Home Potato How much to walk with a baby. The first walks with a newborn: in summer, spring and winter. Feeding: before or after

How much to walk with a baby. The first walks with a newborn: in summer, spring and winter. Feeding: before or after

Walking with a newborn on the street in autumn or spring is one of the most difficult questions for parents. After all, the weather is changing quite dramatically. And here it is important, when walking as a baby, not to freeze it or overheat it. In addition, many parents are interested in and from what day after discharge it is possible to walk with a newborn on the street in autumn / winter and how long it can be done.

What is the use of walking

Walking on the street with a baby is extremely useful. And this action has a lot of advantages, and it doesn't matter how much time has passed after childbirth - newborns need to stay outdoors even in autumn.

Oxygen is, of course, one of the main benefits of walking. On the street, in the open air, of course, there is much more of it than at home, even in a perfectly ventilated room.

  1. During the whole day in the apartment, the air begins to stagnate. As a result, newborns do not feel particularly well - they lose their appetite and sleep worse. And after giving birth, on the contrary, they need strength that will allow him to actively develop and grow.
  2. The second point for the need to walk with the baby on the street is to strengthen his immunity. After all, the temperature drops that occur when leaving the house into an open space, help to strengthen the baby's immunity. This process is especially effective in the intermediate seasons, when the difference is more noticeable.
  3. Walking in early autumn is also useful because you can catch the last gentle sun. And it is known to be an excellent source of vitamin D, which strengthens the bone tissue of a child. Walking slowly through the park with a baby, even a couple of days after leaving the hospital, you can significantly strengthen its immunity.

There is also a plus for mom - when walking with a newborn, she corrects her figure faster. And the street is always full of other young mothers with crumbs who will turn into friends from the sandbox, with whom later, quite possibly, the child will go to the same kindergarten and school.

Is it possible to change walks to sleep on the balcony

Often, many mothers are afraid to go outside with their newborns immediately after they are discharged. And they are interested in the question - is it possible to make adjustments and change walks for sleeping on the balcony. Formally, it seems that there is no difference - all the same air and oxygen.

Doctors are against this replacement option. After all, sleeping on the balcony does not carry the necessary swaying movements, the air flow is reduced, and if the balcony is glazed, then it does not pass through the glazing at all, and the sun hits the baby directly. For newborns, this brings a lot of problems - it is hot and uncomfortable to sleep, and the baby also gets the habit of falling asleep exclusively in the stroller, which later brings problems - he can refuse the crib.

When to start walking

Previously, doctors had clear recommendations on when and how much you can and should walk with a newborn. It was believed that this should be done 40 days after discharge. This is often associated with ancient traditions, when, according to the rules, a newborn was baptized on the 40th day, at the same time they were taken out into the street for the first time.

Modern pediatricians offer not to waste time and advise to go out for a walk with the newborn almost immediately after discharge - already on the 5-7th day. True, it should be borne in mind that such a recommendation applies only to those cases when the weather is good outside.

In autumn and spring, it is worth walking with caution. When it gets cool, you should start walking after 6-7 days from the moment of discharge. It is worth considering the fact that you can walk with premature or unhealthy babies only after consulting a doctor.

How long should you be outside

Another question that worries young parents is how long you can walk with a baby in the fall. The first walk in the fall, as experts say, should be 10-15 minutes. Then the amount of time can be increased significantly. So, already a month it is allowed to walk with the baby for about 40 minutes. Alternatively, if he likes to walk, he can walk as long as he wants.

In addition to the question: how much to walk, the question is also important: when exactly. Here the experts are quite unambiguous in their answers - the time that is convenient for the mother should be chosen.

As a rule, such walks fit into the time intervals from 10 to noon or from 2 to 4 in the afternoon.

It should be understood that such numbers are rather arbitrary and may vary depending on the personal preferences of the young mother and her baby.

What to wear outside

Naturally, going for a walk in the fall, you should also think carefully about what to wear for a newborn child. So, while autumn is still warm, i.e. in September, there is still no point in wrapping up the child. Usually it is recommended to dress the child at a controversial time one layer more than yourself. An excellent solution for a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius will be bodysuits with sleeves, romper suit and a light autumn jumpsuit. A hat is also welcome.

When it gets colder, you should slightly insulate the hat and overalls. Be sure to monitor the condition of the crumbs after a walk. So, if you take it out of the stroller sweaty and red, then something should be removed. Overheating for crumbs is worse than hypothermia.

If a walk with a baby takes place in a sling, you should not put it on too warmly, because he will receive enough heat from the mother's body. At the same time, it must be remembered that the crumbs should be insulated not with the help of warm clothes, but due to the layering. This will make it easier to remove something from it if it suddenly gets too warm.

It is also advisable to take a light blanket with you for a walk - it will help cover the baby if a strong wind suddenly starts.

When you are discharged from the hospital, recommendations for caring for a newborn baby are indicated in the certificate or discharge epicrisis. When everything is in order with the child, the recommendations are usually short "breastfeeding, bathing, walking." And if everything is more or less clear with bathing and feeding, then walks with a newborn raise many questions: when to start, how much to walk and what to wear at the same time? And is it really necessary for a tiny toddler to walk, who can be trapped in the street by infections, drafts and poisonous exhaust fumes? The answer is really simple - no doubt.

Perhaps not all places in the city are suitable for walking with a newly born baby. Nevertheless, the importance of open air (even if it is not too fresh) and sunlight cannot be overemphasized. Although doctors' opinions on the length of the newborn's walks and their appropriateness, the traditions of care and upbringing should not be ignored.

The child's immunity must be consistently strengthened, but if you raise him in a greenhouse environment, you can achieve the exact opposite result. Therefore, regular stay with the baby in the air is a guarantee of his future health.

  1. Even if the family lives in a big city, the oxygen content in the open air is still much higher than in the apartment, where it is "eaten up" by heating and an enclosed space. Due to the constant lack of oxygen, children sleep worse and lose their appetite.
  2. The thermoregulation mechanisms of a newborn baby are imperfect: fresh air and differences between room and outside temperatures help to establish their work, as well as strengthen the immune system.
  3. Vitamin D is needed for proper formation of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, especially its type cholecalciferol (also known as vitamin D3). It is practically not present in food, but it is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Walking allows the baby to get the dose of vitamin necessary for the body, even on a cloudy day.
  4. Long walks in the fresh air strengthen the mother's body and allow her to get in shape faster after childbirth.

And finally, walking with newborn children is a great opportunity to get close to the same mothers and find new friends!

For various reasons, some mothers replace walks with sleep on the balcony, which causes a lot of controversy among both pediatricians and parents. Among the arguments against such a replacement, they call a reduced flow of fresh air, a lack of sunlight, and most importantly, the child gets used to sleeping in a stroller, which in the future can lead to problems with the baby's sleep in the crib. Nevertheless, the air on the balcony is much cleaner, since exhaust gases do not rise there, and if it is not glazed, then ultraviolet radiation will be enough for the baby. Walks on the balcony are permissible if the family lives on the upper floors, in houses without an elevator, or if there is no one to help the mother carry and carry the stroller. However, if there are still assistants, and the mother chose a light stroller or sling, it is definitely worth going for a walk - this is a guarantee of the baby's health in the future.

When and how much to walk

Many doctors recommend starting walking with a baby immediately after leaving the hospital. However, for prevention reasons, it is recommended to wait 5-7 days - if the baby was born in summer, or a couple of weeks - for babies born in winter. If the temperature outside is below -10 degrees or above +30, strong winds or heavy rainfall, then it is also recommended to wait until the weather is more pleasant with the first walk of the newborn.

The duration of the walk, depending on the age of the baby, is shown in the table below. With each walk, it is advisable to increase the time spent on the street by 5-10 minutes per week.

First walk 10-15 minutes 15-20 minutes 10-12 minutes 5-10 minutes
Week 1 25-35 minutes 30-45 minutes 20-25 minutes 15-20 minutes
1 month 2 times for 50 minutes - 1 hour 2 times for 1-1.5 hours 2 times for 40-50 minutes 2 times for 30-40 minutes
3 months 2 times for 1.5-2 hours 2 times for 2.5-3 hours 2 times for 1-2 hours 2 times for 1 hour
6 months 2 times for 2 hours 2 times for 2 hours or 1 time for 4-5 hours 2 times for 1 hour 2 times for 1 hour
1 year 1-2 times for 2-3 hours 2-3 times for 2-3 hours 2 times for 1-1.5 hours 1-2 times for 1-1.5 hours

These figures are quite approximate, and may vary depending on weather conditions or the well-being of the baby. In winter snowstorms or severe frosts, it is not very wise to go for a walk, but with the arrival of sunny and warm spring and summer days, you can spend all your free time outside.

During a walk, a newborn most often sleeps: the movement lulls him to sleep. But as they grow older, the duration of wakefulness increases, and the baby looks at the world around with interest, sitting in a sling or looking at the stroller from the inside. A couple of months after birth, you can attach bright toys to the stroller: this will make walks more fun for the child.

When the time has come to go outside with the baby and the weather is favorable for this, the mother will have to solve a rather difficult problem for inexperienced parents - how to dress a newborn for a walk and what may be required with you?

When it comes to clothing, pediatricians used to advise sticking to the classic plus-one formula, when a child wore one more layer of clothing than an adult. But thanks to the variety of styles of children's clothing and modern materials from which it is sewn, the outfit for the baby should be selected strictly individually and taking into account the weather conditions.


At first it may seem that on warm days you can walk with your baby as long as you like, summer weather can conceal many dangers for the baby: intense heat can lead to overheating, and a sudden wind or heavy rain can lead to hypothermia and colds. That is why you need to prepare very carefully for the first walk with a newborn in the summer. The following tips may come in handy:

  1. The optimal set of walking clothes for a baby may consist of a undershirt and romper suit, a slip (thin jumpsuit with long sleeves), a dress or body with short sleeves, shorts and socks. However, a hat is desirable in any case, even if the baby is in the stroller.
  2. The only possible material for baby clothes is pure cotton, which breathes well, does not cause allergies and maintains a comfortable heat exchange for the baby.
  3. The best colors for baby's summer clothes are white, blue, pale pink, cream, but it is better to choose a snow-white hat or panama hat: the reflective properties of the color will prevent overheating and heatstroke.
  4. Sweatshirts and sliders for summer walks should be very high quality sewn, without rough seams and appliqués that can chafe and cause discomfort to the baby.
  5. If the first walk of the newborn in the summer is planned in a sling, then dressing the baby needs to be easier: the high air temperature and the heat of the mother's body can provoke overheating. A child will be quite comfortable in a sling even in one hat and a diaper, but a sleeveless bodysuit or a thin T-shirt is still worth wearing. It is advisable to take a slip or sliders with you for a walk in case the baby needs to be taken out of the sling. As for the color of the sling, it should only be light: a dark fabric that absorbs the sun will create a very heavy atmosphere for the baby.
  6. You can check how properly the baby is dressed by touching his neck: it should only be warm, a hot neck fold indicates an increase in temperature or overheating, and a cold one indicates that the baby is frozen.

A summer walk with a newborn will not be complete without a pair of diapers, a spare diaper and a long-sleeved blouse, as well as a warm blanket that will help protect the baby in case of a sudden change in the weather.

It should be remembered that the most comfortable air temperature for a newborn is + 23-25 ​​degrees. At temperatures above +30, it is recommended to postpone the walk until the onset of coolness.

Autumn-spring period

It is not easy for mothers of babies born in spring or autumn to choose clothes for walking, because the weather at this time is so changeable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of any unforeseen situations. To collect "autumn" or "spring" babies for a walk, the following tips will help:

  1. On warm May or September days, you should not wrap your baby up: if the temperature is not lower than +10, he will be comfortable in a long-sleeved bodysuit with a vest or a thin blouse, thin autumn overalls and one warm hat.
  2. If it gets colder outside to +5 and below, you need to add a thin hat to the baby's street outfit, which is worn under the warm one, and change the autumn overalls for a winter one.
  3. For walks in a sling, it is not necessary to “warm” the baby much: it will be warmed by the mother’s warmth. At the beginning of autumn or at the end of spring, a dense summer walking jumpsuit will be enough for him over a bodysuit and a blouse or slip, and in the cold - an autumn jumpsuit and one hat.
  4. Warmth for the child should be provided by the layering of the outfit, and not by the thickness of one overalls: it is better to remove the extra blouse from the baby than to make him sweat in hot winter outerwear.
  5. For a walk, it is recommended to take a thin blanket or blanket to wrap the baby in a strong wind.

An excellent option for the off-season is a transforming overalls with a detachable warm lining. During warming, it can be removed, and the ability to turn the clothes into an envelope for walking with a newborn will help protect the baby from hypothermia.


Walking in the winter is not always pleasant for the mother, but very useful for the baby. For those who want to make a walk with a newborn comfortable and safe, the following tips will come in handy:

  1. In winter, it is recommended to dress the baby in 3 layers of clothing: a slip or body with long sleeves, a fleece jumpsuit and a warm envelope or jumpsuit with a sheepskin lining.
  2. You will need two hats for your baby: a thin cap and a warm winter cap.
  3. The best materials for children's winter clothing are cotton, fleece, wool, and for overalls - modern fabrics based on membrane technologies.
  4. A warm blanket should be in the stroller throughout the winter season to protect your baby from wind and snowstorms.
  5. Mothers who have chosen a sling for wearing babies should carefully consider the selection of overalls: the most suitable will be a set of jackets and pants with straps, which are best worn over a jacket: in this case, the clothes will not bully, and the baby will not blow through.
  6. On a walk, you should carefully monitor the condition of the newborn, periodically feeling the neck and forehead: if the child is sweating and blushing, he is hot, and a cold nose and hiccups indicate not hypothermia and the need to urgently go home.

Also, do not forget about mom's clothes: high heels, tight outfits, long coats and fur coats are not a very comfortable option for walking with a baby. Comfortable, light and warm clothes in a casual or sports style, a stable heel or shoes without it, as well as gloves and a hat in the cold (even if the mother preferred not to wear them before), will make walks equally pleasant for both mom and baby, they will give both health and good mood.

Specialist's recommendations on what the baby's first walks should be

Young mothers, returning from the hospital, immediately face many questions, the most frequent of which is when to go for the first walk with a newborn. Parents whose babies are born in winter are especially worried. They are afraid that children might catch colds and get sick. When can you give your child the first walk in his life? What rules should be followed at different times of the year?

The baby, however, like his mother, is extremely important for fresh air. Regular walks increase appetite, improve blood circulation, and the newborn's sleep becomes deep and calm. Temperature drops outside and at home help to harden the child's body. Sunlight helps in the production of vitamin D, which prevents babies from getting rickets.

First walk

Although some mothers "go out" with a baby the very next morning after discharge, pediatric neonatologists recommend taking walks in the fresh air only from the second week of a newborn's life, giving him time to adapt to new conditions. You should start with a 15-minute exercise, adding ten minutes every day and bringing the total duration of being out of the house to two to three hours a day. The duration of walks in the autumn-winter period, as a rule, is shorter than in the warm season.

The ability for their own thermoregulation in children develops gradually, therefore it is necessary dress them correctly to avoid the two extremes: hypothermia and overheating. Observe the "golden" principle: the baby should be dressed for the season, but a little warmer than the mother - plus another layer of clothing ( We read the article on the topic: How to dress a newborn for a walk (summer, autumn, winter) -

To make the first walk a real pleasure for the baby and mother, you need to take into account the weather conditions, the state of health of the baby, as well as the season.

We walk in the summer

Many parents mistakenly believe that in the summer months, you can walk with your child immediately after he is discharged, without limiting the time spent on the street. However, in hot summer, especially in the middle of the day, there is a risk of heatstroke for the baby due to overheating of the body. Do not forget that children under three months of age still have an insufficiently mature heat exchange system. Therefore, summer walks should be taken seriously and the basic rules should be followed:

  • Choose clothes made from natural materials so that they do not irritate the delicate skin of the newborn. Avoid buying stroller mattresses made of synthetic fabric.
  • If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, the time for walking should be postponed to the morning and evening, so that the summer heat does not interfere with the child.
  • Protect your baby's skin from direct sunlight. Wear a cap over his head to avoid sunstroke.
  • Walk several times a day, focusing on your baby's feeding schedule. Long walks are not very convenient, because the child still needs to change clothes, and you will also have other worries and troubles.
  • Take a bottle of boiled water or a nipple outside. If the child wakes up and cries, it can be distracted for a short time.

READ IN DETAIL: 10 rules for walking with a child in the summer heat

We walk in autumn and spring

In the off-season, the weather is often changeable: the bright sun is quickly replaced by torrential rains. In the autumn-spring period, the child can easily catch a cold. To prevent a runny nose and cough, pediatricians advise you to follow simple rules:

  • Don't go for a walk in rainy weather. Special raincoats create a kind of greenhouse effect inside the stroller, negatively affecting the health of the baby. A raincoat is convenient if you need to run home during a sudden downpour.
  • Even if the sun is bright outside, do not rush to undress your child to avoid hypothermia and colds. Use special demi-season overalls, they keep warm well, allowing the skin to breathe.
  • If the weather is dry and sunny, the first walk can be extended up to 15 minutes. Gradually bring the duration of the morning and evening promenade to one and a half hours.

Walking with a child in winter

The greatest doubts in terms of walking with young children are caused precisely by the cold season. Due to severe frosts and a piercing wind, the child can remain without fresh cold air for a long time. But you still need to walk, the main thing is to follow the elementary rules of child safety:

  • In winter, it is better to organize the first exit of the child on the street on the 14th day after his birth. If the weather permits (-5 degrees of frost), then you need to walk for 15 minutes. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, then reduce the time of the first walk to 10 minutes.
  • You cannot go out into the yard with a newborn in severe frost or a piercing wind. No matter how warm you wrap your baby up, his nose and cheeks can freeze. Replace the exit to the street with airing the nursery or "walking" on the balcony.
  • The total duration of a winter walk should not exceed one and a half hours. Go outside twice a day.
  • Pay special attention to your baby's clothes. Get a convertible jumpsuit. It will not only keep warm, but will also allow the baby to change clothes almost instantly, without disturbing his sensitive sleep.
  1. Purchase a special stroller for your newborn: it must be on wheels with shock absorbers, with a flat bottom, with a mattress made of natural materials (how to choose a stroller).
  2. First you need to get dressed and get ready for a walk for mom, and only then - equip the baby so that he does not overheat and sweat, waiting until you are ready.
  3. Take a walk between your child's meals. This will prolong the time of joint trips and will keep the baby from freezing, and will also improve his sleep.
  4. Choose calm places for your walk, away from roads and congestions of cars. The most suitable places are a public garden, park areas or a playground.
  5. Don't forget to put a couple of pacifiers in your travel bag. After all, if the baby screams for a long time in the cold air, it can get sore throat.
  6. If the weather outside is unimportant, do not deprive children of the opportunity to breathe in the fresh air. An ordinary walk can be replaced by sleeping on a glassed-in balcony or loggia. Of course, you should take care of your baby's safe sleep. Protect it from drafts, make sure that nothing falls on it from the neighboring balconies.

We also read: what can you take for a walk with your child

When you can't walk with a newborn

Despite all the benefits of walking in the fresh air, sometimes they can be harmful to the baby. If he gets sick, he has a high fever, stay at home in any weather, constantly ventilating the nursery. By the way, the question of leaving home for the first time with a painful or premature baby should be resolved only with your pediatrician.

Avoid walking in unfavorable weather conditions: too hot (above +30) or frosty (below -15) weather, rain or a sharp cold wind will bring more negative than good.

Fresh air is vital for a newborn baby and his mother. Regular walks will strengthen the child's body, as well as improve your mood and give you the necessary physical activity, which will help you quickly get in shape after childbirth.

Video: How long and under what conditions do you need to walk with a newborn?

The content of the article: The answer to the question: "When can you walk with a newborn after the hospital?" worries most young parents. Some people are afraid to take their baby outside immediately after leaving the maternity hospital. These fears are unfounded. Let's take a closer look at the first walk of a newborn, how to prepare for it, how long it should last, how to walk with the baby at different times of the year (summer, autumn, winter and spring), and what air temperature should be at the same time.

When can you walk with a newborn

The first time you go outside with your newborn depends on several factors, such as:

weather- in the autumn-winter period, the air temperature must be higher than -5 ° C. The weather is calm, not rainy;

body weight of the newborn. The child's weight must be 2500 kg or more. With a lower body weight of the baby, walks are undesirable, you must wait until the time when he gains the desired weight. You can find the table of norms for weight gain in newborns on our website;

health of the newborn. Bathing and walking after vaccination, as well as with any increase in body temperature, is prohibited.

If the weather meets the necessary conditions, the first walk can be done the next day after the mother and child arrive home. It is not necessary to use a stroller, it is enough to take a walk, holding the baby in your arms in a blanket or envelope. You will spend more time getting the stroller out.

First walk with a newborn

Preparing for the newborn's first walk

Before going for a walk, the child must be fed so that he is well-fed and not capricious.

Change diapers or diapers, even if they are practically dry.

You need to know that regardless of the weather conditions, first a thin cap is put on the head of a newborn child, and then a hat (thick in winter, thin in summer).

Mom gets dressed first, then she dresses her baby. If you do the opposite, then the baby will sweat before going out for a walk, and the slightest breeze will provide him with a cold.

To determine exactly how to dress the baby for a walk, you need to focus on how the mother is dressed. Namely, if her personal clothing consists of three layers, then the infant's clothing should be one more layer.

How long does it take to walk with a newborn

In winter, the duration of the first walk is no more than 15 minutes, in summer - 30 minutes. Further, the duration of the child's stay in the air increases every day by 5-10 minutes - up to two hours in the summer, up to one hour in the winter.

With a baby of the second month of life, walks are allowed in winter at a temperature not lower than - 10 ° C, 2 walks for 1 hour, and in summer at least 4 hours in 2 walks.

With a child after 6 months, you can walk at temperatures above -15 ° C in winter 2 times for 1-1.5 hours, in summer without time limit.

Important! Walking with your baby every day helps to strengthen his physical condition and broaden his horizons.

The best place to walk with a newborn

It is necessary to choose places far from highways, since such a walk will not benefit the baby, but harm. It is best to walk in park areas, near water bodies, courtyards with green spaces. That is, choose those places where the air is least polluted.

Advice: in the absence of an opportunity to go outside with the baby, you can arrange a "walk" on the balcony. This is possible if there is no motorway nearby and car exhaust does not pollute the air. In addition, the balcony should not be glazed.

You must first make sure that the child's life is not in danger (a cigarette butt thrown by a neighbor or any fallen thing). The child must be in a stroller or in his arms.

A "walk" on the balcony is possible until the baby begins to roll over on its own (up to 5-6 months). In the future, it is already dangerous, the child may fall out of the stroller.

How to walk with a newborn in summer

When walking with a baby in summer, the following rules must be observed:

Do not keep your baby in direct sunlight;

Do not walk in the sun (the best time is from 8 am to 10 am and from 5 pm to 6 pm in the evening);

To avoid the occurrence of retinal burns in the infant, it is required to cover the stroller with a light cape;

Give water to drink from a bottle in very hot weather (is it possible for a newborn to drink water - this is a controversial issue, we tried to answer it in one of our articles);

After an evening walk, you can bathe your newborn for the first time.

How to walk with a newborn in winter

The air temperature in winter during the first walk should be above -5 ° C.

The first walk of a newborn in winter lasts no more than 10 minutes, at temperatures below 0 ° C, it is advisable to walk with a stroller, then the time is increased with each new walk by 5-10 minutes and brought to 1 hour.

The child should be well dressed and his face covered.

The best time to walk is during the day when the sun is shining.

If mom freezes, then the walk should be interrupted.

The first walk of a newborn in spring or autumn is determined depending on the weather, if it's warm, then like in summer, if it's cold, then like in winter. There should be no rain or strong wind outside.

Important! We look at the condition of the newborn's skin, it should not turn red or pale, this may indicate overheating or hypothermia. The child must be dressed for the weather, as the thermoregulation of the newborn is not yet perfect. Therefore, dressing up is just as harmful as under dressing.

Make an appointment with a doctor in your city

How long does it take to walk with a baby

You need to walk with the baby in the very first days after returning from the maternity hospital. Neither regular airing of the apartment, nor wet cleaning of the room can replace fresh air and sun rays. You should not immediately walk with him for a long time, since the child's body has not yet matured and long walks are tiresome for him, especially for children born in the cold season.

You should walk with your baby every day. In the first days of his life, you should go out with him on the balcony. You can take it on handles, having previously wrapped it in a warm blanket. In the summertime, you can put on a warm hat and bodysuit. If the balcony is large enough, you can take the child out in a stroller. It is necessary during a walk to open the child's face so that direct sunlight falls on him. This is how the child's body is enriched with vitamin D.

How much to walk with a baby in winter

If it happens that the child was born in the winter, the question of how long to walk with him is added to all sorts of questions related to caring for him. When deciding on the answer to this question, you should always make allowances for the weather and be guided by it. It is best to go out with your child for a walk on days when the sun is shining, there is no strong wind and severe frost.

It should be noted that even newborn babies, provided they are absolutely healthy, quickly adapt to the realities of the environment. This fact means that the whole family can walk in the fresh air in winter almost immediately after leaving the maternity hospital. True, this becomes possible only if all of the above factors are observed. It is possible that the doctor, who observed the child immediately after his birth, will propose to postpone the first exit to fresh air for a week.

Still, babies get used to the world around them gradually, since their bodies must develop resistance to its negative influences. In view of this circumstance, you should not immediately take the baby out into the street for a long time in winter. The time for walking with him must be increased gradually, and if in the first month of his life it should be no more than five minutes, then it can be increased to fifteen to twenty minutes a day and then up to half an hour.

How much to walk with a baby in the fall

On average, with a baby in the fall, you can walk for about an hour and a half. In this case, you should pay attention to the following circumstances:

* If the weather is bad, you should not rush to go for a walk. It is a mistake to believe that a raincoat on a stroller guarantees absolute protection from rain and wind. Thanks to him, a greenhouse effect is created in the stroller, which negatively affects the health of the child.

* In warm weather, one should not rush to undress the child, since the autumn weather is deceitful and the child can easily catch a cold. This becomes possible because his body is still weak and has not yet acquired its own thermoregulation. To prevent this from happening, the child should be warmly dressed, but not wrapped up at the same time.

How much to walk with a baby in spring

The duration of a walk with a baby in spring is the same as in autumn. The duration of the first walk should not exceed fifteen minutes, while, like in the fall, the child should be warmly dressed, since the unpredictable spring weather can play a cruel joke on him, and he will catch a cold. Ten minutes should be added to each subsequent stay in the fresh air, gradually increasing the duration of the walk in the spring in the fresh air to one and a half hours. The maximum possible time for an infant to be outdoors in spring is two hours. It is achieved about a month after the start of the walks.

How much do you need to walk with a baby in summer

Summer is the most fertile time for outdoor walks with a newborn baby. However, the opinion that you can start walking immediately after leaving the hospital is erroneous. It is also a mistake to think that you can walk with your baby for as long as you like in the summer. If the child feels normal, the first going out can be done with him in a week and a half after birth. You should be guided by the weather, because if you overheat, the child can get heatstroke.

In the event that the air temperature on a summer day reaches thirty degrees with a plus in the shade, it is best to walk in the morning or evening, at a time when the heat has not yet manifested itself, or has already subsided. Walking in the summer with a baby, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

* if the child feels good, you can walk with him for up to two hours;

* for a walk, you must take a bottle of liquid with you, in case the baby wants to drink;

* if the baby is breastfed, the mother should be dressed comfortably in order to be able to feed her baby if necessary;

* if the child is artificially fed, you do not need to take the prepared formula with you for a walk, as it may deteriorate. Instead, it is recommended to grab warm water in a thermos and dry mixture;

* with increased activity of the sun, it is best to walk in the shade.

How many times to walk with a baby

If the child feels well, it is recommended to go outside twice a day in the warm season, and once a day in the cold season. It is best to go for a walk either before half past nine in the morning or at three in the afternoon.

A child under the age of six months will sleep during the entire time of the walk. Only when he reaches the age of seven months will he begin to react to the environment when walking.

When taking a walk, you should check your baby's nose with your lips. It shouldn't be cold, just a little cool. You also need to monitor the back of the child and his neck, which should not get wet.

You should walk with a baby only after feeding him so that he is full. For walks, you need to choose calm, quiet places where there is fresh air and there are no roads.

If your baby is healthy, you can go out with him from the very first days of his life. There are a few precautions to take when doing this.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast: the baby should not be outside in too high or too cold temperatures. It is best to go for a walk in mild weather, in the absence of rain or strong winds.

Vary the length of your walks. At the very beginning, go out for about half an hour (you will have time to get around the block or take a short walk), then gradually increase the duration of the walk. Already in the first weeks, walk for up to an hour a day.

It is best to go for a walk with your baby between two feedings, if only because it will be calmer for you, and after you change his diaper. If you still need to go out for a few hours, take a handkerchief or small blanket with you so that you can safely breastfeed your baby. If you are feeding a baby with formula, be sure to bring everything you need to prepare it.

If you are visiting friends or family, make sure in advance that none of them are sick. Do not go to a home where someone is sick, but rather reschedule the visit.

Places to Avoid

  • Supermarkets and other large stores: it is better not to visit them with a newborn. There is too much noise and fuss in them, the air conditioners are working too hard. In addition, we do not recommend installing the carrycot on a trolley in a supermarket, as this often leads to accidents.
  • Hospitals: do not visit patients with the baby, even if the patient is in the maternity ward.
  • Beaches: they are not recommended for children under one year old. Be careful as excessive sun exposure or heatstroke is dangerous for the baby.
  • In the mountains, you can climb with a baby to a height of no more than 2000 meters, but in summer you should protect your baby from the sun, and in winter you need to dress him warmly.

Things for a walk with a baby

  • A light jacket (or light blanket) and a complete set of clothing for changing.
  • If it's hot outside: sunscreen, bucket hat, sunglasses, and a small bottle of water.
  • A blanket to safely breastfeed, or a bottle of formula, and a bib.
  • The kid's favorite toy (if necessary).
  • One or two diapers, sanitary napkins and a plastic bag.
  • One dose of saline.
  • Homeopathic arnica granules or arnica cream.
  • If you are breastfeeding, remember to bring some food: fresh or dried fruit, an energy bar, a bottle of water.

Is it possible to allow other people to take the baby in their arms, kiss him?

Do this as rarely as possible, especially in the first weeks of life, when the child's immune system is still practically not formed! Do not allow strangers on the street or in the store to stroke your baby's cheek or take his hand without your permission. Such friendly gestures are permissible only for close relatives. Always warn your baby in advance that they want to say hello or talk to him. If he is crying, do not insist.

Carrying a baby in a sling

From the very first hours of life, your child desperately needs physical contact with you and constant motion sickness. A sling scarf is the best way to keep your baby close to you at all times. A baby sling is a large rectangle of fabric, usually twill, and can be straight, criss-cross or mixed. The size of the sling should be selected based on the type of sling you want and your body type. Good baby slings (usually made in Germany) allow you to comfortably carry your baby from birth to at least three years of age in various positions - on the stomach, on the hip, on the back. Among other things, this way of carrying a baby is cheaper than a stroller.

There are also so-called physiological fabric seats for children (usually they are produced in accordance with all environmental and other standards). Like slings, they take into account the physiology of the baby and the adult who carries it. In such a seat, unlike traditional infant seats, the baby does not sit on his genitals with his legs dangling: he is seated in the "frog" position, with his legs wide apart. This position is comfortable because the baby's body is still very flexible. In addition, this position distributes the weight more evenly, which greatly facilitates the task of the porter, relieving stress from his shoulders and back. Toddler seats are slightly more expensive than classic baby slings. To choose a sling scarf or physiological seat for an infant, as well as to master the technique of tying a sling, we recommend that you attend at least one lesson that teaches the technique of carrying babies: it is best to do this already in the third trimester of pregnancy.

At what temperature can the child be taken outside

Walking can be started only from two to three weeks of age at an air temperature of at least +22 ° С. If the air temperature is lower (up to + 10 ° С), then walks should be started only from 4-5 weeks, and below + 5 ° С - from 2-3 months. The duration of the first walk should not exceed an average of 15-20 minutes (30-40 minutes in the summer and 5-10 minutes in the winter). In the future, the child's stay in the fresh air gradually increases to 1.5-2 hours. During walks in the summer, the sun's ultraviolet rays strengthen the child's immune and nervous systems. However, it is necessary to protect the newborn from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays on the body, since the skin of a small child contains an insufficient amount of the protective pigment melanin, which can cause sunburn and serious damage to the surface epithelium. It is necessary to remember to protect the child's head, to protect him from heat or sunstroke by putting on a panama or cap. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child's skin. At the slightest redness or slight peeling, it is advisable to stop walking in the sun for 1-2 days. If necessary, you can use special children's hypoallergenic sunscreens with a high level of UV filter.

In winter, at an air temperature of at least -10 ° C, from 3-4 weeks of age, you can put your child to sleep on the street for 20-30 minutes. When dressing a child for a walk in winter, one must remember about one physiological feature of newborns. The fact is that the subcutaneous fatty tissue of young children is much better developed than that of adults. In addition, it contains a large amount of refractory fatty acids - this is brown adipose tissue. Therefore, at the same temperature, an adult and a child feel differently. When dressing a child for a winter walk, it is necessary to use the rule of three things: first, put on underwear with a diaper, then a warm jacket, pants or overalls, and then warm socks, a hat and an envelope (or blanket). The fact that the child is cold is evidenced by the paleness of the face and tip of the nose and the child's too calm behavior. Also in winter it is necessary to use creams that protect the child's skin from hypothermia, wind and frost.

Before walking on the street, the child should be given the opportunity to get used to his home and study it well. Parents are very fond of walking with a newborn in winter, and even carrying him in a stroller, because in the cold air he sleeps for a long time and soundly. However, sound sleep is not good for the child, on the contrary, it indicates that either the child has experienced stress (including cold), or the body is under great stress and fell into deep sleep in order to restore or maintain its strength. At any time of the year, it is better to walk with the child, carrying him in a sling - this way he will always be warm, comfortable and he will feel safe.

Walking with the child is desirable for the person who cares for him most of the time. A young child will feel anxious walking with his grandmother, who comes every six months and whom he hardly knows. Usually, parents allow relatives to walk with their children, because they do not want to offend them. In this case, they should choose what is more important to them: satisfied relatives or the child's trust. Also, you should not give a child in the arms of strangers during a walk, because, firstly, it may be unpleasant for him, even if he is very small, and secondly, how then can parents teach the child the rules of safe behavior (“you cannot go anywhere with strangers or let other people's uncles or aunts touch themselves ”), if they do otherwise?

Dressing a child who is in mom's arms or in a sling should be like yourself. If he himself already runs a lot, then according to the principle of "minus one" layer of clothing. Usually I see that mothers dress their children warmer than themselves, despite the fact that they are sitting on a bench, and the child is constantly moving (walking, running).

Unfortunately, some parents still believe that the best care for a child is to dress him warmer, to feed him more, to let him fall less (which means walking and running, otherwise how would he fall?). Needless to say, overheating and any "greenhouse conditions" in general is a disservice for the child?

Children get sick more often from such "care", and then their parents "heroically" fight the problems that they themselves have created, and also say to others: "Children sooo often get sick!" If the child is awake, do not hide him from the wind or from the dampness on the street - the child's body easily adapts to these natural factors if it is not hindered.

If the child is more than six months old, it is advisable to take something to drink and eat with you for a walk. You can always interest the child with food, distract, calm down, and just feed him if he is hungry. I also took a change of clothes with me and therefore did not worry that the child would get dirty and passers-by would look askance at us on the way home. In the first two years, my son constantly found a way to get dirty while walking in the park, and instead of keeping my clothes clean and restricting movement all the time, I just quickly changed his clothes when we were about to go home.

After one and a half to two years, the child can be carried in a stroller from time to time. Children like to ride, but you shouldn't take a stroller with you all the time - the child should be able to run, jump and learn to follow his mother during a walk. If you use the stroller all the time, it will move too little on its own.

A strengthened child, according to the doctor's instructions, should be taken out into fresh air, if the weather is not too windy. You can dress the baby as for the street and leave at an open window. Depending on the weather and well-being, the child should be outdoors for 3-5 hours daily. When walking outside, remember that the raised top of the stroller is designed to protect your baby from rain. In fine weather, the stroller should be open to provide the newborn with fresh air. It is completely unacceptable to cover the stroller with a plastic tarp. Due to the lack of fresh air circulation, the flow of oxygen into the lungs is disrupted and the amount of carbon dioxide in the confined space around the child increases (forcibly). This makes the whole walk meaningless.

Rickets develops in the body of weakened children, deprived of vitamin D. This vitamin allows you to absorb calcium from food without loss. Even if there is enough calcium in food, without vitamin D, the body is not able to assimilate and store it. The lack of enough calcium in the child's body (with rickets) leads to the fact that children's bones lose their normal hardness and bend. Rickety children are prone to infectious diseases. They usually have weak muscles, crooked legs, and disproportionately bulging abdomens. This is because such children have poor digestion. Therefore, they are often lethargic, apathetic, they have a poor appetite. This can be avoided if the baby receives vitamin D in an oil solution or is prescribed quartzization. A much more affordable and simple source of this vitamin is the sun.

Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is synthesized in the baby's skin, strengthening his immune system, bones and teeth. It would be a mistake to believe that it is enough to overexpose a child in the sun until it is black in order to reliably protect him from all diseases. Self-activity and excessiveness are a poor helper in raising children. Give your child a sunbath with the advice of a doctor. Open your apartment to the sun! Throw open your curtains towards the sun's rays, as sunlight kills most germs, among other things. The most suitable time for indoor tanning is from 10 to 15 hours.

Sunbathing should be done with extreme caution, as the baby may overheat (or heatstroke). You should start at 2 minutes. The child's body should be opened gradually to access the sun's rays. First - the legs, then - the tummy. And only on the 3rd day - chest and shoulders. The front or back surfaces of the body should be exposed to sunlight alternately and best of all for 30 minutes before and after lunch. If your baby's skin is sensitive and reddened, skip the next day and do not let your baby sunbathe. This is especially true for blond children with fair skin. They do not tan the way dark-haired children do. This is because their skin (compared to brunettes) does not have enough glands to produce the dark pigment melanin, which contributes to tanning.

Do not try to overexpose your baby in the sun - he may well get heatstroke. Sunbathe with it gradually and for a short time. The most convenient period for walking with fair-haired children is before 11 am and after 4 pm. Subject to the regime, such a child will be no less healthy and vigorous than other children, although the sun will not leave noticeable signs on him.

Protect your child's head and eyes from the sun. Temperature-induced rush of blood to the brain can cause your toddler to have sunstroke. A hat or panama hat made of some light matter will be enough. If your child sleeps while sunbathing, place a folded napkin or clean handkerchief over his eyes. In the event that he is awake, try to arrange his head in the shade.

All parents know that newborns need outdoor walks. The kid must adapt to the world around him, get used to the microclimate, start hardening, and just breathe fresh air. Young mothers wonder how long to walk with a newborn? It all depends on what time and under what weather conditions walks are made, on the state of health and age of the baby.

The benefits of walking

Walking down the street is very useful for a kid, and it doesn't matter what time of the year. Naturally, there is much more oxygen outside than in any room, and this is very important for the normal development of the baby. How long to walk with a newborn is another question, but what is necessary to do this is not disputed by anyone.

Firstly, during the day in the apartment the air stagnates, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, and this has a bad effect on his health. The kid becomes capricious, does not sleep well, appetite disappears. After giving birth, he needs strength for active development and growth.

Secondly, walking with a baby on the street helps to strengthen his immunity. Those changes in temperature when leaving the house, which seem dangerous to us, actually increase the resistance of the young organism. In the off-season periods, this process is more intense.

Early autumn can give your baby the sun's rays, and this is an excellent recharge with vitamin D. It helps to strengthen the child's skeletal system. Walking in the park at a leisurely pace with a newborn, know that at this time you are developing its immunity.

Moms also benefit from walks. After childbirth, during a walk, they better restore their health, breathe oxygen, rest, and just enjoy life, because household chores of caring for a baby negatively affect their well-being. It is imperative to disconnect from problems and let your body relax. On the street, moms get to know each other, find common interests and sometimes become friends. Children in the future can go to one kindergarten, and then to school.

How long does it take to walk with a newborn after discharge

Previously, doctors recommended going out with a newborn after forty days after giving birth. Maybe this tradition goes back to the distant past, when it was believed that it was possible to show the baby for the first time to a christening. They took place on the fortieth day after birth. Now, on the question of how much to walk with the newborn and how long after giving birth, pediatricians have a different opinion and recommend going out with the baby in the summer on the 5-7th day, and in the autumn-winter period on the 10-14th day. During this time, after birth, the baby is already completely adapted to the environment, he begins to develop immunity, and fresh air, clean oxygen will only contribute to this.

How long can you walk with a newborn in autumn

It is better to start walking from 10-15 minutes. Add ten minutes every day, so gradually bring the time to 2-3 hours a day. In summer, of course, the time for walking can increase. In the off-season, wet weather is not worth walking for a long time. Naturally, you need to take into account the well-being of the baby, the season, weather conditions. So how much to walk with a newborn in the fall? In the off-season the weather is very changeable: as soon as the sun was shining, it began to rain a minute later. In the fall, it is recommended to walk with a newborn for no more than fifteen minutes. By a month, the walk can be increased to forty minutes, despite the fact that the weather allows it. You should not walk with your baby in rainy weather, even if there is a raincoat in the stroller. It creates a greenhouse effect, the microclimate in the stroller becomes uncomfortable. The raincoat is for emergencies only (run home when it starts raining).

Winter walks

If the baby was born in the cold season, the question arises: how long can you walk with a newborn in winter? Many parents have doubts at all whether it is worth taking their child out into the street. Pediatricians' recommendations - go out, depending on the weather, no earlier than the 14th day after childbirth. Things to consider in winter:

  • At a temperature of -5 degrees, you can walk for no more than 15 minutes.
  • The thermometer shows up to 15 degrees below zero - the walk should not last more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not go outside in a biting wind or severe frost. You can wrap up the body, but the baby's cheeks and nose may freeze. You can replace the street with a walk on the balcony or good ventilation of the children's room.
  • The total walking time per day should not exceed 1.5 hours, it is better to go out twice - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Put on a transforming jumpsuit on your baby. It is very comfortable, easy to take off / put on, the baby can sleep well, you won't bother him too much.

What to wear for a walk

How to dress your baby correctly so that he does not freeze, but at the same time does not get overcooled? Stick to one principle - clothes should not be too thick, dress your baby according to the cabbage method (several things). This keeps warmth better, and if necessary, it will be easier for you to remove something extra from it. Dress appropriately for the weather during the off-season. Early autumn allows you not to wrap up your child. At a temperature of 10 degrees, the following set will be optimal: a bodysuit with a sleeve, sliders and an autumn lightweight jumpsuit, a thin hat, a hood.

If mommy walks and the baby is in her sling, then it must be borne in mind that the child is warmed by the heat from her body, it is not worth wrapping him up much, because overheating will only be uncomfortable. In winter, it is better to use knitted soft things that retain heat well, but here it is important not to overdo it, not to overheat the child. The weather conditions determine how long you can walk with the newborn, while choosing the right clothes. Modern children's overalls perfectly help to protect themselves from wind and frost during walks. Take a light blanket with you to the street, when the wind suddenly starts, it will help protect the baby.

It is very important to get a high-quality stroller, comfortable for the baby, for walking. It doesn't matter how long you walk with the newborn, the baby should feel comfortable in it. The bottom should be flat, the wheels should be equipped with shock absorbers, the mattress should be made of natural ingredients. Before a walk, mommy must first get herself together, and only then dress the child so that he does not have time to sweat and overheat. The walk should be done between feedings, then:

  • it will be longer
  • the baby will sleep in a restful and deep sleep,
  • the child will not freeze.

It is best to walk away from highways and noisy highways. Choose parks, squares, quiet courtyards, playgrounds. Be sure to have some pacifiers in your travel bag. With a prolonged cry in the cold air, the baby may develop tonsillitis. If it's too cold outside, it's best not to go out. However, getting your dose of oxygen is essential, so organize balcony walks.

How can you tell if your baby is cold? The main criterion is the child's behavior itself. If he freezes, he reacts very violently - screams, moves his legs and arms, the skin becomes pale. A cold nose, heels, hands do not mean that the body is hypothermic. If the baby is calm and does not complain about anything, you can safely continue the walk.

If the baby is cold, you need to take him in your arms and warm him with your own warmth. Older children should be actively moving, this will make the blood circulate faster. Cover the baby with a blanket or another layer of clothing.

When you can't walk with your baby

As pediatricians say, you need to walk with children in any weather, including in the off-season. But this applies to healthy babies. If a child is sick, he has a fever, you should not take him outside. To ensure that he receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, ventilate the room, provide a fresh supply of air.

In summer, when the weather is fine, gradually adding time, you can walk with the newborn at least as long as possible, and this will only benefit him. In winter, the picture is different. You should definitely look at the thermometer. If the temperature is below -15 degrees, if the wind is cold, piercing, it is better to refuse to walk. You can only harm.

How to walk on the balcony

Winter children do not always have the opportunity to go out with their mother for a full walk. In this case, lucky those who have a balcony, it is better, of course, a closed type. If the frost outside is below -15 degrees, arrange your baby for a walk on the balcony. Pre-ventilate the area well, then close the windows if there is a draft. Collect the kid as if for a walk. Put the stroller or the stroller basket itself on the balcony and put the baby in it. The door to the room must be closed. There are a lot of opinions about balcony walks, someone claims that they are useless. But surely many will agree that in some cases, when weather conditions do not allow you to go for a full walk and get your dose of oxygen, the balcony comes to the rescue. Fresh, cool air has a hardening effect on the child in this case too.

How long can you be on the balcony

How long can you walk with a newborn on the balcony in winter? The criteria are the same as on the street. Start with 10-15 minutes, adding 10 minutes a day. If the baby gets used to sleeping in the fresh air, his sleep is deep and calm, then you can increase the walking time. The main thing is to make sure that the baby is well dressed, does not overcool. Drafts are not allowed on the balcony. Of course, balcony walks cannot replace street walks. Mothers should also walk, rest, breathe fresh air and restore their health after childbirth, because the further development of the baby depends on the mother's health and condition.

Every mother understands that walks are useful for a baby at any age. But is there any benefit to newborn babies in the first month of their life? In autumn and winter, the weather is not always happy and it is interesting to know how long you can walk with a newborn in November. Also, most parents wonder what should be purchased in advance and carried, how to dress the baby. It is useful to get information about the timetable and rules for walking at different times of the year, in what weather you can walk and what to do in case of illness.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

The benefits of walking for a newborn

In the past, people spent a lot of time outdoors, so the need for walks remains today. Experts recommend that adults spend 4-5 hours a day outdoors. The same advice can be given to children of any age.

Newborns also need to walk more. Many doctors believe that excessively dry room air harms the mucous membranes of infants, which causes bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and other lung diseases.
Most of children's problems are treated by walking and bathing, so there is never too much of the first and second. , we already wrote in the previous section.

Of course, the first time after birth, the immunity of toddlers is still weak, and long walks will do more harm than good. Experts are not unanimous on the question of how many days you can walk with a newborn. Some recommend taking out for a walk only after a month, others argue that early walks are safe if they are short-lived.

Pros of walking:

  • increased appetite;
  • sleep becomes stronger and healthier;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • the ability to adapt increases;
  • the baby develops physically and mentally faster.

Walking instills immunity to walking. Therefore, late exposure to the street is much worse than too early.

You can increase the benefits of exercise with the help of nature. It is better to walk with a newborn in parks, squares and near water bodies. The benefits will be greater when walking near natural reservoirs (rivers, sea, lakes) and in the forest, and not near artificial ponds and in a park. Of course, you cannot walk with the little ones near parking lots and along roads.

When can you go out for a walk in the first month?

Immediately after leaving the hospital, it is better to postpone walking. It is advisable to go outside for the first time in 3-5 days. But some pediatricians say that you can wait 3-4 weeks after discharge, since the baby has enough new space and microbes in the apartment for now. In the summer, you can take the little one out almost immediately; it is better to postpone the first walks with a newborn in winter for several weeks.

It is advisable that the first walk should be no more than 10-15 minutes, it is better to walk with the baby without a stroller, carry him in your arms. Every day, you should increase the walking time by 10 minutes, so bring the exercise time to 2 hours 2 times a day, in total - 4 hours. At temperatures below -15 ° C, it is better to cancel the first walk, in the weather warmer than + 15 ° C, the first walk can be increased immediately to 30-40 minutes.

A few rules for the first walks:

  1. You need to walk the baby after he went on small and large, the diapers must be dry. This is especially important in winter and autumn.
  2. For the first time, it is preferable to walk with the baby in your arms. Mom's hugs will give him confidence and calmness. Very useful.
  3. You can walk with your baby when he is full. After feeding, he will quickly fall asleep on the street.
  4. You can walk at a temperature not lower than -15 ° С and not higher than + 30 ° С, in calm, dry weather.
  5. Before 11 and after 16 o'clock in the afternoon - the best time for a walk. During this time, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is still high, due to which vitamin D is produced. At the same time, the level of infrared rays decreases, so that the baby does not overheat in the sun.

You cannot walk with the little one near parking lots and along highways.

Walking through the seasons: how long to start, what to wear

Let's find out how long you can walk with a newborn in autumn, summer and winter, what are the rules and recommendations based on the time of year and weather.


How long you can walk with a newborn in the summer should be decided by the pediatrician, based on the level of the baby's health. You cannot go outside immediately after being discharged. It is necessary to wait at least 3-5 days, and preferably 7-10 days. The time of the first walk can be increased to 30-40 minutes.

Remember that the ability of a child's body in thermoregulation is much lower than that of an adult. You need to increase the time gradually, adding 10 minutes daily. Your toddler can easily overheat or get heatstroke. Therefore, when walking in the summer, you need to monitor the child's condition as carefully as in winter.

When walking in the summer, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Clothing should be made from natural cotton breathable fabrics. The same requirement for bonnets, mattresses and any other fabrics that the baby comes into contact with during a summer walk.
  2. You need to walk your baby until 11-12 pm and after 16-17 pm. Directly during the day, you should avoid being outside, as direct sunlight burns the baby's skin and can cause heatstroke.
  3. Due to the bright sun, you can walk with your child only in the shade of trees and buildings. When going out into an open space, put your baby in the stroller and put up a sun shade.
  4. When artificial feeding, be sure to take a bottle of water with you.
  5. When using artificial feeding, take all formula for the baby dry. Before feeding, dissolve them in water, which must be stored separately in a thermos.
  6. If you are a breastfeeding mom, make sure you wear comfortable clothes. How to choose lingerie for nursing,.

In summer, the optimum temperature for walking is 20-25 ° C. At a temperature of 15-20 ° C, you can put on warmer clothes on the baby, at 25-30 ° C, you can wear lighter clothes and walk in the shade. In summer, at temperatures below 15 ° C or above 30 ° C, give up walking.

The ability of a child's body in thermoregulation is much lower than that of an adult.

In autumn and spring

The basic rules remain the same: you need to wait 5-6 days after leaving the hospital and the first walk must be short. The optimal time for the "first time" is 15-20 minutes. You also need to increase it for 10 minutes a day. Don't be tempted by the bright sun. In sunny weather, there is often a strong cold wind, so you need to dress warmly.

The first walk with a newborn in the fall has a couple of individual rules:

  1. The most comfortable type of clothing is a jumpsuit, which allows air to circulate throughout the body. Natural cotton items are worn under the jumpsuit.
  2. It is worth giving up walking in the rain. You cannot rely on a raincoat, since the main problem is not in the drops falling from above, but in high humidity and low temperature. Humid air “takes away” heat much faster, and as a result, the baby may catch a cold.

In winter

How much you can walk with a newborn in winter often depends on the temperature and wind speed. You can ignore the snowfall, it does not affect the air humidity. The first walk in winter should be no more than 10 minutes, it should be increased gradually, adding 10 minutes every day.

Winter conditions also create some special rules for walking:

  1. The ideal form of clothing is a transforming overalls. It provides access to the back of the baby, as a result, swaddling is greatly simplified.
  2. It is better to postpone the time of the first walk until 2 weeks of age of the toddler.
  3. Requirements for a dry bottom in winter are higher than ever. Due to wet diapers, heat transfer increases tenfold, resulting in an immediate cold.
  4. In winter, a walk with a toddler under 2 years old should be no more than an hour.

The minimum allowable temperature for winter walks is -10 ° C. It should be borne in mind that strong wind increases heat transfer, as a result, the weather becomes subjectively colder. When the wind is higher than 7-10 meters per second, it is also better to wait for walks.

Preparing for a walk

When the first walk with a newborn is in the fall, how to dress and what to take become the main questions. Before a walk, feed the baby, wait for him to relieve himself, and then change the diaper. To prevent your child from sweating while waiting for you, dress yourself first, and then dress the baby. In cold weather, warm the stroller with a warm blanket.

In summer, the toddler can be dressed in trousers, a T-shirt or a blouse (depending on the weather), be sure to wear a cap to protect from the sun. In the fall, the best option would be a jumpsuit, a hat with ties and gloves. In winter, wear warmer clothes, a fur envelope or a convertible jumpsuit will do. Everything you need is in the previous article.

If you go out for 10-15 minutes, then you can take napkins with you and limit yourself to this. For long walks, be fully armed, be sure to grab:

  • wet wipes,
  • feeding bottle,
  • clean diapers.

Especially carefully you need to choose a stroller for a newborn:

  • regardless of the functionality and configuration, the stroller must be strong, light enough, and the handle must fit your height or be adjustable;
  • you should buy a cradle for a newborn, not a stroller, since the baby should lie, not sit in it;
  • it is desirable that the stroller be compact, since you will have to go up with it in an elevator, store it somewhere;
  • choose a stroller with large wheels with shock absorbers;
  • the wheelchair should have an easily reclining visor;
  • it is desirable that the stroller already has a branded mattress, ideally suited in size.

More about that, we wrote in the last publication.


You can take your child outside after at least 3-5 days, but it is better to wait a week. A newborn's walks in the first month are permissible if the baby is in good health. Make sure that your baby is dressed appropriately for the weather, and do not take him out during rainy season or in extremely cold or high temperatures.

Additional information about when and how much you can walk with your baby and what to wear on the video:

Take wet wipes with you, be sure to change the diapers before the walk so that the baby's skin is dry. Then walks will be really useful for the child.

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