Home Potato List of harmful f. Complete list of permitted, prohibited and dangerous food additives Everyone should know. Alphabetical List of Chemical Symbols for Food Additives

List of harmful f. Complete list of permitted, prohibited and dangerous food additives Everyone should know. Alphabetical List of Chemical Symbols for Food Additives

The modern classification of food additives - the numbering system (with the corresponding names of substances) - was created in the 50s of the XX century. It was based on the assignment of a unique number to each group of similar additives in order to unify, as well as simplify the perception and use of substances designed to "improve" the properties of food.

Later, after a number of changes and improvements, this classification was included in the Codex Alimentarius (Food Code adopted by the FAO / WHO International Commission) and became widespread in Europe, as well as in some other countries. The Code is constantly being refined and supplemented, and the application of the classification standards is advisory in nature.

In Europe, the letter “E” is written in front of the additive number, and in Australia and New Zealand, additive numbers are indicated without a prefix. In our table of food additives, "E" is written everywhere, but when searching the page, it is better to enter only the number (so you will definitely find the additive you need).

Food additives banned in Russia E

All food additives that are prohibited by the supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation (Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health of Russia) are highlighted in red in the general list of additives " Prohibited in Russia (EAEU Customs Union)».

As for the mechanism for prohibiting / permitting food additives in Russia (the EAEU Customs Union), everything is quite simple here:
When making decisions on the authorization / prohibition of a particular additive, the Russian authorities are guided not by their own research, but by research published by JECFA (Joint Committee on Food Additives FAO / WHO).

This means that the food toxicology laboratory of the well-known Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences does not participate directly in the procedure for assessing the hazard / safety of food additives.

Important! In Russia, far from all food additives harmful to health are banned. Therefore, do not lose your vigilance.

"Masking" food additives harmful to health

A few years ago, most manufacturers did not hesitate to indicate food additive codes in the composition of E products. However, now on packages, cans and bottles, more and more often "E-shki" are not clear to everyone, but some overseas words that are difficult to read, let alone remember at your leisure and see how harmful / safe it is.

Therefore, when shopping, it is highly advisable to have either a phone, or a phone with a camera, or at least a pencil and a piece of paper. And even better - a smartphone with Internet access, because then you can check the safety of any food supplement on our website right in the store, "without leaving the checkout", so to speak ...

How Dangerous Are Food Additives?

It is believed that in our time, the methods and technologies for researching food additives make it possible to cut off the most harmful and dangerous of them. However, it is not.

If you closely monitor the change in the list of food additives E, it will become obvious that every year more and more “old-timers” who were once considered at least harmless disappear from it. In the media every year something like this sounds:
"Food supplement E nnn has a toxic effect and leads to the formation of malignant tumors".

Moreover, the international committee for almost all food additives sets the permissible daily intake, as well as the maximum content of a substance in a particular product. And in theory, this should protect a person from destructive intoxication. But this often does not happen!

After all, the average inhabitant of our planet eats more than one or two "improved" products during the day. The modern food industry is permeated with food additives literally through and through (the number of permitted food additives in the table is very large). And the detoxification capabilities of our body are simply not enough to remove all the harmful compounds that enter it with food.

What's more, each supplement poses an even greater threat to the least hardy and protected of us - children, the elderly and allergy sufferers. For them, all food additives E are a kind of "Pandora's boxes", from which poisoning, allergies, disorders and malfunctions of internal organs, oncology and even death can come out.

By and large, research into the potential dangers of nutritional supplements is just beginning today.

Therefore, we consider it our duty to give everyone one very simple advice: stay away from any food additives that have been assigned an E code! Well, if you can't completely eliminate them from your diet, then at least try to get to know your potential "enemy" better. And we will try to help you with this ...

In the modern world, there are practically no people left who would eat only completely natural food products. If you do not live far from civilization, somewhere in the forest, tundra, jungle or other exotic places, then the advice is not to tune in to life without food additives (E-additives). Every consumer should know that they can be in almost any product and take this fact into account.

This article will be your constant guide to nutritional supplementation in food (see table below). It will help you quickly find the necessary information and determine the degree of harmfulness of the purchased product.

To correctly answer the question of how to relate to the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to realize and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of their use. Advantages - the product is better preserved, has a seductive appearance. Disadvantages - your body wears out by processing various chemicals, to put it simply - it is harmful to your health. And with certain doses of use - it becomes already dangerous.

Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many have come to terms with the daily use of additives, and many, on the contrary, deliberately refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to get poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or deplete from hunger is for sure. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the food label, and know the measure of their consumption.

It is also impossible to believe blindly that the truth was written on the label. Manufacturers often add additives literally "by eye", which can lead to the manufacture of a product with a dangerously high concentration. And it happens that the manufacturer deliberately exceeds the norm in order to hide the product flaws (staleness, poor quality of raw materials).

Unfortunately, the exact composition can only be found in specialized modern laboratories. The buyer's task is to collect the available information about the product and draw the correct conclusion. The more experience and knowledge in determining the quality of a food product, the more likely you are to buy a good-quality product.

It should be said that not all food additives are chemicals. There are also natural ones, which, however, are much less. On labels, you can also often find a cryptic phrase like "identical to natural". Make no mistake - these supplements are not natural and are also synthesized. Identically natural additives are synthesized in a manner similar to a natural substance. And artificial additives are substances that do not exist in nature, but they can imitate taste, color, smell. They need to be treated with the utmost caution.

Learn to live with nutritional supplements

You shouldn't be fanatical about avoiding all foods with additives, just as you shouldn't be a chip-eater and Coca-Cola eater. To minimize the harmful effects of chemicals on your health, here are some helpful tips:

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. Dietary fiber (fiber), a substance called pectin (soluble fiber that gives firmness), helps the body to cleanse itself of toxic substances.

Do not use chemistry when the body is weakened (illness, weak immunity).

And once again about the measure - do not eat a lot of food with food additives at once. The body can process chemistry in a certain limited amount. If the norm for the use of chemicals is exceeded, human health can be undermined and damaged.

Avoid foods with unusually bright colors - a clear sign of artificial colors. Dyes can also be natural. Unusually for the season, fresh imported vegetables and fruits are also a reason to think about it.

Avoid exposing foodstuffs filled with chemicals to heat or other treatments that can generate hazardous substances. If it is nevertheless necessary to heat (frying, for example), then first study the composition of the product and the possible reaction of their ingredients. Sugar substitute aspartame (E-951), sodium nitrite (E-250) are vivid examples when, when heated, substances are formed that are much more dangerous than the additives themselves.

Information on food additives - a weapon in the hands of the buyer

Each supplement has its own allowable daily intake (ADI), which must be considered when making products. But manufacturers do not indicate the mass of additives on the product packaging and do not indicate the amount of the product at which the permissible dose of the additive would not be exceeded. Therefore, the average consumer will not benefit from the ADI figures.

Good to know: the list of all ingredients of the product (including food additives) indicated on the packaging is compiled in descending order of their quantity. In other words, the product contains most of the ingredient that is listed first, and least of all - the last one.

Below is a table of nutritional supplements, which will be very useful for the consumer and will help him in the right choice of food products. The table is constantly updated - new data is added for each food additive. If there is no information about the hazard level, this does not mean that the additive is safe.

Pay special attention to the additives that are highlighted in the table in red - they are very dangerous and prohibited... If you find such in the composition of food, immediately refuse to purchase. Avoid foods with dangerous additives marked in yellow. The average level of danger should alert the buyer to unsafeness. It is also not worth experimenting with "suspicious" and unauthorized additives. Pay special attention to additives that are highlighted in red - they very dangerous and prohibited... If you find such in the composition of food, immediately refuse to purchase. Avoid foods with dangerous additives marked in yellow. The average level of danger should alert the buyer to unsafeness. You should also not experiment with "suspicious" and unauthorized additives.

Remember that the negative effect of a substance on human health occurs if it is not consumed in moderation. There are no absolutely safe and dangerous food additives. For example, salt and sugar are considered safe additives, but when used excessively, they can significantly harm the human body. The same goes for harmful additives - with a small dose, your body can handle them without consequences. Do not panic when studying the composition of the product - think soberly and choose the best.

Also, keep in mind that some additives are not approved, not because of their danger and harm, but only because the necessary tests have not been carried out.

Please note that on the product label, food additives can be designated in different ways: by coding, full or partial name of the substance, or maybe both. Even the code can be described in different ways - through a space, through a dash, or together. Example: E-101, E101, E 101. You can find the required component in the table, if not by code, then by name.

To quickly find a food additive in the table, use the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + F"... Just dial the number or name. The table is constantly updated with new data.

Table - Food additives in food

CodeCode variations Food additive name Hazard level and health impact Usage
E-100 E100, E 100, E-100 Dye yellow-orange curcumin - curcumin Safe and useful. Must be limited in quantity. Allowed Dairy products, oils
E-101 E101, E 101, E-101 Dye yellow riboflavin (vitamin B2) - riboflavin Low hazard and may be useful. This food supplement can. Allowed Baby food, oils, bread
E-101a E101a, E 101a, E-101a Dye yellow sodium salt of riboflavin-5-phosphate - riboflavin-5 "-phosphate sodium Allowed Drinks, baby food, cereals
E-102 E102, E 102, E-102 Dye yellow tartrazine - tartrazine It is very dangerous. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Migraine and visual impairment. Banned in a number of countries Ice cream, sweets, dairy products, drinks
E-103 E103, E 103, E-103 Red alkanet dye, alkane - alkanet Dangerous. Cancer tumors.
E-104 E104, E 104, E-104 Dye yellow-green yellow quinoline - quinoline yellow Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, , drinks, sweets, chewing gum,
E-105 E105, E 105, E-105 Dye yellow yellow strong AB - fast yellow AB Dangerous. Toxic effects. Banned in most countries Confectionery, drinks
E-106 E106, E 106, E-106 Dye yellow riboflavin-5-sodium phosphate - riboflavin-5-sodium phosphate Allergic reactions, negative effects on the kidneys and vision. Banned in most countries Dairy products, sweets
E-107 E107, E 107, E-107 Dye yellow yellow 2 G - yellow 2 G Allergic reactions. Not allowed in most countries
E-110 E110, E 110, E-110 Dye yellow-orange yellow FCF, orange-yellow S - sunset yellow FCF, orange Yellow S (site) It is very dangerous. Allergic reactions, carcinogen, negative impact on children. Banned in a number of countries Sauces, canned food, spices, crackers, sweets, dairy products
E-111 E111, E 111, E-111 Colorant orange orange alpha-naphthol - orange GGN Dangerous. Carcinogenic. Banned in most countries
E-120 E120, E 120, E-120 Dye raspberry cochineal, carminic acid, carmines - cochineal, carminic acid, carmines Medium level of danger. Dairy products, sausages, sauces, sweets, drinks
E-121 E121, E 121, E-121 Dye dark red citrus red 2 - citrus red 2 It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors. Banned in most countries Coloring the peel of oranges
E-122 E122, E 122, E-122 Dye red-brown azorubin, carmoisine - azorubine, carmoisine It is very dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Banned in a number of countries Sweets, drinks
E-123 E123, E 123, E-123 Dye dark red amaranth - amaranth It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions. Banned in most countries Sweets, breakfast cereals
E-124 E124, E 124, E-124 Dye ponceau red 4R (crimson 4R), cochineal red A - ponceau 4R, cochineal Red A Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-125 E125, E 125, E-125 Ponceau red, crimson SX - ponceau SX
E-126 E126, E 126, E-126 Ponceau red dye 6R - ponceau 6R Dangerous. Cancer tumors. Banned in most countries
E-127 E127, E 127, E-127 Erythrosine red dye - erythrosine Dangerous. Allergic reactions
E-128 E128, E 128, E-128 Dye red red 2G - red 2G Allergic reactions, genetic changes, cancers, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-129 E129, E 129, E-129 Dye red red charming AC - allura Red AC Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Banned in a number of countries
E-130 E130, E 130, E-130 Dye indanthrene blue RS - indanthrene blue RS Medium level of danger. Cancer tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Negative impact on children. Banned in most countries
E 131 E 131, E 131, E 131 Dye blue patented V - patent blue v Meat products, drinks
E-132 E132, E 132, E-132 Dye dark blue indigotine, indigo carmine - indigotine, indigo carmine Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-133 E133, E 133, E-133 Dye dark blue brilliant blue FCF - brilliant Blue FCF Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-140 E140, E 140, E-140 Green dye chlorophylls ichlorophyllins - chlorophylis and chlorophyllins: chlorophylls chlorophyllins Low level of danger. Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Creams, ice cream, sauces
E-141 E141, E 141, E-141 Dye green copper complexes of chlorophylls of ichlorophyllins - chlorophyll copper complexes Suspicious. Dairy products
E-142 E142, E 142, E-142 Dye green green S - greens S Medium level of danger. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions. Allowed
E-143 E143, E 143, E-143 Dye green green strong FCF - fast Green FCF Banned in most countries Canned vegetables and fruits, sauces, ice cream, sweets, seasonings, dry snacks
E-150a E150a, E 150a, E-150a Colorant brown sugar color I simple (simple caramel) - plain caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinks, sweets, ice cream
E-150b E150b, E 150b, E-150b Brown sugar colorant II, obtained by "alkali-sulfite" technology - caustic sulphite caramel Drinks, chocolate butter
E-150s E150s, E 150c, E-150c Colorant brown sugar color III, obtained by the "ammonia" technology - ammonia caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, sweets, drinks
E-150d E150d, E 150d, E-150d Brown sugar dye IV obtained by the "ammonia-sulfite" technology - sulphite ammonia caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, sweets, drinks
E-151 E151, E 151, E-151 Dye black black brilliant BN, black PN - brilliant black BN, black PN Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, allergic reactions. Banned in a number of countries Dairy products, ice cream, sweets, canned vegetables and fruits, drinks, seasonings, sauces
E-152 E152, E 152, E-152 Dye black coal (synthetic) - carbon black (hydrocarbon) Medium level of danger. Cancer tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed Cheese, confectionery products
E-153 E153, E 153, E-153 Dye black coal vegetable - vegetable carbon Medium level of danger. May be hazardous to children. Cancer tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This food supplement Drinks, confectionery
E-154 E154, E 154, E-154 Dye brown brown FK - brown FK Dangerous. Intestinal disorders, blood pressure disorders, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Forbidden Smoked meats, canned fish, chips. (More details - in the sections of the site site)
E-155 E155, E 155, E-155 Dye brown chocolate brown HT - brown HT
E-160a E160a, E 160a, E-160a Dye yellow-orange carotene: b-carotene synthetic, extracts of natural carotene, provitamin A - carotenes: beta-carotene (synthetic) natural extracts Drinks, confectionery, dairy products,
E-160b E160b, E 160b, E-160b Dye annatto yellow, bixin, norbixin - annatto, bixin, norbixin Low level of danger. Allergic reactions. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, cheeses, oils, spices, baked goods, smoked fish, chips
E-160s E160s, E 160c, E-160c Dye orange paprika extract, capsantin, capsorubin - paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin Allowed
E-160d E160d, E 160d, E-160d Lycopene red dye - lycopene
E-160e E160e, E 160e, E-160e Dye yellow-orange b-apo-8-carotenaldehyde (C 30) - beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) Allowed
E-160f E160f, E 160f, E-160f Dye yellow-orange ethyl ester of b-apo-8-carotenic acid (C30) - ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) Suspicious. Cheese. Not allowed in most countries
E-161a E161a, E 161a, E-161a Flavoxanthin yellow color - flavoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in most countries
E-161b E161b, E 161b, E-161b Dye yellow lutein - lutein Safe and useful. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-161s E161s, E 161s, E-161s Dye yellow cryptoxanthin - cryptoxanthin Medium level of danger.
E-161d E161d, E 161d, E-161d Rubixanthin yellow dye - rubixanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in a number of countries
E-161e E161e, E 161e, E-161e Violoxanthin yellow colorant - violoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in a number of countries
E-161f E161f, E 161f, E-161f Rhodoxanthin yellow dye - rhodoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in a number of countries
E-161g E161g, E 161g, E-161g Dye orange canthaxanthin - canthaxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-161h E161h, E 161h, E-161h Zeaxanthin orange color - zeaxanthin Banned in a number of countries
E-161i E161i, E 161i, E-161i Citranaxanthin yellow color - citranaxanthin Banned in a number of countries
E-161j E161j, E 161j, E-161j Astaxanthin yellow colorant - astaxanthin Banned in a number of countries
E-162 E162, E 162, E-162 Dye red beetroot red, betanin - beetroot red, betanin Frozen and dried food, sausages, sweets, drinks
E-163 E163, E 163, E-163 Dye red-violet anthocyanins - anthocyanins Safe and useful. Allowed Confectionery, yoghurts, drinks
E-164 E164, E 164, E-164 Orange dye - saffron Low level of danger. Toxic effects (poisoning). Banned in a number of countries Spices, sweets, tea, coffee, pastries
E-165 E165, E 165, E-165 Dye gardenia blue - gardenia blue Not allowed in most countries
E-166 E166, E 166, E-166 Orange dye sandalwood - sandalwood Not allowed in most countries
E-170 E170, E 170, E-170 Dye white calcium carbonates - calcium carbonates Low level of danger. Toxic effects. Allowed
E-171 E171, E 171, E-171 Dye white titanium dioxide - titanium dioxide Suspicious. Negative impact on children. Allowed Quick breakfasts,
E-172 E172, E 172, E-172 Dye black, red, yellow iron oxides and hydroxides - iron oxides and hydroxides (site) Allowed
E-173 E173, E 173, E-173 Colorant metallic aluminum - aluminum Suspicious. Liver disease. Not allowed in most countries
E-174 E174, E 174, E-174 Dye metallic silver - silver Not allowed in most countries
E-175 E175, E 175, E-175 Dye metallic gold - gold Hypoallergenic properties. Not allowed in most countries Confectionery, alcoholic beverages
E-180 E180, E 180, E-180 Ruby red lithol VK dye - lithol rubine BK Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Not allowed in most countries
E-181 E181, E 181, E-181 Dye yellow-white food tannins - tannins, food grade Low level of danger. Irritation of the digestive system. Allowed Gives beverages astringency and astringency
E-182 E182, E 182, E-182 Dye red (acidic) or blue (alkaline) orseil, orsin - orchil Not allowed in most countries
E-200 E200, E 200, E-200 Sorbic acid preservative - sorbic acid Low level of danger. Allergic reactions, destroys vitamin B12 in the body, a negative effect on children. Allowed Cheese, sweets, margarine, butter, preserves, bread in packaging, dried fruits, cream for flour products (For more details, see the website sections)
E-201 E201, E 201, E-201 Preservative sodium sorbate Dangerous. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Cheese, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), margarine, butter, dumplings filling, mayonnaise, baked goods
E-202 E202, E 202, E-202 Potassium sorbate preservative Low level of danger. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Cheese, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), margarine, dumplings filling, mayonnaise, baked goods
E-203 E203, E 203, E-203 Preservative calcium sorbate Negative impact on children. Allowed Cheese, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), butter, dumplings filling, mayonnaise, baked goods
E-209 E209, E 209, E-209 Para-hydroxybenzoic acid preservative heptyl ester - heptyl p-hydroxybenzoate Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries (More details - in the site sections of the site)
E-210 E210, E 210, E-210 Preservative benzoic acid - benzoic acid Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, strong carcinogen, can cause kidney stones, negative impact on children. Allowed Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), fish products, canned fish, soft drinks, canned fruits and vegetables, drinks
E-211 E211, E 211, E-211 Sodium benzoate preservative It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Meat and fish products, preserves, caviar, sauces, margarines, drinks, sweets
E-212 E212, E 212, E-212 Potassium benzoate preservative Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed
E-213 E213, E 213, E-213 Preservative calcium benzoate - calcium benzoate Cancers, allergic reactions, bowel disorders, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), fish products, canned fish, caviar, soft drinks, canned fruits and vegetables, drinks
E-214 E214, E 214, E-214 Para-hydroxybenzoic acid preservative ethyl ester - ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E-215 E215, E 215, E-215 Preservative for para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester sodium salt - sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-216 E216, E 216, E-216 Para-hydroxybenzoic acid preservative propyl ester - propyl p-hydroxybenzoate It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Banned in most countries Sausages, sweets
E-217 E217, E 217, E-217 Sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate preservative sodium propyl ester It is very dangerous. Cancers, allergic reactions, bowel disorders, negative impact on children. Banned in most countries Sausages, sweets (More - in the sections of the site site)
E-218 E218, E 218, E-218 Para-hydroxybenzoic acid preservative methyl ester - methyl p-hydroxybenzoate Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-219 E219, E 219, E-219 Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate preservative sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), canned fish, caviar
E-220 E220, E 220, E-220 Preservative sulfur dioxide - sulfur dioxide (sulfurous acid, gas) Preservation of meat products, fruits and dried fruits (very often used for). Disinfection of containers
E-221 E221, E 221, E-221 Preservative sodium sulfite - sodium sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Disinfection of containers
E-222 E222, E 222, E-222 Preservative sodium hydrogen sulfite - sodium hydrogen sulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Disinfection of containers
E-223 E223, E 223, E-223 Preservative sodium pyrosulfite - sodium metabisulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Drinks, sweets. Disinfection of containers
E-224 E224, E 224, E-224 Potassium metabisulphite preservative Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed ... Disinfection of containers
E-225 E225, E 225, E-225 Potassium sulphite preservative Disinfection of containers
E-226 E226, E 226, E-226 Preservative calcium sulfite - calcium sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-227 E227, E 227, E-227 Preservative calcium hydrogen sulfite - calcium hydrogen sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-228 E228, E 228, E-228 Preservative potassium hydrogen sulfite (potassium bisulfite) - potassium hydrogen sulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritating the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-230 E230, E 230, E-230 Preservative biphenyl, diphenyl - biphenyl, diphenyl
E-231 E231, E 231, E-231 Orthophenyl phenol preservative - orthophenyl phenol Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-232 E232, E 232, E-232 Preservative sodium orthophenyl phenol Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-233 E233, E 233, E-233 Thiabendazole preservative - thiabendazole Dangerous. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries . fruit - prevents the development of mold.
E-234 E234, E 234, E-234 Nisin preservative - nisin Medium level of danger. Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed , canned meat and vegetables, oils and fats, food casing, wine, beer, baked goods
E-235 E235, E 235, E-235 Preservative natamycin (pimaricin) - natamycin (pimaricin) Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products (cheese, condensed milk), canned meat and vegetables, oils and fats, product shell
E-236 E236, E 236, E-236 Formic acid preservative - formic acid Negative impact on children. Banned in a number of countries
E-237 E237, E 237, E-237 Sodium formate preservative Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, canned vegetables
E-238 E238, E 238, E-238 Preservative calcium formate - calcium formate Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, canned vegetables
E-239 E239, E 239, E-239 Preservative hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine) - hexamethylene tetramine Dangerous. Cancer tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed Cheese, canned caviar
E-240 E240, E 240, E-240 Formaldehyde preservative - formaldehyde It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors, toxic effects, allergic reactions, damage to the neurological system, negative effects on children. Banned in most countries Meat, sausages, sweets, drinks
E-241 E241, E 241, E-241 Guaiac gum preservative - gum guaicum Suspicious. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed in most countries
E-242 E242, E 242, E-242 Preservative dimethyl dicarbonate - dimethyl dicarbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-249 E249, E 249, E-249 Potassium nitrite preservative Cancer tumors have a negative effect on the child's body. Allowed Smoked meats
E-250 E250, E 250, E-250 Preservative sodium nitrite - sodium nitrite Medium level of danger. They cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headache, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue. Increases blood pressure. Possibly carcinogenic. Negative impact on children. Allowed
E-251 E251, E 251, E-251 Sodium nitrate preservative They cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headache, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue. Increases blood pressure. Possibly carcinogenic. Negative impact on children. Allowed Smoked products, sausages
E-252 E252, E 252, E-252 Potassium nitrate preservative Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Smoked meats
E-260 E260, E 260, E-260 Acetic acid preservative - acetic acid Low level of danger. Toxic effects. Negative impact on children. Allowed Canned food, baked goods, confectionery, mayonnaise,
E-261 E261, E 261, E-261 Potassium acetate preservative Negative effect on kidney function, negative effect on children. Allowed
E-262 E262, E 262, E-262 Preservative sodium acetate: sodium acetate, sodium hydrocetate (sodium diacetate) - sodium acetatessodium acetatesodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate) Negative impact on children. Allowed
E-263 E263, E 263, E-263 Preservative calcium acetate - calcium acetate Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-264 E264, E 264, E-264 Ammonium acetate preservative - ammonium acetate May cause nausea and gastrointestinal problems. Not licensed for use in Russia. Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-265 E265, E 265, E-265 Preservative dehydroacetic acid - dehydroacetic acid Banned in most countries
E-266 E266, E 266, E-266 Preservative sodium dehydroacetate Banned in most countries
E-270 E270, E 270, E-270 Lactic acid preservative - lactic acid Dangerous. Dangerous for children. Load on the kidneys. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, sauces, bakery, croutons
E-280 E280, E 280, E-280 Propionic acid preservative - propionic acid Cancer tumors. Negative impact on children. Allowed
E-281 E281, E 281, E-281 Sodium propionate preservative Dairy products, sauces, bakery
E-282 E282, E 282, E-282 Preservative calcium propionate - calcium propionate Cancer tumors. They provoke a spasm of the vessels of the brain. May cause migraines. Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Dairy products, sauces, bakery
E-283 E283, E 283, E-283 Potassium propionate preservative Cancer tumors. They provoke a spasm of the vessels of the brain. May cause migraines. Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Dairy products, sauces, bakery
E-284 E284, E 284, E-284 Boric acid preservative - boric acid Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-285 E285, E 285, E-285 Preservative sodium tetraborate (borax) Allowed
E-290 E290, E 290, E-290 Preservative carbon dioxide Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
E-296 E296, E 296, E-296 Preservative malic acid - malic acid Low level of danger. Negative effect on the child's body. Allowed Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, confectionery
E-297 E297, E 297, E-297 Fumaric acid preservative - fumaric acid Low level of danger. Allowed Soft drinks, confectionery, baked goods, curd pudding
E-300 E300, E 300, E-300 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbic acid, vitamin C - ascorbic acid Low hazard and may be useful. Allergic reactions, negative effects on the urinary tract, diarrhea. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Canned meat and fish, confectionery
E-301 E301, E 301, E-301 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium salt of ascorbic acid (sodium ascorbate) - sodium ascorbate Low hazard and may be useful. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Meat and fish products
E-302 E302, E 302, E-302 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium salt of ascorbic acid (calcium ascorbate) - calcium ascorbate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-303 E303, E 303, E-303 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium ascorbate - potassium ascorbate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-304 E304, E 304, E-304 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbyl palmitate - ascorbyl palmitate May contain GMOs. Allowed Oils, dairy products
E-305 E305, E 305, E-305 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbyl stearate - ascorbyl stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-306 E306, E 306, E-306 Antioxidant (antioxidant) concentrate of a mixture of tocopherols - mixed tocopherols concentrate May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-307 E307, E 307, E-307 Antioxidant (antioxidant) a-tocopherol, a type of artificial vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol (website) Safe and useful. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils, dairy products
E-308 E308, E 308, E-308 Antioxidant (antioxidant) g-tocopherol synthetic, a kind of artificial vitamin E - synthetic gamma-tocopherol Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries. This food supplement may contain GMOs Oils, dairy products
E-309 E309, E 309, E-309 Antioxidant (antioxidant) d-tocopherol synthetic, a kind of artificial vitamin E - synthetic delta-tocopherol Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries. This food supplement may contain GMOs Oils, dairy products
E-310 E310, E 310, E-310 Antioxidant (antioxidant) propyl gallate - propyl gallate Adverse effect on the skin, rash. Not allowed in most countries
E-311 E311, E 311, E-311 Antioxidant (antioxidant) octyl gallate - octyl gallate
E-312 E312, E 312, E-312 Antioxidant (antioxidant) dodecyl gallate - dodecyl gallate Allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to the skin, negative effects on the nervous system. Not allowed in most countries
E-313 E313, E 313, E-313 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ethyl gallate - ethyl gallate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed in most countries
E-314 E314, E 314, E-314 Antioxidant (antioxidant) guaiac resin Not allowed in most countries
E-315 E315, E 315, E-315 Antioxidant (antioxidant) erythorbic (iso-ascorbic) acid - erythorbic (isoascorbic) acid Allowed
E-316 E316, E 316, E-316 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium erythorbate Allowed
E-317 E317, E 317, E-317 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium isoascorbate Not allowed in most countries
E-318 E318, E 318, E-318 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium isoascorbate Not allowed in most countries
E-319 E319, E 319, E-319 Antioxidant (antioxidant) tertiary butylhydroquinone Allowed
E-320 E320, E 320, E-320 Antioxidant (antioxidant) butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Meat, confectionery
E-321 E321, E 321, E-321 Antioxidant (antioxidant) butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, allergic reactions. Increases cholesterol content. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, fish products, beer
E-322 E322, E 322, E-322 Antioxidant (antioxidant) lecithins - lecithins Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. May contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, dairy products, baked goods
E-323 E323, E 323, E-323 Antioxidant (antioxidant) anoxomer - anoxomer Not allowed in most countries
E-324 E324, E 324, E-324 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ethoxyquin - ethoxyquin Not allowed in most countries
E-325 E325, E 325, E-325 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium lactate Low level of danger. Harmful to people with lactose intolerance. May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, biscuits, meat products, canned vegetables
E-326 E326, E 326, E-326 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium lactate - potassium lactate Baby food, dairy products (cheese), cookies, confectionery
E-327 E327, E 327, E-327 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium lactate Low level of danger. Harmful to people with lactose intolerance. May contain GMOs. Allowed Confectionery, canned vegetables
E-328 E328, E 328, E-328 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium lactate - ammonium lactate Not allowed in most countries
E-329 E329, E 329, E-329 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium lactate - magnesium lactate Not allowed in most countries
E-330 E330, E 330, E-330 Antioxidant (antioxidant) citric acid - citric acid Low level of danger. Cancer tumors. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Drinks, baked goods, pastries
E-331 E331, E 331, E-331 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium citrates: monosodium citrate, disodium citrate, sodium citrate, trisodium citrate - sodium citrates monosodium citrate disodium citrate trisodium citrate Low level of danger. Increased blood pressure. Allowed Drinks, sweets, dairy products
E-332 E332, E 332, E-332 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium citrates: monopotassium citrate, disubstituted potassium citrate, trisubstituted potassium citrate - potassium citrates monopotassium citrate dipotassium citrate tripotassium citrate Allowed
E-333 E333, E 333, E-333 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium citrates: monosubstituted calcium citrate, dibasic calcium citrate, trisubstituted calcium citrate - calcium citrates monocalcium citrate dicalcium citrate tricalcium citrate Allowed
E-334 E334, E 334, E-334 Antioxidant (antioxidant) tartaric acid ((L +) -) - tartaric acid (L (+) -) Allowed
E-335 E335, E 335, E-335 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium tartrates: sodium tartrate monosodium tartrate, sodium tartrate disodium tartrate - sodium tartrates monosodium tartrate disodium tartrate Allowed
E-336 E336, E 336, E-336 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium tartrates: potassium tartrate monopotassium, potassium tartrate disubstituted - potassium tartrates monopotassium tartrate dipotassium tartrate Allowed
E-337 E337, E 337, E-337 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium potassium tartrate Allowed
E-338 E338, E 338, E-338 Antioxidant (antioxidant) phosphoric acid - phosphoric acid Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-339 E339, E 339, E-339 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium orthophosphate: monosodium orthophosphate, sodium orthophosphate, sodium orthophosphate - sodium ortophosphate disodium ortophosphate trisodium ortophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-340 E340, E 340, E-340 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium orthophosphates: monopotassium orthophosphate, monopotassium orthophosphate, disubstituted potassium orthophosphate, potassium ortophosphates monopotassium ortophosphate dipotassium ortophosphate tripotassium ortophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-341 E341, E 341, E-341 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium orthophosphates: monocalcium orthophosphate monosubstituted, calcium orthophosphate disubstituted, calcium orthophosphate - phosphates monocalcium ortophosphate dicalcium ortophosphate tricalcium ortophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-342 E342, E 342, E-342 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium orthophosphates: mono-ammonium orthophosphate, disubstituted ammonium orthophosphate - ammonium phosphates monoammonium ortophosphate diammonium ortophosphate Allowed
E-343 E343, E 343, E-343 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium orthophosphates: monomagnesium orthophosphate monosubstituted, magnesium orthophosphate disubstituted, magnesium orthophosphate trisubstituted - magnesium ortophosphates: monomagnesium ortophosphate dimagnesium ortophosphate trimagnesium ortophosphate
E-344 E344, E 344, E-344 Antioxidant (antioxidant) lecithin citrate - lecitin citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-345 E345, E 345, E-345 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium citrate - magnesium citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-349 E349, E 349, E-349 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium malate - ammonium malate Not allowed in most countries
E-350 E350, E 350, E-350 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium malates: sodium malate, monosodium malate - sodium malates sodium malate sodium hydrogen malate Not allowed in most countries
E-351 E351, E 351, E-351 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium malate - potassium malate Not allowed in most countries
E-352 E352, E 352, E-352 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium malates: calcium malate, monosubstituted calcium malate - calcium malates calcium malate calcium hydrogen malate Not allowed in most countries
E-353 E353, E 353, E-353 Antioxidant (antioxidant) metatartaric acid - metatartaric acid Allowed
E-354 E354, E 354, E-354 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium tartrate - calcium tartrate Allowed
E-355 E355, E 355, E-355 Antioxidant (antioxidant) adipic acid - adipic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-356 E356, E 356, E-356 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-357 E357, E 357, E-357 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-359 E359, E 359, E-359 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium adipate - ammonium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-363 E363, E 363, E-363 Antioxidant (antioxidant) succinic acid - succinic acid Safe. Allowed Sweets, soups, dry drinks
E-365 E365, E 365, E-365 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium fumarates - sodium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-366 E366, E 366, E-366 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium fumarates - potassium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-367 E367, E 367, E-367 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium fumarates - calcium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-368 E368, E 368, E-368 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium fumarates - ammonium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-370 E370, E 370, E-370 Antioxidant (antioxidant) 1,4-heptonolactone - 1,4-heptonolactone Not allowed in most countries
E-375 E375, E 375, E-375 Antioxidant (antioxidant) nicotinic acid - nicotinic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-380 E380, E 380, E-380 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium citrates (ammonium salts of citric acid) - ammonium citrates (site) Allowed
E-381 E381, E 381, E-381 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium iron citrate - ferric ammonium citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-383 E383, E 383, E-383 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium glycerophosphate - calcium glycerophosphate Banned in most countries
E-384 E384, E 384, E-384 Antioxidant (antioxidant) isopropyl citrate mixture - isopropil citrates Not allowed in most countries
E-385 E385, E 385, E-385 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium disodium ethylene diamine triacetic acid (CaNa2 EDTA) - calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (calcium disodium EDTA) Allowed
E-386 E386, E 386, E-386 Antioxidant (antioxidant) disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate - disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate Allowed
E-387 E387, E 387, E-387 Antioxidant (antioxidant) oxystearin - oxystearin Not allowed in most countries
E-388 E388, E 388, E-388 Antioxidant (antioxidant) thiopropionic acid - thiodipropionic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-389 E389, E 389, E-389 Antioxidant (antioxidant) dilauryl thiodipropionate - dilauryl thiodipropionate Not allowed in most countries
E-390 E390, E 390, E-390 Antioxidant (antioxidant) distearyl thiodipropionate - dustearyl thiodipropionate Not allowed in most countries
E-391 E391, E 391, E-391 Antioxidant (antioxidant) phytic acid - phytic acid Banned in most countries
E-392 E392, E 392, E-392 Antioxidant (antioxidant) rosemary extract - extracts of rosemary Allowed
E-399 E399, E 399, E-399 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium lactobionate - calcium lactobionate Not allowed in most countries
E-400 E400, E 400, E-400 Emulsifier alginic acid - alginic acid Dangerous. Allowed
E-401 E401, E 401, E-401 Emulsifier sodium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-402 E402, E 402, E-402 Emulsifier potassium alginate - potassium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-403 E403, E 403, E-403 Emulsifier ammonium alginate - ammonium alginate Dangerous. Not allowed in most countries
E-404 E404, E 404, E-404 Emulsifier calcium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-405 E405, E 405, E-405 Emulsifier propane-1,2-diol alginate - propan-1,2-diol alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-406 E406, E 406, E-406 Agar stabilizer - agar Safe. Allowed Sweets, canned food, baked goods
E-407 E407, E 407, E-407 Carrageenan and its salts Dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, sweets,
E-407a E407a, E 407a, E-407a Emulsifier processed seaweed - processed eucheuma seaweed Allowed
E-408 E408, E 408, E-408 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier baker's yeast glycan - bakers yeast glycan (website) Not allowed in most countries
E-409 E409, E 409, E-409 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier arabinogalactan - arabinogalactan Not allowed in most countries
E-410 E410, E 410, E-410 Emulsifier locust bean gum - carob bean gum Safe. Allowed Dairy products, ice cream, canned food, bakery products
E-411 E411, E 411, E-411 Oat gum stabilizer - oat gum Allowed
E-412 E412, E 412, E-412 Guar gum stabilizer - guar gum Safe. Allowed Dairy products, ice cream, sweets, drinks, canned food
E-413 E413, E 413, E-413 Emulsifier tragacaite - tragacanth Allowed
E-414 E414, E 414, E-414 Emulsifier gum arabic - acacia gum (gum arabic) Safe. Allowed Dairy products, sweets, ice cream, creams, drinks
E-415 E415, E 415, E-415 Xanthan gum stabilizer - xanthan gum Sweets, sauces, baked goods, dairy products
E-416 E416, E 416, E-416 Emulsifier karaya gum - karaya gum Allowed
E-417 E417, E 417, E-417 Tare stabilizer gum - tara gum Allowed
E-418 E418, E 418, E-418 Emulsifier gellan gum - gellan gum Not allowed in most countries
E-419 E419, E 419, E-419 Emulsifier ghatti gum - gum ghatty Not allowed in most countries
E-420 E420, E 420, E-420 Emulsifier, moisture retainer, sorbitol sweetener, sorbitol syrup - sorbitol sorbitol sorbitol syrup Medium level of danger. Upset stomach, cataracts. Allowed Sugar-free confectionery (dietary), dried fruits, chewing gum
E-421 E421, E 421, E-421 Mannitol sweetener - mannitol Low level of danger. Upset stomach, negative effects on the kidneys. Allowed Sweets, chewing gum
E-422 E422, E 422, E-422 Emulsifier, sweetener glycerin - glycerol Safe. Allowed Confectionery.
E-424 E424, E 424, E-424 Stabilizer, sweetener curdlan - glycerol (emulsifier) Banned in a number of countries
E-425 E425, E 425, E-425 Emulsifier cognac resin, cognac glucomannan - konjac konjac gum konjac glucomannane Dangerous. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, irritation of the mucous membranes, stomach upset. Allowed Sweets, chewing gum, oils and fats, dairy products. It is forbidden to use in the manufacture of confectionery and baby food
E-426 E426, E 426, E-426 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier soybean hemicellulose - soybean hemicellulose Allowed
E-427 E427, E 427, E-427 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier cassia gum - cassia gum Allowed
E-429 E429, E 429, E-429 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier peptones - peptones Not allowed in most countries
E-430 E430, E 430, E-430 Stabilizer polyoxyethylene (8) stearate - polyoxyethylene (8) stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-431 E431, E 431, E-431 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene (40) stearate - polyoxyethylene (40) stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-432 E432, E 432, E-432 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20, tween 20) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) Not allowed in most countries
E-433 E433, E 433, E-433 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80, tween 80) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80) Not allowed in most countries
E-434 E434, E 434, E-434 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40, tween 40) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40) Not allowed in most countries
E-435 E435, E 435, E-435 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60, tween 60) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60) Not allowed in most countries
E-436 E436, E 436, E-436 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) Not allowed in most countries
E-440 E440, E 440, E-440 Pectin emulsifier: pectin, amidopectin - pectins pectin amidated pectin Safe. Allowed Fruit jelly, jelly and other sweets, dairy products, mayonnaise
E-441 E441, E 441, E-441 Thickener gelatin - gelatine Banned in most countries
E-442 E442, E 442, E-442 Emulsifier of phosphatide ammonium salts - ammonium phosphatides Not allowed in most countries
E-443 E443, E 443, E-443 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier brominated vegetable oil Not allowed in most countries
E-444 E444, E 444, E-444 Emulsifier sucrose acetate isobutyrate Not allowed in most countries
E-445 E445, E 445, E-445 Emulsifier esters of glycerin and resin acids - glycerol esters of wood rosins Allowed
E-446 E446, E 446, E-446 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier succistearin - succistearin Banned in most countries
E-450 E450, E 450, E-450 Emulsifier pyrophosphates: disubstituted sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, disubstituted potassium pyrophosphate, tetrapotassium diphosphate, dicalcium pyrophosphate, calcium diphosphate diphosphate diphosphate Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed Dairy products, processed cheeses, canned meat
E-451 E451, E 451, E-451 Emulsifier triphosphates: sodium triphosphate 5-substituted, potassium triphosphate 5-substituted - triphosphates pentasodium triphosphate pentapotassium triphosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-452 E452, E 452, E-452 Emulsifier polyphosphates: sodium polyphosphate, potassium polyphosphate, sodium-calcium polyphosphate, calcium polyphosphate - polyphosphates sodium polyphosphates potassium polyphosphates sodium calcium polyphosphate calcium polyphophates Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-459 E459, E 459, E-459 Emulsifier b-cyclodextrin - beta-cyclodextrine (website)
E-460 E460, E 460, E-460 Emulsifier cellulose: microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose in powder - cellulose microcrystalline cellulose powdered cellulose Low level of danger. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, bread, sauces, ice cream
E-461 E461, E 461, E-461 Emulsifier methyl cellulose - methyl cellulose Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-462 E462, E 462, E-462 Emulsifier ethyl cellulose - ethyl cellulose
E-463 E463, E 463, E-463 Emulsifier hydroxypropyl cellulose - hydroxypropyl cellulose Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-464 E464, E 464, E-464 Emulsifier hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose - hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, canned food, sweets, dairy products
E-465 E465, E 465, E-465 Emulsifier ethyl methyl cellulose - ethyl methyl cellulose Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-466 E466, E 466, E-466 Emulsifier carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose - carboxy methyl cellulose, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise, sweets
E-467 E467, E 467, E-467 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose - ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose May contain GMOs. Banned in most countries
E-468 E468, E 468, E-468 Emulsifier of carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt three-dimensional - crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Suspicious. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-469 E469, E 469, E-469 Emulsifier hydrolysed by enzymes carboxymethylcellulose - enzymically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-470a E470a, E 470a, E-470a Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-470b E470b, E 470b, E-470b Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier magnesium salts of fatty acids Allowed
E-471 E471, E 471, E-471 Emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Safe. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, ice cream, dairy products
E-472a E472a, E 472a, E-472a Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids - acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-472b E472b, E 472b, E-472b Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids - lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-472s E472s, E 472s, E-472s Emulsifier of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids - citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Allowed
E-472d E472d, E 472d, E-472d Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids - tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Allowed
E-472e E472e, E 472e, E-472e Emulsifier esters of glycerol, diacetyl tartaric and fatty acids - diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol Allowed
E-472f E472f, E 472f, E-472f Emulsifier mixed esters of glycerin, tartaric, acetic and fatty acids - mixed tartaric, acetic and fatty acids esters of glycerol Allowed
E-472g E472g, E 472g, E-472g Emulsifier succinylated monoglycerides - succinylated monoglycerides Low level of danger. Allowed Sauces, oils, creams
E-473 E473, E 473, E-473 Emulsifier sucrose esters of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-474 E474, E 474, E-474 Emulsifier sugar glycerides - sucroglycerides Not allowed in most countries
E-475 E475, E 475, E-475 Emulsifier esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids - polyglycerol esters of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-476 E476, E 476, E-476 Emulsifier polyglycerol polyricinoleates - polyglycerol polyricinoleate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-477 E477, E 477, E-477 Emulsifier propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids - propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids Not allowed in most countries
E-478 E478, E 478, E-478 Emulsifier lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propilene glycol Not allowed in most countries
E-479b E479b, E 479b, E-479b Emulsifier thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-480 E480, E 480, E-480 Emulsifier dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate - dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate Not allowed in most countries
E-481 E481, E 481, E-481 Emulsifier sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate - s stearoyl-2-lactylate May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-482 E482, E 482, E-482 Emulsifier calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate - calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate Not allowed in most countries
E-483 E483, E 483, E-483 Emulsifier stearyl tartrate - stearyl tartrate Not allowed in most countries
E-484 E484, E 484, E-484 Emulsifier stearyl citrate - stearyl citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-485 E485, E 485, E-485 Emulsifier sodium stearoyl fumarate - sodium stearoyl fumarate Not allowed in most countries
E-486 E486, E 486, E-486 Emulsifier calcium stearoyl fumarate - calcium stearoyl fumarate Not allowed in most countries
E-487 E487, E 487, E-487 Emulsifier sodium lauryl sulfate - sodium laurylsulfate Not allowed in most countries
E-488 E488, E 488, E-488 Emulsifier ethoxylated mono- and di-glycerides - ethoxylated mono- and di-glycerides Not allowed in most countries
E-489 E489, E 489, E-489 Emulsifier coconut oil ester and methyl glycoside - methyl glucoside - coconut oil ester Not allowed in most countries
E-491 E491, E 491, E-491 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier sorbitan monostearate SPEN 60 - sorbitan monostearate Not allowed in most countries
E-492 E492, E 492, E-492 Emulsifier sorbitan tristearate - sorbitan tristearate Not allowed in most countries
E-493 E493, E 493, E-493 Emulsifier sorbitan monolaurate, SPEN 20 - sorbitan monolaurate Not allowed in some countries
E-494 E494, E 494, E-494 Emulsifier sorbitan monooleate, SPEN 80 - sorbitan monooleate Not allowed in some countries
E-495 E495, E 495, E-495 Emulsifier sorbitan monopalmitate, SPEN 40 - sorbitan monopalmitate Not allowed in most countries
E-496 E496, E 496, E-496 Emulsifier sorbitan trioleat, SPEN 85 - sorbitan trioleat Not allowed in most countries
E-497 E497, E 497, E-497 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene-polymer - polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene polymers Not allowed
E-498 E498, E 498, E-498 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil Not allowed
E-500 E500, E 500, E-500 Acidity regulator, baking powder sodium carbonates: sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium sequicarbonate, soda - sodium carbonates sodium carbonate sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium sesquicarbonate Safe. Allowed Bakery products
E-501 E501, E 501, E-501 Acidity regulator potassium carbonates: potassium carbonate, potassium hydrogen carbonate - potassium carbonates potassium carbonate potassium hydrogen carbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-503 E503, E 503, E-503 Acidity regulator ammonium carbonates: ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate - ammonium carbonates ammonium carbonate ammonium hydrogen carbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-504 E504, E 504, E-504 Acidity regulator, stabilizer magnesium carbonates: magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate - magnesium carbonates magnesium carbonate magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate) Safe. Allowed Chocolate, dairy products
E-505 E505, E 505, E-505 Acidity regulator iron carbonate - ferrous carbonate Not allowed in most countries
E-507 E507, E 507, E-507 Acidity regulator hydrochloric acid - hydrochloric acid Mineral waters
E-508 E508, E 508, E-508 Stabilizer, thickener potassium chloride Safe. Allowed
E-509 E509, E 509, E-509 Calcium chloride hardener Allowed
E-510 E510, E 510, E-510 Improver for flour products ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride - ammonium chloride, ammonia solution (acidity regulator) Yeast, bread, flour, diet food, spices, sweets
E-511 E511, E 511, E-511 Hardener magnesium chloride Allowed
E-512 E512, E 512, E-512 Emulsifier, stabilizer tin chloride - stannous chloride
E-513 E513, E 513, E-513 Acidity regulator sulfuric acid - sulfuric acid It is very dangerous. Bowel disorder, negative effects on the liver. Allowed Yeast, drinks
E-514 E514, E 514, E-514 Acidity regulator sodium sulfates: sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate - sodium sulphates sodium sulphate sodium hydrogen sulphate Allowed
E-515 E515, E 515, E-515 Acidity regulator potassium sulfates: potassium sulfate, potassium hydrogen sulfate - potassium sulphates potassium sulphate potassium hydrogen sulphate Allowed
E-516 E516, E 516, E-516 Acidity regulator calcium sulphate - calcium sulphate Allowed , tomatoes, yeast, dairy products
E-517 E517, E 517, E-517 Improver for flour products ammonium sulfate - ammonium sulphate Allowed Boosts active yeast, increases volume
E-518 E518, E 518, E-518 Hardener ammonium sulfate - magnesium sulphate (epsom salts), (acidity regulator) Allowed Yeast, starter cultures, canned vegetables (More details - in the website sections)
E-519 E519, E 519, E-519 Preservative, color stabilizer copper sulfate - cupric sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-520 E520, E 520, E-520 Aluminum sulfate hardener - aluminum sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-521 E521, E 521, E-521 Hardener aluminum-sodium sulfate (alum sodium alum) - aluminum sodium sulphate Not allowed in most countries Fish and meat products, canned fruits and vegetables. Fruit peel
E-522 E522, E 522, E-522 Acidity regulator aluminum-potassium sulfate (alum-alum-caldium) - aluminum potassium sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-523 E523, E 523, E-523 Acidity regulator aluminum-ammonium sulfate (aluminum-ammonium alum) - aluminum ammonium sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-524 E524, E 524, E-524 Sodium hydroxide acidity regulator Allowed
E-525 E525, E 525, E-525 Acidity regulator potassium hydroxide - potassium hydroxide Allowed
E-526 E526, E 526, E-526 Calcium hydroxide hardener Allowed
E-527 E527, E 527, E-527 Ammonium hydroxide acidity regulator - ammonium hydroxide It is very dangerous. Bowel disorder, negative effects on the liver. Banned in a number of countries
E-528 E528, E 528, E-528 Acidity regulator magnesium hydroxide - magnesium hydroxide Allowed
E-529 E529, E 529, E-529 Bakery improver calcium oxide - calcium oxide Allowed
E-530 E530, E 530, E-530 Anticaking agent magnesium oxide - magnesium oxide Allowed
E-535 E535, E 535, E-535 Anticaking agent sodium ferrocyanide Not allowed in most countries
E-536 E536, E 536, E-536 Anticaking agent potassium ferrocyanide - potassium ferrocyanide Allowed
E-537 E537, E 537, E-537 Anticaking agent iron hexacyanomanganate - ferrous hexacyanomanganate Not allowed in most countries
E-538 E538, E 538, E-538 Anti-caking agent calcium fferrocyanide - calcium ferrocyanide Not allowed in most countries
E-539 E539, E 539, E-539 Stabilizer sodium thiosulphate Allowed Bakery
E-540 E540, E 540, E-540 Emulsifier dicalcium diphosphate - dicalcium diphosphate (acidity regulator) Banned in most countries
E-541 E541, E 541, E-541 Emulsifier sodium aluminum phosphate: acidic basic Not allowed in most countries
E-542 E542, E 542, E-542 Anti-caking agent bone phosphate, its basis is calcium phosphate 3-basic - bone phosphate (essentiale calcium phosphate, tribasic) Not allowed in most countries
E-550 E550, E 550, E-550 Emulsifier sodium silicates: sodium silicate sodium metasilicate Not allowed in most countries
E-551 E551, E 551, E-551 Emulsifier silicon dioxide Allowed Dairy products
E-552 E552, E 552, E-552 Emulsifier calcium silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-553a E553a, E 553a, E-553a Anti-caking agent magnesium silicate, magnesium trisilicate - magnesium silicate magnesium trisilicate Allowed
E-553b E553b, E 553b, E-553b Anti-caking agent talc - talc Allowed
E-554 E554, E 554, E-554 Anti-caking agent sodium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-555 E555, E 555, E-555 Anti-caking agent potassium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-556 E556, E 556, E-556 Anti-caking agent calcium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-557 E557, E 557, E-557 Anti-caking agent zinc silicate - zink silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-558 E558, E 558, E-558 Anti-caking agent bentonite - bentonite Allowed
E-559 E559, E 559, E-559 Anti-caking agent aluminosilicate (kaolin) - aluminum silicate (kaolin) Not allowed in most countries
E-560 E560, E 560, E-560 Anti-caking agent potassium silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-561 E561, E 561, E-561 Acidity regulator vermiculite - vermiculite Not allowed
E-562 E562, E 562, E-562 Acidity regulator sepiolite - sepiolite Not allowed
E-563 E563, E 563, E-563 Acidity regulator sepiolitic clay - sepiolitic clay Not allowed
E-566 E566, E 566, E-566 Acidity regulator natrolite-phonolite - natrolite-phonolite Not allowed
E-570 E570, E 570, E-570 Acidity regulator fatty acids - fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-572 E572, E 572, E-572 Anti-caking agent magnesium stearate - magnesium stearate, calcium stearate (emulsifier) Banned in most countries
E-574 E574, E 574, E-574 Acidity regulator gluconic acid (D-) - gluconic acid (d-) Not allowed in most countries
E-575 E575, E 575, E-575 Acidity regulator glucono-d-lactone - glucono-delta-lactone Allowed Meat and fish products, sweets
E-576 E576, E 576, E-576 Sodium gluconate acidity regulator Not allowed in most countries
E-577 E577, E 577, E-577 Acidity regulator potassium gluconate - potassium gluconate Not allowed in most countries
E-578 E578, E 578, E-578 Hardener calcium gluconate Allowed
E-579 E579, E 579, E-579 Color stabilizer iron gluconate - ferrous gluconate Not allowed in most countries Canned olives (olives)
E-580 E580, E 580, E-580 Acidity regulator magnesium gluconate - magnesium gluconate Not allowed in most countries
E-585 E585, E 585, E-585 Color stabilizer iron lactate - ferrous lactate Allowed
E-586 E586, E 586, E-586 Antioxidant, stabilizer 4-Hexylresorcinol - 4-hexylresorcinol Allowed
E-598 E598, E 598, E-598 Acidity regulator synthetic calcium aluminates
E-599 E599, E 599, E-599 Acidity regulator perlite - perlite
E-620 E620, E 620, E-620 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring glutamic acid - glutamic acid Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-621 E621, E 621, E-621 Enhancer of taste and aroma, monosodium glutamate flavoring agent - monosodium glutamate Allergic reactions. Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-622 E622, E 622, E-622 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring monopotassium glutamate monopotassium glutamate
E-623 E623, E 623, E-623 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring calcium diglutamate - calcium glutamate Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-624 E624, E 624, E-624 Enhancer of taste and aroma, monoammonium glutamate flavoring - monoammonium glutamate (site) Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-625 E625, E 625, E-625 Magnifier of taste and aroma, flavoring magnesium glutamate - magnesium glutamate Negative impact on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-626 E626, E 626, E-626 Flavor and aroma enhancer, guanylic acid flavoring - guanylic acid
E-627 E627, E 627, E-627 Enhancer of taste and aroma, disodium guanylate flavoring agent - disodium guanylate
E-628 E628, E 628, E-628 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring potassium 5'-guanylate disubstituted - dipotassium 5'-guanylate Intestinal disorders. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-629 E629, E 629, E-629 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring 5'-calcium guanylate - calcium 5'-guanylate
E-630 E630, E 630, E-630 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring inosinic acid - inosinic acid Intestinal disorders. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-631 E631, E 631, E-631 Enhancer of taste and aroma, disodium inosinate flavoring - disodium inosinate Intestinal disorders. It has a negative effect on children. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-632 E632, E 632, E-632 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring potassium inosinate disubstituted - dipotassium inosinate Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries. This food supplement may contain GMOs
E-633 E633, E 633, E-633 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring calcium 5'-inosinate - calcium 5'-inosinate Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries. This food supplement may contain GMOs
E-634 E634, E 634, E-634 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring 5'-ribunucleotides calcium - calcium 5 "-ribonucleotides Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries
E-635 E635, E 635, E-635 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring 5-ribunucleotides sodium disubstituted - disodium 5 "-ribonucleotides Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries
E-636 E636, E 636, E-636 Flavor and aroma enhancer, maltol flavoring - maltol Dangerous. Banned in most countries
E-637 E637, E 637, E-637 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring ethyl maltol - ethyl maltol Dangerous. Allowed
E-640 E640, E 640, E-640 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring glycine and its sodium salt - glycine and its sodium salt Not allowed in most countries
E-641 E641, E 641, E-641 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring l-leucine - l-leucine Low hazard and may be useful. Not allowed in most countries
E-642 E642, E 642, E-642 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavoring lysine hydrochloride - lysine hydrochloride Allowed
E-650 E650, E 650, E-650 Enhancer of taste and aroma, flavor zinc acetate - zinc acetate Allowed
E-700 E700, E 700, E-700 Antibiotic bacitracin - bacitracin Allowed
E-701 E701, E 701, E-701 Antibiotic tetracyclines - tetracyclines Allowed
E-702 E702, E 702, E-702 Chlor-tetracycline antibiotic - chlortetracycline
E-703 E703, E 703, E-703 Antibiotic oxytetracycline - oxytetracycline
E-704 E704, E 704, E-704 Antibiotic oleandomycin - oleandomycin Allowed
E-705 E705, E 705, E-705 Antibiotic penicillin G potassium - penicillin-g-potassium Allowed
E-706 E706, E 706, E-706 Antibiotic penicillin G - sodium salt - penicillin-g-sodium Allowed
E-707 E707, E 707, E-707 Antibiotic penicillin G procaine - penicillin-g-procaine Allowed
E-708 E708, E 708, E-708 Penicillin-G-aminobenzoic antibiotic - penicillin-g-benzathyne Allowed
E-710 E710, E 710, E-710 Antibiotic spiramycin - spiramycins Allowed
E-711 E711, E 711, E-711 Antibiotic virginamycin - virginiamicins Allowed
E-712 E712, E 712, E-712 Flavophospholipol antibiotic - flavophospholipol Allowed
E-713 E713, E 713, E-713 The antibiotic tylosin - tylosin Allowed
E-714 E714, E 714, E-714 Antibiotic monensin - monensin Allowed
E-715 E715, E 715, E-715 Avoparcin antibiotic - avoparcin Allowed
E-716 E716, E 716, E-716 Salinomycin antibiotic - salinomycin Allowed
E-717 E717, ​​E 717, E-717 Antibiotic avilamycin - avilamycin Allowed
E-900 E900, E 900, E-900 Antiflaming dimethylpolysiloxane - dimethyl polysiloxane Canned food, drinks, sweets, chewing gum
E-901 E901, E 901, E-901 Glazer beeswax, white and yellow , sweets, chewing gum
E-902 E902, E 902, E-902 Candle wax glazer - candelilla wax Low level of danger. Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-903 E903, E 903, E-903 Carnauba wax glazing agent Safe. Allergic reactions. Allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-904 E904, E 904, E-904 Shellac glazing agent - shellac Allergic reactions. Allowed Confectionery, fruits, coffee, chewing gum
E-905a E905a, E 905a, E-905a Glazer vaseline oil "food grade" - mineral oil, food grade Suspicious. Not allowed
E-905b E905b, E 905b, E-905b Glazer vaseline - petrolatum (petroleum jelly) Suspicious. Not allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-905s E905c, E 905c, E-905c Glazer paraffin - petroleum wax Low level of danger. Allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-906 E906, E 906, E-906 Benzoin resin glazing agent - benzoin gum Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries
E-907 E907, E 907, E-907 Poly-1-decene hydrogenated glazing agent - crystalline wax (website) Adverse effect on the skin, rash. Banned in most countries
E-908 E908, E 908, E-908 Rice bran wax glazer - rice bran wax Not allowed in most countries
E-909 E909, E 909, E-909 Spermaceti wax glazer - spermaceti wax Not allowed in most countries
E-910 E910, E 910, E-910 Glazer wax esters Not allowed in most countries
E-911 E911, E 911, E-911 Methyl esters of fatty acids Not allowed in most countries
E-912 E912, E 912, E-912 Glazer montanic acid esters - montanic acid esters Allowed
E-913 E913, E 913, E-913 Glazer lanolin, animal wax - lanolin Low level of danger. Not allowed in some countries Fruits, eggs
E-914 E914, E 914, E-914 Oxidized polyethylene wax Allowed
E-915 E915, E 915, E-915 Rosin ester glazer - esters of colophony Banned in most countries
E-916 E916, E 916, E-916 Glazing agent calcium iodate - calcium iodate Flour, bread
E-917 E917, E 917, E-917 Glazer potassium iodate - potassium iodate Suspicious. Negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-918 E918, E 918, E-918 Glazer nitrogen oxides - nitrogen oxides Not allowed in most countries
E-919 E919, E 919, E-919 Glazing agent nitrosyl chloride Not allowed in most countries
E-920 E920, E 920, E-920 Flour and bread improver l-cysteine ​​- l-cysteine Allowed
E-921 E921, E 921, E-921 Improver for flour products cystine, L- and its hydrochlorides - sodium and potassium salts - l-cystine Banned in most countries
E-922 E922, E 922, E-922 Improver for flour products potassium persulfate - potassium persulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-923 E923, E 923, E-923 Improver for flour products ammonium persulfate - ammonium persulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-924a E924a, E 924a, E-924a Improver of flour products potassium bromate - potassium bromate It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors. Not allowed
E-924b E924b, E 924b, E-924b Improver for flour products calcium bromate - calcium bromate It is very dangerous. Cancer tumors. Not allowed in most countries Carbonated drinks. Additive for flour and bread.
E-925 E925, E 925, E-925 Chlorine flour improver - chlorine Not allowed in most countries
E-926 E926, E 926, E-926 Improver for flour products chlorine dioxide - chlorine dioxide Not allowed in most countries
E-927a E927a, E 927a, E-927a Bakery improver azodicarbonamide - azodicarbonamide Banned in most countries
E-927b E927b, E 927b, E-927b Texturer carbamide, urea - carbamide Allowed
E-928 E928, E 928, E-928 Benzoyl peroxide flour improver - benzoyl peroxide Banned in most countries
E-929 E929, E 929, E-929 Acetone peroxide flour improver - acetone peroxide Not allowed in most countries
E-930 E930, E 930, E-930 Calcium peroxide improver for flour products - calcium peroxide Allowed
E-938 E938, E 938, E-938 Propellant, packaging gas argon - argon Allowed
E-939 E939, E 939, E-939 Propellant, packaging gas helium - helium Allowed
E-940 E940, E 940, E-940 Propellant, packing gas dichlorodifluoromethane, freon-12 - dichlorodifluoromethane Banned in most countries
E-941 E941, E 941, E-941 Packing gas nitrogen - nitrogen Allowed
E-942 E942, E 942, E-942 Propellant, packing gas diazomonooxide - nitrous oxide Not allowed in most countries
E-943a E943a, E 943a, E-943a Propellant butane - butane Not allowed in most countries
E-943b E943b, E 943b, E-943b Isobutane propellant - isobutane Not allowed in most countries
E-944 E944, E 944, E-944 Propellant propane - propane Not allowed in most countries
E-945 E945, E 945, E-945 Propellant cottonentafluoroethane - chloropentafluoroethane Not allowed in most countries
E-946 E946, E 946, E-946 Propellant octafluorocyclobutane - octafluorocyclobutane Not allowed in most countries
E-948 E948, E 948, E-948 Propellant, packaging gas oxygen - oxygen Allowed
E-949 E949, E 949, E-949 Propellant hydrogen - hydrogen Allowed
E-950 E950, E 950, E-950 Sweetener acesulfame potassium Allowed
E-951 E951, E 951, E-951 Sweetener aspartame - aspartame Dangerous. When heated, a poison is released - methanol, which is harmful to the skin. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Dangerous during heat treatment. Allowed Jelly, drink mixes, desserts
E-952 E952, E 952, E-952 The sweetener cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts - cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts (site) Suspicious. It has a negative effect on children and has carcinogenic properties. Banned in a number of countries Sweets, ice cream, diet foods, sugar free chewing gum
E-953 E953, E 953, E-953 Isomaltitol sweetener - isomaltitol May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-954 E954, E 954, E-954 The sweetener saccharin and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts - saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts Low level of danger. Negative impact on children. It is not recommended to use in conjunction with sugar. May be carcinogenic. Allowed Beverages
E-955 E955, E 955, E-955 Sweetener trichlorogalactosucrose, sucralose - sucralose (trichlorogalactosucrose) Safe. Allowed Drinks, bakery products
E-956 E956, E 956, E-956 Sweetener alitam - alitame Banned in most countries
E-957 E957, E 957, E-957 Flavor enhancer thaumatin - thaumatin Safe. This food supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries Confectionery, ice cream, chewing gum (More - in the site sections of the site)
E-958 E958, E 958, E-958 Taste enhancer glycyrrhizin - glycyrrhizin Not allowed
E-959 E959, E 959, E-959 Flavor enhancer neohesperidine dihydrochalcone - neohesperidine dihydrochalcone Not allowed in some countries
E-960 E960, E 960, E-960 Stevioside sweetener - stevioside Allowed
E-961 E961, E 961, E-961 Sweetener neotame - neotame Not allowed in some countries
E-962 E962, E 962, E-962 Sweetener aspartame-acesulfame salt - aspartame-acesulfame salt Allowed
E-965 E965, E 965, E-965 Sweetener maltitol, maltitol syrup - maltitol maltitol maltitol syrup May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-966 E966, E 966, E-966 Sweetener lactitol - lactitol Allowed
E-967 E967, E 967, E-967 Xylitol sweetener - xylitol Negative effects on the kidneys. Allowed
E-968 E968, E 968, E-968 Erythritol sweetener - erythritol Allowed
E-999 E999, E 999, E-999 Foaming agent Quillaya extract - quillaia extract Medium level of danger. Allowed Carbonated drinks, ice cream, confectionery
E-1000 E1000, E 1000, E-1000 Cholic acid emulsifier - cholic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-1001 E1001, E 1001, E-1001 Choline salts and esters Not allowed in most countries
E-1100 E1100, E 1100, E-1100 Stabilizer, amylase flavor enhancer - amylase Banned in most countries
E-1101 E1101, E 1101, E-1101 Stabilizer, protease taste enhancer: proteases protease papain bromelain ficin Allowed
E-1102 E1102, E 1102, E-1102 Antioxidant (antioxidant) glucose oxidase - glucose oxidase Banned in most countries
E-1103 E1103, E 1103, E-1103 Invertase stabilizer - invertases Allowed
E-1104 E1104, E 1104, E-1104 Lipase flavor enhancer - lipases Allowed
E-1105 E1105, E 1105, E-1105 Lysozyme preservative - lysozyme Negative effect on the skin. Not allowed in most countries
E-1200 E1200, E 1200, E-1200 Polydextrose stabilizer, thickener, humectant - polydextrose Allowed
E-1201 E1201, E 1201, E-1201 Stabilizer polyvinylpyrrolidone - polyvinylpyrrolidone Allowed
E-1202 E1202, E 1202, E-1202 Stabilizer polyvinylpolypyrrolidone - polyvinylpolypyrrolidone Allowed
E-1203 E1203, E 1203, E-1203 Moisture retainer, glazing agent polyvinyl alcohol - polyvinyl alcohol Allowed
E-1204 E1204, E 1204, E-1204 Glazing agent, thickener pullulan - pullulan Allowed
E-1400 E1400, E 1400, E-1400 Dextrin thickener - dextrin (dextrins, roasted starch white and yellow) (stabilizer) Allowed
E-1401 E1401, E 1401, E-1401 Modified starch thickener - modified starch ((acid-treated starch) stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1402 E1402, E 1402, E-1402 Thickener alkaline modified starch - alkaline modified starch (stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1403 E1403, E 1403, E-1403 Bleached starch (stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1404 E1404, E 1404, E-1404 Emulsifier, thickener, oxidized starch Allowed
E-1405 E1405, E 1405, E-1405 Thickener starch treated with enzyme preparations - enzyme treated starch Allowed
E-1410 E1410, E 1410, E-1410 Monostarch phosphate thickener Allowed
E-1411 E1411, E 1411, E-1411 Emulsifier distarch glycerol - distarch glycerol (thickening agent) Allowed
E-1412 E1412, E 1412, E-1412 Thickener distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1413 E1413, E 1413, E-1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate thickener Allowed
E-1414 E1414, E 1414, E-1414 Acetylated distarch phosphate thickener Allowed
E-1420 E1420, E 1420, E-1420 Acetylated starch thickener - acetylated starch Allowed
E-1421 E1421, E 1421, E-1421 Thickener starch acetate esterified with vinyl acetate (stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1422 E1422, E 1422, E-1422 Stabilizer, thickener acetyl dichromaladipate - acetylated distarch adipate Allowed
E-1423 E1423, E 1423, E-1423 Acetylated distarch glycerol thickener - acetylated distarch glycerol Allowed
E-1430 E1430, E 1430, E-1430 Distarch glycerine (stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1440 E1440, E 1440, E-1440 Thickener hydroxypropyl starch Allowed
E-1441 E1441, E 1441, E-1441 Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine (stabilizer) Banned in most countries
E-1442 E1442, E 1442, E-1442 Thickener hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1443 E1443, E 1443, E-1443 Stabilizer, thickener distarch glycerol oxypropylated - hydroxy propyl distarch glycerol Allowed
E-1450 E1450, E 1450, E-1450 Thickener starch sodium octenyl succinate Allowed
E-1451 E1451, E 1451, E-1451 Thickener acetylated oxidized starch - acetylated oxidised starch Allowed
E-1452 E1452, E 1452, E-1452 Stabilizer, glazing agent for starch and aluminum salt of octenyl succinic acid ester - starch aluminum octenyl succinate Allowed
E-1501 E1501, E 1501, E-1501 Benzylated hydrocarbons sweetener Banned in most countries
E-1502 E1502, E 1502, E-1502 Solvent butane-1, 3-diol - butane-1, 3-diol Banned in most countries
E-1503 E1503, E 1503, E-1503 Release agent castor oil - castor oil Not allowed in some countries
E-1504 E1504, E 1504, E-1504 Solvent ethyl acetate - ethyl acetate Banned in most countries
E-1505 E1505, E 1505, E-1505 Triethyl citrate foaming agent - triethyl citrate Allowed
E-1510 E1510, E 1510, E-1510 Solvent ethanol, ethyl alcohol - ethanol Allowed
E-1516 E1516, E 1516, E-1516 Glycerin monoacetate solvent - glyceryl monoacetate Banned in most countries
E-1517 E1517, E 1517, E-1517 Solvent glycerin diacetate - glyceryl diacetate or diacetin Banned in most countries
E-1518 E1518, E 1518, E-1518 Moisture retainer glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) - glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) Safe. Various flavors. Allowed
E-1519 E1519, E 1519, E-1519 Excipient benzyl alcohol - benzyl alcohol Banned in most countries
E-1520 E1520, E 1520, E-1520 Moisture retainer propylene glycol - propylene glycol Allowed Cookies, sweets, rolls and other confectionery products. The additive can be used when freezing food
E-1521 E1521, E 1521, E-1521 Defoamer polyethylene glycol - polyetylene glycol Not allowed in most countries
E-1525 E1525, E 1525, E-1525 Thickener hydroxyethyl cellulose - hydroxyethyl cellulose Banned in most countries The additive should only be used in cosmetics

What are nutritional supplements? These are various preservatives, leavening agents, thickeners that improve the aroma and taste of the finished product.

Supplements are:

  • Natural - from plants; minerals, and animal origin
  • Obtained in the laboratory, but similar in properties to natural
  • Synthetic, man-made, nothing like this exists in nature

At first glance, there is nothing wrong. But the problem is that artificial additives, improving the taste, can be harmful to the body, and how they behave, for example, when heated, is unknown to anyone.

Are E additives harmful in food?

E supplements

To start decipher all food additives:

  • If after the letter E there is 1, and then 2 more numbers, this is a dye that gives a beautiful color to the finished product.
  • Number 2 - preservative, protects the product from destruction by bacteria and fungi, and prolongs the shelf life.
  • 3 - antioxidant, used to extend shelf life.
  • 4 - stabilizer, responsible for the consistency of the product.
  • 5 - emulsifier, helps the stabilizer to maintain a beautiful appearance of the product and a homogeneous state.
  • 6 - aroma and taste enhancer.
  • 9 - antifoam agent that prevents the formation of foam.
  • All 4-digit numbers after the E are sweeteners.

In order not to harm the body E with additives, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

How not to harm the body with foods with E additives, and they are almost everywhere:

  1. There are raw vegetables and fruits every day, fiber and pectins in them are able to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Do not eat unnatural foods when you are sick, the body is not able to fight with illness as healthy.
  3. If you know that a product contains unhealthy additives, do not eat a lot of it.
  4. Don't buy brightly colored foods.
  5. If you notice later that there is a harmful additive in the product, then do not heat it, because when heated, some additives become even more dangerous, for example, aspartame (E 951).

Healthy E Supplements
Healthy E Supplements

Useful Supplements:

  • E 100 - curcumin(yellow-orange dye). The supplement is especially useful for people after an illness to restore strength, cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol, helps in the functioning of the liver, intestines, while losing weight, is a prophylactic agent for diabetes, arthritis, and tumors.
  • E 101 - riboflavin, vitamin B2(yellow dye). The supplement is needed to break down fat, assimilate other vitamins and minerals, helps to cope with stress, depression, is needed for skin elasticity, and is useful for pregnant women.
  • E 160a - carotene... E 160 supplements are close to vitamin A - strong antioxidants. Using supplements: improves vision, prevents the growth of cancerous tumors, strengthens the immune system.
  • E 160d - lycopene.
  • E 162 - Betanin(red beet dye). It is necessary to participate in the breakdown of proteins, improves the functioning of the liver, blood, strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, the risk of heart attack, prevents the development of cancer, helps with radiation exposure.
  • E 163 - anthocyanins, natural dyes from the extract and pomace from the peel of grapes, juice of red cabbage, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Used for coloring cheeses, confectionery products, ice cream.
  • E 202 - potassium sorbate (sorbic acid)... Antimicrobial agent, prevents the growth of mold fungi. A preservative additive is used in the manufacture of sausages, other smoked meats, cheeses, rye bread.
  • E 260 - acetic acid... Diluted to 6 or 9% acid is useful for breaking down fat and carbohydrates. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, various sauces, mayonnaise. The danger is an acid with a concentration of more than 30%, even on the skin it can cause burns.
  • E 296 - malic acid... Helps the liver in the absorption of drugs, reduces blood pressure, has anti-cancer properties. It is used in winemaking, pharmacy, and confectionery production.
  • E 300 - pectin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)... The supplement strengthens the immune system.
  • E 306-E 307 - tocopherol (vitamins of group E)... The additive removes toxins from the body, increases the vitality of the body, thins the blood, accelerates wound healing, while, without leaving scars, slows down the aging process of the body. With the additive, the cardiovascular system works better, the blood composition improves.
  • E 322 - lecithin... The supplement improves blood, bile, prevents liver cirrhosis, supports immunity, and removes harmful cholesterol. But the supplement is not suitable for everyone, in some people it can cause stomach and liver diseases.... It is used in the production of dairy products, fats, spreads and baked goods.
  • E 406 - agar... The supplement is obtained from red-brown algae, rich in PP vitamins and microelements, useful in diseases of the thyroid gland, intestines, and removes toxins.
  • E 440 - pectin, ascorbic acid... A moderate amount of the supplement cleanses the intestines of toxins, protects and heals the intestinal and gastric mucosa, and lowers cholesterol. May cause allergies in large quantities.

Relatively harmless E additives

Relatively harmless additives:

  • E 160b - annatto extract (vitamin A), improves vision and immunity, prevents tumors. This supplement must be used with caution as it is a strong allergen..
  • E 170 - calcium carbonate (chalk)... The supplement improves blood clotting, restores calcium deficiency, but overdose threatens with a serious illness, which in severe cases ends in death.
  • E 290 - carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide)... Added to drinks. Such drinks will not harm healthy people, but with gastritis and ulcers - you need to refuse, since there may be belching, flatulence, stomach problems. Frequent drinking of carbonated water flushes calcium out of the body.
  • E 330 - citric acid... As an additive, it is harmless, since it is added a little, but in large quantities it can cause irritation in the stomach and respiratory tract, up to vomiting with blood, in rare cases it provokes cancer.
  • E 410 - locust bean gum(natural additive). The gum is harmless, enhances the gelling of the finished product, retains its taste and prevents crystallization. They are added to desserts, ice cream, processed cheese, bread and rolls, sauces, pates, canned vegetables and fruit.
  • E 412 - guar gum.
  • E 415 - xanthan gum.
  • E 420 - sorbitol(natural preservative and sweetener). With the help of the supplement, the consumption of vitamins of group B by the body is reduced. Do not use it for dieters, since it is higher in calories than sugar. With excessive use, bloating, upset, nausea can occur.
  • E 471 - monoglyceride and diglyceride of fatty acids(natural additive). It is a natural emulsifier and stabilizer, does not pose any harm, is absorbed by our body, like all fats, consumption in large quantities can cause obesity... Added in the manufacture of pates, margarine, mayonnaise, yoghurts.
  • E 500 - sodium carbonate (baking soda)... The additive is safe. It is used as a baking powder in the confectionery industry and also prevents caking and lump formation in dry products.
  • E 967 - xylitol(natural sugar substitute). The additive has a choleretic effect, it is not a carbohydrate sugar substitute, it is prescribed for diabetics. Used in dietary products. In case of an overdose, diarrhea, flatulence may occur..

Table of harmful and dangerous food additives for health in food products with decoding

Additives are strong carcinogens, cause skin rashes:

  • E 131 - patented V(blue). Promotes the growth of cancer, leads to allergies. Can be found in meat products and drinks.
  • E 142 - green S... Promotes the growth of cancer, leads to allergies.
  • E 153 - black coal grows
  • E 210 - benzoic acid... Studies have shown that the supplement causes cancer, severe allergies, nervousness, and a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned meat or vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 212 - potassium benzoate... Studies have shown that the supplement promotes the development of cancer, causes severe allergies, acts badly on the nervous system, and a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 213 - calcium benzoate... After research, it became known that the additive provokes cancer, causes severe allergies, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in canned meat, vegetables, juice, drinks, chips, ketchup.
  • E 214-E 215 - ethyl ether... It has a bad effect on children, provokes cancer, allergies.
  • E 216 - propyl ether, contributes to poisoning. Unscrupulous business executives add an additive to chocolate and sweets, canned meat, dry mixes for soups.
  • E 219 - sodium methyl ether salt... Promotes poisoning, especially in children, allergies, cancer. It is found in ketchup, mayonnaise, canned fish and caviar.
  • E 230 - biphenyl, diphenyl... Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, badly affects children.
  • E 240 - formaldehyde... Poison like arsenic and hydrocyanic acid is deadly and toxic. It provokes diseases: cancer, allergies, skin inflammations, and has a bad effect on children. It is also found in sausage products, drinks, sweets.
  • E 249 - potassium nitrite... It provokes cancer, has a bad effect on children. Found in smoked meats.
  • E 280 - propionic acid... It provokes cancer, has a bad effect on children. It is found in dairy products, sauces, bread.
  • E 281-E 283 - sodium, calcium, potassium propionate... It provokes cancer, migraine and vascular spasms, and has a bad effect on children. It is found in dairy and bread products, sauces.
  • E 310 - propyl gallate... Provokes skin rashes.
  • E 950 - acesulfame potassium Artificial substitutes have a higher calorie content than sugar, and they induce an appetite, so you won't be able to lose weight on them.
  • E 952 - sodium cyclamate(artificial sugar substitute). Contraindicated in people with kidney disease.
  • E 954 - Saccharin(artificial sugar substitute). Should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Continuous use of saccharin can cause gallstone disease, and large amounts can cause cancer.
  • E 957 - thaumatin(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 965 - maltitol(artificial sugar substitute).
  • E 968 - erythritol(artificial sugar substitute).

There may be E supplements here
Certain additives cause skin rashes

Supplements that lead to indigestion:

  • E 338 - Phosphoric acid and its derivatives provoke diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • E 339, E 340, E 341 - sodium, potassium, calcium orthophosphate.
  • E 343 - magnesium orthophosphate... Provokes disorders in the intestines and stomach.
  • E 450 - pyrophosphate... Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the manufacture of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 461 - methylcellulose... It provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, negatively affects the child's body.
  • E 462 - ethyl cellulose
  • E 463 - Hydroxypropylcellulose... Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 465 - ethylmethylcellulose... Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 466 - carboxymethyl cellulose... Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the production of cheeses and other dairy products, mayonnaise, ice cream, sweet products.

E Supplements to Induce Upset Stomach

Supplements leading to skin diseases:

  • E 151 - black lustrous BN(synthetic black dye). Causes diseases of the stomach, skin, allergies. Banned in many countries. It can be found in dairy products, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, seasonings, sauces, confectionery, ice cream, and drinks.
  • E 160d - red lycopene.
  • E 231 - Orthophenylphenol... Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, and has a bad effect on children.
  • E 232 - calcium orthophenylphenol... Causes allergies, skin diseases, promotes the growth of cancer, badly affects children.
  • E 239 - urotropine... Promotes allergies, skin diseases, cancer growth, badly affects children. Found in cheeses, canned caviar.
  • E 311 - octyl gallate... Provokes allergies, stomach ailments, nervousness and skin diseases.
  • E 312 - dodecyl gallate... Provokes allergies, stomach and skin diseases, nervousness.
  • E 320 - butylhydroxyanisole... Increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys, skin. It is used to slow down oxidative processes in fat mixtures, meat, chewing gum.
  • E 907 - hydrogenated poly 1 decene... Promotes skin irritation and rashes.
  • E 951 - aspartame(artificial sugar substitute). Frequent use leads to a deficiency of serotonin in the brain, the development of depression, panic, elements of violence, seizures. Used in the manufacture of sweet carbonated drinks (especially imported), chewing gum. Contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria. When heated, unexpected reactions occur, possibly death.
  • E 1105 - lysozyme.

E-additives that provoke skin rashes
There may be harmful additives E

Supplements leading to intestinal upset:

  • E 154 - brown... Promotes cancer, disorders, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. Found in pastries, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages, and fish.
  • E 626 - Guanylic acid
  • E 627 - sodium guanylate... Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 628, E 629 - potassium, calcium guanylate... Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 630 - Inisinic acid... Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 631 - sodium inisinate... Promotes intestinal disorders.
  • E 632, E 633 - potassium, calcium inisinate... Promotes diarrhea.
  • E 634, E 635 - calcium, sodium ribunucleotides... Promotes intestinal disorders.

There may be E supplements leading to intestinal upset.

Blood pressure supplements:

  • E 154 - brown... Promotes cancer, stomach diseases, allergies. Especially dangerous for children. Found in pastries, drinks, cheese, chips, smoked sausages, and fish.
  • E 250 - sodium nitrite
  • E 252 - potassium nitrate... The additive has an irritating effect, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. It can be found when smoking meat, sausages, fish, bacon, in the production of ham, sausages.

There are E additives that increase pressure

Supplements that harm the child's body:

  • E 270 - lactic acid... The additive is a strong antioxidant, found in fermented milk drinks, sauerkraut, pickles. Lactic acid improves the flora in the intestines, the absorption of carbohydrates, adds energy to the body. It is used in the manufacture of medicines, cheeses, yoghurts, mayonnaise. Give small children products with additives carefully and little by little, since intolerance to it is often found.

Attention. Children under 5 years old should not eat foods even with the safest additives.

E-supplemented foods should be given to children with care so as not to harm

Dangerous additives (many countries have banned their use in food, they are used in Russia and Ukraine), their effect has not yet been fully studied:

  • E 101a, E 106 - sodium salt, sodium phosphate... The additive causes allergies, impairs vision, kidney disease. It is found in dry baby food, dairy products, sweets, and drinks.
  • E 102 - tartrazine... Causes asthma, food allergies, migraines, and impaired vision. It is added to candy, confectionery, drinks and ice cream.
  • E 103 - alkane... Provokes the manifestation of cancer. Found in confectionery.
  • E 105 - robust AB... The additive promotes the growth of malignant tumors, is toxic. Can be found in confectionery and drinks.
  • E 110 - yellow "Sunset" FCF... A very dangerous additive, carcinogenic, causes nausea and allergies. Especially dangerous for children. It can be found in dairy products, crackers, sauces, seasonings, canned food, sweet products.
  • E 111 - alpha-naphthol... The additive is carcinogenic.
  • E 120 - carminic acid... The danger is average. Causes allergies. It is used in sausages, yoghurt and other dairy products, drinks, sweets and sauces.
  • E 121 - citrus 2 red... The additive promotes the manifestation of cancer, is very toxic. Can be found on the packaging of ice cream, lollipops, drinks, on the skin of oranges.
  • E 124 - red ponceau 4R... The additive is a carcinogen and causes allergies.
  • E 125 - red ponso
  • E 126 - red 6R ponceau... Promotes the manifestation of cancer. Dangerous.
  • E 127 - erythrosine red... Dangerous for allergies, especially in children.
  • E 129 - charming AC... Carcinogenic.
  • E 130 - indanthrene RS... Leads to the growth of cancer cells, stomach diseases, negatively affects children.
  • E 143 - durable FCF... Promotes cancer growth. It is found in canned food, vegetables and fruits, sauces and seasonings, ice cream, sweet products.
  • E 150a, E 150b, E 150c, E 150d - sugar color I-IV... Cause stomach diseases. Found in ice cream, chocolate butter, drinks, sauces, sweets.
  • E 152 - black coal(artificial). Leads to cancer, stomach diseases. Found in cheeses, confectionery.
  • E 155 - chocolate brown HT... A dangerous additive that provokes allergies in adults and children.
  • E 180 - ruby ​​litol VK... Promotes liver diseases, allergies. Dangerous.
  • E 201 - sodium sorbate... Provokes allergies. Dangerous for children. It is found in cheese, margarine, mayonnaise, dumplings and confectionery, in the processing of vegetable oil.
  • E 211 - sodium benzoate... The supplement leads to cancer, causes severe allergies, nervousness, a person becomes hyperactive. It is found in juices, drinks, canned meat and vegetables, chips, ketchup.
  • E 221 - sodium sulfite(preservative). Contributes to stomach diseases, allergies, irritation in the respiratory tract, especially dangerous for children. Used for disinfection of boxes.
  • E 222 - sodium hydrosulfite
  • E 223 - sodium pyrosulfite... The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing products containing the additive is violated, death. It is found in canned fruit, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wines, and is used in the processing of dried fruits.
  • E 224 - potassium pyrosulfite... The additive causes severe allergies, asthma, stomach diseases, and if the technology for preparing a product in which there is an additive is violated, death. It is found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals, tomatoes, wine, and is used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 228 - potassium hydrosulfite... The additive causes severe allergies, then asthma, stomach diseases, and if the instructions for preparing products with E-shka are violated, death. It is found in canned fruits, breakfast cereals (mashed potatoes), tomato, wine, and is used for storing dried fruits.
  • E 233 - thiabendazole... Dangerous. It provokes cancer, skin diseases, allergies, and has a bad effect on children. Used when processing vegetables, fruits from the development of mold.
  • E 242 - dimethyl dicarbonate... Dangerous, but allowed.
  • E 251 - sodium nitrate... Apply dye, preservative and seasoning. It irritates the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. They are used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, for making ham, sausages, sausages.
  • E 321 - butyl hydroxytoluene... It provokes diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, allergies, increases harmful cholesterol. It is used in the production of spreads, canned fish, beer.
  • E 400 - alginic acid... Very dangerous.
  • E 401 - sodium alginate... Very dangerous.
  • E 402 - potassium alginate... Very dangerous.
  • E 403 - ammonium alginate... Very dangerous.
  • E 404 - calcium alginate... Very dangerous.
  • E 405 - propane 1,2 diol alginate... Very dangerous.
  • E 407 - carrageenan... It provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the production of sausages, dairy products, ice cream, sweet products.
  • E 501 - potassium carbonate... Very dangerous.
  • E 503 - ammonium carbonate... Very dangerous.
  • E 620 - glutamic acid... Provokes allergies, Especially dangerous for children.
  • E 636 - maltol... Very dangerous.
  • E 952 - cyclamic acid, salt... Highly toxic. It is used in the production of ice cream, dietary products, sweets and gum.

Types of E additives
Types of E additives

Supplements prohibited in Russia.

About 200 types of harmful additives are banned in Russia, many of them are given in this article.

Supplements poorly understood, suspicious:

  • E 104 - quinoline(yellow and yellow-green). Causes allergies, bowel disease, especially in children. It is used for smoking fish, making drinks, sweets, chewing gum.
  • E 122 - carmoisine, azorubin... A very dangerous additive, it causes allergies, stomach diseases. It is used in drinks and sweet products.
  • E 141 - green(synthetic dye). Causes stomach diseases. Found in dairy products.
  • E 173 - metallic aluminum... Promotes liver disease.
  • E 241 - guaiac resin... Provokes stomach diseases.
  • E 477 - propane diol fatty acid esters.

E supplements

The most harmful food additives in foods, bread, sausage, chocolate, dried fruits: list, codes

Very dangerous additives that stimulate the growth of cancer cells are banned all over the world, but still sometimes, unscrupulous industrialists use:

  • E 123 - amaranth... The additive causes various pathologies in an unborn child, in adults - liver and kidney diseases, skin rashes, chronic rhinitis. It is found in dry mixes for desserts, jellies, muffins and puddings, ice cream.
  • E 510 - ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride(confectionery improver). Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes disorder, liver disease. They are used in the production of yeast, flour, spices, sweet and dietary products.
  • E 513 - sulfuric acid... Very dangerous, but allowed. Causes disorder, liver disease. Used in the production of yeast and drinks.
  • E 527 - ammonium hydroxide... Very dangerous, banned in many countries. Cause diarrhea, liver failure. They are used if you want to get a homogeneous state from non-miscible products - water and oil.

Food additive E 171, E 220, E 250, E 450, E 451, E 452, E 621: harmful or not?

Meat products with E additives

Additives are different, harmful and not very:

  • E 171 - titanium dioxide... Promotes liver and kidney diseases, especially in children. It is found in dry mixes and milk powder.
  • E 220 - sulfur dioxide... Dangerous, especially for people with kidney disease, and children, causes stomach diseases, allergies, irritates the respiratory system. The additive disinfects containers for dried fruits, and is also used in the manufacture of canned meat and fruit.
  • E 250 - sodium nitrite... Used as a dye, preservative and seasoning. The additive irritates the nervous system, especially in children, interferes with the absorption of vitamins, causes oxygen starvation, food poisoning and cancer. They are used for smoking bacon, meat and fish, for making ham, sausages, sausages.
  • E 450 - pyrophosphate... Provokes diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is used in the production of processed cheese and other dairy products, canned meat.
  • E 451 - triphosphate... It provokes inflammation in the stomach, and cancer, accumulates harmful cholesterol. The additive is almost universally used to make sausages, especially boiled sausages, because it retains moisture, and the sausage doubles.
  • E 452 - Polyphosphate... The additive can seriously harm health: in the body, it accumulates, and then causes allergies, and together with bad cholesterol it can transform into cancer. It is found in processed cheese, dry and condensed milk, canned food.
  • E 621 - monosodium glutamate (sodium salt)... This salt occurs naturally in legumes, algae, living organisms, as a protein. If there is a small amount of it in food, it is safe. The danger is the constant use of chips, seasonings and sauces with additives. This can manifest itself in the form of blurred vision, allergies, nervous conditions, headaches, increased heart rate and general weakness.

So, by studying at least the beneficial supplements, you will know which products you can buy in the store and which you can't.

Video: E supplements

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products, in which it is quite easy to get confused. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely, the composition of this product. The fewer different incomprehensible words in it, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to TU, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various substances labeled E. Today we will talk about them: a table of harmful food additives should be at hand for everyone to avoid eating them.

What are various food additives used for?

First of all, you should be alerted to the "E" markings - they denote food additives that are used all over the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor and aroma enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is needed to improve the appearance and nutritional properties of the product, as well as to increase its shelf life.

Why do you need a table of harmful food additives, and are all substances labeled "E" harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous ones, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our life is highly dependent on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and less "chemistry", the better.

Natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of the manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial, which means they are potentially dangerous. These are chemicals of synthetic origin. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in especially sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is another subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the "E" index. Common phrases such as "does not contain artificial colors or flavors" are often dispensed with. Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse to buy and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one will give a guarantee that there are no prohibited products in its composition. Perhaps this will allow you to look differently at products in supermarkets, because, despite their attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the numeric code next to the letter "E" mean?

Below we will look at what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now, let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye in front of you. All preservatives start with 2, and 3 stands for antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help to maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 denotes emulsifiers, they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The enhancers of taste and aroma that create the notes and shades we love so much start at 6. Some products are added with special substances that prevent foaming, they are marked with the number 9. If you have a four-digit index in front of you, this indicates the presence of sweeteners in the composition. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you identify foods that should not be consumed in time.

Such different food additives "E"

Behind this marking can be hidden completely harmless and even useful substances, for example, plant extracts. This is the well-known acetic acid (E260). Relatively safe E additives include baking soda (E500), calcium carbonate or regular chalk (E170), and many others.

However, there are much more harmful substances than useful ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives, natural ones also sin with negative effects on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their effect will be.

Useful Supplements

You should not immediately return the product to the shelf just because it contains E. It is necessary to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The following table of harmful and useful food additives will help you make the right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common healthful supplements are curcumin, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the manufacture of fitness products. E101 is a common vitamin B2, which is famous for synthesizing hemoglobin and participating in the metabolism. E160d is lycopene and it helps to strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. For the enrichment of food with iodine, the additive E916 is used, that is, calcium iodate. We must not forget about E322 lecithin - this supplement supports immunity and improves blood formation.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is "Table of food additives" E. "Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most common food. In this group it is necessary to mention the dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance to creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol. , or E140, green dye. Also known is betanin, that is a dye of red color. It is extracted from the most common beets, the juice of which and at home perfectly tint creams.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is regular carbon dioxide, and all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are today presented in such a large number that it is very difficult to remember what this or that substance means.

Additives to avoid

Today the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which there are dangerous, prohibited, harmful to the skin and substances that violate blood pressure. Since everyone needs to avoid foods that contain dangerous "E-shots", we will look at each group separately. You should not be negligent about your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by momentary benefits and do not think about their reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close production and reopen it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. This is why you need to know the "E" harmful food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous additives

This group includes many dyes, so if you see pastries painted in a bright color, think about whether you should take them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is updated periodically, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept near the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 is a yellow dye, banned in many countries, as it causes an allergic reaction and nausea. E120 - Carminic Acid (Until research has proven harm, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are prohibited in a number of countries because they are carcinogenic. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby rhytol).

E220 - sulfur dioskide - should be used with caution in people with renal failure. Feel free to put aside foods containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. E400, E401, E402 are recognized as dangerous.

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then the representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the supplement table only gives you the code designations behind which substances that stimulate the growth of cancer cells are hidden. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals and fruits are the safest choices.

However, back to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world, as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that Russia has very soft rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 supplements are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. It is a sugar substitute that has been discontinued because it was found to be a potent carcinogen. E-216 - propyl para-hydroxybenzoic acid - is also prohibited on the territory of Russia. But that's not all of the harmful food additives ("E"). The table refers to a number of dyes to this group - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances causing skin rashes

Everyone imagines the influence of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary in order to exclude from the menu products containing the most harmful food additives. A table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Especially women should think about, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in a number of countries it is generally prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951 - a favorite sugar substitute by many - also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without any particular reason.

Let's summarize

You can use this table every day. A food additive, the harmful effect of which is not fully understood, should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different "E" - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and eat as little synthetic additives as possible, review the product packaging before purchasing. The less in the composition of various components and incomprehensible terms, the better. Do not buy unfamiliar products, as well as those on the packaging of which there is no composition, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid foods with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, grains, fermented milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is such a diet that is guaranteed not to contain harmful and hazardous substances. To stay healthy for as long as possible, try to avoid foods that use harmful food additives ("E"). A table that includes the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

Food additives - useful and harmful, classification and effect on the human body

Today, it is almost impossible to find products on store shelves that do not contain food additives; they are often even put in bread. The only exception is natural food - meat, cereals, milk, herbs, etc., but even in this case, one cannot be completely sure that they do not contain any chemistry. For example, fruits are often treated with preservatives, which allows them to preserve their presentation as long as possible.

Food additives are synthetic chemical or natural substances that are never eaten on their own, but are only added to products in order to give them certain qualities, for example, taste, texture, color, odor, shelf life, appearance. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the expediency of their use and the effect on the body. Today we also decided to touch on this topic.

The phrase "nutritional supplements" scares many. However, people began to use them many millennia ago. Of course, this does not apply to complex chemicals, we are talking about table salt, lactic and acetic acid, spices, spices, etc. Yes, they are also considered food additives. For example, carmine, a dye derived from insects, has been used extensively since biblical times to give food a special purple color. Now this substance is called E120.

Until about the twentieth century in food production tried to use only natural supplements, gradually such a science as food chemistry began to develop and most of the natural ones replaced artificial additives. The production of all kinds of quality and taste improvers was put on stream. Since most of these food additives had rather long and incomprehensible names that were very difficult to fit on one label, for convenience the European Union developed a special labeling system. According to her, the name of each food additive must begin with "E", this letter means nothing more than "Europe". After it, numbers should follow, they show the belonging of a given species to a particular group and denote a certain additive. Subsequently, such a system was somewhat refined, and then adopted for the international classification.

Classification of food additives by codes

Acidity regulators, sweeteners, leavening agents and glazing agents are included in all of these groups.

The number of nutritional supplements is increasing every day. New, more effective and safer substances replace old ones. For example, in recent years, complex supplements have become popular, which consist of a mixture of different additives. In this regard, every year the lists of permitted additives will be replenished with new ones, as a rule, such substances after the letter E have a code greater than 1000.

Classification of food additives by use

  • Dyes(E1 ...) - these substances are intended to restore the color of products, which is lost during processing, to increase its intensity, to give a certain color to food, etc. Natural colors are usually obtained from the roots, berries, leaves and flowers of plants, and they can also be of animal origin. Natural dyes contain biologically active, aromatic and flavoring substances, give food a pleasant appearance. These include: carotenoids (yellow, orange, red), lycopene (red), annatto extract (yellow), flavonoids (blue, purple, red, yellow), chlorophyll and its derivatives (green), sugar color (brown), carmine (magenta) etc. There are also dyes obtained synthetically. Their main advantage over natural ones is richer, brighter colors, greater stability, and a long shelf life.
  • Preservatives(E2 ...) - these substances are intended to extend the shelf life of products. Most often, acetic, benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acids, salt, and ethyl alcohol are used as preservatives. Antibiotics - nisin, biomycin, nystatin can also act as preservatives. It is prohibited to add synthetic preservatives to food of mass production - baby food, fresh meat, bread, flour, milk, etc.
  • Antioxidants(E3 ...) - such substances prevent the spoilage of fats and fat-containing foods, slow down the oxidation of wine, soft drinks and beer, and also protect fruits and vegetables from browning.
  • Thickeners(E4 ...) - they are added to preserve and improve the structure of products. These substances allow you to give food the necessary consistency. Emulsifiers are also responsible for plastic properties and viscosity, for example, thanks to them, bakery products do not stale longer. All permitted thickeners are of natural origin. For example, E 406 (agar) - extracted from seaweed, is often used in the manufacture of pates, creams, ice cream. E 440 (pectin) - from apples, citrus peel, beet pulp, it is added to ice cream, jelly, etc. Gelatin is of animal origin, its main source is the bones, tendons and cartilage of farm animals. Starches are obtained from peas, sorghum, corn, potatoes. The emulsifier, and also the antioxidant E 476, E 322 (lecithin) is extracted from vegetable oils. Egg white is also a natural emulsifier. However, in recent years, synthetic emulsifiers have been used more in industrial production.
  • Flavor enhancers(E6 ... and others) - their main purpose is to make the product even tastier and more aromatic. To improve the smell and taste, four types of additives are used - these are aroma enhancers, taste enhancers, acidity regulators and flavoring agents. Fresh products, vegetables, fish, meat, have a pronounced aroma and taste, since they contain a large amount of nucleotides. These substances enhance taste perception by stimulating the endings of the taste buds. During processing or storage, the number of nucleotides decreases, so they are obtained artificially. For example, ethyl maltol and maltol enhances the perception of creamy, fruity and some other aromas. These substances impart a greasy feel to low calorie mayonnaise, ice cream and yoghurts. Very often added to various products, the well-known monosodium glutamate, which has a very scandalous reputation. Many sweeteners are also controversial, especially aspartame, known to be nearly two hundred times sweeter than sugar. It is hiding under the E951 marking.
  • Flavors- they are divided into natural, artificial and still identical to natural. The former contain only natural aromatic substances extracted from plant materials. These can be distillers of volatile substances, water-alcohol extracts, dry mixtures, essences. Natural identical flavors are obtained by isolation from natural raw materials or by chemical synthesis. They contain chemical compounds found in raw materials of animal or vegetable origin. Artificial flavors include at least one artificial component, and may additionally contain identical natural and natural flavors.

In the production of some products (more often fermented milk), biologically active additives are also often used. They should not be confused with food additives. The former, unlike the latter, can be used separately, as an addition to food. They can be natural or identical substances. In Russia, dietary supplements are classified as a separate category of food products. Their main purpose, in contrast to conventional food supplements, is considered to improve the body and provide it with useful substances.

Healthy Nutritional Supplements

Behind the E marking is hidden not only harmful and rather dangerous chemicals, but also completely harmless and even useful substances. Don't be afraid of all food additives. Many of the substances that act as additives are common extracts of natural products and plants. For example, in an ordinary apple there are many substances, which are designated by the letter E. For example, ascorbic acid (E300), pectin (E440), riboflavin (E101), acetic acid (E260), etc.

Despite the fact that an apple contains such a huge amount of substances that are included in the list of food additives, it cannot be called a dangerous product. The same goes for many other products.

Let's consider some of the most popular, but at the same time useful supplements.

E100 - stands for curcumin. These substances help control weight.

E101 - stands for riboflavin, it is also vitamin B2. This substance is actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and metabolism.

E160d - stands for lycopene. It strengthens the immune system.

E270 - denotes lactic acid. This substance has antioxidant properties.

E300 - stands for ascorbic acid, it is also vitamin C. It helps to increase immunity, improves skin condition and brings many more benefits.

E322 - stands for lecithin. It supports the immune system, improves the quality of bile and hematopoiesis processes.

E440 - stands for pectins. These substances help to cleanse the intestines.

E916 - denotes calcium iodate. It is used to fortify food with iodine.

Neutral food additives are relatively harmless

E140 - denotes chlorophyll, thanks to this substance, plants acquire a green color.

E162 - denotes betanin, it is a dye that has a red color. It is extracted from beets.

E170 - denotes calcium carbonate, to put it simply, ordinary chalk.

E202 - denotes potassium sorbitol, this substance is a natural preservative.

E290 - stands for carbon dioxide, it helps to turn a regular drink into a carbonated one.

E500 - baking soda. True, this substance can be considered relatively harmless, since in large quantities it can negatively affect the intestines and stomach.

E913 - LANOLIN. As a rule, it is used as a glazing agent, especially in demand in the confectionery industry.

It's a pity, but there are much more harmful additives than useful ones. Moreover, these include not only synthetic substances, but also natural ones. Food additives can be very harmful, especially when consumed with food regularly and in large quantities.

Currently, the following additives are also banned in Russia:

  • bread and flour improvers - E924a, E924d;
  • preservatives - E217, E216, E240;
  • dyes E121, E173, E128, E123, Red 2G, E240.

Harmful food additives table

Thanks to research by modern specialists, changes are regularly made to the lists of allowed and prohibited additives. It is advisable to monitor such information constantly, since some unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of goods, violate the recommended production technologies.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to additives of synthetic origin. Of course, they are not formally prohibited, but many experts consider them unsafe for human health.

For example, monosodium glutamate, which is hidden under the designation E621, is a very popular flavor enhancer, it seems, and cannot be called harmful. Even, on the contrary, our brain and heart need it, when the body lacks it, it can produce this substance on its own. However, in excess, glutamate can have a toxic effect, and most of all it gets from the liver and pancreas. In addition, it can cause addiction, allergic reactions, and damage to the brain and vision. This substance is especially dangerous for children. But the packages usually do not indicate exactly how much monosodium glutamate is contained in the product. Therefore, it is better not to abuse food containing it.

The safety of E250 also raises doubts. This substance can be called a versatile additive because it is used as a colorant, antioxidant, preservative and color stabilizer. Although sodium nitrate has been proven to be harmful, most countries continue to use it. It is usually found in sausage and meat products; it can also be present in herring, sprats, smoked fish, and cheeses. Sodium nitrate is especially harmful for those who suffer from cholecystitis, dysbiosis, liver and intestinal problems. Once in the body of such people, this substance is converted into rather strong carcinogens.

Among synthetic dyes, it is almost impossible to find safe ones. They are capable of producing mutagenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects.

Antibiotics, often used as preservatives, cause dysbiosis and can cause many intestinal diseases. Thickeners tend to absorb substances, both harmful and beneficial, this can interfere with the absorption of minerals and other components necessary for the body.

Phosphate intake can impair calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis. Saccharin can cause bladder swelling, and aspartame may well compete with glutamate in terms of harmfulness. When heated, it turns into a powerful carcinogen, affects the content of chemicals in the brain, is dangerous for diabetics and has a number of harmful effects on the body.

Health and nutritional supplements

Over the long history of its existence, nutritional supplements have proven their usefulness. They have played a significant role in improving the taste, shelf life and quality of products, as well as in improving other characteristics. Of course, there are many additives that can not affect the body in the best way, but completely ignoring the benefits of such substances will also not be entirely correct.

For example, sodium nitrate, which is in great demand in the meat and sausage industry, known as E250, despite the fact that it is not so safe, prevents the development of such a dangerous disease as botulism.

Unfortunately, it is also impossible to completely deny the negative impact of food additives. Sometimes people, in an effort to extract the maximum benefit, create not something that is unhealthy, but absolutely inedible, from the point of view of common sense, products. As a result, humanity gets a lot of diseases.

  • Study product labels and try to choose the ones that contain the minimum number of different E.
  • Do not purchase unfamiliar products, especially if their composition is rich in all kinds of additives.
  • Avoid products containing sugar substitutes, flavor enhancers, thickeners, preservatives, and colors.
  • Choose natural, fresh produce.

Nutritional supplements and human health are concepts that are becoming increasingly associated today. In this direction, a lot of research is being carried out, as a result of which a lot of more and more new facts are revealed. Many modern scientists believe that an increase in dietary supplementation and a decrease in the consumption of fresh foods is one of the main reasons for the increase in the incidence of cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes and depression.

Additives "E", harmful and safe

Unfortunately, progress does not always bring only positive things to people's lives. Sometimes, especially when innovations are introduced into the sphere of human nutrition, just a negative effect is observed. For example, the invention of various food additives that enhance taste, play the role of thickeners and colorants, flavorings and preservatives has become another test for the human body. The consequences of their use do not begin to affect immediately, and therefore a person is not always able to adequately respond to the causes of diseases.

Food additives include artificial and natural substances that are used to improve the properties of the product, its longer storage and transportation. Each supplement name contains the letter "E" and a number. The presence of additives must be noted on the product label - this is a prerequisite.

There are food additives that are poisonous and safe for humans. Prohibited all over the world: E121, E123, E216, E217, E240, E924a, E924b. These are harmful food additives "E". The rest of the supplements are considered safe, but some of them cause allergic reactions and negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Tests on the action of food products that contain additives "E" are carried out in special laboratories. Only after finding out the effect of such additives on the human body is it allowed to sell products containing them.

The harm that some additives "E" bring, the table reflects in this way:

E 102 causes allergies;

E128 contribute to the development of oncology and congenital malformations;

E 216 and 217 cause severe poisoning;

E 250 promotes the development of hypoxia and oncology, causes vitamin deficiency and poisoning;

E 320 causes an increase in cholesterol;

E 400-499 can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

E510, E513 and E527 disrupt the work of the intestinal tract, cause loosening of the stool and liver disease;

E951 is the cause of mental disorders and a decrease in serotonin in the cerebral cortex.

When buying products, pay attention to what is written on the label.

Remember, there are fewer additives where the shelf life is shorter!

The most dangerous foods that contain "E" additives are:

Chewing gum, because they contain sweeteners that can cause the formation of caries;

- "liquid smoke";
- colored and carbonated drinks;
- cubes "Galina Blanca" and similar condiments containing monosodium glutamate, which, when used frequently, causes allergies, hearing loss, glaucoma;
- some chocolates from such manufacturers as: "Nestle", "Alpen Gold", "Nesquik", "Sladko", "My family", "Air".
- some dairy products with a long shelf life;
- some sausages.

Dear customers, be sure to study what is written on the packaging! You must remember that you have the right to return the product back to the store if you see hazardous food additives on the label at home. You can buy a product that contains many harmful additives without looking at the label. Some substances in them are able to accumulate and have a carcinogenic effect, causing various mutations in the body.

Therefore, the use of such substances will someday make itself felt. Eat organic foods from your own summer cottage or buy from other gardeners. Such food does not contain harmful substances that can negatively affect your body. Vegetables and fruits from the garden do not contain additives "E", but have beneficial properties. It is better to take dairy products from a neighbor who keeps a cow - you will not buy such milk in any store.

Be attentive to the products you consume, then you can not be afraid for your healthy future! Live happily and without E!

Preservatives, food additives, E ***

This information will help you in choosing the food you buy and will help maintain the health of your entire family - many even permitted chemicals, if permissible, are far from always useful and necessary in nutrition.

Remember - not everything that is sold should be eaten.

Food additives (there are several hundred known of them) are a simple and cheap way to give a product an attractive appearance and color, enhance its taste, and also extend its shelf life.

Previously, the names of these chemicals were written in full on product labels, but they took up so much space that in 1953, in Europe, it was decided to replace the full names of chemical food additives with one letter with numerical codes. The E index (from Europe) within the European Community denotes the presence in a food of any food additives identified according to the International Classification System (INS). According to this system, food additives are divided into groups according to the principle of action. The group is determined by the first digit indicated after the letter E. E100 - E182 Dyes. Enhances the color of the product.
E200 - E299 Preservatives (prolong the shelf life of the product). Chemically sterilizing additives. Protect against microbes, fungi, bacteriophages.
E300 - E399 Antioxidants (slow down oxidation, for example, from rancidity of fats and discoloration; in effect, they are similar to preservatives
E400 - E499 Stabilizers (keep the given consistency of the product). Thickeners - increase the viscosity.
E500 - E599 Emulsifiers (maintain a homogeneous mixture of immiscible products, such as water and oil). They are similar in action to stabilizers)
E600 - E699 Amplifiers of taste and smell
E700 - E899 reserved numbers
E900 - E999 Defoamers (prevent or reduce foaming). Anti-flaming agents and other substances

Safe E

Only a small amount of food additives can be called truly (and not officially) harmless, but even they are not recommended by doctors for children under 5 years of age.

E100 - curcumin (dye), can bezvreda in curry powder, sauces, ready meals with rice, preserves, candied fruits, fish pastes

E363 - succinic acid (acidifier), found in desserts, soups, broths, dry drinks

E504 - magnesium carbonate (baking powder), can bezvreda in cheese, chewing gum, edible salt

E957 - thaumatin (sweetener) can bezvreda in ice cream, dried fruits, sugar-free chewing gum

The most harmful E - additives

The most harmful are preservatives and antioxidants.

Preservatives. In an environment in which such a drug is present, life becomes impossible and bacteria die, which keeps the product from deterioration longer. A person consists of a huge number of very different cells and has a large mass (compared to a unicellular organism), therefore, unlike unicellular organisms, it does not die from the use of a preservative (in some cases, also because the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach is partially destroys the preservative). So, the preservative E240 (formaldehyde) can be present in canned food (mushrooms, compotes, jams, juices, etc.)

Preservatives and stabilizers act like antibiotics.

There are many harmful additives among the dyes. In particular, E121 (citrus red dye) and E123 (amaranth dye) are prohibited. They are usually found in soda, candy, colored ice cream.

It has already been scientifically proven that all three supplements can promote the formation of malignant tumors.

Emulsifiers are more often represented by mineral substances, for example: E500 - soda (sodium bicarbonate); E507 - hydrochloric acid; E513 - SULFURIC ACID

In addition to those mentioned above, there are chemical compounds that are considered not hazardous and are approved for use all over the world. However, judge for yourself how appropriate it is to talk about their harmlessness. Some of the most common are:

* E250 - sodium nitrite
* E251 - sodium nitrate
* E252 - potassium nitrate

It is impossible to imagine sausages without these additives. During processing, the sausage mince loses its pale pink color, turning into a gray-brown mass. Then nitrates and nitrites are used, and from the window a boiled sausage of the color of steamed veal "looks" at us.

Nitro additives are found not only in sausages, but also in smoked fish, sprats, and canned herring. They are also added to hard cheeses to prevent swelling.

People suffering from liver diseases, intestines, dysbiosis, cholecystitis are advised to exclude foods containing these additives from the diet. In such people, part of the nitrates, entering the gastrointestinal tract, turns into more toxic nitrites, which in turn form rather strong carcinogens - nitrosamines.

E - sweeteners

Recently, various sugar substitutes have become increasingly popular, these additives are indicated by codes

E954 - Saccharin
E952 - Cyclamanic acid and cyclamates
E950 - Acesulfan potassium
E951 - Aspartame
E968 - Xylitol

These substances, to varying degrees, adversely affect the liver.

Avoid foods containing such additives for six months after suffering hepatitis. You also need to be careful about xylitol. It can cause dysbiosis.

The list of food additives harmful to health EE 102 is dangerous
E 103 prohibited
E 104 suspicious (?)
E 105 prohibited
E 110 dangerous
E 111 prohibited
E 120 is dangerous
E 121 prohibited
E 122 suspicious (?)
E 123 very dangerous, prohibited
E 124 is dangerous
E 125 prohibited
E 126 prohibited
E 127 prohibited
E 129 is dangerous
E 130 prohibited
E 131 shell.
E 141 suspicious (?)
E 142 can cause cancer
E 150 suspicious (?)
E 151 is harmful to the skin
E 152 prohibited
E 153 May Cause Cancer
E 154 causes intestinal disturbances, disrupts blood pressure
E 155 is dangerous
E 160 is harmful to the skin
E 171 suspicious (?)
E 173 suspicious (?)
E 180 is dangerous
E 201 is dangerous
E 210 can cause cancer, can cause kidney stones
E 211 is prohibited. May cause cancer. The maximum permissible dosage in soft drinks is 150 mg / l!
E 212 May Cause Cancer
E 213 can cause cancer
E 214 May Cause Cancer
E 215 May Cause Cancer
E 216 is prohibited. Propyl ether (alcohol). May cause cancer
E 217 is prohibited. Propyl ether. Rakoobr.
E 219 May Cause Cancer
E 220 is dangerous
E 221 raster intestines
E 222 is dangerous
E 223 dangerous
E 224 is dangerous
E 226 raster intestines
E 228 is dangerous
E 230 can cause cancer
E 231 is harmful to the skin
E 232 is harmful to the skin
E 233 is dangerous
E 239 is harmful to the skin
E 240 is prohibited. May cause cancer
E 241 is suspicious (?)
E 242 is dangerous
E 249 can cause cancer
E 250 violates blood pressure
E 251 violates blood pressure
E 252 May Cause Cancer
E 270 is dangerous
E 280 can cause cancer
E 281 May Cause Cancer
E 282 May Cause Cancer
E 283 May Cause Cancer
E 310 is harmful to skin, causes rashes
E 311 is harmful to skin, causes rashes
E 312 is harmful to the skin, causes rashes
E 320 cholesterol
E 321 cholesterol
E 330 can cause cancer
E 338 causes indigestion
E 339 causes indigestion
E 340 causes indigestion
E 341 causes stomach upset
E 343 causes intestinal disorders
E 400 is dangerous
E 401 is dangerous
E 402 is dangerous
E 403 is dangerous
E 404 is dangerous
E 407 off. stomach
E 405 is dangerous
E 450 causes stomach upset
E 451 causes stomach upset
E 452 causes indigestion
E 453 causes indigestion
E 454 causes stomach upset
E 461 causes stomach upset
E 462 causes indigestion
E 463 causes indigestion
E 465 causes indigestion
E 466 causes indigestion
E 477 suspicious (?)
E 501 is dangerous
E 502 is dangerous
E 503 is dangerous
E 510 is very dangerous
E 513 is very dangerous
E 527 is very dangerous
E 620 is dangerous
E 626 causes intestinal disturbances
E 627 causes intestinal disorders
E 628 causes intestinal disorders
E 629 causes intestinal disorders
E 630 causes intestinal disorders
E 631 causes intestinal disorders
E 632 causes intestinal disorders
E 633 causes intestinal disorders
E 634 causes intestinal disorders
E 635 causes intestinal disorders
E 636 is dangerous
E 637 is dangerous
E 907 is harmful to the skin, causes rashes
E 924a prohibited
E 924b prohibited
E 951 is harmful to the skin
E 952 prohibited
E 954 can cause cancer
E 1105 is harmful to the skin

Especially harmful and prohibited food additives E according to INFO information of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

E 102; E 104; E 110; E 120; E 121; E 122; E 123; E 124; E 127; E 128; E 129; E 131; E 132; E 133; E 142; E 151; E 153; E 154; E 155; E 173; E 174; E 175; E 180;

E 214; E 215; E 216; E 217; E 219; E 226; E 227; E 230; E 231; E 233; E 236; E 237; E 238; E 239; E 240; E 249 ... E 252; E 296; E 320; E 321; E 620; E 621; E 627; E 631; E 635;

E 924 a-b; E 926; E 951; E 952; E 954; E 957.

Rospotrebnadzor experts consider the following additives to be dangerous: E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242, E270, E400, E401, E402404, E403, , E405, E501, E502, E503, E620, E636 and E637. E123, E510, E513 and E527 are included in the list of very dangerous, but for unknown reasons they are still not prohibited. Additives E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E241 and E477 are called suspicious.

Sodium benzoate (E 211)

The sodium salt of benzoic acid performs a rather important function of a preservative - it prevents the fermentation of juices, prevents bacteria from multiplying. It is added to soda and chips, meat and ketchup. Long-term consumption of E 211 in food can lead to metabolic disorders and cause cancer.

Aspartame (E 951)

This sweetener and flavor enhancer replaces sugar in diabetic foods. Aspartame is added to gum, drinks, canned food, condiments, etc. But for several years in America, where it is used very widely, there has been a campaign to ban E 951. Products with the addition of aspartame can cause migraines, skin rashes and impairment of brain activity.

Monosodium glutamate (E 621)

A chemical called monosodium glutamate gives the dish the flavor and smell of meat (it is added to bouillon cubes to enhance the flavor). If you exceed the norm (pour a few bags into a cup of noodles), you can get poisoned. In America, hundreds of thousands of such poisonings occur a year.

FAO list of E additives

Classification of food additives in the Codex Alimentarius system, developed by the International Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) at the United Nations. All these data have been brought to the attention of product manufacturers, but since FAO is a public organization, its information is only advisory in nature.

* E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E153 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

* E171-173 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to liver and kidney disease.

* E210, E211, E213-217, E240 - preservatives. Can be found in any kind of canned food (mushrooms, compotes, juices, preserves). Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

* E221-226 - preservatives. Used for any canning. Can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E230-232, E239 - preservatives. Contained in canned food of any kind. May cause allergic reactions.

* E311-313 - antioxidants (antioxidants) Available in yoghurts, fermented milk products, sausages, butter, chocolate. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E407, E447, E450 - stabilizers and thickeners. Contained in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause liver and kidney disease.

* E461-466 - stabilizers and thickeners. Available in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E924a, E924b - defoamers. Found in carbonated drinks. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

Lists from other sources on harm E

Prohibited additives

E103 E105 E111 E121 E123 E125 E126 E130 E152 E952

Dangerous additives

E102 E110 E120 E124 E127 E129 E155 E180 E201 E220 E222 E223 E224 E228 E233 E242 E270 E400 E401 E402 E403 E404 E405 E501 E502 E503 E620 E636 E637

Additives harmful to the skin

E151 E160 E231 E232 E239 E951 E1105

Crustacean additives

E131 E142 E153 E210 E211 E212 E213 E214 E215 E216 E219 E230 E240 E249 E252 E280 E281 E282 E283 E330 E954

Very dangerous additives

E123 E510 E513 E527

Upset stomach supplements

E338 E339 E340 E341 E450 E451 E452 E453 E454 E461 E462 E463 E465 E466

Blood pressure supplements

E154 E250 E251

Rash Causing Supplements

E310 E311 E312 E907

Supplements causing intestinal disorders

E154 E343 E626 E627 E628 E629 E630 E631 E632 E633 E634 E635

Information from another source

  • Dangerous additives: Causing malignant tumors: E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.
  • Causing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466.
  • Allergens: E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-131.
  • Causing diseases of the liver and kidneys: E171-173, E320-322.

Since March 1, 2005, the use of additives - preservatives E216 and E217 has been prohibited at domestic food enterprises


Some additives are harmful only in large amounts, but carcinogens tend to accumulate in the body. So, over time, it will make itself felt. Any modification of the products makes them potentially hazardous to health. The use of synthetic enhancers of taste and color is a deception of your own body.

Eat organic food - fresh raw vegetables, fruits and berries.

Not buying products with a long shelf life indicated on the label is a sign that there are a lot of preservatives.

And although only an excess of additives in the body can cause harm, it is necessary to know the list of the most dangerous to health. Harmful "E" ?. List of dangerous food additives E. Not all food additives on the list are harmful. Nowadays, rarely what products come to our table fresh or freshly prepared and without food additives, directly from the garden or from the stove. This page is devoted to harmful food It is not a secret for anyone that at present environmentally friendly food is very rare. Why are “food” additives, various preservatives, dyes dangerous? Why can you get better if you eat only such products? Foods are unhealthy

It often happens that our loved ones, who have tried a new advertised miracle - a dish, complain of upset stomach and intestines, headache and general ill health. And it's all the fault of stabilizers-emulsifiers E and other dangerous food additives for health.
In order to understand which stabilizers-emulsifiers E are hazardous to health, you need to consider what they are. For example, E emulsifiers are a specific type of food additive that takes care of creating emulsions from liquids that cannot mix. Stabilizers E is also a food supplement that is famous for its anti-microbial properties. Due to this, it is used for cooking dishes, ensuring their safety, long-term storage, invariability of food and taste properties. Frequent use is noted in the preparation of sausages, since color retention is important for them. These dietary supplements cause cancer, as well as interfere with food digestion and reduce resistance to infectious diseases. Why do we love the most unhealthy foods and why do we find it so difficult to refuse them?

Stabilizers-emulsifiers E are used both together and separately. For example, take a useful, in your opinion, yogurt, Miracle, Activia, Danone. Look closely at the composition and tell me if there are similar nutritional supplements that you just read about? This means that even such foods as low-calorie and healthy yoghurts contain a high proportion of toxic substances called stabilizers - emulsifiers E. Often, it is precisely those people who tend to be overweight and therefore try to eat healthy foods so as not to gain extra pounds. What do they choose: these are, first of all, oatmeal and cereal, muesli bars, fruit juices and cocktails, punches, jelly, yoghurts and kefirs, as well as waffles and chocolate with sorbitol. In order to debunk the myths about the benefits of the products provided, just turn the product over and read on the packaging in the composition, whether there are stabilizers-emulsifiers E. It will not be difficult to notice that there are letters given there, something like this: E-110, E-311 or the same E-330. We often look at it and do not think what kind of interesting "E" it is. Our view is fascinated by the presence of sugar, fat, calories. This becomes not so important if there is a component in the composition - a stabilizer-emulsifier E. In addition to these, there are also such emulsifiers that belong to the groups: dangerous, prohibited suspicious, dangerous for the skin, stomach, intestines and many others.

Why use emulsifiers if they are unhealthy? For example, for making mayonnaise. To avoid water droplets on the surface, emulsifiers-stabilizers E are used to mix liquids that under normal conditions are not able to mix. Thus, these nutritional supplements help to mix fats, lipids, with water and obtain a valuable and well-selling product. We do not know about this fact and we buy these food products in stores to prepare salads. Just think, how many emulsifiers and stabilizers E you will eat for the New Year? One Olivier bowl contains approximately 3 packs of mayonnaise. If one is capable of causing significant harm to the human body, then what will the 3 do to it?

It is noted that these products are used not only for domestic consumption, but also for external consumption, as well as for import and export to other countries. There are emulsifiers, which are divided into three groups: "ordinary" or simple, which form foam (give the product elasticity) and stabilizers formed by the foam, that is, such emulsifiers E, which prevent the foam from falling off, its stratification.

In a woman's cosmetic bag, one cannot fail to notice day cream, night cream, balms and various gels, both for the body and for the hair. If we talk about the distribution of products, then this is a significant plus of the use of emulsifiers-stabilizers E. But they are all dangerous to health. What can the foods that we consume every day lead to? These are problems with the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver. The gallbladder with the liver will be the first to suffer. Headache and vomiting are possible when too many products are consumed and a so-called "overdose" occurs. Children love to eat chips, crackers, drink carbonated drinks, do not think about what it might threaten. Parents, in order to please their children, gladly and generously buy them these poisonous products. Of course, I want to please the child, to show concern. But, instead, it turns out that you have to go to the doctor for a visit and complain of acute pain. These supplements are hazardous to the health of both adults and children. No one is immune from accidents, and therefore it is important to be on the alert.

Now many people cook at home to protect themselves from harmful food. For example, yogurt made from fresh homemade milk can be much healthier than all the Miracles and Bio, which promise us rapid weight loss and immunity protection. As for sausages, butter, cheese, everything is the same here. Let the sausage be not so red and look less appetizing, but the taste of real homemade sausage cannot be compared to store sausage. Save your health.

Today, the modern food market is characterized by a very wide range of choices, both in assortment and in price categories. This development is determined, first of all, by the growth of consumer demand. But does the supply justify the demand, and is the freedom of choice really as absolute as it seems?

The choice of one type of food or another is determined today by several factors:

consumer lifestyle;

his solvency;

health status and associated food restrictions.

I would like to focus on the last point. Problems associated with human health these days are not always characterized by genetic inheritance or predisposition to one or another type of disease, as well as the influence of environmental factors on the body. Recently, an increasing impact on the state of the body and its performance is exerted by food products that are part of the daily diet, or, to be more precise, their composition, which, in turn, is replete with a list of all kinds of so-called food additives, the most common of which are ingredients with index E.

Is it safe to consume such foods?


The letter "E" on the composition label of this or that food product denotes compliance with the European nutritional standard, and the digital index - the type of additive itself. Once, the names of these chemicals were indicated in the composition of the products in full, but due to the volume of the names, they were replaced by an alphanumeric code.

Today, not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, the use of E-additives in food production is prohibited. But only a few.

The European Commission enjoys the right to ban, and inspections on the ground, that is, on the territory of food enterprises and shops, are carried out by the so-called inspection of the food and veterinary service, and even then - not everywhere.

How does this system work?

E-supplements are tested on animals and humans in accredited European laboratories. Taking into account the absence of negative consequences and effects on the body, additives are included in the list of permitted ones. Otherwise, if the inspectors of the food and veterinary services find during the inspection of food products that contain prohibited E-components, seizure is carried out. The frequency of this kind of checks is once every six months. That is, in the intermediate six months, in the absence of data on the dangers of a particular additive based on research, people do not know what they eat.

The irony of this “nutritious scenario” doesn't end there. E-components are prohibited in the presence of a threat to life, for example, those that lead to death. A large mass of others remains in the shadows, either little studied or not characterized as "dangerous". That is, if preservatives are not globally recognized as lethal for food consumption, then they may be considered non-hazardous. And this is not the only example that raises doubts, to say the least.

Complete catalog of dangerous and questionable food additives (E-additives).

Recently, researchers have carefully studied a large number of food additives and the risks of diseases they cause.

Here are some examples of similar E-elements added to today's food products:

E102- tartrazine - a dye. It is allowed on the territory of our country, but prohibited on the territory of the European Union.

Effects on the body:
- food allergy.

Foods containing tartrazine: confectionery, sweets, ice cream, drinks.

E128- red dye Red 2G with a carcinogenic effect, used in the production of sausages with a grain and legume content of more than 6% and products from minced meat, and gives a pink color to the product. It is a genotoxic compound, that is, it has the ability to cause changes in genes. E128 is prohibited for use in Russia!

Effects on the body(long-term period of manifestation of the reaction after the moment of use):
- oncological diseases;
- fetal malformations;
- congenital pathologies.

Products containing red dye Red 2G: sausages and sausages (especially cheap ones).

E216 and E217- preservatives (propyl ether and sodium salt). Banned in Russia!

Effects on the body:
- food poisoning.

Food products containing this type of preservative: sweets, filled chocolates, meats, jelly-coated pates, soups and broths.

E250- sodium nitrite - a dye, seasoning and preservative used for dry preservation of meat and stabilization of its red color. E250 is approved for use in Russia, but banned in the EU.

Effects on the body:
- increased excitability of the nervous system in children;
- oxygen starvation of the body (hypoxia);
- a decrease in the content of vitamins in the body;
- food poisoning with a possible fatal outcome;
- oncological diseases.

Foods containing sodium nitrite: bacon (especially fried), corned beef, sausages, ham, smoked meats and fish.

E320- antioxidant to slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil mixtures (allowed in Russia, but considered hazardous to health).

Effects on the body:
- an increase in the content of cholesterol in the body.

Foods containing the antioxidant E320: some foods with fat content; chewing gum.

E400-499- thickeners, stabilizers to increase the viscosity of the product (most of them are prohibited in the Russian Federation).

Effects on the body:
- diseases of the digestive tract.

Foods containing these types of E-supplements: yoghurt cultures and mayonnaise.

E510, E513 and E527(from the E500-599 group) - emulsifiers that create uniformity when combining immiscible products, for example, water and oil.

Effects on the body:
- diarrhea;
- failures in the liver.

E951- aspartame - a synthetic sweetener.

Effects on the body:
- depletion of serotonin reserves in the cerebral cortex;
- the development of manic depression, anxiety attacks, violence (with excessive use).

Products containing aspartame: chewing gum, carbonated drinks (especially imported).

Prohibited E-Supplements

At the moment, it is possible to give only an approximate list of E-supplements that are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of decisions based on research by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

E121 - citrus red dye;
E123 - red amaranth dye;
E240 - formaldehyde preservative, classifying which can be attributed to the same group of substances as arsenic with hydrocyanic acid - deadly poisons;
E116-117 - preservatives that are actively used in the production of confectionery and meat products;
E924a and E924b are the so-called “flour and bread improvers”.

And also such additives are prohibited: E103, E107, E125, E127, E128, E213-219, E140, E153-155, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E240, E241, E252, E253, E264, E281–283, E302, E303, E305, E308–314, E317, E318, E323–325, E328, E329, E343–345, E349, E350–352, E355–357, E359, E365–368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387–390, E399, E403, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429–436, E441–444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489, E491-496, E505, E512, E519-523, E535, E537, E538, E541, E542, E550, E552, E554-557, E559, E560, E574, E576, E577, E579, E580, E622–625, E628, E629, E632–635, E640, E641, E906, E908–911, E913, E916–919, E922–926, E929, E942–946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E1521.

And this is not the whole list. Besides, where is the guarantee that E-elements prohibited for production are not used?

E-supplements, legal in Russia, but considered dangerous

Food additives E105, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152, E210, E211, E330, E447 are factors causing the growth of malignant tumors.

E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461, E466 - provoking the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food additive E239 may cause an allergic reaction.

E171, E320-322 - additives that cause liver and kidney disease.

In addition, the following additives are prohibited in the European Union, but the following additives are still allowed in Russia: E102, E104, E110, E111, E120, E122, E124, E126, E141, E142, E150, E212, E250, E251, E311-313, E477 ...

Analysis of the food market

Analysis of the state of the modern food market for the content of food E-components that are dangerous to human health and life has shown that most of the offered assortment contains, to a greater or lesser extent, the above substances.

As an example, we can cite a certain list of brands on the modern food market, among which E-elements have been found that pose a danger to the life of an individual:

1. Among carbonated drinks:

- "Fruittime Duchess", as well as "Fiesta Duchess", derived from the Coca-Cola company (contain E951 aspartame);
- all other subsidiaries of the Coca-Cola manufacturer;
- "Lemonade" (Greatley);
- "Raspberry" (Salute-Cola);
- "Barberry" (Assorted);
- "Citro" (Salute-Cola), etc.

2. Among the chewing gums that are especially popular these days:

- "Dirol" (contains thickener E414, which provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; antioxidant E330; preservative E296; dye E171; emulsifier (as indicated on the package) E322, which is an antioxidant, as well as E321 and glazing E903);
- "Orbit" (contains sorbitol E420, which belongs to the group of emulsifiers and stabilizers; maltitol E965 (antifoaming agent-anti-flaming, and how dangerous it is - for the consumer to judge); stabilizer E422; thickener E414; dye E171; sweetener aspartame E951, etc.).

Which of these chewing gum is less dangerous and whether it is worth consuming it at all is a private matter for everyone!

3. Some alcoholic energy drinks include:

- "ABSENTER ENERGY" (contains stabilizer E414; acidity regulator, also known as antioxidant E330; preservative E211);
- "JAGUAR" (contains preservative E211; dyes);

The majority of energy drinks that do not contain alcohol can be attributed to the same group, even if the letter code "E" does not appear in the composition, MirSovetov advises paying attention to the name of the components contained, otherwise how is the "energetic" effect on the body justified ?!

4. Among chips and croutons:

"Lays" in a small package (contains aspartame E951);
- "Pringles" (contains the emulsifier E471);
- crackers "Kirieshki" (contains flavor enhancer E621, E627, E631, E551, dye E100, etc.).

5. Among fermented milk products:

- "Activia" with the addition of something, be it fruits or cereals (as part of the thickener E1442);
- “Rastishka yoghurt with fruit puree” (the same thickener E1442; dyes, etc.) is a baby food product !!!
- "Danissimo" (thickener E1442, acidity regulators).

6. Among sausages:

Sausage "Kievskiy cervelat" sausage factory "Kanevskoy" (which contains stabilizers and preservative sodium nitrite E250);
- "Amateur" boiled by the same manufacturer (contains a preservative-color fixative, as well as sodium nitrite E250);

7. Among the brands of ice cream:

As an example, we can cite the products of "La Fam", where the dye E102, E133, stabilizers E407, E410, E412, E466, E471 are found. And this is what our children eat!

8. Among the well-known chocolate manufacturers:

- "Sweet" and "Alpen Gold" (contain E476, stabilizers);
- "Nesquik" (E124 and E476 were found in the composition).

The consumer today should be more than vigilant in his choice and take into account at least the results of the latest research in this area, as well as coordinate his diet with the list of harmful and hazardous substances.

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