Home Potato Laughing is healthier. We reveal the secret why laughter is good for health. Happy path to a happy life

Laughing is healthier. We reveal the secret why laughter is good for health. Happy path to a happy life

Gangrene is a necrotic lesion of a certain tissue area, which is characterized by an acute form of the inflammatory process with gradual cell death. The main reason for the development of the pathological condition of the epithelial cover and soft tissues is the lack of the necessary amount of oxygen supplied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb along with the blood flow, as well as a violation of the blood circulation itself through the main vessels. The latter factor plays a key role as a prerequisite for the future gangrenous process. In most cases, the treatment of this disease is performed in a hospital surgical department, but there are also methods for treating gangrene of the lower extremities at home. In this article, we will consider in as much detail as possible all possible folk recipes against gangrene, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Is it possible to cure gangrene with folk methods at home?

Acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the limb, associated with pronounced signs of gangrenous tissue decomposition, is a serious disease. Being at home, it is incredibly difficult to cure it, but still some forms of the disease can be treated using alternative medicine techniques. Especially if the disease has just begun its development and the first signs of oxygen starvation of the cells of muscle fibers, epithelium, and the smallest blood vessels of the capillaries appear.

First of all, such manifestations are reflected in the color shade of the skin surface. From a natural skin tone, it acquires a dark red, crimson color. It is at this stage that it is still possible to practice the treatment of gangrenous inflammation with folk remedies, but only under the supervision of the attending surgeon and with the implementation of his methodological recommendations. In particular, this concerns the organization of therapy and methods of influencing the inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the leg.

If the doctor proposes to stop self-treatment at home and be hospitalized in an inpatient surgery department, then you should not argue with a specialist, but you must strictly follow his requirements. Otherwise, a situation may arise when tissue necrosis reaches a critical level and the doctor will have to decide on radical measures of therapy, which consist in surgical opening of the diseased area of ​​the leg by the method of lamp incisions with the installation of a drain to drain purulent exudate, or amputation of the limb. Therefore, a full recovery is of course possible, but the process of treating gangrene at home must be approached with caution.

What folk remedies are used to treat gangrene?

Alternative medicine offers a large selection of a wide variety of recipes and remedies that are recommended by traditional healers as a reliable and effective remedy for gangrene that develops in the tissues of the legs. Most home medicines can be prepared independently on the basis of only improvised means that can be found in almost every home, while other components will have to be additionally ordered from pharmacy chains. In general, gangrene folk treatment of the lower extremities is carried out using the following methods and means.


Medicinal plants at all times occupied their special niche in non-traditional methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the epithelial cover and soft tissues. Especially when it comes to bacterial infection, which has transformed into tissue necrosis and gangrene. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing types of herbs are used. To create home-made medicines, dried and fresh leaves of plants, their stems and inflorescences are used. It all depends on the type of medicinal herbs and on which part of the medicinal plant the greatest amount of medicinal properties is concentrated.

With the help of these gifts of nature, you can independently prepare these types of drugs.

Chamomile decoction

The most popular and effective remedy for decontaminating the wound surface and removing the current inflammation in the limbs in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to take 15 grams of dried chamomile fragments, pour them into a metal container, pour 1 liter of cold water and boil over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. During this time, all useful, from a therapeutic point of view, substances will be boiled out and a concentrated decoction will be obtained, which, already 40 minutes after it has cooled to the optimum temperature, can be used to combat gangrene.

The principle of using a decoction based on chamomile is very simple and consists in the fact that home medicine is used as a filler for anti-inflammatory baths. 3-4 liters of water is poured into a clean basin, to which chamomile decoction is added. A person performs immersion of a diseased limb in water and steams the leg for 10-15 minutes. As the liquid cools, it is allowed to add a small amount of hotter water. This medical procedure is performed 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. If the gangrene is not dry, but wet, then it is recommended to additionally moisten a sterile cotton swab in the decoction and apply lotions to the wound. Also, as an alternative to chamomile, it is allowed to use herbs such as St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sage, thyme. They have the same therapeutic properties.

Aloe compresses

This medicinal plant is a real gift of nature, as it contains natural chemicals that act on pathogenic microflora and inflamed tissues in the same way as antibacterial drugs, but only do not disturb the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the body of a person suffering from gangrene. To prepare a healing compress, you should break off a fresh aloe leaf, pass it through a food processor or meat grinder. Put the resulting green mass on a sterile gauze bandage, tie it tightly so that the processed aloe is as if tied in a bag. After that, home medicine is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb daily at night.

The therapeutic properties of this therapeutic method are that the aloe vera compress relieves the inflammatory process, promotes gentle evacuation of purulent exudate outside the leg tissues. In fact, the juice of this medicinal plant draws out from the limb all the pathogenic fluid and microbes that caused the development of the disease. If gangrene is at the initial stage of development, then only 5 procedures are enough for the puffiness to subside, most of the infectious microorganisms to die, and the inflammation of the tissues and muscle fibers to gradually disappear.


This variety of herbs also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and, unlike aloe, it does not need to be crushed or otherwise damage the structure of the plant. You just need to pick a fresh plantain leaf, wash it thoroughly under running water and attach it to the sore leg area. From above, the sheet is fixed with a medical plaster or a fabric bandage from the dressing category. Already for 1-2 days the patient's condition improves, and the damaged limb becomes less edematous, excessive reddening of the skin goes away, body temperature stabilizes.

Medicinal herbs are an excellent folk remedy in the fight against both dry and wound gangrene, which is also commonly called wet. Nevertheless, experienced surgeons and representatives of traditional medicine recommend not to rely solely on this method of therapy, but to include plants in the general treatment course, consisting of a whole complex of various folk remedies.


Do-it-yourself anti-inflammatory balms, using antiseptic substances and natural ointment bases, are much more effective than pharmacy counterparts and do not have a long list of side effects. At home, you can make the following types of ointments that will help you recover from gangrene without falling into the conditions of an inpatient surgery department.

Honey and egg

These two ingredients are a source of a huge amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids. Preparing the balm is very simple and it is not necessary to leave the chapels of the house to receive it. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of honey from herbs, mix it with 1 egg white. The yolk in this case is separated and thrown away. Raw egg mass contains natural protein, and honey acts as an antiseptic and nutrient medium. Homemade ointment is applied to the surface of the sore leg 2 times a day (morning and evening). It is best that the time interval between treatments is at least 12 hours. This drug is strictly contraindicated for people who are prone to allergic reactions to honey and other bee products.

Ointment based on propolis

Another effective and inexpensive drug for gangrene. Moreover, propolis allows you to suppress the inflammatory process, even of an acute form, resulting from the ingestion of especially dangerous infectious microorganisms into the limb. An ointment is being prepared from propolis, obtained from the products of the vital activity of bees. It is necessary to take 100-150 grams of propolis and mix it with 50 grams of olive oil. If it is not possible to purchase this particular type of oily base, then it is allowed to replace it with sunflower, but not refined.

These two components for the future ointment are stirred until a homogeneous mass, until its consistency becomes sufficiently viscous and resembles a balm. It is desirable to add oil in portions in order to saturate propolis with an excess amount, which will disrupt the viscosity and density of the medicinal product. After preparation, an ointment with propolis is applied to the wound surface of the limb, and the circumferential edges of the epithelium are also lubricated.

The medicine has a strong antibacterial effect, relieves leg swelling, removes inflammation and promotes faster recovery of cells damaged as a result of flesh decay.

Sea buckthorn, badger fat and milk

Universal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of action. Making this type of ointment will require a lot of effort and expense. You should take 100 grams of fresh sea buckthorn berries (it is very important that they are juicy, there are no signs of rot and mold on them) and grind them to a pulp. After that, the same amount of pure badger fat is added (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) and 50 grams of milk. All components of the substance are mixed with a spoon in a metal bowl until the medicine acquires a sufficient degree of density and begins to resemble an ointment in appearance.

This folk remedy is applied to the sore leg in an even layer 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues. The duration of treatment is not limited and can last until the patient recovers completely. Homemade ointment is not addictive, side effects and other negative reactions of the body. Sea buckthorn saturates the skin and muscle fibers with a vitamin-mineral complex, as well as a number of antiseptic acids that are not found in any other food. Badger fat acts as a conductor of the nutritional basis of the drug, and milk is a source of calcium, which disrupts the process of cell division of pathogenic microflora.

It is not necessary to stop your choice exclusively on one type of ointment prepared at home. You can use all the medicinal products at once in a complex, so that the therapeutic effect is maximum, and the pathological condition of the limb is stabilized, the healing process gradually begins. Also, the patient will be able to determine in practice which ointment is best suited to his body for the treatment of gangrene.


This is a separate category of traditional medicine, the use of which consists in the fact that certain ritual prayers are pronounced, the intended purpose of which is to remove the gangrenous lesion of the tissue of the limb in a magical way. The rite is performed by sorcerers, healers or local healers who practice reading prayers. It is not recommended to cast any type of spell on your own, and it is not advisable, since a person must have a certain energy potential to complete all the words spoken during the pronunciation of the conspiracy. Traditional medicine and most conscious citizens are very skeptical about this method of treating gangrene, since its effect has not been scientifically proven and it is impossible to control the usefulness of the method from a physical point of view.


An oily substance that is extracted from the beaver's preputial glands. It has strong aromatic properties and contains enzymes in its composition that provide more accelerated regeneration of the cellular structure of the epithelium and soft tissues. It is used for the production of ointments and tablets with anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of this substance, you can make an ointment for gangrene yourself, if you take vegetable oil or fat of animal origin as a basis and mix it with a beaver stream in equal proportions. It is impossible to get this secret of the beaver glands and not kill the animal, therefore it is better to buy the medicinal component from hunters who are engaged exclusively in the extraction of beaver preputial pheromone.

Birch tar

It can be purchased at a pharmacy, but there are ways to independently extract a natural antiseptic. To prepare it, you need to break off 1-2 kg. put them in the brazier or on open ground, cover with a metal container. You can use a bucket or any other vessel. The bark is set on fire and languishes without air for several hours. In fact, it slowly smolders and as a result of this process, thick and viscous resins are released, which are tar. The resulting substance is collected in a glass jar and used to treat the inflamed leg as a medicinal balm.

fly agaric

For most people, the name of this mushroom is associated with something particularly poisonous and life-threatening. In fact, everything that is used in moderation can serve as an excellent medicine that helps restore damaged tissues and destroy bacterial microflora. Fly agaric fully possesses the entire spectrum of these properties. In order to get a drug for gangrene from this fungus, you need to collect 3-5 fly agarics in the forest, cut them into small pieces and place them in a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter. After that, the pulp of the mushroom is poured with ethyl alcohol or vodka. The vessel is filled to the top so that all the pulp of the fly agaric is completely covered.

The medicine is infused in a dark and cool room for 5 days. It is best to put the jar in the basement. After the specified time has elapsed, the sore leg is rubbed with an alcohol tincture based on fly agaric 2 times a day. Before using it, it is recommended to wash the limb thoroughly with warm water and soap. The duration of therapy depends on how positive the dynamics of recovery will be, but in most cases, improvement in local symptoms is already observed on the 3-5th day from the start of using the medication. Despite the effectiveness of the tincture, it is rarely used in medical practice, since its preparation requires a temporary period of infusion, and the severity of gangrene development rarely gives a supply of 5 days.


Table salt is a natural preservative, contact with which destroys any organic compounds and living microorganisms. Especially if the effect of salt is systematic or prolonged. Destroying the bacterial infection that caused the gangrene with saline solution is a fast, reliable and very effective method of treating soft tissue gangrenous lesions. The medicine is being prepared according to the following folk recipe. You need to take 1 tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in 1.5 liters of warm water. Get a cool and very salty solution. They wash the swollen leg with it, make antiseptic lotions and baths.

The principle of action of a salt-based drug is that it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, which are present in excess in a limb affected by gangrene. If there is no infection, then there is no inflammatory process. In most cases, positive dynamics towards recovery was observed after 2-3 procedures for washing the wound surface with saline. The only minus of the remedy is that at the moment salt gets on the open wound, the patient feels a strong burning sensation, which is sometimes extremely difficult and even unbearable to endure.


Have you ever felt that pleasant tiredness after a rich and prolonged laugh? This is a condition in which tears flow from the eyes, the side hurts, it is difficult for you to catch your breath, and your energy is completely used up. You feel like you just finished a two-hour workout at the gym.

Laughter and physical training actually have something in common - they are, first of all, contribute to your health. Sure, you know the endless benefits of being active, but did you know that laughter supports the immune system, improves blood pressure, stimulates organs, and relieves pain?

However, regularly watching comedies will not improve your health (in fact, aimless time on the couch will do you more harm than good), but you should not forget that laughter is good for health and smile more often. Indeed, psychineuroimmunology is the field of study of the relationship between human behavior (in this case, laughter) and consciousness, as well as the effects on the immune system.

Nevertheless, the attempt to prove the beneficial effects of laughter was a success, despite the fact that Everyone reacts to humor differently and each person defines humor differently. However, laughter, as a subject of broad scientific analysis, is not the basis of large-scale research, but existing research does give us hope that our jokes do not just make people feel better, they actually make them better. Below are some facts that you can learn by studying that laughter is indeed the best medicine.

Laughter reduces stress

It's very hard to contain your laughter if you suddenly notice how your brother in your kitchen "fell" on his face in a cream pie. While you are laughing hysterically, the only thing that will bother you at this moment is what to serve for dessert.

Levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, tend to drop significantly during bouts of laughter. The active work of these hormones can suppress the immune system, allowing many infections and diseases to do their job. At the same time, the general state of health noticeably worsens. One study found that laughter reduces stress and improves immune function, meaning that laughter can be an extremely beneficial addition to the treatment of HIV-infected patients as well as people suffering from cancer. Immune cells are a type of white blood cells that attack tumor cells and fight those cells that are infected with various viruses.

Due to physical and emotional stress, the hormone prolactin, insulin and other hormones can also be produced, which begin to "function incorrectly." Again, the incompatible work of various hormones at the same time can have a harmful effect on the body. So the next time you feel upset after reading the world news, toss the newspaper aside and read comics to cheer yourself up. You will see how laughter can help you in a difficult situation.

Laughter helps strengthen our abilities

Not everything that happens in life is under our control, and the feeling of helplessness can be very scary and cause great tension. Job loss, negative forecasts, and even a minor accident on the road, all of these tend to happen suddenly, and these are undesirable events for which we can rarely prepare. Laughter is a good way to deal with life's unexpected twists and to help us overcome shock.

Although we cannot control what happens to us in life at times, we can easily control our reaction to what happens. Responding to troubles with laughter, we protect the mind, body, and spirit, and also do not cause inconvenience to other people. A joyless event, such as, for example, the death of a loved one, will not seem so complicated and hopeless if at least some smiles accompany it.

Laughter improves blood pressure and blood flow

When it comes to heart health, the severity of the situation can be as dangerous as a heart attack. Laughter has been shown to lower blood pressure and increase vascular blood flow. Thus, by "reviving" blood flow and increasing blood oxygen saturation, laughter is a powerful ally in the fight against heart disease.

Researchers at the University of Maryland conducted a study on the relationship between laughter and cardiovascular disease. The results showed that laughter appears to cause expansion of the endothelium, the tissue that acts as a lining for blood vessels. And since the endothelium plays a critical role in the fight against atherosclerosis, this discovery is very interesting.

No one would have guessed that heart patients should use humor instead of drugs, but, among other things, laughter can have an amazing therapeutic effect on patients with cardiovascular diseases. As a result, something funny can help not only the heart of the patient, but also his soul.

Laughter increases the effectiveness of sports

The next time you're at the gym, don't be afraid to make fun of the person wearing a 1983 swimsuit.

Once you've made sure the person isn't listening to you, let the laughter go, as it can have an amazing effect on your practice.

According to researchers, laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike or a 10-minute workout on a conventional machine. And you don't have to sweat to have a good laugh!

In addition, being a surge of internal energy, laughter can instantly clear the respiratory system.

Just like when exercising, a person tends to take deep breaths after laughing hard, which helps clear the airways and improve the oxygen supply to the body.

Laughter affects blood sugar

Several small studies have shown that laughter can have a positive effect on blood glucose levels.

In the study, people with type 2 diabetes, as well as healthy people, ate a meal and then went to a boring lecture. The next day, history repeated itself, only they went not to a lecture, but to an entertaining comedy show. The results showed that when watching a comedy show, diabetics did not have an increase in blood sugar levels after eating. The researchers were unable to determine the exact cause of what happened, but they suggest that laughter may affect the neuroendocrine system and keep sugar levels from rising, or it may be due to the rapid consumption of glucose due to the active work of the muscles.

Another study examined the effect of long-term "laugh therapy" on the renin-angiotensin system (regulates blood pressure) in patients with type 2 diabetes. The results were also impressive as plasma renin levels dropped dramatically, allowing diabetics to avoid microvascular complications.

Laughter rules the pain

Laughter can be one of the best natural pain relievers - it's effective, free, and available everywhere. No prescription needed.

Naturally, laughter is unlikely to help you if you fall off the roof or severely cut your hand, however, it still helps. Laughter relieves feelings of fear and anger, allowing us to better navigate an emergency. In addition, laughter can raise a person's pain threshold through the release of endorphins (peptides that help with pain and are associated with a person's sense of well-being).

In fact, laughter can serve as a perfect distraction when it comes to any painful situation. The good feeling left after laughing may last a little longer, even after the pain has subsided.

Laughter improves your social skills

Why do they say that when you laugh, the whole world laughs with you, and when you cry, you cry alone. This is because no one is interested in spending time with a person who does not say anything positive. Only finding humor in life will help you improve your social skills.

Many people believe that it is laughter that connects people and helps them communicate with each other. The more comfortable a person feels with another person, the easier it is for them to laugh. In fact, leading researchers say that a person is 30 times more likely to laugh when surrounded by people than when alone.

If you are traveling to another country and do not know the language, then laughter is a universal way of communicating. Laughter is a universal way to break the ice in a group and include everyone in the fun.

Laughter reduces aggression

Your friends Mark and Mandy have decided to separate, and now, for the first time after a long period, you decided to meet as a threesome. Of course, tension will be felt immediately, and perhaps the first thing that comes to your mind to defuse the situation is to tell a joke.

Laughter is a kind of knife that removes tension, which allows you to relax. You will become calmer and less aggressive, which will help you form a clearer picture of what is going on around you. In one study, students who watched a funny video were much less aggressive in stressful situations.

Releasing negative emotions such as aggression, fear and anger in favor of positive emotions such as laughter provides a person with important psychological benefits. Laughter also relaxes the muscles, which reduces stress, which in turn helps people who experience some problems with muscle spasms. This is one of the reasons why some nurses and doctors, before giving an injection, try to cheer up the patient so that he does not strain his muscles.

Laughter stimulates the organs

As mentioned earlier, laughter improves blood circulation, lowers stress hormones in the body, and improves exercise performance. In other words, laughter sends signals to the heart, brain and lungs, thereby stimulating the work of these organs.

Laughter is also believed to aid digestion. Some laughter yoga enthusiasts say this type of therapy can help people with irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis.

Laughter strengthens the immune system

One of the biggest reasons to start laughing has to do with our immune system. Maybe one day, laughter will be on par with immune-boosting methods like multivitamins and antibacterial hand soaps.

Reducing stress hormones, improving blood circulation, providing oxygen to the body, and releasing negative emotions can greatly boost your immune responses and help keep you healthy.

For example, it has been proven that laughter increases the level of immunoglobulin in saliva. This important element fights bacteria and infections, especially in the respiratory system.

Laughter also keeps the stress hormone under control, and in this case, immune cells do their job very well - they attack potentially cancerous and infected cells.

Other white blood cells that interact positively with laughter are lymphocytes, which are "born" in the bone marrow and are made up of B cells (to fight infections) and T cells (to attack viruses and control immune responses).

Nowadays it is fashionable to be a serious and responsible person. Look at your bosses, work colleagues: most of them, unfortunately, smile and laugh quite rarely, believing that a business person should not express his positive emotions in this way.

But we express negative emotions more often, or we hide them inside ourselves, which is even worse. Meanwhile, ordinary laughter, if it really comes from the heart, can save a person from many problems, including health problems. Depression will certainly not resist an explosion of sincere, cheerful laughter, and the world around will become not dull and hostile, but surprisingly interesting and full of possibilities.

In childhood, we laugh much more often - after all, children are not afraid to shake their business reputation or lose respectability due to cheerful and unrestrained laughter on various occasions. It is said that a six-month-old child, when he is healthy and prosperous, laughs and smiles at least 300 times a day.

And how many times do we adults laugh? Sadly, many people, answering the question of why they rarely smile, answer something like this: why rejoice? Psychologists call this social conditioning and artificially created excess importance - these are stereotypes that interfere with our freedom.

health properties

Such behavior does not lead us to anything good, and all the problems remain with us, and even more are added - because like attracts like. Meanwhile, laughter has many healing properties - it is useful for everyone. Laughter makes us feel better even when we are not happy - it is the real cure for all diseases.

Laughter reduces stress and tension hormones, strengthens the immune system, and produces more pain-killing bodies. Foreign scientists, using the latest research methods, have proven that during laughter, the nervous system and brain receive impulses that have a beneficial effect on their work and on the whole body.

People who are easy to make laugh, but difficult to anger, get sick much less, and they simply don’t know about depression.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, noted 2000 years ago that a lively and cheerful conversation at dinner promotes good digestion. This is true, although it is not necessary to laugh during lunch.

When we laugh heartily, the abdominal muscles tighten, and this tightens the muscles of the smooth muscles of the intestine, helping it to remove toxins and toxins. So laughter is a kind of gymnastics for the intestines.

Endorphins are hormones of joy that laughter releases and relieves us of sadness and irritation. Infections and colds recede before cheerful laughter, because it promotes the production of antibodies that protect us from viruses and bacteria, and also increases the number of white blood cells that fight inflammation and even cancer.

Positive perception of the world

An amazing discovery was made by scientists from one of the largest universities in Australia - they noticed that laughter changes our perception of the world around us for the better. Laughter affects visual perception in such a way that we more fully see all objects and phenomena - with both hemispheres at once, perceiving them as they are.

In the normal state, the eyes send images to different hemispheres, but we do not notice this, since the brain switches quickly, but we perceive objects not quite correctly. You must have heard the expression: eyes opened? It's about laughter.

Laughter is the best medicine for diseases

Laughter protects our heart, helping to reduce the likelihood of seizures in various diseases, as it helps to normalize blood pressure.

American cardiologists from Baltimore came to this conclusion after examining two groups of people. The first group included practically healthy people, the second - cores. The survey revealed that about half of those who suffered from heart disease laughed much less frequently than healthy people of the same age.

Exactly how laughter prevents diseases is not fully explained by scientists, but they explain something else: the protective barriers in our blood vessels are damaged precisely because of the mental stress that causes inflammation, fat accumulation and the formation of cholesterol deposits. As a result, cardiovascular diseases occur and heart attacks become more frequent.

It turns out that laughter, relieving mental stress, prevents their occurrence. So a healthy lifestyle is not only quitting smoking, alcohol and harmful products, it is also a positive attitude towards life, with a smile and laughter.

Research scientists in this area often prove the benefits of laughter. For example, when people watch melodramas or comedies, their circulation is in a different state: while watching comedies it is normal, and when watching melodramas it is slower.

In patients with diabetes who were on the same diet, blood sugar levels decreased after watching comedies. If a group of patients were allowed to listen to information that was uninteresting to them, no improvement was observed.

The famous American scientist Norman Cousins, laughter helped to relieve pain in a complex disease of the spine. Watching comedies and funny episodes of entertainment programs, he realized that they worked better than painkillers and allowed him to fall asleep peacefully without taking medication.

After that, he included laughter therapy in the treatment of patients with similar diseases, and then created a group engaged in research on the therapeutic effects of humor.

The science of geotology and laughter therapy

Currently, laughter therapy is used everywhere. There is even a special science - geotology, which studies the effect of laughter on human health and well-being.

Some American neuroscientists consider laughter to be a way of breathing that literally causes a biochemical upheaval in the body. Inhalation during laughter becomes longer, and exhalation is shorter, but more intense, so the lungs are completely freed from air, and endorphins are released, and the level of adrenaline and cortisone - stress hormones, on the contrary, drops sharply. At the same time, sadness decreases, bad mood disappears, depression recedes.

The upper respiratory tract in the process of laughter is cleared, and blood circulation in the body improves. You can compare it with the fact that you took a walk in the mountains or a fresh, green forest, having received a good portion of oxygen. With bronchitis or other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, breathing is facilitated, because the air, escaping from the lungs at a high speed, helps to remove mucus and sputum.

Laugh to your health!

If you don't have time to relax: have a few minutes of laughing - with friends, work colleagues, or even alone, listening to a funny song or watching an episode of a funny TV program. Laughter relaxes about 80 muscle groups; if you laugh for just 5 minutes, it will be equivalent to 40 minutes of rest.

Laughter stimulates our creativity and makes it easier to find solutions to many problems, and of course, prolongs life. This is not just a well-known statement - it has serious grounds.

When Swedish doctors began to compare the life expectancy of famous theater actors over the past two and a half centuries, it turned out that comedians lived much longer than tragedians.

In our lives, we have to combine incompatible things: family and career, the ability to solve complex problems and remain beautiful and desirable. There is very little time left for rest and fun, so tension accumulates and health deteriorates.

Do not let stereotypes cloud your life, and learn to rejoice and laugh again if you have already forgotten how to do it.

If you are having a hard time or having difficulties, go to the mirror, smile and praise yourself. Find photos that make you happy and laugh and look at them more often - you can even hang them on the wall.

Try to find fun in everything that surrounds you, laugh, and you will be surprised at how your whole life will change for the better.

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Today, there are often people who do not know how to enjoy life and laugh, and many of them do not know why it is useful to laugh, by the way, mental health directly depends on laughter.

Laughing is better than crying

The brain of a laughing person produces "hormones of happiness" - endorphins, which have an effect on the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and respiratory systems. Together with endorphins, killer cells are formed, which tend to kill cancer cells and viruses, so laughter prolongs life.

Laughter is liberation, purification of the soul. While a person is crying, there is always some aggression, and laughter gives acceptance, so it is much stronger than tears. All our negative memories remain in our body in the form of tensions or muscle "clamps", and the benefit of laughter is that it can draw them from the depths of unconsciousness. The acceptance that lies in laughter allows us to accept life's situations, and this helps us to be happy.

Making the problem absurd

Laughter gives strength to cope with various troubles. Whether it is unpleasant situations, negative emotions, problems in studies or in personal life. With the help of laughter, we can look at a problem situation from a different perspective. Bring the problem to the point of absurdity. For example, a child has broken your favorite watch. Imagine that he broke all the clocks that are in your apartment, then in the whole house, on the whole street and in the whole city. He became a professional in breaking watches, for which he was inscribed in the book of records. Having imagined all this, you will start laughing rather than crying and realize that your unpleasant situation is not really significant.

We repeat the phrase, change the speed and intonation

An effective repeat method. Constantly repeat the same phrase while changing the speed of pronunciation and intonation. For example, your boyfriend has not called you for three days, you are very worried. "He hasn't called me for three days!" say the sentence sadly, then more surprised, then with deep delight of a free girl who got rid of a jealous man.

Do not approach danger!

With a good-natured smile and a light laugh, you can build relationships and break down conflicts. Laughing is good because when you laugh, you create a field around you that attracts the opposite sex. For a man to have great self-esteem, it is important to see a joyful woman near him, it gives him pleasure, because it was he who made her happy. Conversely, if a sad, unhappy woman is next to a man, this makes him feel guilty. Irritation appears on the spouse, on the bosses, on himself.

Getting rid of the armor

Sincere laughter, a slight smile can soften any conflict. If you are a positive person who is not alien to a smile, you will be treated accordingly. During a smile, we send a signal to society: "I am a friend, not an enemy!", This mechanism works at an unconscious level and was formed by primates. There are many types of laughter: playful, sarcastic, joyful, but the greatest benefit from laughter comes from the kind of laughter that we laughed in childhood, which is unstoppable, during which a wave of laughter passes through our entire body, freeing us from tension and clamps.

Exercises that will make us more fun:

1. When inflating a balloon, imagine that you blow your stress into the balloon with air, then pierce the balloon and your problem will burst with it.

2. Make funny sounds: "Hee-hee!" in a different way.

3. Think about a situation that worries you and jump on one leg, then it will begin to seem to you that your situation is not so terrible.

4. Imagine that you have been transported to another planet and look from it to the Earth, to your problem. Then think about returning home, come up with a funny way: put on galacto rovers and be on Earth in a flying saucer.

Why laughing is good- this is a confrontation with problems, with the help of laughter we reveal our spontaneity, the creativity that exists in every person.

Joy, sadness and even impotence are sometimes the cause of tears. Do you know that crying is useful, especially if you have accumulated in your soul. Throw out all that you are holding through tears and cleanse yourself. According to Charles Darwin, tears released through laughter are a feature of the human body. In any case, crying is useful, because. it is a physiological natural process. Of course, if it doesn't happen all the time.

It is believed that women cry more often from 2 to 7 times than men, but this does not mean that men do not cry. A few tears have never hurt anyone, and even brought benefits or relief. Today we will tell you why crying is good for a person.

Why is it good to cry?

It is human nature to be sad sometimes, especially life circumstances, some movies, situations make us shed tears. Tears and crying relieve tension, protect the eyes. Tears can appear in various cases, for example, in severe pain, or when watching a comedy.

A 1985 study found that crying was a calming agent for 85% of women and 73% of men. Thus, tears help relieve stress. Therefore, crying is good for our health.

Tears destroy bacteria: tears is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant against bacteria. They contain the substance lysozyme, which can destroy up to 95% of bacteria in 10 minutes.

Cleansing: it is believed that tears from longing or grief allow the body to cleanse itself. When we cry, along with tears, toxins that are caused by stress are removed from the body. You can call it a cure.

Remedy for stress: it has been proven that tears reduce stress, because. while endorphins, enkephalin and prolactin are released, which protect the body from stress.

With the help of tears, people can sometimes become closer to each other, to fully express their feelings and emotions. They expel accumulated unnecessary “substances” from the body so that they cannot harm the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Of course, we all know that after a lot of crying, we feel much calmer. In addition, crying regulates the heart rate.

Tears improve mood: tears contain large amounts of manganese. This microelement prevents symptoms of anxiety, fear and depression. Manganese, "released" along with tears, significantly improves mood.

Various studies have shown that women cry mainly because of depression, sadness, fatigue, aggression. Men sometimes cry to suppress their feelings, but they do it less often than women. One of the main reasons why women cry more than men is PMS hormones. Spontaneous tears relieve our condition and we feel healthier. Our defense mechanisms do everything to save us from an oppressed state. Crying is really good for our health.

Crying is a manifestation of strong emotions

Crying is a natural phenomenon that often comes from certain emotions, especially grief. Crying is an outward manifestation of strong emotions. The person may also cry out of pain, feelings of weakness, despair, or joy. In any case, the process itself is very important, because it maintains the integrity of physical and mental health.

In addition, tears can appear not only from any emotions, but also from a mote that has fallen into the eye. Thus, they protect and wash the eyes, remove dirt. The lacrimal glands secrete some tears all the time to protect and moisten the eyes. During stress, negativity, they help us cope with stress. If tears appear from joy, then this is also a kind of relief for the body. Those. they can be called emotional release.

Feelings, emotions, compassion, crying all this applies only to a person. We are all people who sometimes tend to cry. In some cases, crying is a means of communication, and this applies to children.

In cases where crying suppresses strong emotions, relief comes for the body. During stress, substances are produced that can weaken the immune system, etc., but tears help to remove them from the body, and they are also excreted through sweat.

If you are experiencing strong emotions, stress, then in this case you cannot keep negativity in yourself. Emotional stress must be thrown out through tears in order to rid oneself of psychological pressure and improve health.

Only after that you need to calm down, and the situation will be resolved. Tears contain endorphins which help to soothe pain and therefore help to calm down crying. It has a calming effect on the body and mind.

Women cry more than men, probably because they are more sensitive to emotions. It is also associated with the hormone prolactin, which women have more. Be that as it may, every person has the right to cry and should not be ashamed of tears.

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