1. Development of understanding of different meanings of words.
The first block consists of the following tasks:

  • clarification of the subject correlation of words;
  • clarification of understanding of adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc .;
  • developing an understanding of instructions, suggestions, questions, etc .;
  • development of mental operations such as classification, generalization, comparison.

Block 2. Clarification of the concepts of "word", "action", "sign", etc.
At this stage, a cycle of classes is carried out aimed at clarifying the above concepts (Appendix 8). Each lesson is associated with a specific lexical topic.

In these lessons, children remember what a word is, a sign of an object, the action of an object, what a sentence is and how it differs from a word. Also, children will learn that there are friend words (synonyms) and enemy words (antonyms).
The second stage is the main one.
The second stage is aimed at forming an active vocabulary by understanding the lexical meaning of words and consists of three blocks.

Block 1. Formation of semantic fields.

The purpose of the first block is to form the structure of the meaning of a word, the organization of semantic fields.
The formation of semantic fields is carried out in stages, each stage complements each other:

Stage name

1. Selection of words-objects

Children are provided with several pictures depicting objects: a bus, an airplane, a boat ... Children examine the pictures, then name the objects. After that, they are asked to name all these items in one word. This word ("transport") is the central, generic concept around which specific, specific (car, helicopter, taxi ...) are formed.
Then this task is performed the other way around, that is, words-objects are matched to one general concept (for the word “furniture”, children call the following objects: table, chair, bed, wardrobe, etc.).

2. Selection of words-signs

Further localization of meanings is carried out with the help of questions leading to the choice of the desired attribute of the object. For example, the words-reactions of children are matched to the stimulus word "airplane": iron, air, big, huge ...

3. Selection of words-actions.

This stage in the formation of the semantic field consists in the fact that children are invited to correlate the name of the object with the corresponding action and purpose. For example, action words are matched to the word "bus": driving, standing, rushing, etc.

Work on the development of the semantic field of adjectives and verbs is carried out as follows:

  • selection of words-objects to the attribute (by the word "wooden" the following objects were called: table, chair, wardrobe, floor ...);
  • selection of words-objects for action ("goes" - a person, a dog, a cat, a clock ...);
  • selection of synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs.

Thus, children, together with a speech therapist, learn to form the periphery of the semantic field, that is, semantic shades, the ratio of generic and specific meanings, the ratio of a certain object with signs and actions.

Block 2. Development of lexical and semantic associations.
The purpose of the second block is to develop lexical and semantic associations in children with disabilities.

In the process of developing speech, it is always very important to form associative connections, which play a very important role in enriching vocabulary. Therefore, work in this direction is built taking into account the capabilities of children with disabilities to identify the versatile connections of a certain word with other words of the lexicon.

Here, in the child's speech, those connections are fixed that would ensure the replaceability of any word in the utterance, could belong to a certain semantic group (nouns, adjectives, verbs). The words presented to children are selected in such a way as to stimulate the search for the most accurate, most suitable words that help form and change words, build phrases, sentences.
To build an associative field, children are offered a stimulus word to which they must communicate the association.

Initially, the objects of the environment are used. An object is shown or a noun is called and the children need to choose the corresponding noun word (for example, a chair - "furniture", a toy - "doll", etc.). Hence, the word-stimulus and the word-reaction differ in no more than one differential feature expressing different relationships (genus, species, space, time).
Then this task is complicated by the fact that there is a transition from objects to more abstract concepts, for example, the stimulus word "winter" - the reaction word "snow". Of course, help is provided to children: visual support on pictures, leading questions, so that they can more accurately navigate the semantic field of word combinations.
Further, the work on the development of associations moves to a more complex level. Stimulus words are selected so that associations associate it with a reaction word:

  • a noun is associated with an adjective (ball - "round");
  • the adjective is associated with a noun (glass - "glass");
  • noun - with a verb (cat - "meows");
  • verb - with a noun (flutters - "butterfly").

Thus, syntagmatic constructions are formed in children, in which the stimulus word and the reaction word form coordinated phrases.

In addition, the formation of associations is carried out through the construction of semantic fields, synonymous and antonymic series for nouns, adjectives, verbs, which ultimately determines a significant expansion of the vocabulary of children with disabilities.

Block 3. Development of antonymy and synonymy.
In the third block, the main goal is to develop a dictionary of antonyms and synonyms.
At the first stage, children get acquainted with the concepts of "words-enemies" and "words-friends" without naming terminology (synonyms, antonyms).

In the future, children are invited to choose synonyms for phrases, which is carried out as follows: the children are named phrases (for example, it is snowing, a person is coming, spring is coming), attention is drawn to the fact that it is not interesting to listen when the same word is repeated and asked to replace it ... Children choose words that are close in meaning (coming, moving, walking). Children come to the conclusion that one action can be called by different words. The synonymy of nouns and adjectives is also being developed.

In order for children to learn to compare, i.e. select antonyms, pairs of objects with pronounced contrasting signs are selected (long - short pencil). Then, when showing intonation, their qualitative opposite is emphasized and they are asked to show the children the object according to the named attribute. Tasks can vary, for example, children are asked to distribute a number of objects into pairs (clean - dirty glass, deep - shallow plate, large - small ball, etc.). By the same principle, children are taught the verbal forms of antonymy, as well as nouns.

The next step for the development of synonymy and antonymy, various games and exercises are offered (For example, "Words-friends", "Say differently"; "Words-enemies", "Compare-vice versa").

The third stage is the final one.
The purpose of this stage is to consolidate, that is, to activate the dictionary.
At the last stage, significant importance is attached to the consolidation of the vocabulary in the speech of children with the help of game techniques. So, children are offered various games and exercises to consolidate the knowledge gained, as well as to activate the dictionary (Skvortsova I.V., Shvaiko G.S., Kozyreva O.A., Novikovskaya O.A., Kiselenko T.E., Smirnova L .N. And others).

These games are aimed at:

  • the ability to generalize and classify concepts;
  • naming an item by its description;
  • expansion of the subject vocabulary;
  • improving the descriptive speech of children (adjectives, antonyms, synonyms, related words);
  • improving the verb dictionary;
  • the ability to change and form words;

children's understanding of various categories of words.
Thus, at the final stage, you can repeat the games used earlier.

Stages and terms of implementation

Correctional work for each block and stage of the "Dictionary" program with each child with disabilities who have speech disorders is carried out individually.
Then the child's result in the direction of the program is traced and a conclusion is made about the continuation of work in this direction or the transition to the next stage.

Quantitative and qualitative results




(Expected Result)

(control cut - 2008)


Improvements in understanding:
1) speech at the level of dialogue;
2) the meanings of words denoting objects, actions, signs of objects;
3) instructions;
4) proposals;
5) the meanings of singular and plural nouns;
6) meanings of nouns with diminutive suffixes;
7) the meanings of verbs.

93% of children

64% of children


1) in classification and generalization;
2) in the selection of antonyms;
3) in the selection of synonyms;
4) in the selection of definitions;
5) in the selection of actions.

96% of children
96% of children

To identify the features of the vocabulary of children with disabilities, the methodology of examining the passive vocabulary (or the impressive side of speech) edited by Y. F. Garkusha is taken as a basis, and the traditional method is used to examine the active vocabulary.

Diagnostics of the state of vocabulary in children takes place in two stages:
I. Survey of the passive vocabulary of speech (Appendix 11).
II. Examination of the active vocabulary of speech (Appendix 12).

To assess the vocabulary of children with disabilities for individual tasks (and in general, the possibility of expressive and impressive speech), some methods of quantitative data processing are used. For this purpose, the results of the tasks are additionally evaluated by levels.

Thus, the child's achievement of a high level of active and passive vocabulary will be considered a positive result.


1. Dmitrieva L.I. Formation of a vocabulary for students of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type (primary grades): Textbook. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002.128 p.
2. Zikeev A.G. The development of the speech of students of special (correctional) educational institutions: a textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. 200 p.
3. Kozyreva O.A. The formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech: the senior group of preschool special (correctional) educational institutions: a textbook for a speech therapist. Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2005.119 p.
4. Correctional and pedagogical work in preschool institutions for children with speech impairments / edited by YF Garkusha. M .: Sekachev V.Yu., Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2002.160 p.
5. Speech therapy: A textbook for students of defectological faculties of pedagogical higher educational institutions / edited by LS Volkova, SN Shakhovskaya - the third edition, revised and supplemented. Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2002.680 p.
6. Novikovskaya O.A. Speech therapy grammar for children: A guide for classes with children 6-8 years old. SPb .: KORONA print, 2005.64 p.
7. Povalyaeva M.A. Speech therapist reference book. Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2003. 448 p.
8. Pozhilenko E.A. The Magic World of Sounds and Words: A Guide for Speech Therapists. Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003.216 p.
9. Repina Z.A. Neuropsychological study of children with severe speech impairments: Textbook. Perm: Prikamsk social institute - branch of MOSU, 2002.160 p.
10. Serebryakova N.V. Comparative analysis of the formation of semantic fields in preschoolers with normal and impaired development // Actual problems of teaching, adaptation and integration of children with developmental disorders. SPb, 1995.
11. Skvortsova I.V. Program for the development and education of preschoolers. 100 speech therapy games. For children 4-6 years old. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva"; Moscow: "OLMA-PRESS Education", 2005.240 p.
12. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 6-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment: A guide for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 2003.96 p.
13. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Elimination of General Underdevelopment of Speech in Preschool Children: A Practical Guide. M .: Ayris-press, 2004.224 p.
14. Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech: A guide for practitioners of preschool educational institutions / edited by V.V. Gerbova. M .: Ayris-press, 2006.176 p.

Terminological dictionary

Agrammatism- [Greek. agrammatos inarticulate] - violation of psychophysiological processes that provide grammatical ordering of speech activity; with agrammatism, the omission of prepositions, incorrect agreement of words in gender, number, "telegraphic style", etc. is observed.

Agrammatism is impressive- [lat. impression impression] - misunderstanding of the meaning of grammatical forms in perceived oral speech and (or) when reading.

Expressive agrammatism- [lat. expression expression] - the inability to grammatically correct words and build sentences in their active oral and (or) written speech.

Impressive speech- perception, understanding of speech. Oral impressive speech is normally expressed in the auditory perception of what is spoken, written impressive speech - in the visual perception of the text (reading).

Child's vocabulary- vocabulary constantly increasing impressively.

Active vocabulary- 1) part of the vocabulary of the modern language, which is freely used in live everyday communication in all spheres of human society; 2) the active vocabulary of an individual native speaker is a part of the vocabulary of a language that is freely used in everyday life by a specific person; depends on age, mental development, education, social environment, etc.

Passive vocabulary- 1) part of the vocabulary of the language, understandable to everyone who speaks this language, but little used in everyday communication (book vocabulary, neologisms that have not yet become familiar, etc.); 2) the passive vocabulary of an individual native speaker is a part of the vocabulary of a language that is understandable to a specific person; depends on age, mental development, education, social environment, etc.

Expressive speech- external form of speech, active oral or written utterance.

Echolalia- automatic repetition of words after their reproduction.

Svetlana Shumakova
Stages of work on the development of an active and passive vocabulary of children. Part 1

Development the lexical side of speech is an important section of speech therapy work... The child must be able to recognize and understand those the words who hears, be able to select the words for statements and use them correctly both in structural and in semantic connection... Based on its meaning and grammatical features the words in the language are grouped into lexical and grammatical categories - parts of speech, some of which convey real lexical meanings, while others are only grammatical and are used for communication words in a sentence or to link offers. In addition to the lexical meaning itself, the words have an emotionally expressive coloring.

At development work the lexical side of speech, the speech therapist must take into account the multidimensionality the words and provide for several directions work on them:

- work over volume expansion vocabulary in parallel with the expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality;

Refine value words;

- work on development the ability to distinguish between correctly and incorrectly pronounced the words;

- work on developing passive vocabulary, i.e., accumulation in memory words that the child knows how to recognize and understand;

- work over systematization words available to the child, group them according to different criteria;

- work on matching by comparing words by their lexical meanings (synonyms, antonyms);

- work on the semantic compatibility of words;

- work on activating the dictionary, improving the search processes words, translation words from passive to active dictionary.

The assimilation process words mother tongue happens step by step... It is based on teaching preschoolers to compose various types of sentences. The types of sentences are getting more and more complicated. On I stage of development the child uses only individual speech words is the stage of a one-word sentence... The main task of speech therapy influence on I stage learning is to accumulate passive vocabulary... Children are encouraged to remember what their toys are called. (doll, car, pyramid, etc.); body parts(legs, arms, head, etc.); garments (coat, hat, shirt, etc.); household items that the child comes into contact with on a daily basis (table, chair, cup, spoon); separate names of objects and phenomena of the life around him (water, earth, sun, flowers) the names of the animals the child is often sees.

Passive Verb Dictionary should consist of the names of the actions that the child performs himself (sleeping, eating, sitting, walking, jumping, playing, washing, dressing, undressing, watering, talking, drawing). In addition, the child should know the names of actions that are performed by people close to him, but this dictionary can be limited to the names of only those actions that the child has repeatedly observed (reads, writes, erases, strokes, etc., or actions performed at home, on the street (the car is going, the plane is le-tit, the leaves are falling, the phone is ringing)... Have children with speech underdevelopment verbal passive vocabulary less subject passive vocabulary... Therefore, if children know the names of objects, some animals, etc., then it is necessary to start teaching them to understand the names of actions, as well as to understand the questions asked about what is happening. action: where? where? what? where? to whom? for whom? V work with non-speaking children, it is not recommended to overload them passive vocabulary of words with an abstract meaning or generalizing in words.

The material for conducting classes can be toys, household items, clothing, dishes, food, etc.

A crucial moment in speech therapy work with children at stage I will create a need to imitate the word of an adult... Imitative speech reactions can be expressed in any sound complexes ( "Am", "Moo", "Ko-ko").

Enhancing the speech of children, or the induction of speech imitation, should be closely related to practical the child's activities, with play, with a visual situation, which is achieved with various, but obligatory conditions: emotionality of contact with a child, a certain level of understanding of speech, stability of attention, the presence of imitative motivation.

To achieve the desired effect in revitalizing imitative speech activity, one must start with development of imitation in general: "Do as I do".

As a result, speech therapy work at the first stage the formation of oral speech, children must learn to passive correlate objects and actions with their verbal designation. Passive vocabulary should consist of the names of objects that the child often sees; actions that he does or is performed by persons familiar to him; some of their states (cold, warm, hot)... Have children there must be a need to imitate the word of an adult. Verbal imitative activity can manifest itself in any speech-sound expressions, without their correction by adults.

II stage training assumes the following main tasks:

1) teach children correctly build two-word sentences like: appeal + command; command + item name;

2) memorize certain everyday phrases;

3) pronounce the stressed syllable the words;

4) expand the volume of understanding of someone else's speech.

One of the main conditions of speech therapy work with children for which the elementary inflection, - carrying out activities promoting development of the semantic side of speech... Only what the child understands and is available in his impressive speech is translated into expressive speech.

It is advisable that children on this stage learned to distinguish the number of objects (many-few-one, size (large - small, taste (sweet - salty, as well as their spatial arrangement, if these objects are in places familiar to the child. If the child stubbornly does not correlate the color or size with their verbal designation, then it is necessary to confine ourselves to comparing objects by their color and size, postponing work by memorizing the names of colors at a later date.

Particular attention should be paid to training children distinguishing between the grammatical forms of the singular and plural of some nouns and verbs. On this stage it is recommended to use the following speech therapy tricks: naming objects or object pictures; a request to transfer, take, give an item; negotiating phrases begun by a speech therapist with visual support on an object or its image; naming actions in the imperative mood. Necessary condition is repeatedly reciting by children learned words.

As a result II stage learning, children must learn the place of stress in the learned words, reproduce the rhythmic-intonational structure of two- and preferably three-syllable words... In understanding speech, children should correlate objects with their function named by an adult, recognize familiar objects by describing their main features, be able to show or in an accessible verbal form to answer the questions of indirect cases, posed by the speech therapist to the details of the plot pictures.

On III stage learning, children must learn to reconcile the subject and predicate in the third person of the singular and plural of the present tense of the indicative mood. The stock of these everyday colloquial verbs is small, but some of them children should use correctly in several forms: infinitive, imperative and present indicative 3rd person singular and plural.

Work over syllable structure words ends with the assimilation of the rhythmic-syllabic pattern of two-syllable and three-syllable words... Violations of sound pronunciation are permissible. Comprehension of speech includes understanding some grammatical forms words, simple stories, short fairy tales.

Speech therapy the work of stage IV is aimed at to teach children compose simple sentences of different types from 3-5 words... In this case, it is necessary to teach to express the connection between in words using endings with the correct phonetic design. In constructions of indirect cases with prepositions, children can omit prepositions. With the help of questions, the speech therapist corrects the order words in a sentence, makes sure that the child, when composing a sentence, uses the verb in the desired form, coordinating the number and person with the noun.

From the fourth stage training begins children inflection, which will continue in subsequent stages... Formation of grammatical forms of nouns and verbs, and then the rest parts speech is provided by the fact that different forms of the same the words oppose each other. This opposition requires a certain lexical stock and a certain sequence of grammatical oppositions.

Based on the data of speech ontogenesis, it is recommended to start intensive training inflection when accumulating 100 - 150 words-the names of items and about 40-50 names of actions (verbs)... Attention children must be turned to the ends words, when changing which children retain the intonational-rhythmic pattern, i.e., the number of syllables in the variable word.

If at first stages of completing tasks, one-word answers of children are quite acceptable, then in the future the child is required to pronounce the entire sentence with the correct grammatical design. Children with a common underdevelopment speech is difficult to form grammatically correct second, dependent on the verb word than the first, for example: "A girl drives a goat with a twig (ohm)».

The more children make up proposals for the demonstrated actions, plot pictures, will answer questions in detail, the faster they move in their speech development... Therefore, outside the classroom, it is necessary to use any objective situation, any plot of the picture, about which you can ask: who (what) this is? what he (she) does? how? to whom? where? where? etc.

On IV stage the work becomes more difficult over syllable structure words, in the worked out the words combinations of consonant sounds are introduced, taking into account the fact that the sounds that make up these combinations are already pronounced correctly. Spent concatenations of consonants are then introduced into the words, which are sure to be spoken by children by syllables.

Important Work for memorizing poetry. It should start with verses in 2 lines with the obligatory support on subject or simple plot pictures. When memorizing verses, you need to make sure that you understand their content, for which you put appropriate questions to the pictures.

If the children have learned how to answer questions, make sentences on the demonstrated actions and simple plot pictures, have learned a few couplets, you can start teaching them the elements of retelling. (2-4 sentences)... However, this stage teaching coherent speech does not stand out as an independent task due to the meager vocabulary.

As a result, speech therapy work at stage IV children master colloquial everyday speech, that is, it acquires a communicative function.

Dictionary - these are words (basic units of speech) denoting objects, phenomena, actions and signs of the surrounding reality.

Distinguish between passive and active vocabulary. A passive dictionary is understood as a part of the vocabulary of a language that is understandable to a child, it depends on age, mental development, social environment; under active - a part of the vocabulary of the language, which is freely used in everyday life by a particular child.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova believe that the development of a child's vocabulary is closely connected, on the one hand, with the development of thinking and other mental processes, and on the other hand, with the development of all components of speech: the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech.

With the help of speech, words, the child denotes only what is available to his understanding. In this regard, words of a specific meaning appear early in the child's dictionary, and later - words of a generalizing nature.

The development of vocabulary, according to R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, in ontogeny is also due to the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality. As the child gets acquainted with new objects, phenomena, signs of objects and actions, his vocabulary is enriched. The mastering of the surrounding world by a child occurs in the process of non-speech and speech activity in direct interaction with real objects and phenomena, as well as through communication with adults.

The initial function of the child's speech is to establish contact with the outside world, the function of communication. The activity of a young child is carried out jointly with an adult, and in this regard, communication is situational.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova emphasize that the prerequisites for the development of speech are determined by two processes. One of these processes is the non-verbal objective activity of the child himself, that is, the expansion of connections with the world around him through a concrete, sensory perception of the world. The second most important factor in the development of speech, including the enrichment of the vocabulary, is the speech activity of adults and their communication with the child.

In this regard, the development of vocabulary is largely determined by the social environment in which the child is brought up. The age norms of the vocabulary of children of the same age fluctuate significantly depending on the social level of the family, since the vocabulary is acquired by the child in the process of communication.

R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova note that at the end of the first and the beginning of the second year of a child's life, a verbal stimulus gradually begins to acquire more and more force. In the initial stage, the reaction to it manifests itself in the form of an orienting reflex. In the future, on its basis, a reflex of the second order is formed - the child develops imitativeness, multiple repetitions of the word. During this period of development of the child's speech, babbling words appear.

This stage in the development of children's speech is called the "word - sentence" stage. At this stage, words express either a command or an indication, or they name an object or action.

At the age of 1.5 to 2 years, the child has a dismemberment of the complexes into parts, which come together in various combinations. During this period, the child's vocabulary begins to grow rapidly, which by the end of the second year of life is about 300 words of various parts of speech.

The development of a word in a child occurs both in the direction of the objective correlation of the word, and in the direction of the development of meaning.

L.S. Vygotsky, analyzing the development of the meaning of a word in ontogenesis, wrote: “Speech and the meaning of words developed in a natural way, and the history of how the meaning of a word developed psychologically helps to illuminate to a certain extent how the development of signs occurs, how the first sign naturally arises in a child, how, on the basis of a conditioned reflex, the mastery of the designation mechanism takes place. "

Initially, a new word arises in a child as a direct connection between a specific word and an object corresponding to it.

The first stage in the development of children's words proceeds according to the type of conditioned reflexes. Perceiving a new word (conditioned stimulus), the child associates it with the object, and then reproduces it.

So, at the age of 1.5 to 2 years, the child switches from passive acquisition of words from the people around him to active expansion of his vocabulary during the period of using the questions: "What is this?", "What is it called?"

By the age of 3.5 - 4 years, the object-related attribution of a word in a child acquires a fairly stable character, the process of forming the object-related attribution of a word continues.

In the process of forming vocabulary, the meaning of the word is also clarified.

Initially, the meaning of the word is polysemantic, its meaning is amorphous, vague. A word can have several meanings. One and the same word can denote an object, and a sign, and an action with an object.

The word is accompanied by a certain intonation, gestures that clarify its meaning. In parallel with the clarification of the meaning of the word, the development of the structure of the meaning of the word takes place.

The word takes on different shades of meaning depending on the context and depending on intonation.

In the process of ontogenesis, the meaning of the word develops. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: "Any meaning of a word. Is a generalization. But the meanings of words develop. At the moment when the child first learned a new word. The development of the word has not finished, it has just begun; it is at first a generalization of the most elementary type and only as it develops. passes from generalization of the elementary type to all higher types of generalization, completing this process with the formation of genuine and real concepts. " The structure of the meaning of the word in different age periods is different.

The child, first of all, masters the denotative component of the meaning of the word, i.e. establishes a connection between a specific object (denotation) and its designation.

The conceptual, conceptual component of the meaning of the word is assimilated by the child later as the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization develop. Gradually, the child also masters the contextual meaning of the word. Initially, in the formation of the subject correlation of words, secondary, situational factors are greatly influenced, which later cease to play a role in this process.

At an early stage of speech development, the subject relation of a word is influenced by the situation, gesture, facial expressions, intonation, the word has a diffuse, extended meaning. During this period, the subject relatedness of a word can easily lose its specific subject relatedness and acquires a vague meaning.

The development of a connection between linguistic signs and reality is the central process in the formation of speech activity in ontogenesis.

At the initial stage of mastering the signs of the language, the name of the object is, as it were, a part or property of the object itself. At this stage, the meaning of the word is a way of fixing the idea of ​​a given object in the child's mind.

At the first stages of acquaintance with a word, the child still cannot learn the word in its "adult" meaning. At the same time, the phenomenon of incomplete mastery of the meaning of the word is noted, since initially the child understands the word as the name of a specific object, and not as the name of a class of objects.

In the process of developing the meaning of a word, mainly in children from 1 to 2.5 years old, the phenomena of shifted reference, or stretching of the meanings of words, overgeneralization are noted. At the same time, the transfer of the name of one object to a number of others associated with the original object is noted. The child uses the word to name a number of objects that have one or more common characteristics (shape, size, movement, material, sound, taste), as well as the general functional purpose of objects.

As the vocabulary develops, the stretching of the meaning of the word gradually narrows, since when communicating with adults, children learn new words, clarifying their meanings and correcting the use of old ones. The change in the meaning of the word, therefore, reflects the development of the child's ideas about the world around him, is closely related to the cognitive development of the child.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that in the process of a child's development, a word changes its semantic structure, is enriched by a system of connections and becomes a generalization of a higher type. At the same time, the meaning of the word develops in two aspects: semantic and systemic. Semantic development, the meaning of a word lies in the fact that in the process of a child's development, the relation of a word to an object, a system of categories, in which this object is included, changes. The systemic development of the meaning of a word is associated with the fact that the system of mental processes that stands behind a given word is changing. For a small child, the affective meaning plays a leading role in the systemic meaning of a word; for a child of preschool and primary school age, it is a visual experience, a memory that reproduces a certain situation. For an adult, the leading role is played by a system of logical connections, the inclusion of a word in the hierarchy of concepts.

The enrichment of the child's life experience, the complication of his activities and the development of communication with people around him lead to a gradual quantitative growth of the vocabulary. In the literature, there are significant discrepancies regarding the volume of the vocabulary and its growth, since there are individual characteristics of the development of the vocabulary in children, depending on the living conditions and upbringing (Makarova N.V.).

According to E.A. Arkin, the growth of the vocabulary is characterized by the following quantitative features: 1 year - 9 words, 1 year 6 months. - 39 words,

2 years - 300 words, 3 years 6 months - 1110 words, 4 years - 1926 words.

The vocabulary of an older preschooler can be considered as a national language model, since by this age the child has time to master all the basic models of the native language. During this period, the core of the vocabulary is formed, which does not change significantly in the future. Despite the quantitative replenishment of the dictionary, the main frame does not change (A. N. Gvozdev).

Analyzing the vocabulary of colloquial speech of children aged 6 to 7 years, A.V. Zakharova singled out the most common significant words in the speech of children: nouns (mother, people, boy), adjectives (small, large, childish, bad), verbs (go, speak, say). Among the nouns in the children's dictionary, words denoting people prevail. A study of children's vocabulary in terms of the prevalence of adjectives showed that, on average, only 8.65% of adjectives account for every 100 word usage. Among the most frequent adjectives that are regularly repeated in the speech of children, Zakharova singles out adjectives with a wide meaning and active compatibility (small, large, child, bad, mother's, etc.), antonyms from the most common semantic groups: size designation (small - large), estimates (good bad); words with weakened concreteness (real, different, general); words included in phrases (kindergarten, New Year). Pronoun adjectives occupy an important place among the groups of adjectives in the children's dictionary. In the general list, the highest frequency is noted for such pronominal adjectives as such (108), which (47), this (44), their own (27), each (22), our (10), all, each (17), my, the most (16).

When analyzing the speech of children from 6 to 7 years old, more than 40 adjectives used by children to denote color are revealed. The adjectives of this group in the speech of children turned out to be more common than in the speech of adults. Most often, adjectives black, red, white, blue are presented in the speech of children of this age.

When analyzing the vocabulary of children of this age, the prevalence of negative assessment over positive and active use of the comparative degree of adjectives is also noted (Efimenkova L.N.).

Thus, with the development of mental processes (thinking, perception, ideas, memory), the expansion of contacts with the outside world, the enrichment of the child's sensory experience, a qualitative change in his activity, the child's vocabulary is also formed in quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Words in the lexicon are not isolated units, but are connected with each other by various semantic connections, forming a complex system of semantic fields. In this regard, the issue of the formation of the lexical-semantic system in ontogenesis is relevant.

As the child's thinking and speech develop, the child's vocabulary is not only enriched, but also systematized, i.e. is ordered. Words are, as it were, grouped into semantic fields. In this case, not only the unification of words into semantic fields occurs, but also the distribution of vocabulary within the semantic field: the core and the periphery are highlighted. The core of the semantic field is made up of the most frequent words with pronounced semantic features (A. N. Gvozdev).

A.I. Lavrentieva, observing the formation of the lexical-semantic system in children from 1 year 4 months. up to 4 years old, identifies four stages in the development of the systemic organization of the children's dictionary.

At the first stage, the child's dictionary is a set of separate words (from 20 to 50). In this case, the set of tokens is unordered.

At the beginning of the second stage, the child's vocabulary begins to increase rapidly. The child's questions about the names of the objects and phenomena around him indicate that a certain system of words related to one situation is formed in his mind, and groups of them are formed. The name of one word from this group causes the child to name other elements of this group. A.I. Lavrent'eva defines this stage as situational, and groups of words are situational fields.

In the future, the child begins to realize the similarity of certain elements of the situation and combines lexemes into thematic groups. This phenomenon characterizes the third stage in the formation of the lexical system, which is defined as a thematic stage.

A feature of the fourth stage in the development of the lexical system in ontogenesis is the overcoming of these substitutions, as well as the emergence of synonymy. At this stage, the systemic organization of the child's vocabulary approaches in its structure the lexico-semantic system of adults (Belyakova L.I., Garkusha Yu.F., Usanova O.N., Figueredo E.L.).

Thus, the analysis of literature data allows us to conclude that the etiology of general speech underdevelopment is diverse, in this regard, the prevalence of OHP among children in the modern world is wide. ОНР is characterized by disturbances in the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

With OHP, there are significant deviations of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the vocabulary from the norm. Therefore, it seems very important to study the features of the lexical side of speech. The research results will make it possible to make changes and additions to the correctional work. In addition, the research data will determine the selection of didactic and speech material. As a result of purposeful corrective work, the efficiency of correcting the lexical structure of speech, and hence the OHR as a whole, will increase. Also, this study will enrich the vocabulary and improve its quality in children with OHP.

Anna A. Menshchikova
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 103 "Zhuravushka"
Locality: Kurgan city
Material name: methodological and practical material
Theme:"Development of an active and passive vocabulary at an early age"
Date of publication: 08.04.2018
Chapter: preschool education


Didactic game as a means of activating the vocabulary in younger children

preschool age. “Play is essential in a child's life, has

the same meaning as for an adult activity, work, service. What

a child in the game, so in many ways he will be in work. Therefore, education

the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game ... ". Makarenko A.S.

1. The role of play in a child's life.

Today, more than ever, the responsibility of society for education is recognized

the younger generation. Transformations in early childhood education

aim to use all opportunities, resources to improve

learning efficiency. To such important, essential teaching aids

the game applies. Play refers to an indirect method of influence: the child does not

feels like an object of influence of an adult, is a full-fledged

the subject of activity.

Play is a means where education turns into self-education.

Play is the activity of a child, in which he is formed and enriched

inner world.

The game prepares children for adulthood, everyone, to continue their

business, forming, developing in them the abilities and qualities necessary for that

activities to be performed by them. In any game,

the path from feeling to organized action, and from action to feeling. In a word, in

the game, as in focus, are collected, manifested and through it develop and

all aspects of mental life are formed. The question of nature and essence

games excited and continues to attract the attention of many researchers,

such as Halperin P.Ya., Danilova V.L., Zaporozhets A.V., Elkonin D.B.

Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “the game is a huge

a bright window through which life-giving is poured into the child's spiritual world

stream of ideas, concepts about the world around. The game is a spark

kindling a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity ”. The impact of the game in many ways

depends on the professional skill of the teacher, on his knowledge of psychology

child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, from the correct

methodological guidance of the relationship of children, from a clear organization and

carrying out all kinds of games. The game has a very big impact on

development of speech. The game situation requires each child included in it

a certain level of development of speech communication. The need to explain

with peers stimulates the development of coherent speech.

2. Translation of words from the passive dictionary into the active dictionary.

This is a special pedagogical task. Mastering the native language, development

speech is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool

childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as a common

the basis for raising children. Research by domestic psychologists and

psycholinguists have proved that mastery of speech does not just add something to

development of the child, but rebuilds his entire psyche, all activities.

The correct formation of the vocabulary of preschoolers serves as a means

full communication and personal development. Vocabulary as the most important part

the language system has a huge general educational and practical

meaning. The richness of the formed vocabulary of preschoolers is a sign

high development of speech.

L.S. Vygotsky noted: "... Not only the intellectual development of the child, but

and the formation of his character, emotions in the individual as a whole, is in

direct dependence on speech ".

From a physiological point of view, the word is a universal remedy

alarm system that can replace all possible for a person

irritants. Assimilation of a word is the formation of a temporary nervous connection

between it the image of the object of the real world. These bonds are formed in the cortex

the brain according to the laws discovered by I.P. Pavlov. With a psychological

From the point of view, meaning is a generalization that expresses a concept. Meaning of the word

there is "the unity of generalization and communication, communication and thinking." Exactly at

meaning of the word "the knot of that unity is tied, which we call speech

thinking. Looking at the word determines the role of vocabulary work with children. She

is closely related to the development of cognitive activity, with the accumulation

ideas about the world around, with the formation of conceptual elements


Dictionary - vocabulary, vocabulary of the language, vocabulary of an individual


Linguistic dictionaries according to their purposes and methods of lexicographic

descriptions are divided into several types: explanatory, foreign dictionaries

words, spelling, spelling, syntactic, etc. A special place

are occupied by explanatory dictionaries, the task of which is to explain (interpretation)

meanings of words and their use in speech.

An active vocabulary is words that the speaker not only understands, but also

uses (more or less often). Active vocabulary largely determines

wealth and culture of speech.

Passive vocabulary - words that the speaker of the given language understands, but

does not use it himself.

The passive vocabulary is much more active, this includes words, oh

the meaning of which a person guesses from the context, which pop up in

consciousness only when they are heard. Translation of words from the passive dictionary into

active vocabulary is a special pedagogical task.

Introduction to the speech of children of words that they themselves learn with difficulty, use

in a distorted form, requires pedagogical efforts. Psychology data,

linguistics, physiology help determine the range of words that make children difficult

at different age levels. The educator must enter these words into

the lexicon of children in a planned, systematic way.

Thus, vocabulary work in kindergarten is aimed at creating

lexical basis of speech and occupies an important place in the general system of work on

the development of the speech of children. Enrichment of vocabulary occurs in the process

familiarization with the outside world, in all activities, everyday

life, communication. Working on the word clarifies the child's idea, deepens

his feelings, organizes social experience. All this is of particular importance in

preschool age, since this is where the foundations for development are laid

thinking and speech, social contacts are formed,

personality. The active use of the child's speech is prompted by the need for

joint activities with an adult.

There are three periods in the formation of the communicative function of the word.

In the first, the object is the main component of the situation.

In the second, the adult becomes the main component of the situation.

The child looks from the subject to the adult and stops at

the last one. Children seek to draw the attention of an adult to their attempts.

get the item.

In the third, the center of the situation is transferred to the word.

The child looks at the adult, looks closely at the articulations. Appear

the first attempts at the pronunciation image. And the baby says what is required

word - the name of the subject. At 3 - 3.5 years, the word unites several groups

similar items: furniture, toys, clothing. 4 - 5 years old child

uses words that summarize previous generalizations, such as

the word "plant" includes groups such as berries, trees, fruits and

other. This generalization is based on the most striking features that

the child has learned in his own practical activity. For everyone

the word of a preschooler is an idea of ​​a specific subject or

situations. Preschoolers learn much more successfully in the process

direct educational activities

vocabulary development by means of didactic games. They

consolidate and clarify the vocabulary, changes and formations of words, exercise in

drawing up statements, develop explanatory speech. In these games

the child finds himself in a situation where he is forced to use

acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions They

are manifested in the words and actions of the players. Third year of life - period

the greatest increase in active vocabulary. By the age of 4, the number

words reaches 1900, at 5 years up to 2000-2500, and at 6-7 years up to 3500-4000 words.

Individual differences in vocabulary are also observed in these age groups.

According to D. B. Elkonin, the differences in the vocabulary are "greater than in any

or another area of ​​mental development. "

The level of vocabulary development is determined by quantitative and qualitative

indicators. It is important not only the ability of children to use large

the number of words, but also master the skills of word formation. Formation

lexical means depends on many factors: special conditions, in

which the child is brought up, his speech environment, active speech

practice, as well as characteristics of age and mental development.

Analyzing the development of the meaning of the word, S.L. Vygotsky wrote: "Speech and

the meaning of words evolved naturally, and the history of how

psychologically developed the meaning of the word, helps to illuminate to a known

degree, how the development of signs occurs, as in a child's natural

the first sign appears, as on the basis of a conditioned reflex

there is a mastery of the designation mechanism. "

the child must master such a vocabulary that would allow him

communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school,

understand literature, television and radio broadcasts, etc. Therefore

preschool pedagogy considers the development of vocabulary in children as one of the

important tasks of speech development.

Today it is customary to distinguish four main tasks:

First, the enrichment of the vocabulary with new words, the assimilation of children earlier

unknown words, as well as new meanings of a number of words already present in their

lexicon. The enrichment of the vocabulary is primarily due to

common vocabulary (the name of objects, signs and qualities,

actions, processes, etc.).

Secondly, the consolidation and refinement of the vocabulary. This task is due to the fact

that in children the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the object. They often

do not know the exact names of items. Therefore, this includes a deepening

understanding already known words, filling them with specific

further mastery of the generalization, which is expressed in them, the development

the ability to use common words.

Third, the activation of the dictionary. Words learned by children are divided into two

certain representations, but does not use) and the active dictionary

(words that the child not only understands, but actively, consciously when

uses it in speech whenever appropriate). When working with children, it is important

so that the new word is included in the active dictionary. It only happens if

if it is fixed and reproduced by them in speech. Child

should not only hear the teacher's speech, but also reproduce it a lot

times, since during perception, mainly only the auditory

analyzer, and in speaking - also musculoskeletal and kinetic

analyzers. The new word must enter the dictionary in combination with others

words so that children get used to using them in the right cases.

Fourthly, the elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children (dialect,

colloquial, slang). This is especially necessary when children are in

conditions of an unfavorable language environment. In the third year of life, a dictionary

children are replenished in the process of mastering a wider range of subjects

household items, with which they themselves and adults act.

Preschoolers master the names of objects in a more distant environment,

that are seen on the streets, in parks and other places (names of transport

funds, buildings, plants, animals, etc.). Deepening knowledge about

subjects is reflected in the dictionary in the form of words denoting

names of parts and details of objects with which the child operates (pen,

spout, teapot lid; sleeves, pocket, buttons on the dress, etc.). Forms

objects (ball, cube, brick). Fruit and vegetable taste (sweet, sour,

tasty). Words denoting quantities are entered into the active dictionary, and

colors, as well as designations of the physical qualities of objects (warm, smooth

etc.) and their properties. In the fourth year, children must accurately name all things.

household items, furnishings, various vehicles, etc., i.e. then, with

than they face on a daily basis. Establishing connections between objects,

actions and words denoting them, at this age are no longer

represents labor. 3. Methods and techniques for the formation of the vocabulary of children

preschool age In modern methods, vocabulary work

viewed as purposeful pedagogical activity,

providing effective mastering of the vocabulary of the native language.

The study of the features of the acquisition of vocabulary by children is devoted to research

M.M. Alekseeva, V.V. Gerbova, E.M. Strunina, V.I. Yashina. Alekseeva

M.M., Yashina V.I.

There are two groups of methods:

Methods of accumulating the content of children's speech and methods aimed at

consolidation and activation of the dictionary, the development of its semantic side.

a) direct acquaintance with others and enrichment of the vocabulary:

examination and examination of objects, observation, inspection of the premises

kindergarten, targeted walks and excursions;

b) indirect acquaintance with others and enrichment of the vocabulary:

viewing pictures with unfamiliar content, reading

works of art, screening of films and videos, viewing

TV shows.

The second group of methods is used to fix and activate the dictionary:

looking at toys, looking at pictures with a familiar

represent views on the play of E.I. Tikheeva, she views the game as

one of the forms of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten and together

with how one of the most important means of educational influence on

Didactic games are a widely used vocabulary technique

work. Play is one of the means of mental education. In it

the child reflects the surrounding reality, reveals his knowledge,

shares them with his comrades. A particularly important place in the mental

education is occupied by didactic games, mandatory elements

which are cognitive content and mental task.

The didactic game is a multifaceted, complex,

pedagogical phenomenon: it is also a play method of teaching children

preschool age, and a form of education, and independent play

activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

It is in the didactic game that the child gets the opportunity

improve, enrich, consolidate, activate the dictionary. A.V.

Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, writes that it is necessary

to ensure that the didactic game was not only a form of assimilation

individual knowledge and skills, but would also contribute to the overall development

child, served to form his abilities.

Methodological techniques are divided into three main groups:

Verbal, visual and play. Verbal techniques are widely used.

These include speech pattern, re-speaking, explanation,

directions, question.

1. Speech pattern - correct, pre-thought out speech

activities of a teacher designed to be imitated by children. Sample

must be accessible both in content and form. It is pronounced clearly

loud and leisurely.

2. Re-speaking - intentional repeated repetition

the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of its


3. Explanation - disclosure of the essence of certain phenomena or methods

actions. It is widely used to reveal the meanings of words, for

explanations of the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process

observations and examinations of objects.

4. Directions - Explaining to children the way to achieve

a certain result.

5. Question - a verbal appeal that requires an answer. Questions are separated

into main and auxiliary. The main ones can be ascertaining -

"Who? What? What? What? Where? Where?" and search engines requiring

establishing connections and relationships between phenomena - "Why? Why? How

similar? "auxiliary questions are suggestive and

auxiliary. Questions are used in all methods of speech

development. Visual techniques - showing illustrative material, paintings,

objects, showing a sample, methods of action. Game tricks can be

verbal and visual. They arouse the child's interest in

activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive

emotional background of the learning process and thereby increase speech

activity of children and the effectiveness of classes. Thus, in the dictionary

work uses a combination of different methods and techniques, depending on

on the degree of mastery of the word by children. The most efficient vocabulary method

work with young children - didactic games.

4. The structure of didactic games in the formation of the vocabulary of children

younger preschool age.

Didactic play differs from other types of games and exercises

a certain structure. According to I.M. Kononov and K.D. Sergeeva,

the game used for teaching must first of all contain

educational, didactic task. While playing, children solve this problem in

entertaining form, which is achieved by certain game

actions. An obligatory component of a didactic game is its

regulations. A special kind of play activity is didactic play.

It is created for adults specifically for teaching purposes, when teaching

proceeds on the basis of a game and didactic task. In a didactic game

the child not only receives new knowledge, but also generalizes and consolidates

their. Preschoolers develop cognitive processes and abilities,

they assimilate socially developed means and methods of mental

activities. The structure of the didactic game is formed by the basic and

additional components.

The first should include the didactic and game task, game

actions, rules, result and didactic material. The second - the plot

and role. Game and didactic tasks are realized in game actions.

Didactic task. To choose a didactic game, you need to know

the level of preparedness of the pupils, since in the game they must

operate with existing knowledge, ideas and skills.

Defining a didactic task, I mean what kind of knowledge,

ideas of children should be assimilated, consolidated, what mental

operations in this regard should develop, what are the personality traits of children

can be formed by means of play (honesty, modesty,

persistence in achieving the set goal, activity), which parties

to develop speech. Each didactic game has its own educational task that

distinguishes one game from another. The game task is sometimes inherent in the very

the name of the game: "Find out what is in a wonderful bag", "Who is in which house

lives ", etc. Interest in it, the desire to fulfill it is activated

game actions. The more varied and meaningful they are, the more

the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and

game tasks. Game rules. The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize

actions of children. Rules can prohibit, permit, prescribe anything

children in the game, make the game entertaining, exciting and interesting.

Using a didactic game in the pedagogical process, through its rules

and actions in children form correctness, benevolence,

excerpt. The rules of the game are determined by the learning objective and the content

games and, in turn, determine the nature and method of game actions,

organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and

educator. With the help of rules, he forms in children the ability

navigate changing circumstances, the ability to restrain

immediate desires, to show emotional-volitional effort. V

as a result of this, the ability to control one's actions develops,

correlate them with the actions of other players. The rules of the game have

teaching, organizing and disciplining nature. Educational

rules help to reveal to children what and how to do: they

correlate with game actions, enhance their role, clarify the way

execution; the organizers determine the order, sequence and

the relationship of children in the game; disciplining ones warn that

what and why not to do. Caregiver should use carefully

rules, do not overload the game with them, apply only the necessary ones.

The introduction of many rules, their observance by children under duress leads

to negative results. Didactic game differs from gaming

exercises in that the implementation of the game rules in it is directed,

controlled by game actions. The development of game actions depends

from the invention of the teacher. Game actions can be the most

varied: hide, search, cover pictures with a chip, select

pictures, answer questions, choose a driver, reward the winner.

Play actions of children need to be taught. Only under this condition the game

acquires a teaching character and becomes meaningful. Education

game actions are carried out through a trial move in the game, showing the very

actions. In the games of younger children, the play actions are the same for everyone.

participants. When children are divided into groups or when there are roles

game actions are different. The scope of game actions is also different. In the younger

groups - this is most often one or two repetitive actions, in older ones already

five six. The means of solving a didactic problem is

didactic material. The result of the didactic game is the solution

game and didactic tasks. The solution to both problems is an indicator

the effectiveness of the game. Didactic game acts simultaneously as a kind

play activities and the form of organizing the interaction of an adult with

child. This is its originality, game result. Rules of the game,

established by the educator, are gradually assimilated by children.

Focusing on them, they assess the correctness of their actions and

actions of comrades, relationships in the game. The result of the didactic game

Indicator of the level of achievement of children in the assimilation of program material, in

development of mental activity, relationships, and not just a win,

obtained by any means. Game tasks, actions, rules, result

games are interconnected, and the absence of at least one of these components

violates its integrity, reduces the educational impact. Some

didactic games have a plot, require role-playing. So, in the game

A "toy store" has a seller and buyers. From didactic games with

the plot should be highlighted / staging games - showing with the help of toys

small scenes in which the children are given a didactic task

(guess which tale the episode is shown from, and continue the tale, notice

changes that have occurred on the stage). Many didactic games are not

have a plot and are only in solving a certain problem. But also in

in these games, the content is drawn from the children's ideas about the environment and

associated with the tasks of speech development. Sometimes also in plotless games

an image is introduced, for example, riddles, Parsley or another

fairytale character.

When the play task is not set before the children by the teacher, but for example:

doll, the mental and vocabulary activity of babies increases. For example,

Andryusha may come to visit the children - a doll with an attractive face,

a living boy. His appearance always evokes joy, expectation of something.

new, interesting. Andryusha holds games, maybe earlier

known to children, for example, "What has changed?", but these games acquire

new meaning, surprise, make the imagination work. V

in a playful and entertaining form, activation and enrichment occurs

preschooler's dictionary. Dictionary of a preschooler in the fourth year of life

still replenished with the names of objects with which children

collide and act in everyday life. Children find it difficult or make mistakes

when naming many household items (dishes, furniture, clothes,

toys, vehicles, etc.). These errors are caused by imprecision,

undifferentiated perception and ideas of the child. That's why

at this age stage are essential

familiarization of children with the peculiarities of objects and vocabulary work in

the process of deepening knowledge about subjects. To implement a vocabulary task

the teacher uses a didactic game, as in directly

educational activities, and in the independent activities of children.

Examining the subject with the children, the teacher helps to define and name it

size, color.

5. Types of didactic games.

Carrying out work on the formation and activation of the dictionary, teachers

DOE effectively use didactic games: "Wonderful bag",

"Who will see and name more?", "Paints", "What has changed" and others. For

didactic games of different types are used for vocabulary formation:

games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc.), board

print games and word games. It should be noted that all these games can be

use successfully to activate the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games with

subjects are most accessible to children, since they are based on

direct perception, correspond to the child's aspiration

to act with things and thus become acquainted with them, in addition,

the child willingly names the objects he sees. Large group of games and

exercises with didactic toys and materials (nesting dolls,

turrets, fungi, geometric shapes, etc.) is characterized by

the fact that the teaching and play principle is inherent in the toys themselves and

materials, in their special design. Games of this type have their own

didactic tasks (to distinguish between size, shape, etc.) and the goal of the game for

child (collect a whole toy, complete a task), various

actions (collect, fold, string) and certain rules

(for example, string rings in ascending order, lay out in

form). Games with didactic toys and materials are intended

more for small children. They do not require mandatory interaction

with another child, suggest recurrence characteristic of toddlers

action. Their value lies not only in the fact that children specifically learn

highlighted, deliberately emphasized in a toy, material properties - color,

shape, size, etc. Thanks to the inherent in educational toys and

materials on the principle of self-control, they allow you to organize more or

shorter independent activities of young children,

develop the ability to occupy oneself, play alongside others, without interfering with them, and

it means helping to organize the life of the group. In junior preschool

age, many games with toys are accompanied by movements that

corresponds to the peculiarities of the child's perception and thinking. Tabletop

printed games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle

clarity, but in these games children are given not the object itself, but its image.

pictures introduce children to individual objects (dishes, furniture), with

animals, birds, vegetables, fruits, their qualities and properties.

Others clarify ideas about seasonal natural phenomena (loto

"The Seasons"), about various professions (the game "What Who Needs?").

The object games use toys and real objects. Playing with

them, children learn to compare and name, establish similarities and differences

items. The value of these games is that with their help children get to know

properties of objects and their signs: color, size, shape,

quality. The games solve problems of comparison, classification,

establishing a sequence in solving problems. Didactic games -

an irreplaceable tool in the formation of the vocabulary of children of primary preschool

age. In didactic games, learning is playful in nature. Relying on

to the involuntary attention of children, adults should activate them

cognitive activity, arouse interest in surrounding objects,

improve their experience, develop skills and abilities. Didactic

games, along with active, musical ones are created by adults as games with

rules and offered to children ready-made. Only after the children

master their content, rules, they start to play them

on one's own. Didactic games include educational

games with rules, games and exercises with didactic toys and

materials, word games-lessons. Games with rules are great

organizing value for the child and the children's collective. The rules in these

games offer children certain norms

actions (mental and physical) determine what to do,

say and what is not allowed, how to act for everyone and everyone who plays. Important,

what exactly in independent didactic games children get used to

obey the requirements and rules without direct participation and prompts

an adult. Didactic game with rules - the main and most

a characteristic type of play activity of children - has a certain

structure that includes didactic (development of sensory processes,

speech, etc.), a game problem (guess, win a competition, etc.) and

game actions (hide and find, portray someone, etc.), rules

games (take turns, do not repeat what was said, start on signal

etc.). Game task and game actions add entertaining

start, allow the child to learn, play, unintentionally receive

knowledge in an interesting activity for him. These games include

first of all, many board games, verbal and verbal-mobile.

An even more important place is occupied by verbal didactic games (games

riddles for identifying characteristic features of objects, comparison,

generalization, etc.), board-printed games for the classification of objects,

games-competitions in speed and accuracy of orientation. It is valuable that these

games bring together not only direct participants, but also

"Fans" who closely observe the game and express

active attitude to the successes or failures of their comrades. As

children mastering new knowledge about the subject environment tasks in games

get more complicated: the guys practice defining the subject for some

one quality, unite objects on this basis (color, shape,

quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of the abstract,

logical thinking, enrichment of the child's vocabulary. Younger children

groups give items that differ sharply from each other in properties, so

how little ones can not yet find the subtle differences between

objects. Comparing objects, children name the same parts,

signs and distinctive features. Preschooler vocabulary on the fourth

year of life is still replenished with the names of objects with which

children collide and act in everyday life. Children find it difficult or tolerant

mistakes when naming many household items (dishes, furniture, clothes,

toys, vehicles, etc.) Therefore, it is essential to

at this age stage acquaint children with the peculiarities

subjects and vocabulary work in the process of deepening knowledge about subjects.

Preschoolers are introduced to the names of objects, their purpose,

structural features. By examining the subject with the children, the teacher helps

define and name its size, color. Didactic games should

develop curiosity, the ability to independently solve mental

tasks, to contribute to the creation of persistent gaming teams,

united by common interests, mutual sympathies, comradely

relationships. 6. Interaction of the teacher with children in didactic

games - creating a positive attitude. Didactic games and activities

will give a good result only if the educators clearly understand

what tasks can be solved in the process of their implementation and in what

features of the organization of these classes at the stage of primary preschool

age. Didactic games and activities are very important for the mental

raising young children. During classes, the child develops

important qualities necessary for successful mental development.

Developing concentration and imitation is essential

a condition for the assimilation of information and skills by children. This is one of the important tasks

which must be solved during classes, especially since not all children in

equally master these qualities. Calling imitation of their

actions and words, the teacher teaches children to look closely,

listen attentively, understand and, to the best of their ability, do what is of them

required. Attracting the attention of children, arousing their interest, the educator

lays the first beginning in the development of such an important quality as

curiosity. Getting food for his mind, a little child willingly

participates in classes, waits for them, rejoices in them. In the classroom, a child accustomed

listen to an adult, look at what is shown to him, takes possession of

certain knowledge. He learns a lot about different subjects: about their

purpose, appearance, properties, such as shape, color, size,

weight, quality of the material, learn how to compare them, there will be interest in the analysis

and generalization. His perception and sensations develop and improve.

By showing, telling the children, the teacher reveals the world to them

available for their understanding of the phenomena of nature and labor of elders, introduces

means of transportation. A child cannot understand all these phenomena without

the explanatory word of an adult. Therefore, in the classroom, the task is set -

to teach children to listen and understand the speech addressed to them and themselves

enjoy speech. Children are especially good at learning information about

objects and phenomena around them, when they have the opportunity not

only to contemplate, but also to actively act and participate in the experience

research activities. Children will gradually learn to use

models, diagrams, monograms, build from building material

ladders, slides, houses, types of transport. In the course of any activity,

children are developed: purposefulness, healthy, reasonable activity

and some self-regulation of actions. Didactic games and activities have

a certain value in the moral education of children. They gradually

the ability to act in the environment of peers is developed, which is first given

not easy. First, the child learns to do something near other children,

without disturbing them, without taking their toys and without being distracted. Then he

attracts to joint activities with other children: together

examine toys, pictures, animals, respond together, notice,

to recognize, to act. Interest arises in the actions of another child,

the joy of shared experiences. During classes, it gradually forms

some restraint, orderliness, purposefulness of behavior,

the achievement of the result causes a feeling of joy. Children develop

skills of careful use of a toy, picture and careful

relationship to everything that surrounds him. Attitudes towards

surrounding, feelings, interest in actions and assignments, desire

participate in common activities, achieve a positive result.

during didactic games and classes, tasks should not be forgotten

moral education. Occupation matters for aesthetic

raising young children. Selection and design of didactic

material, toys, pictures should serve the purpose of educating good

taste, love for beauty. The content of some activities is straightforward

aimed at fulfilling the tasks of artistic education: listening

fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems, music, etc. Therefore, it is very important that

the musical and literary material was artistic. At

conducting didactic games and classes, the teacher must remember that

children should not be overworked, it is always necessary to follow the correct posture

the child, for his condition, perception of the proposed material. Highly

it is important to remember that didactic games and activities should create in children

good mood, cause joy: the child is happy with what he has learned

something new, rejoices at his achievement, result, ability to pronounce

words, phrases, sentences, is happy with the first joint with other children

actions and experiences. This joy is the key to successful

development of children at the stage of primary preschool age and has a large

value for further education. Some activation games

dictionary "Let's look for words in the kitchen" What words can you take out of borscht?

Vinaigrette? Kitchen cabinet? Plates? And so on. "I treat you."

Let's remember

delicious words and treat each other. The child calls the word "tasty" and

"Puts" in your palm, then you to him, and so on until everything is

"Eat". You can play sweet, sour, salty, bitter

the words. You can play with the aim of developing the grammatical structure of speech.

Let's make the juice.

“And apples, juice ... (apple); from pears ... (pear); from

plum ... (plum); cherry .. (cherry); from carrots, lemon, orange and

etc. Did you manage? And now the other way around: what is orange juice from? Etc." One

garden). "I noticed".

Let's check which one of us is the most considerate. We will

name the objects we pass by; and we will definitely indicate -

what they are. Here's the mailbox - it's blue. I noticed a cat - it is fluffy.

A child and an adult can name the objects they see one by one.

"Magic glasses".

Imagine that we have magic glasses. When their

you put it on, then everything becomes red (green, blue, etc.). Look

around in magic glasses, what color everything has become, say: red boots,

red ball, red house, red nose, red fence, etc. "Tell

word ".

You start a phrase and the child finishes it. For example:

the crow croaks, and the sparrow ... (chirps). The owl flies, and the hare ... (runs,

jumping). A cow has a calf, and a horse has ... (foal), etc. "Lotto"

children cards with the image of several subject pictures. Have

the teacher's second set of cut pictures. The child must learn on his

the card named by the teacher and close it. "Wonderful

pouch "

The child, closing his eyes, takes an object out of the bag and calls

his. "Guess and name"

Children are invited to guess the word by his

lexical meaning. The winner is the one who names the most correct ones

answers. For example: A place where a medicine is prepared and sold.

(Pharmacy) Premises for parking and car repairs. (Garage) "Explain

Children themselves are invited to explain the semantic meaning of the word.

For example, a Button: This is an object used to attach paper to a board.

"Choose the correct answer"

A joke game in which children are encouraged to

choose the correct answer from several suggested by the teacher.

For example: A shovel is a slender, beautiful tree, a product that can

eat, a tool that you can dig. . "Name the parts" by pictures

or by presentation.

The teacher shows a picture or names a word and

asks to name its parts For example: What does a cat have? (Body, head, paws,

claws, tail, nose, ears, eyes, whiskers, hair). "Guess what it is?"

it is proposed to recognize the subject by the names of its parts. For example: Body,

cab, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck). Deck, cabin, anchor, stern,

nose (ship). "What the artist forgot to draw"

The pictures are drawn

items with missing parts. Children are invited to name what they forgot

draw artist. The chair has no leg. The rooster has no comb.

"Model Agency"

We offer children to "show" their clothes,

tell, from what fabric it is sewn, name details of clothing. Dress from

chintz. It has sleeves, pockets, collar, buttons, bodice and skirt. "Who

Teach children to select as many object names as possible for

the name of the action, or pick up

pictures, the names of which can be used with the given word.

For example: Runs: who? (girl, dog); what? (river, milk). Who meows?

Who is lapping? Blowing what? "Who lives where"

On the topic "Wild and domestic

animals "On the picture material, children are invited to settle animals

to their houses and name their dwelling. Nora - for the fox and the mouse; den - for

bear. "What grows where"

Children are invited to distribute pictures with

depicting plants at their place of growth. cucumber - in the garden; the Rose

In the flowerbed; apple tree - in the garden; cornflower - in the field. "Who has who?" by topic

"Animals" and "Birds" -

using visual material. Children

help mothers find lost cubs. The squirrel has a squirrel,

foxes - a fox, a rook - rooks. Or they help the whole family get together: foxes,

fox, fox. "Find your mom" Children are divided into two groups, put on

animal masks. Everyone walks around the room. On command, the "cubs" must

find your "mom" and pair up. "Who loves what"

On the picture

material, children are invited to "feed" animals and birds. Hare -

carrots, grass, cabbage. "How to name the one who ..."

Teach children to understand and

correctly use the names of professions in independent speech. Who

working on a crane? Who fixes the watch? Who is flying the plane? "Find out

subject by description "

Children by show or pictures

guess what subject the teacher is talking about. Green, striped,

round, tasty, red, juicy. (Watermelon) The Seasons.

To the storyline

in the picture, children select object pictures. What happens in winter?

(snowflake, snowdrift, ice skating rink, snow slide, snowman, sled, feeder)

"Building a house"

Children on a flannelgraph "build" a house from cut pictures,

parts of the house are called: foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors, porch,

balcony. Photo album "on the topic" Family ".

Learn to distinguish between different people

age in the pictures. Summarize different images of people by age

or gender. To be able to recreate with the help of a set of pictures

the sequence of human developmental age.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 103 "Zhuravushka"

Seminar - workshop

for educators

on the topic:

"Development of active and

passive dictionary.

Intensification of imitations

(junior gr.). "

Teacher speech therapist:

A.A. Menshchikova

Methods of accumulating the content of children's speech of children:

The first group includes methods:

Direct acquaintance with others and enrichment of the vocabulary:

examination and examination of objects, observation, examination of the children's room

garden, targeted walks and excursions;

Indirect acquaintance with others and enrichment of the vocabulary:

Viewing paintings with unfamiliar content, reading artistic

works, showing films and videos, watching TV programs.

3. Methods aimed at consolidating and activating the vocabulary of children:

Examining toys,

Viewing pictures with familiar content,

Didactic games and exercises.

4. The main tasks of the development of speech in preschool children are the education of sound

culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, its

connections in the construction of a detailed statement are solved at each

age stage. However, from age to age, there is a gradual complication.

each task, teaching methods change.

5. A feature of vocabulary work is that it is inextricably linked with

enrichment of knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about the objects around them and

phenomena of everyday life, about everyday life, about nature.

Methodological techniques are divided into three main groups:

Verbal, visual and play. Verbal techniques are widely used. To them

include speech pattern, re-pronunciation, explanation, directions, question.

1. Speech pattern - correct, preliminarily thought out speech activity

a teacher designed to be imitated by children. The sample must be available and

2. Repeated utterance - deliberate repeated repetition of one and the same

the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it.

3. Explanation - disclosure of the essence of certain phenomena or modes of action.

It is widely used to reveal the meanings of words, to explain rules and actions

in didactic games, as well as in the process of observing and examining objects.

4. Directions - explaining to children the way of action to achieve a certain


5. Question - a verbal appeal that requires an answer. Questions are divided into

main and auxiliary. The main ones can be ascertaining - "Who? What?

Which? Which? Where? Where? "And search engines requiring the establishment of connections and

relations between phenomena - "Why? Why? How are they similar?" subsidiary

questions are leading and auxiliary. Questions are used in all

methods of speech development.

7. Visual techniques - showing illustrative material, paintings, objects, showing

sample, modes of action.

8. Game techniques can be verbal and visual. They excite the child

interest in activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive

emotional background of the learning process and thereby increase speech activity

children and the effectiveness of classes.

Thus, in vocabulary work, a set of different methods is used and

techniques depending on the degree of mastery of the word by children. Most effective

method of vocabulary work with young children - didactic games.

For example, in the game "Name three objects" you have to remember and name animals,

vehicles, vegetables and fruits, furniture, dishes.

Many didactic games do not have a plot and are only about solving

a specific task. But even in these games, the content is drawn from the ideas of the children.

about the environment and is associated with the tasks of speech development. Sometimes also in plotless games

an image is introduced, for example, riddles, Parsley or other fabulous

the character.

When the play task is not set for the children by the teacher, but for example: a doll,

the mental and vocabulary activity of babies increases. For example, visiting children

may come Andryusha - a doll with the face of an attractive, lively boy. His

the appearance always brings joy, the expectation of something new and interesting. Andryusha

conducts games, maybe previously known to children, for example, "What has changed?", but

these games take on new meaning, surprise, make you work


In a playful entertaining form, the vocabulary is activated and enriched


Examining an object with children, the teacher helps to determine and name its size,

Colour. Carrying out work on the formation and activation of the dictionary, the teachers of the preschool educational institution

didactic games are effectively used: "Wonderful bag", "Who will see and name

more? "," Continue the phrase "(" Tell me a word ")," What has changed "and others.

Games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc.), desktop printed

games and word games - all of these games can be successfully used to activate

dictionary of preschoolers.

In early preschool age, many toys are accompanied by

movements, which corresponds to the characteristics of the child's perception and thinking.

Children of the younger group are given objects that differ sharply from each other in properties,

since babies still cannot find subtle differences between objects.

Comparing objects, children name the same parts, signs and distinctive

peculiarities. For example, a didactic game: "What's superfluous?"

Taking into account the individual characteristics of children, I organize development centers in the group

speech: theatrical corner, the center of games - dramatizations, the center of didactic and

speech games. I use problem situations to motivate children to work,

including fairy-tale characters, surprise moments. Questions of the problematic moment,

to establish connections in natural and social phenomena, schemes - models,

didactic and printed games - all this allows you to expand and activate

vocabulary of children, to achieve its use in active speech.

The enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children 3-4 years old occurs during a walk and

excursions. While observing animals, birds, plants, insects and

people are children. Children get acquainted with the concept of living - inanimate nature.

Vocabulary work with children, involves the development of words denoting species and

generic generalizations. At preschool age, it is advisable to form such

generic concepts such as furniture, dishes, clothing, transport, vegetables, fruits, and especially

the ability to independently find essential signs becomes significant,

generalize and express the result of generalization in speech.


One of the essential indicators of a child's harmonious development is his vocabulary - the volume of words that he uses in the process of communication and learning.

Experts have calculated that at the age of one and a half years, the vocabulary of young children can be no more than 50 words, and by the age of five, kids are already free to operate 2,000-2,500 words. However, not only a quantitative indicator (how many words the child uses) is important, but also a qualitative one - how much he understands the meanings of the words he uses, whether he uses the necessary word forms correctly.

That is why the development of the vocabulary of preschool children is a very important direction in preschool education and upbringing.

Features of the development of vocabulary of preschoolers

At the initial stage, the child's vocabulary is replenished mainly due to the words that he often hears in the process of everyday communication with relatives.

At the age of one to three years, the baby learns the following categories of words:

  • names of toys, names of family members; words denoting the elements of everyday life that surrounds the child (dishes and bedding, furniture, food);
  • words that demonstrate knowledge of the surrounding nature: the names of weather phenomena and seasons, the names of the most common and easy-to-pronounce plants and animals;

During this period, the ability of children to operate with emotional-evaluative vocabulary (words denoting emotional states, qualitative characteristics of objects) is still extremely low.

At the age of 4-5 years, there is a significant leap not only in the quantitative content of the vocabulary (1500-2000) words, but also in its qualitative content. The child begins to actively use the following thematic groups:

  • words denoting experiences and feelings: cheerful, sad, joyful;
  • to evaluate objects and phenomena according to their qualitative characteristics: high, hot, heavy;
  • try your hand at word formation, using diminutive forms of words: mommy, darling. To form word forms of single-root words, for example, forms denoting cubs of animals: cat - cat - kitten, duck - duck, goose - gosling, etc .;

At the age of 5-6 years, the quantitative vocabulary of a preschooler can already be about 3000-4000 thousand words, while also there is another leap in its qualitative content. The preschooler begins to use the following group of concepts:

  • vocabulary denoting time intervals: hours, days of the week, minutes, months. Words describing the category of space: top - bottom, right - left;
  • simple and complex numbers (one, five, twelve, twenty);
  • words denoting the categories of social science: people of the country, Motherland, labor, national army, state;

Observing the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers, experts have identified the essential points to which you need to pay attention.

Features of replenishing the vocabulary of children with various types of parts of speech

The quickest and most likely children are to start using nouns and verbs, which allows them to easily designate objects and actions that are performed with these objects. But such an important part of speech as the adjective is used reluctantly by preschoolers. Meanwhile, the active use of adjectives allows you to make speech beautiful and rich, makes it possible to compose common sentences and full-fledged speech constructions. Therefore, it is necessary that parents pay more attention to the description of the signs of objects and phenomena, their qualitative characteristics.

Active and passive vocabulary

It often happens that children know a word, but do not use it in their speech. This is due to the fact that they do not quite clearly understand the meanings of these words and the scope of their use. Therefore, it is important to track the presence of "dead" words in the preschooler's vocabulary and "translate" them from a passive vocabulary into an active one.

This requires:

  • Explain the meaning of the "dead" word, pronounce it clearly several times. Thus, you activate not only the auditory mechanism of information perception, but also the musculoskeletal one, that is, the pronunciation of the word will be fixed in the memory of the speech apparatus of the person pronouncing it.
  • Use the word more often in the right situation. It is also advisable to select the lines of literary works in which this word is used and its meaning is easy to understand from the context.

You can use antonymic meanings to interpret the meaning of a new word. Some children find it easier to remember information starting from the opposite, that is, from the opposite meaning of the word.

Developing the vocabulary of a preschooler

Reading with a child

When reading aloud to a preschooler, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • Pronounce the words clearly and clearly, observing the correct placement of stress and articulation.
  • Be sure to explain the meanings of unfamiliar words found in the text, pay attention to their pronunciation, if necessary, repeat the new words the next day, asking the child to explain their meanings.

Reading books will ensure the full development of vocabulary in preschool children, and it is very important that children love to read books.

You will not only provide a high-quality source of replenishment of his vocabulary, but also contribute to the development of literate writing skills.

This will be due to the work of visual memory - often children who read a lot write correctly, without bothering themselves with knowing spelling. They simply "photograph" the correct spelling of the word, and leave its correct version in the visual memory.

Games and activities to expand vocabulary

"Conductor"- while walking, close your eyes, and ask the baby to be your "guide", describing to you as accurately as possible what he sees around him. You can complicate the task by asking your child not to use the same words if possible.

Ball games allow not only to expand the vocabulary of children, but also to develop logical thinking, generalizing knowledge in the field of words of various lexical groups.

"We call the animals"- the leader in turn throws the ball to the children. The child's task is to catch the ball, answer by naming some animal. Those children who could not name the animal when it was their turn came out of the game. The winner will be the player who holds out the longest by naming the most animals.

The same version of the game can be used to consolidate the knowledge of words from other generalizing categories: "transport", "fruits", "vegetables", "plants", etc.

"Where does who live?"- the presenter, throwing the ball to the children, asks questions:

Who lives in the hole? - / mole, mouse, fox, hedgehog /.

Who lives in the river? - / frog, fish, otter /.

Who lives in the sea? - / whale, octopus, dolphin, jellyfish /.

This game will expand not only the vocabulary of children, but also strengthen their knowledge of the world around them.

"Big small"

We train the skill of forming word forms with diminutive meaning. Explain to the child, using an example, how the following words are obtained: chair-chair, fork-fork, key-key, apple-apple. Throwing a ball to the baby, name the word from which he should form a diminutive form. At first, give him enough time to complete this task, do not rush.

There are a lot of tasks that allow you to effectively replenish and develop the vocabulary of preschoolers, choose from them those that will bring pleasure to young students. For example, it is better for mobile children to offer tasks with a ball, phlegmatic and observant - tasks of a descriptive nature, involving the analysis of phenomena, objects and situations.

The timely development of the vocabulary of preschool children will allow them to easily master the skills of correct coherent speech, and will also contribute in the future to the harmonious development of their intellect and logical thinking.

Teacher, specialist of the children's development center
Druzhinina Elena

Speech therapy lessons to replenish the child's vocabulary:

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